HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180712Boomerang Wireless Form 481.pdfA NEC I IVED I[iU.JUL l2 IiHll:h0 lrr rTruchwrnELG3S lala!tG tl ioaaltl(a alit(lt. -isloN July 11, 2018 Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise,lD 8372O-N74 6rvn- T- t 8- o r RE: FCC Form 481 and Affidavit Filed on behalf of Boomerang Wlreless, LLC dlbla enTouch Wreless Dear Ms. Hanian, Boomerang Wreless, LLC dlbla enTouch Wireless was designated a Lifeline Broadband Provider by the FCC on December 1, 2016. Pursuant to FCC requlrements under 47 C.F.R. q 54,422, enclosed plea:e find a copy of the FCC Form 481 that was filed with USAC . We are also required to provide a copy to you. We have also enclosed the necessary Affidavit to accompany this filing as required by Commission. lf you have any questions regarding this filing, please contact me at (319) 294-6O80 or reeulatorv@entouchwlreless.com Redman Carter & Compliance Officer Boomerang Wireless, LLC d/bla enTouch Wireless r.srrnx uo|s$lllrrql rrotrtFllt oc se{dreAi1 glOZ '?urtj' eFo +w ruoddns lsro3+t9tH.IVu303J CO 3Sn oNy 's3lcN3ougyr3 N!'rvNoucNnJ Nrvyrrru or,r,in-rw tNbrrchorii u:tltol'snc oNV Arnvno:rrnu3s HrJi ScNvndwoc Jo u3tuwc sNouvclNnnNocln:u 3lst9lTl A8 NO|IVCHuU3C tosltlleroreq ol NUOIU\S OtlV O:|EIUCSSflS ,9 'uoddnr pury .qnrs partlrttrr pnpe, rl eg|Qp oq ol 'oLgZ ' L0 ,eqrleosO qsnou$ '6!02 'I Lanurl p Poped etx Jof l;dtrc, q enugJcl gn A:&no eqr eqiriqi i u,iaarn erl rrnrn q eglnros pua gampq p Erape.Gdn pue 'eueueppu 'uoppnd *0 Jo, 'q F$ :(e)rgz uo[ps. tff,n UEFFilI@ ,.uuaur B q p€cn eq nrr -:eI repuqp ura.una €u Etqrrr U / il- t ps tqle, rpurU uoddnr ec1 lgs F8Ja^tun p.rlpel 1;c ptn f$ra oe1l | '9 '(a(e)tOZ'fg $ ff 'C'C It E pu! !1004 'oN lopro lEFstututoC t4 r04, Fs aa rqon&eue Lq puoflcury upuftrr ol qqs q luadum eql F0 tnFrluuno ats q Onm I 'l Ilqp3s.lruroc semncrqod oqspl €$ puu uofssltrauoc suqla{unuluroc FJcpeJ erflJo sflru uonpapld ranmeuq, pua 3plepuets lUanb enrec qqeqddr qpn Oup$dnro $Vrffi'e ' I tgOZ 'oN Jeprg uqsquluroC ut rllrol 1es I rx{ru uopalod rerureuoo pus apaprq: It;rr$ srt^t s s,W1g eql qlr Fls or{Bpt p D1c1r en q aro6ando &pq-fep cJueduro3 ei1 q1's.q1ult trrE | 'Z .or{Bpl p eB3 sr1l4 906l to tsv ruollBatururrurqsp.l eql;o (eltt7 uogcee #pun Uoddns aqrtJ€s perarqrt pepn h4npca rot ro*rE $ro1a pnuruooeptggf1\Wp1fibWTw 1o roogro € ms I '] :Eq,uolol crg r0ro rapun e€UilaA pur se1ep peuCIprepun eqg .Ifi,4prry .p€puaq q pddru ctn tpgh .o, ss,f\res puo seflgcE lo A{pe.l8dn ptr ,auruqupru .uqqnod eq1.q lfuo pecn eq [n orygl ,o eFIg etg r.+Opi cC1;t e pegmd Uoddrn 1ro-qqq Flspql [E ltr1 COJ eU put Cygn cB U,i uqBcg[peo prurrs us .O lrnu uoFrlrulloC ot4 'uompa q 'regr0reoe u, Ft o1srn, uFurr q r(Uma il1 apryrdrrp Fil! tglil pur :tqru uopqCIrdJsirnarq, pua-ipnpnqr r{ger6 eqr\.Es ensqlddu rpln p:Xduo q U prn'&ro (Cfg) BJ€t rBc suo[83pnururorelel egffp pgl re.rpbar ltg6z 'oN repJo uolsttu,tmog to0mn omnd oq8p! s({t lt3ctJJo Slwoduoc uo ss3illsns Jo ll^vou# (ffitolnrp3 83( I (@:rocrrs PaBe 1 <010> StudyArea Code a?9022 <015> Study Area Name Boo@rlng hirclcss LLC <020> Pro8ramYear 2 019 <030> Contact Name: Person USAC should contact--- ;iih-;;;til;;jb;uathLdai; -- - -' Juri.. Red6p-c.rEe! <035> ContactTelephoneNumber: 3t929.5080 crt. Number ot the pe.son identitigE l! da!! !!!!10!q> <039> Contact Email Address: Emall ot the person identitied in data line <030>rcgulatoryc.nbuchulrclcu. cd Form Type 8...r2 Page I fCC 10.6 ltl Oill8 Colrtlol No.:I060.0906/OMB Cootrol t{o 3060{19 ,ory rora FCC Form 481 - Grrler Annual Reportlng Pat.: Sfllc.Oln|t. r.porrltrt Noral Collctloo tom ICE la( /l'l o*la C.ihl ilo X6&o$VOU! Cshl iro loto.ottg ,!Iyrorr <o3sr Cilt.d fd.phff. llumbd. ltmbn oIpss ld6uL.d an d.t. lmr.OtO, !lt""oio rrt 6r,d tn.il lddr.3. a6.ilMd..( 61..'6n d.nri[,d in d.r! ti.. <al6 <210t For th. prio. c.Lndrr y!ar, wara thcrc .ny npo,t.bh volc! r.dica out.t.!? <]l0><bt' roiS l.td.@ xraba, Out tt SU D.t. (M.t.lu lhra Odt|. tna O.1. Oul{. €nd tlrt. ilu65a, oa Crlffi Afl.d.d lct.l ludbd ol tll trdlll.r ^,'.d.dlv.r / xol 3.dic. Od.C. oeiDrlo. (Ch.d .B thr! nrty! Otd ltB Ost.t. Ar.d ilultbl. 3tu.ty Ar..t lY.r / iol !.rvk.Oubr ,,16uha P.t" ? <020, Prqr.n Y.e :OT ' t{. ! taol ffunb.rotcoBLltu Fr l,mo.uimn 0.L CdLdlci f6t &h{lmcdelh ffita/fllcdhlld Hl!l,r rora <010> Study Area Code <015> Study Area Namc 1,....t x1,.1... u <020> P.oSram Ycar <)30> Contact Name - Person USAC ,hould cont.ct retardlng lhir dal. <035>Contaa Telephone Numher - Numbcr of person identified ln date line <030> <039>Contact €mail Addresr - Emeil Address of prrson identificd in dat6 line .at.rffina-.lilr.l... ., <030> <400> Selcct from the drop-down list to lndirat. how you would likc to rcport voicc complaints (rcro or trcatc(l for voicc telephony rervicc in thc prior cahndar ylar tor clch scrvicc area in which you ara dcaiSnatad an €TC for .ny facilitiet you own. op€rrtr, leaic, o, othcmise utilirc. Complaints par 1000 customrrt for fircd voicc Complaint5 pcr 1000 curlomcrs tor mobilc voicc <410> <420> t.t. t J.ll. l.&n.3.r.! d!'r€rt.!ry*ehr..1... s (!{rl (m9lhm wlti tfr,io (ldh, ibrd.rt ..d cffi. holdbn nuk. O.b o116]6 fm TCt6 allm ffiai5, rr,or/oar: ffilh t5-rtrrr![ & CbMiF..rffiqgcBd6trdraad.t6lrOt. &rr. ri6!.c.e.t @3, CaHld.tu.@r.kFdFsl.dtuhdrt.M.dD'r':t"€"'t' ,{.5 (5001 tudbo.Ifi, h tncttriq Shultlos D.t ColLdlonlom fCC fm ..l oil! Canrol ilo.loaGo'ryoilr €o6nol ila to60otlt <0!0>Slody&!: Cod. <015> <020t (0!0> C6ta t.nG. pdron ulaCdr@ld @lrd t.t.td..alhar drla <o!s> C6rr6 t.{Grh6. xmbd - t{umb.t oap.6qr id!!i!t!q!! q!!! !44q!9L )r"r"": 'rr <019r Csud t6.il Mdrarl . [had add.a$ d g.r$ adanlir,ad rn dlla fin. d3o) <5t0, Oasptft do<ffiad ld tud,oalny n fodatnay s.lurlMt trt.5 rulY trl .5m> Cdt ty mp!.ne .atrd6, abilcy to hiom ir mctlcn<Y clurE Prr? 6 <010t Sludy lr.. Codr a r tol, <015>StudY Ar.r ll.mc <020> <030> Cont.d fl.n.. Paro USACrhorld colrd rtordin: thil <035> Csr.d T.Lpho^. taumlE -r{qhbdorfmlddfild ln data lina<030,'tl:e""0'tt <039> Csud €6:1Addr.r . [6.4 Addr63 or H.6 Hdtill.d h d.i.lnc <O!0> ao*r.it llr.l.... !E & .nfccch rr!.1..r <Ell> Holdint Cffipey <ll2> OpdtuniCmp.ny .^r@cL!I.l.,r <8r3> At ill.t.r 3AC ooadt Bul^.s Ar Cmpaiy or lrand Drtltndon Pr3.5 <810> ndi.r c.7nd g V.n:!m., g ?.ac 7 <ollt ltv.ry &.. trh.g: <016 koarrYr.r <036 Cdtxila..?rnonu3acttdld@ldqra6tsr.dd. Jsll' x'tun'"t"t <Or5t CiltEld.tld.lluhbd'krarb.rolga@Ucnlidtdl.d.talr.<OtO, )tr""o'c'r' <0r9, cnr.d tfr.l ^ddr.r3. trrt ^ddr.rt ol 9@ Ld!!!!!!!! !!!!-!!!!19!! <9oo Oet thc tilini rority oifcr trib.l l.od rcilicGJ? (Y/Nl <910, Tdb.l l,.ndl5) on wtrlch ETCScrycs <920> Trib.l 6ovcmmcnt En8.gemcnt Oblliation Itya. ffi9.ny rmt T.ib.l hndr, phat. t.bd (Ytr,t{q flal lo...ch th.t! bor.t to @fim lh. rttter d.Erib.d fi thc anachad ,Dt, o lia. t20, drhoortnl.r @rdination with lh. Tribaltem6.nl P6uant to ! 5t1.3!t(.r(51 lftld.t: <921> NGcd3 s$.3sncnt rnd doploymmt phming wirr a fB! oo Ttud conrmunlty gndror instdutims. <922> Fc.titillity.nd rurhln.bility plmnint; <92!> Marlalint r.vlcat h a oltunlly 3an3itiva m.nnct: <92{> Compllancc with nithtt ot way pcatter <925> Compliancc with Lrnd Urc pcrminlnt tcqsircmcnt <916> Compllrncc with f.cllltlc3 9tin8 rul?r <927> Compli.ncc with Enviromrntal Rcvlcw pltGic, <92& Compll.ncc with Cultunl Pcrruatlon rcvicwProccltcJ <919> Complluc! with Trib:l Susine3t rnd UcenrnS Eguircments. SaLct YcrqNod t{ot Aprt{d.l-l\\\\\\\\\l P.Ec 7 OMI Cond to. 3O50{9I6/OMB Cdtrol No. 36oSL Ntnc otAttachad OoaumGnt P.gc 8 <010> Study A.cr Cod! <01s>Name <030> Cootact Name rhould contact <1000>Voica reryilcr ntr comprEbility crniricrtion <1010>Attrch det.llcd dlarlptlon rorvolcc r..vlcat Etc comp!rablllty (ffi pli.ncc <1020>Sroadbrnd aomparability ccnrlication <1030>Att ch dct ilcd dcsdptim lor b@rdbrnd comp.r.billty cmpllrncG thit d.t. Namc ol Attrch.d ooamcnt ft.m! of Att.chrd Osumnl Prgc I tCC Form a!1 OMI Control l{o. 306O.0986/OMB Cont ol tlc 306+0819 P.Ic 9 <010> Study Are. Codr <015>Aic, Namc this d.tr <t!@> Gnity whclhrr tlrrcnrirl baclhtul optionr lxirr (Y/N) <1130> Plc8soscladlhcapptopriat6crpo,rlc(Yct.No,NolAPplicaucltoonfimth6 ropo.tng csmcr dtc.s b.oadband rcwica ot rt l6a3t I MbpS domstem 8n(' 256 lbps utrnrssm shin thc qrpportod srat pul3usnt to I 54.3tq9). <1140>Alatha Plan ratc{r{.lurn ccrtirrc.ti@ (yct, no, or not .9pli(lbbl ol complisncc with applmd pcrfomrocc Plan. PrIc 9 fCC Fom t08l OMB C.ntrol No. P.8c 10 <010> Studv Arca Code <1210> Iamr & Conditiont otVolce TabphonyLifclinc Plens <1220> l"lnk to Public \r,/cb3it.HTTP hrrrr,//n..n!dEhrlr.!... c6l 'Pl..t. .h.d th.t. bor.r b.low lo.sfim lhrt lh. rGdrld d*um.ntltl, on lanr tlt0, q.lh. w.brita liltad,0n li^a 1220, qt inr thc rcquirrd itrrdrytion puru.nt b S 5a,4r2(.1(21 rn.ol r.pordnt ,or ETCI rccclvint b{.h@m! ,vpro.l, c.ni!rt murl rnnualtv.cport: <1221>lnfomation dcacribin8 tha tlmr rnd conditiont ot anV voicc trlcphony !crvicl phnt otftrcd lo Lifclinc aubrcribctr, <1222> OGt ilronth.numbcrormlnuicaprcvldcdrrp.notthcpl.n, [[l <1223> Additionrl ch.[ct lor toll ollr, rnd nt.r tor crch ruch plrn, [pl [zI P.gc 10 lCCFm/0tl 3060{Et9 Pra. ll arta:I Sclcct the appropriatc responses below (Ycs, No, Not Applicable! to note compllance as a reclpient of froren Hlgh Cost support, Hlgh Cost support to offs€t acccs charga reducUons, and Connect Amerlca Phaie ll support as set rorth ln 47 CFR Sa313(cl,{dl,(e). The lnformatlon reported on thls form and ln the documents attached bclow ls tccurate, <2015> 2016 and future Frou en Suppon Cenlfication 47 CFR I 54.313(c}(4) Pdce Cap Carrler Connect Amcrlca ICC Support {47 CFR 5 54.313(dl, <2015> Certification suppon used to bulld broadband connect Amerlca Pharr lt Reportlng {47 CFR 5 5a313(el} <2017A> Connect America fund Phate ll reclpient? <2017C> Total amount of Phare ll suppon, if any, the price cap carrier used lor capital expenditures in 2017. <2018> <2019> Attach the number, names, and addresses of community anchor lnstitutions to which the carrier newly betan providing access to broadband service in the preceding calendar year - 54.313(e}(ll(liXAl Recipient cerllfies that it bld on cateSory one telecommunicationt and lntemet accesi iervice5 ln response to all FCC Form 470 postings seeking broadband seruice that meetJ the connectivity targeti fo, the schools and libraries universal service 5upport program for eligible schools and libraries located within any area ln a census block where the carrier i9 receivinS Phase ll model-baied suppon, and that such bids were at rates reasonably comparable to rates charSed to eliSible schools and libraries in urban areas for comparable offerlngs - 5a.313(e)(11(ii)(Cl Name of Attached oocument Listing Required lnformation l.r. ll onr Col.allor Fm lccfm iaal Otat C6Eol rlo aloa9at/Olll Co.rhl f,q LOSlt rrt roll D.a. l: <010> Study Arci Codc 479022 <015> StudyArlr Nrmc Boomerang Wireless LLC <020r Pro8am Ycar 20t9 <030> Coatact Namr . P.rson USAC thould cotrtart ragarding thi5 drta Julia Redman-Cart,er <035> Cont.ct Tlllphonc Numbcr - Numb.r o, prrson ldentilicd ln d.ta llnr <030>3192946080 exE,. <03$ cont ctErn llAddrcg-trn.llAddrcsrotp?rtonldmdncdhdrt Inc<o!o, fegUlat,Ofy@entouehwire1eSe. COm CAf 8lll R.portir[ Please indicate whether ncw locations were deployed during the prior calendar year.(Yes/No)(3008A) (300881 (300881) (30o882) (3oo8c) Numb€r of newly built locations with access to broadband speeds of at least l0/1 Mbps but less than 2Sl3 Mbps. Number of newly built locations with access to broadband speeds of 25l3 Mbps or hither. Please provide the percentage of deployment acro3s the entire rtudy area. P.t. tl O.t! ColL.Uon tm FCC Fom 4tl OMI Cmt ol No. 30t0{986/Olt Scootol No. :t06O0819 lulylou Please enter the number of new locations deployed in the prior calendar year a3sociated wilh each of the followlng speed tiers. P.a. rl <olD 5l0dyA... Codc a1 0ia ) <015> SludyAr.a llrm!Boomeranq Wireless <020t P,g8aam Yaa,2019 <030> Conla<l Nama , Paroa UIAC rhouu coataal tatrrdlni thit data JuIia Redman-Carter <0!9> ConllGtt.l.pion.ltumbd.Nuhb.totpltsnid.ntfildind.bllnr<030t 3192945080 ext <n9, clnrdEn.raddr.s-fa.ltaddnttof pt rcntdtndflGdladrt.th.<oror regulaEory@enEouchv'irelegs ' com SalGat kom thc drop down mcnu or checl the boxei below lo notc complirncc wlth 5a.3f3(ff(ff. Prlvatcly hrld c.rrlcr must cnrurc compli.ncr with th! finrndal rcportlng rcqulrcmcnts rct forth in 47 CFR 5{.313(0(21, I furthg ccrtiry th.t thc lntormrtlon ,cporEd on thlr form .nd in thc documcnts rnrchad bclow ls rccuotc. Progress Repon on S Year Plan C.rricr.cnilici to 54.313(rllf )tii0(30091 (30r0A) (30100) (3012A1 (30r28) (30131 (30141 (3015) (30151 {30u1 (30r8) (30r91 (3020! (3021) Ccniriotion of A/Uic lntarGrt Oblitationt (47 cFR 5 s4.313(n(11(i)) Community Archor lnitilutiont {47 cfR ! s4.313(0(rliill Plartc Providc Anrchme.t lJ yflr @mp.ny. Priv.tcly Xrld ROR C.rri.r (47 CfR ! 54.3r3(rl(21, lf vci, docr yilr comp.ny ,ile the RUS annual raport Plcarc Gh€ck thcra boxcr to conlim th.t th. anrhcd POF, on linc 3017, contlin3 thc rcquircd inlorm.rion pur$rnt ro g 54.313(fl(2, compli.ncc rrquire!: Elcctrcnic copy ot thcir annu.l RUS rcpon! (Opcratin8 R?pon ftr Tcl€€gmmuniotionr 8orcwcr) Oocumcot(i) with Salrncc Sh.ct, Incom" StitGmcnt .nd st.t!m.nt of C.rh Flowt l, thc rcspon[ ir yca on linc !014, e[ach your @nprny'r RUS annu:l rcport and all rcquircd doNmantation ll thc rcrpon!€ ir no on li.c 3014, lr yqu. company rudit!d? It tha rc$onr it ycr on line 3018. plc.rc chcd thc borcr bclow lo conrim your rubmi$ion on linc 1025 pur$.nt to 5 54.313ltx2l, cont.inr: Eithcr. 6py of thcir ruditad financi.l s0temcnt; or (2) r fin.ncial ropon in. lormrt smp.r.blc to 8US Op€r.tint nGpon rot fele6mmcniationt Eorow.t Decmant(!l for 8.lane Shccl, lnome St.tcmcnt rnd Sntcnent of Carh flows Mrnrlrmcnt httcr.nd/o. rudit opinion i$ucd by thc indep.ndcnt crnificd public .@untrnl that pcrformcd thc comprn/: finrncial rudil. l, tha lcapon* l3 ao on linc 3018, pl€rlc drccl lhc borca bclow lo conlirm your 3ubmlssion on line 3025 punu.nt ro I 54.313(fX2), cont.ins: Copy ot thcir trn.nci.l tt.tcmcnt which hr! b.cn rvbjrct to .ilicw by rn indcpcndcnt cenificd public acountrnt; oa 2l a finaocial acport in a format companblc to RUS Op€ratln8 Rcport lot Tclercmmunicrtlonr Bo.rowcr j Undcrlyint informrtion rubicctrd to r rcvrew by:n iodcpendcnt c?rtifi ad public tccounlrnt N.mG o, Att.(hed Doomcnt Usting Rrquircd lnlormrtion Name of Att.(hGd Documlnt U3ting Rcquircd lnfom.tion (Yr/Nol (Yo/Nol oooo N.m€ o, Attrchcd Doc!ma.t Uttrng Rcquircd Inlomalion (Yca/No)oo E E (302 2l {3023) (30241 Unde.lyinl informrtion !ub,cctcd to tn officcr ccnilicatbn, (302s1 O*umcnt(r! with 6rlancc shcct, lncom. Statcmcnt rnd 5t.t.m.nt ofC.3h flowr N.ms of Att Ghld Do@mcnt urtint Rsquircd lnlormatior E E E (30261 Atl.ch thc wo,k3hi.t littint r.qultcd infotm.tion |rt. t! fOC fo6/all oita @ntrcl xo. !occo'l6/ot! c..!hl t{o. Ixoo.l,Bb Oltd&i ioon tI E P.t. la ,thdd Oerrmrf 13027) R.Enw (3028) Op.nU|13 Etp.nri (3O29lN.tlffic l303ol T.hphom Pl.nt ln S.Mc.(IPlSl (3031) foulArxtt (3o32lfot.l Ocbt (:lo33lTot.l equlry (3oll) Olvldlndt tltEd &rxH Oa66tbr.! i{dE r.tqF.r,n P.8. t4 Eh{r fladdhE€IlUdhgP ,.t. l3 Arcr Contacl Namc contact & <030>,.nr..".y-,td.trtr.l....-<039>pcrSon Authorircd iunl Sredb.nd Eecrim.nt {RoEl rccipicnt3 must .dd.ctr tha c.rtification for public inictctt oblii.timi and providc . li3t of ncwly rcrucd community anchot instltution!. Publlc tnt.r6t Oblltruoff - fCC l+98 (prr.f.phi 26-29, 781 Pl..!c .ddrc$ Unc 4001 rca.rdinS compli.m. with the Commiirion's public intrrc't ob[8ationt. All RBE prnicip.ntt mutt providG . rcaPonr. to UnC 4@1. 4001. REipicnt c.rlili.t thrt it i3 offcrinB broedb.nd BcclinS th. rcquiritc public intcr.rt obligltionr cmritt.nt with ttc Gatcgcy tor which th?y wara rcl6lcd, includinS broadband rpcrd, l.tcncy, uJrgc c.pecity, and ratci that arG rcasonably comprrabh lo ralcs for comparabl! ofrarinsJ in urbrn eretr. Communlty Andror lnrtltuuof,r - FCC 14-98 (par.tr.ph 791 40034. RBE ganicip.ntr murt prdidc th! numbcr, namcr, rnd addrcrrc, ot cortrmunity.achor lnrtalutons to which lhcy nsly dcploy.d bro.db.nd 3cryicc in thr prcccdiol c.lcnd.r yG.r. On thit lin!, plc.t! rGtpond (y6 -rttrch ncw cmmunity.nchor, no - no ncw .nchdrl to indic.tc wh.thcr thir list will bc providcd. ll y.t to tl003A ph.rG proyldc . ,Grpontc fq tt{Xr38. 4003b. Provida the number, n.mcr !nd .ddresrcr of community rncho? lnrtitutionr to which thc rccipi.trt ncwly bcSer providing.(ccts to brordb.nd rcrvicc in lhc preacdini calandar ycrr, Name of Atlached Documlnt Urting Flquircd lnformation P.a. ll oMl Conr.ol t{o, l06O{t86/OM! Control No.Orta Col(.dlon Fdn 40OS Rur.l Bro.db:nd Crec.lmrnt <010> Study tuca Codc<015> StudY AtGt llrmc r*..6 h..r... Ec<020> ProSom Yaa, ,crr <03D Contact Nrmc - PcBon USAC should contact rc3ardin8 thlt d.tr rurr. r&6.s,i.. <03$ Cmt ct €mail Addrc$ - €m.il Addr?$ of pct3m idcrtifird la d.tr linc <0m> ,s:.r@rdrrr.r... .a ?.r. 16 5005 Alark. Phn (5010) Oo you p.nicipate in the Alaika plan? Phase indicatc wh.ther any terrcatrial bac*haul or other satellite backheul bcceme commercially avallabla in the previour calendar year in arees prcviously servad erclusivcly by pcrformance-limltlnE satellita backhaul. (s0r2l lf the filint carrier identified in ltr epproved pcrfomance plan! that ll relics erclu:ively on ratcllil€ backhaul for a c.rtain porilon of the population in itr reilice arca, lndicate whether any terrc3trial backhaul or other salellite backhaul bccame commcrcially availabh in thc previoius calendar year in arcas lhat werc prevloiurly 3erued cxclurively by ratallitc brckhaul. (s0r1) (Y$/No) (Ycs/Nol (Yer/Nol t.d, bmi EbB o. hFhLi <s013> D.*d9abn d S.lbul l.(hb& t4.16 {i$il^LrbPLn t .d4.ra^ddlttoDl DmmotnboD.t fr0.ciloitom oM! €onlol ilo. to6oo!trcoil! conrrol xo. 306oatr9 FCC fo.m atl ,u,v I0lt P.gc 17 <010> Studv Ar.. Codc <015> StudyA.aa Namc go@.ru! tlitcles6 LLC <020> Prorrem Yca.20r9 <o9o> conrrrt N.h. . P..3on USAC rhould contact tcratdlnt thls drta .l!llt P.dann-Crrt.r <035> Cont.ctTclcghonENsmbcr-Numbarorplronldentiticdindrtallnc<O3D 11929'6080 cxc' <039> Cont.ct EBail Mdrcrt - Em.il addrc$ o, pcrron ldcntiricd in dala linc <03O>r.dul^t6*f,?au.heir.l... ..h TO BE COMPTETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF THI REPORTING CAf,RIER IS fIUN6 A'iIT{UAt REPORTING ON lTS OWt{ BEHATT: Certlllcatlon ot Of{iccr as to thc Accurscy of thc Data Rcport.d for thc Annual Rcportln8 for CAF or Ll Radplcntr I cartlfy that I am an orllccr ol drc ,.po.tlni arr.lu; my ,ereonrlbllltl.r lncludc cnslrlnt thc .mncy ot lhc ennu:l raporllnt rGqul.amlnl, ,o. unlvcrsl $rvlcc 3upporl rrdplcntr; aod, fo th? bGn ormy tnovrHta,lhc lnlomltlm ttgortcd oo thlr rom ild lo rny alladrmcntt lr.ccuralc. 8o6cr.ng 8lrclca. LLc lirnaturc o, Authtriucd onaccr: CBRTTPTED otll'tNE o.tc ol106lzoLe ,rintcd nam ol adhod:ad c)ficar Klqb'rlcy Lch@n rith or politlon ot Authorir.d otficcr: Pr" ldent rclcohonc numbcr of Authorlrcd offlccr: 319573 16?8 oxl' studv Ar!. cod. of Rlooainr clri?r: '19022 Filin, ouc o.tc ,or thit fm: o?/16/20!8 Pr.snr willfully mrllnt t 18 ltrt.nenl, on thit ,om c.n b. punl3h.d byrrnr ot,orLatut. lnd., lhc Comruniollon! A(l ol lgt{, 47 U.S.C tl 502, SO3(b}, o. fi.. oriopnrcnd.nl undlr fitl. ll orth. Unit.d St.t.r Cod., 18 U.S.C. C t001. P.!c 1, OMB Cont ol No. 3060{985/oMB Cortrol No. 3060-Otl9 Pr3.18 3060{9t5/OMl Conrol No' :t06o0tl9 fCC Fonn ltl OMI Control l{o. .Al.nl Canla, Coll.ctlon Fom <010> study Ar.r CodG a79022 <015> Stvdy A.rt N.mr go@crrng llir€lcrr ltJC <O20> Pro8r.m Ycr.2019 <03D Contlct Nrmc - Pcrson USAC thould conttct ,c8.rdlna thir d.ta Ju1 lo nadh!n-Cartar <o!5> cont ctTclcphoncNumbcr.Nuobrrolp.,snidcnufi.dlndrtrlinc.o3o> 11929{6000 ""c <039> Cont ctEmrllAdd.rtr.Emriladdrclrotp!!{a!!!tilic!!!rd!t!!rA!!q10? r:qul.l!]lr1glliuchsirclclt.coh TO BE COMPTETEO 8Y THE REPORNNG CARRIER, If AN AGENT E TIUNG ANNUAI REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S SEHATf : TO BE COMPUTED BY THE AUIHORIZED AGENT: Ccrtlflcatlon of otflrcr to Authorhc an Atcnt to fllc Annual Rcports for CAF or Ll Reclpiants on B.hal, ot Reportlnt C.?rlcr c.rlity thrt (Namc ot ll ruthod.cd to tubmll lhr lnlomauon Eportad on b.hrf ot tho npo,line c.rrlrr. I rlro 6niry lhrl I rm rn om6r ot thr npordng anlar; m, nsponalblltdar lnclud! antorlng th. .concy or lio tnnutl d.tr nporung Gqulffimtr prcvldcd to th. trdtorltcdrest; tnd, to tha baal ol ny knowlcdgc, thr tapoit and dth provldld to thr tuthorlrad tglot Ir teunt.. Nr q! qtf !!! o!tt!!!llf"!! Ntma ol RGpo.tin! c|ricr: Si8n.tur. ot Autho.ir.d Orriccr:Dat.i Print!d nrh. ofAuthqir.d OfficGr: f tlloa pot r tro!91 4tt!9{4rd Olf icc r I fclcphonc nunbcr ol Althtit.d OtfGG.: ttudy A... Codc o, R!portlnS Carricr;Flllnt Ouc D.tc for thir ro,ml Pd,il! e$tully NUnt t lE .t.l!66B ff thlt rom on b. psnlrh.d by ti^c o. lorl.itur. undd lh. Comhunk.tbni Ad or t9la. aT U.S.C tt 5Ol. sor(b), q ftn. d tnp.tbnhai ondd lid. !l olthc Uiitcd tblor Coda ll U.S.C I lml. Ccrtlflcatlon of A;Gnt Authorired to fllc Annual R.pons for CAF or Ll Reclplcnts on Bchalf of Rcportlng Ca?rler thc dal, tapat.d tcrcli bri.d on dtl. prcvldad by tiGraponla! G.rlcr; and, to thc b$t ofmy tnosladtr, tha lnlomatlon rcport.d trrGln B accurttr. N.m! ol Rcponin! C.ricr: N.mi of Authori:cd Atcat fim: SiBnltu.c ofAuthorir.d A8cni or Employcc gt AScnt:Datei N.rc o, Aut!orir.!! A(!!![mploycr: Titl. s poritim of Aulho.i:cd AScnt or [mdoFr ol AI.nt Tclcphqe nuabcr ol Asth{ir.d Agcnt or €mploycc otAS?nt: Study Ar.. Code of R.portin! C.r,icr:f llln3 Ouc O.lc ro. thlt fso: P@r sllfuly m.lina f.lr. rlrt6c6b on lhir ldil..n b. Au^rrh.d by 16r d td.i]ur. rrd( !h. Coomudouoir ad ol fgla, ,17 U.r.C tt 302, 5O3lbl, d ftn. or &npdromd ondd riil. t8 otth! udt.d sbr6 codr, !t u t c | 100r. Pr3. 18 Attachments /\F\A-l ENIOUCN FCC Form4Sl Scction 500 - Service auahty Standards & Consumer Protection Rules Compliaoce Under FCC Rules, Section 54.202, an ETC must comply that it will satisff applicable oonsumer protection and service quality standards. Boomerang Wireless, LLC dlblaenTouch Wireless @oomerang) is in compliance with the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association's Consumer Code for Wireless Service. l. Boomerang discloses rates and terms of service to customets atthe timc serrrice is initiated. These same terms and conditions are posted on Boomerang's website at www.entouchwireless.com. 2. Boomerang provides service availabiliry information on their website at www.entouchwireless.com. 3. Boomerang makes available contract ternrs to subscribers ufien they initiarc or change service. These same terms are available to subscriben during the annual recertification process as outlined in Commission rules that govern continued subscriber eligibility. 4, Boomerang's Lifeline senrice can be terminated at any time by either party without an early termination fee. Service is dependent on continued eligibility in the program. 5. Boomerang provides disclosures, minutes included in Lifeline plans, expiration of plan minutes, availability of service, and cost for additional minutes in all published Lifeline advertising materials. 6. Boomerang customers are provided options if they exceed the number of minutes provided in their Lifeline plan. Customcrs can purchase standard top up plans at thousands of local retail establishments and through customer serrrice. Plan descriptions are available on the company website at www.entouchwireless.com. 7, Boometang's toll-free customer service number is 866-488-8719. Customers can rcach customer service by dialing 6l I from their enTouch phone. Customers can also contact Boomerang via email at support@entouchwireless.com or by US mail. This information is provided in the terms of service and on the company website and in all information provided to subscribers. 8. Boomerang responds to all consumer inquiries and complaints received fiom government agencies within 30 days. 9, Boomerang has procedures in place to mainain the privacy of subscriber proprietary information in apcordance with applicable Heral and state laws. 10. At scrvice initiation, Boomerang requests that subscribers *Opt In" to receive fi,ee notifications regarding activation status, balance alerts, etc. C\rstomers can also decline to receive these messages and noticcs by "Opting Out". If a zubscriber chooses to decline frec notifications they will receive only those Lifeline notifications required by the FCC such as the 30day non-usage notice, the recertification notices, etc. The customer cannot opt out of the required FCC notifications. enTouch Wireless powered by Boomerong Wireless P.O. Box 37. Hlowolho, lA. 52233 ' enTouchwireless.com ' 866.{88.8719 WIRELESS ,qA'? tenloucn Y".:.r :' .oto..l^"ot,.?...-t, FCC Form 481 Ssction 600 - Functionality in Emergency Situations Under FCC Rules, an ETC must demonstrate its ability to remain functional in emergency sinr,ations. Since Boomerang Wireless, LLC dUaenTouch lVireless @oomerang) is providing service to its customers through the use of facilities obtained from other carriers, it is able to provide to its cnstomers the same abilrty to rcmain functional in emergency situations as cunently provided by the carriers to their own customers, including access to a reasonable amount of back-up power to ensure firnctionality without an extemal power source, re-routing taffis around damaged facilities, and the capabiltty of managing traffic spikes resulting from emergency situations. Boomerang along with their underlying carriers, have created back-up systems to ensure fiurctionality in the event of a loss of power or network fiuctionality. Boomerang's support facilities are housed in a canier-class data centcr with fully redundant power and HVAC, a contolled temperature and humidity envircnment, fire-threat detection and suppression, year-round critical monitoring, and secue acce$ with biomenic security. The facility features redudant generators and redundant fiber optic connectivity. The data center is a reinforced concretc building located in a secure area and collocated with the area electrical generation plant All systems witttin the facility are implementod on redundant serveni, each with redundant data network and power. enlouch Wireless powered by Boomerong Wireless P.O. Box 37. Hlowotho, lA. 52233' enTouchwireless.com' 866.488.8719