HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180618TDS Telecom CAF ICC Data - Redacted.pdf525 Junctron Rd Modison, W 53717 www.tdstelecom.com CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT REQUIRED IiTCEIYED :.]I; ill,,i lB PH t: l7 i,;. i lC;-i' ;,1:.iissl0lJ June 15,2018 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Commission Secretary 472 W est Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise,ID 83720-0074 6Nr<- T- /?- o / Re: FCC Reporting Requirements and Certifications 47 C.F.R. S 54304(d) Dear Secretary: Attached please find a copy of the filing made by TDS Telecommunications Corporation (TDS) at the Federal Communications Commission on behalf of its Idaho company as required by 47 C.F.R. $ 54.304(d). TDS is forwarding a copy of this filing as required by 47 C.F.R. $ 54.304(d). This filing contains confidential information that must not be disclosed to other carriers or the public under the Freedom to Information Act or any other federal or state rule or law. For example, the filing includes detailed financial information including projected minutes-of-use, demand, revenue, and rate design information that is known only to TDS and not available to any public source. If this highly sensitive and confidential information is disclosed to any carriers or the public, that disclosure would cause substantial competitive harm to TDS. A redacted version of this filing is also included so that a version may be entered on the public record should that be required. Feel free to contact Ctris Zeal of my staffat Christine.zeal@tdstelecom.com or 608-664-4176 if you have any questions concerning the above-referenced enclosures. Sincerely, JeffJung Manager - Regulatory Settlements & Costing TDS Telecom (608) 664-4tes c.c. Gail Long Certification of Officer for Rate-of-Return Carrier Eligibility for CAF/ICC Recovery I certi$ that I am an oflicer ofthe reporting carrier and that to the best ofmy knowledge, the reporting carrier on this form certifies that it has complied with Eligible Recovery $51.917(d) and Access Recovery Charge $51.917(e) and is eligible to receive the CAF ICC support requested pursuant to $51.917(f). See TDS Telecom ILEC Listing BelowName of Reporting Canier Signature of Authorized Officer Date 05/13/2018 Printed name of Authorized Officer Andrew Petersen Title or position of Authorized Officer Sr. Vice President - Corporate Affairs Telephone number or Authorized Officer,(608)664-4155 ext. __ Study Area Code of Reporting Carrier See TDS TELECOM ILEC Listing Below Filing Due Date for this form (mm/dd/yyyy)06il6/2018 Persons willfully making false statements on this lorm can be punished by fine or forfeiture under the Communications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. $$ 502, 503(b), or fine or imprisonment under Title l8 of the United States Code, l8 U.S.C. $ 1001. TDS Telecom Group-F 522404 - Asotin Telephone Company (WA) 532404 - Asotin Telephone Company (OR) 280448 - Calhoun City Telephone Company, Inc. 310685 - Chatham Telephone Company 320809 - Communications Corporation of Southern Indiana 330875 - Dickeyville Telephone, LLC 330914 - EastCoast Telecom of Wisconsin, LLC 150092 - Edwards Telephone Company, Inc. 320778 - Home Telephone Company, Inc. Waldron 290566 - Humphreys County Telephone Company 432010 - Mid-America Telephone, Inc. 287449 - Myrtle Telephone Company, Inc. 472230 - Potlatch Telephone Company 310726 - Shiawassee Telephone Company 330958 - Tenney Telephone Company, LLC 330880 - The Farmers Telephone Company, LLC 310738 - Wolverine Telephone Company [#d. 88- 88 83 33', 8l 88 zcF z E ? =ae ! e88 € 5!r :l !: :!!i !:!l tal E= :l!! !,i lr ta-l! t; .1, il;E !l !E:l 3a 9F;:l .:l r::l i;Ui! 'l r l-l=r t- z 88: .A* 8 = E I 5 REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTIOI- Filing Date: ,une 18, 2018 Filing Entity: TDS Telecom TransmittalNumber: 209 COSA: TDSTANTT Summary of ICC-CAF Filing (Source: FCC ICC-CAF Tabs) from from ER Tab 25 :O1a-15 Connctt AD6ie Fun., (CAf) ICC SupIDn (Una 20Un. 2at *184143 zu14-15 COnneCt Amedca Fund (cAf) tcc 5upport (une z{J -$18+483 TDS Check Figurefrom Holding Co. Max ARC Tab SO 26 llmputed CBOL ARCS $2,34027 lcnr-ICC Suooon with imputed ARC 9182,543 27 ICAF-ICC.Support wlth irnputed ARC and NECA Pool admin $182,543 Idrbo 472230 T.5a Yc.r 20la-19 A5 Fil.d with FCC on June 16, 20l, POTLATCH Tf,L co Nc 1 201 1 InteEtate Switched Acc6s Revenue Requirement 2 FY 2011 IntEstate Teminating Switched Access Revenus 3 FY 2011 Net Reclor6al ComDensatlon Revenues 4 zO1 1 ROR Carler Ease Period Revenue (Une 1 + Une 2 +$346,221 5 ROR Carier Baseline Adj6tment Factor (0.95 x 0.95 x O O(v OEv O<Y O<Y O<l 0.698337 6 ROR Carier Revenue Requirement (Line 4 x Une 5)$241.779 7 Pool Administratim Expenses 8 Total ROR Carrier Revenue Requirement 124,.,r79 8A rotBt RUR camer Revenue Requrrement (une 6 + une /)j24t,779 Tcd Year 2olt-19 E.tiD.tcd ICC RGvenuG3 9 9A 10 11 Tmnsitional Intrastate Access Seruice Revenues !2 Net Transitional R€ciprocal Compensation Revenues IJ Tota| TCC RevenUe Llne 10 + Une 1r. + Line 12) 74 TRS Increment $0 15 16 NANPA Increment $0 t7 Interstate Local Swit€hing Support for Price Cap Affiliat€s $0 18 Adjustment for Double Recovery or Corections $0 19 Test P€rlod 15/17 Tru€up - llat hpact on Total Fli.iNa ea.aEffi .te^l ^Q tor-tea!15,99s 19A Test Period 16/17 Trueup Interstate Access 198 Test Period 16/17 Trueup Intrurstate Terminaung Access 19C Test Period 761t7 Trueug Net Recig Comp 19D Test Period 16/17 TrueuD ARCS 19E Test Period 16/17 Trueup TRS Increment 19F fest Period 16/17 Trueup Regulatory Fees Increment 19G Test Penod 16/17 Trueup NANPA 20 Eligible Recovery (tine 8 - Une 13) + (Une 14 + Une 15 + ll^a 16 1 lt66 ln r lin6 lol - /ll^e 17\1234,422 20A 1234,422 Tcst Y.ar 2ott-19 E.timatcd aRc Rcvanucs 21 lResidential ARC Revenues 22 lsinqle Une Business ARC Revenues 23 Jttulti-Une Eusrnss ARC Revenues 24 JTotal ARC Revenues (Line 21 + Une 22 + Une 23)$4! 6/'t/20t8 REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION c llnterstate Switched Access Revenus IRmu,atoru F@s lntrement