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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180613Cambridge Telephone CAF ICC.pdfCAIVBRI DGE TELEPHON E CONXPANY I'O BE COMPLETED BY T}IE REPORTING CARRIER, iF AN AGENT IS FILING DATA ON THE CARRIER'S BEHALF: Cerlillcation of Officar to Authorize an Agent to File Data Reported on Behalf of Reporting Carrier cedify rh.r (Nare ot Aginrl*Mgjill-AhIllttP is .urhorized to lubmit th. iniomation nport.d on bohal, ol rh. repofting €rier. I .l!o ce]tlfy that l lm .n ot th9 rrporting crrrl.r; my responribilitir! include .nsurinO the accuncy ot tha drl. provid.d to tho Authorlz.d Ag.nt; and, to lhr bat ot my knowledo., a6lu.l dat, proyidld to tho Authorirod Aganl .E accutet.. Co., lnc. of Authorized Ot icar Kanady ofAuthorizod Office.or Torephore number of Arrthorized offo-' (208) 257:331!*t. f,/rB,,2N1B Il+tzztsStudy Area Cod6 of Rspodin0 Carrisr lr,ring [h6 Oslo lor this form .l(mm/dd4yyy) Porsonu willlully msking fals€ stalomer{s on lhls fom can be punlshed by fire or rorfeiture undar the Communications Acl of 1934, 47 U.S.C. $S 502, 503(b), or fine or imp.;6oom€nt under Title 18 ot the Uniled Stetes Code, 18 U"S.c- S 1001" u-^- ^' ^.,,r...i-..i ,---, lvloss Adams l-LP TO BE COMPLETf;D BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, Certification of Officer as to the Accuracy of the CAF ICC Data Reported I certity thst I am an officer of lhe rsporting @rrier; my respon3lbllitle3 lneludo en3uring lhe accuracy of tho actual data reportodi and, to the be8t o, my knowlodg., tha informrtion raportod on thi3 form 16 accur.le. Ndmoo,R€otrrinoc"rr;r, Cambridge febphone Co., lnc. Officer a^e 5l29l2o1g Kristie Kanady fitlo or position of Authorized Oflicer Secretary Tstelhoftl ar.nt sr ot Avrhoft.zod ott,cot (208),252-33 I 4b*" Studv Area Code o{ Reoorlino Carrier l+tzzts lfrlinq Du6 Date for this lorm I l(mn dd/wvv) I 5/LE/2018 Parsons willfully makin0 falso statements on this form c€n be punishod by fine or forfoiture uoder the Communicaiions Act ot 1934, 47 U.S.C. $$ 502, 503(b), or fine or imprisonmont under Titl6 18 ot the United Statos Code, 18 U.S.C. S 1001. Carrier Ced TO BE COMPLETED BY AN OFFICER OF THE REPORTING CARRIER Certification of Offlcer for Rate.of.Return Carrier Not Seeking Duplicative Recovery Icertifythatlamanotticerofthereponln8carrierandthat,tothebestofrnvknowledte, thiireportinEcarrierisnotseekingduplicativerecoveryln the state lurlsdiction for any Eligible Recovery subiect to the recovery mechanlsm as p€r 51,917(dxviil. NameorReoorrinoc".,,", Cambrjdgg Telephone Cp., lnc authorized otticer 512912018 of Kristie Ka fitle or position of authorized officer Secretary tsrephori. numb.r of authorized ofiicor: (2W) 257 -3314 lqZZZl S I lrr,"e oue oors to, rhrs rom I _ l l(mm/dd/yy)ry)Sludy Area Code ot Roporting Carner 6/tA/?Cre Porlons wllllully maklng false statemant! on this fom can bo punlshcd 503{b), or fine or imprisonmenl under Tltlc by 18 fine or tod.ilur. und€r th. Communicatlon! Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. SS 502, ofthe unlted states code, 18 u.S.c. s 1001. CERTIFICATION I am the Secretary e1 Cambridge Telephone Co. lnc. I hereby certify that I have reviewed the preparation of all data supporting Cambridge Te hone Co. lnc June 18, 2018 lnterstate Access Tariff Filing, and that I am authorized to execute this certification. Based upon information provided to me by employees responsible for the preparation of, or forsupervision of the preparation of, the data submitted in support of the rates contained in the proposed tariff, I hereby certify that the data have been examined and reviewed and are true, correct and complete. Date: June 15, 2018 (Signature) Kristie Kanady Printed Name Secreta (Title)