HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180131Custer Telephone Broadband Form 555.pdfAnnual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form All carriers must complete all or portions eif all sections Form must be submitled to USAC and filed with the Federal Communications Commission IMPORTA]YT: PLEASE READ TNSTRUCTIONS FIRST Deadline: Janaary 3l* (Annually) Does thc reporting company havc affiliated ETCs? Yes EI No @ Provide a list of all ETCs that are a/filiated v;ith the reporting ETC, using page 4 and additional sheets if necessary. AJfiliation shall be detennined in accorclance with Section 3(2) ofthe Connrunications Act. That Section defines "ofJiliate" at "a person that (directly or indirectly) ottns or controls, is ov'ned or conuolled by, or is under common o*nership or control with, another person." 47 U.S.C. S I 53(2). See also 47 cF.R. $ 76.1200. Affiliated ETC's SAC Affiliated ETC's Name U'C]. c)Z f\tee qo It'z,mC^> C)rn-re-,mf,s $. *-lr- --{cl {lra- anr 1 47901 I 1 43031 048 Study Area Code (SAC) Service Provider Identification Number (SPIN) (An Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) must provide o certilicationformfor each SAC through which it provides Lifeline semice). 2417 lD Custer Telephone Broadband Services LLC Recertification Year NIA State ETC Name Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc. DBA, Marketing, or Other Branding Name (If sonre as ETC name, list "N/A" Do not leave blonk) Holding Company Narne (lf sane ns ETC nane, list *ll/A" Do not leave hlonk) ?>rvB*T -tx-ol ETCs Subject to the Non-Usage Requirements All ETCs must complcte lhc appropriate chct'k-bo.t. ETCs lhat do trol assess ond collcc't u monthlyjbcfron their Lilclinc subscribcrs arc subjectlo the non-usagc rcquircmcnls. ETCs subjcct to tlrc non-usage require,nents rnusl indicate the numbcr ofsubscribers de-enrolled by month in Section 4. ETCs thnt orl;'assess ufee ba( da not collect suc'h/ees ure subject to the nan-usage requirenents and trust alsa indicate the nunber of subscrihers de-enrolled hv nronth. Is the ETC subject to the non-usage requirements? Yes M No E[ l'ves. record the uumber ofsuhscribers de-enrolledfor non-usage by nronth in Block Q belox'. P a Month Subscribers De-Enrolled for Non-Usage January 0 February 0 March 0 April 0 May 0 June 0 July 0 August 0 Se ptember 0 October 0 November 0 December 0 Total Subscribers 0 For purposes of this filing, an officer is an occupant of a position listed in thc article of incorporation, articles of formation, or other similar legal document. An officer is a person who occupies a position specified in the corporate by-laws (or partnership agreement), and would typically be president, vice president for operations, vice president for finance, comptroller, treasurer, or a comparablc position. If the filer is a sole proprietorship, the owner must sign the certification. Initial Certificatiort Atl ETCs must complete rhis secriott I certify that the company listed above has certification procedures in place to: A) Revierv income and program-based eligibility documentation prior to enrolling a consumor in the Lifeline program, and that, to the best of my knowledge, the company was presented with documentation of each consumer's household incon:e andlor program-based eligibility prior to his or her enrollment in Lifelinel andlor B) Confirm consumer eligibility by relying upon access to a state database and/or notice of eligibility from the state Lifeline adnrinistrator prior to enrolling a consumer in the Lifeline program. I anr an officer of the company named above. I am authorized to make this certifrcation for the Study Area Code listed above. drlnitial 2 Minimum Service Level I certify that the company listed above is in compliance with the minimum service levels set forth in the 47 CFR Section 54.408. I am an ofhcer of the company named above. I am authorized to make this certification for the SACs listed above. Initial dt Annual Recertification I)o not leave enrytty blocks. l-fan ETC has nolhing to rcporl in a hloch enter a zero. Report the number of Lit'eline subscribers due for recertiflcation by month (January-Deccnrbcr)A. Subscribers eligihle for rccerlification by anniversary monthB. Suhscribers de-cnrolled prior to recertiftcstion atlempts C. Total numbcr of subscribers ETC is responsible fur recertifuing (A-B) Recertification Methods State of federal databaseD. Subscribers recertified through ETC access to state or federal database by annivercary month the number of subscribers vgrilied lo a stale or fueral 8,. Namc of thc data source(s) used to verily consumer eligibility: ETC Direct Contactf. Subscribers contacted by ETC directly tei recertify (You may also use this section to report subscriber initiated receflifications). the number ofLifeline 1o obtain recenification of (;. Subscribers who failed to recertiry through ETC direct outreach attempt the nunrber of Lifelinc subscribers or lo the ETC's outreach Jan Fch lllar Apr illay Jun Jul r\ug scp Oct Nov Ilrc Year Totrl 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 B.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 Jan Fcb l\Iar Apr llry Jun Jul Aug sep Oct Nov Der Yenr Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0D.0 0 0 0 Jan Feb NIar Apr M"y Jun Jul Aug sep Ocf Nov Dec Ycar Total 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 1 2F00 F'eb l\lar Apr ilay Jun .lul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year Total G.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 .f an H. Subscribers who recertified through ETC direct outreach attempt thc number of Lifeline subscnbers that successfu recertificd ETC's outreach Third PartyL Subscribers whose eligibility was reviewcd by slate administrator, third party administrator, or USAC the number of Lifeline subscnbers contacled a state administrator. third atlministrator, or USAC for the ofrecertification. J. Nunrc of third party administrrtor u$ed to verify subscriber cligibility: K. Subscribers dc-enrolled as a result ofa third party recertification attempt the number ofsubscribers as a result of or to outreach from a state administrator, third adminislrat0r or USAC. L. Sutrscribers rvho recertitled through a state administrator, third party administrator, or USAC's reccrtilication c{Iort the number of subscribers that recerti{-ted from a stale administrator,third adminrstrator,or USAC Ce rtification: Recertifi cation Method: Datatrase I certify that the company listed above has procedures in place to recertify consumer eligibility by relying on a database. I am an of'ficer of the conrpany named above. I am authorized to make this certification for the SAC(s) listed above. Initial 4 Jau Fctr lVlar Apr I\Iay Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year Total H 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2000 Jun Jul Scp Oct Nov I)ecJanFeblll ar Apr May Aug Year 'l'otal 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0t.0 0 0 Jan Frb l\{ ar Apr [Iay Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year Total K.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Year 'I'otalil{ay Jun Jul Aug Scp 0ct Nov DecJrnFcb)lar Apr 0 0 0 0000000L000 Recertification Method: ETC I certify that the company listed above has procedures in place to recertily the continued eligibility of all of its Lifeline subscribers, and that. to the bcst ofmy knorvledge, the company obtained signed certifications from all subscribcrs attesting to thcir continuing eligibility for Lifelinc. I am an offrcer of the company named above. I am autl'rorized to make this certification for the SAC(s) listcd above. Initial dt Recertification lltethod: Third Party I ccrtify that the company listed abovc has procedures in placc to rccertify consumer eligibitity by relying on an administrator. I am an officer of the company named above. I am authorized to make this certification for the SAC(s) listed above. No Subscribcrs I certify that nry company did not clairn federal low income support for any Lifeline subscribers for the current Form 555 data year. I am an officer of the company named above. I am authorized to make this certification for the SAC listed above. Initial Signature BIock By signing below, I ccrtify that thc con'rpany listetl above is in conrptiance with all fcderal Lifeline certification procedures. I am an ofticer of the company named abnve. I am autlrorized to make this certification for the Study Arca Code (SAC) listed above. Signed, Dennis Thornock Dennis Thornock Signatr.rrc of 0fficer dennis@custertel.net Email Address of Officer Sherry Maestas Person Completing This Cenification Form Printed Name and Title of Officer Jan 31 2018 Date 208-879-4008 Contacl Phone Number 5 M - (c+K)v = @+F+I)O = lllAirl00 Total number of subscribcrs dc-enrollcd as a result of recertification Total number of subscribcrs ETC is responsible for recertifylng Pcrccnt of subscribers due for recertification who rvere de-enrolled 0 2 0.0% Initial _ Affiliated ETCs SAC Name 6