HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170821Inland Cellular Form 481.pdffr{IAND CE,LI'IAT?j,"rll ff{13:i0 June 26,2017 GNs-T-t7^ol Via email in .pd.f format to jeanjewell(dltuc.idaho.gou Idaho Public Utilities Commission Commission Secretary 472 W. Washington P.O. Box 83720 Boise, lD 8372O-OO74 Re: FCC Form 48l-Carrier Annual Report and Report and Certification Pursuant to IPUC Order No. 29841 Dear Ms. Jewel: Enclosed is a copy of the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC"), Form 481 that was electronically completed and submitted to the Universal Service Administrative Company fUSAC"). This submission is for Inland Cellular LLC (f/k/a Washington RSA No. 8 Limited Partnership), Study Area Code 479OO7 and includes all attachments that were submitted to USAC and the FCC. Please review the attached filing and include Inland Cellular LLC in your Annual Use Certification Letter to USAC and the FCC. If you should have any questions, please call me at (509) 649-2500. Sincerely, #ruPtu*^ Nathan Weis, President Inland Cellular LLC tssror,l AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29841 requires that Eligible Telecommunications Carrierc (ETC) certify that it is compliant with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules: and ETCs must demonstrate the ability to remain functional in emergencies. ln addition, the Commission must file an annual certification with the USAC and the FCC that allfederal high+ost support provided to ETCs within the State of ldaho will be used only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. Accordingly, the undersigned states and verffies under oath the following: 1. I am an officer of lnland Cellular LLC, an eligible telecommunications carrier for receiving federal universal service support under section 214(e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 in the state of ldaho. 2. I am familiar with the Company's day-to-day operations in the state of ldaho and with the State's service quality standards and consumer protection rules as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841. 3. lnland Cellular LLC is complying with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules of the Federal Communications Commission and the ldaho Public utilities Commission. 4. I certify to the Commission that the Company is able to remain func-tional in emergencies as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841 and in 47 C.F.R. S 54.201(a)(2). 5. I also certifo that all federal universal service support funds received by lnland Cellular LLC during the current calendar year will be used in a manner consistent with section 254G): thauS-foilhe-provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. The company will continue to comply for the period of January 1, 2018, through December 31 , 2018, to be eligible for federal universal service fund supporl. 6. This verification and affidavit is provided to be the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to enable the IPUC to certify to the FCC that federal universal service support received by the eligible caniers in the state will be used in a manner consistent with Section 254(e) of the Telecommunications Act. R. Weis, 6 - JG - t7 Date State of Washington ) )ss County of Klttitas) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this w o ON Notary Public for Sl0TAQy CERTIFICATION BY ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER OF COMPLIANCE WTH SERVICE QUALITY AND CUSTOMER PROTECTION, ABILITY TO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL IN EMERGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH-COST SUPPORT. &brt{of @ Puaurc R 1O -{ tVAS CD My Commission Page 1 <010>Area <015: Study Area Narnq 4't900'7 WASHINGTON RSA NO. 8 LIMTIED PARilERSEIP DBA IIILAND CEILUINR <020> Program Year 2 018 <030> Contact Name: Person USAC should contact with questions about this data Mike B1y <035> Contact Telephone Number:208't980245 ett.1222 Number ot the in data line <030> <039> Contact Email Address: Email of the person identified in data line <030>nlkeb@iDlaDdcell.. com Form Type 54.3L3 and s4.422 Page 1 fCC fom a8l Oial Cntrcl t{o. 36o{r85y'oftt.cootioa r,o.3060fit9 Page 2 (2m) S€rylc€ Out.gc Reporting (voice) Oata CollEtion fom FCC Form ,|81 OMB Control No. 3060{986/OMB Cor*El ilo. 3O6G@19 July 2013 <016 Study Area Code 419@1 <015> StudyArea Name O IIMIED PARNERSHIP D8A ININD CEIIUIN <02G ProSram Year 2018 <o3b ContadName-PersonUSACshouldcontadre8ardingthisdata Mit.Bly <035> Contad Telephon" Nr.b.r - N <039> Contad €mail Address - Email Addr€ss For the prior calendar year, were there any reportable voice seruice outages?<210> <22D <b2><b3><c2> NORS Ratarcma l{umbcr out.gc st.d D.t. Out.!. St.n Tlm. oubgc End D.te OGt. End Timc ilumbcr ot c6tmlE afrd.d Tot.l Numbcr ol Cusomars 9U F.cllltlcs Atfdcd fies / ilol kflicc O&9. Dcs.rlption (chcd .ll th.t.DlYl Did Thls Ofrtc Aftd Muhipl. SEdyAE.. (Y.5 / No) Sailice Oubgc Rceldion PB.iletiv. Pr@du16 PaEe 2 MSAINGDN reA NO. Paee 3 Urltumlcd SciYlc R€qu"d FCC Fom 481 oM8 Cont.ol l{o. 3060-0986/OMB Contrcl t{o. 305GOtl9 ,uh 2013 CdldldFom <01O> study Area Code 419 @7 <015> Study Area Name MXIXGrcN RSA NO. 8 IIU]ED !&DERSHI! DAA ININD CE!'UiA <020> Pro8ram Year 2018 <03O> Contad N.mc - Pcrcn USAC should @tad resardin8lhis data Mrt. Brv <03$ cdtadTalaphoneNumber-Numbcrofp.rsnldlntifiedlndatalinc<o3D 2081980245 '\t'1222 <039>Contad id.ntiltedindatalin.<03D ill.bCiD1aldc.11.coh <3m> [Jnfulfilled seruiae request (voice) <310, Detail on afrempts (voice) <320> Unfulfilled service request (broadband) <330> Oetail on aftempts (broadband) Name ofAtached Dcument Page 3 Name of Anached Document p.rl,0Offi rcC fom a& OM8 ontrol No. mffi/m hrd ilo. :10600319 l'ry 2013 <010> Study Area Code <015> Study Area Name BSHIIGU RSA ilO. 3 LIfrIE! PARilEASHIP DBA II1ND CEIIUIM <020> Program Year <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data <035>Contact Telephone Number - Number of person identified in data line <030>?trr930245 exr.122l <039>Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> hlk.belnlandc. LI. coh <400> Select from the drop-down list to indicate how you would like to report voicecomplaints(zeroorgreater) forvoicetelephonyserviceintheprior offered on'ly mobite voice calendar year for each service area in which you are designated an ETC for any facilities you own, operate, lease, or otherwise utilize. complaints per 1000 customers for fixed voice Complaints per 1OOO customers for mobile voice 0 ' 0 <410> <420> <430> Select from the drop-down list to indicate how you would like to report end-user customer complaints (zero or greater) for broadband service in the prior calendar year for each service area in which you are designated an ETC for any facilities you own, operete, lease, or otherwise utilize. <440> <450> Complaints per 1000 customers for fixed broadband Complaints per 1000 customers for mobile broadband Page 5 D.b Colhdid Fffi <016 SndAr.:a#. r : .nd Cd$mr Pdactlo Rul6 rcC Fom 4& oMB 6nrd No. mffi/bir8 cond f,o. 1050s19 ldyU3 3 LIMIEO PARNERSHIP DBA INLND CEILULAR <02D Program Ye.r <o3G cfft.dN.m.-P.mnU$Crbuld@nEdrqardlBthkd.b il]leBlv <@5> cdEdT.l.pbn.Nuhbr.Nunh.ofP€Mid.nilfdlndelln.os )06' " "' r' <@9 Cot.dEm.llAddr.s-Eil.llAddr6otP€Bnl&ntlfldlnOUlln.@ rlkrbli.1,.d..rr-.rl &> Cetify6mplbnc.wi$eppliobheruiequalitystnd.ds.d@ntumdprddionrulcs yes 47900?_ID_Ce rti fica tions_500& 6 00. pdf <316 kriptire deum.ntfdkflic.OualitySt.d:rds &consmer Protdbn Rulei6mpli.ne <515> Cenify comoliencc wih eppli.able minimum *Mc€ standards Pate 5 P.te 6 Data Collcctlon torm FCC Fom rl81 oMg control No. 3060-09E6/oM8 @nrrel ilo. 306(Hlt19 July 20ri, <O1D Study Area Code <015> Study Area Name <02D qlggram Year <o3o> contadNadc-Pe6dusAcshould@ntadreSardin8thisdata :{rNesi! <035> contadTelephoneNumbar-l{umberolpe6onidentifiedindataline<o3o> :cl--3!'r(: "'r'ri:: <039> Conlad €mail Addrcss - Email hikebeinland.ell.ce <600> Certifycompliance reSardinS abilityto fundion in emerSency situations <510> Dcsriptivc documed tor Fundionaliiy in Emcrgency Situdions 4?900?_ID_Ce!tificatlotrs_500&5 0O.pdf P.t.6 Page 7 (7001 Price Offerings including Volcc R.te Data Data Collection Form FCC Form 481 OMB Control No. 3050-0985/OMB Control No. 3060{819 July 2013 <010> Studv Area code 47 9001 <015>Area Name WHINGbX SA NO. 8 IITIED PMNERSHIP DBA ININD CEIlliA <020>Year 2018 <O3O> ContadName-p.r(anllqAa(h.uld.onbdFsardinsthisdata Mrr. 3Iv <035> contactTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<o3o> 2o819ao245cxt722? <039>Contact Email Address - Email Address of identified in data line <030> di.bci! raldc.11 . c oe <70D Residential Lfial Seilice Charge Effective Date <70> SinSle State-wide Reridential Loaal Service Charge <703> 1 / 7 /2071 29.99 State Erch.m. (ltICl sAc (cETcl Rat.T@ R.sidcmi.l tarl S.illc. R.t.St.te sub*rib€r Lin€ chafte saillac ch.[c Totll Fr lim Rat.s and Fe <b4> PaEe 7 St t. llhle.El {.ili.. E- Page 8 <01D Study Area Code 419007 <01S> Study Area Name TEHIXGDN R$ XO. 8 IIEIED PMMAsffIP DBA ININD CEIIUIM <02D ProSram Year 2018 .n?n) aMr.dN,h.-p..6nrl(Aa<h^,ild.^ht.dr.s..dinoihi<dat, Urt.Blv <035> cdiadTelcphoneNumbcr-Numterofpersnidentmediodataline.o3ot 2081980245 '\t 7222 <03$ CmtadEmailAddress-EmailAddressofpeMnidentifiedindataline<030> dk.bcinraDdc.ll.cor <711> P.8e 8 Erchanr. llUCl Rcridcnri.l B.tc st.t. Rctul.tcd Brc.dbnd S.dk. - hnldd spccd lMbD3) Brc.db.nd s.rulcc - IGB) U$t. Altu nc. Adbn T.k n Wh.n ofo) lodbnnd Prk Otrrrhar Dna CoI*0on fm FCC Form /l81 OMO Coitml tlo. 360{96ryoMB Cstrol No. 3o6GG19 July 2013 Iot.l R.t..nd Fe! PaSe 9 <010> Study Area Code { ?9@7 <015> Study Area Name <020> ProSram Year 20r8 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regardinSthis data trit. Blv <035> contactTelephoneNumber-Numberofperonklentifi€dindataline<03D 2o8?eso24s 'xt'1222 <039> ContactEmailAddress-€mailAddressofpersonidentifiedindataline<03D mri.bcrbr.hdc.rr.con <810> Reporting Carrier IDhnd c.IIuIa! llc <811> HoldingCompahv IlIaDd c.lh1at ftl.pho!. Coq.Dy <812> OperatingCompany hrand celtular rrc <813> Affiliat6 sAc rchedwork5hl Dolng Euiln€$ As Company or Brand D6ignation PaSe 9 (A0lOD.rd.l! Cmpillct Drtacffin fofln FCC Fom 'ttl OMB ContDl t{o. :1060-O985/OMB Conkol t{o. 306O{t19 July 20ljl PaSe 10 <01D Study Aree Cod€419 @1 <015> Study Area Name WSIXG&N R$ NO. S IIMIED PNNEFSBIP DBA INND CEIIUIA <02D ProSram Y€ar 2018 <O3o> bntacl Name . Per3on USAC should contad rc8ardi4 this dat. xr r' B l v <035> cont.ctT€{ephoneNumber-Numbcrorptrenidentifiedindataline<o3o) 2oB1eaa245 e'r'7222 <03$ contact Email Addr€ss' tmail Addr.ss of rren idstified in data line <030>dt.b0i!Iardc.11. coi <900> Does the filing entity offertribal land services? (Y/N) <910> Tribal Land(s) on which ETC Serves 479OO7_ID_r!iba t bgag.mDt_92O.pdf 479OOr_ID_NPT IOV_92O.pdf <920> TribalGovernmentEngagementObligation Nahe of Attached Document lf your company *ry.s Tribal lands, gllese selld (Y!s,No, NA) for each these boxes to confi.m tha status d.lcrib.d on tha rtt.chcd PDF, on lin. 920, demonstrates @ordination whh the Tribal tovernment puriuant to I 54.313(.X9) lnclud€s: Select Yes or No or Nol Appli€ble <921>No€ds affiment and doployrenl planning with a focus on Tribal mmunity anchor in8titutions. Fcasiblllty and sustainabllity pl.nnlnS; Marketing s€rulc€s in a culturally sensitlve manner; Compliane with Rlghts of way prficascs Compliane with Land Usc pcrmitting rcquircmcnts Compliane wlth Facllltlls Slting rulcs compliance with Environmcntal Rrvirw proccsscs Compllance with Culturel Prescruatlon rcviaw prccesses Compllancc with Trlbal Businrss and Llccnslng raquirements. <922> <923> <924> €25> <926> <927> <928> <929> Pe3r ro l9O0) ItlbC lflrds *.po.drx Dfi ColGctloo Fm FCC Fdn 481 oMB C.drol tlo. 3o6G(D86/oMs coirol l{o, 3060"0819 July 2013 <nlo> Stil.{v Ar.. a^d. alonn? <015> StudyArea Name rsslilGbN Rsa No. s rrMrEp pNNERsHrp pBA rNrNp cErrurM PaSe 11 <O?O> Protram Y.er ,o.B .O3O ",r. rr, <035> ContactTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<030> 2oe'e80245 "*t.1222<039> Contact Email Add ress - Email Add ress of person identified in data li ne <030> di.b ci"r ""d..1r ..". < 1000>Voice seryices rate compa6bility certification Not Applicable <1010>Aftach detailed description for voice seryices rate comparability compliance Name of Attached Dcument <1020>Broadband comparability certif ication <1030>Attach detailed description for broadband comparability compliance Name of Attached Document Page 11 FCC Fom 481 OMB Control No. 3060-0986/0MB Control No, 3060-0819 Page 12 <010> Studv Area Code a79@l <015> Studv Area Name roA IO. I IIUED PADrcffTP DBA ININD CEI1UIM <020>Year <03D Contact Name - Person USAC contact <035> Contact Telephone Number - data person identified in data lin. <o30> 2018 <039> ContactEmailAddress-EmailAddressofperonidlntifiedandatalinr<03D drcbliDr.ndc.rr-cd <1100> Ccrtify wh?thrr trr.strial backhaul options exist (Y/N) <ll3o> Pleag gl€ct the apprcpriato rasponse (Yes, No, Not Appli@bl€) to @nlim th€ reporting eriar ofleE brcdband sryiE of at l6ast 'l Mbps downstrem and 256 kbps upGtream within the supportod araa puBuant to S 54.313(g). Yes Prsc l;l FCC torm 481 oMBControl No. 306G0986/OMB Control No. 3060-0819 2@r99@15 .rt.1222 Peje 13 <01D StudyArea Code t? r@, <015> Study AEa Name G'IXGd RSA XO. 8 LIiI-D PMUEBIP DIA IIND C4!ON <020> PrcgEm Year <030> contact Name - Pcen UsAc should contact rcgarding this dat. <035> contastTclaphoneNumbcr-Numbcrofpersonidcntifiadindatalinc<o30> 2a?e8@.s ",t.1222<039> Contact Email Addross - Email Addrcss of pcmn i&ntifi.d in data linc <O30> urorriarraaccrr..* <1210> T.rms & Conditions of Voice Tclcphony Lifelinc Plans <1220> "Pl6sc chsl thee boxes balow to @,rfirm that th. .ttrch.d dcum!nt(s), gn line 1210, o, th. w.brh. listc4 on lin. 1220, @nt lns th. r.quiEd inform.tion po6utnt to 5 54,422(aX2) annual r.porting for ETC5 rrelving low-in@me ,upport, 6rhB mu3t .nnully report: <L221> lnfomation de$ribing the terms and conditionc of .ny Eie telephony seruice plans offered to Lifeline subsatibeB, Nama Documcnt HTIP Iw. tDl$dc.lluI.r.cor/I1f.1h. <1222> Det ils on thc number of minut.s prcvided as part of thc pl.n, <1223> Additional charge for toll ells, and ntes for each such dan.E h3c 13 FCC Form 481 OMB Control No. 3060{985/OMB Control t{o. 30600819 PI! 14 479 aa1 Ataa Mit. B1y data line <030> Select the appropdate respons€s below (Yes, No, ilot Applicable) to note compliance as a recipient of lncremental HiSh Cost support, High Co6t support to oftet access dnrSe lncr€mental C'onncct Amerlca Phase I reportlng <2011> <2022> <2023> <2024A> <20248> <2025A> <20258> 3rd Year certification 47 cFR 554.313(bxlxii) - Note that for the July 2017 certification, this applies to Round 2 recipients of lncremental Support. Recipient certifies, representing year three after filing a notice of acceptance of funding pursuant to 54.312(c), that the locations in question are not receiving support under the Broadband lnltlathrcs Program or the Broadband Technology Opportunides Profam for projects that will provide broadband with speeds ofat hast tl Mbps/1Mbps - 54.313(bX2XD. Round 2 rcdpients onv. The attachment on line 2024 includes a statement ofthe total amount of capital funding expended in the previous year ln mcctlnt Connect Amerlca Phase I deployment obligations,.cao.npanhd by a llst of census blocks indicating where funding was spent. Thls covers year three - 54.313(bx2xii). Round 2 redpienB only. Round 2 Recipient of lncremental Support? Attach list of census blocks indicating wherc fundlq wes spent ln year three - 54.313(b)(2Xli). Round 2 reclpients mV. Round 2 Reclplent of lncremental Support? Name ofAttadled Doorment tlstlng Requlrcd lnformatlon Name ofAttadred Doorment tlstl.B Requhed lnfonnatbn Attach geocoded lnformation for Phase I mllestone rcports (Round 2 ior year three) - Connect America Fund , WC Oocket 1G90, Report and Order, FCC 13-73, paragraph 35 (May 22,20131. <2015> 2016 and future Frozen Support CertlflcationtuCFR 9 r0.313(cx4) PIi ra [2m5] PrlcC Cap Crrrler Addttional ocumlntrtlon Dlt. Colllctlon Form FCC Form 481 OMB Control No. 3o6G0986/OMBControl No. 306$0819 July 2013 Pa8€ 15 Pric€ C-ap Carrier Connect America ICC Support {47 CFR 5 54.313(d)} <2016> Certification support used to build broadband Connect Amerlca Phase ll Reportint {47 CFR I 54.313(e)} <20L7 A> Connect America Fund Phase ll recipient? <2017C> Total amount of Phase ll support, if any, the price cap carrier used for capital expenditures in 2016. <2018>Attach the number, names, and addresses of community anchor institutions to which the carrier newly began providing access to broadband service in the preceding calendar year - 5a.313(eX1)(iiXA) Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation <2019>Reclpient certifies that it bid on category one telecommunications and lnternet access services in response to all FCC Form 470 postings seeking broadband service that meets the connectivity targets for the schools and libraries universal service support program for eligible schools and libraries located within any area in a census block where the carrier is receiving Phase ll model-based support, and that such bids were at rates reasonably comparable to rates charged to eligible schools and libraries in urban areas for comparable offerings - 5a.313(eXlXiiXC) Page 15 l2o5l Prt C.p t rrlf, Addtlon l Documot do.t Ir.t Co{ccddFm FCC fm il81 OMB Cetrol lio. vl60<85/OMg Cdtrol Io. 30600819 JulY Z)13h.hat^^ D*-^( o*,.-.--t-- -hk-.-Aer* De.- fd6 tr^l C,.hM- rani.R P.t 16 llm51 ie Ot idum C.nLr Addd@l D@ffib$on Di. Olldbn Fom tCC f6m 481 OMBcontrol No. 3ms/OMoMrd k. 3ffi19 July 263 <010> Study Area Code <015> Study Area Name BHINGrcf, RsA NO, 8 II{IED PNBERSEI! DIA INND CEIIUN <020> Pro8ram Year 20tB <030> contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data Mike B1y <035> ContactTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<030> 2081980245 eXL.7222 <039> contact Ema il Address - Emait Address of person identified in data tine <o3o> mi k gb G i n l- a n d c e I l- ' c om Select from the drop down menu or check the boxes below to note compliance with 54.313(fX1). Privately held carriers must ensure compliance with the financial reportingrequirementssetforthin4TCFRS4.3l3(fx2). lfurthercertifythattheinformationreportedonthisformandinthedocuments attached below is accurate. (300s) (3010A) (3010B) (3012A) (30128) (3013) (3014) Progress Report on 5 Year Plan Carrier certifies to 54.313(f XlXiii) Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation (301s) (3016) (3017) (3018) (301e) (3020) (3021) (3022 ) (3023) (3024)Underlying information subjected to an officer certifi@tion. (302s)Document(s) with Balance sheet, lncome Statement and Statement of Cash Flows Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation (Yes/No)oo Name of Attached Oocument Listing Requir.d lnfomation Certification of Public lnterest Obligations (47 CFR 5 s4.313(fX1Xi)) Please Provide Attachment Community Anchor lnstitutions {47 cFR 5 s4.313(fXlXii)) Please Provide Attachment ls your company a Privately Held ROR Carrier (47 CFR 5 s4.313(fX2)) lf yes, does your company file the RUS annual report Please check these boxes to confirm that the attached PDF, on line 3017, contains the required information pursuant to 5 54.313(fX2) compliance requires: Elecronic copy of their annual RUS reports (OpeEting Report for Telecommunications Borrowers) Document(s) with Balance Sheet, lncome Statement and Statement of Cash Flows lf the response is yes on line 3014, attach your company's RUs annual report and all required documentation lf the response is no on line 3014, is your company audited? lf the response is yes on line 3018, please check the boxes below to confirm your submi$ion on line 3026 pursuant to 5 54.313(fX2), contains: Either a copy of their audited financial statement; or (2) a financial report in a format comparable to RUS Operating Report for Telecommunications Borrowers Document(s) for Balance Sheet, lncome Statement and Statement of cash Flows Management letter and/or audit opinion issued by the independent certified public accountant that performed the company's financial audit. lf the response is no on line 3018, please check the boxes below to confirm your submi$ion on line 3026 pursuant to 5 54.313(fX2), contains: Copy of their financial statement which has been subject to review by an independent certified public accountant; or 2) a financial report in a format comparable to RUS Operating Repon for Telecommunications Borrowers Underlying information subjected to a review by an independent certified public accountant Name of Attached Document Listing Required'"',iP"J.i O O (Yes/No) o o (3026) Attach the worksheet listinS required information page 16 a1 qool E E E E E E E Page 17 hr6.n*.,q.* 479001 dB Mlgtrm WHINGDI EA !O. I 1IHIED EMNERSIIP DBA ININD cElluN @ hrrt-b|*rld,!4gftt& tr:x. Blv d5, hl.kffi-xruamhilidhohoD 2o8?c80245 'rt 1222 oD ffiEdffi-mEEd@ffih&hos dt.ioi"1r"d..1t-.o- Mdh3ffi, (3027)RmM (30281 Op"ntlnt Erp.G (3029) Nlt lncomc (303O) Talcphonc Plant ln SlrvlclffPE) (3031) ToblA3lcts (:n321Tot lDrbt (30331 Total Eqult"y (3034) Dividends Page 17 ls) hdr6m6frTHlhlMldnd) hb6[6ntom FCCFom€1 oMScontrclxo. 3o@s/oMtMdM. m$ July 2013 - Pa8. 18 <010>Studv Area Code <015>Area Name <020>Program Year ? ol3 <030>Contact Name - PeEon USAC should contact this data <035>Cootact - Number of <030> <039>Contact Address - Email Address of person identifled in data line <030> 4005 Rural Broadband Experlment Authori?ed Rural Eroadband Experiment (RBE) recipients must address the certification for public interest obligations, provide a list of newly serued community anchor institutions, and provide a list of locations where broadband has been deployed. Public lnterest Oblltatlons - FCC 14-9E {paratraphs 26-29, 78) PleaseaddressLine40OlregardingcompliancewiththeCommission'spublicinterestobligations. AllRBEparticipantsmustprovidearesponsetoLine400l. 4m1. Recipient certifies that it is offering broadband to the identified lcations meeting the requisite public interest obligations consistent with the category for which they were selected, including broadband speed, latency, usge capacity, and rates that are reasonably comparable to rates for comparable offerings in urban areas? Communlty Anchd lnstltuuons - FCC 1+9t (paraSraph 79) 4003a. RBE participants must provide the number, names, and addresses of community anchor institutions to whichtheynewlydeployedbroadbandseruiceintheprecedingcalendaryear. Onthisline,pleaserespond (yes - attach nil community anchors, no - no new anchors) to indicate whether this list will be provided. lf yes to /(D3A, please provlde a response fq rt003B. it003b. Provide the number, names and addresses of community anchor institutions to which the recipient newly began providing access to broadband seruice in the preceding calendar year. Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation Bredband Deployment Locations - FCC 14-9E (pangraph E0) 4{n4a. Attach a list of g@coded locations to which broadband has been deployed as ofthe June 1st immediately preceding the July 1st filing deadline for the FCC Form 481. Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation {D4b. Attach evidence demonstrating that the recipient is meeting the relevant public service obligations for the identified lcations. Materials must at least detail the pricing, offered broadband speed and data usage allowances available in the relevant geographic area. Name of Attached DGument Listing Required lnformation pag. 18 (406, iw.l trodbild Exp.rlmnt Addltbntl Ooolmtrilon D.t. Callftllon fm FCC Fm /|E1 oMB Cnud No. l05o{xt6/oMB conrrol No. a060s19 July 2013 Page 19 <010> Study Area Code 4'7 900'l <015> Study Area Name WASEINGTON RSA NO. 8 IIMITED PARTNERSIIIP DBA INIAND CEIIULAR <020> Program Year 20r8 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regardins this data Mike Bly <035> contactTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<030> 208'798a245 e{t.1222 <039> ContactEmailAddress-EmailAddressofpersonidentifiedindataline<030> mikeb.rnfandcell.com TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF THE REPORTING CARRIER IS FITING ANNUAT REPORTING ON ITS OWN BEHALF: Certification of Officer as to the Accuracy of the Data Reported for the Annual Reporting for CAF or Ll Recipients I c€rtlfy that I am an offlcer of the reporting carrier; my responsibilities include ensurint the accuracy ot the annual reportlnt requlrements for untueEal seruice supporl recipients; and, to the best of my knowledge, the information reported on this form and in any attachments is accurate. NamcofReportingCarllsl. WASIIINGTOIT1 RSA NO' 8 IIMIlED PARTNERSHIP DBA INIAND CELIUIm signature of Authorized officer: cERTT FrED oNl TNE Date 06/26/2Al'7 Printed name ofAuthorized officer: NathaD weis fitle or position of Authorized Officer: P t e side nt relephone number ofAuthorized officer' 5096492500 e't study Area code of Reporting Crrrier: 4'7900'7 Filing Due Date forthis form' 07l03'/2017 Persons willfully making talse daterents on this form can be punished by fine or forfeitur under the Communi€tions Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. 99 502, 503(b), or fne or imprisonment underTitle 18 ofthe United States Code, 18 U.S.C. I 1001. Page L9 C.dfic.tlon - n pordtt C.tr{.r D.t CdLctionFo'lrl FCC Form 481 OMg Control No. 3O6GO985/OMB Control tlo. 306G0819 July 2013 Page 20 FCC Form 481 OMB Control No. 3O6O-0986/OMB Control No. 305GO819 carJ.|€J 2013 Collection Form - Agent 41 9041<010> Study Area Code <015> Study Area Name WASIIINGTON RSA NO. 8 II},II'IED PARIWERSHIP DBA INLAND CEILUIAR <020> Protram Year <030> ContactName-PersonUSACshouldcontactregardingthisdata Mike BIy <035> contactrelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<o3o> 2081980245 ext'1222 <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identifled in data line <O3O> mikebGi!1a!dce.Il . com 2Ar8 TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FITING ANNUAT REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S BEHATF: TO BE COMPLETED BY THE AUTHORIZED AGENT: Certification of Officer to Authorize an ASent to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting carrier G6rtl'ythat(Nrmo'Aoent}l!8uthorlzedtosubmlttholnfomtlonrcpoiledonbehalfofthempordngcarler.l rt3o cerllty that I am "n om"", ot tn"ffi-runn *t .-, *"ronaiuililn3 lnclude ensurlng th€ accuncy ol the annuar drta Eporing Equrremnts provrded to the authorrzed igent; and, to th€ best of nry knowlodge, the Epoit! and data provided to the authodzed agont 13 accuiate. \ame of Authorized Acent: \,lame of Reporting Carrier: iiSnature of Authorized Officer:Date: )rinted name ofAuthorized Officer: l'itle or position of Authorized Officer: Telephone number of Authorized Officer: Studv Area Code of Reportint Carrier:Filing Due Date for this form: Pe.sns willfully makinS fals statements on this form can be punished by line or forfeiture under the Communi6tion! Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. 55 502, 503(b), or fine or imprienment under Title 18 ofthe United States Code, 18 U.S.C 5 1001. Certification of Agent Authorized to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier the data reported hereln based on data provlded by the reportlnt carrler; and, to the best of my knowledge, the lnfomatlon reported h€reln ls accurat€. Name of Reporting Carrier: Name of Authorized Acent Firm: Signature of Authorized Atent or Emplovee of Acent:Date: Name of Authorized Acent Emplovee: Title or position of Authorized ASent or Employee of ASent Telephone number of Authorized Acent or Emplovee of Agent: Studv Area Code of Reporting Carrier:Filing Due Oate for this form: 18 ofthe United States Code, 18 U.S.C. 5 1001. Page 20 Form 481 Certifications For Filing Due July 1,2017 l, Nathan Weis, being of lawful age, state that ! am President and CEO of lnland Cellular LLC (t/l</a Washington RSA No. 8 Limited PartnershipXsAC 4790071("Company''), that I am authorized to execute this certification on behalf of the Company, and that the facts set forth in this certification are true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. Compliance with Service Quality Standards The Company certifies that it is in compliance with applicable service quality standards Gompliance with Consumer Protection Rules The Company certifies, pursuantlo 47 C.F.R. S 64.2009(e), that the Company's operating procedures are adequate to ensure compliance with the Customer Proprietary Network lnformation rules and regulations as set forth in 47 C.F.R. SS 64.2001 through 64.2009 and the Cellular Communications and lnternet Association's Consumer Protection Code for Wireless Service. Ability to Remain Functional in Emergencies Gertification $54.313(aX6) The Company is able to remain functional in emergencies as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841 and in 47 C.F.R. $5a.201(a)(2), as such standards relate to functionality of wireless carriers in emergency situations. The Company further certifies that it maintains back-up power to ensure functionality without an external power source in the forms of auxiliary generators and batteries in its central office and auxiliary generators and/or batteries at its cellular tower locations. The Company also certifies that it constantly monitors traffic on its tower locations and that it's switching capability is more than adequate to manage the traffic of its subscribers. The Company further certifies, depending upon the circumstances of the outage, that it is able to re-route traffic around damaged facilities. All lnland Cellular subscribers are defaulted to roam on competitors should an lnland Cellular signal not be obtained. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated this 20th day of June, 2017 at Roslyn, Washington. By:{fure@ Nathan Weis President and CEO lnland Cellular LLC <010> Study Area Code 419 001 <015>8 IIII ED PKNERSHIP DBA ININD CEIIUIM <o20>2014 <030> Conbct Name - Person USAC sh@ld contad reaardin!this data <o39>Conted Fmail Addrc.< , Fmail Addresr 6f mBon id.ntifipd in data linp <O3O> <810> ReportingCarrier IulaDd c.IIu1a! ,Ic <811>Holdinc comDanv h]ald c.lIuI.! tl.Pbob. coryely <81 )>OF.etinr a^hmhv IDlud c.lIuIat ilc <813> Afffllat6 sAc 529001 lnI 529004 Dolng Eusln6s As Company or B,and Desltnation FCC Fom it81 OM8 Coitrcl No. 3060{986/OMB Cont ol ilo. 3O6O{t19 <03S> ContadT.l.bhoncil,,mbr_ilumb.rofmrsnllentiriedindataline<030> 2oa19ea245.xt-t222