HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170630Rural Telephone ETC.pdflune29,20\7 MOSSADAMS Ms. Diane Hanian, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W.Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 RE: Rural Telephone Company - Idaho FCC Form 48L - Carrier Annual Reporting Data Collection Form, in Compliance with 47 C.F.R. SS 54.313 and,54.422; GNR 17-0L On behalf of Rural Telephone Company - Idaho (the Company), attached is a copy of the Company's FCC Form 481. - Carrier Annual Reporting Data Collection Form, in compliance with 47 C.F.R. SS 54.313 and54.422. The attached report is provided to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC) in accordance with 47 C.F.R. SS 54.313[iJ and 54.422(c). The signed and notarized affidavit is included with this filing. Following this filing a paper copy of the confidential version on yellow paper and in a sealed envelope will be mailed via FedEx to the Idaho PUC. Should you have any questions regarding this filing please contact me via electronic mail at Wm.rutkowski@mossadams.com or by phone at 509-777-0137. T (972) 387-4300 F (972) 960-28'10 875O N. Central Expressway Suit€ 3OO Dallas, TX 75231 Sincerely, I . ',al.. i/'tt/,'iI Tym Rutkowski, Senior Manager for Moss Adams LLP Enclosures cc:Mark Martell - Rural Telephone Company - Idaho State of_ldeE) )ss County of__Elmore,) CERTIFICATION BY ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER OF COMPLIANCE WITH SERVICE QUALITY AND CUSTOMER PROTECTION, ABILITYTO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL IN EMERGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH.COST SUPPORT. President AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR GORPORATE OFFICER The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29841 requires that Eligible Telecommunications Carriers (ETC) certiff that it is compliant with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules; and ETCs must demonstrate the ability to remain functional in emergencies. ln addition, the Commission must file an annual certification with the USAC and the FCC that allfederal high-cost support provided to ETCs within the State of ldaho will be used only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. Accordingly, the undersigned states and verifies under oath the following: 1.lamanofficerofW'aneligibletelecommunicationscarrierforreceiving federal universal service support under section 214(e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1 996 in the state of ldaho. 2. I am familiar with the Company's dayto-day operations in the state of ldaho and with the State's service quality standards and consumer protection rules as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841 3. Rural Teleohone Comoanv is complying with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules of the FederalCommunications Commission and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. 4. I certifo to the Commission that the Company is able to remain functional in emergencies as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841 and in 47 C.F.R. S 54.201(aX2). 5.lalsocertifythatallfederaluniversalservicesupportfundsreceivedbyW during the current calendar year will be used in a manner consistent with section 254(e); that is, for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. The company will continue to comply for the period of January 1, 2018, through December 31, 2018, to be eligible for federal universal service fund support. 6. This verification and affidavit is provided to be the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to enable the IPUC to certiff to the FCC that federal universal service support received by the eligible carriers in the state will be used in a manner consistent with Section 254(e) of the Telecommunications Act. --...$i:t':i:Y;.&z -== ; gOTn4p '', ?-::=A(reutc Itt , lil ltl June27,2017 Junetome27thof Public 20L7 Revised 4/25116 t\ My Commission expires oslo8l2021 at Ktnc Hill- il) State of_[p@) )ss County of Elmore) l,t ,ilrlll t\\ June27,2017 Jrrne27xh Public CERTI FICATIO N BY ELIGI BLE TELECOMM UNICATIONS CARRIER OF COMPLIANCEWTH SERVICE QUALITYAND CUSTOMER PROTECTION, ABILITYTO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL IN EMERGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH.COSTSUPPORT. AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR GORPORATE OFFICER The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29841 requires that Eligible Telecommunications Caniers (ETC) certiffthat it is compliant with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules; and ETCs must demonstrate the ability to remain functional in emergencies. ln addition, the Commission must file an annual certification with the USAC and the FCC that allfederal high-cost support provided to ETCs within the State of ldaho will be used only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. Accordingly, the undersigned states and verifies under oath the following: 1.lamanoffierol@,aneligibletelecommunicationscarrierforreceiving federal universal service support under section 214(e) of the Telecommunications Ac{ of 1996 in the state of ldaho. 2. I am familiar with the Company's daytMay operations in the state of ldaho and with the Stiate's service quality standards and consumer protection rules as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841 3. Rural Teleohone Comoanv is complying with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules of the FederalCommunications Commission and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. 4. I cert'1ff to the Commission that the Company is able to remain tunctional in emergencies as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841 and in 47 C.F.R. $ 54.201(a)(2). 5. lalsocertiffthatall federal universal servicesupportfundsreceivedby Rurul TeleohoneComoanv during the current calendar year will be used in a manner consistent with section 254(e); that is, for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and seMces for which the support is intended. The company will continue to comply for the period of January 1,2018, through December 31, 2018, to be eligible for federal universal service fund support. 6. This verification and affidavit is provided to be the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to enable the IPUC to certiff to the FCC that federal universal service support received by the eligible caniers in the state will be used in a manner consistent with Sec{ion 254(e) of the Telecommunications Act. President-....$s:i:':i:r;&- --: :' goTA4y '', -= = i -.-' i =GPugu to of 20L7me Revised 4/25116 My Commission expires at finq Htl lTn Page 1 <010>Studv Area Code 47 2233 <015> StudvArea Name RIJRAIJ TEL CO - ID <020>Propram Year 2018 <030> Contact Name: Person USACshould contact with questions about this data Su6an Ca6e <035> ContactTelephone Number: Number of the person identitied in data line <030> 208366261{ exts <039> Contact EmailAddress: Email ot the oerson identitied in data line <O3O> EuBil.caBe@ruraltse1.org FormType 54.313 and. s4.422 Page 1 No c Ep6l:E H8ir co E oG oaG foo 'E o ra;; gEegoE3-ooEollEio.Y dE I E6o o-.EEO =@zE# ad<> o obe!oEElo EeoF P 5u U l) l) TI x)x) 't)I !ote;fn9toza fU II J = o EF !EUou6:o o Go Ero@6:o to6OaF6.=GF o t6 a2P.iEo IBEEe+EdZ .A a ! N o N! ! vo NN o oUG foo.9zo o.9 on6Eooo E @ooE o o =j6o 6Ec -9G .9oot r b q !) @o q d oo E .9o@ F op co oo o ! Eu o!! GE troI oo x oo o ! ;€ coPco oo o!E)z o! E,zococeIoF coo o o U q 1 ! ,9-u.g! u 6 o =foE U: C o E62 coo oa o!oU o !l oo o€oo@o dzE coU6 =oo6ooo@o ctz 60+E ououoN e6= o.9o !!tr EoaoEoFu=oo oE .gE>o38ioEH!9 c; d o@ d co E5 o6Eo! oo Ez voEt oo !oE oo E6z o ! oo ; oo @ ! ,= !o EEo! o !! E o !! E oU oo EcG!E6o! oEo o Noa o 6tE o- o ro o Io EIE5q:) N o'6eEAo .:l3oq>o-oxe; @B=_Efr ^Axd=6 @ E6 oe o o o A oU!atsi 5 aEG2 o !! o opoU o E o o o 6Io@o dz5 coUo o @ooIooo dz60$ts E =OovoroN(Js >iioE o Eod. o0Es,gbz1-c: E.E!oJ(J =6EE o@oo PB4 <010> StudyArea Code 1743' <015> StudyArea Name ll&B!@-ID <020> Program Year tolq <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regardlng this data tu.. &.. <o35>ContactTelephone Number - Number of person identified in data line <030> io39>Contact Email Address - Email Address of peBon ldentified in data line <030> .uu-r.{tud!!I.q <400> Select kom the dropdown list to indicate how you would like to report voice complaints (zero or greater) for voice telephony service in the prior offered only fixed woice calendar year for each servic€ area in which you are designated an ETC fior any tacllities you own, operatg lease, or otherwise utillze. Complaints per 10OO customer for ffxed volce 0 . 0 complaints per 10(X) customers for mobile voice <410> <420> <430> Select ftom the dropdown list to indicate how you would llke to report end-user customer complaints (zero or greater) for broadband service in the prior calendar year for eaeh sewice area in which you are deslgnated an ETC for arry facilities you own, operate, lease, or otherwise utilize. Offered on).y fixed broadband <440> <450> Complaints per 1000 customers for fixed broadband 0.0 Complaints per 1000 customers for mobile broadband Pra.4 Ps5 fL ,D @ PlWYdr 2013 ffi fddtrr6--MrEM&,Mm#*mdlpsLd6 !s.&or N-_k._rr'srn*effidt 6h[r& zoaa5ar5ta c. G9 bE E nrll Addc- Eh.il lddB cf @ hdllld h d.E lln. @ .uE.q..i!rdLr-q €e @aMPrct.du@16 &s t72233lD51Q.pdf 61D 0dpttud@ffiitturniddABfitysEnd.r&lCoBmsprctdlon Rul6comirLn.. €S> Cdry ofrdl.neldth epHobl. mldmum ffih i.nd.rdt Ps5 Ps6 <016 StldvAEcoda a1iai <o15>Nim <OT> Prffim Yfr <OtO> Cad.ct t{.mc - PeM USAG rh.*ld ffict ret..dh8 thb d.lr es aG <r1$ Coit.ltTd@hG]{umbs-ilwb..ofpcBidafifildlndat llnc<{r3ot 2ot!553'il ft' <r:X> Cont&r Eml Adilr.as- BmllAddE or'pcpn klcntfred ln &t llrc d)3Or' '''s.o..dt.l.q <50(b C.rdfy@mpli.ne.Gf.dlnEabllttytofundd in mcr!.ncyCnl.tlirc Y6a <61(> DcFlpthrr d@mcdt fotr fundoEllty ln EnGr8tncy stto.tlont 472:33rD5t0.Idt Patr 6 N L oo E 6 @odoE o E oF 6o !o!c@ @.o G!tr E od6 Io.9 eo oo o'- @ Eeo.z fo E oc dEUo =co 5 o G +( Ct())!( , T( -C( 0 '6ts its E.gPbB6c 0 (( U oe Fo EE UFuIu Uu os oE U o E .zt $_9 .!! 3e. 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Privately held carriers must ensure compliance with the financial reporting requirements set forth in 47 CFR Y.313(fl(2). I further certify that the information reported on this form and in the documents attached below is accurate. (300e) (3010A) (30108) (3012A) (30128) (3013) (3014) Progress Report on 5 Year Plan carrier certifi es to 54.313(fx1)(iii) Yea attach ceitificati6r certification of Public lnterest obligations {47 cFR S s4.313(fX1)(i)) Please Prcvide Attachment . t22!3tD3oLo.pdx Community Anchor lnstitutions {47 CFR S s4.313(f)(1xi0) Please Provide Attachment Name ofAttached Document Listing Required lnformation No - No New Comity kchore ls your company a Privately Held RoR carrier {47 cFR g s4.313(fx2D lf yes, does your company file the RUs annual report Name of Attached Document Liding Required '"ii'"TrT:T o o (Yes/No) O O (301s) (3015) (3017) (3018) Please check these boxes to confirm that the attached PDF, on line 3017, contains the required information pursuant to $ 54.313(f)(2) compliance requires: Electronic copy oftheir annual RUs reports (operating Report for Tele@mmunications Borrowers) Document(s) with Balance Sheet, lncome Statement and Statement of cash Flows lfthe response isyeson line 3014 attach your company's RUS annual report and all required documentation lf the response is no on line 3014 is your company audited? lf the respons is yes on line 3018, please chek the boxes below to confirm your submission on line 3026 pursuant to 5 54.313(fX2), contains: Either a copy of their audited financial statement; or (2) a financial report in a format comparable to RUs operating Report for Tele@mmunications Borrcwers Document(s) for Balance sheet, lncome Statement and statement of cash Flows Management letter and/oraudit opinion isued by the independent certified public accountant that performed the company's financial audit. lf the respons is no on line 3018, please chsk the boxes below to confirm your submision on line 3026 pursuant to S 54.313(f)(2), contains: Copy of their financial statement which has been subject to review by an independent certified public accountant; or 2) a financial report in a format compaEble to RUS Operating Report for Telecommunications BorrcweE Underlying information subjected to a review by an independent certified public ac@untant POr Name ofAttached Document Listing Required lnformatio. (Yes/No) O O (3019) (3020) (3021) l3o22l (3023) (3024)Underlying information subjec-ted to an officer certification. (302s)oocument(s) with Balance sheet, lncome statement and statement of cash Flows (3026) Attach the worksheet listing required information Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation p.ac 16 Pare 18 <010>Studv Area Code <015>Studv Area Name <020>Year <030>Contact Name - Person USAC contad Contact Number - Number of <039>Contact Email Address in data line <030> person identified in data line <030> eu6d.clseoru!'lt.1.ore /Ur05 Rural Broadband Experiment Authorized RuEl Broadband Experiment (RBE) recipients must address the certification for public interest obligations, provid€ a list of newly serued community anchor institutions, and provide a list of locations where brcdband has been deployed. Public lnterest Obligations - FCC 14-98 (paragraphs 26-29, 78) PleaseaddressLine4OOlregardingcompliancewiththeCommission'spublicinterestobligations. AllRBEparticipantsmustprovidearesponsetoLine400l. 4001. Recipient certifies that it is offering broadband to the identified locations meeting the requisite public interest obligations consistent with the category for which they were selected, including broadband speed, latency, usage capacity, and rates that are reasonably comparable to rates for comparable olferings in urban areas? CommunityAnchor lnstltutlons - FCC 1/t-98 (paragraph 79) 4003a. RBE participants must provide the number, names, and addresses of community anchor institutions to whichtheynewlydeployedbroadbandseruiceintheprecedingcalendaryear. Onthisline,pleaserespond (yes - attach new community anchors, no - no new anchors) to indicate whether this list will be provided. lfyes to 4qBA, please prorlde a response for iu)038. 4003b. Provide the number, names and addresses of community anchor institutions to which the recipient newly began providing access to broadband seruice in the preceding calendar year. Name ofAttached Document Listing Required lnformation Broadband Deployment Locatlons - FCC 14-98 (paragraph 80) tl004a. Attach a list ofgeocoded locations to which broadband has been deployed as ofthe June 1st immediately preceding the July lst filing deadline for the FCC Fom 481. Name ofAttached Document Listing Required lnformation 4004b. Attach evidence demonstrating that the recipient is meeting the relevant public seruice obligations for the identified locations. Materials must at least detail the pricing, offered broadband speed and data usage allowances available in the relevant geographic area. Name ofAttached Document Listing Required lnformation page 18 Page 19 <010> StudyArea Code 41 2233 <015> StudyArea Name Rlru TEL CO ID <020> Program Year 2 018 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact reEarding this data Susan Case <035> ContactTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<030> 2083662514 exE <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030) susan. case@rura1Eel . orq TO BE COMPTETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF THE REPORTING CARRIER IS FITING ANNUAT REPORTING ON ITS OWN BEHALF: Certification of Officer as to the Accuracy of the Data Reported for the Annual Reporting for CAF or tl Recipients I ertify that I am an offcer ofthe reportlng carrier; my responsibilities lncludc ensurlng the accuracy ofthe annual reportlng.equlrements for universal s€rulce support reciplent$ and, to the best of my knuledge, the lnfomatlon reported on thls fom and in any attachments is accunte. Name of Re@rtine Carrier: lisnature of Authorized officer:Date ,rinted name of Authorized Officer: fitle or position of Authorized Officer: lelephone number of Authorized Officer: ;tudy Area Code of ReportinE Carrier:Filing Oue Date for this form PeEons willfully making false statements on this fom €n be punished by flne or forfeituE under the Communi€tions Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. 5S 502, 503(b), or fine or lmprisonment underTitle 18 ofthe United States Codq 18 U.S.c. $ 1q)1. Page 19 Page 20 Certification - A8ent/ Carrier Data Collectioo Form FCC Form 481 OMB Contrcl No. 3050{986/OMB Conrol No. 3050{819 July 2013 <010> Studv Area Code 41 2233 <015>Area Name RI]RAI, TEI, CO TD <020> Proqram Year 20aa <030> ContactName-PersonUSACshouldcontactrega.dingthisdata susanCase <035> contactTeleDhone Number - Number of person identified in data line <o3o> 2083562614 exL ' <039> Contact Ema i I Add ress - Emai I Add ress of person identified i n data li ne <O3O> susan ' case@rura1 te 1 ' org TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FITING ANNUAI. REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S BEHATF: TO BE COMPLETED BY THE AUTHORIZED AGENT: Certification of Officer to Authorize an Agent to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier certify that (Name of Agent) Moss Adams LLP is authorized to submit the information reported on behalf of tho reporting carrier. I rgent; and, to the best of my knowledge, the reports and data provided to the authorized agent is accurate. \ameofAuthorizedAsent: Moss Adams LLP \ameofReportinqCarrier: RUmL TEL co fD ;ignatureof Authorized Officer: CERTIFTED ONLINE Date: a6/26/2otj )rinted name ofAuthorized Officer: Mark Martell fitleorpositionof Authoflzed Offlcer: AdminisEraErve Manaqer lelephone number ofAuthorized Offlcer: 2083662614 ext. t5 ;tudy Area Code of Reporting Carrier: 412233 FilingDue Dateforthisfotmt Or / 03 / 2Or1 under Title 18 of the United States Code, 18 U.S.C. E 1001. Certification of Agent Authorized to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier the data reported herein based on data provided by the reporting carrier; and, to the best of my knowled8e, the information reported he.ein is accurate. Name of ReoortinE Carrier:RUW TEL CO . ID Name of Authorized Apent Firm:Moss Adans LLP SignatureofAuthorizedAgentorEmploveeofAgent: CERTTFTED oNLTNE Date: a6/26/2011 \ame of Authorized Agent Emplovee:Samantha Simatos fitle or Dosition ofAuthorized Asent or Emolovee ofAsent AccounEinq Technician Ielephone number ofAuthorized Asent or Emplovee ofApent: 5agfjfo2og exE ;tudy Area Code of Reporting Carrier:412233 FilingDueDateforthisform: aj/01/201a 18 ofthe United States Code, 18 U.S.C. 6 1001. Page 20 !o!!rd.a ood ord0rds! €p6f!!b8d9tq odc!o5EeE';o o p 6" S-s8.3 H=?; &< =; B8i g;=o<oz SE;EOEr-eAEGglEi!.Y otl'i-3 EE6 6Uooocd D.aciOdazE! -o'i^ XEAOaobH>Co r.H>d>o6^c o ,oo60!o.d co.Ho>tro'd^ it o.aaa Ed! o co -q-o.i 6Ed U.dAiio001!c E- o .EE9 =:t\dir<>o 9bot!oEETE:,1 :E.ot o EEE o Ei= Et ou6:o o Go !cuouGto aF-o{;E5 8'r= o Go G o@o5o oP,;d6I45€ =zcz t uo >-' ! ouo aoAod.zv o o.9oet!Votooo >* 6oos :n]" oo iiec'oo .9ro!ov ou A A^d-6 o o .= !;o,F o =co oo o !! E o !! E 6 coU o o o o .E E .= !olE cop co oo o o! E =z @! Ez o!oo F oU o o o d ! .9 u .=! uo q !-o3 U =co oL o Ez o o o o E d odo A oo F I* o Ez @ El o 6oo@o dzE Coo6 o @@oodao cizooststrg:ooUro H5 oN EorEo.E g o(J 6oa o o utrEoeo&ouG5oo Eo o!oI Ef a o oo4 6 o6do =o ioF 1 6o E-.3.&coosie >.99b E 6E I ooro't o E o tlo G oEoEIo 5 o! o G : 6ts 6EE.go>pb3qd : oo Fo 6& IF I U UU =o{ G u Ff,Fl o o o o ! D N! ! I o; .zt $s UEoo.9p 2a !? t: oNooNN o q ! !oo i oo o.g o EoEco;o o o oE! E E! E co o o x oo c E .EE@E c =Co o o o! E-z Efz oEog F CoI o o U a ! .9= c! co =o- l o & Ez co o o E d o o o oo J F aD E z ol o o!o !f o o E or 6 Eo 6 6o ug o ooI e oo !o oo coo-E;a*oj'F <F=@Ec@uoo u=a<5 E o 0b D do E o2 !io o ( 3o o I o oz j o o c 3o o o oz i o :o oo I o oz j oI o d 3o o D Eo EI oz io o o cG3o o o65e. ?? o't o Ec6!!6o o! =!oqq E6oE:l ??::: ::?:: QE-Yo ,I -o -!96h-9tE3;"E oooEO-[6_ocFO 1 1 1 1 ! s5uo& QO6L ??: i ;q E 5o !6'a&oG I o@cGE U oo a a a o a ! ! ! N N o!q ! g ; o o E E ,EooEco;o oo o o E o e U co oo o o .E 6 ! .EEU =c P o oo o n Elz ooElz cotoo6F co o a ! z .=E cop ot lco & E z E o o o E o o o o oU F s o Ez o ! o o Ef o o o @oa@o ctz5 couo o @66o o@o ciz@ostsc E6t odE:R9S>9=5 uEp oogeiEErCEEO€EGOo=686rcTE LINE 510 - SERVICE QUALITY STANDARDS AND CONSUMER PROTECTION RULES COMPLIAI\CE Rural Telephone Company - Idaho ("the Company") complies with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules for its voice and broadband services. The rates, terms, and conditions under which the Company operates are outlined in its local exchange tariff, which is approved by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Idaho PUC"). The tariff contains provisions regarding the Company's customer service and protection practices. Service quality standards for voice service are established by the Idaho PUC. The Company consistently meets or exceeds those standards and provides reports to the Idaho PUC, in accordance with the Idaho PUC's rules. With regard to broadband service, the Company provisions its network and equipment to ensure that its customers can enjoy the speeds to which they subscribe. However, Internet speeds generally result from a "best effort" seryice and are dependent upon a number of variables, many of which are outside the control of the Company. The Company also complies with the FCC's Open Internet rules, 47 C.F.R. $$8.3-8.11. These rules prohibit blocking, throttling, and paid prioritization, and also require the Company to publicly disclose information regarding its network management practices, performance, and the commercial terms of its broadband services. The Company complies with any and all consumer protection obligations under state law The Company also complies with the following consumer best practices: (1) the Company discloses its rates and terms of service to customers; (2) the Company provides specific disclosures in its advertising; (3) the Company separately identifies carrier charges from taxes on its billing statements; (4) the Company provides ready access to customer service; (5) the Company promptly responds to consumer inquiries and complaints received from government agencies; and (6) the Company abides by policies for protection of consumer privacy. Finally, the Company has a policy and established operating procedures that comply with the FCC's Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPND rules (47 C.F.R. $$64.2001-64.2011) LINE 610 - ABILITY TO FUNCTION IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS Rural Telephone Company - Idaho ("the Company") is able to function in emergency situations for both voice and broadband service. Back-up power is provided to the Company's central offices by use of a generator and batteries that provide it with eight hours of emergency power that is also used to provide service to the broadband network. In addition, the Company's field electronics have eight hours of back-up power by use of generators and batteries. The Company has synchronous optical network ("SONET") technology deployed in its core fiber optic network that is self-healing and will automatically reroute haffic should a fiber cut occur. The Company has connectivity with neighboring telephone exchanges as well as the LATA tandem to provide diverse options to reroute traffic should an emergency arise. The Company has developed and hained its staffon network preparedness plans in case of emergency situations. The Company is prepared and capable of managing traffic spikes resulting from emergency situations and has sufficient switching capabilities to handle such situations. LINE 1O1O _ VOICE SERVICES RATE COMPARABILITY The Wireline Competition Bureau's2017 reasonable comparability benchmark for voice services is $49.51, which includes the federal subscriber line charge ("SLC").1 In all of the exchanges served by Rural Telephone Company - Idaho ("the Company"), the single-line residential local rate in effect as of January 1,2017 was $25.76. When the federal SLC ($6.50) is included, the total rate was 932.26. Therefore, the Company's pricing of fixed voice services is less than the reasonable comparability benchmark of $49.51. L Wireline Competition Bureau Announces Results of 201 7 Urban Rate Survey for Fixed Voice and Broadband Semices, Posting of Survey Data and Explanatory Notes, and Required Minimum Usage Allowancefor ETCs SubjecttoBroadbandPubliclnterestObligations,PublicNotice,WCDocketNo. 10-90,32FCCRcd1358(2017) LINE 1O3O _ BROADBAND SERVICES RATE COMPARABILITY As of January 1,2017, Rural Telephone Company - Idaho was charging a residential rate of $69.95 for broadband providing 10 Mbps download, 1 Mbps upload, and an unlimited usage allowance. This rate is lower than $77.98, which is the 2017 reasonable comparability benchmark for the same offering established by the Wireline Competition Bureau. I t Wireline CompetitionBureauAnnounces Results of 2017 Urban Rate Surveyfor FixedVoice andBroadband Seryices, Posting of Survey Data and Explanatory Notes, and Required Minimum Usage Allowancefor ETCs Subject to Broadband Public Interest Obligations, Public Notice, WC Docket No. 10-90, 32 FCC Rcd 1358 (2017). LINE 12IO _ TERMS & CONDITIONS OF VOICE TELEPHONY LIFELINE PLAI\S Residential customers of Rural Telephone Company - Idaho ("the Company") who qualiff for the Lifeline Program receive a discount of $ 1 1.75 ($9.25 federal discount + $2.50 state discount) on local voice telephony service. In all of the Company's exchanges, the Lifeline single-line residential rate, including any mandatory extended area service charge and the federal subscriber line charge ("SLC"), is $20.51 ($32.26 standard rate - $11.75 discount). All single-line residential customers, including Lifeline customers, have an unlimited number of minutes for calls made within their local calling area. Toll charges for calls outside of the local callingarea are determined by the long distance carrier of the customer's choosing. Customers may elect to subscribe to toll blocking at no charge. The Company does not disconnect the service of Lifeline subscribers for the non-payment of toll charges. However, the Company reserves the right to implement toll blocking, at no charge, if the customer incurs a significant balance of unpaid toll bills. Lifeline Program reductions do not apply to additional services such as custom calling features. Lifeline customers may subscribe to these services, where available, at the same rates offered to other customers. Additional information regarding the terms and conditions of voice telephony Lifeline plans can be found at http ://www.rtci.net/Idaho/Lifeline_Program.aspx. LINE 3O1O _ CERTIFICATION OF PUBLIC INTEREST OBLIGATIONS Rural Telephone Company - Idaho ("the Company") hereby certifies that the Company has taken reasonable steps to provide upon reasonable request broadband service at actual speeds of at least 10 Mbps downstream/l Mbps upstream, with latency suitable for real-time applications, including Voice over Intemet Protocol, and usage capacity that is reasonably comparable to comparable offerings in urban areas, and that requests for such service were met within a reasonable amount of time.