HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170630Custer Telephone Broadband ETC.pdfCTCI Custer Telephone Broadband Services LLC. Challis Headquarters P.O. Box 324 1101 E.Main Ave. Challis,lD 83226 208-879-4000 Salmon Office 400 Shoup Street Salmon,lD 83467 208-756-4111 Toll Free: 1 -866-87 9-2281 July 1 ,2017 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary !daho Public Utilities Commission 472 W estWashington Street Boise, ldaho 83720 jean.jewell@puc. idaho. gov RE {r2017 Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) Annual Rtporti Requirements with the IPUC - Case number GNR-T-17-01 Dear Ms. Jewell: Custer Telephone Broadband Services LLC ("the Company") hereby provides copies to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") of the filing to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") and the Universal Service Administrative Corporation ("USAC") for designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier, in accordance with 47 U.S.C. 54.313 and 54.422. Section 54.313 applies to eligible telecommunications carriers ("ETCs") receiving high cost federal USF support and Section 54.422 applies to ETCs receiving low- income support. Both sections require the Company to file the annual report with the FCC, USAC and the Commission. I have also included the signed Affidavit pursuant to Commission Order 29841. Company is an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) providing Life Line service and receives universal service low-income support only, therefore further requests the Commission disregard item 5 of the Affidavit. lf you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me directly Sincerely, Dennis L Thornock President and General Manager Page 1 <010> StudvAreacode 'l? 9019 <015> StudvArea Name Cusle! fel€phone Broadband ServlceE LLC <02O> ProaramYear 2018 <030> Contact Name: PeBon USAC should contact with questions about this data Dcnnls L thornock <035> Contact Telephone Number: Number of the D€rson identllied in data line <)30> 208819228r ext.L7 <039> Contact Email Address: Email of the per$on identified in data line <030>dennls€cu!tolte1, let FormType s4.422 Page 1 No c ! d SE6)oo.9zo q4 ov o5o o.q, .o @o oEs! =ao ha!: @E o'=o9A ou o6 Nd : ! o o .E GoE .s oE Eo =c oo a ! 6 E o ! EU coU o o ; oo o.= ! .9 !o .F op o @o o o!E 2 o,Eaza o ooF oU F .9- .E! o o =l E U l co o Eoz @ coI oo o E{o4 oo o,o o o o eo F @Ez o ! o oEoo o !f oo ooIo@o cizE c IJ 6 oooo ooo ciz@os!E EoEU3roN EO; 6lgouuc'!Looo4oEt!=oo =G5; "gE>g38 =cEE No@6d EpG' EEi9i4 odE=o5EgE'E& o EE;; JcE;.!l U -o!Yo ^Ed.g e.E>.i-g H=o o-EEO=oz8# ad<> o obr!oEE,o2Z -lguoF !or#E<4E =Ezd flJ !cgogEOE o !cEgUOE6,o o E i= oEo ao o o2Hd)o gEEi =* 5cZ ou L Eo EI oaE0Io ooEGz coE oo!oc oo Ez o @ o a cc ! omo oc o G!;o Eqop = o !E o EU o!! o Eu6 aoU oo Et !! o ! q Eo o oo o !c o!de! ogo o.E o !g E C oN 6'63-^6o.9,oq>@-3-st;AP6i!--eb =6ifr5orA Ho oEF c o oo o.g o ! .g!q E o =co oo o o! Eaz o3 ElzocoEe -9oFt6 cou o @ ! .! co !to U fto od oEoz ocoU o o oo Eeqo 4 oNo o o !c I o o oEao F o U o Eozoo ! o ooo6@o oz E EoU6 o @ooeooo 'ciz EOttiE =m6u8roN!{>}EO: a,,Eoco Ee3bri.E6 E.E:o =cH8 q!oI o !, oo o6r W.1 Iaol t{@bGotco6pLlffi E 1,001, ffiE D.E Cdhdbn fc.n rcC tdm 4l oMt &nrd ilo. m{s/oMB 6nfrl b. 306oc19 July 2013 <010> Study Area Code <015> Study Area Name Cust.r T.l:phon€ Broadband S.rvic.r Lrc <020> Program Year <030> contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data <035>Contact Telephone Number - Number of person identified in data line <030> <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line &nn1s0custettel.n.r <400> Select from the dropdown list to indicate how you would like to report voice complaints {zero or greater} for voice telephony service in the prior calendar year for each service area in which you are designated an ETC for any facilities you own, operate, lease, or otherwise utilize. <410> <420> Complaints per 1000 customers for fixed voice <430> Complaints per 1000 customers for mobile voice Select from the drop-down list to indicate how you would like to report end-user customer complaints (zero or greater) for broadband service in the prior calendar year for each service area in which you are desiSnated an ETC for any facilities you own, op€rate, lease, or otherwise utilize. <440> <450> Complaints per 10(X) customers for fixed broadband complaints per 1000 customers for mobile broadband Pq.1 P{.5 (l00l ComdLm whh s.wlo qudrystild.rS Dd cdr,m Pld.dd iuh. OS Colldlotr Fom FCC Form S1 oM8 Cfitrol No. 3OO{986y'OM8 Cdrol ilo. !(10{819 July 2O$l <016 study Arc. de 4?9019 <Ol5> StudyAr..Nam <026 PdrrmY.,r 2013 <0S Cont.dName-PersU$C*illdconodrsdinlthitdat. oennrBr rhori4.l <035> co6t.drel€phoneNum&r-ilumb€rofFrsmld€ntlfldhd.t.lln.<os> :033rer2sr 'rt 1l <03$ Cont.d EmailAddress-Emsll Addr.$ofpeen ldenilff€d ln d.l. lln.<0S> d.nnrscc!3t.rt.1.n.! Clst.r T.I.pho.. A!o.&a.d S.rvt.€! llc <S> Artify @mpli.nc. with .pdbbl. r.ryk! qs.lity stadard..nd consum.r prct& rul.s <51D O.dpfiw dcum.nt br Service qdhy St.ndardr & Consrur pdd6 nd6 Complianc. <515' Grtlt @hd6mewith Tpll..bb mlnlmum eruic. find.rdr P.S 5 P.8.5 D.t @lhctbn lo?n FCC tom a6l oM8 ContEl No. 3050{985/OM3 ffi No. :p6c0t19 Julv 2013 <010> StudvAEa Code <O15> StudvA..a Neme <020> Pro{,am Yca, <0:lO> Conbd Name - Peen uSACshould @nt.d ro&rdintthis dab &nnis r rhornoct <035> conbdTelephoneNumbr.-NumtE.ofpeMridentifiadindrtalinc<o:ro, 203e?e218r 'xt'r' <039> ConEdEheilAddreis-Em.ilAddrsofp€ffiid€ntlficdlndatalln.<0!10> d.nni.{cust.rt.r...t <600> Ccfrit compliance regardlnt .billty to fundion in emeGency sltu.tlons <61D Dercrlptive document for Functionality ln €mer8emy Situ.tions P.ge 6 tsoU4 ooE !co oococ oo G oE 6o E$tooaEeUO>.99b Eco = oo o.E o Geo.=Efo G oU 6sUoc oI I =oo oEeJ6Ec E.go>pb80c oo Fo6G IFrI I IaJ oUcocx oo ! 3 G N6 q3o62E .z; $"99EUEoo-97>'GIs -oOEEi AZ'F :Jc6 {o'6 9!o!e6 oFoorN ; o! omo o =oo1' .=Eo 'uco.; o oo o o :o o EU oE1' 6 EU UocoU o)oo ' 5 omo oc o tc Eo 'uEoE co oo o o! 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"gEE L,O o'ist:oo.EE': E8 o!o o !l oo ouo4 -gE - *:E EE.iEfiEI = 35 ; t E t " E E gf,+ E r =tgi;i€BE gIggiEcI iftiilEt-gEEiEiE E$IIEEEE EC E E E E E€ oloN ooc.F J coE:,Uoco.9 0r=-cEHb PC e!oo 0J '= Eor.E OJzc. * - 65.P;e H gs >6d'E oo dl: c.tE=?sd;IE9 tEL96(!6 oot(Ucrcnogo >(otE-$l! c.=:;E(!.FU -'6:OJU-ForlUE5t Efe c9> 3O6JcP6c E: P.=(!* 5*H.=6!69<.E5 oo o o E'o J o .!(, o.l!IJo(,, CLoE, ;tr(! :E eocL (oCLdlooN 0, '- t!oa-dbrZo) =o-drF_EEii 'a63F u !'loN =g rY!F{d!tl!,i tOlEgl-, (YtTEEY Q.tl{J : l,l .a.6H,arZ.(LOyOJ a'! E :3 (J,U(J!.-= E€HEPgE.ttEg,i ir==695o.9LOUI=C-l!98.gf 5b.E g H!E h =E8 E 5 ieEt.!aFr t -Eg8 8 6 o@64 P.ge 15 (105, Reol R.ten Onhtddltlon l Dccumt lton Dd.Cdlehh FC tm€l oM8 C6rd Xo. !060{986y'OM8 ConGl No. !fi0{819 iuly 2O!t <010> Study Area Code <015> Study Area Name Custer Telephone Broadband Services LLC <020> Program Year 2078 <030> cortact Name - Person USAC should contad regarding this data Dennis L Thornock <035> Contact Telephone Number - Number of pe6on identilied in data llne <030> 20887 92281 ext . 1 7 <o39> Contact EmailAddress - EmailAddress ot pe6on identified in data tine <o3o> denn i s G cu s te rte l- ' ne t Select from the drop down menu or check the boxes below to note compliance with 54.313(fX1). Privately held carriers must ensure compliance with the financial reporting requirements set forth in 47 CFR 54.3f 3(fX2I. I further certify that the information reported on this form and in the documents attached below is accurate. (300e) (3010A) (30108) (3012A) (3or2B) (3013) (3014) Progress Report on 5 Year Plan carrier certifi es to 54.313(fXlxiii) Certification of Public lnterest Obligations {47 CFR 5 s4.313(fx1xi)) Please Provid€ Attachment Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation Community Anchor lnstitutions {47 CFR E s4.313(fxl)(ii)) Please Provide Attachment Name of Attached Document Listin8 Required ls your company a Privately Held RoR carrier {47 cFR 5 s4.313(fX2)) lf yes, does your company file the RUS annual report lnformation (Yes/No)oooo(Yes/No) (301s) (3016) (30171 (3018) Please check these boxes to confirm that the attached PDF, on line 3017, contains the required information pursuant to 5 54.313(0(2) compliance requires: Eledronic copy oftheir annual RUs reports (Operating Report for Telecommunications Borrowers) Document(s) with Balance sheet, lncome statement and Statement of Cash Flows lf the response is yes on line 3014, attach your company's RUS annual report and all required documentatlon lf the response ls no on Iine 3014, is your company audited? lf the respof,se is yes on line 3018, please check the boxes below to confirm your submission on line 3026 pursuant to S 54.313(fX2), contains: Either a copy of their audited financial statement; or (2) a financial report in a format comparable to RUs Operating Report for Telecommunications Borrowers Document(s) for Balance Sheet, lncome statem€nt and Statement of Cash Flows Management letter and/or audit opinion issued by the independent certlfied public accountant that performed the company's financial audit. lf the response is no on line 3018, please check the boxes below to confirm your submission on line 3026 pursuant to 5 54.313(fX2), contains: Copy of their financial statement which has been subject to review by an independent certified public accountant; or 2) a financial report in a format comparable to RUS Operating Report for Telecommunications Borrowers Underlying information subjeded to a review by an independent certified public accountant E E Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation (Yes/No) O O (301s1 (3020) (302U t_l (3022)E E E E (3023) (3024)Underlying information subjected to an officer certification. (302s)Document(s) with Balance 5heet, lncome Statement and statement of cash Flows Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnformation (3026) Attach the worksheet listing required information page 16 ts oUoC u E s '5 g E 6 Ez arEG,I a0,6taC'E6-CPruco.o .E aE;i;;g€E s I i P E E E E !l\oPlodNrnttENNEmdtm(n(ncoo!/oooooEtlsnsrg19rttltn dd r ts oBoe PeG lt .nln> (trrr{v Aia: a^r{c {1eol9 <015> StudyArea Name c,..". '.r.pn.." "'..aa..a s".,r."' rrc . 2013 <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <03O, &.ni!€cu!t.d.r.n.r Authorized Rural Broadband Exp€riment (RBE) reipients must address the cenlfication for publlc lnterest oblltations, provlde a llst of newly served community anchor institutiont and provide a list of locations where broadband has been deployed. Publlc lBtcr6t OblLatlons - FcC l4-9E (pa6sr.pht 2F29, 781 Please address Line 4001 regardinB compliance with the Commission's public interest obligations. All RBE participants must provide a response to Llne 4001. 4001. Recipient certifies that it is offerint broadband to th. identificd locatlons meeting the rcquisite public interest obli&tions consistent with the category for whlch they were s.lected, includinS broadband speed, latency, usage capecity, and rates that are reasonably comparable to rates for comparabh offerin$ in urban areas? Cqrmunity Anchor lnstltutlo.is - F1CC !l-9E (paraS?aph 79, lIl03.. RBE particlpants must provide the number, namet and addresres of community anchor institutions to which they newly deployed broadband sewice ln the precedin8 calendar ye.r. on this line, please respond {yes - attach new community ancho6, no - no new anchors) to indicate whether this list will be provid€d. lf y6 to {o03A" pl€ase provlde a r.sponic for 40038. a0o3b. Provide the number, names and addresses of community anchor institutions to which the recipient nwly began providing access to broadband service in the preceding calendar year. Name of Attached Document Listing Required lnfomation Bro.dband D€ploym€nt Lo€euont- tCC l4€t (par.sr.ph 601 tl00{a. Attach a list of geocoded locations to which broadband has been deployed as ofthe June lst immediately preceding the July 1st filing Name ofAttached Document Listing Rcquired lnfo,mation deadline for the Fcc Form rE1. aolr.lb. Attach evidence demonstrating that the recipient is meetinS the relsant publlc service oblitations for the identified locations. Materials must at l€ast detail the pricin& offered broadband speed and data usage allowances avallable in the relevant Seo8raphic area. Name ofAttached Document Listing Requlred lnformation p.t! 18 Page 19 <010> StudvArea Code a?qn1 q <015> StudvArea Name Custe! teleDhone Broadband Services LLC <020> Program Year 2078 <030> ContactName-PeEonUSACshouldcontactregardlngthisdata Dennis L Thornock <O3D ContactTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifledindataline<030> 2088792281 ext.17 <039> Contact Email Address - Emall Address of person ldentifled ln data llne <030>dennis0custertel.noL TO BE COMPTETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF THE REPORNNG CARRIER IS FIUNG ANNUAT REPORTING ON lTS OWN BEHAI"F: Certificatlon of Offlcer as to the Accuracy of the Data Reponed for the Annual Reportint for CAF or U Recipients certlfy that I am an olflcer of the reportln3 canler; my rcsponslbllldes lndude omurlnt the .ccurarl of the annual repot{ni r.quiremcnts for uniuenal s€tylcr support tclpl.nts; .nd, to thc best of my knowbdge, thr hro]mauon rcportad m thl. ionn rnd ln any attedrmGnE ls.ccur.tc. ',lameofRelortingCarrler. Custer TelePhone Broadband Selvices LLC iirnatureof Authorized officer: CERTTFTED oNLTNE Date 06/29/20t1 ,rinted name of Authorlzed officer: Dennls Tho!trock ntle or msition of Authorized officer: Preaident fel€ohone number of Authorized Officer. 20897 9228! exE. 11 itudv Area code of Remrtinr carrier: 4190L9 Fllins Due Date for t6ir;orln' 07l03/2017 P€Eonswillfullymakingfalsertatementsonthlsform@nbepunishedbyfineorforfcitureundcrtheCommuni@tionsActof1934,47U.S.C.99502,5O3(b),orfinrorimptipnment under Trtle 18 of the Unhed States Code, 18 U.s.C. 5 1m1. Page 19 Page 20 <010> Studv Area code 419479 <o1 s>Str.lv Area Name Custer lelephone Broadband Services LLC <020> Propram Year 2Cl8 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data Dennis L Thornock <035> contact relebhone Number - Number of oerson identified in data line <o3o > 20881 92281 ext ' 1'7 <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of oerson identified in data line <O3O> dennis0custertel . neL TO BE COMPTETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FITING ANNUAL REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S BEHALF: TO BE COMPLETED BY THE AUTHORIZED AGENT: FCC Form,l81 OMB Control No. 306G0986/OMB Control No. 306&0819 carriet Collection Form - Agent 2013 Certification of Officer to Authorize an Agent to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Repo*inE Carrier certifythat(NamoofA9ont)i3authorizgdtosubmitthain,omationr.portedonbehalfofthereporting6rrior.l rlsocertifythatlam"noff".,ofth"eaccuEcyoflh6annualdatarePortingrgquircmenbprovldedtotheaulhorized rgent; and, to lhe bert of my knowlodgo, the roporls and dala proyided to the aulhdized agent is accurato. {ame of Authorized Asent: {ame of Reporting Carrier: ;ignature of Authorized Officer:Date: ,rinted name ofAuthorized Officer: fitle or position of Authorized Officer: felephone number of Authorized Officer: Study Area Code of Reporting Carrier:Filing Due Date for this form: underTitle 18 of the United States Code, 18 U.S.C. E 1001. Certification of Atent Authorized to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier lhe data reported herein based on data provided by the reporting carrier; and, to the best of my knowledge, the information reported herein is accurate. !ame of Regorting Carrier: \ame of Authorized Asent Firm: iipnature of Authorized Acent or Emolovee ofAqent:Datp: !ame ofAuthorized Asent Emolovee: ntle or position of Authorized Apent or Emplovee ofAgent felephone number of Authorized Agent or Employee of Agent: ;tudv Area Code of Reoortin! Carrier:Filins Due Date for this form: 18 0f the united states code, 18 u.s.c. 5 1001. Page 20 What is a telephone assistance program? Financial assistance is available in Idaho to help qualified low-income individuals pay for telephone or intemet service. The Idaho Telephone Service Assistance Program (ITSAP) offers a discount of $2.50 on monthly telephone bills. A separate program - the Federal Communication Commission's Lifeline program (Lifeline) - offers a discount of $9.25 on monthly telephone or internet bills. These programs provide a communication "lifeline" to those who might not otherwise be able to afford telephone or intemet service. It also enhances the value of service for everyone by increasing the number of people who can be reached by telephone. A small surcharge is applied to every Idaho telephone line each month to reimburse local telephone companies for the cost of state discounts under ITSAP. The surcharge is waived for customers receiving the ITSAP discount. The Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) reviews the surcharge annually and may increase or decrease the surcharge. Who Is Eligible? Any residential customer who meets program-based or income-based eligibility criteria may apply. To find out if you are eligible call 866-255-708 l. The assistance provides the following discounts: Landline phone: o Idaho Telephone Service Assistance Credit - $2.50o Lifeline Network Access Fee Credit - $6.50o Federal Lifeline Credit - $2.75 lnternet:o Federal Lifeline Credit - $9.25 Note: Custer Telephone Broadband does not provide credits on bundled service packages at this time. How Do I Apply For Assistance? . Apply by calling 866-255-7081.. If you are eligible, your name, address and telephone number will be forwarded to Custer Telephone.o The monthly discount will begin on your next billing statement if you are eligible and your name, address and number match the telephone company's records. Do I Need To Apply Every Year? Yes. Your eligibility must be renewed each year Lifeline and ITSAP are government assistance programs. The credits are non-transferable, only eligible consumers may enroll in the program, and the programs are limited to one discount per household. Bmdtrud Savls CTCI Lifeline Service Terms Custer Telephone Broadband Services LLC is a quality telecommunications service provider which provides basic and enhanced services at reasonable rates within its service territory. Basic residential telephone service is offered at the following rate : Monthly Non-Recurring Rates & Charges Charge Single Party Residential Telephone Service The following fees apply in addition to the above monthly rates: $18.00 $18.00 o Network Access Feeo Idaho Telephone Service Assistance Program (ITSAP) o Idaho Universal Service Fund (ID USF)o Lemhi County 911 Feeo Federal Excise Tax o Federal Universal Service Fund Single Party Residential Telephone Service Total $6.s0 $0.01 $0.12 $1.25 $0.77 $1.13 $27.78 ($2.75) ($6.s0) ($2.50) ($0.01) ($0.03) ($ 1.1 3) Federal Lifeline Credit Network Access Fee Credit Idaho Telephone Assistance Program Credit Idaho Telephone Service Assistance Program (ITSAP) Credit Federal Excise Tax Credit Federal Universal Service Fund Credit Single Party Universal Lifeline Telephone Service Monthly Rate*$14.86 $r8.00 *Discounted basic service rates and free Toll-Blocking are available to those that qualifu for Universal Lifeline telephone servlce. The above rates include the following:o Unlimited Local Callingo Touch Tone Capabilityo Access to Operator Serviceso Directory Assistance and tnter-Change Service Providers o Voice Grade Access to the Public Switched Networko Free Access to 800 and 800-like Toll Free Serviceso One Free Directory Listingo Free Access to a Business Office and Free Access to the Idaho Relay Service by Dialing 711 Emergency 9ll Service.Surcharge for 91 I services is assessed according to government regulations. Long Distance is not included. Long Distance rate is ten cents ($0.10) per minute or flat-rate plans are available. Custer Telephone Broadband Services LLC offers basic services to all customers within its service territory Lifeline broadband only service: ** l0/lMb internet plan $69.95 - $9.25 Federal Lifeline credit: $60.95 Lifeline broadband only monthly total **FCC mandate requires at least l0/l Mb download/upload speeds unless not available in your area in which case the plan must be at least a 4i lMb plan. For additional details on any of these services, please contact our business office at 208.756.41I 1 or toll-free 866.879.2281