HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170616Rural CAF ICC.pdfGtvENS PunsLEY,.,." Attorneys and Counselors at Law 601 W. Bonnock Street PO Box2720 Boise. lD 83701 Telephone: 208-388-1 2@ Focsimile: 208-388-l 300 M.givenspursley.com Gory G. Allen Peler G. Borton Christopher J. Beeson Joson J. Blokley Clint R. Bolinder Erik J. Bolinder Jeff W. Bower Preston N. Corier Jeremy C. Chou Williom C. Cole Michoel C. Creomer Amber N. Dino Erodley J. Dixon Thomos E. Dvorok Jeffrey C. Feredoy Mortin C. Hendrickson Brion J. Holleron Kersti H. Kennedy Don E. Knickrehm Neol A. Koskello Deboro K. Kristensen Michoel P. Lowrence Fronklin G. Lee Dovid R. Lombordi Kimberly D. Moloney Kennelh R. McClure Kelly Greene McConnell Alex P. McLoughlin Melodie A. McQuode Chrislopher H. Meyer L. Edword Miller Polrick J. Miller Judson B. Montgomery Deboroh E. Nelson w. Hugh O'Riordon, LL.M. Michoel O. Roe P. Mork Thompson Jeffrey A. Wor Robert B. White Angelo M. Reed, of counsel Kenneth L. Pursley (r940-20r5) Jomes A. McClure (r924-20r l) Roymond D. Givens lt9t7-2ooa) Michoel C. Creomer 208-38a.1247 MCC@givenspu6ley.com Jwe 16,2077 HAND DELIVERED GN(-r- t1-o t Ms. Diane Hanian, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W . Washington Street Boise, lD 83702 Re: FCC WC Docket 10-90 Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement; Annual Reporting Requirements Dear Diane: On behalf of those Idaho local exchange carriers listed below, and pursuant to 47 C.F.R. 54.304(d)(1) of the Federal Communications Commission regulations, we are filing projected eligibility for CAF ICC funding for July 1,2017 through June 30, 2018, and Local Rate Floor Data. In addition to the redacted hard copies for each company, this information is also being submitted on the enclosed CD-ROM. The companies request that the data contained as digital information on the CD-ROM be treated as confidential, trade secret information exempt from disclosure under Idaho Public Utilities Commission Rule of Procedure 67, IDAPA 31.01 .01.67. This information is considered confidential because it includes, among other things, company-specific financial information, minutes of use and numbers of customers lines. I am familiar with the information alleged to be confidential and not subject to public inspection, examination or copying and in good faith believe there is a basis in law for that claim, namely that the information constitutes a trade secret as defined by Idaho Code 9-340 and is subject to protection. The Idaho local exchange carriers for which these filings are being made are o Project Mutual Telephone Company o Farmers Mutual Telephone Company r:l I \,j Diane Hanian June 16,2017 Page2 o Rural Telephone Company/RTl o Cambridge Telephone CompanylCTC Telecomo Midvale Telephone Exchange lnc o Custer Telephone Cooperative If you have any questions, or require any further information in connection with this filing, please contact me at your first convenience. Sincerely, C. MCCnah 1233-202 n0155143-l Enclosure(s) 2017ICC CAF Data Collection fiEaP Col O Rate Element Description Terminating End Office Access Service Terminating End Office, Premium, per access minute Terminating End Office Access Seruice Terminating End Office, Non-Premium, per access minute Entrance Facility, Per Termination Voice Grade Two Wire Entrance Facility, Per Termination Voice Grade Four Wire Entrance Facility, Per Termination High Capacity DS1 Entrance Facility, Per Termination High Capacity DS3 Entrance Facility, Per Termination Synchronous Optical Channel OC3 Entrance Facility, Per Termination Synchronous Optical Channel OC12 Entrance Facility, Per Termination ESALT 2 Mbps Entrance Facility, Per Termination ESALT 10 Mbps Entrance Facility, Per Termination ESALT 50 Mbps Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile Voice Grade - Two Wire & Four Wire Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile High Capacity DS1 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile High Capacity D53 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mite Synchronous Optical Channel OC3 Direct Trunked Transport https ://www. necain fo.org/lCC_CAF/source/l ntrastateTRPOutput.aspx 611212017 Page I of4 PaperCertificationTracking Logout Historic Reports ) q, 2OL7 CAF ICC Data Collection NECA Home NECA Data Collections Contact Us CAF ICC - Instructions & Documents Logged in User: laye Rishard Home Select Company Main Page Study Area Data Input Menu t CAF & ARC Output ) Study Area: RURAL TEL CO - ID (ID: 472233) Holding Company: RURALTELEPHONE CO' (ID: 2OOOOO255) Intrastate Revenues (FCC TRP exhibit) option 1: View TRP Output in Excel Option 2: Download TRP Data in Excel lntrastate Revenues Test Year 2077-2l78Expected Maximum Intrastate *"u"nr"f Col E FY 20'11 lntnstat€ Units: Terminating for Non-Dedicated or Originating and Terminating for Dedicated Elements JI )i Unit of Demand FY 2016 lntmstate Units: Teminatingfol Non- Dedicated and total for Dedicated Elements MOU MOU Termination Termination Termination Termination Termination Termination Circuit Circuit Circuit Mile Mile Mile Mile 2017 ICC CAF Data Collection Page 2 of4 Facility/ Ivlile Synchronous Optical Channel OC12 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ 14ile ESALT 2 tvlbps DTF-E1 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ f4ile ESALT 2 lvlbps DTF-E2 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ 14ile ESALT 2 Mbps DTF-E3 Direct Trunked Transport Faciljty/ l.4ile ESALT 2 r.4bps DTF E4 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Nlile ESALT 10 lvlbps DTF-E1 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ lvlile ESALT 10 Mbps DTF-E2 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Nlile ESALT 10 lvlbps DTF-E3 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ I,lile ESALT 10 l,1bps DTF-E4 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ f4ile ESALT 50 lvlbps DTF-E1 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ l,lile ESALT 50 lvlbps DTF-E2 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ f4ile ESALT 50 lvlbps DTF-E3 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Ivlile ESALT 50 l,lbps DTF-E4 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/rTermination Voice Grade - Two Wire & Four Direct Trunked Transport Facility//Termination Hrgh Capacity DS1 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/Termination High Capacity DS3 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/Termination Synchronous Optical Channel OC3 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/Termination Synchronous Optical Channel OC12 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/Termination ESALT 2 Mbps Direct Trunked Transport Facility,/Termination ESALT 10 Mbps Direct Trunked Transport Facility/Termination ESALT 50 l4bps Multiplexing, Per Arrangement DS3 to DS1 Multiplexing, Per Arrangement DS1 to Voice Customer Node Per Node OC3 155.52 lvlbps Customer Node Per Node OC12 622.08 Mbps Customer Premises Port, Per Port OC3 155.52 Mbps Customer Premises Port, Per Port STS-1 51.84 Mbps Customer Premises Port, Per Port DS3 44.736 Mbps Customer Premises Port, Mile Circuit I.4iles Circuit lvliles Circuit lvliles Circuit lvliles Circuit 14iles Circuit 14iles Circuit I'4iles Circuit Miles Circuit lYiles Circuit Miles Circuit Miles Circuit Miles Termination ation Termination Circu it terms Circu it terms Circuit terms Termination Termination Port Port Port Port Port https://www.necai nfo.org/l CC_CA F/source/l ntrastateTRPOutput.aspx 6lt2120t7 2017 ICC CAF Data Collection Page 3 of4 Per Port DS1 1.544 14bps Add/Drop lYultiplexing Central Office Port, Per Port DS1 1.544 Mbps Add/Drop Multiplexing Central Omce Port, Per Port OC3 155.52 Mbps Add/Drop I\4ultiplexing Central Omce Port, Per Port DS3 44.736 l4bps Network Blocking, Per Blocked Call Network Blocking, Per Blocked Call, Applies to FGD only ESALT Real Time CoS/QoS, Per ESALT DTF- E1 Facility ESALT 2 Mbps ESALT Real Time CoS/QoS, Per ESALT DTF E1 Facility ESALT 10 Mbps ESALT Real Time CoS/QoS, Per ESALT DTF- E1 Facality ESALT 50 Mbps ESALT Entrance Facility Protection, Per ESALT Entrance Facility ESALT 2 lvl bps ESALT Entrance Facility Protection, Per ESALT Entrance Facility ESALT 10 14bps ESALT Entrance Facility Protection, Per ESALT Entrance Facility ESALT 50 lvl bps Common Channel Signaling Network Connection Siqnaling Iqileage Facility, Per lvlile Common Channel Signaling Network Connection Signaling l,lileage Termination, Per Termination Common Channel Signaling Network Connection Signaling Entrance Facility, Per Facility Common Channel Signaling Network Connection STP Port, Per Port Terminating Tandem Switched Transport Terminating Tandem Switched Transport Facility Terminatinq Tandem Switched Transport Terminating Tandem Switched Termination Terminatinq Tandem Switched Transport Terminating Tandem Switching Nonrecurring Charges Voice Grade Two Wire Nonrecurring Charges Voice Grade Four Wire Nonrecurring Charges High Capacity DS1 Nonrecurring Charges High Capacity DS3 Nonrecurring Charges Synchronous Optical Channel OC3 Nonrecurring Charqes Synchronous Optical Channel OC12 Port Port Port Port Call Facility Facility Facility Circuit Circuit Circuit Mile Port Termination Facility N4inutes / Mile l,l in utes Nonrecurring Charges Interim NXX Translation, 14 i n utes Facility Facility Facility Facility Facility Facility Order https://www. necainfo.org/l CC_C A F/source/l ntrastateTRPOutput.aspx 6112t2017 2017 ICC CAF Data Collection Per Order Nonrecurring Charges FGC and FGD Conversion of Multifrequency Address Signaling to SS7 Signaling or SS7 Signaling to Multifrequency Address Signaling, per 24 trunks converted or fraction thereof on a per order basis Nonrecurring Charges Trunk Activation, per 24 trunks activated or fraction thereof on a per order basis Nonrecurring Charges Flexible Automatic Number Identification (Flex ANI), per End Office, per CIC Nonrecurring Charges ESALT 2 Mbps Nonrecurring Charges ESALT 10 Mbps Nonrecurring Charges ESALT 50 Mbps Nonrecurring Charges ESALT Direct Trunked Termination, per ESALT Direct Trunked Termination installed Nonrecurring Charges ESALT Entrance Facility Protection, per ESALT Entrance Facility : 2!',i \Eai-e..rs cr Jse Pfvecy P. .y Page 4 of 4 https ://www.necainfo.org/l CC_CA F/source/lntrastateTRPOutput.aspx 6n2t2017 2017ICC CAF Data Collection Page 1 of I 2017 CAF ICC Data Collection NECA Home NECA Data Collections Contact Us CAF ICC - Instructions & Documents Paper Certification Tracking Logout Logged in User: Jaye Rishard d Home S€lectcompany MainPage StudyAreaDatalnputMenu ) CAF&ARCOutput ) HistoricReports ) [ !L -r ':,ir" ) Study Area: RURAL TEL CO - ID (ID:472233) Holding Company: RURALTELEPHONE CO. (ID: 2OOOOO256) Study Area USAC Reports I View Printer-friendly reportl 2O17 USAC D.t. R.pon (Tc$ hriod 2olr-2otl) TTEcP CONNECT AIIERICA FU'{D Data to be provided to USAC/FCC in June 2017 for CAF ICC Purposes Current Settlement Type! Cost Test Period 711117-6130118 Post True-up (Filing) View Rate-of-Return (ROR) Carler Reyenue Requlrement 1 2011 Interstate Switched Access Revenue Requirement 2 Fl 2011 Intrastate Terminating Switched Access Revenues 3 FY 2011 Net ReciproGl Compensation Revenues 4 20ll ROR Carrier Base Period Revenue (Line 1 + Line 2 + Line 3) 5 ROR Carrier Baseline Adiustment Factor (0.95 ^ 6) 6 ROR Carrier Revenue Requirement (Une 4 x Line 5) 7 Pool Administration Expenses 8 Total ROR Carrier Revenue Requirement (Line 6 + Line 7) Revenu6 from F,efo.med Intercarrler Compensatlon (lCC) Rates 9 Interstate Switched Access Revenues 10 Interstate Allocted Switched Access Revenues# 11 Transitional Intrastate Access Seruice Revenues L2 Net Transitional Reciprocal Compensation Revenues 13 Total ICC Revenue (Llne 10 + Une 11 + Une 12) Elleible Rc@Yery 14 TRS Increment 15 Reoulatorv Fees Increment 16 NANPA Increment 77 Interstate Local Switching Support for Price Cap Affiliates 18 Adjustment for Double Recovery or Corrections 19 Test Period 15/16 Trueup - Net Impact on Total Eligible Recovery 20 Eligible Recovery(Line8 - Line 13) + (Line 14 + Line 15 + Line 16 + Line 18 + Line 19) - (Line 17) Revenucs lrom AGeaD Recovery Charges (ARC) 27 Residential ARC Revenues 22 Sinqle Line Business ARC Revenues 23 Multi-Une Business ARC Revenues 24 Total ARC Revenues (Line 21 + Line 22 + Line 23) Connect Amerle Fund (CAF) ICC Support** 25 Connect America Fund (CAF) ICC SuDoort (Line 20 - Une 24) Revised CAF ICC Support wlth lmputed ARC Revenu6 for Broadband-Only Loops 26 ARC Revenue Adjustment 27 Adjust€d Test Poriod 2OU-2018 CAFICC Support (Line 25 - Line 26) NOTES: *Per FCC Esignation Order, catculated as (Sum of une 9 for all TS pool paticlpants) ' (Line 1/ Sum of Line 1 for all TS pool pafricipanls).rNEG e*imate prcvided for rnformational puno*s only - adual b be calculated by u$C. € 2017 NECAT.m6ot U* | Pnvacy Poicy https://www.necainfo.org/lCC_CAF/source/U SACData.aspx 611212017 2017ICC CAF Data Collection Page I ofl ,r{c,P 2OA7 CAF ICC Data Collection NECA Home NECA Data Collections Contact Us CAF ICC - Instructions & Documents Paper Certification Tracking Logout Logged in User: laye Rishard 6l Home SelectCompany MainPage StudyAreaDatalnputMenu ) CAF&ARCOutput ) HistoricReports ) [-cerri,i.ation ) study Area: RURAL TEL CO - ID (1D.472233) Holding Company: RURALTELEPHOI{E CO. (ID: 2OOOOO256) Access Recovery Charges ,.tir-: r. .,r :..ri,;rj' --.- i i. Test Period 2017-18 Pre-True-up View Test Period 2017-18 Post-True-Up (Filing) View Test Peraod 2017-2018 Post True-Up (Filing) View o 20r7 NECAT6m6 of Us I Piv.cy Policy Exchange/zone Name Atlanta Boise Rlver Prairie shoup Three Creek Tipanuk Study Aroa Summaru Residential Lines excluding Lifelines Residential ARC Residential ARC Revenue SLB I SLB I SLB ARC I MLB I MLB I MLB ARC I TotaI ARcLines I anc IRerenuel lin." I ARC lRevenu"lR.r"nr.tttttt http s ://www.necain fo.org/l CC_CAF/source/ARCChanges. aspx 6lt2/2017 TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, Certlflcation of Offlcor as to tho Accuracy of ths CAF ICC Data Reported I crltiryth8t I am sn offlcor of lh9 roportlng errier; my rospqlslblllllos lnqluda snsuring th6 EEcuracy of tho.ctuEt data roportodi anq to th. b.st of my lmowlrdgo, tho lntonrallon reporlrd on lhls fofln It accurats. f.ame or Rsooruno canr"rRural Telephongffinpany - lD - - Slqnaluro ot AuthodEd Otf,cor vz1bbtu lo"*ost23t2o1t )dnred Eme cd Arrrprized **; fichael-ffirl5ll fl{€ q posilon of Authortzoo omcsMc€-President rebphono nurnbo, ot Authorized orlicer: (20€1366-261 [,tt. tMyAroa Code of Rsoodru Canler l+lzzls l'i '' ,'lFiti'u o*o't"rorrhisrdm I 6/16/20t7 | 1,,.;;1ii:;i,.,:;.i. PersonswillfullymakirEfals6sbtemontsonltisfsmcanb€prmislEdbylirleorforiotlurouDderh6CornmunimtionsActot1934,4TU.S.C.SSS02,SoS(b).orfin tr imprbonmst 6ldsr Tltle 18 of tho Unlted Statss Cod€, '18 U.S.C. S t001. Carrler Cert TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORIING CARRIER, IF AT'I AGENT IS FILING DATA ON THE CARRIER'S BEHALF Cerlllication of Oflicar to Authorlze an Agont to Flle Data Reported on Behalf of Reportlng Canler l orffy thrt (N.mc ot Agsno National Exchanoo Cad l. ruthorlzrd to rubmlt lh. lntormrtlon r.portod m b.hdf ol tho roporonC crnler, I alro €rtlfy that I m rn olflctr ot the rcpodlng ffilcr; my rorponslblllu* lnclude rl[urlng ltt acc{raay of lh. data proyidad to lhc Authorl26d Ageil; .nd, to the bctl o, my lnowlrrrg!, the aotud d*a ptovldrd to th. Arfhqlad Agstrt rn l@Bls. {sm or Authqtz€d 1ou6 National Exchango Canier Asgoclatlon, lnc. (NECA} \ram o,Rmr*E *,,*Rural Telephone_.Qompany -lD -. ol Olfror 7 ngm n1e a 61ih or Arhdi*d *""rVice-President I'deDhons ,*bs orAultwlz.d offl".r (208) 36E-2614d Studv ArE Code of R6mnim Cer.kr 472233 j:;:; -1. ltu'S tlls Drra tor lhis ,om r:::, :.. .,, kmnldd'vwt 6/ t6 /203.7 Persns rtirully makr:ng taB6 slatmer*s il tlb fom @n be po{shsd byrim d brfeltwB und€r lho CommudsetDns Act ot 1934, 47 U.S.C. SS s(Ie 503{b), tr ff$ oI inpdmmnt udor T"de 18 of fE Lht d 3lat6 Code, 18 U-S-C. $ 1001. TO BE COi'PLETED BYAN OFFICER OF THE REPORTING CARRIER Certlficatlon of Offlcer for Rate<ffleturn Carrler Not Seeklhg Dupllcatlve Recovery I certlry that I am an otflcer oI tlrc reportlnt c.rriGr and that, to the beit of my knowl.dge, thls reporunt carrler ls nct *ellng dupll8.tlve recovary ln the stztorurbdlcllon lor irry Ellglbl. RsGoEry $6ject to the rccovcry mlchanim a par 51.917(d)(vilf, {amo o, Reoorrim cr*", Rura I TelephonqCompany - I D o,05t2312017 M r.rfla or ssi*h or aurhdizod oficq Vicg-Presidgnt robohona n,r,o6. of aurhdizsd ofli€r eW) 366-?&1 4 l+tzzss l,iiffi:*'*,:mt'Bbrthie'o,ns{u.h, AE, (]rrle ot Remrilm C.ri6r 6/L6/2017 PDrtono willrully maklng falso slatmenlt on lhl6 tom c.n b. punlslpd by 503(b), orfino or hprisonmant undorTlua lE flmoriodolturc under lhc Communlc.tlon. Acl of 1934, 47 U.S.C. 90 502, ot tho Unltsd St.te. Code, 18 U,S,C. $ 1001. TO BE COMPLETED BY AN OFFICER OF THE REPORTING CARRIER Certlflcatlon of Offlcer for Rateoffielurn Carrler Ellglblllty for CAFITCC Recovery t csrtlfy thit I am rn olfic.r of the teportb{ carler and that, to th6 bcal ol my knmtedgg tlra reportln3 canlcr on this Iorm trrtlflca that It h$ Gompllsd wlth Ellglbte R€cov.ry l51,91rldl .nd A€cess Roco€ry Chr?ls 551.9r2(ef and ls all8lble to rocelvE th. CAF ICC alpport rsqu65t3d pu6u:nt to Cs1,917(r). {eno or R*oilm c"a", Ru ra I Te lephone-$pm pany - I D ru0rrized offiw 05t2312017 o{ ent 14 frizzx l*j#lffm::rrorrhisrormitui, Arer crrle df FleMrdm Carid 6/ !6/ 20]-7 503{b), or llno or lmprlsormont qnds TlUe byl8flno orfortolturo uhd.rlho Comm0nlr$ono Act of '193{, 47 U.SC.0S 502, oftho Unil€d Sl.to. Codc, t8 U.A,C. S 1001, e I 2 L =oo lJlzor(L UJJulFJ tftr F,a,Na{ t @€(r,?orooct ott E =o cooo.o I-o oEI oo ouoo ]L u.lF ol llJo2oo.oulE E coE' cooaG .o o-o &o af o o6io o,.E F. (o(\ 1r)(\oo(.,t 0,.J F. 'E -0,=a=oEs -go b.EP Ea 6 E 9,76 €,8x UJ tctcoco. =oJOOJo ss E gt fio(UE.!Zo=gtffE l!O rHru-G (,'tro E =s(o o'tr6 E =(,)$ E QooG G o .EUto:8,fl9'- o, =5.9E-^z "EEo oPo)ol ! E)OLqo(oF.oE5;oo-, d)a't O E(EJo EAFJ (8?_EE.oofeo8#H &6 oEoz (.,ocoo o z UJ. UJ UJ cl IDooo(! c, o c,o oIIE =zeoI.EcoI op o o-I Eoa oooo.z a,oE uJoE' 6 oo.9 Eoo o(,o G copootr It!-oc,ilffiII RaL Floor Ortr TO BE COTUPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT 3S FILTNG RATE FLOOR DATA ON THE CARRIER'S BEHALF: Cerdficatlon of Ofllcar to Authorlzo .n Agcnt to Flle Ratc Floor Data on Behalf of Reportlng Carrier ['TiH&*l ii,#']."Ji:?l*',"#3$f,rbir.tieranclud. en3urlng (h. acqrrac? ol tha tctual ratg ,foor data proyid.d to th. .uthorE d sgant; and, to the ba-t of my kninlcdgr, thoactual rrtc fborz.t provldaal to lh. luthotiz.d tg.nl hi .ccu6t . I cartifv ttat I !m ruthothcd to rubmit th6 informatbn reDortod on thla iorm on bohelf of the rrporting carlor; lhat I have provided thc inGmeilon roported heoln burd on drte prwlded 5y the rcporting carrhr rnd to the bcet of mI knowlodgc tho lntoim.tlonraported heraln l!'accuEt . National Excfianoe Canier Association (NECA) {me or Rdetim carid Rural Telephone go-mpany - lD d oat'.06l13l2O17 *"- M J Vice-President offm 366--2614 Sludv Are Cod6 d Retrtim Csier l+tzzzs lrrm o,ro"," tor,rxt* ItmrWoOwt 07/0r/20r7 CERTIFICATION+GENT R.nlFborTo?lrlr Gertificaton of Olllccr ac to the Accuncy of the Data Roportad for thc Rate Floor Data I c.rtlf, th.t I arn an ofnc6. ofth. nDortlng cenler; nry ruponslbllillef includc .o.urlng thr eccurecy of tho actual ralr f,oor daLr.poiied ; an.l, to l,l. bart of my Inowlodg[, tta ffiornrton ruDort d on ttli ionn L .ccur&. {rmo,Rsorrimcdrro, Rural Telephone Coppany - ldaho od'oal1312017 me d Grrro. a, al,ro.rz.d orfis Vicg-Prgsident rehohono nunb6, of aurhortzsd oftc.n (208) 366i2614 err itldv A@ Coda ol Remrlim Csier 472233 lFlling Dt|3 Date tor thi3 fom Itmmtalvmt 07n1DO17 t I eniry that M mpsy 6cdv06 d b pmiodrd t0 retua Hioh Cosf Loop S$port (d Fu.n HCr Corl Suppon that B bascd 6 HCLS c High Cod Modtl $rP9orl) dorhg thr psiod July 2017 lhmoh fum 2016, hn lE rc mont{y EEldff[d Eb3 (pfus chargE il d*[d) hs thr i22.a9.