HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170616Midvale CAF ICC.pdfGIvENS PunsLEY,," Attorneys and Counselors at Law 601 W. Bonnock Slreet PO Box27n Boise, lD 83701 Telephone: 208-388- I 200 Focsimile: 208-388-l 300 M.givenspursley.com Michoel C. Creomer 208-38E,1247 MCC@ givenspursley.com HAND DELIVERED Ms. Diane Hanian, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W . Washington Street Boise, ID 83702 Jlune 16,2017 GNB--r- t-t-o t Gory G. Allen Peter G. Borton Chrisiopher J. Beeson Joson J. Blokley Clin't R. Bolinder Erik J. Bolinder Jeff W. Eower Preston N. Corter Jeremy C. Chou williom C. Cole Michoel C. Creomer Amber N. Dino Erodley J. Dixon Thomos E. Dvorok Jeffrey C. Feredoy Mortin C. Hendrickson Bdon J. Holleron Ke6ti H. Kennedy Don E. Knickrehm Neol A. Koskello Deboro K. Kristensen Michoel P. Lowrence Fronklin G- Lee Dqvid R. Lombordi Kimberly D. Moloney Kennelh R. McClure Kelly Greene McConnell Alex P. McLoughlin Melodie A. McQuode Christopher H. Meyer L. Edword Miller Polrick J. Miller Judson B. Monlgomery Deboroh E. Nelson W. Hugh O'Riordon, LL.M. Michoel O. Roe P. Mork Thompson Jeffrey A. Wor Robert B. Whife Angelo M. Reed, of counsel Kennelh L. Pursley {r91G20r5) Jomes A. Mcclure (1924-2or t) Roymond D. Givens (19t7-2oo8l i: ; --) f:r l:1 .,,_ j :-- :.: t,i CI1 i'iii -:7!:= rr:(f ii lv Re: FCC WC Docket 10-90 Connect America Fund Intercarrier Compensation Replacement; Annual Reporting Requirements Dear Diane: On behalf of those Idaho local exchange carriers listed below, and pursuantto 47 C.F.R. 54.304(dX1) of the Federal Communications Commission regulations, we are filing projected eligibility for CAF ICC funding for July 1,2017 through June 30, 2018, and Local Rate Floor Data. In addition to the redacted hard copies for each company, this information is also being submitted on the enclosed CD-ROM. The companies request that the data contained as digital information on the CD-ROM be treated as confidential, trade secret information exempt from disclosure under Idaho Public Utilities Commission Rule of Procedure 67, IDAPA 31.01 .01.67 . This information is considered confidential because it includes, among other things, company-specific financial information, minutes of use and numbers of customers lines. I am familiar with the information alleged to be confidential and not subject to public inspection, examination or copying and in good faith believe there is a basis in law for that claim, namely that the information constitutes a trade secret as defined by Idaho Code 9-340 and is subject to protection. The Idaho local exchange carriers for which these filings are being made are: o Project Mutual Telephone Company o Farmers Mutual Telephone Company Diane Hanian June 16,2017 Page2 o Rural Telephone Company/RTl o Cambridge Telephone Company/CTC Telecom o Midvale Telephone Exchange Inco Custer Telephone Cooperative If you have any questions, or require any further information in connection with this filing, please contact me at your first convenience. Sincerely, C. MCC/latr t233-202 n0155143-l Enclosure(s) 2017 ICC CAF Data Collection N€7P Page I of4 PaperCertificationTracking Logout Historic Reports ) r".' 2017 CAF ICC Data Collection NECA Home NECA Data Collections Contact Us CAF ICC - Instructions & Documents Logqed in User: laye Rishard Home Select Company Main Page Study Area Data Input Menu ) CAF & ARC Output ) Study Area: MIDVALE TEL EXCH INC (ID: 472226) Intrastate Revenues (FCC TRP exhibit) option l: View TRP Output in Excel option 2: Download TRP Data in Excet Intrastate Revenues Test Year 2077-2078 Expected Maximum Intrastate Revenue: $0.OO Col D Col E ci ) Ct Col L N":l' 7t1t2017 lnte6tate Rate H'L Rate Element Description Unit of Demand Test Year 2017-2018 Forecasted lntrastate units (\12017-r8 Egrgcastedlntrastale Revenue Terminating End Office Access Seruice Terminating End Office, Premium, per access minute Terminating End Office Access Seruice Terminating End Office, Non-Premium, per access minute Entrance Facility, Per Termination Voice Grade Two Wire Entrance Facility, Per Termination Voice Grade Four Wire Entrance Facility, Per Termination High Capacity DS1 Entrance Facility, Per Termination High Capacity DS3 Entrance Facility, Per Termination Synchronous Optical Channel OC3 Entrance Facility, Per Termination Synchronous Optical Channel OC12 Entrance Facility, Per Termination ESALT 2 Mbps Entrance Facility, Per Termination ESALT 10 Mbps Entrance Facility, Per Termination ESALT 50 Mbps Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile Voice Grade - Two Wire & Four Wire Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile High Capacity DS1 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile High Capacity DS3 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile Synchronous Optical Channel OC3 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile Synchronous Optical Channel OC12 MOU MOU Mile !tile Mile nation nation nation nation nation nation Mile Mile Col G Test Year 2016-20',t7Curent lntrastate Rate Col H 7t'12017 Proposed lntEslate Rate Col I FY 2011 lntraslate Units: Teminating for Non-Dedicated or Originating and Teminating for Dedicated Elements Col J H.l proposed intrastate lntmstate Price.out with 7t'12017 rate and FY201 I Demand Col K FY 20t5 lntrastate units: Terminating for Non- Dedicated and total for Oedicated Elements 1l Cot M ..100 UnitsGrowth Rate % https://www.necainfo. org/lCC_CAF/source/lntrastateTRPOutput.aspx 6lU20t7 2017 ICC CAF Data Collection Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile ESALT 2 Mbps DTF-E1 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile ESALT 2 lvlbps DTF-E 2 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ I\4ile ESALT 2 Mbps DTF-E 3 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile ESALT 2 Mbps DTF E4 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ lYile ESALT 10 l,lbps DTF-E 1 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ 14ile ESALT 10 Iqbps DTF-E2 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile ESALT 10 l,lbps DTF E3 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile ESALT 10 l9bps DTF-E4 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ I\4ile ESALT 50 l4bps DTF-E1 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile ESALT 50 14bps DTF-E2 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile ESALT 50 [4bps DTF-E3 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile ESALT 50 lYbps DTF-E4 Direct Trunked Transport Facilityffermination VoiceGrade Two Wire & Four Wire Direct Trunked Transport Facility/Termination High Capacity DS1 Direct Trunked Transport Facilityflermination High Capacity DS3 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/rlerminatron Synchronous Optacal Channel OC3 Direct Trunked Transport Facilityffermination Synchronous Optical Channel OC12 Direct Trunked Transport Faci lity/Termination ESALT 2 Mbps Direct Trunked Transport Facilityftermination ESALT 10 Mbps Direct Trunked Transport Facilityflermination ESALT 50 Mbps 14ultiplexing, Per Arrangement DS3 to DS1 l'lultiplexing, Per Arrangement DS1 to Voice Customer Node Per Node OC3 155.52 Mbps Customer Node Per Node OC12 622.08 l4bps Customer Premises Port, Per Port OC3 155.52 Mbps Customer Premises Port. Per Port STS-1 51.84 l"tbps Customer Premises Port, Per Port DS3 44.736 Mbps Customer Premises Port, Per Port DS1 1.544 14bps Add/Drop Multiplexing Central Offlce Port, Per ( rralrt Circurt Crralrit Crrc u rt Circuit Ci rcuit Ci rcui t Circuit Circuit Circuit Circu circuit luliles M iles M iles M iles M iles M iles M iles lvl iles lvl iles lvl iles 14 iles it lvliles Termination Termination Termination Termrnation Termination Circuit terms Circuit terms Circuit terms Termination Termination Port Port Port Port Port Port Port https://www.necai nfo.org/l CC_CAF/source/l ntrastateTRPOutput.aspx 6lt t2017 Page 2 of4 2017 ICC CAF Data Collection Page 3 of4 Port DS1 1.544 Mbps Add/Drop lvlultiplexing Central Offlce Port, Per Port OC3 155.52 l,lbps Add/Drop !lultiplexing Central Office Port, Per Port DS3 44.736 Mbps Network Blocking, Per Blocked Call Network Blocking, Per Blocked Call, Applies to FGD only ESALT Real Time CoS/QoS, Per ESALT DTF E1 Facility ESALT 2 Mbps ESALT Real Time CoS/QoS, Per ESALT DTF-E1 Facility ESALr 10 Mbps ESALT Real Time CoS/QoS, Per ESALT DTF-E1 Facility ESALT 50 Mbps ESALT Entrance Facility Protection, Per ESALT Entrance Facility ESALT 2 lvl bps ESALT Entrance Facility Protection, Per ESALT Entrance Facility ESALT 10 Mbps ESALT Entrance Facality Protection, Per ESALT Entrance Facility ESALT 50 I'lbps Common Channel Signaling Network Connection Signaling I\4ileage Facility, Per Mile Common Channel Signaling Network Connection Signaling Iqileage Termination, Per Termination Common Channel Signaling Network Connection Signaling Entrance Facility, Per Facility Common Channel Signaling Network Connection STP Port, Per Port Terminating Tandem Switched Transport Terminating Tandem Switched Transport Facility Terminating Tandem Switched Transport Terminating Tandem Switched Termination Terminating Tandem Switched Transport Terminating Tandem Switching Nonrecurring Charges Voice Grade Two Wire Nonrecurring Charges Voice Grade Four Wire Nonrecurring Charges High Capacity DS1 Nonrecurring Charges High Capacity DS3 Nonrecurring Charges Synchronous Optical Channel OC3 Nonrecurring Charges Synchronous Optical Channel OC12 Nonrecurring Charges Interim NXX Translation, Per Order Port 14ile Termination Facility Port Port Call Facility Faci lity Facility Circuit Circuit Circuit I\4inutes l.'1in utes Facil ity Facility Facility Facility Facility Facility Order 14inutes / N4ile Nonrecurring Charges FGC and FGD Conversion of Multifrequency Address https ://www. necainfb.org/l CC_CA F/source/l ntrastateTRPOutput.aspx 611120t7 2017 ICC CAF Data Collection Page 4 of 4 Signaling to SS7 Signaling or SS7 Signaling to Multifrequency Address Signaling, per 24 trunks converted or fraction thereof on a per order basis Nonrecurring Charges Trunk Activation, per 24 thereof on a per order basis Nonrecurring Charges per End Office, per CIC Nonrecurring Charges ESALT 2 Mbps Nonrecurring Charges ESALT 10 Mbps Nonrecurring Charges ESALT 50 Mbps Nonrecurring Charges ESALT Direct Trunked Termination, per ESALT Direct Trunked Termination installed Nonrecurring Charges ESALT Entrance Facility Protection, per ESALT Entrance Facility ri.201i \EaArerrscl U* P'vacy P. cy https ://www.necainfo. org/l CC_CAF/source/l ntrastateTRPOutput.aspx 61U2017 2017ICC CAF Data Collection Page I of I ,TECP 2017 CAF ICC Data Collection NECA Home NECA Data Collections Contact Us CAF ICC - Instructions & Documents Paper Certification Tracking Logout Logged in User: Tym Rutkowski d Home Select Company Main Page Study Area Data Input Menu ) CAF & ARC Output ) Historic Reports ) E-Certification ) Study Area; MIDVALE TEL EXCH INC (ID3 472226) Study Ar€a USAC Reports I View Printer-friendly report ]2O1, U!'AC D.t. R.Fn (La hriod 2ol7-Xta) COilIIECT AilERICA FUND Data to be provided to USAC/FCC in June 2017 for CAF ICC Purpo*s Curent Settlement Type! Cost NOTES:trer FCc &sgnation Order, @lculatd as (Sum of une 9 for all TS pool pa(icipanE) : (Line 1/ Sum of Lrne 1 br all E pool panicipenE) "NEq e$imate provid€d fur informational puryoses only - adual b be Glculated by u$c. o20i7 NECATem6ol Us I Prvacy Po[cy Test Period 7l'1117-Gl3Ol18 Post True-up (Filing) View Rate-of-Return (ROR) Carrler Revenue Requirement 1 2011 Interstate Switched Access Revenue Requirement 2 FY 2011 Intrastate Terminatino Switched Access Revenues 3 FY 2011 Net Reciprocal Compensation Revenues 4 2Ol7 ROR Carrier Base Period Revenue (Line 1 + Line 2 + Line 3) 5 ROR Carrier Bas€line Adjustment Factor (0.95 ^ 6) 6 ROR Carrier Revenue Requirement (Line 4 x Line 5) 7 Pool Administration Expenses I Total ROR Carrier Revenue Requirement (Line 6 + Line 7) Revenu6 from Reformed ltrt6rerrler Comoenstlon (ICC) Rates 9 Interstate Switched Access Revenues 10 Interstate Allocated Switched Access Revenues# 11 Transitional Intrastate Access Seruice Revenues 72 Net Transitional Reciprocal Compensation Revenues 13 Total ICC Revenue (Line 10 + Line 11 + Line 12) Eliclble Re@very 14 TRS Increment 15 Regulatory Fees Increment 16 NANPA Increment L7 Interstate Local Switching Support for Prace Cap Affiliates 18 Adjustment for Double Recovery or Corrtrtions 19 Test Period 15/16 Trueup - Net Impact on Total Eliqible Recovery 20 EliqibleRecovery (Line8 - Line 13) + (Une 14 + Line 15 + Line 16 + Line 18 + Line 19) - (Line 17) Revenue6 frcm Afte$ R&overy Charges (ARC) 27 Residential ARC Revenues 22 Sinqle Line Business ARC Revenues 23 Multi-Line Business ARC Revenues 24 Total ARC Revenues (Line 21 + Line 22 + Line 23) Connect Amerlca Fund (CAF) ICC Support** 25 Connect America Fund (CAF) ICC Support (Line 20 - Line 24) Revl6ed CAF ICC SuDDort wlth lmDutsd ARC Revenug for Broadband-Only LooD6 26 ARC Revenue Adlustment 27 Adjusted Te3t P€riod 2olr-2o1a CAFICC Support (Line 25 - Line 26) https://www.necainfo.org/lCC_CAF/source/U SACData.aspx s/16/2017 2017lCC CAF Data Collection nfrP, Page 1 of I 2Ol7 CAF ICC Data Collection NECA Home NECA Data Collections Contact Us CAF ICC - Instructions & Documents Paper Certification Tracking Logout Logged in User: Jaye Rishard d Home Select Company llain Page Study Area Data Input Menu ) CAF & ARC Output ) Historic Reports ) E-Ce.iiai.;rt,c'. ) Study Arear MIDVALE TEL EXCH INC (ID: 472226) Access Recovery Charges Test Period 2017-18 Pre-True-up View Test Period 2017-18 Post-Tru€-Up (Filing) View Test Period 2017-2018 Post True-Up (Filing) view 02017 NECAT.m6 ofUe I Pnv.q Polcy Exchange/zone Name LAKEVIEW MIDVALE STANLY WARM LAKE WARREN YELLOW PINE Study Ar€e SummEry Residential Lines excluding Lifelines Residential ARC Residential ARC Revenue sLB I sLB I sLB ARc I MLB I MLB I MLB ARC l Total ARCLines I anc lR"r.nr.l lin"r I ARC lRevenuelRerenuetttttt https ://www.necainfo. org/l CC_C AF/source/ARCChanges. aspx 6/y2017 € €Ia !iE a oaac o oi 3ooiI a .Ee.ic-o=!Io, 3EP'E=,D7E?g: EEFg:_gTEE!iaoE EE3rpD od.cofEtt.,aoocEIo>EE E.3at =32zr!ho hE Eotoaot rEocl(Jo Il (, I o oG 5IJt, os o o6 oa)Eo o .96s =o(, oz Ioxul JUJF lrJJ o = iio (Eo ooE(llz f.- o(\Io(t rr) iri6a Eo:oEE,o-, ii6'oEo!to.N 9 5 ooe(Ect0) o. outo d,o o!,d).No-c.3 otro !,oCI o 6) =F NolIrl)rO(', I@ool IEo!,c, .N I f o (,l!E c(,coEoooF + O o o !J_ErE;EqEt4E3OoIJF $g5(,P' iE EE |E3EC,3Eol.3EfiTF€i at!ti EEqoEJlEEoC :bs;oo9SEELaoC- l!EE 36_IdEEaoCOt,iE ol,>l =NEI t Eoooc o,o oEd,N oc: o 0,3oc.gU) g E'EF E5RriE9E 8i;2dioo6s8oEEb-; b3 E k@o ro 6:E8626 i9 E'6f,oE--.->oxftE =* GCof Ii566 tG @ Eo t'-oGl @ @ o o> 6J>63s60r>f,EOEorY.EE;:o (oNc{NNt .o roo PEoo.oE ooE'oooo E:a E,gun ooztrE,oo-],Jt utIF d!olrJFulJ4 =ooul@oF Ea ao5€BiE.3E EO TTEB;aaaEE f,! oa,A'it Eg iEital€egE2tel E6b8 €EEg ESEIft,beEEEiE;:8i!oaEEiEAAEsETirs;ra =!iaIt Eo!oEeo ao a EecI E!:,IIE3i 9 (JrElio .goooo .n .g (!o o)cnco ox UJ Eco (Ez catt oaEa2 a2aEoo ,c 6()o toCLoE o Eo@goEotoctotr6 6o _glto co ED tooNL9 t o ooiEo o Eo o(,EEoo oE tr.9o'ooo.h o .9 oo tl,OlcoE.(.,xUJ6co $z E0)ED !,(, o 3 o 0, Eoz iI I, I I ;t( oz IoxuJ JlrJF IUJ o = d, oo P oaot oIEoz F* c)No(') rr) 5 do t(u5acE,o- 6'oEo!,6'.NoE: ooEotr!,(l Eo ou.lo iioo oztrb.NoE5 oco 6oCL o .gF Nc{Ir{)r{)(v)I@o(\I iic,o o !,d).No-c.,o o o-oE c c,cosCLo 0,F $E o 0 !d:o!oE;E,,e ol,E:O-OrF €ii5C' E# EE lE3B9of€rgP ET!Fi:c!l; iEEOEfltEtEogstEo-o,I;; :E-9dEEa.0lcg:4E ul,>l*E€t EaEoI3!, u0,C' o !,o oc oo rUc.Ea to o E -eo !.E Eo I E;6 8R2 iEo 0eEEB;68ct --q;Ij BE@E O=t :t- "9,6$4e6 Er? = 6g8; g r! tt, o.? 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Nam of Redllm C.riar -}+*iltr...-T-.1-rl*. F,.L*. Ib t e o rchphonc numb.r o, Eurhori2ed offccr (oA f55 - Z a t,l on 3trrdv Aroa Cod€ of Remrtim Carder .17ULLG lFilino Duc Dsta br this brmllflndrvwl 07,o1nn17 ffi r *rt,ty na our sd|P3ny rmiw3 il 13 proi.ctsd to reivo Hlgh Cct L@p Support (or Froa Hlgh Ccl Suppod that ls bai6d on HCLS or Hilth Cst irlo{ral Suppod) duringL J ttEpr.iodJuly20lTtEoughJuno20lS.buthsnolMlhlyrGidenlial.tt6(pl6.rr.rg!saEdsfinedllssth.n322.49.