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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150812Comments (21 total).pdfI lO:01:13am03—l2—20l5 I I 2037367731 08—12—15 10:53 FEOM—Sheet Metal Contract 208—734—7731 T—046 P0001/0002 F—139 METAL LLC Mechanical Contracting,Heating,Ventilating,General Sheet Metal 124 Blue Lakes Blvd S.#6 TWIN FALLS,IDAHO 83301 Phone:208-733-8548 Fax:208-134-773 1 08-12-15 STATE OF IDAHO SUBJECT-NEW PHONE NUMBERS LEAVE THE PHONE NUMBERS OUT ALONE,AND ADD OR CHANGE NUMBERS FOR THE NEW CUSTOMERS.,. THERE IS A LOT OF COST FOR THE BUSiNESS AND PEOPLE WITH A CHANGE OF NUMBERS DUE TO LETTER HEAD,BUSINESS CARDS,TRUCK LETTERING,SIGNS, ETC.THE LIST GO ON AND ON. IF WE HAVE A CHOICE CHANGE ONLY NEW CUSTOMERS TO THE PHONE SYSTEM! SINCERELY, PHYLLIS JONES SAWTOOTH SHEET METAL, TWIN FALLS PLAN ROOM IMC SMACNA OF IDAHO 10:0I:13&m.02—I2—2015 2 2087347731 08—12—15 10:53 PROM—Sheet Metal Contract 208—734—7731 T—046 P0002/0002 P—139 08-12-15 STATE OF IDAHO cWr?--j-O& SUBJECT-NEW PHONE NUMBERS LEAVE THE PHONE NUMBERS OUT ALONE,AND ADD OR CHANGE NUMBERS FOR THE NEW CUSTOMERS... THERE IS A LOT OF COST FOR THE BUSINESS AND PEOPLE WITH A CHANGE OF NUMBERS DUE TO LETTER HEAD,BUSINESS CARDS,TRUCK LETTERING,SIGNS, ETC.THE LIST GO ON AND ON. IF WE HAVE A CHOICE CHANGE ONLY NEW CUSTOMERS TO THE PHONE SYSTEM! SiNCERELY, PHYLLIS JONES SAWTOOTH SHEET METAL, TWIN FALLS PLAN ROOM IMC SMACNA OF IDAHO Jean Jewell Sent:Wednesday,August 12,2015 2:55 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Subject:Case Comment Form:Dan LaPan Name:Dan LaPan Case Number:Jg..-7-/-o(, Telephone:9g7_44g7;59 Address:1131 Crowberry Circle Anchorage AK,99515 Name of Utility Company:NA Acknowledge public record:True Comment:In reference to the article about adding a new area code and whether to use the Geographic or the Split method: (FYI -I live in Alaska where we will eventually have this issue,but my heart belongs to Idaho). Use both methods.And while you’re at it save future resources by adding a third area code. All New phone numbers in the lower half of the state get one new area code while all New phone numbers in the upper half of the state get the other new area code.Eventually the 208 will fade away (50÷ years from now)and then become available for future use as needed. Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell Sent:Wednesday,August 12,2015 11:41 AM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Subject:Case Comment Form:Nolan Holbrook Name:Nolan Holbrook Case Number:GNR-T-15-06 Email:nolanlee(aol .com Telephone:2@8 664-e429 Address:7253 W.Eagle Ridge Rd. Coeur dAlene Idaho,83814 Name of Utility Company:Frontier Acknowledge public record:True Comment:Future assigning of phone area codes.I support a geographic division for area code assignment.I realize that southern Idaho would most likely retain the retain the 208 area code--but Ive experienced area code changes twice in other states and it is only a brief inconvenience compared to keeping track of area codes in your neighborhood.Constant use of area codes is also a great inconvenience. Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell Sent:Wednesday,August 12,2015 11:20 AM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Subject:Case Comment Form:Sandra Moorehead Name:Sandra Moorehead Case Number:GNR-T-15-06 Email:ptyphoon57( Telephone: Address:4392 W.Temple Drive Eagle ID,83616 Name of Utility Company:Idaho Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:Definitely NOT a fan of being required to dial 10 digits for all calls.Would be preferable to do a ‘geographic split’. Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell Sent:Tuesday,August11,2015 10:57 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Subject:Case Comment Form:Walter Steed Name:Walter Steed Case Number:GNRT-15-06 Telephone:208-883-0123 Address:218 Samaritan Ln Moscow ID,83843 Name of Utility Company:Time Warner Acknowledge public record:True Comment:A second area code for Idaho should be under a geographic split south of the Salmon River. Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell Sent:Tuesday,August 11,2015 6:52 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Subject:Case Comment Form:Kevin Nelson Name:Kevin Nelson Case Number:GNR-T-15-06 Email:pitcrew92( Telephone:208-821-5183 Address:518 N 2600 E Saint Anthony Idaho,83445 Name of Utility Company:Rocky Mountain Power Acknowledge public record:True Comment:I recommend geographic split for the new area code,as opposed to geographic overlay.Geographic overlay would cause more confusion about the location of callers in business communications,as well as mandating the recording of peoples area codes in rural areas where it is not required now.I feel this would outweigh the difficulty of people in the new area code having to change numbers,which is a short term issue. Unique Identifier: 2 Jean Jewell From:cawilkesjr@gmaiLcom Sent:Tuesday,August 11,2015 5:58 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Subject:Case Comment Form:Chuck Wilkes Name:Chuck Wilkes Case Number:gt(—f-AS-Ot. Email:cawi1kesr( Telephone:5098696279 Address:3817 N Jimmy Street Coeur ci Alene Idaho,83815 Name of Utility Company:Verizon Acknowledge public record:True Comment:I support the use of mixed phone numbers to add the new area code.We added more than one new area code in Colorado when I lived there and we used the overlay/mix process.It worked just fine.Learning to dial 10 numbers as needed is much easier than it seems.Far easier process than a geographic split. Unique Identifier: 3 Jean Jewell From:LODEN@Q.COM Sent:Tuesday,August 11,2015 2:01 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:LODEN@Q.COM Subject:Case Comment Form:Bill Shewmaker Name:Bill Shewmaker Case Number:GNR-T-15-06 Email:L0DEN(Q.C0M Telephone:208-324-7373 Address:147 North 400 wEST jEROME iDAHO,$3338 Name of Utility Company:iDAHO POWER Acknowledge public record:True Comment:a geographic overlay seems to be the best option.It gets my vote Unique Identifier: 4 Jean Jewell Sent:Tuesday,August 11,201512:04 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Subject:Case Comment Form:Timothy Curtright Name:Timothy Curtright Case Number:GNR-T-15-06 Email:curtrightsmsn .corn Telephone: Address:12856 Axel Dr. Donnelly ID,83615 Name of Utility Company:Verizon Acknowledge public record:True Comment:When the puc needs to add another area code for Idaho.please use the geographic overlay plan--I do not want to have to get another phone number and learn a new zip code. Thank you. Unique Identifier: 5 Jean Jewell Sent:Tuesday,August 11,2015 12:02 PM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Subject:Case Comment Form:Sarah Curtright Name:Sarah Curtright Case Number:GNR-T-15-06 Telephone: Address:4365 W Cherry Lane Meridian ID,83642 Name of Utility Company:Verizon Acknowledge public record:True Comment:I hope that the PUC would support a geographic overlay when another area code has to be implemented in Idaho. Unique Identifier; 6 Jean Jewell From:florenciovelasquez@ Sent:Tuesday,August 11,2015 11:34 AM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:florenciovelasquez@ Subject:Case Comment Form:Florencio Velasquez Name:Florencio Velasquez Case Number:QNp,-T—I-d(D Email:flotenciovelasguezgmail.corn Telephone: Address:1518 Oriental Ave Burley Idaho 83318 Name of Utility Company:Phone Company Acknowledge public record:True Comment:I think that is a good idea to add an additional area code with plenty of time before it is needed.I would prefer to see a geographical split rather than an overlay.An overlay would create confusion as to whether a phone number is long distance versus a local number.I think that it would create problems with people thinking that they are calling a local number but then having charges on their phone bill.I know that have a geographical split would be a bit of headache initially as certain people would have to get used to a new number but that confusion would be short term. Unique Identifier: 7 lean Jewell From:cis_40 © Sent:Tuesday,August 11,2015 11:30 AM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:cis_40@ Subject:Case Comment Form:Cis Gors Name:Cis Gors Case Number:GNR-T-15-06 Email:cis 40(hotmai1.corn Telephone:2082631590 426 Kootenai Idaho,83840 Name of Utility Company:phone companies Acknowledge public record:True Comment:understand that there is a possibility of giving Idaho a second area code for the phones...I would like to see from Lewiston north to the canadian border keep the 208 area code and the lower part of the state have the new area code... Unique Identifier: 8 Jean Jewell Sent:Wednesday,August 12,2015 9:40 AM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Subject:Case Comment Form:Randall Adams Name:Randall Adams Case Number:GNR-T-15-06 Telephone:208-457-9281 Address:12148 N.Strahorn Rd. Hayden ID,83835 Name of Utility Company:Phone Acknowledge public record:True Comment:This is a comment in reference to the probable addition of a second area code in Idaho.From the newspaper article this morning,it appears that the preference is for an overlay,meaning new service would receive the new area code,while all existing service would the 208 area code.As a result,everyone would have to dial all 10 digits,even if you call your next door neighbor. I am opposed to the overlay.The division should be geographical.As a north Idaho resident and business owner,I do not mind going to a new area code.The cost and bother is no different than it was when I moved my office from Coeur d’Alene to Post Falls.I had to have a new phone number,so I got new business cards and modified my websites and letterhead.My customers/clients caught on very fast.The cost was minimal and,in this case,where we have years to prepare,the bother will probably be much less.With the overlay,however,the bother will be permanent.Right now,if I call Boise,I have to dial a “1’.Under the overlay system,as I understand it,I will still have to dial a “1”for long distance in Idaho.The trouble is,I won’t know if I have to dial a “1”for numbers with the new area code.If it’s my next door neighbor,I wont.If it’s a new number in Boise,yes.And this will continue forever.The short term inconvenience of switching over geographically is much much better than the permanent problems an overlay will cause.With the geographical system, I will know that a 208 area code will be in a certain part of the state and the new area code will be in another.At a glance. I strongly oppose an overlay system and urge the commission to use a geographic system,and I am willing to accept the new area code in north Idaho.After all,there are two time zones in Idaho,based on geography.The area codes could follow the time zones. Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell Sent:Wednesday,August 12,2015 9:21 AM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Cc:dogbitekid © Subject:Case Comment Form:Rick Bayles Name:Rick Bayles Case Number:GNR-T-15-06 Email:dogbitekidaol .corn Telephone:208-667-5372 Address:6062 east Borley Rd. CDA ID.,23814 Name of Utility Company:Frontier Comm. Acknowledge public record:True Comment:Leave all existing 208 numbers in the state at that any new numbers after they run out of numbers for that area code then only the new code numbers would need to have the 10 digets dialed.not any with 208.Why cant that be done. Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell Sent:Wednesday,August 12,2015 8:58 AM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Subject:Case Comment Form:Gayle White Name:Gayle White Case Number:GNR-T-15-06 Email:prstlk(live.corn Telephone:2088190425 Address:P 0 Box 3499 Post Falls ID,83877 Name of Utility Company:Avista Acknowledge public record:True Comment:I believe they should assign new area codes to the north half of the state of Idaho. While it is an inconvenience to change everything for businesses there are fewer people impacted by this in the north than in the south where Boise is. I have lived in 10 digit dialing states and it is very frustrating having to remember what a persons area code is.This can also delay important calls when you dial one way and get a recording instead of through who you might need to in a non 911 situation. I live in north Idaho.I would rather learn a new area code to tell people when I give out my number and still dial 7 digits when calling friends,neighbors and businesses in my area. Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell Sent:Wednesday,August 12,2015 8:56 AM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Subject:Case Comment Form:ROBERT BEAMAN Name:ROBERT BEAMAN Case Number:GNR-T-15-06 Email:bobrobertbeaman .corn Telephone:208-828-9596 Address:2587 W.Wolf Rapids Dr Meridian Id,83646 Name of Utility Company:Verison Acknowledge public record:True Comment:Stupid idea to make folks dial ten digits.An area code split is the only smart thing to do,an area code overlay is a giant step backwards. Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell Seiit:Wednesday,August 12,2015 8:54 AM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Subject:Case Comment Form:Jo Beaman Name:Jo Beaman Case Number:GNR-T-15-06 Email:lo( Telephone:208-888-9596 Address:2587 W Wolf Rapids Dr Meridian ID,$3646 Name of Utility Company:Century Link Acknowledge public record:True Comment:I believe strongly that area codes should be geographically split.It will be inconvenient at first,but makes much more sense in the long term. Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell Sent:Wednesday,August 12,2015 8:26 AM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Subject:Case Comment Form:JIM MOORE Name:JIM MOORE Case Number:YNk--J:,S’—O(# Telephone:2084551360 Address:2120 WILLOW ST CALDWELL ID,83605 Name of Utility Company:CENTURY LINK Acknowledge public record:True Comment:AS TO PROPOSED AREA CODE CHANGE.USE SPLIT STATE AREA CODES SO WE CAN DIAL LOCALLY AS IS NOW.MOST POPULAS AREA IS SOUTHERN HALF ANYWAY WHY PUNISH US WITH OVERLAP WITH NORTHERN HALF IF WE WISH TO CALL OTHER AREA CODE AREA THEN WE DO AS ELSEWHERE AND DIAL 10 DIGIT NUMBERS THANK YOU Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell Sent:Wednesday,August 12,2015 10:16 AM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fadness Subject:Case Comment Form:J D Name:J D Case Number:GNR-T-15-06 Email:riverfunsun( Telephone: Address:none Boise ID,83714 Name of Utility Company:unknown Acknowledge public record:True Comment:I DO NOT think an overlay is a good idea,it makes NO sense.It would be smarter to pick a smaller area(s)of the state NOT where the population is centered and change the area code in those areas.People will adjust,but making everyone everywhere dial long distance and an area code across the state is just ridiculous.California did this successfully and did not do an overlay,but changed specific smaller town/city area codes,so people don’t have to dial an area code in their own city.1m sure others have done the same successfully. Rather than make everyone across the state suffer an impact,it would be much wiser to do a geographic split and make say all of northern Idaho on a different area code and the population center and southern Idaho keeps the current area code. Unique Identifier: 1 Jean Jewell Sent:Wednesday,August 12,2015 7:25 AM To:Beverly Barker;Jean Jewell;Gene Fad ness Subject:Case Comment Form:Silvano Sanchez Name:Silvano Sanchez Case Number:GNR-T-15-06 Email:silvrsanch(aol.corn Telephone:208-467-7624 Address:1217 W.Shoshone Ave Nampa Idaho,83651 Name of Utility Company:None Acknowledge public record:True Comment:Changing the area code on current phone numbers creates numerous problems for private and business users.Every contact will have to be notified of the changes.It makes absolutely no sense to change phone numbers of existing users.Do not change existing numbers.Apply changes to new users PLEASE!. Unique Identifier: 1