HomeMy WebLinkAbout20151224NANPA Planning Letter.pdfPL - 4eo ulJr?t[bo***rSstorr December 23,2015 NPA 986 to Overlay NPA 208 (Idaho) Previous Planning Letters: None Number: Date: Subject: Related General Description On November 2,2015, the State of Idaho Public Utilities Commission in its order of Case Number: GNR-T-15-06, OrderNumber 33414, approved an all services overlay as the relief method for the 208 NPA. The 208 NPA serves the entire state of Idaho. The new S![Pr\ will serve the same geographic area currently served by the existing 208 NPA. A map showing the area served by these NPAs is attached. lmplementation of Relief Plan Implementation of the overlay of the 986 NPA is as follows: During the permissive dialing period, subscribers may dial local calls within the overlay area on either a7-digit or l0-digit basis, but will be encouraged to dial lO-digits. After the permissive period ends, all calls must be dialed using 10-digits. When preparing for overlay area code relief, carriers are strongly encouraged to prepare their switches to begin sending l0 digits prior to the mandatory l0-digit dialing conversion date for customers. May 5,2016Start of Network Preparation and Customer Education Start of permissive 7-digit and 1O-digit dialing l2:01 AM MT November 5,2016 End of permissive dialing and start of mandatory lO-digit dialing 12:01 AM MT August 5,2017 Earliest new NPA central office code activation date *September 5,2017 July 1,2017 Earliest date central office codes in the new NPA may be ordered through NANPA * Effective Date of the New 986 NPA Gentral Office Gode Listings and NPA Map A rate center map of the 2081986 NPA overlay is attached. Since NXX information may change over time, please consult the NANPA website at www.nanpa.com, iconectiv's LERG Routing Guide or the NPA NXX Activity Guide for updated information. Information in the LERG Routing Guide and NPA NXX Activity Guide is available by license contract from Telecom Routing Administration (TRA), at 7 32-699 -67 00. Dialing Plan Coincident with the introduction of mandatory l0-digit dialing on August 5,2017, the dialing plan for the 208 and 986 NPAs will be as follows: Network Testing All international and domestic carriers should ensure that the new 986 NPA has been activated throughout their networks prior to September 5,2017 (Effective date of new NPA). The test number to verify the routing to the new NPA will be in service beginning June 5, 2017 through October 5,2017. The test number to verify the routing to the 986 NPA is 986-986-1986. A recorded announcement will indicate that the test call has been successfully completed. Genera! lnformation The information in this planning letter reflects detailed information about NPA relief activities. The information has been derived from commission orders and from industry implementation decisions. The implementation of the plan described in this leffer is the responsibility of individual service providers, and NANPA does not guarantee that the activities and plans will occur exactly as described herein. Contact lnformation General questions regarding the relief of the 208 NPA overlay should be directed to Joe Cocke, Senior NPA Relief Planner NANPA, on 571-434-5690. Questions of a technical nature should be directed to the NPA coordinator of the appropriate service provider. Attached is a list of company and contact information that is provided to assist in the implementation of the relief plan described herein. Because this information is subject to change, NANPA canno Home NPA (HNPA) or Foreign NPA (FNPA) I 0-digits (NPA-Nxx-xxxx) HNPA oT FNPA I + l0-digits (l +NPA-Nxx-xxxx) Operator Services Credit card, collect, third party HNPA oT FNPA 0 + l0-digits (0 + NPA-Nxx-xxxx) SERYICE PROVIDER CONTACTS NAME COMPAIIY TELEPHONE EMAIL ID Donny Mckinnies 365 Wireless 678-916-0624 donny@3 65wi reless.net Kyle Bradshaw Albion Telephone 208-673-2401 kbradshaw@atccomm.com George Guerra AT&T 408-635-8612 Ge2395@att.com Rob Brezina Bandwidth.com 919-297-1072 rhr ez.in a(dhtnd wi d th. com Michelle Owens Blackfoot Telephone 406-541-5 I 3 I mowens@blackfoot.com Frank Vesel Broadvox 216-373-4630 foeeel@broadvox.com Jerry Piper Cambridee Telephone 208-257-3314 ioioer@ctctele.com Jed Lakev Cambridee Telephone 208-257-3314 ied@ctctele.com Alex Denk Cambridee Teleohone 208-257-3314 adenk@ctctele.com Kristie Kanadv Cambridee Telephone 208-257-33t4 kkanadv@slslal€.cam Rita Schmitz Centurvlink 608-796-5600 Rita. Schm itz(ECenturvLi nk. com Margaret Cox Centurvlink 252-641-3384 Marsaret.cox@ Centurvl ink.com Sandra Jones Cox Communications 404-269-7722 Sandra.iones@cox.com Rob Loesdon Cox Communications 402-934-0306 Rob.Logsdon@cox.com Jeremy Smith Direct Communications 208-548-2345 support@d irectcom.com Dan Greie Farmers Mutual Telephone 208-452-3100 dan@fmtc.com Andrew Griffin Farmers Mutual Telephone 208-452-3300 Andrew@fmtc.com Garv Earl Filer Mutual Telephone 208-326-4346 Gearl@filertel.com Ellen Washbon Frontier 585-777-1165 Ellen.washbon@ftr.com Renee Willer Frontier 503-645-7909 Renee.willer@ftr.com Makita Saloane Frontier 585-777-7688 Makita.saloane6ftr-com Jeanne Bell Integra Telecom 360-558-41 59 Jeanne.bel l@intesratel ecom.com Donna Long Integra Telecom 763-745-8430 dxlons@i ntesratelecom.com Kathy Michaud Level 3 972-759-9125 Kathv.michaud@level3.com John Stuart Midvale Telephone Exchange 208-355-2211 John.stuart@mtecom.com Dennis Farrineton Midvale Telephone Exchange 208-355-2211 Dennis-Farrinston@mtecom.com Fred Bruce Midvale Telephone Exchange 208-355-22t1 Fred.bruce@mtecom.com Brian Graham Midvale Telephone Exchange 208-355-22tt B rian. graham@mtecom.com Bradlev Joiner Neutral Tandem 312-380-4562 bioiner@intel io uent.com Joani O'Neill Onvoy 406-496-6522 Joan i.onei I I @.onvov. com Doug Musgrave Oreeon-Idaho Utilities 208-461-7802 Dous.mussrave@oiutelecom.net Trov Hicks Oreson-Idaho Utilities 208-461-7802 Trov.hicks(Doi utelecom.net Jami Perez Pac West 209-926-3325 iperez@tnci.com Debbie Tutt Pac West 209-926-3202 dtutt@tnci.com Rick Harder Proiect Mutual Telephone 208-434-7124 rharder@omt.cooo Lesa Rabe Proiect Mutual Teleohone 208-434-7143 lrabe@omt.cooo Glenn Tavlor Proiect Mutual Telephone 208-434-7t50 etavlor@pmt.coop Jason Jenkins Silver Star Communications 307-883-6636 i ienkins@silverstar.nel Michelle Motzkus Silver Star Communications 307-883-6690 mamotzkus@si lverstar.net Shaunna Forshee Sprint 913-3 l5-9108 Sh au n na- l - forsheedsnri nt-com Karen Rieoenkroper Sprint 913-315-8546 Karen.s.rieoenkroeer@sprint.com Kveva Keith T-Mobile 206-313-1506 Kveva.keith2@T-mobile.com Paula Camoasnoli T-Mobile 925-323-3325 Paula iordanDT-mohile.com Esoie Creiphton T-Mobile (Metro PCS)916-984-2655 Esperanza.crei ehton@J-mobile.com Anne Chism TDS Telecom 608-833-8080 Anne chismDtdstelecom-com Paul Neiedlo TDS Telecom 608-664-4659 Parrl neiedlodtdqfelecom.com Maribeth Bailev Time Warner Cable 212-364-8440 Mari heth hai lev6twcahle.com John Cumminss Time Warner Cable 703-962-7822 fohn cumminosd)twcghle com Chris Reno Union Telephone 307-782-4159 creno@unionwireless.com Michelle Peden Union Teleohone 307-782-4151 moeden(Eunionwireless.com Kevin Kleinsmith Union Teleohone 307-782-4035 kkleinsmithOunionwireless.com Terrv Hauot Union Teleohone 307-782-6131 thauottEunionwireless.com Laura Dalton Verizon Business 914-741-7018 Laura.r. dalton6verizon.com Yun Lee Verizon Business 516-229-2891 Yun.i.lee@verizon.com Dana Crandall Verizon Wireless 682-831-3662 Dana-Crandal I @VerizonWireless-com Cindv Nulw Windstream 319-790-2180 Cindv-nultv@windstream.com Ruben Galvan XO Communications 972-578-3728 Ruben.galvan@xo.com Kellv Faul XO Communications 703-547-2536 Kellv.faul@xo.com Amy Freund YMAX Communications 267-424-4400 Amv.freund@Ymaxcom.com ldaho 2OB & 986 Area Code Overlay Plummer-worley Rock Creek Legend t] NPA Boundaries E Rate center Boundaries 406 NPA warren a-- \ Mccall / I Salmon 541 NPA & 458 NPA 3O7 NPA Alpine Freedom -Tysee Valley Grasmere Riddle Grand View Bruneau 775 NPA 435 NPA neustan O 2015 CoreLosic, lnc. 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