HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150721Application.pdfneustar Via Overnight Courier Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise,Idaho 83720 a/vR- tr i5-Db Re: In the Matter of the Application for Modified Procedures of Neustar, Inc., on behalf of the Idaho Telecommunications Industry, For Approval of NPA Relief Plan for the 208 NPA Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed for filing please find an original and seven (7) copies of the Application for Modified Procedure of Neustar, Inc., in its role as the North American Numbering Plan Administrator ("NANPA") and on behalf of the telecommunications industry. Also enclosed are an original and seven (7) copies of the Petition for Admission of Attorney Pro Hac Yice of Y:.rmberly Wheeler Miller. If you have any questions regarding these filings, please do not hesitate to contact me at (202) s33-2912. Respectfu lly submitted, Kimberly Wheeler Miller Counsel, North American Numbering Plan Administrator, Neustar, Inc. Kimberly.miller@neustar.biz ORIOINAL ORIGINAL Kimberly Wheeler Miller Neustar,lnc. 1775 Pennsylvania Ave. NW,4ft Floor Washington, DC 20006 (202) s33-2e12 kimberly.miller@neustar.biz Attorney for Neustar, Inc. Mary S. Hobson ISB#2142 341I W Morris Hill Rd. Boise,ID 83706 (208) 3s0-0782 Local Counsel Before the IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Boise,Idaho 83702 In the Matter of the Application for Modified ) Procedures of Neustar, Irc., on Behalf of the Idaho ) Telecommunications Industry, For Approval of ) NPA Relief Plan for the 208 NPA ) caseNo. &N R:T-tS-Ob APPLICATION FOR MODIFIED PROCEDURES OF TIIE NORTH AMERICAIi NUMBERING PLAII ADMINISTRATOR ON BEHALF OF THE IDAHO TELECOMMT]NICATIONS INDUSTRY FOR RELIEF OF TIIE 208 NPA Neustar, Inc., the North American Numbering Plan Administrator ('NANPA"), in its role as the neutral third party NPA Relief Planner for Idatro under the North American Numbering Plan and on behalf of the Idaho telecommunications indus@ ("[ndustry"),1 applies to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission")2 to approve the t The Industry is composed of current and prospective telecommunications carriers operating in, or considering operations within, the 208 area code of ldaho. 2 The Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") delegated authority to review and approve NPA relief plans to the states. See 47 C.F.R. $ 52.19. Industry's consensus decision3 to recommend to the Commission an all services distributed overlay (referred to as Altemative #1) of the 208 numbering plan area ('NPA") as the preferred form of relief for the 208 NPA.4 The lndustry submits its recommendations to the Commission based upon NANPA's projections that absent NPA relief the supply of central office codes (often referred to as "CO" or "NXX" codes) for the 208 NPA will exhaust during the second quarter of 2018.5 In order to allow sufficient time for completion of the selected relief plan prior to exhaust of CO codes in the 208 NPA and to fully implement customer education plans, the Industry recommends that the Commission approve the recommended l6-month implernentation schedule if the Commission approves the overlay alternative. In support of this application and on behalf of the Industry, NANPA submits the following: I. BACKGROTIND The April2015 NRUF Report indicates that the 208 NPA is projected to exhaust during the second quarter of 2018. Due to the projected exhaust, NANPA notified the Industry on April 14,2Ol5 that NPA relief needed to be addressed.6 The tndustry met via 3 Conserr.rrs as used in this document means: Consensus is established when substantial agreement has been reached among those participating in the issue at hand. Substantial agreement means more than a simple majority, but not necessarily unanimous agreement. Operating Procedures for ATIS Forums and Committees, $7.1 (ATIS Feb.22,2012). a As the neutral third party administrator, NANPA has no independent view regarding the relief option selected by the tndustry. s 2015-t NRUF and NPA Exhaust Analysis (April 2Ol5) ("April2015 NRUF Report'). The April 2015 NRUF Report can be accessed at http://UlfUJlANPAcom. 6 In order to plan for the introduction of new area codes, NANPA and the Industry utilize the NPA Code Relief Planning & Notification Guidelines (AT15-0300061, Sept. 5, 2014) ("NPA Relief Planning Guidelines"). The NPA Relief Planning Guidelines assist NANPA, the Industry and Regulatory Authorities within a particular geographic NPA in the planning and execution of relief efforts. The NPA Relief Planning Guidelines can be accessed on the ATIS web site located at http://www.atis.org/inc/incguides.asp . conference call on June 9, 20t5 to discuss various relief alternatives.T Pursuant to the NPA Relief Planning Guidelines, NANPA distributed an Initial Planning Document ("IPD") to the Industryprior to the relief planning meeting. The IPD contained descriptions, maps, general facts and assumptions, and the projected lives of an all- services distributed overlay relief alternative and a geographic split alternative.8 No additional relief altematives were introduced by Industry members before or during the June 9 meeting. During the relief planning meeting, the Industry members evaluated the two relief altematives, described more fully below: o Alternative #l - All Services Distributed Overlay: A new NPA code would be assigned to the same geographic area as the existing 208 NPA. Customers would retain their current telephone numbers; however, ten-digit local dialing would be required by all customers within and between NPAs in the affected rate areas. Alternative #1 has a projected life of 66 yea$. o Alternative#2 - Geographic Split: ln a geographic split, the NPA is split into two or more geographic areas and a new NPA is assigned to one of the areas formed by the split. Al1 split plans require ten-digit dialing between NPAs in the same extended local calling area. Within an NPA, seven-digit dialing would be permitted. In Alternative #2,the proposed boundary line would run along rate center boundaries starting at the Oregon border between Riggins and New Meadows rate centers and continues east and then turn southward ending at the Nevada border between the 7 A copy of the June 9 meeting minutes, including a list of attendees, is attached as Exhibit A. 8 A "opy of the IPD, including maps of both relief altematives, is attached as Exhibit B. Three Creek and Oakley rate centers. The area north and east of the boundary line is labeled as Area A and the southwestern portion is labeled as Area B. Area A has a projected life of 68 years and Area B has a projected life of 65 years. No recommendation is made regarding which side of the split line should receive the new NPA. At the June 9, 2015 meeting, the participants discussed the attributes of the relief altematives and reached consensus to recommend that the Commission adopt Alternative #1, the all-services overlay. II. DESCRIPTION OF THE RECOMMENDED RELIEF ALTERNATIVE Alternative #1, the all-services distributed overlay, would superimpose a new NPA over the same geographic area covered by the existing 208 NPA. All existing customers would retain the 208 area code and would not have to change their telephone numbers. The projected life of the overlay is 66 years. Consistent with FCC regulations, customers will dial 10 digits for all local calls.e The table below sets forth the lndustry recommended dialing plan for Alternative #l: Industry participants reached consensus to recommend to the Commission a 16- month schedule for implementation of the overlay. The recommended schedule is as follows: e 47 c.r.R. gs2.re(c)(3)(ii). 4 Plan for Alternative# lz Tvoe of CalI CalI Terminatine in Dialins Plan Local call Home NPA (HNPA) or Foreisn NPA GNPA) I 0-di gits (NPA-Nxx-xxxx) Toll Call HNPA oT FNPA I + I 0-dieits ( 1 +NPA-NXX-XXXX) Ooerator Services HNPA oT FNPA 0+l 0-disits (0+NPA-NXX-XXXX) Implementation Schedule for Alternative # I - Overlay The Industry requests that the Commission approve this timeline in order to ensure the timely implernentation of relief and to facilitate customer education. III. REQUEST FOR MODIFIED PROCEDURE A hearing is not necessary to consider the matters presented herein and request that this Application be processed by Modified Procedure. EVENT TIMEFRAME DATE Total Implementation Period l6 months Start Network Preparation and Customer Education 6 months TBD Start of Permissive 7-digit and l0-Digit Dialing Period (Calls within 208 NPA can be dialed using 7 or l0 digits) and continued Customer Education 9 months TBD Mandatory dialing at the end of Permissive Dialing Period durins 402017 TBD First Code Activation after end of Permissive dialing period. (Effective date for codes from the new NPA)I month TBD IV. CONCLUSION The lndustry respectfully requests that the Commission enter an order approving Modified Procedure and the Commission enter an order approving the Industry's recommended method and schedule for relief for the 208 NPA. Respectfu lly submitted, NeuStar,Inc. 1775 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., 4th Floor Washington, D.C. 20006 (202) 533-2912 (phone); (202) 533-2972 (fax) Kimberly.mill er@neus tar.biz Joseph R. Cocke Senior NPA Relief Planner North American Numbering Plan Administrator NeuStar, Inc. 21575 Ridgetop Circle Sterling, VA20166 (s7l) 434-s690 Joe. cocke@neustar.biz July 20, 2015 Kiinberly Wheel er Miller EXHIBIT A neustan NAIVPA trloni Anuicla l{ufuii8 FL! AdEirisl,rli}r luly 7,2015 To: All 208 NPA Code Holders and Other Industry Members (Idaho) Subject Final Minutes of June 9,20L5IPD Conference Call Attached are the final meeting minutes from the June 9, 2015,ID 208 NPA reliefplanning meeting. NANPA conducted a conference call to review and approve these minutes on July 7, 2015 and no changes were made. No later than July 2l,}0II,NANPA will frle the petition for relief of the 208 NPA using the meeting results reflected in these minutes. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding any aspect of relief planning, or have any questions about receivirg notices and documents via NNS. I can be reached on 571- 434-5690 or via email at the address below. Sincerely, Joseph R. Cocke Senior NPA Relief Planner NANPA e-mail: joe.cocke@neustar.biz CC: Carolee Hall- IPUC Staff Attachments Neustar, lnc. I 21575 Ridgetop Circle, Sterling, VA 20166 / tel: + t.571.434.5400 / fax: +1.571.434.5400 / www.neustar.biz IDAHO - 208 NPA RELIEF PLANNING IPD FINAL .MEETING N{INUTES June 91 2015 WELCOME, INTRODUCTIONS & AGENDA REVIEW Joe Cocke, Senior NPA Relief Planner-NANPA, welcomed the participants and reviewed the objective of the meeting. A list of attendees can be found in Attachment #1. Joe mentioned there would be a quality survey sent via email to those attending today's call. Joe then reviewed the agenda and NANPA's roles and responsibilities. NANPA's ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES Joe reviewed NANPA's role and responsibilities for today's meeting as follows: o NANPA starts the relief plaruring process 36 months prior to exhaust of the NPA - lnitial Relief Planning notice was sent April 14, 2015.o Facilitate a Pre-IPD conference call with the industry six weeks prior to the NPA Relief Planning meeting - held May 12,2015.o Distribute the Initial Planning Document (IPD) at least four weeks prior to the Relief Meeting - posted on NNS May 12, 20 I 5; (reminder posted Jtne 2, 201 5).o Review the relief alternatives presented in the IPDo Check to see if there are any additional relief altematives from the participants o Discuss the alternatives and consider pros and cons for each altemative.o Then, the main objective is achieved by reaching consensus on the relief alternative the industry wants to recommend to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC). o Also determine any additional items to include in a filing with the PUC such as dialing plan and implementation intervals.o Then NANPA is charged with the responsibility of filing a relief petition, on behalf of the industry, with the regulatory authority. Once the industry comes to consensus on what should be included in the filing, NANPA will frle the legal document within six weeks of today's meeting per the INC guidelines or as decided by the industry or as required by the state statute. REVIEW CONSENSUS PROCESS AND NPA RELIEF PLANNING GUIDELINES Joe stated that the ATIS (Alliance for Telecommunications lndustry Solutions) approved industry consensus process would be followed. He reviewed the consensus process and explained how consensus is determined. ln addition, Joe stated that the minutes would be comprised of consensus agreements, and that issues not captured by consensus could be expressed in the form of a Statement for the Record, which could be conveyed at any point during the meeting. Joe referred the participants to the three relief planning meeting aids included in the IPD document: the Excerpts from the INC NPA Code Relief Planning and Notification Guidelines, Appendices B and E, the collection of industry developed Pros and Cons of relief alternatives and the Implementation lnterval and Dialing Plan charts. These meeting aids will assist the participants in their decision making and to make a recommendation for relief. The Relief Planning, as well as other relevant CO Code, NPA assignment guidelines, may be downloaded from the ATIS web site at: (www.atis.org). PRE-IPD CONFERENCE CALL RE.CAP Joe provided a recap of the pre-IPD conference call held May 12,2015, for the purpose of reviewing the NANPA developed proposed relief alternatives; no additional relief alternatives were recommended during that call or prior to the call today. Informal meeting notes resulting from the pre-IPD industry conference were posted to NANPA's NNS service on May 12, 2015. Joe noted the main purpose of that call was to obtain additional relief alternatives for consideration; even though none was suggested the industry will still have the opportunity to propose additional relief alternatives during the call today. NPA STATUS Joe informed participants that the April 24,2015 Number Resource Utilization Forecast ('NRUF") projects the 208 NPA to exhaust during the 2nd Quarter 2018. The monthly CO Code demand projection is 1 code/month or twelve per year. Joe provided a read-out of the monthly CO Code Assignment Activity for the Idaho 208 NPA. He reported as of June 9,2015 there were 40 NXX codes available for assignment, there have been eight codes assigned year to date, 743 total assigned NXX codes, and 17 unavailable NXX codes which are as follows: Eight Nlls, and the other standard UAs, 208,307,555, 700, 950, 958, 959,976 and 986. There are 67 service provider OCNs that are code holders. NUMBER POOLING INFORMATION Cecilia McCabe, Neustar - Number Pooling Implementation, reported for the 208 NPA that pooling commenced on August 26,2002, there are 145 rate centers (RCs), 94 RCs are mandatory pooling and 51 rate centers are mandatory pooling with only a single- service provider and no optional or excluded rate centers. In the past twelve months, from June 1,2014 to June 8,2015,265 blocks have been assigned in the 208 NPA, and as of 618115 there are 1002 blocks available for assignment to service providers. Pooling has assigned 18 codes in the past twelve months, all for pool replenishment, 0 for dedicated customers and 0 for LRN. The forecasted need for the next twelve months is 65 codes - 65 for pool replenishment and dedicated customers and none for LRNs. Joe noted there are a few service providers that have forecasted the need for codes in multiple rate centers across the state causing the need for so many new codes. EXPLANATION OF RELIEF ALTERNATIVES PREPARED BY NANPA Joe provided an overview ofthe 208 area code in general describing the geography and assisting the industry tnfamiliaizing itself with the area. He also described the rate area maps that have been prepared for reference. Idaho is unique in that it is one of twelve remaining states that have only one NPA. General Facts: Joe provided the highlights of the general facts in the IPD on ldaho and the 208 NPA. The state has a population of over 1.6 million people in 44 counties with 200 incorporated cities and encompasses 83,557 square miles. This state is renowned for its scenic beauty, unlimited opportunities for recreation, of summer and winter outdoor activities enjoyed year-round by national and international vacationers. The 208 area code or numbering plan area (NPA) was created in L947 as the original area code for Idaho. The entire state of Idaho has only one area code. The 208 NPA serves this state with a mix of large and small cities and towns including very rural lightly ffiabited areas of the state. The 208 NPA is bordered on the north by the British Columbia, Canada 236/250/778 NPA overlay complex, to the west by the Washington 509 NPA and the Oregon 5411458 NPA overlay complex, to the east by the Montana 406 NPA and the Wyoming 307 NPA and to south by the Nevada 775 NPA and the Utah 435 NPA. Additionally, the 208 area code is home to residents, businesses, goverrment centers, airports, hospitals, colleges and universities, museums, cultural and entertainment centers, as well the Mountain Home Air Force Base and the Fort Hall, Duck Valley, Nez Perce, and Coeur d'Alene lndian Reservations. Joe then briefly reviewed Appendix E to the NPA Code Relief Planning Guidelines which provides the General Attributes of Common Relief Alternatives. The followino maps and related documents were then reviewed: 2014 State Census data by city and county Map showing location of the one NPA in Idaho NPA 208 Rate Center Map of the 145 rate centers NPA 208 map of Rate Centers, Counties & Cities and communities NPA 208 Rate Center, LATA map showing the 5 LATAs Rate Center Table Code Holder Table Then Joe reviewed the following relief alternatives in the lnitial Planning Document: ALTERNATIVE #1 - ALL SERVICES DISTRIBUTED OVERLAY A new NPA code would be assigned to the same geographic area occupied by the existing 208 NPA. Customers would retain their current telephone numbers; however, ten-digit dialing for all local calls by all customers within and between NPAs in the affected area would be required. Central Office codes in the overlay NPA will be assigned upon request with the effective date of the new area code with a projected life of 66 years. At exhaust of the 208 NPA all future CO code assignments will be made in the overlay area code. Total CO Codes =741 Total rate centers: 145 Area Code Life = 66 Years GEOGRAPHIC SPLIT ALTERNATIVE Joe explained that in a geographic split a line is drawn along rate center boundaries of the current area code with rate centers on one side of the split line retaining the current area code and the rate centers of the other side of the split line changing to a new area code. Telephone numbers on both sides of the split line will retain seven-digit dialing. Local calls dialed between the two resulting area codes will be on a lO-digit basis. Joe further explained that according to the INC guidelines, if a geographic split is considered, severe imbalances of more than ten years in NPA lifetimes are to be avoided. Also the side of the split line that changes to the new NPA shall have a projected life of at least 8 to l0 years before projected to exhaust. Relief options shall cover a period of at least five years beyond the predicted date ofexhaust. ALTERNATIVE #2 _ GEOGRAPHIC SPLIT The 208 area code is split by drawing a line along rate center boundaries as follows: The line starts at the Oregon border at the NPA boundary between the Riggins and New Meadows rate centers and follows the southern border of Riggins, Warren and Elk City rate Centers, then continues southerly on the eastern side of the Yellowpine and Iowman and Atlanta rate centers, then continues following along the southern border of the Stanley rate center then continues along the northem borders of Ketchum and Carey rate centers then continues between Carey and Arco rate centers then southerly between Richfield and Minidoka rate centers and then follows the eastern border of Twin Falls rate center then between Three Creek and Oakley rate centers and continues to the edge of the 208 NPA boundary at the Nevada border. The area inside this split line is labeled AREA B with a projected life of 65 years; the rest of the 208 NPA is labeled AREA A with a projected life of 68 years. This split line along rate center boundaries approximately follows many but not all of the county lines involved. Rate center boundaries do not follow jurisdictional boundaries. This split altemative is well balanced with only three years difference in projected lives. No recommendation is made for which side of the split line would receive the new NPA. The forty-frve rate centers inside Area B are as follows: Atlanta, Boise, Boise River, Bruneau, Caldwell, Cambridge, Carey, Cascade, Council, Dorurelly, Emmett, Fairfield, Filer, Fruitland, Garden Valley, Grand View, Grasmere Riddle, Hollister, Homedale, Horseshoe Bend, lndian Valley, Ketchum, Lowman, Marsing, McCall, Melba, Midvale, Mountain Home, NAMPA, New Meadows, New Plymouth, Nu Acres, Parma, Payette, Prairie, Richfield, South Mountain, Sweet, Three Creek, Tipanuk, Twin Falls, Warm Lake, Weiser, Wilder and Yellowpine. The remaining one hundred rate centers are in Area A. Area A Total CO Codes:368 Total rate centers = 100 Area Code Life:68 Years Area B Total CO Codes:373 Total rate centers = 45 Area Code Life = 65 Years ADDITIONAL RELIEF ALTERNATIVE SUGGESTIONS Joe sought ideas for additional alternatives or suggestions to alter the existing altemative. There were no additional suggestions during this conference call. CONSENSUS ON RELIEF ALTERNATIVE RECOMMENDATION Joe sought a discussion from the industry members regarding the use of comparing the Pros and Cons of the relief altematives. While the Pros and Cons are in the meeting invitation material, it was decided by the participants that use of the industry developed Pros and Cons was not necessary for this relief project. After further discussion, a proposal was made and consensus was reached to recommend Alternative #1, the all services distributed overlay, to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission ("PUC") as the industry's choice of relief for the 208 NPA. STATEMENTS FOR THE RECORD: Carolee Hall of the Idaho PUC staff provided the following statement: The ldaho Public Utililies Commission supports an overlay. Overlay will be the Commission's position as it comports with the industry's (Best Practices) recommendation to the North American Numbering Council and was accepted by the FCC as a state's option to choose the best means of implementing area code relieffor its citizens. (FCC Order DA l4-842). DIALING PLAN (ALTERNATIVE # 1) The following represents the dialing plan for an overlay in Idaho: ESTABLISH IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE Joe noted that the start of mandatory dialing should avoid major holiday periods such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's. Interval dates, start of permissive dialing and mandatory dialing, will occur during non-business hours, usually early Saturday mornings. Diali Plan tbr Alternative # l: Tvoe of Call Call Terminatins in Dialine Plan Local call Home NPA (HNPA) or ForeisnNPA GNPA) I 0-digits (NPA-Nxx-xxXX) Toll Call HNPA oTFNPA I + 1 0-dieits ( 1 +NPA-NXX-XXXX) Operator Services HNPA oT FNPA 0+ 1 0-disits (0+NPA-Nxx-xxxx) IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES Joe stated the industy members should consider the time of the year when best to introduce a dialing change in the Idaho as well as the length of time they would recommend for permissive dialing due to this being the first NPA relief for the state. Joe suggested they give serious consideration as to what time of the year a dialing change should be introduced and the length of permissive dialing in order to minimize the impacts to the 208 NPA. In addition to avoiding major holidays, there is the tourism industry as well as annual weather issues to consider. In connection with this issue, the INC guidelines state that NANPA should recommend mandatory dialing start 6-months prior to the forecasted exhaust of the 208 NPA, which would be in 4Q2017. Due to the high projected demand at the pooling administration level, there is the potential change in the forecasted exhaust, which may require any implementation dates to be moved in before the forecasted exhaust. Therefore, the participants decided to wait on identiffing specific implementation interval dates until after the PUC issues an order and the implementation meeting has been scheduled. At that time the projected demand at the pooling level may have changed. A recommendation was made and consensus reached to recommend to the Commission a l6-month schedule for implementation of the overlay with a 6-month network preparation and customer education period, followed by a 9-month permissive dialing period, then a one month quiet period before the effective date of the new NPA. The recommended schedule is as follows: lnterval Timeframes and Dates for Alternative # 1 - Overla EVENT PERIOD DATE Total Implementation Period 16 Months Start Network Preparation and Customer Education 6 Months TBD Start of Permissive 7-digit and lO-digit Dialing Period (Calls within 208 NPA can be dialed using 7-digits or l0 disits) and Continued Customer Education 9 Months TBD Mandatory Dialing at the end of Permissive dialing neriod durins 4o2017. TBD First Code Activation after end of Permissive dialing oeriod. (Effective date for codes from the new NPA) l Month TBD CUSTOMER EDUCATION PLAN It was agreed the industry team will work together on a coordinated education plan across the state. REVIEW OF DRAFT MEETING MINUTES Joe stated that the draft minutes resulting from this meeting will be distributed to the industry via the NANPA's Notification Service (I{NS) no later than June 23,2015 and the draft commission filing distributed to the industry no later than June 30,2015. It was agreed that NANPA will conduct a conference call to review and approve the draft minutes and approve the draft petition to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission on July 7,2015. Joe will include the conference call bridge infomration with the invitation to the July 7th meeting when the draft minutes are distributed. NANPA will file the relief petition with the Idaho PUC no later than July 21,2015. OPEN DISCUSSION One of the participants asked the PUC how soon a decision could be expected if the petition was filed in July. The PUC representative responded that a decision might be provided as early as August. Adjoumed ### These minutes became final with no changes made on July 7,2015. 208 NPA - IDAHO Attachment I IPD Meeting VIA CONFERENCE CALL JUNE 9,2015 PARTICIPANTS NAME COMPAI\TY Kvle Bradshaw ATC Dan Morris Cambridse Kristie Kanadv Cambridse Marsaret Cox CenturvLink Rita Schmitz CenturvLink Mike Potts CenturvLink Chris Brown Cox Telecom Sandra Jones Cox Telecom J.D. Bennetts Custer Tel Jenness Butterfield Custer Tel Daniel Greie Farmers Mutual Steve Cowser Filer Mutual Gary Earl Filer Mutual Ellen Washbon Frontier Carolee Hall ID PUC Jeanne Bell lntesra Telecom Joe Cocke NANPA Relief Plannine Warme Milbv NANPA Relief Plannine Beth Sprazue NANPA Linda Hymans NeuStar Poolins Cecilia McCabe NeuStar Poolins Imolementation Michelle Motzkus SilverStar Tel Karen Riepenkroser Snrint Shaunna Forshee Snrint Paula Jordan Camoaenoli T-Mobile Kveva Keith T-Mobile Anne Chism TDS Yun Lee Verizon Dana Crandall Verizon Wireless Nicole Winters Windstream EXHIBIT B Initial Planning Document For Relief of Idaho 208 NPA June 9,2015 North American Numbering Plan Administration Joseph R. Cocke Sr. NPA Relief Planner 208 NPA Background Information General Facts: Idaho became the 43'd state on July 3, 1890. It has a population of over 1.6 million people in 44 counties with 200 incorporated cities and encompasses 83,557 square miles. Bordering states are: Washington and Oregon to the west, Montana and Wyoming to the east, Nevada and Utah to the south and bordering Canada to the north. The state capital is Boise, the state flower is the Syringa, the state gemstone is the Star Garnet, the state horse is the Appaloosa, the state bird is the Mountain Bluebird and the state fish is the Cutthroat Trout. This state is an undiscovered land of unparalleled beauty - massive mountain ranges, great lava flows, deep canyons, large wilderness areas with deserts, prairies, forests rich with wildlife, spectacular mountain vistas and some of the world's most wild and scenic rivers and over 2000 pristine mountain lakes. The opportunities for recreation, of fishing, hiking, hunting, skiing and other outdoor activities are enjoyed year-round by national and international vacationers. It has eleven national forests, 25 state parks, 93,000 miles of rivers and forty percent of the 53 million acres is covered by trees. Known as the Gem State - over 80 varieties of gemstones are found here. The state shaped like an 'h', played a key role in Lewis and Clark's historic trek to find a northwest passage. Before the settlers, five Native American tribes called Idaho home. The 208 area code or numbering plan area (NPA) was created in 1947 as the original area code for Idaho. The entire state of Idaho has only one area code. The 208 NPA serves this state with a mix of cities, suburban cities and towns with residential, commercial and light industrial areas with varied groMh, rural towns, vacation and tourist areas as well as very rural uninhabited areas of the state. The 208 NPA is bordered on the north by the British Columbia, Canada 23612501778 NPA overlay complex, to the west by the Washington 509 NPA and the Oregon 5411458 NPA overlay complex, to the east by the Montana 406 NPA and the Wyoming 307 NPA and to south by the Nevada 775 NPA and the Utah 435 NPA. Additionally, the 208 area code is home to residents, businesses, government centers, airports, hospitals, colleges and universities, museums, cultural and entertainment centers, as well the Mountain Home Air Force Base and the Fort Hall, Duck Valley, Nez Perce, and Coeur d'Alene Indian Reservations. Relief Planning Background and Assumptions: The 208 NPA has 145 rate centers of which all are in mandatory Thousand-Block-Number Pooling, which started August 26,2002. There are 51 rate centers that have a single service provider, and 79 rate centers that have only one central office code. The 208 NPA serves LATAs 648,652,654,676 and 960, but only LATA 652 is in an MSA: the Boise City, ID Metropolitan MSA. This NPA is not in rationing. The April, 2015 NRUF Exhaust Forecast is 2Q2018 with a demand rate of 12 codes per year. CO Code Summary: As of May 11,2015, the 208 NPA has 742 codes assigned,40 codes available for assignment and 18 Un-Assignable codes: Nl I s, 208,307,555, 700, 923,950,958, 959, 976 and 986. There are 67 service provider OCNs that are code holders and all one-thousand-block holders are also code holders. Geography Idaho Ada Adams Bannock Bear Lake Benewah Bingham Blaine Boise Bonner Bonneville Boundary Butte Camas Canyon Elmore Lincoln Minidoka Perce Oneida Owyhee Payette Power Shoshone eton Twin Falls Valley Washington 2O1O Gensus Figures By Gounty Total Population 2010 Change from 2000 1,567,582 392,365 3,976 92,839 5,986 9,285 45,607 21,376 7,028 40,877 104,234 10,972 2,891 1,117 188,923 6,963 22,952 982 8,761 4,368 27,038 12,786 't3,242 16,719 15,464 16,267 26,140 22,374 138,494 37,24 7,936 3,821 5,208 37,536 20,069 39,265 4,286 11,526 22,623 7,817 12,765 10,'t70 77,230 9,862 10,198 %Ghange ftom 2000 273,629 91,461 500 7,274 425 114 3,872 2,385 358 4,042 21,712 1,101 -8 126 57,482 -341 1,536 -40 -1 69 26 -2,092 1,457 1,423 1,538 1,309 756 6,985 4,032 29,809 2,309 130 74 1,164 10,069 -105 1,855 161 882 2,045 279 -1,006 4,171 12,946 2,211 221 21.10o/o 30.40% 14.40o/o 9.600/o -6.60% 1.200h 9.30% 12.600/o 5.40o/o 11.00o/o 26.30o/o 11.20o/o -0.30% 12.70o/o 43.70% 4.70o/o 7.200/o -3.90% -1.9OYo 0.60% -7.200/o 12.90o/o 12.00% 10.1Ao/o 9.20% 4.90o/o 36.50% 22.00o/o 27.40yo 6.60% 1.70Yo 2.00Yo 28.80o/o 36.70Yo -0.50% 5.00% 3.90% 8.30% 9.90% 3.700/o -7.30Yo 69.50% 20.10o/o 28.900/o 2.20o/o (For information on confidentiality protection, nonsampling error, and definitions, see http://www.census.gov/p rod/ cen2OtO/pl9 -171. pdf) --__l State Race*Breakdown t0.6*) Population Density by Census Tract -Nasve H:Mllrn rnd Oth.t\ P..tfi< Isbd.r (0.1*) SoDe orhlr r.c. (5. I t) e.5b ldaho Population 1970 io 2010 0 & @ $Kbm*s -::::::I -]:1:::tt:- 0 30 S {MlL. Hispanic or latino (of any race) makes up ll,2X of the state population. Population by Sex and Age ToEl Popul.toD: 1,567,5a2 EO 70 60 50 40 30 20 lo 3?,5@ 0 32,500 65,000Male Female Housing Tenure Totel &opled tuusing U!trs: 579,408 Av.rage Hous.hold Siz. Av.r4. Hoftun.r{.cupEdUmsi otR.Dt.r'O.c!pl.dUnts 2.70 people 2.56 poplc People per Square Mile by Census Tract ""*,,{i',i:l,}'*" 1.0 to 4.9 Less than 1.0 - County Boundary o lof["ryi"""J"s*". IWrre -w rc - - United StatesLensus -Burcao U-S. kFnmil of Comm€.ce E.onomacsand St.tirri.s Adminifiarbn U5. CEN5US BUREAU NANPA : Number Remurccs - NPA (Arca) Codes P,age 1of 1 &hhrH;&mhfM,6&c IDAHO NPA 208 Rate Genter Map, Counties & Cities > 5,000 neustar 509 NPA Nez 406 NPA NPA 208 Map Legend t-I NPABounrhries Rate Center Boundarbs flcornvBoundarbs t Cities > 5,000 541 NPA & 458 NPA Ysllflpine 307 NPA Lqb02nU5435 NPA prcducedby IDAHO NPA 208 Rate Center Map, LATA neustar 509 NPA 406 NPA NPA 208 Map Legend t-I NPABoun(bries Rate Center Boundarbs IrnrnBourdaries 208 NPA Powoll LATA 676 Elk Clty541 NPA & 458 NPA 307 NPA CorcLqlc02nus Grsmsro Riddls 775 NPA 435 NPA Producd RATE CENTER TABLE iTATE:lD tlPA:208 'lAS Dara 4-1-15 lount of NXX :ATEGORY IC FULL NAME 3AP ]LEC LEC ]CS IBOC WIRELESS 'blank)Srand Total iIAY 1 1 \BERDEEN 1 1 \LBENI 1 ,| \LBION 1 1 \LMO 1 1 \LPINE 1 \RBON 1 1 \RCO \SHTON 1 \TLANTA 1 1 ]AYVIEW 2 1 ]LACKFOOT ,|1 ]LUEBELL 1 I ]OISE 6t 1T 61 3t 18I ]OISE RIVER 1 I ]ONNERS FERRY 1 ]OVILL 1 ,| IUNEAU 1 ]URLEY a 3 1( ]ALDWELL 4 )AMBRIDGE 1 1 )AREY 1 )ASCADE 1 iHALLIS 1 1 ]LARK FORK 1 ]LAYTON )OEUR D'ALENE 17 1 4t )ORA 1 I ]OTTONWOOD )OUNCIL 1 1 )RAIGMONT )EARY 1 1 )ONNELLY 1 1 )RIGGS I )UBOIS 1 1 :LBA 1 I :LK BEND 1 1 :LK CITY 1 1 :MMETT 1 :VERGREEN 1 1 :AIRFIELD 1 :ILER 1 1 :REEDOM 1 I TRUITLAND 1 1 JARDEN VALLEY 1 1 ;ENESEE 1 3RAND VIEW 1 1 JRANGEVILLE 1 1 2 3RASMERE RIDDLE 1 1 IAMER 1 1 IARRISON 1 IAYDEN LAKE 2 IOLBROOK 1 1 LLISTER 1 1 IOMEDALE I tOPE 1 .IORSESHOE BEND 1 1 DAHO FALLS 21 14 4t NDIAN VALLEY 1 PWIN ,| SLAND PARK ,| ,ULIAETTA 1 1 (AMIAH 1 1 (ELLOGG 4 1 (ENDRICK 2 (ETCHUM 1t RATE CENTER TABLE 1 1 1 1 .AKEVIEW _APWAI 1 -EADORE 1 ,| 1 1t 1 \4ACKAY 1 VIALAD 1 1 VIALTA 1 1 1 2 L 2 1 4 1 i,IIDVALE 1 1 TiIINIDOKA 1 1 I,ONTEVIEW 1 1 rroscow 1 5 3 1( IIOUNTAIN HOME 4 1'l i4ULLAN 1 1 UURTAUGH 1 {AMPA 7 2a {EW MEADOWS I 1 {EW PLYMOUTH 1 {EZPERCE 1 RLAND 1 I {U ACRES 1 )AKLEY I 1 )ROFINO 1 )ARIS 1 1 )ARMA 1 )AUL 1 1 )AYETTE 1 :K 1 1 ,IERCE 1 1 )LUMMER-WORLEY )OCATELLO 4 25 2(5t )OST FALLS 4 )OTLATCH 1 1,OWELL 1 1,RAIRIE 1 1 )RIEST LAKE 1 1)RIEST RIVER 1 1AFT RIVER 1 1 lATHDRUM ,|2 IICHFIELD 1 1 IGBY TIGGINS 1 1 IOCK CREEK 1 1 TOCKLAND I 1 iUPERT 1 AINT ANTHONY 2 AINT MARIES 1 SALMON SANDPOINT 1 1( 3ETTERS 1 1 UP 1 1 SOUTH MOUNTAIN 1 'l SPIRIT LAKE 1 'l SPRINGFIELD I STANLEY 1 1 WEET 1 TERRETON 1 I rHREE CREEK 1 1 TIPANUK 1 1 rROY I 2 rWIN FALLS 5 5 2A It 46 rYGEE VALLEY 1 1 3 A/ALLACE t RATE CENTER TABLE ,VARREN 1 /VAYAN ,VEIPPE 1 ER 1 ,VELLESLEY /VHITE BIRD 1 LDER 1 TELLOWPINE Total t8t 74 CODE HOLDER TABLE 200 WIRELESS, LLC \LtsIUN IELEPHUNE(Jo BAAI(: \T&T LOCAL TFI FPHONF 'ONPFPATIVF INC JAMEXIUGE I ELEPHoNE (:I]MPANY INC DtsA U IC I ELEUUM 8i 6 fl 1:LARKCOMMUNICATIONS INC tNc )TCTELECOM INC tNc NI 5r ;OLD STAR COMMUNICATIONS LLC H A. MCNEAL DBA PAGEDATA llJH ts M(:NtsAI T)RA WAVFSFNT I I (: 4 LAKE I ELEPHoNF T:(]I 1i Wtr5I IELEUUMM-INU.-IU 4 t8r lut INC ttc-to WIRELESS, LLC RI WARNER CABLE INFORMATION SERVICES (IDAHO). ID .MUBILE t'SA IN(: TELECOM OF IDAHO LLC - ID 3 \ RSA NO, 8 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP COMMUNICATIONS CORP, . ID 208 NPA. RELIEF IDAHO Numbering Plan Area Bom on Date: January 1,1947 NPA RELIEF PLANING TOOL ASSUMPTIONS NRUF DATE. ........Apri124,2015 PRoJECTED EXHAUST DATE. .....2Q2018 ANNUALIZED CODE DEMAND PROJECTION. . .. . .,,,..,12 MONTHLY CO CODE DEMAND PROJECTION. . .. . .. . .... 1,0 NXX Assignment data .. ........Apri1 1,2015 A RELIEF ALTERNA OVERLAY ALTERNATIVE ALTERNATIVE #1 _ ALL SERVICES DISTRIBUTED OVERLAY A new NPA code would be assigned to the same geographic area occupied by the existing 208 NPA. Customers would retain their current telephone numbers; however, ten-digit dialing for all calls by all customers within and between NPAs in the affected area would be required. Central Office codes in the overlay NPA will be assigned upon request with the effective date of the new area code with a projected life of 66 years. At exhaust of the 208 NPA all future CO code assignments will be made in the overlay area code. Total CO Codes:741 Total rate centers : I45 Area Code Life:66 Years CURRENT DIALING PLAN Type ofcall Call terminating to Dialing plan Local Home NPA (HNPA) or Foreign NPA (FNPA) 7-digits (NXX-XXXX) Toll HNPA oT FNPA I + lO-digits (l +NPA-NXX-XXXX) Operator Services, Credit card, collect, third parly HNPA oT FNPA 0 + 10-digits (0 + NPA-Nxx-xxxx) GEOGRAPHIC SPLIT ALTERNATIVE In a geographic split a line is drawn along rate center boundaries of the current area code with rate centers on one side of the split line retaining the current area code and the rate centers of the other side of the split line changing to a new area code. Telephone numbers on both sides of the split line will retain seven-digit dialing. Calls dialed between the two resulting area codes will be on a lO-digit basis. ALTERNATTVE #2 - GEOGRAPHIC SPLIT The 208 area code is split by drawing a line along rate center boundaries as follows: The line starts at the Oregon border at the NPA boundary between the Riggins and New Meadows rate centers and follows the southern border of Riggins, Warren and Elk City rate Centers, then continues southerly on the eastern side of the Yellowpine and Lowman and Atlanta rate centers, then continues following along the southern border of the Stanley rate center then continues along the northern borders of Ketchum and Carey rate centers then continues between Carey and Arco rate centers then southerly between Richfield and Minidoka rate centers and then follows the eastem border of Twin Falls rate center then between Three Creek and Oakley rate centers and continues to the edge of the 208 NPA boundary at the Nevada border. The area inside this split line is to be labeled AREA B with a projected life of 65 years; the rest of the 208 NPA is to be labeled AREA A with a projected life of 68 years. This split line approximately follows many but not all of the county lines involved. Rate center boundaries do not follow jurisdictional boundaries. This split alternative is well balanced with only three years difference in projected lives. No recommendation is made for which side of the split line would receive the new NPA. The forty-five rate centers inside Area B are as follows: Atlanta, Boise, Boise River, Bruneau, Caldwell, Cambridge, Carey, Cascade, Council, Donnelly, Emmett, Fairfield, Filer, Fruitland, Garden Valley, Grand View, Grasmere Riddle, Hollister, Homedale, Horseshoe Bend,Indian Valley, Ketchum, Lowman, Marsing, McCall, Melba, Midvale, Mountain Home, NAMPA, New Meadows, New Plymouth, Nu Acres, Parma, Payette, Prairie, Richfield, South Mountain, Sweet, Three Creek, Tipanuk, Twin Falls, Warm Lake, Weiser, Wilder and Yellowpine. The remaining one hundred rate centers are in Area A. Area A Total CO Codes = 368 Total rate centers = 100 Area Code Life:68 Years Area B Total CO Codes =373 Total rate centers :45 Area Code Life:65 Years IDAHO NPA 2O8 Rate Center Map neusta!: Priest L Priest gpirit Hayden Post NPA Boundaries Rate Center Boundaries 406 NPA Coeur D'alene Plummer-worley Rock Creek Bluebell Wellesle509 NPA 541 NPA & 458 NPA I rev. 2015-O3 Genesee Juliaetta Leon Fruitland New PlymoL Nu Acresa 3O7 NPA Alpine Freedom Tygee Valley Legend E]E Elk City 2O8 NPA Yellowpine Warm Lake Grasmere Riddle 775 NPA 435 NPA IDAHO NPA 2O8 Rate Center Map Alternative # 1 All Services Overlay Legend neus€r: Spirit Hayden Lake Post Coeur D'alene Plummer-worley Rock Creek Bluebell 509 NPA 541 NPA & 458 NPA Moscow Genesee Juliaetta Leon --\208 NPAwarreng rew-overlay'NPA Grasmere Riddle Grand View Bruneau 775 NPA t] NPA Boundaries E Rate center Boundarles Projected Overlay Life: 66 Years 406 NPA 3O7 NPA Tygee Valley l I Il rev.2015-O3 35 NPA O 2Ol5 Corelogic, lnc. All rights reserved. IDAHO NPA 2O8 Rate Center Map Alternative # 2 Geographic Split neustar Legend - NPA 2O8 Geographic Split Line =IE NPA Boundaries Rate Center Boundaries Projected Lives Area A 68 Years Area B 65 Years 406 NPA 541 NPA & 458 NPA Yellowpine 3O7 N PA Alpine Freedom .Tygee Valley Grasmere Riddle Grand View Bruneau 435 NPA rev,2O15-O3 O 2015 CoreLosic, lnc. All rights reserued CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have on this date served the foregoing APPLICATION FOR MODIFIED PROCEDURES upon all parties included in the service list below by overnight courier at the mail address as indicated below to: Don Howell Lead Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise,lD 83702 Dated this 20ft day of July,2015 Brandon Karpen Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise,ID 83702