HomeMy WebLinkAbout20151119CenturyTel of the Gem State Supplemental 481 CAF.pdfGENTURYLINK 1600 7th Avenue, Room 1506 Seattle, Washington 98191 (206) 34$1574 fifi{]ilvf;D aI Td zors Hoy rz pr{ 2i 29 7r rv u, 'ti?ffi*ilir*i*u,u* Z-lfu- Lisa A. Anderl LANjga Enclosures CenturyLink' Lisa A. Ander! Senior Counsel Regulatory Law November 10,2015 Via Overnight Delivery Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Case No.: GNR-T-15-01 CenturyTel of the Gem State dba Centurylink Supplemental Form 481 Filing Connect America Fund (CAf) Phase I Incremental Support Dear Ms. Jewell: On September 2,2015, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approved additional data requirements for the FCC Form 481 for price cap carriers receiving CAF Phase I incremental support. Consistent with the format approved by the OMB, Centurylink provides the attached supplements to its previously frled FCC Form 481 that contain the information and certifications for the CAF Phase I incremental support as required by FCC Rule $ 54.313(b). In this filing, in compliance with FCC Rule $ 54.312(bX3), Centurylink is also providing a list of previously identified census blocks that the company has determined it will not be deploying broadband to utilizing CAF Phase I incremental support. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions regarding this filing. Sincerely, State sAc Census Block ID 475t62 160010101001181 ID 475762 150010101001183 ID 475t62 150010101001186 ID 47st62 150010101001193 ID 475t62 160010101001195 ID 475t62 16001010100L222 ID 47s].62 16001010503tL07 ID 475L62 16001010s031108 ID 47s762 150010105031109 ID 475162 16001010s031130 ID 475162 16001010503tt32 ID 47st62 150010105031133 ID 475L62 15001010503LL34 ID 475t62 150010105031138 ID 475L62 15001010503LL45 ID 475L62 15001010503t146 ID 475t62 16001010s03t]47 ID 475L62 16001010s031189 ID 475L62 160010105031191 ID 475t62 150010105031199 D 475L62 16001010503L233 D 475L62 15001010503t237 D 475L62 160010105031513 D 475t62 15011950200LL62 D 475L62 15011950200tt77 ID 475L62 15011950200L772 ID 475L62 150119s0200LL76 ID 475L62 15011950200LL77 ID 475L62 16011950200LL78 ID 475L62 160119502001180 ID 475L62 15011950200L182 ID 475L62 150119502001183 ID 475L62 160119502001185 tD 475L62 160119502001195 ID 475L62 150119502002009 ID 475L62 160119502002025 ID 475L62 160119502002027 ID 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Y-'-9 ,ye_ vE u 09E .Sor tEA Afq 6;NNXR R9-v v- E BpE_^ .9 d S*E g'i tifr tr!*i Ei E:s #;l ad 6J =;EB fEs5= *: ; .E.E E,I E ET };Ps o E E i+E EHgS; EEE#: :gG LCrtE Ee E II EEE E lE TEF A;€ il'+gEE EgI gEE EE rsoq JE>pE€ 5ig E gg EEi - I O i9 EEE* EgH3E.g 3En-qg= 5E.TgE i;g3Hi 3iE?5o- ?;E oo o =ooE .=!o .EcoE o oe o o !! oEU o!! =6 E coU ENo & t dU o @z @ E @o Eo 4 eA oNo N NF aEoU @ E ! o o o@od Page 13 <01O> Studv Area code 472223 <015> Studv Area Name CEMY-GEM STATE- ID <02O> Prosam Year 2016 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data Kenneth w. Buchan <035> Contact Telephore Number - Number of person identified in data lire <030> 3183521s38 ext <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> ken . buchan@cenrurylink. con TO BE COMP1ETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF THE REPORTING CARRIER tS FTLING ANNUAL REPORTING ON ITS OWN BEHALF: Ccrtificatlon of Officcr as to thc Acuracy of thc Data Reported for thc Annual Rcporting for CAF or Ll Recipicnts ortltyth.t l.m.n offlccr of th. reportll onb6 my mporiblities imlrdr emuring tfte reurecl of the rnnurl reportina r.quiremnts for univ.Hl rdke support Giphnts; rn4 to thc b*t of my knd.da., th. intom.tbn nport d on thb iom .nd h rnv.tt chmi$ b .6ur.t . lameof Remnin€carrier. CENrURY-GEM srATE-rD iienature of Authorized officer: CERTTFTED oMrNE Date t0/29/2OLs 'rinted mme of Authorized officer: Dawid cole 'itleor@sitionofAuthorizedOfficer: Executj-ve Vice Preai.dent-OPerations Support and Controller 'eleohone number of Arthorized officer' 3 r83 8 8 90 00 ext itudv Area Code of Reoortim Carrier: q72223 Filinr Due Date for t1r;t 1or.' 07l01/201s Petsonrwiltfullymakintfah€stat€m€ntsonthisformGnb€punish€dbyfineorforteitureundertheCommunicationsAdof1934,4TU.S,C.SS502,503(b),orfineorimprisonment under Title 18 of the United Stat6 Code, 18 U.S.C 5 1001. Page 13 NOTES: 1. [2010J, (2074), and [2016) Per FCC DA 13-2101 released October 30,20L3, CenturyLink is certiffing at a holding company level. 2.QAL[ and (2025) The Phase l ConnectAmerica Fund Incremental Supportprogram Round 1 ("Round 1") requires participating carriers to deploy broadband services at certain speeds to locations within certain timeframes. The Federal Communications Commission ["FCC") recognized in DA 12-1155 released on fuly 78,20L2, that carriers may run into practical obstacles that would make it difficult to deploy broadband to the locations that were in the carrier's original deployment plan, and therefore may deploy to eligible locations not identified in the deployment plan. CenturyLink companies participating in Round 1 experienced the practical obstacles the FCC anticipated, and therefore deployed broadband to a substantial number of locations that are not listed in the notice of acceptance filed with the FCC on luly 24,2072. CenturyLinh in this supplemental filing is providing location data for Round 1 for both the second and third year completion periods. Future network utilization could impactbroadband service at the disclosed locations. 3. (2025) The reported location data represents the requisite number of units that CenturyLink listed in the notice of acceptance filed with the Federal Communications Commission onluly 24, 20L2. The actual number of units enabled is in excess of those listed.