HomeMy WebLinkAbout20151119CenturyLink Northern Idaho Supplemental 481 CAF.pdfCENTURYLINK 1600 7th Avenue, Room 1 506 Seattle, Washington 98'191 (206) 34s-1s74 Lisa.Anderl@Centurvlink.com Lisa A. Anderl Senior Counsel Regulatory LaYv November 10,2015 it [# [ , L,i- l] ?015 HOy tA pH Zt ZB u T I Ll?', Usibtii i $s i o nr srTd?rv CenturyLink' Via Overnight Delivery Jean Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Case No.: GNR-T-15-01 Qwest Corporation dba Centurylink QC (Northern ldaho) Supplemental Form 481 Filing Connect America Fund (CAf) Phase I Incremental Support Dear Ms. Jewell: On September2,2015, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approved additional data requirements for the FCC Form 481 for price cap carriers receiving CAF Phase I incremental support. Consistent with the format approved by the OMB, Centurylink provides the attached supplements to its previously filed FCC Form 481 that contain the information and certifications for the CAF Phase I incremental support as required by FCC Rule $ 54.313(b). In this filing, in compliance with FCC Rule $ 54.312(b)(3), Centurylink is also providing a list of previously identified census blocks that the company has determined it will not be deploying broadband to utilizing CAF Phase I incremental support. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions regarding this filing. Sincerely,illAu Lisa A. Anderl LANjga Enclosures State sAc Census Block D 475t62 160010101001181 D 475L62 150010101001183 D 475L62 150010101001186 D 475162 150010101001193 ID 475L62 160010101001195 ID 475L62 15001010100L222 ID 47sL62 16001010503LL07 ID 475L62 160010105031108 ID 475162 160010105031109 ID 475t62 160010105031130 ID 475L62 16001010503LL32 ID 475L62 150010105031133 ID 475t62 150010105031134 ID 475L62 150010105031138 ID 47sL62 160010105031145 ID 475L62 15001010503LL46 ID 475t62 16001010503tL47 ID 475162 150010105031189 ID 475t62 16001010s031191 ID 47sL62 160010105031199 ID 475t62 15001010503L233 ID 475L62 16001010503L237 ID 475L62 160010105031513 ID 475L62 16011950200LL62 ID 475t62 15011950200tL7L ID 475L62 160119502001L72 ID 475L62 150119502001L76 ID 475L62 16011950200LL77 ID 475L62 150119502007L78 ID 475L62 160119502001180 ID 475162 16011950200LL82 ID 475162 150119502001183 ID 475162 160119s02001185 ID 475162 160119502001195 ID 475162 150119502002009 ID 475L62 160119502002025 ID 475L62 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David cole 'itleorpositionofAuthorizedOfficer: Executive Vice PreaidenC-Operation6 Support and Controller 'elephone number of Authorized Offi cer, 3 1 83 88 90 0 0 ext. ,tudv Area Code of Reoortim Carrier: 475)-62 Filins Due Date for this form' 0 ? / 01/ 2 01s PeMnr willfully making fa l* statements on thls form 6n b€ pun ish€d by fln€ or forf€iture under the Commu nications Act of 1934, 47 U.5.C. 59 502, 503(b), or fine or imprircnm€nt underTitle 18 ofthe United Stat6 Code, 18 U.S.C. 5 1001. C.e3 UG* toridfr.li6 {Fedeal lnfomdion Pr66irig Sbndard (FlPSl code) s3m3960300 10m 9538 46.42414 .117.0Sa67 lound 1 lezt 2 s3m3960m01m 95*47516 TfNIDSH 45.a2415 53m39mrO10U 9634 475t6 tfNtosH 46 47) s3migm{otom 9Ba 47516 TTNIDSH 53m39m{01 47516 tiNIDSH .lt lm3qm4f 47516 TTNIDSH 46 It 4 117.0642l6lRound I leet 2 8m39flil01m7 9638 {117.053991lRound 1 leat 2 s3m39m!(x) 1007 9638 {46.42613 -117.05{576lRound I lea( 2 s3003960300 1m9 9638 LSTNIDSH 46.426141 .117.058965lRound 1 leet 2 53003960300lmr 9638 -1U.0Sm64Round 1 leat 251)03mr0lm 96*47516 t-$t{rDsH 4632&5t 117 o5aa2lRound 1 5m3S0m01m 9638 47516 LSNIDSH 46.426591 5r03s0m01m 9638 ISilIDSH 46 424 5m3mm01m9 9638 47516 tsiltDsH 46 424 1ffi1Sm23126 9634 47S16 CRGMIMl 45 9634 a7st6 CRGMIMT 96aA 47515 cR6Mtmt 9638 4751 5 cnGMtc 45.)le! 2 4 4',116.62412'lound 1 teat 2 -115.524127Round 1 tezt 2 16ffi4'(m23115 9638 ciGMtD0l 46.23952 116-62412rRound I 1561q0m2311S 96S ciGMt001 46.239S2 116-62412rRound 1 1606 1940fi23115 95S 46.21952 -116 62{12rRou.d I 1606ffiff2019 96*47516 LSTNIDSH 45 tS48r lffimm20D 96*47516 tsiltosH 46! lffimm20r9 964 47516 TfNIDSH a6 Slm]ffi2mx 47516 TTNDSH5illmm47516tfttosH 5ml*47576 TTNIDSH 5A 4 I I l7 mi rldR^i'hd I {I l, mlrA{C^,'^d i teil 2 {teat 2 {teat 2 a ound t teat 2 ound 1 ,ael 7 ound I 530039602mim32 9638 530039602m482 96*46_41165 53003m2mm32 96*46.41r6E sm3m2m0x 95*475t5 LSilIDSH a6 41r55 smamm032 964 47516 LfNIDSH -l'gm3m2[47516 tgttDsH Bmim2!47516 TfNIDSH 5m 47516 I it 4-,t I tt ,eal 2 4',t IH ,al2 4',ound 1 ,eel 7 I SNTDSC -117.m176 ound 1 ,eel 2 -117.m175 ound 1 5m3mm4B2 96*45.41165 -117 8175 5:m39602m482 96*463116S ,t17.8175 51D3mm4B2 9638 46.41165 117 mt76 I 5m3m2mm2 96*47516 LSilIDSH 46 41165 5m3m2m4B2 96S {7S16 tsxtDsx 4641 5m3m2m40!2 96S 47S15 tmrDsH 461 sm3m2m4 47S15 tsiltDsH 464 -t 5m3Sl 47516 tsiltDsH -l 53fl 471 f,tl 5 U7.m1763lRound I 'eat 7 tound I 9638 -117.m176 ,und I Bm3!'6020040u 95S -117-G116 s31tr39602m482 9638 117.m175 5:m39a)200032 96*46.41165 t!7 mt76 53mmmm32 96r 45 a1165 5mm2m4B2 96S tfNIDSH 45rlt65 5m3mm4B2 9634 47516.trNrosH 46 T 5m3m2m4B2 9634 47S16.trMDsH .t I 47515-tsxtDsH .t I TSilIDSH .t ts .t 5fl 47515 5m3m2m4t 47515.tsiltDsx .t I smtm2m40 4rEt5:TqilIDSH .1 t5m!a7st6: 4 4 .l i, mlrCila^"nd I aat 2 .117_ml16 .11r-m116 .117_08116 3mffim032 9638 .117.m176 53mSS2m4032 9638 {6.41165 "117.m176silsff2004032963846.41165 -117.m176 sm39602D4032 9638 46.41165 .117_m176 3m39602D4032 9538 LSTNDSH 45.41155 .117_m176 53m39602004032 9638 47516i ISTNDSH 46.41165.-117-G1763lRound 53m3960m482 9638 475161 [srNrosH 46.41165 5m39m2004032 9638 47516a TSTNIDSH 46.41165. 5m3S02004032 9638 47316)T9NIDSH {6' 47s16)TTNIDSH 46_d1165 -117.m176 47514 tfliltDsH 46 41 t6!.11 47914 tfiltDsH .1t 47516)tsiltDsH 1t 47516:TTNDSH a6 a1 .11 a75r 6 tgNtDt a5 dt .lt .t mm4032 96S .1 sJ[3960200/O32 9638 .t t, ml 53{D39602004032 9638 .117.@1753IRound 1 eat 2 5:,0039602b{r 9638 lound 1 at2 sl&3ffi2m0u 96r .i It mirAAe^,hi isilmmmu96r47516:lsrNosH 46.41165 -117.m1763lRound 1 eat 2 sfr3mmam2 96r 47S1d LSTMOSH 46.4115S .117.m1753lRound 1 eat 2 sm3m2m4(96*.117-mlrS3lRound 1 eet 2sillmu963447516LSTIDSH46_41165 .117-m1753lRound 1 aet 2 Sm3ffi2m/9634 47Sld sMDSH 46_41165 .117.m175 4751d LTXIDSH 46 41t55 -lt7 mtTt 47Sld TTNIDSH 06.41155 .11 47516 ItrNIDSH 46 4!165 -117 N1 47S151 ttriltDsH 46 4!.1t 4751d ITNIDSH .11 17516 trNtDr a6 a7 ,l! .177 .t t, mt 530039602004032 9538 .117.m176 lound 1 eat 2 530039602004032 9638 46.41165 .117.081761nound 1 eer 2 530039602004032 9638 530039mm04032 9638 475t61 LriltosH 46.41165 -117.0817631Round 1 eat 2 5m039m2004032 9638 4?516)[srNtosH 46.4115S '117.m1763lRound 1 eat 7 5r039602004032 9638 .117.m1763lRound 1 eat 2 5m39m2004032 9634 475t6)TfrNIDSH 46_41155 -1r7.m1763lRound 1 5m 47514 TTNIDSH 46 4t155 .117 ml76 47516 LtrNIDSH AGt .1' 47516 ISNIDSH a6 a,,1t 4757d TTNIDSH .1t 17\16 tm ,lt .lt .tt .tt -tt7 mt16 .ll, mit^{t^,'^d i 53m39602mS3'95t8 ear 2 sm3mm032 964 .ir7 mr74{r^,h/ r eat 2 !3m3m2m0t2 96*117.m179ZXound,eat 2 5m3m2mm32 95S .117.m1792lRound , s3mimur02 95S 47516 LNilDSH 46.41S3 -!l1.mnsrtound,suSH 964 47516:siltDsH 45.41S3 -117.ffins sSmtm a 47516 tfiltDsH 46 a1S3 -117 Bni 53mtmtmfrr 47516 LfNIDSH 46 421111 53mt*oumr 41516 SNIDSH 46 l2l71r 5qmtmmtntq 47516:LNilIDSH -l 47516 L {-11 47s16 TSNIDSH ,1 q 5300 3960300 1009 96*ll, mlrlela^'ni I 11, mlrlllA^'ni i 1. (2010), (2014),and [2015J Per FCC DA 13-2101 released October 30,20L3,CenturyLink is certi$/ing at a holding company level. 2.(20L0) and (2025) The Phase t ConnectAmerica Fund Incremental Supportprogram Round 1 ("Round 1") requires participating carriers to deploy broadband services at certain speeds to locations within certain timeframes. The Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") recognized in DA 12-1155 released on |uly L8,Z|Lz,that carriers may run into practical obstacles that would make it difficult to deploy broadband to the locations that were in the carrier's original deployment plan, and therefore may deploy to eligible locations not identified in the deployment plan. CenturyLink companies participating in Round 1 experienced the practical obstacles the FCC anticipated, and therefore deployed broadband to a substantial number of locations that are not listed in the notice of acceptance filed with the FCC on luly 24,20L2. CenturyLink, in this supplemental filing is providing location data for Round 1 for both the second and third year completion periods. Future network utilization could impact broadband service at the disclosed locations. 3. (2025) The reported location data represents the requisite number of units that CenturyLink listed in the notice of acceptance filed with the Federal Communications Commission onluly 24, 2072. The actual number of units enabled is in excess of those listed.