HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150706Custer Telephone Form 481.pdfGUR-t -ts -ol Service Quality Standards and Consumer Protection Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc. ("Custer") understands and complies with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission's Telephone Customer Relations Rules,lDAPA 31.41.01, adopted under the general legal authority of the Public Utilities Law, Chapters l through 7, Title 61, ldaho Code, and the Telecommunications Act of 1988, Chapter 6, Title 62, ldaho Code, with regards to service. These telephone customer relations rules provide a set of fair, just, reasonable, and non- discriminatory rules regarding deposits, guarantees, billing, application for service, denial of service, termination of service, complaints to telephone companies, billing for interrupted service, and provisions of certain information about customer to authorities. Custer implements theTelephone Consumer Relotion Rules through the terms and conditions set forth in its tariff, and through its standard company operating procedures, which is readily available to the public at their Headquarters office. Custer also complies with Customer Proprietary Network lnformation (CPNI) and Red Flag rules through established operating procedures. A description of Custer's CPNI procedures is filed annually with the FCC. F :\H ome\Sha re\ETC Fi li ng CTCI\201-5 ETC Fi li ng\47 22 181 D5 10.docx Fu nctiona lity in Emergency Situations Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. 5 5a.313(a) (5) and/or 47 C.F.R 5 54.422(b) (4) as set forth in 47 C.F.R. S 5a.202(a) (2) Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc. meets the requirements to remain functional in emergency situations and has the following capabilities: Back-up power is provided to Custer Telephone's central and or remote office(s) by use of fixed generator and batteries that provide it with 120 hours of emergency power service. ln addition, Custer Telephone's field electronics have 8 hours of back-up power by use of fixed/mobile generators and batteries. Custer Telephone also has SONET technology in its network that allows for self-healing network should a fiber cut occur in its core network and will automatically reroute traffic. Custer Telephone also has two (2) redundant paths within its network to provide for the capability to reroute traffic. Custer Telephone has equipped its remote offices/and or field gear, with Emergency Stand Alone technology that will provide for call completion and access to 911 in emergency situations. Custer Telephone is capable of managing traffic spikes resulting from emergency situations. F:\H ome\Sha re\ETC Fili ng CTCI\2015 ETC Fili ng\4722 18lD610.docx O:b Cdrm ,l.m - Pffi uff 6dld ffi Erdln.thkd.t hrl. !tud I{umbd - <701> <70> <703> ilrid.nti.l L@l s.rvl6 Ci.rt. tffdiv! t)atl tntla St.tHid. RtrkLnti.l Loal sa,vlc. Crr.rF q rcfrcl hbTE @E Sdldhb SbbUtulHaF- X..rd.bry Erfs{.d AE*a-dlElhl.b..d F. !D cnarlt a n l€.0.0 o. t6 o-o 14.16 ID CJ.avton n ta.0 0.0 15 0-o r.L ID !;TK BENO n la -o 0.0 o.16 t5.14 ID May ti t5.o 0.0 0.15 0,0 15.16 t7zztl Eui. ! tullel 20!ut::11 qr.u <ot$ tutd Edlld&E-Edldd?r.of m ldmtn dh d.tlhe<t3o> &ml.tur.rt.1-tuE 3e Er6-r.(l1lg i.tLnddbb lEr i.|uhd Faa Tot.l R.t r ud Fo! ..cdtrd sdlc. Doxibd sp..d lxhl lHdb.nd Sarylca uplord SBrd (Mbo Ustr Allqf,.M IGI) Ust. Aldmm. ActionT.k n ID @Ulr !a.ts 0.0 !a.t5 a-0 1.0 t9999t Olbr, hll.ltd &1. u.s b tt-as !t.t5 4.0 1.0 t9t9tt ftEr, hlldtd &!. urS ID ar.tt 0.0 at.t5 10.0 LO at9t99 oE. uq tD @U1.ai.a3 0.0 !t.91 1.0 ir999t ID &Ui.99.9!0.0 t9.t9 11.0 1. O tttt9t GUE, BIUIG Oh u.s ID &Uta rat. ll 0.0 lat.t!10.0 9999t9 cbE, htldld &!. u.F ID 1tt.t5 0.0 trt. t5 30.10.0 9lt9tt ID &U1.27t.a5 0.o 2rt.t!too.0 10.0 t9999t o!h., hllilld A!. u..9. ID Cl.ytotr 3a.t5 0.0 !a.t!4.0 1.0 tt9999 orh!, 6ltdi.d &E. u.9. ID Cl.ytou t9.ll 0.0 9r.t!1.0 ttt9r,ehr. hlhlld Ah u.g. ID at-tl 0.0 5t.95 ro.1.0 ,t9t9t Gh!. hlidld &tr u.y ID tt. t5 o-o at. t5 !.0 l-o tt99t9 @br, Dllrltd &t. urS D t9.tt 0-9t,t5 11.0 1.0 t99tt9 Gbr, hldtd &1. u.F ID O.*otr la,,t5 0.0 lar.t5 10.o !0 .0 ,9trr9 cb!. hlldtd &Er ur$ ID Chldon ltt.ts 0.0 lt9. t!50.0 10.0 999999 othr, 6ll.1td &!r urr ID cl.ytoa 2?t. t5 o.o 219.t5 t00.0 r0.o 9rt999 Gbr, hllrlld &1. u.F ID alk hnd !t.t5 0.0 !{.91 t.0 ,99999 Oth.r, hlfilld &E. u..9. ID AII lad 39.95 0.0 59.r5 1.0 t99t99 @b!. hllnltd &lr u[9. ID alk &d 69.9!0.0 5t.t5 !0-0 1. O 99t9tt Gb., hlliltd &1. urg. tD ElL ld 1r.95 o.4t.95 5.0 994999 oEbr, hll.ltd &lr ur$ ID llk &d tt,t5 0.0 9t.95 t5.o l.o 99t999 otEr, hlt.ltd &t. uS irSACrlleld6h 20aart22t1 u!-r7 3ft :rdrntr (rcq ix5{d.ll{. sLh i@Lt d Tot.l R.tar and F[r Lo.db&d sivk , Ddalo.a tl{d Edb.hd S.illc. Jplo.d Spr.d (Mbp! Jr[. Allry.nc. GB) usta Allflrrc. Astlon Takan Wh-- | lBh D.i.h-/ ,.-l-dt ID r1I bd 1at.t5 ro.o 10 -0 ttt999 Oibr, hlhlEd Al. urg. ID IIT &d ltt,tt 0.0 199-t5 50.o 10.0 ttr999 @br, hllrltd &lr u.$ ID 27t.t5 0.0 27t.r5 100.o to.0 ,tt9tt ID hy ta.15 0.0 !4.t5 0 I 9ttttt ID 3t.at 0.0 9t.15 6.0 1.0 tt9ttt GEa, Bttdld oE. uaag ID hy 0.0 at.t5 10.o Gbr, hlldld a!. u@ D 19.95 0.0 tl.9t 5,0 5-0 ttltr9 ilEr u.9. ID hy 9t.t5 o,o t9.93 15 .0 t.o trttt9 cbr, hlldld &1. u.g TD ltr.t5 0.0 la9 -95 10.0 10 9rrtt Gbr. Eltilld ol. urg. ID hy 1tt.t5 0.0 ltt.95 lo. o t0,o tttttt ftb., 6lutd al. u.F D hy 27t.t5 0.0 279-95 100.0 10.0 tttt9t Gb!, 61ld!d &Er u.S <r1(> SfrrdrrAn.Cod. d36 Ciltd tlrm - t.rn Uff rhould cdbd rd.rdlm thk d.t.tuul. tr turek loll?922!1 Gr,u <r3$ C6ntd Eild lddros - Emll /lddB oa oen ld.ntlficd h d.t llm <)30> tur.E Ll{,b cq.r.EtE Inc Fl lgDuc$l. orE.r LlDi6. @tsr.tln Irc. Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc. 2015 From 481 4722t8tDL0t0 Voice Services Comparability Report Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. 5 54.313 (a) (10 ) Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc. ("Custe/') is in compliance with the requirement that voice services is no more than two standard deviations above the national average urban rate for voice service of 547.48 as specified in Public Notice DA 15-470 issued on April 16, 2015. Custe/s current total local end-user rater for allwire centers of S16.16 (which includes a local fee of 516.00, mandated state fees of $.16 and mandatory extended area service charges of S0) is not above the standard deviation as specified in the USF/ICC Transformation Order. 2 1 Local End User Rate as defined in USF/ICC Transformation Order 26 FCC Rcd at 17751, Para.238 2USF/ICCTransformationOrder,26FCCRcd al!7694,Para.84(footnoteincluded)"Thestandarddeviationisa measure of dispersion. The sample standard deviation is the square root of the sample variance. The sample variance is calculated as the sum of the squared deviations of the individual observations in the sample of data from the sample average divided by the total number of observations in the sample minus one. ln a normal distribution, about 58 percent of the observations lie within one standard deviation above and below the average and about 95 percent of the observations lie within two standard deviations above and below the average.' Lifeline What Is The Telephone Assistance Program? Financial assistance is available in Idaho to help qualified low-income individuals pay for telephone service. The Idaho Telephone Service Assistance Program (ITSAP) offers a $2.50 discount on monthly telephone bills. A separate program - the Federal Communication Commission's Life line program (Lifeline) offers a monthly discount of $9.25. ITSAP provides a communication "lifeline" to those who might not otherwise be able to afford telephone service. It also enhances the value of service for everyone by increasing the number of people who can be reach by telephone. A small surcharge is applied to every Idaho telephone line each month to reimburse local telephone companies for the cost of state discounts under ITSAP. The surcharge is Waived for customers receiving the ITSAP discount. The Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) Reviews the surcharge annually and may increase or decrease the surcharge. Who Is Eligible? Any residential customer who meets program-based or income-based eligibility criteria. To find out if you are eligible contact the Eastern Idaho Community Action Partnership. The assistance provides the following discounts: Landline:. Idaho Telephone Service Assistance Credit - $2.50o Lifeline FCC End User Charger Credit - $6.50. Federal Lifeline Credit - $2.75 How Do I Apply f,'or Assistance? ln order to receive benefits, you must apply for these programs with the Eastern Idaho Community Action Partnership (EICAP) office. Website link and local address is listed below. EICAP will work with you and Custer Telephone to recertify you for the program each year; failure to recertify will terminate your eligibility for program benefits.. Apply at the Eastern Idaho Community Action Partnership office.. If you are eligible, your name and telephone number will be forwarded to Custer Telephone or your local service provider ifdifferent than Custer Telephone.. The monthly discount will begin by your next billing period if your name and number match the telephone company's records. Do I Need To Apply Every Year? Yes. Your eligibility must be renewed each year. If you have questions regarding ITSAP, please contact Custer Telephone or the Eastern Idaho Community Action Partnership. Lifeline is a government assistance program; the service is non-transferable, only eligible consumers may enroll in the program, and the program is limited to one discount per household. Eastern Idaho Community Action Partnership 955 Riverfront Drive Suite A Salmon, ID 83467 208.756.3999 ht:trr: *ux.eicrt.oig ',1'L-3-/ cTclr. C-T4*-.C.1o*l.lE. Lifeline Service Terms Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. is a quality telecommunications service provider who provides basic and enhanced services at reasonable rates within its service territory. Basic Residential service is offered at the following rate: Single Party Residence Service The following fees apply in addition to the above monthly rates:. End User Common Liner Idaho Telephone Service Assistance Program (ITSAP) r Idaho Universal Service Fund (ID USF)r Custer County 9l I Fee. Federal Excise Taxo Federal Universal Service Fund . Residential Access Recovery Charge r FUSC- Residential ARC Single Party Residential Service Total Federal Lifeline Credit Idaho Telephone Assistance Program Credit Single Party Universal Life Line Service Monthly Rate* Monthly One-Time Rates Non-Recurring Charges $16.00 $18.00 $6.s0 $0.01 $0.16 $1.2s $0.76 $1.13 $1.50 $0.26 $27.s7 ($e.2s) ($2.s0) $15.72 $18.00 *Discounted basic service rates and free Toll-Blocking are available to those that qualify for Universal Life Line Service. The above rates include the following:. Local Calling. Touch Tone Capabilityo Access to Operator Serviceso Directory Assistance and Inter-Change Service Providerso Voice Grade Access to the Public Switched Network. Free Access to 800 and 800Jike Toll Free Serviceso One Free Directory Listingo Free Access to a Business Office and Free Access to the Idaho Relay Service by Dialing 711 Emergency 911 Service..................Surcharge for 9l I services are assessed according to Government assessments Long Distance is not included. Long Distance rate is ten cents ($0.10) per minute Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc offers basic services to all customers in the following exchanges: 838-Clayton / 879-Challis I 876-May / 894-Elk Bend For additional detail on any of these services, please contact our business office at 208.879.2281 or toll-free 866.879.2281. 472218rD3010 CERTIFICATION OF Custer Tel. Cooperative under 47 CFR 54.313(fX1Xi) Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc. certifies that it is taking reasonable steps to provide upon reasonable request broadband service at actualspeeds of at least 4 Mbps downstream/1Mbps upstream, with latency suitable for real-time applications, including Voice over lnternet Protocol, and usage capacity that is reasonably comparable to comparable offerings in urban areas as determined in an annual survey, and that requests for such service are met within a reasonable amount of time. 4722L81D30L2 Communitv Anchor lnstitutions Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc. did not begin providing service to any Community Anchor lnstitutions in the previous calendar year (2014)