HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150702Oregon-Idaho Utilities Form 481 redacted.pdfOBEGON-IDAHO UTILITIES INC. 1023 N. Horton Street PO Box 1880 Nampa, ldaho 83653 208-461-7842 208-461-7896 FAX ::'--ll l--I "'rt l-a:ll? ;-- r .,, ., I',; , ; June 25,2015 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 427 W. Washington Boise,ld. 8372O-OO74 Jea n.iewell @ puc.ida ho.gov htt fr-( /s-ct RE: Commission Order No. 29841 2014 Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Annual Reporting to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. Dear Ms. Jewell, Enclosed, please find three copies of the Oregon-ldaho Utilities FCC form 481 submission for SAC 532390 for program year 2016 along with a completed "AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER". This Form 481 has been filed with USAC and the FCC. ln accordance with IPUC Rules of Procedure Rule 67, the financial and audit information contained in the FCC Form 481 for Oregon-ldaho Utilities, lnc. is confidential and is protected by law from public inspection, examination or copying under Title 9, Chapter 3, Section 9-340D (1)(a) and (b). lndependent economic value is derived from this information not being readily ascertainable by proper means by other persons who could obtain economic value from its disclosure or use and Oregon-ldaho Utilities, lnc. makes reasonable efforts to maintain the secrecy of this information. This protected information has been separated from the information not protected from public inspection and is being submitted to the PUC via certified mail as required by the IPUC rules of procedure. lf you have any questions or need additional information concerning this submission, please contact me at (208) 467 -78O2 or via e-mail at dous.mussrave@oiutelecom.net Douglas N. Musgrave Manager Sincerely, State of :O/afo )CERTIFICATION BY ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER OF COMPLIANCE WTH SERVICE QUALITY AND CUSTOMER PROTECTION, ABILITY TO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL IN EMERGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH.COST SUPPORT. AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFIGER county orCLo.rao-i tt () The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29841requires that Eligible Telecommunications Carriers certify that it is compliant with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules; and ETCs must demonstrate the ability to remain functional in emergencies. ln addition, the Commission must file an annual certification with the USAC and the FCC that allfederal high-cost support provided to ETCs within the State of ldaho will be used only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. Accordingly, the undersigned states and verifies under oath the following: ofeAeh. - ]Aalao1. I am an officer of rlliUTtres, -.nc-. , an eligible telecommunications carrier for receiving federal universal service support under section 214(e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 in the state of ldaho. 2. I am familiar with the Company's day-to-day operations in the state of ldaho and with the State's service quality standards and consumer protection rules as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841. *d#t--d,a*.o3. u+iUfieSr.tr.nL. is complying with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules of the Federal Communications Commission and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. I certify to the Commission that the Company is able to remain functional in emergencies as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841 and in 47 C.F.R. S 54.201(aX2). I atso certify that attfederatuniversat service support funds receiv"o o, tffiffi;Hl during the current calendar year will be used in a manner consistent with section 254(e); that is, for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. The company will continue to comply for the period of January 1,2016, through December 31, 2016, to be eligible for federal universal service fund support. This verification and affidavit is provided to be the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to enable the IPUC to certify to the FCC that federal universal service support received by the eligible carriers in the state will be used in a manner consistent with Section 254(e) of the Telecommunications Act, SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to 4. 6. Cathy M. Gitford Notary Public State of ldaho ,'L/zllbts Date Notary Public Revised 4l2ll15 fr \r.v4rrr'!" 4 .r*rt\fr ??\ 'e' r' t t-:*,.i..i.[,,\' o i c,i" {,,.t{d ''r1'l ; : : 'l I n-t,:t.!'t.r r.r. "-t I-,*,^.r.-rr"."''. . Page 1 <015> Study Area Name OREGON-IDAHO UTIL <020> Prosram Year 20r6 Contact Name: Person USAC should contact with questions aboutthis data <030> <035> contact Telephone Number: Number of the person identified in data line <030> 2O84611802 ext- <039> Contact Email Address:doug , nusgraveCoiuteLecon. neEEmail ot the identitied in data line <030> Service Quality lmprovement Reporting Outage Reporting (voice) f-fh.-.heck box if .no -l <300> Unfulfilled Service Requests <310> Detail on Attempts (voice) <320> Unfulfilled Service Requests (broadband) l;---l <100> <200> <zLg> <400> <410> <420> <430> <440> <450; <500> <510> <500> <510> <700> <710> <800> <900> <1000> <1010> (cofr pl.te ododl.d wotks he et ) (co n pl eE oao ch.d worksh.el ) ( ffi och de sdiptiee docu me nt) deriptive docum.nt) <330> Detail on Attempts Number of Complaints per customers Fixed Mobile Number of Complaints per 1,000 customers (broadband) Fixed Mobile service Quality Standards & Consumer Protection Rules Compliance ID510.Fdt 0-0 0-0 Company Price Offerings (broadband) operating Companies and Affiliates Tribal Land Offerings (Y/N)? O OVoice Services Rate Comparability Certification l.on pl e t. o ft o.h ed wotk thee t ) (compl etc oft ochc d wo* tha a t ) ( com plete o doch.d wo il sh.ct ) (il yet, compl.tz otto.h.d wot*th.ct) lY"'-l (ono ch d.scri ptive d ocumfi t ) ( ch.ck to in d ico t. .ert if icoti o n ) ( o ft oc h. d d.scri ptive d ocu mc ot) {ch.ck to indicota ccrtilicotlon) desctiptiw documant) r7-lr----__l T / --lf-----_l ! I " lEEffi f"--]ffi<U00> Certifywhetherterrestrial backhaul optionsexist(YesorNo) O O Unot,che.ktoindicote.ertificotion) I com pl etc ott och ? d wo tk s hee t ) (complet. odoched w*th.et ) <1110> <1200> Terms and Condition for Lifeline Customers E Pricc Cap Carriers, Proceed to Pricc Cap Additional Documentation Worksh.et lncluding Rote-of-Return Corriers olfilioted with Price Cop Locol fuchonge Corriers <2000> khcck to indt otc c.ailicotion) <2005> konptete oioch.d workthe.t) Rate of Return Carrierc, Proceed to ROR Additional Documentation Worksheet loccx"i4otni'a=Il'oii'ai t-------,ffiila3m5, ,--rr.r. r*, Page 1 N o@Gd o Ef oo !ot d oo E6z ol ol sl ,tl6lHI{l6l =l.EI olEIol:l:l*l.- n'lA UIo(JldLlV:lo elc El =21o ]lErl3ltrl c clo 6l5al:al $l Etra9EE8E'ro;.98.9 4'== EBE.F, EEgEE! EFtsg;f .EE: -=q6-vts:E ;EEo:'E 333EEE 7$e;;E# E;EgE\Oo'-.=o=dh5ioE4 I *6AEz p'. y e . = E *:EgrsgEE€EI'ElIEEEB.St;ETfE+BEEHs:'E; F#3ggE EEiIE?EHE€g;Ei !! 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P Ei e:: q #E E H e-qEg - D 6'o Eo o 6t d g }8f8 oaEE 9b Orj#€.E? f-i; =98;x o :o f; > €Eo i t;e I .e: R.9 gE : .9 !d E *='E6 E Bb-I E g5 #EE€ Y o oaE I PE!5 E cb.eE g:;E .9 E E I F t u l 3 Eo E SE >A q -3ff F !E E *a r; 15Eno P .s6 g;i !o.9 ; liEg; EBiigE ; 6 E>:ts oq FoE ;tA g <t :9E bil.: o 5I 5 Ez c0llFl0EllllAL ?eJ.-l.J - €d PuB;c- 5nryAion .9 E ; t E o E z !!ceoo o56oc CP0Jco@e'5oE!4>3uEq6:'Y=E3f Ei{3sE?9 E;-g*E.EPiES2EEEEE=^=6tsoYlc)dNo$'ENNt:6omomioo!?ooaooEOmI'r_mooom = Jii Jf,IIHOllilOI Page 13 <010> StudyArea Code s32390 <015> StudyArea Name OREGON-IOAHO UlIL. <020> ProEram Year 2 016 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regtsrdinS this data 0ou9 Uusgrave <035> ContactTeleohoneNumber-Numberofoersonidentifiedindataline<030> 2084611902 ey.t <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030>ee0oiute.tccoD. net TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF THE REPORTING CARRIER IS FILING ANNUAL REPORTING ON ITS OWN BEHALF: Certification of Officer as to the Accuracy of the Data Reported for the Annual Reporting for CAF or Ll Recipients cenify that I am an offier of th€ reporting carrier; my responsibilities include ensudng the accuracy oI the annual reportint requirements for uniyer$l sryice suppo^ 'ecipients; and, to the best of my knowledge, the information reported on this form and in any attachments is acurate. ,lame of ReDortinE C3yr1".' oREGoN-rDAIto urrL ;iEnature of Authorized Officer:Date )rinted name ofAuthorized officer: Doug tlusglave ntle or position of Authori2ed officer: Man.ge!/ Asst. co!p sec!etary telephone number of Authorized Officer. 2084617802 ext ;tudyArea Code ofReporting carrier: 532390 Filing Due Date for thitsor^' 01 /0!/2015 P.rsons willfully making fulse rEtements on this form 6n b. punjshed by fine or fort iture under the Communicatios Ad of 1934, 47 U.5.C. 55 502, 503(b), or fine or imprisonment under Title 1E of the United States Code, 18 U.5.C. 5 1001. <010> StudyArea Code 532390 <015> StudvArea Name OREGON-IOASO U?IL. <020> Prorram Year 201 6 <030> Contast Name - Person USAC should contact regardinS this data Doug Musgrave <035> contactTeleohone Number- Number ofDerson identified in data line <030> 208{61?802 ext <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030>douq.nusqrsve0oiutelecom. net TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FILING ANNUAL REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S BEHATF: TO 8E COMPLETED BYTHE AUTHORIZED AGENT: Certification of Officer to Authorize an Agent to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Re€ipients on Behalf of Reporting Carriet ertify lhat (Name of is authorized lo submit the infmtion reported on b3haf ol the rporting eds- l$ @rtity that I il il offi@r of tie Bporting €rrie( my Eponsiblliti6 lncluda Bnsuring the accuEcy ot ths annual data tcporting requirmsts provided l,o the ilthqized g€nq and, to the b6t ot my knowlodgo, the Eports and data prcvided to the ruthorized agsnt is accurate. ,lame ofAuthorized I !ame of ReDgrting Caffier: ;ienature of Authorized Officer:Date: I name ofAuthorized Officer: -rtle or oosition of Authorired ol ?lephone number of Authorized Offcer: ;tudv Area Code of Reoortinq Ca.rier:Filinc Due Date fo. this torm: PergN willfully makint false rtatemenB on this form can be punished by fine or forfeiturc undrr the Commui@tion5 Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C 95 502, 5031b), or ,inc or imprigonmcnt under Till. 18 ofthc Unit.d State5 Code, 18 U.S.C. I 1001. Certification of Agent Authorized to File Annual Reports for CAF or l-l Recipients on Behalf of Reportint carrier he data rsported hereio bascd on data providcd by the reportint arier; and, to thc best of my knowledgc, the info.mtior reportcd hsein i5 aeu.ate. lame of Reportini Carrier: !ame ofAuthorized Agent or Emplovee ofAEent: ;i!nature ofAuthorized Arent or Emolov€e of Apent:DEte: 'rinted name ofAuthoriz€d Acent or Emplovee ofAaent: :itle or position ofAuthorized Arent or Emoloyee of Acenl 'eleohone number of Authori2ed Aeant or Emolovee ol Apent: ;tudyArea Code of ReBortinE Cerrier:Filinr Due Date for this form: 18 of th. Unit.d State! Code,18 U.S.C. I 100r. Page 14 6: u3 @i ozoo-9t>a "qe _qF.sf; $o'r 9po.!46 ooorrr o o E t .E ! Fco.; o q ! EU o !! E E co o o o o.= -.s! Fco =tro o o ap E z !Eaz @co g F C I o a o E .9- .a! ga Eo fco oG Ez c.q o o oo E 10 4 N ts o zoI Ez E<l b ;1 ol"l @ 6I o !5 o o r o ,s E .EEo.Eco =co o o o Eu !! E coU o o oo !; Eco =co o o ! E,z o E, coEdoEF coU : E -2 t o co =)os o qf c o E 2 c I o o l oEz ! o E .9 oc.9 oo!co6 o oo E U o '6aEI 66 oo o o -c lril,i-,;.ii.ric6q EoUu.g IOl "l ^lN]dl "l to oa o go !od c o EoLJrc€o- A @"l .9 U 4a ool :loldl6Ivl I o o o.E ! ,c!.9 Fco =co oo o o ! oEU g E! 6 E@ CoU oo o o o .E ! .E!oEuEo =co oo o o! E)z o3 EzoEoEootF 6"l ol"l o z o 6 ! .9 u.EE{o Eo ==oc U fEo oA oEmz? c U oo oo Eo{o d oN o Ez 6rxt?o1,5ffi=r Universal Service Adminisuatiw Comparryc Odire Certificatim System - E-File- USAC.org USAC Home High Cost Program , Search T@ls Form 481 CONFIRMATION Congratulations. Your filing has been successfully certified. Filing 1 was successfully certified on Thu 25 Jun 15 03:49:11 PM EDT by doug.musgrave@oiutelecom.net . SAC: 532390 SPIN: 143002631 Carrier Name : OREGON.IDAHO UTIL. Program Year :2016 A confirmation email will be sent to the email address on record for your user ID, Please email USAC at HCCERTS@USAC.ORG if you do not receive tris email within 24 hours. lRetum io 4S1 Searchl lPri'rt Confimldion Pagel g 1997-2015, UniwralSeMce Administrative Company, All Rights Reserved.Website & Privacy Policies fi tr* r,rHi.rrivsidssyi ce.cdd{crucrf rmCi ori gf Oregon-ldaho Utilities, lnc. 2015 Progress report on 5Yr. Service Quality improvement plan Program Year 2016 Thisdocumentisanintegral partoftheCompany's2015AnnualReport,asattachedtoForm4Sl. ltisin compliance with 554.313(aX1) adopted in the FCC's USF/ICC Transformation Order (11-L61) and incorporates all further clarifications identified in subsequent Reconsideration Orders, as applicable, that were in effect at the time the Annual Report was submitted to the requisite regulatory authorities. Questions about this report should be submitted to Doug Musgrave, Manager, at (208) 461-7802 or by e-mail at doug.musgrave@oiutelecom.net. Oregon-ldaho Utilities, lnc. is a small, rural, privately owned lndependent Local Exchange Carrier operating in the states of Oregon and ldaho. OIU is headquartered at 1023 N. Horton St., Nampa,ldaho 83651. We are Oregon and ldaho State Public Utilities Commissions certificated and an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier throughout our authorized service areas in Oregon and ldaho. We are a NECA member company and receive high cost support through Federal and State Universal Service mechanisms. Oregon-ldaho Utilities advises that the environment in which the Company operates is dynamic, not static. As a result, certain network targets identified in our initial 5 Year Network lmprovement Plan filed in 2014 may be modified in response to the fast changing regulatory environment at both the Federal and State levels. The feasibility of each project must be regularly reviewed giving consideration to its implications upon the Company's financial viability in addition to their impacts on our capability to provide required services and maintenance of service quality. When a project is no longerviable because of financial, technological, or vendor related reasons, less costly alternatives of achieving the desired service improvement may be examined. Targets not met or that have changed since the initial 5 Year Plan Filing are identified and reasons provided for those changes. According to USAC, year to date thru the end of May 2015, OIU has received a total of $790,447 in Federal Support. The receipt of that support can be broken down by category as follows: High Cost Loop Fund 5399,544 Safety Net Additive S 7,450 Local Switching Support S 0 CAF-ICC Support 5176,616tcLS s206,837 Universal Service Support funds are used to maintain, upgrade, and improve the Company's network, cover operating expenses and debt commitments as necessary to permit it to offer a high level of service for both voice and broadband within our authorized study area. USF Support will continue to be included in the Company's current revenue accounts and forward-looking projections. Revenues, in the aggregate, are used for both capital expenditures and to cover operating expenses and fixed costs incurred to obtain capital from lenders. The Company does not segregate USF separately for purposes of tracking its use to cover capital and operating expenditures; USF is expended in the same proportion as its contribution is to the Company's aggregate revenue amount. The preparation of financial data for the company can take several weeks beyond the close of the financial period. Atthepreparationofthisreport,completefinancialdatahadbeencompiledand prepared through the end of April 2015. As of April 2015 the proportionate share of USF expenditures to date for 2015 is estimated by the company as follows: CAPEX 57,904 oPEX s782,543 ln the USF/ICC Transformation Order the FCC determined that rural rate of return carriers are only required to extend broadband capabilities within their areas in the existence of a reasonable request for service by a prospective broadband customer. ln the Seventh Order of Reconsideration, the FCC clarified the circumstances which constitute a reasonable request. Further section 67 clarifies that a request is considered unreasonable if it required the carrier to undertake plant improvements merely for the purpose of providing a new broadband service if such improvements would likely force the carrier above the 5250.00 per line monthly cap or if the carrier were already experiencing support reductions as a result of that cap. The 5 Year Plan submitted by OIU as a part of our Project Year 2015 Annual Report was created prior to the FCC's clarification of a reasonable request. As a result, the projects mentioned in that 5 year plan did not take into account that OIU is and has experienced support reductions as a direct result of the 5250.00 per line monthly cap since the cap was enacted. All projects considered for construction by OIU must weigh the potential benefits against the financial impact of the undertaking. Following is a description of the broadband expansion projects that were planned for calendar year 2015. South Mountain Exchange DSLAM project - Program Year 2016 This project encompasses the placement of additional fiber optic facilities and the addition of a new DSLAM site in the Pleasant Valley Exchange of ldaho to extend coverage of 4/L broadband service to 9 customers along South Mountain Road and increase voice service quality by shortening the voice loops. Two of the nine customers have expressed interest in receiving broadband service in the past if it were available but it is not practical to build a project that only serves part of the available customers in an area. The estimated cost of this project was approximately 522,000.00 per customer and the project will only allow a maximum of 4lt capabilities to all but two of the households in the build area. The costs of this project are prohibitive notwithstanding the 5250.00 per line monthly cap. This project has been placed on indefinite hold. Upgrade Existing FTTP Systems Jordan Valley Exchange - Program Year 2015 This project involved hardware and software upgrades to our existing FTTP systems in the Jordan Valley, Oregon Exchange. As this FTTP system ages, it requires certain upgrades that are necessary to keep the system operational, this is a service Quality lssue. This project is still scheduled for the latter half of 2015 and will be scaled back to save costs where practical, The project is estimated to cost less than 525,000.00 to complete and will affect approximately 20 voice and or broadband customers. All Exchanges - Program Year 2015 Oregon-ldaho Utilities is in progress of performing software upgrades at our existing DSLAM locations that will allow us to utilize VDSL technologies. This project is an upgrade to increase capacity and improve coverage with higher rate broadband speeds to our existing broadband customers in our attempt to keep pace with the rapidly increasing broadband transfer rates mandated by federal regulators. ThecostoftheseupgradesisestimatedtobelessthanSs,000.00totalandwillaffectallOlU broadbandcustomers. lnadditionweareintheprocessofincreasingthebandwidthofourmiddlemile and upstream provider links to maintain service quality to our existing customers. These projects were not planned in the 2015 5 year plan but have become necessary for OIU to remain a viable provider of broadband services to all of our customers. Capabilities currently exist to provide 4 Mbps downstream and 1 Mbps upstream broadband service to all known community anchor institutions within the OIU Study Area. No new broadband services were installed to community anchor institutions in the OIU study area in fiscalyear 2014. 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Supervisory personnel periodically monltor activities and information about customer service orders and trouble reports in these states to insureservicequalitystandardsarebeingfollowed. Frequentinteractionbetweensupervisorsandfield and customer service staff helps to insure that each employee understands their role in following these standards. Oregon-ldaho Utilities, lnc. complies with all applicable requirements on consumer protection rules including OAR 860-034{390 RetailTelecommunicatiqns Standards for Small Telecornmunications Utilities in the State of Oregon, IDAPA 31.41.0L The Telephone Customer Relations Rules in the State of ldaho, 47 CFR Part 64 Subpan U, Customer Proprietary Network lnformation, and the Federal Trade Commission Red Flag Rules. Employee training is held yearly on the requirements of each of the above as well as geleral training on disclosure of customer information to unauthorized parties. Supervisory personnel periodically monitor the activities of field and customer service personnel for compliance. Line 510 Functionality in Emergency Situations Description Oregon-ldaho Utilities, lnc. has engineered our communications network to remain functional in emergency situations as required by applicable state and federal regulations. Main Central office sites have emergency power generators that run automatically in the event of a commercial power loss. ln addition, these sites have battery backup which will allow them to remain functional in the event of a loss of generator power. Second tier remote switch sites and remota concentrator sites have battery backup to continue operation in the event of a commercial power loss and the company has an inventory of portable generators which can be manually deployed to remain operational during extended commercial power loss events. Our class 5 switch and second tier remote sites have emergency stand alone capabilities to continue operation during an isolation event. All main switch, second tier remote switch, and remote concentrator sites have redundant transport paths allowing them to re-route traffic in the event of an emergency. All switching, coilcentrator and transport equipment have redundant critical systems to continue operation during an internal card failure. We maintain a Rural Utilities Service recomrnended standard set of spare cards and parts in house for all mission critical systems. Routine maintenance is conducted on all mission crit,ical systems. OIU also has an automated alarm rnonitor system in ptace that alerts company personnel of system malfunctions 24 hours a day,7 days per week, 365 days per year. Our network was engineered to exceed generally accepted traffic handling standards within the industry to assure continued operation during traffic spikes and during busy hour and busy day events. Line (1210) - Terms & Conditions of Voice Telephony Lifeline Plans Oregon-ldaho Utilities does not have any service offerings specific to low income subscribers' Discounts to local service rates are available to qualified low income subscribers throuBh the lifeline assistance program. Oregon-ldaho Utilities offers flat rate local service that includes unlimited calling within the defined local calling area, with access to 911 service, operator services, directory assistance, and lnterexchange carriers. Oregon-ldaho Utilities does not offer toll service to our subscribers. The below media ad was printed on a quarterly basis in The Argus Observer and The Owyhee Avalanche during 2014 informing the public, including those eligible for Lifeline, the availability of Oregon-ldaho Utilities telephone service. Widrc h hlon tte pffir of ttc cydobftty cl fu lclryhom ,syic.t wl'idr co oflerd h nnd porlim d Boney Cmq, . mdtery Gunty, ft{oo .il Oryh.. Gwty, }ddu Oregoo{ddn'r tocol rcrvlcc qec induiu tb 0region udronger r[ Jorfrn Ydey (Fefir 5{U5S5} Adrim l54l/7X41.&dEdgrris" {5{l/339) md thSoult ilmtdl t?01/5E3}exdnqy h ldnlro. t*tily servke rrlis witlrh fiesr Eeli urp doprdi"g er roruin lerdio+ rd ,*gu Inlr Sl1.65 to 520.05 Dlur 56.50 federolsndusel dgrge for residemiol servirq ond $23.35 t0 $3415 plur 56.50 foderd cnd urer dorgo for dnglo lne budner rcrrke. therr rcler hdedo uhnhrd oilug wltlh lh dcffrd lecd coc+ crcts le 9ll serylq ocsesr to op'erulu rorvlcrr oi drectory r- drlorcg ond brlrerdngt crrisr rccctr low txorns heviiu* Cgilh for ttr Ufcbc rnd t*1ry lrirtocc Fogrolrs rry h d$b lr fstsrib hm tls$ bc* rrylo ntrr ilrergt ih Oregoa CId lddro lCrytoro rrrktrlcr F.grnrnr d ray d;e rocolvq tel d llod0rf truto ulttoct drga ftr hlortallor a il ilil{crr s'tr doc lr rtn ls ffih, t 6hd nn0raSorlddn Utfilht hq bufrer fio * [8OO] 624-008.2 trne- gato Oregon-ldaho Utilities, lnc. 1023 N. Horton St. P.O. Box 1880 Nampa, ID.83651 (208) 461-7802 June 24, 2015 Ms. Marlene H. Dortch Secretary Federal Communications commission 9300 East Hampton Drive Capitol Heights, MD. 20743 Re: WC Docket No. 14-58, 2015 Annual Report, Form 481for High-Cost Recipient 54.313(f)(1) "Milestone Certification" Dear Ms. Dortch, ln compliance with the filing requirements associated with, and attached to Form 481, we wish to advise the Commission that Oregon-ldaho Utilities, lnc.: Has taken reasonable steps to provide upon reasonable request broadband senrice at actual speeds of 4 Mbps downstream and 1 Mbps upstream; provides latency suitable for real-time applications including VolP and usage capacity which is reasonably comparable to those in urban areas and; that reasonable requests for service are met within a reasonable timeframe. lf you have any questions, I may be contacted at (208) 46L-7802 during normal office hours. Sincerely, Douglas N. Musgrave Manager Assistant Corporate Secretary uae -rot.J_ Oregon-ldaho Utilities, lnc. 1023 N. Horton St. P,O. Box 1880 Nampa, 1D.83551 (208) 461-7802 June 24, 2015 Ms. Marlene H. Dortch Secretary Federal Communications commission 9300 East Hampton Drive Capitol Heights, MD. 207 43 Re: WC Docket No. 14-58,2015 Annual Report, Form 481for High-Cost Recipient 54.313(fXL) "Community Anchor Institutions" Dear Ms. Dortch, ln compliance with the filing requirements associated with, and attached to Form 481, we wish to advise the Commission that Oregon-ldaho Utilities, lnc. did during calendar year 2014 install high speed broadband service to the following Community Anchor lnstitutions within our serving area: Pleasant Valley School (208) 583-2470 28026 Juniper Mountain Rd., Jordan Valley, lD. 97910, Transfer Rate requested/provided 6 Mbps Downstream/ 1 Mbps Upstream We did not receive any additional requests to provide any new or additional broadband services to other Community Anchor lnstitutions within our serving area. lf you have any questions, I may be contacted at (208) 46L-7802 during normal office hours. Sincerely, Douglas N. Musgrave Manager Assistant Corporate Secretary CONFIDENTIAL REDACTED - FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION 3017 Page 1 of6 CONFIDENTIAL REDACTED - FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION 3OL7 Page2 of 6 CONFIDENTIAL REDACTED - FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION 3017 Page 3 of 6 CONFIDENTIAL REDACTED - FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION 3017 Page 4 of 6 CONFIDENTIAL REDACTED - FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION 3017 Page 5 of5 ] CONFIDENTIAL REDACTED - FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION 3017 Page 5 of 6