HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150702Midvale Telephone ETC.pdfFon QunsrroNs Rr: rsn Sr.lru Fu,nvc Coxr.lcr: Grace Seaman, IPUC Utilities Analyst 208.334.03 52 or grace. seaman@puc.idaho. eov 1! !i iri, .) i rr \. , '.:-. State of ldaho )CERTI FICATION BY ELIGI BLE TELECOMMUN ICATIONS CARRI ER ) ss OF COMPLIANCE WTH SERVICE QUALITY AND CUSTOMER County of Washington)PROTECTION, ABlLlry TO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL lN EMERGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH-COST SUPPORT. AFFrDAvrr oF BUSTNE'' oR coRpoRArE oFFrcER G w r?-r'tto I The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29&4lrequires that Eligible Telecommunications Caniers certfy that it is compliant with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules; and ETCs must demonstrate the ability to remain functional in emergencies. ln addition, the Commission must file an annual certification with the USAC and the FCC that allfederal high-cost support provided to ETCs within the State of ldaho will be used only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. Accordingly, the undersigned states and verifies under oath the following: 1. ! am an officer of Midvale Telephone Exchanoe, an eligible telecommunications carrier for receiving federal universal service support under section 214(e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 in the state of ldaho. 2. I am familiar with the Company's day-to-day operations in the state of ldaho and with the State's service quality standards and consumer protection rules as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841. 3. Midvale Telephone Exchanqe is complying with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules of the Federal Communications Commission and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. 4. I certify to the Commission that the Company is able to remain functional in emergencies as set forth in Commission Order No. 29&41 and in 47 C.F.R. S 54.201(aX2). 5. I also certify that all federal universa! service support funds received by Midvale Telephone Exchanoe during the cunent calendar year will be used in a manner consistent with section 254(e); that is, for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. The company will continue to comply for the period of January 1,2016, through December 31, 2016, to be eligible for federal universal service fund support. 6. This verification and affidavit is provided to be the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to enable the IPUC to certiff to the FCC that federal universal service support received by the eligible carriers in the state will be used in a manner consistent with Section 254(e) of the Telecommunications Act. "Employe Owned, Community Focused, Customer Cenfured" LITE Communiations is an equal opportunity provider and employer John Stuart. CEO Name/Title June 30. 2015 Date SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 30th day of June. 2015 Notary Public for ldaho, residing at Midvale My Commission expires Aoril 6. 2018 GLENNIS K. BONNER Norry Pultlic Srtc of ldebo "Employ* Ownd, Community Fwttd, Customer Cenfurcd" MTE Communiations b an qual oppotfrnity providerand employer Fl!Y(Jooz(9 tiT(o cn c\i?FIo U)ozFtttYUoo290 --39>.fi>oo;uml,cnZu\ootr HOnzNJo>d>9oOU FIJi# ZA LUiru LYEI(JTotrOurr G. =P16 ffeeox5Elu>oFZ(JuPi!6UE^o-E9rTB(J:steo\i40zc)oztr d.oIz J (Jz z L J FzuotrzoU o-ct Eo()oo t(!fE(E EsO' 6' :=OE EE39(!.=EE=.s*E3:i,Es=u'=oodEs.;tu t .i-voE,:!-croE E H-=;Po-5E;;3q + s gE I3! uio.,; JEfiEE ooo(Y, Lq, -o EoI(uo -(oJc(o t oT =oL o =.EE.gbLC'ts(o0,ELOE6E oUb o-o;.i -LE,6Ed EEQOEEL(oJ6 -YoL(Jo(oEE@Z2L ooo(nEts E r*I,j g; tilEE E8PB itiEge;E;ggEHE iiEEI=iIEi# E i=EE g:; iEE ;sEi;1EiliE€ :EeIIE;IcH$ IIEI€EIEE€; itgf iEE E $E;;+IEEIEEE IBEE ilEEs*=.AA T ;.AE f sE 3 I r I E +EE: Ef;ggHaEE E SEEEEEEEEEggX dc (l, a0E(oEIxlJ..lPge F{=(E e EE =T .ooF oEr& B€ ie=# rEf;6.eE -o. .is.EFg 6= lE ta:El OEEi!E! E 6ut o.F bEi.E o,tl t-U:zUooz(9 rriT(o o1 ciq FIo ttozFtfJ:zUoo2(J^(J=aoi',O<dZ,d>oo;rJaa u)cnzU\Oot- ,ri f,m=e4 z NJo>o>?oOUFiJ,iSlJuZOLUi!rYu(JTotrOurr E =P-U16 trPUNno3 l!>ol-z(Ju!!i!FVOUG.Ao-E9r-:-=.U s E*O'ui= ;""Ls16)oE E n4o E g E ="2E=.9 trEEg =ij op^I Vog 6 =Es.b )tu E, .i a gESq =U oJ iul/, tr9o-EE J;;8{ SLF B HE G: gP ui !lJ?T LZEs.E8 g oooG1 L(u -o Eo(Joo t(o =E(! v'l o Jo o o6 .9bLC'g(oocLac,6E oub o-o; -LlrA i:Eq0cCL(E J6-Y(uL(Jo(!E5o= - L Ets fi FE oooG1 ooo(nEte f *=E TEf;6.sEE.E'ii F Lli^= to thttogErEA E IAut o E+€ otl Lo -ctEo(,oo a(Efc(! o -clEo(,oo i(! f (! E.EE6sE-c^Q.iiFLI ,88 oth E*a!cl E 6UI o EtE otl €F{C'N to!l! a0q =JLo ',4.o =Etro!El!o Edolio E g "Ei ="8 Hb E.=EP:;i=CL EJ.-E *E3E .EEgE r!'=[.^ Es';.oH 38t'{ E EE=.tS: E I * 33: .e-33i s FgHEY# : gE uig!= #;EE FdC't: t5oEIE BCE3.9IE0'E-C,Eqlat g,zo!tEO.!'=*EoEodo.9o rJc (ua0E(E -cl)xuJPge Fl=(E s E=Jotuo,F oEo&*€ ae= d FUJ!z(Jooz(9 uiTu,Ol FiIFIo ,rloz Fu.l)zUoai8o- t/)o\- Lt)O<dZci>oox'UiYr (n(nZliooF HEnzr\Jo>d>?oOUds*ZOLUirLYUJ(JTotrour.r cE =P-l!a@ *cti ^9ANxdvFlgJ>olzU.!! i!5UCf^oo OrP I}.A s Hio'ui= =i'OEE ;OE 8I zo3'=.E ?=EEB =iJ or ^J Voo6 =Est =ro t, .: =Ets-E 1S L*ooratrPo-o) J;;3{ SLF g H8 G; gP ui !lE d;E 2Ee.E3 g ooo(n Lo-oEouoo e(! c(! go! o o =.EEJI-.9bH-Eoo.OE6y-L.u :eo'oi -Ltr;i: E,u0EcL(o =vt.yOL'Jo(E}Eio,(ul=z-= ttt f *=$ ooo(n ooo(r1Ets E r=E E.Ef;6sE -o. .EEFLI-ut =urU t.E a,h =to.sEi!A .E t^ EJ o .; bE-E ota olt Eo(J OJo a(o =cl! Lo -ElEoIoo a(o =c(o oGIC'::oo1'.!EUc:,JLoIaao2EtrlE!E(!oodoJio yiEob.qEE 9' vr'=d h..s -"tr iP cE EqEE -- E5.g€ E EE*B='GE i EEEo g ;E.=o E E+'o-t ouU _98t'.,P *i Ee-*3ilE Po-EE3[ .EE8si g EgHEo(!C,EE u frEE2i= fs.EE o!rlo::aioEl! EBDJLoIaao2Etl!a?lEoLodo(,E (,c oooc(UE(JxUJPPe = 9tg i.EJoJtooJF oPo&sg B &,>a 't? 5E6sE -o. ^EEE"r.ll t5 l!j,vtEOgEaE6 E v,UI o aE.- osi'E oUI o(\loN t! ri€O.oN(o.i slr\@ crislri OlNOldr\r\ @r\u] Nslri mr-{q Olslr\ tJ)r\cr'lr\Nq sl orF{clN t! oo(ot'\ cfisfu'l N m@r.o oicoH r.ororn rar\@ l'rlNsf. @cnr{ ot\q @c!a\ Nr-{ 'Jlt'\Nnsl oF{oN IL 00r\(o oi(onN rnr{(o 'riCN F{ CNOlN6isl@ stot(r.! sfcnr-.i LN\o@. r.oor\ rnsl@ od@N+ !\F{C'N It @sl. =1:6r\cn a! LNro,o. ricn FI mNr-l+(ool ('rr\sf. Ocnri ror\N(o @(.o Fi OrOrdO)N+ roFIol\l t! Olom cdOtN (\l am@riN l.rtc)dl rnroO ri OrNr.o l.oNd @@Ndroro rir-{sl+@N+ roF{C'N l! @(o cYl r-lcnN.i r\Or-{+Nr-l r\Nfflr{@oo Ol6q NN ri@@dtro (\ Nr.o 'doO+ lJ Iootl trgB I lJoElvlEoz trso. go ogocoo 6tro o q,oo o Eo ,a3U vltro t! ogoo o oo oU ti0,vttroElxUJutr o oEIo IE oF FU:zUoozt, ,riT(o O) 6i? FIo ,rlozFU:zUoo28e6d r/t3>.6>oo; r-,r ao ulcnZ69OF ngt4Z r.\ Jo>d>qoOU ..i <6trZOLUi!L:zu(JTotrOsrr d =e16 EHdo3U>ot-Z(J. Pi!5Ut^o-E9rI3UiHEco ci) zoQzF E,ouz J (Jz z I J trzU(] trzoU U! Evl(,ooLc1'o EtoE o oooot+a!oIHgo olFlocls!! o +tItrlC'N o Ut1Utr =oIIoNGNtt!G 3 ID0,t!iEEocxoxocooslH+.osIH antooc C.EGI Eor.,osF o! E U'.y(,ooLcEo EE0lBo o5oo3.yEo.t, -go olFloGls!0 =o 3+.arlC'({ o U'.Ptr =oIJ9oNmtoB .! 0o =jEt!,Axo l!aaEl!lJo IP +a.!3+,jIJooLc tl!q EorJoEF L'c oo0c(u -c(Jx IJ.J Pgo rl=(Eo -o-E.goJo(!o,F (uEo& B€ i&>6 C)({o({ t! ooo. rnr\ ooqlnr-t ror.o\Nelri r\Or(.odNLr) oro sf. coNt. orF{oN tl Oo(f-o@ OOo.t)r{ r_{mo? rnN F-{ rf)@co rnr_l@ r_{ ro -lN+cnO. N o0F{oN ll. OoO. lJ')(o ooo- rnN toOlNdcnr{ Oslm ria\l() ro cn(o. rislN -j !\ ?,1o(\l l! ooq rncorl C)O rrir_l roN\coOr m -lo. OlNr.o ro@\Nr\Ot rgF{oN It (JOq Orosf (Jaq lJ)r_l vrisf. @NN Uro,.o. N r_1q N O@O. (.Dr-l\N rnF{oN IL Oc)14 ON ooO (YiN ooo-ostr{ slrou'l cn@tn sfr.oq N -l@ ooo =,h lU otrq,(, dttto c,F{ F{N !ltr (J .E3tloIJ o E Eo(J oF{NN Eo ul.9 E]Atrt! Fo(, Eo E troL) omNN v, .9g tJl!IIo =dg !o(J oF{<lN UIq, =.= =,cooxUT E ot!(J t! o ldaho Service Quality Standards and Consumer Protection Rules Compliance Midvale Telephone understands and complies with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission's Telephone Customer Relotions Rules, IDAPA 31.4L.0L, adopted under the general legal authority of the Public Utilities Law, Chapters l through 7, Title 51, ldaho Code, and the Telecommunications Act of 1988, Chapter 6, Title 52, ldaho Code, with regards to service. These telephone customer relations rules provide a set of fair, just, reasonable, and non-discriminatory rules regarding deposits, guarantees, billing, application for service, denial of service, termination of service, complaints to telephone companies, billing for interrupted service, and provisions of certain information about customer to authorities. Functionality in Emergency Situations Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. $ 54.313(a)(5) and/or 47 C.F.R S 54.422(bX4) as set forth in 47 C.F.R. 54.202 (aX2). Midvale Telephone meets the requirements to remain functional in emergency situations and has the following capabilities: Back-up power is provided to Midvale Telephone's central and or remote office(s) by use of fixed generator and batteries that provide it with a minimum of 24 hours of emergency power service. ln addition, Midvale Telephone's field electronics have a minimum of 24 hours of back-up power by use of fixed/mobile generators and batteries. Midvale Telephone also has SONET technology in its network that allows for self-healing network should a fiber cut occur in its core network and will automatically reroute traffic. Midvale Telephone also has 2 redundant paths within its network to provide for the capability to reroute traffic. Midvale Telephone has equipped its remote offices with Emergency Stand Alone technology that will provide for call completion and access to 911 in emergency situations. Midvale Telephone is capable of managing traffic spikes resulting from emergency situations. Response to Line 1000 MTE Communications StudyArea 472226 Voice Services Compara bility Report Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. S 54.313 (a) (10 ) MTE Communications (MTE) is in compliance with the requirement that voice services is no more than two standard deviations above the national average urban rate for voice service of 545.95 as specified in Public Notice DA 14-384 issued on March 20,20L4. MTE's current total local end-user ratel of S25.75 is not above the standard deviation as specified in the USF/ICC Transformation Order. 2 1 Local End User Rate as defined in USF/ICC Transformation Order 26FCC Rcd at 17751, Para. 238 ' USf/tCC transformation Order, 25 FCC Rcd al t7694, Para. 84 (footnote included) "The standard deviation is a measure of dispersion. The sample standard deviation is the square root of the sample variance. The sample variance is calculated as the sum of the squared deviations of the individual observations in the sample of data from the sample average divided by the total number of observations in the sample minus one. ln a normal distribution, about 58 percent of the observations lie within one standard deviation above and below the average and about 95 percent of the observations lie within two standard deviations above and below the average." I38. E.=EI g.* E eicEE+sgEA3 E.!E P Na (n Na m aN(Yt (\a (Yl qN(Yt NaNfr1 .ES6<E TEE SEE o o o e o o t!ln o)ge'E 9t sE6 rrt dc, IHci E:Ho do Idci sOo9lo..cgHoutllo =c,ta= u'!(o u)d rnd utd U)6 4ro E.g'E>c!roe6;'ErEouc,9 N u)N T\lnN r\r}N T\ lr')N r\ 6N \u)N cIoEA ea Eo,it EHEEUIOOrJ,==#.=e e b f;3EE G Gu eu G d.L &r Iu o!tt(E xr o Ep5 otrG a,J -g E 6 = (ucii 3I(u co G = =o'toxs oo 6 o o o o o o a{ C(E^s-9!ITiio-tuc,G C! ocE ?- .Eou,o =Eoq 5o2 2 Eou 5o =EouG Io2 .: Eoq ao =E o oz =Eodo foz z E o il oz E E oq toz 2 E=oq 5o2 : Eo o2 2E ou to2 .= E=ou,o !uc9s.9tI reEggEor -EHE S:i3;EEE T 5 .grE EE=?o oco c!c cI C oEo oc 3 oE c (E C oE o C sEea c o o E E64 EgI!rin o!oo!E'E I 4 4 gE i g'e I oih-9tO E-E:: EE6 @ c EEIe8.ei a-E EEi EEE ha s nc) s uq:co+o r,qE€ na ii 6o-r6 q C !a n 5!d! n o nt( Ca! aE q o 3 o o!o q s o)o(o ol oo 60l E UEJ o EIa E -cop g E E ! P 3E( d o o 6 E6 occlc=c co G; '.c c lo'tc( ,o a 6 ot o c 6 c c c o 6 o o o c L.,TflGiINAL Midvale Telephone Company ArizfrDa Corporation Comm i ssion TariffNumber2 Original SheetNumber: 62 IV. LITELNE GENERAL Applicable to qualifying low-income subscribers to single party residential seffice ofthe Company. RATES 1. Baseline Lifeline is a reduction or credit in the local service cbarges normally paid by qualifying low-income consumeni. The reductioa to the normal residential one-party rates are as follows: A. B. Residential Access Lines Federal Baseline Lifeline Reduction Monthly Credit orDiscormt $9.2s These reductions or credits are from the normal residential one-parry service zubscribed to by the consumtr. The Federal baseline lifeline reduction shall' be used to waive the consumer's Federal End-user common Line charge or Subscriber Line Charge In no case will the discount exceed the rate charged for the service zubscribed to by each individual. Issred April 6,2012 Docket Numb q T -207 4l A-l 0 4207 D*isionNumber 72728 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company . Efrective: NIay 6,2012 vr(ITgTIIAL Midvale Telephone Company Arizona Corporatim Comrmission TariffNumbcr 2 Original Sheet Numb€n 53 ty. LImLTNE, CotrumIIIEtr) RATES, CONTINUED 1. The following services are included: a Voice-grade access to the Public Switched Network b. Access to emergency services c.. Toll Blocking ELIGIBILITY REQTIIREMENTS 1. An applicant must meet all of the following criteria in order to qualiS for Lifeline Service: a- The consumermustpmticipate inone of the followingprogams: - 1) Food stamps 2) Supplemental Security Income (SS! 3) Federal public housing assistance 4) Temporary Assistance to Needy Famills5 (TANF) 5) State Children's Health Insurance Plan or Kidscare 6) National School Lunch Program 7) Low income Home Energy Assistance Program within the past 12 montls b. The customer must sign under penalty of perjury, a document certiSing: B. Issued April 6,2012 Effective: May 6,2012 Docket Nnmb q T -2A7 4 | A- rc {2;07 Decision Numbq 72728 Iszued by Midvale Telephone Company L'Fil('JII\AL Mifimle Telephone Company ArizrlnaL Corporation Commission TarifrNumber2 Original SheetNumbe'r: 64 rv. LTIELINE, CONTII\IUED ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS, CONTINUED 1) Slhe is receiving benefits from one of the prograrrur listed above (C.l.a-). 2) The Dame of the program from which they are receiving benefits 3) That s/he will notiff the company if s/he no longer participates in the program named in b. preceding. c. The customs must be recertified annually by the appropriate state agency. The company reserves the right to periodically veri$ a customer's eligibility with the appropriate State Agency d. The premises at wtrich the reside,ntial service is requested is the applicant's principle place of residence. e. There is only one telephone Iine serving the residential premises eligible for the credit. The residential premises shall coDsist of thatportion of an individual howe or building or one flat or apartuent occupied by a single family or individuals functioning as one domestic unit. 2. Lifeline will not b€ fimished on a Foreign Excbange (FX) basis. 3. LifeLine service shall not be disconnected for non-payment of toll charges. 4. If the constrmer chooses *toll blocking", the company will not charge a se,rvice deposit. No toll blocking charges will be assessed to Lifeline subscribers. 5. Partid paynents from zubscribers will first be applied to local serviee charges and their to any outstanding toll charges. Issrgd April 6,2012 Docket Number T -207 4l A-10-0207 Decision Number 72728 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company Effective: lvlay 6,2012 ORIGINAL Midvale Telephone Conpany Arizona Corporation Comnission TariffNumber2 Original ShestNumber: 65 rv. IrrErrNE, coNTII\tuEn D. REGI.JLATIONS 1. The Telephone Assistance Program credit wiU begh with the next lilling cycle following the date the Company receives notification of customer qualification. 2. The regular service connegtion charge, move and change charge, and regulations applicable to the service offerings qpecified inthe tariffwill apply. The service connection oharge and move and change charge to change to or from this program due to eligibility status will be waived- 3. The lifeline credit will be zubject to the following restristions: a- Applicant must be head of household or person whose name the property or rental agreement resides. b. Lifeline credit will only be provided to the applicant's principle residence.c. The credit will only be applicable for one single residential access line. 4. The Company will offer Lifeline assistance only during zuchperiods as reimbursement of the discount is available to the Company from Federal and/or State revenue souoes. Issucd April 6,2012 Docket Numb er T -207 4l A-l 0-0207 DecisionNumber 72728 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company IDAHO PUBLIC UNLMES Midvale Telephone Company . OOq::{^ Customer service contact (bw)qzqsz3 Attg' 13,2012 Aug't1,2o12 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Corunission TsxiffNumber4 Original SheetNumber: 62 B. TV. LItrELINE GENERAL A federal program applicable to qualifring low-income subscribers to single party residential sertrice ofthe Company. RATES 1. Baseline Lifeline is a reduction or credit in the local service charges normally paid by qualiffing low-income consumers. The reduction to the normal residelrtial one-party rates are as established by the Federal Commuoications Commission (FCC). C. These reductions or credits are from the normal residential oae-party senrice subscribed to by the consumer. In addition to the Federal Service Discount, the State may provide an additional discount for eligible consumers, pr:rsuant to Idaho code Title 56, Chapter 9. In no case will the discount exceed the rate charged for the service subscribed to by each individual. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS To quali$ for Lifeline Service, an applicant must meet all of the requirements established by the FCC. l. The consumer must be a head of household whose gloss income is at or below one hnndred aud thirly-fivepercent (L35Yo) of the Federal Pove(y Limit. The customer must be recertified annually by the appropriate shte agency. The premises at which the residential service is requested is the applicant's principle place of reside,nce. Issued July 27, 2012 Effective Artglst2il,20L2 Issuedby Midvale Telephone Coryany : SbohenG.Child Title: CEO a. b. c. IDAHO PUBLIC UNLMES Midvale Telephooe Company ^OlO.:t'*^customerServicecootact lboo'Srczlsz3 Aug'13'2o12 Aug'27'2o12 Jean D. JerYell Secr€tary Idaho Public Utilities Commission TariffNumber4 Original SheetNumber: 63 rv. LTTELTNE (coNTrNtJED) C. ELIGIBILITYREQI.JIREMENTS,(CONTINUED) d. Only one telephone line (wireline or wireless) per household is eligible for the credit. A *household" is any individual or group of individuals, related and unrelated, who are living together at the same address as one economic uoit. An "economic unif' consists of all adult individuals contibutiug to and sharing in the income and expenses of a household. E. REGIJLATIONS l. The regular service connection charge, move and change charge, and regulations applicable to the senrice offerings specified in the tariffwill apply. The service connection charge and move and change charge to change to or from this program due to eligibility status will be waived. 2. The Company will offer Lifeline assistance only during such periods as reimburseme,lrt of the discormt is available to the Company from Federal and/or Shte revenue sources. V. IDAIIOTELECOMMI]NICATIONSSERYICEASSISTAI\TCEPROGRAM (rrsAP) A. A state program applicable to qualiffing low-income residential subscribers ITSAP provides eligible recipients with a reduction in costs of residential basic local exchange telephone senrice. B. SURCHARGERATES The monthly surcharge is set at the amount ordered by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Issued July 27 , 2012 Effcctive Augrut n ,2012 Issued by Midvale Telephone Company : Sephenc.Child Title: CEO IDAHO PUBLIC UflLMES Midvale Telephone Company - App-Pll- Cusromer Service C*trrtr f6OOl 4624523 Aug. 13, 2012 Au9.27,2O12 Jean D. Jewell Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission TadfNuob€r4 OrigiDal SheetNumber: 64 rv. ITSAP (CONTTNIIED) C. CONDMONS 1. A surcharge assessod on all access lines to contribute toward funding for the Idaho Telecommunications Senrice Assistance hogram (ITSAP). The ITSAP surcharge will notbe assessed on ITSAP-eligible zubscribers' bills 2. The srcharge rate will remain in effect until otherurise modifie{ canceled, or changed by the Commission. VI. IDAHO UNIVERSAL SERVICE F'UND SI]RCIIARGE A. RATES The monthly surcharge is set at the amount ordered by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission. B. CONDITIONS A surcharge assessed on all access lines to contibute toward firnding for an Idaho Universal Senrice ftrnd. The surcharge rate will rcmain in effectrmtil othenrrise modifie( canceled, or changed by the Commission- YIII. CONCURRENCES Midvale Telephone Company concurs in the filedtariffs of the Mountain Sates Telephone and Telegraph Company dba CenturyLint together with amendments and successive iszues thereof, for the prpose ofproviding message toll telephone senrico between its points when no other telephone company jointly provides the message toll service with the Company. Issued July 27, 2Ol2 Effective August 27,20L2 Issued by Midvale Telephone Compaoy : Stephen G. Child Title: CEO r.r..,htE&l|lrl.rtdEi-rdctlDlarsa![arn!.naaaatorr,rdrFrd-!Brtl$srlblt0aa5.rcdldiOc'd.Illdartdc.lldC{t,rltditolllutolanlrr frrrdid o$r.ildod.fr0.EE -;iffi'ffiipfltsrr*nripcalc.-lnirtuilo-Chd|lllnairr.ab$.rrarah.rFtEg.tc.i!.ft&li.ttrhmrlrrf -EIEE rm tl,s OFERANTO REFORIFORrrllcoff uucA[ot{8 BonRouERg tnrbrrol.mllilAomrrlcrfEldldc fraF-.lt r.t|t'nrql rars(i 0r trt t r, .ilL. r, H b. d r*l* ,Gb.f&L..br !a'd!r it t ..drd.rrlk IffiOTENMIE t{idvalc lclephone conDany (PrgDerod utlh AudiE€d Dala, tvs?f{f fftnufrr.rpn r| flAs r,|L.r n b Co celr { h '{,rut!'o: rlrrlC hr!(rtrr rcr f,16 lnlkrh I t{+1. @t b uh,f N*t dy. PtRroo3ioNo EmROtlROESlol{ATtOl Dcc@ber, 2ola I roosrg eEillncAnoil kknlyumlyila,irfrrr?r.rrnrrnrlFrrt.rrrIrr.tuar&r.Yrlrtfir.,.fieltoar.l/,frrtt.,flih.4,tKsr*tentnlrr.//rlrtfu$or5.rrrr{rrr.il ut ttt }cst of nn fudu$c el HEt ALL tNSUiaArrCE nr<iUnfO Ui ? CFn pArf I'|A cl|AFTEn XvtL nUS. w^s rN Foncf,, DUnING TllE IEPORTING tEruOD /rND RENEWAT.S IIAVE EEEII OBTAINED FIOR ALL POLICIES' uurlilc.trtEt'uxtulrt-rrvi:ll[r,BY't'lll$llDruBTrU|GIUAN]'lOrArl l?lt0]?L]tlcllArtul.xvll tC,[Et0,.0,atot&r,n0, !-I ttsrtuEr. abh4 6 !! tutiltlor! c !E dtG,|l - sro.rlRugl$rn nril! sodaEiu{arffi!$.dcri, d.cDn rl aa lolo.tl qcd,ic ll?o.t /-t-rS OAIE NTiTA AAUI.OE TIIEET AIIE?A arulEt tmrtlt arurct tE4tf,E r l^m rnE ,lllDitocltofDCng Eolt?Y IIIME Imf,a lrusf trDerttao :URIEilTAItETt t. coon&|dEqa.aurb 3?2 . tl9{1 . 3?8. 208 ;uRnEm[rAsrmES )i ,aart rtr Dn *b l. 269.73(l. 528.615 2. cdlRUSCdr.hdo.tFlll.l 66. 95'i 69. 15r !. }lor.M l. lrnda:lr. Aalvjro Bilsrrtd PsYltnrr 131.18r 13?.15C .. LEfir. loEu'$. Rcaluatrl.261. 14j 289, 1 l7 }jS. C|ltb6r O.oc[.(96t (79) h- Ctlhr A6urb Rrolrrllc 838 , ll5{1 , 1??. 28(lC, ClIililf&LUTOed 1 . {23. a3r 999.457 C, NObtRAEb 10. Glrrutl tl.L lJTOeU.Rur. Ocv. . TMCEILi:I'1. Crt'rlfltt.adl.er.G r. T.bcsrL lroullt Raiuau.n. holt!T.r..lEra.l D. OOrc AEdrnL necalualb 99,264 1t{.08!13. OOorTaraal€nad aNoLrREluda ra. olhlr cr,rd LrrulDc. 5. lrffi lxt OhAho(ts Rcehraila 1t Totrl Corrilrr LbUIth. t2! rinl Ll 2.824.257 2- 655.15a 0. lldrtdfiGfhd ae?.47',360. 9a?,dIG?CilOEBY 16. F0nd.dm$Rusilot r r0. 236, t51 9,697,O9L,. [.r.rtrH{ilrrodalsd a. EmrnGir 11{ . 2 t'i 20{. 19C |7. Fun.LdO.b[RIB trdB 9, O0l rcunrolA!.d.18. Fu.lrhd DaotsFF8 lloi.r lo. Torrl CunuttL.on tl Tlrru tl 2. 2aO. 01:3, 593 . s92 t0. FulodD.Dro[lcr IilGURIEITA!8EI8 It. hy.rlrn ol h lllllaLal CofirDrfoa 10. Fuilhdmf*rrdD.r|ho. Ler ]t. Pruilm loi0oolril oo l/f t o0l r.RudtLuclomiil 12. RGdruto.}t i ltmmlDatabo.rEal 2,322,081 2 , 452 ,37!13. O!0oofonrtlr(fr CoCld L.d. 12. Olh.,inednaln!3 L. ldv. Fro.n Altrard Conornee r. RudoGrclorrml 89. 1{:89. 1{3 13. Otr.rtdl}Tnn0.u D.l{an.UnlDcIrbmfil L. Totrl Lol|o.Toan Oobl ata ilrnt.3ll 10. 236. 951 9,697,09t l!. ltlnld.dhYalrtlmE 56.931 60.82I mlEn u g. I DEF. CnEDlrs 17. OOer LfioTrm Lbtllli.B 272.125 2AA,708ta. Ont! ]lanqltrqllAr.rit 13 txllm6cnrr..lt. Ol,rar D.imd C,i tlr 18. rrr,lclEtd lxilruraa )0. On r&itdc[cr.loiargno. 7. ?otal Loocunlot4...E (ll lhru ttl 2.{68,156 2,602,343 ,0. ford Clir tJrDiri6 r.rd D.fsrnd Cr-tr ta, o$r aol 272.722 2{4, ?08 'tlITT. PROPGiW. ATD Bq'lP[Ell? t T.bm Plrtl.lEsErrt6 3?.917.10(3A.852.1!t :ourw il. C5 Sld.Ldrtxd A SrEstH 32,91(32.gLO 10. ProdrutlrU ErFullre l,t.I tl5 . 29:121.533 ia. A4lrodP.nh€.oad to. Ptrt un brco[trrcloo 1. 903.02{2,32s. I 8€B. Treaarry Sbcf !r FlmtAdl.- NdroD. Ptsile Go.*,U ta. MmllrlrbrdCr. C.rftflec >2 L.ala{ttlLdDaaodalbn 21, O59. 11 21 . A2a .791 ll. OlhetCDhC tt t{ei Plr.la lla tllru lt b!. Zll 18.905.3r 77 .474 ,668 lC. PilmnMCa'lrlclttiti L IOS LASaEIAl0.lr.2tt 2t - 51a. a9{23-670.601 i?- R.riirid E mnrc d Mrrdm to .2t? . 65',ll.O1O-?/to it, ?otrl Eoulrlr lll tiru ol 10_2AO.16'_ (161 6t6 tl. IoTru LntiJlllt rxo cqrTY lttoll.tooto 23 .6t4 , 494 23 , 670, 603 T@l EquttY = {5' ?tlt t5 dTold At oll Psge i ofo USDAfiUS OPERANilG REPORT FOR TELECOMilUNICATIONS BORROUUERS TNROUIER OESIGI{ATION rD0518 ,ERIOO ENOING Dec€dlber. 2011t ,t Slxlt CIlOItl$ * RUS Btmlfri,7t +2 PARTB. STATEMEilTS OF INCOTEAT{D RtrAIIIED EARIIIIGSOR MARGII{s mll PRIORYEAR THISYEAR l. L€l NGluort ServicoeReItrueg 726,420 720,gtr 2. Ncru,ortAEaatt Ssrder Rewnucs 9,299.675 9,3r8, 01{ 3. Lqls DlaErcc NehrcIlSon|cal RelEnuot 168,893 161, 16! a. Csrlc, Bmc md Coltcdon R.ttfit€! 5. MirolnplltRrnCIros 95.690 l02. a3t 0. Unao[oc{Db Rmnlla 598 30r 7. ta.t Ooerr0na irvrnrnr (l Omt 6 lo|t tl 10. 290 , og1 10.302.2a1 t. PLnf Spodicoperetonr Erpsnre 4,71.O,9t2 tt , 503, 25t 9. Pbn[Noa$dlbOoenttonrErperrc(2AA -671 237.161 10. Ooor8drlbn ErE ttt 2.232.5O1 2,2e6,074 1. Arnoilretbn Erosmo 12. Curiomrar ODor8torrE Eslnlc 256,L?2 23?, 00t 13. Co,Dorsta Oper$nt Bp.o..t,298.263 L,283,481 la. tdlOErrUm E:orrel l!t|tru ltl a.712.52\8,6a6.99! 13. ODerslho lncorn or MmirL O letE 141 1. 5a?. 550 r,555,24t ,0. Olhcr Oeclllfrt lncome and Expe,ttse 1132,114'( 1't5 , 38{ } 17. 9lsb tnd locel Trxeo 285,997 26?,13t 18. FcdsEl lncomcTru 19. OthsTu..(3, 017, 5'l3l 10. Totrl OD.ratlno T.r.. (t7+tt+ltl (2,?31,5.16,267,}tt ll. ltbl Ooerttlno lncornc or MarEhs (15+lE-201 4, 146,372 L,Z4t,51i n. lnblllton Furdrd DoDl 510,02a 5r2,905 13. hbrlc Epento - CsDlbl Lo8los L. Oilrrr lnlcrrtt Epqlrc za.o-t6 lz. QE{ 15. Albrmncc lbr Fun& Us.d [}ur{no Comtrcllon lo. Tord FLcd Chrmm l2+2t+?l-251 6t{,100 tfrr rrj 17. l,touoemim l{ct lncomc 68{,268 514, 'EtlE. Ertmdluylbnu 19. .MldctbnolDllEltrue 10. Non €oulrtld ilit ln6mc n15,329)(21?,837) It. ?otrl Ifl fncoor o? krtltr. l2l +n+&n+r0.ail a. 081.211 eat ntl n. Tood Tu.a B.rd on lnomc 13. R€o.hq, E.mlnor or lhnlnr Eoghnhgof-Ycrr 6.)rd . aaA 10.2t? - 64, H. MboclancotltcrtdlEYscr-b.m t5.,n6 rlna 18. Iriui.lendr t edel3d (Prdbr'ldl ]7. Odl.fO.DIL Yosr-b.Otb 5a - ooo lE. TnndbcbPshnsroc.Dlsl tr- R.0da.d Ermlnor o? krltrr Endal.Pcrlod l{t't+t}+tal - {s,}i$+t7.ttll LO,247.657 11.030. ?.. 10. P.tDn ae Caoltrl Bcolnnlno-ol-Yesr l. TreilfglBto P.tlnsEo C.dtll 12. Perrmro Crolh| Cndilr Rellud E. Priome. Grclrl Erdol-Yoi (.0{14e,o L. A'rnrC DobtSct.lo Prymcntr 2.220.L87 1. ,941 , t29 16- Clcl Rrdo l(ta+2G10-llt / 7l o,1672 0.6a3a l!. ODerdno AErrd Rstb l(ta.zo+z0l l7l 0. 6458 0.9192 17. flERl(ll+Zi,,ltzCl 7.4t62 2.769r ]t. DscR (31+20+to+il) raal 3.129a 1.957: Page 2 of6 uso -nus OPERATT{O REFORTFOR TELECOUT UUCArlOT's BORROWERE 8ORRoI,I'ER DESIGI{ATION r00518 PERIOOENOEO Decenber. 20lrl INSTRUCTE NS - Sc. ]llp ln the oflllnc sppllrttftxr. PART I - STATilE'IT OF CASH FLOIYS t.Brolnolno Crrh (Grrh rnd Equlvdcott pltr RU8 Gonrtrucdon Fundl 439. a55 CASH FLOIUS FROil OPENAIilO ACTMNES 2. llot lncomr 983. 083 Atfn ormnt b furrcfc tlcl rrrg/t, lo ll,tl @rh Ptwtthd uy @cow Mitrbs 3. Add: OcrrGcltllon 2.285.O711. A(x[ Amorurrtbn o 5.onh€r (E pldn) Non ODeraEing DegaeciaBlon Expen8e 2t9,593 Cha,,act h oDEtfi7p Asrcfs anduaDfnbs 8.DGcr€serfiicrrlrct In Aceuntr Recivsu€1382.22rt 7.Dec,€aelftrc,catc) ln }lalcrirb and Itlvenlqy 126. 53, 8,t ec,calcr&tcr3s3o) in PrmrynenE and Odffi Chaases (89,973' t.Oscrrrsdfticr€alc) ln 0O!6, Cumnl A38cE 0tO. InctEesGr(O€crltlel ln AccourE Prvable 258,886 1t lnoEarcr(Decresle) lnA(,tfltca BIlngr t PevroGnls 5.97( 12. lnc,tard(Dsct€alc) an Ohsr Cutronl U0uli0ct'lt. tlrt Cilh Prwld.dr(Urcdl !r Oecntlonr 3.40?.931 CASH FLOCUS FROil FtilAilCtilO ACnUT|ESt4. DBcrcsr.r(ncrlllel ln Nol6r Re€lyabL 015. lncrclld(Ocscsaet lo Notrt Payrdc 010. tncrcard(Dccroarc) an Crt.tomrr Ocpoortl L717. t{sl lacrtoac/(occ'lrrcr an Long Tt'm Dcbl (lndudlno Cumnt Maluilio!)(963.835t18. lncr!r!d(Eocr.s!.) ln OOEr Llsulthr & Oclcrcd Gredhr (28,0171 19. lncr€atd(DGcGa!€) ln CsDlLl Slod(. Psld-h Csdtal, tlcmbellhb rnd Codtsl Certficat€! E Ot Er caofiet 0n. Lceg: Psymsd dohirhrldr (200,000, 21. Lscc: Patrsrsoe Csdtitt CrldiB Rctrcd 0?, olhar (ErCein) B. X.lcl.hProvld.dm,t.df !rFln nclne Acthrtl.s ( 1, 191, 8!5, CAEH FLqU9 FRfl IIVESNTG ACTMIES 21. ilel Codtrt Epcryflurt. (Pfoecrty. Harn & Eoratrn€rn){1,333,{3{,25. OOB'tm-Tsflnl.ruGshcm (13{. t??,20. Oilur Nononsril AsEsl! t Jl,lrdacuonal Otbrarces 0 27.Ohcr(Edein)edditional t{eB CapiEal 259. a10 n tltclth Prwldcdr(Urodl lylryc'llne ActbIlE!(r 208, 201 rn ll.t lncrarrd(D.cmmcl InGuh 1 007 9l{ 30. En.rlag CBh 1,14? ,361 Rrvlrlon Drlr 2010