HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150702Fremont Telcom Form 481 redacted.pdfAx#9}H June 29,2015 Ms. Jean Jewell, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington St. Boise, lD 83702 Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed please find: 1) a copy of Fremont Telcom Co.'s ("Fremont") 2015 FCC Form 481, submitted to the Universa! Service Administration Corporation and the Federal Communications Commission pursuantto 47 CFR 554.313 and 554.472; and 2) Fremont's Affidavit supporting its designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier. As part of its FCC Form 481, Fremont is submitting its progress on its five-year network build-out plan as well as detailed financial data. These items are trade secrets and proprietary pursuant to ldaho Code S 9-340D and are exempt from public disclosure. Accordingly, Fremont has sealed these in the enclosed envelope and printed them on yellow paper. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this filing. Sincerely,r{t)zJ#on B. Williams Vice President - General Counsel I l0 Eost Moin Street I St. Anthony,lD 83445 Business: .208t. 624-7 O0O Residentiol: ,2081 624-7300 www.f remontsol utions.com GwR^I ts-ot state or $lnLyra. 1 CERTI FICATION BY ELIGI BLE TELECOMMU N ]CATIONS CARR] ER OF COMPLIANCE WITH SERVICE QUALITY AND CUSTOMER PROTECTION, AB]LITY TO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL IN EMERGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH-COST SUPPORT. AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER County of The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29841requires that Eligible Telecommunications Carriers certify that it is compliant with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules; and ETCs must demonstrate the ability to remain functional in emergencies. ln addition, the Commission must file an annual certification with the USAC and the FCC that all federal high-cost support provided to ETCs within the State of ldaho will be used only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. Accordingly, the undersigned states and verifies under oath the following: I am an officer of Fremont Telcom Co., an eligible telecommunications carrier for receiving federal universal service support under section 21a@l of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 in the state of ldaho. I am familiar with the Company's daytoday operations in the state of ldaho and with the State's service quality standards and consumer protection rules as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841. Fremont Telcom Co. is complying with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules of the Federal Communications Commission and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. I certify to the Commission that the Company is able to remain functional in emergencies as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841 and in 47 C.F.R. S 54.201(aX2). I also certify that al! federal universal service support funds received by Fremont Telcom Co. during the cunent calendar year will be used in a manner consistent with section 254(el; that is, for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. The company will continue to comply for the period of January 1 , 2016, through December 31 , 2016, to be eligible for federal universal service fund support. This verification and affidavit is provided to be the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to enable the IPUC to certify to the FCC that federal universal service support received by the eligible carriers in the state will be used in a mannerconsistentwith Section 254(el of the Telecommunications^Act. g!^ >* 7 ?, z'tf SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to 1. 4. 6. MAHI..EEC NOTAFV Shile of tlonbna R€siding d M@18,. m MyComrdseion Notary for My Commission expires residing at Page 1 <010> Study Area Code 473333 <015> Studv Area Name Fremont Telecom - RoR <020> Prosram Year 2076 <030> Contact Name: Person USAC should contact with questions about this data Michelle OwenE <035> ContactTelephoneNumber: 405s41s131 exE Number of the person identified in data line <030> <039> Contact Email Address: Email of the oerson identified in data line <030> nouens@blackfooE ' com <100> <200> <210> <300> Unfulfilled Service Requests <310> Detail on Attempts (voice) Service Quality lmprovement Reporting Outage Reporting (voice) ( compl 4. onoch ed w*sheet) k ompl et. o ttoch.d wotksheet) (chak bo, wha c@plet.)ffi l7h.-.heckboxif nol-l <320> <330> <400> <410> <420> <430> <MO> <450> <500> <510> <600> F Unfulfilled Service Requests (broadband) Detail on Attempts Number of Complaints per 1,000 customers Fixed Mobile Number of Complaints per 1,000 custoEerq {broadba4d) Fixed Mobile Service Quality Standards & Consumer Protection Rules Compliance 4'12222td570.Ed ( otloch d.* i p dv. doc ufr .nt) d.sctiplive d*umant) 0.0 0.0 (ch.ck to indl.ot. cenifrco$on) ( otlo.h.d daci ptiw doc ument) ( ch eck to in dicot ccrtilc otion ) lil|ti-, |-i-l|-T I / ll / I <610> <700> <710> <800> <900> <1000> <1010> Company Price Offerings (broadband) Operating Companies and Affiliates _ Tribal Land Offerings (Y/N)? O OVoice Services Rate Comparability Certification documeht) (complct otlochcd wotksheet) ( cohplea. o tlo.h.d worksh eet) ( compl al. oft o ch.d wotk sheet t (if yes, complct. ottoch.d wo.ksheet)lY"r I ( ottoch dsctiptiv. documen t) (il not, check to indicote cenifcotion) ( com pl.l. o noch ed wotk th ee t) lc ompl atc oftothe d work th eet ) Tffi <1100> Certify whether terrestrial backhaul options exist (Yes or No) <1110> <1200> Terms and Condition for Lifeline Customers Price Cap Carrierc, Proceed to Price Cap Additional Documentation Worksheet lncluding Rote-of-Return Coniers olfilioted with Price Cop Locol Exchonge Corriers <2000> kh.cktoihdi.ot c"dification) <2005> kompletc oftoched wotksheet) Rate of Return Carriers, Proceed to ROR Additional Documentation Worksheet <3000> lcheckralnc;talece,.rf.oiar) f.FlNtSla3005, ,.r-,." rrr.r. Page 1 No@o go El oo Eo! E oo Ez $e-aQBESB.[3c. IBEE go;-E*, IEt-=o!oo-EE= FFg-P+, 'i:zg*Ea iEe;EE e*,i$AE 3ii6g[=i tE**;:eaq E!z;E939*xnE:E$;EH[ t"i: EHEE93sx g b'8,aEiE::E+€EBEi;iIEi+egt;=EEEh-88.OHEg; P?EEE5 ISEE I ; B 3 B;EEEs EEEEE{=85EE ri;eesItsl g: H: E a EEs-s E.E s 3 3:::*b;!)i ?Eb bbrS*HE{EE???HPAEiET!EEEgr # E E ; s. g" E E E F: AAAAAAo<lnor6ididddddidddVVVVVV .9 3 E :- E ;3E-5 ha@ u'6 g--9.c't i:}O; P SgEo'i o 5?:o o ! g=.= =6?o:-.iri r; ;I BEEB .=o!4E I E S4 gE: e =U o'H:; =+ I i - ri o P 9 o:ET EE;:sE.g Bq31dtE EaA F; g i EE E -€ ^ 3E P;9 EFsF dE;;veis g[.i:!lii EgE a; i s r E ge; ;:li+ *gt i:-?*E:;€E : eS ; E iE r *Hv eoq oo !o 3oe oo o .E Go! .EEo'-cop co oo o oEE 6 Eu oEE G EU GcoU o o o o o o o o xo oo o.g ooE .=E0.,qop co oo o o-oEaz o! Efz co oIoF @ coU mo o3o o oto E o GE .9E U.gE @Uo @ o Eaos (J f Co oL o EGz o o(J o o 6o E@uo oNo o o o F co ! o Eoz 6o El o r o!o(J Go !f o o No@6c o o oNN Eo .;oo o !o ao3 c o o oE E .EEo EcoP o oe o oE! 6 E@ Ep o E goU oo xo o o o .E 6 G! .=!oG'Fco! qo oo o o! 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E 8-E c o .. ai:E g E,BiEE E etHaH: I#I*.Esa E;I?#3i. * i+E!EE ?EIquE s E d iafra.li 8 .9 sE:P i = o s6;i E E A;EH.E € A = gE EE E s X sfIE; EEEE9: i 6 b E€.s;56=.else b ; = qaE5 a :7 6 6-Alg E E[Ee8ti a P+qI=9.5 6 = =Y E g F'n'E 33 ao f-dd U! l? dBE HP3 e =Eg ; B! H =9 = 'otr d oco E 6aE o oE oaoE ooEoo so6 oE oo u [tr cd .g o o c es Nc c? o cd oco6Eb o qo ot c'd c Fio o.gco LectE+ oq 9n gg6E E=E:E U 1Eo;6 3 e.Eo 95R gE = p6I _E* o^ Eg SJ;; =o9 UPm Ed ; geP EF|t c{ 2 A-6 -3: 3. 9 .ut >:i 3g 5 F€ J i= !1 !39 ooe8 6.=i,fo 9-=E= E.s EOE5 EidEl.oc CE'69 CEoo NO 3U c! i 5E9 9uiPE9BE EAE!O €.3 EoEB Eei EE:->o EH3 8Eg 5 cE!= o.2d; -=QE5H gi,€6t;oa dEo5- e G !t Etr 6,96stE e; Xe ra d2 sro -c E:t6 Eoc E o!Ed =u;.oia:]"!!-d !9 9E 9- -.9!-si!9 Eg 2eeB .tcc =! jg cv eE.eoc ct .9.7' -at g9eaa.:to;9 Eo o ag e Eo a ,e5 ! E - { N n.a r E4uoI.E o,66oc-- =PotrCLO?fiqlEeE:HEEEEHTEbH:*E6ii=EEoEzpEEE.E=^=6N69tOdNmS'3Ndq!moomlY)Eoo!?oooooE!1t19)!9t1t9!9C Page 13 <010> StudvArea code 473311 <015> Studv Area Name PremonE Telecom - RoR <02O> Proqram Year <030> Contact Name - Person IrSAC should contact resardinr this data MicheLle owen6 <035> ContactTeleohoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<030> 406s{15131 ext. <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data lin€ <)30> mouenE@blackfooE . com TO BE COMPTETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF THE REPORTING CARRIER IS FITING ANNUAT REPORNNG ON ITS OWN BEHATF: Certification of Offi.er as to the Accuracy of the Data Reported tor the Annual Reportint for CAF or Ll Recipients c.rtify that I rm an offlccr ol thr raportlnt canlcr; my responsibllltle! lncluda.nsu.lnt the accuracy ofthe annual reporunt requhlmcnts to. uniyers.l t€ru|c. suppon '.clplents; end, to thc best of my hnorled!!, thr lnfometion rrport.d on thls fom end ln any attachm€nts is accuntc. 'lame of Reortina Carrier Fremont ?eleeon - RoR iiqnatureofAuthorizedofficpr: CERTTPTED ONLTNE oatc 06/29/20Ls ^r a,,+h^ri,-t M.-.. ,lason WlILiarc itle or position of Authorized Officer: vP ceneral Colffel elephone numberofAuthorized Officer' 4065415{5{ exE ' itudvAreaCodrof Re@rtin"carrier: 473333 Filinc Due oate for this form 0?/01/201s PeMnr wilifulv makini fabe st temen8 on thie fom 6n be punished by fine or forfrlturc und.r th. Communietions Act of 1934. 47 U.S.C. 55 502. 503(b), or fin. or imPdronmnt underTltle 18 ofth. Unlted States Codq 18 U.S.C 5 1m1. Page 13 Page 14 <010> StudvAr.a code 473333 <015> StudvArea Name Premont lelecom - RoR 2 015 <03O> Contact Name - PeBon USAC should contact E6rdlnq thls data Michelle ouans <035> ContactT.leohoneNumber-NumbcrofErsonidentiflcdindataline<O3O> 4055,115131 ext. <039> Contact Email Mdrrss- Email Address of Dena identlfied in data line <03D mowens@blackfoot. com TO BE COMPTETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FITING A'{NUAI REPORTS ON I}IE CARRIER'S BEHAIF: TO 8E COMPI.ETED BY THE AUTHORTZED AGENT: Certification of Officer to Authorize an Agent to File Annual Reports for CAF or U Recipients on Behaff of Reporting Carrier @ilify that (Nam of i3 authorLod to 3ubmll lh. inromllon nport d m bchalf of lhe EpoTtlng €riei gonq and, io th. b$t ot my tnowl.dgo, lho nporlr and d.ta prcvidod to tho auihdlzed .gont b euElo. ,lame ofAuthorlzed 'lame of ReDortlnr Carri.r: ;irmtur€ of Authorlzed Offfc!r:Dat.: ,rint.d name ofAuthorlzed Offfccr: itl. or ol d officar: 'eleohonc numbcr of Adhori2rd officer: itudvAr?a Cod. of Rroortinr carl.r:Fillnr Du. Date forthls form: Per$n5 willfully h.ling Ll* rt.t€mnts on thk brm en be punished by fine or forf.iture under the Commnlc.tions Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C tS 502, 5O3(b), or ftnr or imprbonrcnt underTitle 18 ofthe Unltld States Code, lt U,S.C 5 1001. Certification of Atent Authorized to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Grrier , as atent fot th. raportn! Erlcr, ccrtlf, that I .m .udrorired t , 3ubmlt the .mu.l nportr d unlvGml srek. suppon ndpimB on b.halt of the rcpordnt 6rle]; I hil. pmHed h. data Eponcd hercln basad s data prevldcd by the reportlnt 6rle7; an4 to tho bct o, mV lnowLdte, thr ffirmadm Epoit€d hUdn b *dnt.. lame of ReErtlnc Carrier: lame ofAdhorh.d Ar.ht aofl iinature ofAuthorized Arent 6r Emdove ofArent:Date: 'rlnted namc ofAuthorlz.d Ar.nt or Emolovee ofAccnt: itle or Dosition of Authorized Arcnt or Emolove€ of Asent blephone number of Authqizld Arcnt or Emplovec ofAlent: tudv Area Cod. ol c Fillnr Du. Date for thk form: 18 ofthe Unned States Code, 18 U.S.C. 6 1001. PaEe 14 StudyArea Code:472222 5 year Build-out Plan - REDACTED - FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION Unfulfilled Broadband Service Requests Resolution June 22,2015 Ross Holt Field Services Manager BlacKoot Telecommunications Group This document provides a high level description of the measures in place to resolve customer requests for broadband service that were unfulfilled in the prior calendar year. Blackfoot Telephone Cooperative, lnc. (482235,483308) and Fremont Telecom Co. dba Fremont Communications (472222) routinely replace digital loop carriers that are not capable of providing a minimum of 4 Mbps download and 1 Mbps upload to new Ioop carriers and provide Ethernet transport, where appropriate. Additionally, the companies deploy broadband accelerators in line that extend DSL or increase the speed to customers whose requests would otherwise be unfulfilled. Service Quality Standards & Consumer Protection Rules Compliance June22,2Ot5 Michelle Owens Carrier & Regulatory Specialist Blackfoot Telecommunications G roup Blackfoot Telecommunications Group comprised of Blackfoot Telephone Cooperative, lnc. (SAC 482235 and 483308) and Fremont Telcom Co. (SAC 472222) has implemented a variety of service quality standards and consumer protection policies and procedures. This document provides a high level description of the measures in place. Service Qualitv The companies comply with service quality standards by meeting all requirements in the Administrative Rules of Montana 38.5.3371and ldaho Administrative Code l.D.A.P.A., as well as, all applicable federal consumer protection rules. Consumer Protection The companies comply with consumer protection obligations by meeting requirements in Administrative Code I.D.A.P.A. 3L.4L.OL, applicable consumer protection regulation in the state of Montana, as well as, all federal consumer protection rules. The companies general practice is to treat all information as if it were private, in addition CPNI and Red Flag policies and procedures are observed and trained on annually. CALEA obligations and processes are strictly adhered to. Noticing is undertaken annually in relation to do not calland call before you dig. Noticing of rate changes is provided to educate customers about changes appearing on their bills regardless of the jurisdiction or regulated nature of the service. Functionality in Emergency Situations June 22,2015 Frank Creasia VP Network Operations Blackfoot Telecommunications G roup This document provides a high level description of the measures in place to provide functionality in Emergency situations in the 482235, 483308 and 472222 study areas. Central Offices in all 3 study areas are equipped with backup generators in the event of commercialAC power failures. Fuel supplies for these generators are adequalefor 24- 36 hours of operation and back up batteries located in each central office provide an additional 6-8 hours of backup power. All remote subscriber carrier locations are equipped with backup batteries that are capable of providin g 8-'12 hours of DC power in the event of a commerciat AC power failure. We also maintain a pool of portable generators that are used to recharge these bafteries if the AC power is not restored prior to the batteries being fully discharged. Where practical, fiber optic cable routes that provide connectivity to a remote central office back to the host central office have diverse routes to insure uninterrupted operation in the event of a cable cut or failure. If diverse routes are not practical the remote central office is equipped with a "stand alone" function that insures uninterrupted operation within the remoter central office service area. oE EEo o 6coc oo no N .1 .1 N ;d 6o !.TEcn0ltLU' !!9f !EoE o I!q tia i a r a i 1 ..:r-'.: ! TaI CC C! ! t C n oEgJiiEEt,o>P;il 6c F I F F N oo Fooc c &E d d &&c c &ts & U EU U UqJ oIcnEuIu troIJq ut4 g o]JEo4 Houqo tt{6ft Uqd-to{ Yll(!T dHd{o{ t1t{do{ lJE6 -loH doqpd4 IJn coq rJ 4 IJ U) o .q.tJc4 ]J(,] ko +J 0, E-r Ho +J c, E{ HoIJoi{ oil oH o o aH a o o oH a a o o oEooE6oo .=t 'nr Is99tUEoorJpE9 -oOEt'r Eiab$o'a !9o.:G6 oootsFr oo o.s ooE;oG oBgo oe o 0t! oEr oE! oEu G eoU oo xo oo oc o 6E .E !.9 c =co d o oAE,z ol5lEI5z)olcloiEI olotFl EIcl olUI ^lol"l Eoco =fos U lcogoc o E6z E6 coU oo N E Y oo Io d 3oE o o o .g 6 ! .s!o Eco =ao oe o o!! 6 E o !! 6 EU 62o 6 o xo oo o€6o! .E!o EcoPco 0o o o!Eaz oo E)zocoEooEF 6 coI o o,o o o = o ! cEo@o co =foE )t or a Ez 6 c o o o Eooo ots coH o Ez a !, o r oU ! o ov 3o !ocOUu@co@-d =d-o!=:dE<F=oEcuqd3E€)<5 €q E o ! E D o o oo Ic) k( c o co 'o oo-o659. o .ss 3E1rocq*Xo:oe gE ,I .o ?E6:!:E5"= oooEA -r3oocFE !o! Dot aoi;E E 5g!idCots I J oEcdE o o a N EoI oo !oo 3oe o o .E t .=!o Eco =o oo o o !! E o!! E co o o xo oo 6 ! ;o E oP o oq o oD Eaz o! Eazo 0Eoo?F 6 coI o o3o o o U = 6!.!t u ! o 6 co =)o lco od o Ez coI oo o E o d oo Eo ots oE h o Ezoo !) o r o!oU o p) o a tro ado-rl]J(d U-a E Eo(.)o r-{ 0) F{ .lJooq-{ t4Udr-l ca co GE .!9 ooEEo 6 o EEc Eo o 'aaaa bEoo r-l G) Er !oo tl-.1 14o6r-l ca UH F] o J1tro3.lJoz (d aco-,t]J(do--ltr EEoU IJoog-l J1odA c0 dU Eo ots 6oE cGo EoU@tr Gooo N @ c oF d oE Uts@ EooEoUu.=!oI & c;o Eo ots EoE .g 6U @trEooqE o @ eo 9 oo o !o o3oE o o o .E 6 @! .E!oEcoPco o o oE! o EU o!! E G oL) o o xo oo oa ! ;o =co =go oo o o! Ez o! E1zocoto.9oF coU o c 3o o t = o o! .9 s ._E!6@o o co ! ! U =coe@4 o E6z. coU o @ Eouo d Voice Services Rate Comparability June 22,2015 Michelle Owens Carrier & Regulatory Specialist Blackfoot Telecommunications Group For the Program year 2015, the average urban rate for local service is $21 .22. Per FCC Public Notice DA 15-470 the reasonable comparability benchmark for voice services is $47.48. As indicated in each study area's line 700 worksheet none of the Fremont rates are above the reasonable comparable rate of $47.48. Broadband Reasonable Request June 23, 2015 Jason Williams VP GeneralCounsel Blackfoot Telecommunications G roup Fremont certifies that it has taken reasonable steps to provide upon reasonable request broadband service at actualspeeds of 4 Mbps downstream/1 Mbps upstream, with latency suitable for real-time applications, including Voice over lnternet Protocol, and usage capacity that is reasonably comparable to offerings in urban areas, and that such requests for such service are met with in a reasonable amount of time. Anchor lnstitutions June 23,2015 Michelle Owens Carrier & Regulatory Specialist BlacKoot Telecommunications Group There were no new broadband services deployed to anchor institutions during the preceding calendar year. Most anchor institutions with in the Fremont service area adopted high capacity Ethernet services years ago. lf there are modifications at this point they represent upgrades in capacity on the existing service. Blackfoot Communications MOSSADAMS,,, 2014 Audit Exit Memo Certifiod Pubtic Acccuatants I Busrness Consuttants Communication with Those Charged with Corporate Governance Under US Auditing Standards (AU-C Sections 260 and 265) Our responsibility under US Generally Accepted Auditing Standards Our responsibility, as described by professional standards, is to express an opinion about whether the inancial statements prepared by management with your oversight are fairly presented, in all material respects, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. Our audit of the inancial statements does not relieve you or management of your responsibilities. Sensitive accounting estimates r Rates and allocation bases on af iliate transactions and intercompany cost allocations . Depreciation r Part 64 adjustments . Valuation of intangibles Dif iculties in performing the audit None Corrected and uncorrected misstatements Lists provided to management Disagreements with management None Management representations We have requested certain representations from management that are included in the management representation letter dated as of the report date. Management consultations with other independent accountants None Other indings or issues None Page -1- Study Area Code:472222 Financial Statements - REDACTED - FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION