HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150701New Cingular Wireless Form 481 redacted.pdfgat&t E7 VIA Overnieht Mail June 30,2015 John Sisemore Enclosure ,r-i;i i . iil]l Ji"lt. - I Ltt g: 18 AT&T Services, Inc, 162 Roseheart San Antonio, TX 78259 T:210-545-3519 M:214-202-5076 Johrr. si semore(rDatt. cclrr .,T ii Jean Jewell, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 --l)t- -.5-rl\__, Oun-T- lsot RE: Annual ETC Report of New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T Mobility") Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed please find the Annual Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Recertification Report ("Report") of New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ("AT&T Mobility") which is due on July l, 2015. Also included is the original signed Corporate Officer Affidavit (signed by Jeni Bell). AT&T Mobility's complete Report contains a confidential section and therefore it is submitting under separate cover the following Confidential Report: 4790061D200 (Service Outages). This document contain confidential and trade secret information and is exempt from public disclosure. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, State of Colorado County of Arapahoe CERTIFICATION BY ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER OF COMPLIANCE WTH SERVICE QUALITYAND CUSTOMER PROTECTION, ABILIry TO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL IN EMERGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH-COST SUPPORT. AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29&4lrequires that Eligible Telecommunications Carriers certify that it is compliant with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules; and ETCs must demonstrate the ability to remain functional in emergencies. ln addition, the Commission must file an annual certification with the USAC and the FCC that allfederal high-cost support provided to ETCs within the State of ldaho will be used only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. Accordingly, the undersigned states and verifies under oath the following: 1. I am an officer of AT&T Mobility Services LLC, an eligible telecommunications carrier for receiving federal universal service support under section 214(e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 in the state of ldaho. 2. I am familiarwith the Company's dayto-day operations in the state of ldaho and with the State's service quality standards and consumer protection rules as set forth in Commission Order No. 29&41. 3. AT&T Mobility Services LLC, is complying with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules of the FederalCommunications Commission and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. 4. I certify to the Commission that the Company is able to remain functional in emergencies as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841 and in 47 C.F.R. S 54.201(aX2). 5. I also certiff that all federal universal service support funds received by AT&T Mobility Services LLC, during the current calendar year will be used in a manner consistent with section 254(e); that is, for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. The company will continue to comply for the period of January 1 , 2016, through December 31 , 2016, to be eligible for federal universal service fund support. 6. This verification and affidavit is provided to be the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to enable the IPUC to certify to the FCC that federal universal service support received by the eligible carriers in the state will be used in a manner consistent with Section 254(e) of the Telecommunications Act. Date L'.r\y:" EruMoru MTTfrYruBUC tfArEtrcqonADo loTAffDtm.670n trmsildEMEEnamr6 6- al- to/s suBscRtBEDAND swoRN to before ^.tn"bjlt ), . Notary Revised 4l2l/15 My Commission lo.io, >{lttr,lTrcq Fo.m 481 - Crrrler Annual Reportlng FCC Fom tl8l OMI Contlol ilo. :lo50.O986lOMB Co{d ilc !S6O{E1!' ,uly 2013 <010> Studv Area Code Page 1 41 90 A6 <015> Studv Area Name New Cingular wireless, PCS, LLC <020> Program Year <030> Contact Name: Person USAC should contact with ouestions about this data kisa LaLif (ID) <035> Contact Telephone Number 2024573064 ext Number 01 the identitied in data line <030> <039> Contact Email Address: Email ot the person identitied in data line <030>&715laaLt.com 54313 I *.422 completlon I comd€tlon REPORTING FOR ALL CARRIERS <100> <200> <210> <300> <310> Service Quality I mprovement Reportlng Outage Reporting (voice) l-I.--.heck box if noF-l (complete attd ched worksheet) ( complete otto ched wotksheet) <320> <330> <400> Number of Complaints per 1 Fixed Mobile Number of Complaints per 1,000 customers (broadband) Fixed Mobile Service Quality Standards & Consumer Protection Rules Compliance 479006rD510 lottoch descripbve document)rrc t-t t$*Fils (ottoch descti ptive d oc ument) 7A 7A I / ll / I Unf ulfilled Service Requests (voice) Detail on Attempts (voice) Unfulfilled Seruice Requests (broadband) Detail on Attempts (broadband) <410> <420> <430> <440> <450> <500> 0.0 0 _2144 <510> <600> <610> <700> <710> <800> <900> <1000> <1010> Situations desctiptive document) Company Price Offerings (broadband) Operating Companies and Affiliates Tribal Land Offerings (Y/N)? O OVoice Services Rate Comparability Certification ( conplete ottoch ed worksheet) ( conplete o ttached worksheet) ( conplete attached worksheet) (il yes, cmplete ottoched wotksheet) INot Aoolkable I (ottoch descriptive d ocumen t ) <1100>Certifywhetherterrestrialbackhauloptionsexist(YesorNo) O O (tnot,checktoindicotecertilicotion) (complete otto.hed wotksheet) ( complete ottoched wotksheet) <11 10> <1200> Terms and Condition for Lifeline Customers r-TE\E <2000> <2005> <3000> <3005> Price Cap Carriers, Proceed to Price Cap Additional Documentation worksheet lncluding Rote-of-Return Corriers offilioted with Price Cop Locol Exchonge Corriers (check to indicote certiJicotion) ( complete ottoched worksh eet) Rate of Return Carriers, Proceed to ROR Additional Documentation Worksheet (check to indicate certilication) ( complete ottoch ed worksh eet) Page 1 PaEe 2 (10O) Serylce Qualtty hprorrement nepodng Fcc Form 481 Data @ltsctlon Form OMB Control No. 306O{986/OMB Control No. 306GO819 2013 <010> Studv Area Code Ner cingular wirel€s6, PCs, Lrc <020> Proqram Year <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should this data Misa Latit lIol <035> Contact Number - Number of identified in data line <030> <039> Contad Email Address - Email Address of person <110> HasvourcommnvreceiveditsETCcertificationfromtheFCC? tv"rlnot O O .rrr, X":'J,:liliJ.1l;iltil]'*s'dovouhaveanexistin8 ss4202(a) "s rr",lnor O O lf your answer to Line <111> is yes, then you are required to file a pro8ress repo& on line <112> delineatinS the status of your company's existing S 54.202(a) "5 year plan" on file with the FCC, as it .elates to your provision of voice telephony service. <112> Attach Five-Year Service Quality lmprovement Plan or, in subsequent years, yourannualprogressreportfiledpursuantto4Tc.F.R.S54.3l3(a)(1). lfyourcompanyisa cETc which only receives frozen suppot! your progress report is only required to address voice telephony sryice. Name of Attached D@umenl <113> <114> <115> <116> <777> <118> Please select the appropriate responses below (Yes, No, Not Applicable) to confarm that the attached document(s), on line 112, contains a progress report on its five-yeat seruice quality improvement plan pursuant to 954.202(a), The information 5hall be submitted at the wire center level or census block as appropriate. Maps detailing progress towards meeting plan targets Report how much univer9l seryie (USF) support was received How much (USF) was us€d to impove sryice quality and how sppori was usd to imprwe wice quality Hw much (USF)was usd to impr@e wi@ covffige and hfl $pportwas usd to imprcve eryice @v6rage Hw muci (USF)w6 us€d to imprwo $ryice €prcity and hil suppod ws us€d to imprcve sryic @pacity Provide an explanation of network improvement targets not met in the prior 6lendar vear. Page 2 S€rvke Out 8. Rlporu'u Nde)FCC Form 481 oMB Conrrcl No. 3060-0986/OM8 Cdtrcl No. 30604819 luly 2013 Fdm <030> Contad Name - Per$n U5AC should contacl <035> Contad Number - Number of Email Address - Em.al Addre$ ol <220> - Persn USAC i. data line <O3O> <039> Contact tmail Addr.ss- Email identified in data line <030> <701> Residential Loc.l Servlce Cherge Effedave Oate <702> Single Stal*wide Residenti.l local Service Char8e <703> 4 ?9006 tr ffiEllEcl R6ldcmll lac Sn R.tuLtd dk lddb.nd sdk.- tlownb.d Sp..d EEadband sarvl@.UryrAllofrm t,tx.AlbsB. edbn Lt n Wh.n Ar€a Code Address - Email Address of New cihqula! ilile1ess Pcsl !!c AT&T Mobillty I1 LnC Doing Busin€ssAs Company or Br6nd tlesitnation Page 7 <010> Studv Area Code <015> Studv Area Name New CIngular Wireless, PcS, !!C <020> Prosram Year <030> ContactName-PersonUSACshouldcontactregardingthisdata eisa rarir (rp) <035> contactTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<030> 2024s73053"t' <039> contact Email Address - Emall Address of person identified in data line <o3o> a!?161aat!.con <910> Tribal Land(s) on which ETC Serues <920> TribalGovernmentEngagementObligation lfyour company serues Tribal lands, please select (Yes,No, NA) for each these boxes to confirm the status described on the attached document(s), on line 92o, demonstrates coordination with the Tribal government pursuant to S 54.313(a)(9) includes: <921> Needs assessment and doployment planning with a focus on Tribal @mmunity anchor institutions. <922> Feasibilityand sustainability planning; <923> Marketing servlces in a culturally sensitive manner; <924> Compliance with Rights ofway process€s <925> Compliance with Land Use permittlng requirements <926> Compliance with Facilities Siting rules <927> Compliance with Environmental Review processes <928> Compliance with Cultural Preservation review processes <929> Compliance with Tribal Business and Licensing requlrements. Folt Ha11, shoashone-Bamock Tribea 479005ID920, pdf Name of Atached Document Selec{ Yes or No or Not Applicable PaEe 7 PaBC 8 <010> Studv Area Code <Ol5> StudvArca Name <020> <030> Year Contact Name - Person USAC should contact <035> Contact Number - Number of in data line <030>2024573064 axt. <O39> Contact Email Addre$ - Email Addre$ of in data line <030> <1 I 20> Pleaso corfirm whather terestrial backhaul options exist within the suPported area pursuant to S 54.313(g) (Yes, No). <1130> Please $lad the appropriate responss (Yes, No, Not Applicable) to confim the reporling carier ofbrs broadband srvics of at bast 1 Mbps downstream and 256 kbPs upstream within lhe spported area pursuant to S 54.3'13(g). <010> Studv Area Code <015> Study Area Name <030> contact Name - Person UsAc should contact regardins this data <035> ContactTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<030> 202!5?3083 ext <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data Iine <030> aLr16laat!-com <1210> Terms&conditionsof VoiceTelephony Lifeline Plans Link to Public Website Name of Attached Document ,,ww.si!-l-ss.a L.con. learn a,'i"les ,esou|as .o--r'LyHTTP mtp "Please check these boxes below to confirm that the attached document(s), on line 1210, or the website listed, on line 1220, contains the required information pursuant to I 54.422(aX2) annual reportinS for ETcs receiving low-income support, carriers must annually reportl <!227> lnformation describing the terms and conditions of any voice [@telephony seruice plans offered to Lifeline subscribers, <1222> Details on the number of minutes provided as part of the plan, [[| <1223> Additionalchargesfortollcalls,andratesforeachsuchplan. @i Page 9 <035> Contacl Numb.r - Number of <039, conlact Email Add.ess . [mail Address of person identified in data line <03D - -' - -'' C6n.d Am.rk. Phs* ll suppffi ..3Gt forti in 47 CfR 5 543f 3(b),(.),(d),(.). flie hfdmatlon rGport.d o tfih fom .nd in the dcuments.tt.cted bclow lr.eur.t . lncamantal Connc.t Am..ics Ph.s I repofring <2010> 2nd Year Certifi.ation {47 CFR S S4.313(b)(1)i} <2011a> 3rd Year Certification {47 CFR S s4.313(bx1)ii} <2011b> Attachment {47 CFR 5 54.313(b)(1)ii} Prlc. C.p C.rrier R@lvln8 F@eh suppil C.rttftc.don {47 CFR g 54.312(.)} <2012> 2013 Froren Suppoil Calculation {47 cFR $54.3131c)(1)) <2013> 2014 Fror€n Support Cal.ulation {47 cFR t54.313(c)(2)}<201+ 2015 F ozen Suppor Calculalon {47 cFR 5 $.313(c)(3)} <2015> 2016 and future Frozen Suppod Calrulalion {47 CFR I 54.313(.)(4)} P'k C.p 6rri.r Connd Ancrie rcc suFd {47 CFn 5 s.3l3(d)} <2016> Certifaetion Support Ued to Build Broadband Cornd Ahcrie Ph.* ll RepffirS {4? CFR 5 s.313(e}}<20L7> <2018> <2019> <202O) 3rd yeer B.oadband S€rvice Cenification sth ye.r groadband S€ryice Cediication lnterih Progress Certifi cation Please check the box to confirm that the attached document(s), on line 202l,contains the required informationpursuant to 5 54.313 {e)(3)(ii), as a recipient of CAF Phase ll support shall provide the numbei, names, and addresses of community anchor institutions to which betan providing access to broadband seruice in the preceding calendar Vear, <2021> lnterim Progres Community Anchor lnstitutions qgh bE kbmbmpbE d btuprxtr qohYllo lllnurtba7 m r5a.&l.D d,bDffilYhI6ilu,.ruthaomPf.Eq8 t s.lurxil..nSbhdhft M6efidhharcmb. (rro, t{aisdllrrlb MHom cffi*b l{7 cFR S !.3lalfx lXD} f,tm of Ahhd kumd Gilns Rqdd ldqmdbn H€6e ckktfis bx b 6dm Mho #dred &@m6qs), on lire 3012 @ffirB tu r€qfid hfolmatm NGuil lorul) bE4Ti6ii)iii:ffJ,il'i',i#rii"#rll'm;.ui,lni.i.i,na"a*or-,,,nitilnifri,:nti,i-,iiiffiil;s"" E@ilnq a@ b br@db€nd eMce in Se prcddm €lffd.ryer. (s12) communlrytuchorlnntwon!{47crR5s.313lf)(1}(lll) {$13) b Furffi pr a Ptundy Bd Rm cank 147 cri t s1.3l3llx2l}(p14) [F, &6pwcomFyflbb€ RUs annd r€pr (IU) tkonkrryoftdr.nndiusrcp*{OFdln!8rynforl&mmunEbG&rffi) (4161 Deument(s) tor Brlan€ Sh6i, ln@@ Stturefr eod SHmd d Cash FloE Hee ffi th6. ts6 b @nfrm thd tu ffihd d@mn(s), on lina 3017, ffiEm tu requhed idomdm pd.nt b $ 54.313(0(2) ffiCiane rqdr6l EEE E E]E (SU) r Se Gpnie b y6 oh llne 3014 da.h your companY'3 RUS annu.l rryn and dl rqufd dcumsdlon ISA) rSergptrcbnoonllnGSldtsyour.omFnyadtd? treEFMbFs lln.IA, de&.hdtu brG ffisb.onhFur.MBbo on k126pmds 9a.313ltx2l.6nblm {$Dl ibdr.owofhdr.dtdfrrcidsttustorl2).lhandd@nhafomil.omprabhbRSOF{hsA@frlorld€(mmonffic ($2ol Ddm6d(i)for Balan@ Shd, ln@re S*m€d and SffimeddCa$ nm (s21) Maagsmnt letbl ad edit opinion isod by lho ind6pondgnt @difi€d public Muntanl hat p€rfomod lhe @mpilys fnocid €udil r$e r6mnre b no on lh. SE. ok chfrtthe br6 hlowb contrm FuruhBbn, d riias2S @BU.n! to I5a.31!(f){21, (s22) coqof thdr nn:ncbl namdt Skh h5 b suqd to I.@ by anindFtut cdk p* a@ueft or 2) a fft.nd{ rcpn ln . lomft comtsr& to iUS oprnin8 Sept for Tkommuntab6 ({8) Uneryfu hfomdbn .ubrdd to a rs@ by .n lndao&nt c€ffi flbli( *couniant 1S24) Un6l$nr l.fomatbn rubiddto an ofker cdflcdloi. ls2s) Oo@meil(s) for Belan€ Shed, lncme SlEtem€nt ahd Shlsm.d l{26) &ah $€ s&hd lEdu r{Urd i.tormdon EI Fimndd DA Smm-y (3027) Rerenue (3028) OpeEtins becn*s (3029) Net ln@me (3O30) Telephone Plant ln Servicr(TPIS) (3031) Total Assets (3032) Total Debt (3033) Total Equity (3034) Divk ends PaEe 13 <015> StudvAreaName New Cidqular Wireless, pCS, LLC <020> Proeram Year 2016 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact reaardinS this data Anisa Latif (ID) <035> Contact Teleohone Number _ Number of oerson identified in data line <030> 2024573068 exL . <039> ContactEmailAddress-EmailAddressofDersonidentifiedindataline<030> A!7161oarr.com TO BE COMPT"ETED BY THE REPORT]NG CARRIE& IF THE REPORTING CARRIER IS FILING ANNUAT REPORTING ON ITS OWN BEHALF: C€rtification of Officer as to the Accuracy of the Data Reponed for the Annual Reporting for CAF or U Recipients certity that I am an offlcer ofthe reportlng caileq my rBponslbllftiB include ensuring the accuracy ofthe annual rcportlnt r€qulrements for unlveEal serulce support eclpients; and, to the best ol my knowledgg the lnformatlm reported on this form and ln any attachments ls accuratc, lameofReportinSCarrier: New Cingular Wirele€8, PCS, LLC ;iEnature of Authorized officer: cERTrprED oNLTNE Date 06/26/2oLs ,rinted name dfAuthorized officer: Scott Mair "ltteoroositionofAuthorizedOfficer: SVP - Tecbnology Pl4ning & Engineerl.ng 'eleDhone number of Authori2ed Officer: 2147571510 ext . itudv Area Code of ReDortinr carrier: 479006 FilincDue Dateforthisform 07l01/2015 Persons willfully m.king false staGments on this form en be punlshed by fine or forfeiturc under the Communkations Ad of 1934, 47 U.S.C. 9S 502, 503(b), or fine or imprisnment underTitle 18 ofthe United States Code, 18 U.s.C, $ 1001. Page 13 Page 14 -AtEnt/clnler FCC Form 481 Colhctlon Form OMB Control No. .305&0985/OMB Control tlo. 3050-0819 Julv 2013 Area Code Area Name New Cl Iar Wireless, PCS. LLC <020> Prorram Year Name - Person this date <035> ContactTeleohoneNumber,NumberofOersonidentifiedindataline<030> 2024513464 ext mail Address - Email Address of person identified in data lin€ <030> AL1 TO BE COMPTETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FITING ANNUAL REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S BEHALF: TO BE COMPTETED BY THE AUTHORIZED AGENT: Certification of Officer to Authorize an Agent to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier certify that (Nam ot is authorlzed to submit the informtion reported on behalf of the Eporting carrier. l8o cortify that I am an omcer of the reporting carier; my responsibililies include ensuring tho accuracy of the annual data Eporting requiremnts provided to the authorized gent; and, to the best of my knowledge, the reports and data provided to the authorized agent is accurate. lame of Authorized Agent ,lame of Reoortins Carrier: iisnature of Authorized Officer:Date: name of Authorire.l Offi.er: itle or oosition of Authorized Officer: 'elephone number of Authorrzed Offrcer: ,tudv Area Code of R Carrier:Filin€ Due Date for this form: underTitle 18 ofthe United States Code. 18 U.S.C. 5 1001. Certification of Agent Authorized to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier :he data reported helein based on data provided by the reporting carrier; and, to the best of my knowledg€, the lnformation reported herein is accurate, {ame of Reoortihp carrier: {ame of Authorized Aqent or Emplovee of Aeent ;itnature of Authorized Apent or Emplovee of Agent:Date )rinted name of Authorized Apent or Emolovee ofAeentl -itle or position of Authorized Aqent or Emplovee of Agent number of A riTed Aoent or Emolovee of Apent: ;tudv Area Code of Reoortine Carrier:FilihE Due Date for this form: 18 0fthe united states code, 18 u.s.c. E 1001. Page 14 Confidential Exhibit Reporting (Voice) Data Collection Form REDACTED - FOR PUBLIC DISCLOSURE Li ne 200 - Service Outage ffi, CTIA The WirBless Associatron' Meredith Attwell Baker PrcsidenUCEO July 15,2014 Mr. Ralph de la Vega President & Chief Executive Oflicer AT&T Mobility Services, LLC 1025 Lenox Park Boulevard,8650 Atlanta, GA 30319 Dear Ralph: Congratulations! This letter is to notiry you that AT&T Mobility (*AT&T") has completed the recertification process for the CTIA Consurner Code for Wireless Service ('Voluntary Consumer Code") for the period January l, 2014 * December 31, 2014, and is deemed compliant with the principles, disclozures and practices set forttr in the Voluntary Consumer Code. Accordingly, AT&T is authorized to use and display the CTIA Seal of Wireless Quality/Consumer Information, subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the attached License Agreement. Please ensure that the relevant employees of AT&T review the License Agreement before using the Seal. Use of the Seal constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions. Upon request, we will provide two specimens (color and blacUwhite) of the Seal for AT&T's use on its website or collateral materials. If you should have any questioru concenring the recertification process or use of the Seal, please contact Michael Altschul, CTIA's Senior Vice President & General Counsel, at (202) 736-3248 ormaltschul@ctia.ore.. CTLA commends AT&T for its ongoing leadership and participation in the CTIA Voluntary Consumer Code, and we look forward to continuing to work with AT&T on this important indtsry initiative. Sincerely, Meredith Baker cc: Martin Grambow, SVP & Assistant General Counsel Attachment ',\'t:h f .tt:1 Erzha i+ ATOnnAlnE'ln - nTIAG, CTIA Tho Wi reless Association js' Ellt SEAL OF WIRELESS QUALIffiCONSUMER INFORilIATION LICENSE AGREETSENT Company is hereby granted a non-exclusive, world-wide, royalty-free license to use CTIA's Seal of Wireless Quality/Consumer lnformation ('Seal") to represent that Company voluntarily adopls and follows the CTIA Consumer Code for MrBless Service and has certified such to CTIA" CTIA permits the usa of appropriate references to CTIA and the Seal solely in connection with the CTIA Consumer Code for Wreless Seryice Program. References to the Seal shall not be misleading as to the extent of Company's voluntary support and participation in the CTIA Voluntary Code for Consumer lnformation program. The Seal may appear in Company's advertising, promotional material or other literature to indicate its voluntary and consistent application of the CIIA Consumer Code for W?reless Service. Upon CTIA's acknowledgement of Company's certification, CTIA shall supply Company with a specimen of the Seal. Company shall not modify or alter the Seal without prior written permission from CTIA, and such permission shall not be unreasonably withheld. Company agrees to amend or discontinue the use of the Seal upon written request of CTIA. Company shall immediately cease use of the seal upon receipt of CTIA's wriften notice to do so. Company assumes full and complete responsibility for its use of tha Seal, and agrees that ils use of the Seal constitutes a declaration that Company voluntarily adopts and follows the principles set forth in the CIIA Consumer Code for Mreless Seryice, Use of the Seal for other purposes than those stated in this License Agreement is an unauthorized use of the Seal and is strictly prohibited. This license may be renewed annually subject to Company's successful completion of the certifi cation process. Use of the Seal constitutes acceptance of these legal terms and conditions. r la,i, it)l,t -cl,rl..i fii:![/lair ?(11, :rit 3.,0J fr'r,.'. ]ira Jirl Exhibit 479006!D610 - Emergency Preparedness FunctionaliW in Emersencv Situations Certification Section 5a.313(aX5) requires an ETC to certify it is able to function in emergency situations as set forth in C.F.R. Section 5a.202(al(2). The standards set forth in Section 5a.202(al(21include a reasonable amount of back-up power to ensure functionality without an external power source, an ability to reroute traffic around damaged facilities, and a capability to manage traffic spikes resulting from emergency situations. AT&T Mobility LLC, dba AT&T Mobility, has in place emergency operation procedures so that it can function in an emergency. Backup power is provided at switch locations through a combination of batteries and portable and/or permanent generators. Similarly, backup power is generally provided at cell sites through a combination of batteries and portable and/or permanent generators. AT&T Mobility LLC, dba AT&T Mobility, also has portable COWs (Cells on Wheels) and COLTs (Cells on Light Trucks) that it can deploy in the event of an emergency. Based on the foregoing, AT&T Mobility LLC, dba AT&T Mobility, certifies it is able to function in emergency situations as forth in C.F.R. Section 5a.202(al(21. ,7'/ October 20. 2014 Mr. Glenn Luric President and Chiel' Executive Ollicer AT&'l'Mobility 1025 l.enox Park Boulevard. Suite C667 Atlanta. GA 30319 Dc'ar Clenn: Congratulations! 'l'his lettcr is to notily you that A'l'& I Mobility has completed the recertiljcation proccss lbr the C-l'lA Business C'ontinuity/Disaster Rr'covcry Program 1"1'rogram") lbr the pcriod July l. 201+ June 30.2015. CTIA deerns A'I'&T Mobility is compliant with the principles and objcctives of thc Program and conlirms AT&T Mobility has rccertilicd that it has implemented and maintaincd the requirements set lbrth in the Prograrn, Plcase ensurc that the rclcvant enrployees ol'AT&1' Mobility are aware ol'your rccertification status. ll' you should have any questions conceming the certilication process. pleasc contacl Michael Altschul. C"l'lA's Scnior Vice Prcsident & Ccncral Counsel" al (202) 736-3248 or maltschul(Octia.org. CTIA conimends A'l'&'I'Mobility lbr its ongoing leadership and participation in the C1'lA llusiness Continuity/l)isaster Recovery Program, and we look lorward to continuinB to work with AT&'l'Mobility on this important industry initiative. Sincerely. "^&u-d4fi-.-Meredith llaker Ilruce Lundcen. MIICP. MBCI IICP Standards & Practices Ilusincss Continuity Planning €tffl, 4790061D61 0 - Emersency Preparedness Tlre Wireless Association' Meredith Attwell Baker Pr esrqgnt,CEO .:,r '1, -, "1'.-,ttrrr f,r :r'lillt ir'l..r,r, .',1.' i.li: .il,l1 t Ar.a Gde <O3D tunt.d il.me-L.r1! (rD) Numbs - ln dd! llh. <O3b <701> <702> <703> Residenti.l Local S€Bice Cha8e Effedlve D.tc Singla Sbtewide Rcsidentlal local S.ryie Charge sm Erdrrd.,lfcl sac l(fTcl R&TE f,.*nmtEt Sdk ndc M.dfrry Bbnd.d Ar{ .&6-m ID R {5.o.o 0.0 45.o Open$ntco.nfanles rccFom481 Co&Gl|m foin OMg Coitrcl Nd 3060-{D86/OMB Cont ol No. 306(H)819 2013 Area Code <015>Area Name <020> <030> Conta.t this date Address tmail <810> <811>aT&T Mcbiliiy li LLa AT&T Mcbiliry .orF.rari.n Doin8 EusinessAs Company or Brand Oesitnation AT&T CORP AT&T MOBlLlTY PUERTO RICO, INC.AT&T Mobilit AT&T Mobi. 1i t (rel-i Corp . AT&T MOBTI,lTY LLC AT&T MOBlLlTY LLC MOBll,TTY LLC AT&T uished 72/31/14) AT&T AT&T Mobi- 1i t AT&T Mobilit Mobilit Georqia AT&T North Carolina ilit MORTT,TTY LLC AT&T BE BE BE I,T,C ICATIONS, LLC I CATlONS I CATIONS BE ICA BE CRTCKET COMMI]NICATIONS, CRTCKET COMMUNICATIONS, CRlCKET COMMI]NICATIONS CRICKET COMMI]NICATIONS INC. INC. INC I Cri cket Communrcatrons Cri cket Communr cat rons (reli u1 Cri cket Communr cat lons (reli uished 2 OpGrrdryComp.nhs rccrm4E1 OMB Contrcl No. 3060.0986,/OMg Cootrol No. 3060{819co[6dm Form JurY 2013 <010> Study Area Code <015> Studv Area Name <o20> <030> Conta.t <035> Contad Telephone Number ' Number oI person identified in data line <030> <039> ContactEmeilAddress-EmailAddressofpersonidentifiedindataline<030> ALir€r,atr. im <810> <811>AT&T Mobility II LLr- <812>AT&T M.bility C.rporar i.! <813> CRI CKET COMMI]NICATIONS CRICKET COMMI]NICATIONS CRlCKET COMMI]NlCATIONS CRlCKET lCATT ONS CRICKET lCATI ONS CRTCKET 1s) uished 2/28/ts) Communications (reli rshed 2/28/75) Communf cat fons 1/17/la Cracket Communi cat ions (re1i ished 4 30/1s) Ooing BusinessAs Company or Brand DesiSnation Cri cket Communi cat ions Communlcations Communi cat ions re 1i ished 7 1/1\ Communi cat ions (re1i ished 2 2A/15 Communi cat i.ons CRTCKET CRICKE"I CRICKET CR T CKET CRICKET CR1 CKET CR 1 CKET TIONS TCATTONS TT TTONS TT TT TT COMMUNICA COMMUNlCATI COMML]NICATIONS T NI' COMMUNICATIONS INC ICATIONS INC COMMI]NlCAT]ONS INC Cri cket CrickeL Cri cket Crick Cri ck lshed 4/30/15) Op.r.dn8 Comp.nhs FCC fom 481 ;; ;;;; *.. 306o{e8s/oMg cmtr. or No. 3o6Go81eFom 2013 <020> <030>Contact Name - Person USAC should .ontacl identified in data line <030> Neu aingttial ,ireiess PCS, Lla rlTl; M.Lility lI ILC <812>aTlT M.bility a.!f..rati.n <813> DoinS EusinessAs Company oi Biand Desitnation INDTANA BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY. MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY NEVADA BELL TELEPHONE CINGULAR WIRE NEW CINCULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC NEW CINGULAR I.]]RELESS PCS, LLC NEW CINGULAR I,.]IRELESS PCS, LLC NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, CINGULAR WIRE CINGULAR WIRELESS LLC AT&T AT&T Ml chiqan AT&T Nevada Indiana T lir Mobi.1i t Ohlo Wi sconsi,n LLC AT&T AT&T Mobilit AT&T Mobr 1i t AT&T Mobilit Mobilit AT&T oklahoma AT&T Texas AT&T ished 12,/15 ANY ANY ANY ANY SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY SOUTHWESTERN BELL TEL THE OHIO BELL TEI,EPHONE IN BELL Exhibit 4790061D920 - Triba! Contact Tribal Government Ensasement Oblisation Section 54.313(aX9) of the Commission's rules requires an ETC that receives high-cost support to serve Tribal lands to engage in certain discussions with Tribal governments that includes: (i) A needs assessment and deployment planning with a focus on Tribal community anchor institutions; (ii) Feasibilityandsustainabilityplanning; (iii) Marketing services in a culturally sensitive manner; (iv) Rights of way processes, land use permitting, facilities siting, environmental and cultural preservation review processes; a nd (v) Compliance with Tribal business and licensing requirements. This rule became effective August 5, 2013. Attached please find a copy of the most recent correspondence with the relevant Tribal government. Beyond the customary and frequent business as usual contacts that AT&T Mobility has with consumer and business customers residing on and governmental authorities of Tribal lands, AT&T Mobility follows additional processes with respect to facilities on Tribal lands. These processes include voluntarily submitting notifications via the FCC's on-line Tower Construction Notification System (TCNS) system to notify federally recognized Native American Tribes, federally recognized Native Villages, and State Historic Preservation Officers (SHPOs) of proposed communications tower constructions. The TCNS also provides a means for Tribal governments and SHPOs to respond directly to AT&T Mobility as to whether they have questions regarding the proposed tower construction. The elements included in the TCNS report include but are not limited to: IDENTIFICATION OF INDIAN TRIBES OR NHOS INITIAL CONTACT WITH INDIAN TRIBES AND NHOS FOLLOW-UP LETTERS WITH INDIAN TRIBES AND NHOS NOTIFICATION OF FINAL CONTACTS STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER RESPONSE LETTER For both its owned sites and for sites where its equipment is co-located, AT&T Mobility also performs the required reviews and filings pursuant to the National Historic Preservation Act, P.L. tO2-575, Section 101(dX2) and Section 106 to the appropriate State and/or Tribal Historic Preservation Officers (SHPO or THPO), as applicable. ln addition, site construction complies with all applicable zoning and permitting laws including but not limited to Rights of Way, Land Use Permits, Facility Siting Rules, Environmental, Cultural Preservation, and Tribal Business and Licensing Requirements. Exhibit 4790061D920 - Tribal Contact AT&T Services, lnc. 11425 West 146th Street Olathe, Kansas 66062 May 6,2015 Fort Hall (Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of the Fort Hall Reservation) Nathan Small (Chairman) PO Box 306 Fort Hall, ID 83203-0306 Dear Chairman Small: AT&T Mobility LLC ("AT&T Mobility") has been designated as an eligible telecommunications carrier ("ETC") for the purpose of receiving federal high-cost universal service support ("USF") in certain geographic locations in Idaho, including all or part of the Fort Hall (Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of the Fort Hall Reservation) lands. As an ETC, AT&T Mobility is subject to the rules and requirements of the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC"), including 47 C.F.R. $ 5a313(a)(9), which requires high-cost USF recipients that serve Tribal lands to have discussions with Tribal governments.' This rule became effective August 5, 2013.2 T: 913-685-7581 F:281-664-9722 C: 9'13-48'l-4119 wbrowne@att.com You are receiving this letter because support in ldaho. AT&T is available for AT&T's service and the topics set forth sustainability, and land use issues.3 I am available to talk with you at your earliest convenience about these and other issues. Sincerely, rt/* Wauneta Browne Regional Vice President * Extemal Affairs I See Connect America Fund, WC Docket No. l0-90 et al.. 26 FCC Rcd 17663 (2011) (*USF/\CC Transformation Order') ; 47 C.F.R. g 5a.313(a)(9). See also Ofice of Natire Afairs and Policy. Il"ireless Telecommunications Bureau, and l(ireline Conpetition Br,reau Issue Further Guidance on Tribal Govemmenl Engdgement Obligation Provisions ofthe Connect America Fund,Public Notice, DA l2-l 1665 (rel. July19,2012),avzilaDlealhttps:i/aons.ftc.eor/edocs public/attachrnatch/l)r\-ll-ll65Al.pdl' 2 See 78 Fed. Reg. 472 I I (Aug. 5, 20 I 3). This rule is the subject ofnumerous petitions fbr reconsideration, which, to date. the FCC has neglected toaddress. SeePetitionforReconsiderationofUSTelecom.WCDocketNo. l0-90etal.(tiledDec.29,20ll);Rural lncumbentLocal Exchange Carriers Serving Tribal lands Petition fbr Reconsideration, WC Docket No. l0-90 et al. (tiled Dec. 29,2011); Petition for Reconsideration and Clarification of USTelecom, WC Docket No. l0-90 et a1.,4-16 (filed Aug. 20,2012); USTelecom's Petition for Reconsideration and Clarification and Comments in Response to Paperwork Reduction Act. WC Docket No. I0-90 et al. (tiled April 4,2013).t The FCC Tribal engagement rule is set tbrth in its entirety at 47 C.F.R. $ 54.3 l3(a)(9) and also includes such topics as a needs assessment and deployment planning. fbasibility and sustainability planning, and marketing services in a culturally sensitive manner. in 2014 AT&T Mobility received federal high-cost discussions with you and your colleagues about in 47 C.F.R. $ 54.313(aX9), such as planning, Exhibit 4790061D920 - Tribal Contact r! ,.9.! !or! ".Etrl trltrttrrc, EIrur.lru .:rdtEtF