HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150701Mud Lake Telephone Co-op Form 481 redacted.pdf, 'r'l . iili[ JI"ll- - I &t{ 9: l+ I GVNW CONSULTING, INC. 2270 LA MONTANA WAY (80918) P.O. BOX 25969 (80936) COLOMDO SPRINGS, CO TEL. 71 9.594.5800 FAX 719.594.5803 www.gvnw.comJune 29,2015 Jean Jewell ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise, lD 83702 Email: iean.iewell@puc. idaho.qov RE: Case No. GNR-T-I5-01 - 2015 Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) Annual Reporting Requirements with the !PUC and lnformational Filing of Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Form 481 - Carrier Annual Report for Mud Lake Telephone Cooperative Association Dear Ms. Jewell Pursuant to Case No. GNR-T-15-01 Mud Lake Telephone Cooperative Association (Mud Lake) hereby submits to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) copies of the filing to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Universal Service Administrative Corporation (USAC) for designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier, in accordance with 47 U.S.C. 54.313 and 54.422. Also included is the signed Affidavit pursuant to IPUC Order 29841. Mud Lake Telephone Cooperative (SAC 472227) is a rural incumbent local exchange carrier as designated by the FCC, and is eligible to receive federal universal service high-cost support pursuant to the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 47, Sections 54.301, 54.305, and Part 36, sub-part F. Please review the attached filing data and include Mud Lake in your Annual Use Certification Letter to USAC and the FCC. The enclosed filing contains documents that contain certain confidential trade secret information that relates to its financial position and is exempt from public disclosure pursuant to Section 9- 340 D(1), ldaho Code. Pursuant to Rule 67 of the Rules of Procedure of the IPUC, the enclosed trade secret information has been submitted on yellow paper and placed in a sealed envelope, stamped confidential. Please direct any questions to Andy Schein at 719.594.5820 or by email at aschein@qvnw.com. Sincerely, Ad\ 9-/L Andy Schein CC: Randy Mead, Mud Lake s*uor IdaAo I coiltyof J'eS€4d).lss loTAaP er+ PUBL}C AX]TII}AVIT OT BESINESS OB CONTOAATS OIIIICER ,ItE lileIo lrublic Utilitigt Comflitsicdr Ord*No, 29841 rquhes tbat Efigibb Telem&ounicdiors Cmiarc sErt'r&ttrrfilr conpliaotudth rXpliceble Es'vioo{uility rtrudsrdsadconnmerprmtocdontd*; andETCef,l* de4msffieecabilitytoremrinfirnctimaliaemcgmcine, Io{ddttofrirt}cComlsdonmustfileauauual cartiEcatiotr lritl &oU$ACard &e FCC &aiall federathigh-coctruppottprwidetltBlEs s&his t[o Sm ot Idaho u,in b6 rx6it mly frr tho provistotr, mainpnaire.q andupgnCmg of froilit€s ffiit scruicoi for \rhicli fta fltpport irs M€ildld, Acoodiogly, fro un&rsfured staus ad veriEc uodff oach the folowing: 1. t am 65p offiesr ofMudlat<o Teleplone Coqtraflvt Areocidftxh in ollElble talcoomuunidatlons carlet ftn neaeiviug ftddcLrulversel grice sqryort undnr sectim ?t4(e) ofthe TelempmDdegriosa Act of 1996 . ., h$rerHeofldsho. 2. I m fauilim wilh the Congaqfe itay-todny operarims ln tbe state of l&ho snd !+,i& the $ttE'g ssrylce Sdtty gaudrds endconstm*proEc'tionrules as setforth itrc!'emfuilffi orfuNo.29&tI. 3. Mud Iako f6bPhms CooperffiivE Associatios is complying wirh ryplicable se*ice quatity dardsrd8 ard comsmerpotectimflfu oftteFcdsralCoffimicatimr Comisdorr0d6qld&o PublicUtillties' C€neBsioo" 4" fcertifrtotheCommisirioEftdthaconpmyisablotor$rheilfunctioualiaemeqgeaclesassrtfptthin. Comoiltu$m' OrdErNo- 29841 and b 4? C,f.B. 5{.20f (a[2). 5. I aleo carti$ t{'qt r[ edsfral unft ersat s€n los snpput ffmils rcceiuprl R Mud hke Telephora C+operativr Aaoooi*ionduriug &s offiEdt crhadsr ynm nillbeused lnamnu conaisrciltwith sectim254(c); &*f ls, for tbe povisiog sgiuteoanmr and r+ersdi[g of ffclliEer eud stryicc+ fur ufrtph &e srrpput is iififlddd, The comparywillcoatiructocomplyftrttopaiodoflaourryl,2016tlffirgtDaaomber3l, .. 2016, to te eligfrlefc &dtall univcrsof s€rvice fiJud support 6. Iliis verif,catim sd sffda!,it is providod to tho ldaho ?qblic Utilities Cosfii$sion to enable ths IFUC to c*tiffto&s FCCtlat ftdcralrmivcoalsoruico ruppurtrcsoft,Edbyfie ellglbt$cffiiers iu the*abwillb€' us€4 ia, a Effitr ccasiEi.dt wlh Sect(oa 254(g) of tte lolesormunlcgfons Act, Dere AIID SWORNtobe&r,eBEtbIs }}-- *aayrr il-.3f*, >-6\# rY\ - GRTEICATTON BY ETIGIBLE ffi CARRIER Qr mMpLrAN@ AJ:rfrr ffivrcE QUALITT A}lD CUSIOMEn IROTFCIION, ABILIfY T0 REI\4AIN FUI{CfiO}IAL IN Blt/rERcpfrICIBS, 6XD USE OF TEDEN.AL TtrCiH.COET ST]PPORT Notny MyC,oEfliciiffiaryirEs Page 1 <010> StudyAreaCode 47 2227 <015> StudyArea Name I'UD T.AI(E TEI, COOP <020> ProeramYear <030> ContactName: Person USACshould contact with questions aboutthis dati - ' \rudi uahlo <035> ContactTelephoneNumben 71ese4s81'r exts. Number ot the pe6on identified in data line <030> <03$ Contact Email Address: Email of the Derson identitied in data line <o3o> luBhiooshu'c@ <100> <200> <210> <300> <310> Service Quality lmprovement Reportint Outa8e Reporting (voice) l7I.--"hcckboxif nol:{ Unfulfilled Service Requests Detail on Attempts (voice) Unfulfilled Service Requests (broadband) Oetail on Attempts Number of Complaints per customers Fixed Mobile Number of Complaints per 1,000 customers (broadband) Fixed Mobile Service Quality Standards & Consumer Frotection Ru-lEstompliance {72227id510.pdf <320> <330> <400> <410> <420> <430> </&40> <450> <500> <510> <500> <610> <700> <710> <8(X)> <9(X)> <1(X)0> d.sc.lptivc docututt dc*rlpd9. docuMt) l.h.c:L to lndl@ta ..rdfiddq) (ottoch.d dedptlw docum.nt) (ch.ck to lndlcdt cqdfl@dont l/l|ti-' l-il|t---' t / ll / I Company Price Offerings (broadband) Operathg Companies and Affiliates TribalLandofferinss(Y/N)? O OVoice Services Rate Comparability Certification (cffipl.t atlcched wkshet) (complct€ oltodr.d wkhcctt (conplct o.toct .d wkthet) (t p, @plea. oalodr.d wq*shettlY"---l (oatod, d.sdlptiw d@wt) tlf not, ch.* b lndtcota ..rdncodfrt (comdcb oatoch.d wkh.ctt (cnpl.E ottodted w*sh..t) I/lrr I-TE<1100> Certify whether terrestrial backhaul options exist (Yes or No) <1110> <120(> Terms and Condition for Lifeline Customers <2000> <2005> <3000> <3005> Prlcc C.p Crr7iets, Proccrd to Price Cap Additional Docum.ntatlon Workrhrlt lncludlng Rote-of-Return Coftie$ olfilioted with Price Cop Locol Exchonge Corrlers (chak to lndl@a. c.tllflcoaon) ( c odpl.tc o tlo ch.d M tk s h..t) Rrta of Rlturn C.rrhrs, Proceed to ROR Additlon l Documentatlon Workshe.t (ch.ck to lndl@tc c.ttifrcoa@) ( c omd. te o at och.d wor* th at ) No@Gd coEl oo !o=o oa E6z oEA.a9E-3gs EEg; EsHEls seSE.2= E-gF9;-E E; =:=; ;"9"55 !HCiEE zn?u+t3=-= @ ^ s - =6dgE.in>E:3eE.E g=r+EESEDSoli*6AaZerg Ed?=y939**rE:Egie=I S;;HEE ;3EiEEiflEE;=EE.EhE8.gOgEEg E?EEE5f:EE{;tttis9-3: s! 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H;E: !; E 5E5 ie 8_E* o -o-+o6Hoio oo o o ; tr o o Eo EoooEcocoEo oo Eos o oIc-qoo o coE oo <010> StudyArea Code 412221 <015> StudvArea Name MUD IAKE TEL COOP <020> Prosram Year 20a6 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact resarding this data Judi Ushio <035> ContactTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<030> 719594581-4 ext <039> ContactEmailAddress-EmailAddressofpersonidentifiedindataline<030> iushio@qww.com TO BE COMPTETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF THE REPORTING CARRIER IS FITING ANNUAT REPORTING ON ITS OWN BEHATF: Certification of Officer as to the Accuracy of the Data Reported for the Annual Reporting for CAF or Ll Recipients c€rtify that I am an officcr ofthe raponing carrier; my responsibilitias includc Gnsuring the accu.acy ofthe annual reportint aequirements for utriversal s€ruicc support eclpients; and, to the best of my knilledte, the information reported on thls torm and in any attachm€nts ls accu.ate. lameofReoortinscarrier: ffi LAKE TEL cooP ignatureofAuthorizedofficer; CERTTFIED oNLTNE Date o5/25/2015 'rinted of ad officer: Randy Mead 'itle or position of Authorized officer: General Manager 'elephone rof Authorized Officer. 2083?46517 ext. tudvArea code of ReoortinE Carrier: 41222 Filinr Due Date for this fdrn' 01 / ol / 2oa5 Personswillfullymaki6gfalsertatementronthisform6nbepunishedbyfineorforteitureunde.theCommunicationsActofl9S4,4TU.S.C.SS502,503(b),orfneorimprisonment underTitle 18 ofthe tinited States Code, 18 U.S.C. 6 1001. Page 14 - A8€nt/ C.rrbr FCc Form 481 €ollectlion Form OMB contrcl No. 3O5G0986/oMB control No. 3060{819 July 2013 412221Area Code <015> Studv Area Name MUD LAKE TEL COOP 2016 <030> contact Name - Person lJsAc should contact resardins this data Judi Ushio <035> Contact Number-Numberof person identrfied indata line<030> 7195945814 ext <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of oerson identified in data line <030> i ushi TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FITING ANNUAT REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S BEHATF: TO BE COMPTETED BY THE AUTHORIZED AGENT: Certification of Officer to Authorize an Agent to File Annual Repo,ts for CAF or U Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier certify that (Nams of is authoriz€d to submit the information reported on behalf of the reporting carrier. gon! and, to the bcst ot my knowl€dge, tho.eports and data provided to the authorized ag€nt is accurate. ,Jame of Authorized Agent lame of Carripr ;asnature of Authorized Officer:Date: )rinted name of Authorized Officer itle or position of Authoflzed Officer elephone number of Authorized Officer: ,tudv Area Code of Reoorting Carrier Filins Due Date for this form under Tit,e 18 of the United States Code. 18 U.S.C. 5 1001. Certification of Agent Authorized to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Eehalf of Reporting Carrier he data r€ported h€rein based on data provided by the reporting €arrier; and, to th€ b€st of my knowledSe, the information reported herein is accurate. ,lame of Reporting Carrier ,lame of Authorired AsEnt iiEnature of Authorized Asent or e of Agentr Date: 'rinted name ofAuthorized AEent or Emolovee ofAsent itle or position of Authorized Aeent or Emplovee of AEent 'eleohone number of AuthoriTed Asent or Emolovee of Asent: ,tudv Area Code of ReoortinE Carrier Filins Due Date for this form 18 ofthe Unfted Stat€s Code, 18 U.S C 5 1001. Page 14 dzE!cou6 =o @€oIoGo dzbor+D EE6ur6 H3 G GEIo G0ao o EEEE .E6F!agBOEEO-Ets sEEE o;,:' @:!EUE .9! 3e.6E OB 6:.= ,l: E:'; qo ooorrr Eo td u o ao o,g E ;o =c Ico o ! E o E o E oI o o ;x oo oc ! ; E =c o o o E z oo E3zo o-og F ts co o o Ea GE .9t .au 6 co =o- l o d EGz co o V @ E d ao oo F 3 oDE Ez , o oU ! o o oo Eoc@o coO-dB6-ov'=:6E<F=oEcqP.9 @5i; o 3o o E o i o oco;o o@^6659 o.Au> :E,x3!oc6Eo Hooq gE ,I -oIEh9 3E€ oOoE@ ocF6 !o!, c #e E c-og!b'acoG ; Ig coE oq o G o ! N o o E o .= .F cop o o - E E o oo x o ,E ! .E! 'Ftro;o oo o !E)z D E,z co-e Ets o o !a .2E 6 o =o f o ad o Ez co oo E uo oo ooU F o)E o Ez Go E !o ! ao o' oe6{oo o2 o c6Uo:o€.6ooA66rn t2soq ,!:tr go:85GaNUE>H6: o O. t.rio.cciE?4ccl!6€Eoo EE 472227idt12 Mud Lake Telephone Cooperative Network by Census Blocks - Fiber - Qspp6l * Equipnent Mudlake Telephone Coop Exchange Boundaries 472227tD510 Service Quality Standards & Consumer Protection Rules Compliance: Consumer Protection Voice and Broadband Mud Lake complies with the requirements of 47CFR Part 64 Subpart U, Customer Proprietary Network lnformation and the Federal Trade Commission Red Flag Rules to prevent identity theft. A manual for each of those programs is in place and is part of the employees' handbook. Employee training is conducted annually and new hires are instructed on the programs as required by theirjob functions. Service Quality Standards Voice Mud Lake complies with the service standards as required by the state regulatory commission. Mud Lake is committed to providing the highest quality service to its customers. Broadband Mud Lake complies with the service standards as established by state regulatory commission. Mud Lake follows the service standards noted in NECATariff#5 and is committed to provide the highest quality service to its broadband customers. 472227tD6t0 Description of Functionality In Emergency Situations Back-up Power for Both Voice and Broadband Services Mud Lake Telephone prides itself on updating and maintaining all its plant and equipment to prevent outages before they happen. If outages do happen, the Company has 24-hour on call staff and alarm reporting systems in place that send notifications to the 24 hotn personnel monitoring these systems. The Company certifies that it follows best practices that are designed to allow them to remain functional in an emergency situation through the use of back-up power to ensure functionality in the event of a limited commercial power failure. Mud Lake utilizes battery back-up systems and standby generators in its central oflices. This enables Mud Lake to maintain power during an outage of at least 4 to 8 hours with battery back- up, and for 48 hours utilizing stored fuel. Mud Lake also uses its portable gas powered generator to support the remote cabinets in the network in the event of an extended power outage. The Company performs exercises to test disaster preparedness on each site's back-up power systems which are tested weekly. Major transport facilities are also tested periodically to ensure failover reliability. Abilitv to reroute traffic/data around damaeed facilities Mud Lake Telephone has a folded ring architecture, so it has some redundancy in rerouting exchange traffic between its five exchanges in case of damaged CWF facilities. The five year improvement plan incorporates additional fiber improvements that will make this a full fiber ring architecture/network with complete redundancy in between its exchanges. The Company is also a partner of the Idaho Syringa Network, which provides a fiber ring throughout southem Idaho and Mud Lake's study area. Being on the Syringa ring network provides the Company the capability of re-routing interexchange traffic and providing continuous service in emergency situations due to damaged facilities. Capabilitv to manaee traffic/data spikes resultins from emereency situations Mud Lake's trunk routes are monitored by Central Office equipment for usage utilization and management. Mud Lake Telephone takes no responsibility for the capabilities of interconnected networks to manage traffic spikes resulting from emergency situations, but will continue its best efforts for its networks during such events. 472227tDt010 Voice Services Rate Comparabitity As evidenced by the data provided in line 700 of this Form 481, Mud Lake's voice service pricing is no more than2 standard deviations above the national average urban rate ($47.48) as announced by the Wireline Competition Bureau on April 16,2015 (DA l5-470) 472227\DL2LO Mud Lake Telephone Cooperative Association Lifeline Assistance Program The Lifeline Telephone Assistance Program provides for a discount of the recurring monthly rate for the provision of local residential service for certain low-income customers, which service provides an unlimited number of local calling minutes. The Lifeline Telephone Assistance Program discount is only available to low-income customers who meet eligibility requirements established by the Federal Communications Commission. The Federal Communications Commission national eligibility criteria include subscribers with a household income of 135 percent of the federal poverty level or participation in one of the following programs: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Medicaid, Temporary Aid to Needy Families, Supplemental Security Income, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, National Free Lunch or Federal Public Housing Assistance. Eligible Lifeline customers will receive a monthly discount of $9.25 through the Federal Communications Commission's Lifeline Program and a $2.50 monthly discount through the Idaho Telephone Service Assistance Program on the regular Company rates for residential service. Only one telephone number per household is eligible for a Lifeline discount. A Lifeline customer may not be disconnected from local service solely for non-payment of toll charges, but the Lifeline customer must continue to pay the local service rates and charges. As for toll, lifeline subscribers, similar to every Mud Lake Telephone subscriber, are free to choose their own toll usage plans through IXCs that serve Mud Lake. Toll blocking is available at no charge to qualifying Lifeline customers. If a qualifying Lifeline customer voluntarily elects toll blocking service from the Company, where that service is available, the customer will not be required to pay a deposit, if otherwise applicable, to initiate service. TO APPLY: Potential Lifeline customers must contact a Community Action Partnership office or an Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Regional Office to determine their eligibility to participate in the program. 472227id30r0 .59 W. Main POR 235 Dubois,ID 83423 IWJd Loult June 1,2015 Ms. Marlene H. Dortch Secretary Federal Communications Commission 9300 East Hampton Drive Capitol Heights, MD 20743 Re:WC Docket No. 14-58, 2015 Annual Report, Form 481for High-Cost Recipient 54.313(fX1) "Milestone Certification" Dear Ms. Dortch: ln compliance with the filing requirements associated with, and attached to Form 481., we wish to advise the Commission that Mud Lake Telephone Cooperative Association: Has taken reasonable steps to provide upon reasonable request broadband service at actualspeeds of 4 Mbps downstream / 1 Mbps upstream; Provides latency suitable for real-time applications including VolP and usage capacity which is reasonably comparable to those in urban areas and; That reasonable requests for service are met within a reasonable timeframe. Sincerely, Wffi Justin Petersen l'-208-374-5150 '1"-208-37,{"5150 F-208-l]74-56ti8 472227tD3012 ANCHOR INSTITUTIONS WITHIN MUD LAKE TELEPHONE COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION'S TERRITORY No anchor institutions required or requested broadband service in20l4. Mud Lake continues to monitor customer demand and technological innovation, planning to size it network in anticipation of requests and demand for higher speed broadband needs.