HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150630CTC of Idaho-Frontier of Idaho Rate Floor .pdf‘I--’ 7i’Oiiii EY1 9260 E.Stockton Blvd. Communications Elk Grove,CA 95624 June 30,2015 Via electronic filing Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise,Idaho 83720 Re:FCC High-Cost Universal Service Support -47 CFR §54.313(h) Dear Ms.Jewell: Citizens Telecommunications Company of Idaho,Inc d/b/a Frontier Communications of Idaho hereby provides a copy of the attached information in compliance with 47 CFR §54.3 13(h).This mie of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)requires all incumbent local exchange carrier recipients of High-Cost Loop Support (HCLS)or High-Cost Model Support (HCMS)1 to annually report their rates for residential local service,as well as state fees as defined pursuant to §54.318(e),to the extent the sum of those rates and fees are below the rate floor as defined in §54.318,and the number of lines for each rate specified.Pursuant to §54.313(i),the reports must be filed with the FCC,the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC),the relevant state commissions,and Tribal governments,as appropriate.The attached report was filed with the FCC on June 26,2015. Frontier Communications of the Northwest,Inc is not a recipient of HCLS or HCMS and therefore is not filing this report. If you have any questions,please contact me at (916)686-3588 or by email at Loe.chicoine@ftr.com. Sincere 7/Joe Chicoine (,/Regulatory Compliance and Reporting Manager Attachment cc:Renee Willer,Frontier Although the rule states that the requirement applies to “recipients of high-cost support,”the FCC’s Third Order on Reconsideration,released May 14,2012,Connect America Fund,WC Docket No.10-90 eta!.(FCC 12-52)¶J 15-16,clarified that the requirement applies specifically to recipients of High-Cost Loop Support and High-Cost Model Support. Ai Burton Director,Federal Regulatory Affairs O il E1’Frontier Communications 2300 N St.NW,Suite 710 Communications Washington,DC 20037 (202)223-6807 aj.burton@ftr.com VIA ECFS June 26,2015 Marlene H.Dortch Secretary Federal Communications Commission 445 l2 St.SW Washington,DC 20554 Re:Frontier Communications Submission in Response to 47 C.F.R.§54.313(h),WC Docket No.14-58 Dear Ms.Dortch: Frontier Communications hereby files the attached information in compliance with 47 CFR §54.313(h).This rule requires all incumbent local exchange carrier recipients of High-Cost Loop Support (HCLS)or High-Cost Model Support (HCMS)’to annually report their rates for residential local service,as well as state fees as defined pursuant to Section 54.318(e),to the extent the sum of those rates and fees are below the rate floor as defined in Section 54.318, and the number of lines for each rate specified.In its most recent Order addressing the rate floor,the Commission directed incumbent ETCs to “report their rates to USAC to the extent that their rates plus state fees are below [the urban rate floor of $20.46],h12 though Section 54.313(b)of the Commission’s rules,which reduces support based on filed-rates below the rate floor,has been waived at this time for rates below the rate floor but above $16. Pursuant to §54.313(i),the reports are being filed with the FCC,the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC),the relevant state commissions,and Tribal governments,as appropriate.Please contact me with any questions. Sincerely, Is!Af Burton AJ Burton Attachments 1 Although the rule states that the requirement applies to “recipients of high-cost support,”the FCC’s Third Order on Reconsideration clarified that the requirement applies specifically to recipients of High-Cost Loop Support and High-Cost Model Support.Connect America Fund,Third Order on Reconsideration,27 FCC Rcd.5622 11 15-16 (2012). 2 Connect America Fund,Report and Order,Declaratory Ruling,Order,Memorandum Opinion and Order,Seventh Order on Reconsideration,and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking,29 FCC Rcd.7051 ]84 (2014). Id.at 7079 ¶]80;see also Wireline Competition Bureau Announces Results of2015 Urban Rate Surveyfor Fixed Voice and Broadband Services and Posting of Survey Data and Explanatory Notes,Public Notice,30 FCC Rcd 3687 (2015). Rate Floor Data RATE FLOOR DATA COLLECTION -0MB Control Number 3060-0986 Block 1 -Contact Information FORMAT OFROWqDATAELEMENTREQUESTED RESPONSE DATA 1 Carrier Study Area Code 6 numeric digits 474427 2 CarrIer Study Area Name alpha characters CITIZENS-FRONTIER-ID 3 Service Provider Identification Number 9 numeric digits 143002528 4 ResIdential Local Service Charge Effective Date —mmIdd(yy 61112015 5 Contact Name aipha characters Randall Brockmann 6 Contact Telephone Number (Include area code)9 numeric digits -(58)777-1056 7 Sheet number numeric digit(s)1 8 Total Number of Sheets numeric digItf)1 Block 2 •Residential Local Service Rates,Fees,and Line Counts ,i I ,.‘;(% ‘‘:. - .1(-:..Z-— -.,—;‘••*_ :i •‘i •-•-_t, —4 ‘ifr 1e:F :4 .:‘- .ir .I :.:•,L-’ •--. F:’- 1- —-Column I Column 2 Coiumn 3 Column 4 Column 5ResidentialLocalStateSubscriberStateUniversalMandatoryLoopsServiceChargeLineChargeServiceFeeExtendedArea Service Charge 9 $16.98 $-0.16 $-100 10 11 12 13 14 15 * 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 RATE FLOOR REPORT Rate Floor TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER,IF THE REPORTING CARRIER IS FILING RATE FLOOR DATA ON ITS OWN BEHALF: Certification of Officer as to the Accuracy of the Data Reported for the Rate Floor Data I certify that I am an officer of the reporting carrier;my responsIbilIties Include ensuring the accuracy of the actual rate floor datareported;and,to the best of my knowledge,the Information reported on this form is accurate. Name of Reporting Carrier Citizens Telecommunications Company Of Idaho Signature of authorized officer ._L—L JDate I 21 [IS Printed name of authorized officer:Allison Ellis S Title or position of authorized officer:VP,RegulatoryAffairs Telephone number of authorized officer (919)941-3005 Filing Due Date for this form Study Area Code ofReporting Carner 474427 I (mmlddlyyyy)7/112015