HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150626Filer Mutual Telephone CAF ICC Redacted.pdfwww,xo5sl0lr5. cox ."t: l';. tQi..1-'i.'t June 24,2015 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING AND FEDX - CONFIDENTIAL FILING Ms. Jean Jewell, Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83720-007 4 RE: WC Docket No. 10-90: Administration of Connect America Fund lntercarrier Compensation Replacement, Annual Reporting Requirements Case Number GIV R 'f- t 5-O I Moss Adams LLP respectfully files on behalf of Filer Mutual Telephone Company with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC) in accordance with 47 C.F.R. 9$4.30a(d)(1)and 54.313(hxi). This filing includes the profected eligibility for CAF ICC funding for July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016, and Local Rate Floor Data. These filings have also been made with the Federalcommunications Commission and the Universal Services Administrate Company as required by federal rules and regulatlons. ln addition to this redacted electronic filing, a hard copy of the redacted and confidential version (on yellow paper and in a sealed envelope)will be sent via overnight mailto the Commission as confidential information that is exempt from disclosure under the ldaho Public Utilities Commission Rules of Procedure, Rule 67. Should you have any questions regarding this filing, please contact me via electronic mail at Eric.Votaw(o mossadams.com or by telephone at 209-955-6116. Sincerely, lli, -- -rl'l 't'^Arn; ---t *- t/ '. rrlvotr*, Senior Manager for Moss Adams LLP Enclosures fr;*xif v o:l o Rale Eierirenl Descriptior' lTerminating End I Office Access Service iTerminating End Office, Premium,'per access minute 'Terminating End Office Access Service iTerminating End Office, Non- iPremium, per iaccess minute I Entrance Facility, iPer Termination iVoice Grade Two lwtre Entrance Facility, Per Termination Voice Grade Four W ire Entrance Facility, Per Termination High Capacity DSl Entrance Facility, ,Per Termination High Capacity DS3 i Entrance Facility, iPer Termination i Synchronous i optical Channel i oc3 : Entrance Facility, 'Per Termination ; Synchronous I Optical Channel oc12 Entrance Facility, Per Termination ESATT 2 Mbps Entrance Facility, iPer Termination lESALT 1o Mbps I Entrance Facility, lPer Termination I ESALT s0 Mbps i Direct Trunked i Transport Facility/ :Mile Voice Grade - https ://www. necai nfb.org/l CC_CA F/source/l ntrastateTRPOutput.aspx 611912015 2015 CAF ICC Data Collection ffsm-:,2015 CAF ICC Data Collection N[(A Homs NECA Data Collections Contact U$ CAF ]CC * Instructions & Document$ Logout Logged in User: Choua Her HomeselectCompanytvlainPagestudyAreaDataInputmenu}cAF&ARcoutpUt). Study Area: FILER MUTUAL TEL -ID (lDt 472220) Intrastate Revenues (FCC TRP exhibit) Option 1: View TRP OutPut in Excel Option 2: Download TRP Data in Excel Intrastate Revenues Test Year 2015-2016 Expected Maximum Intrastate Revenue:f Page I of5 c,tr nr I c* Co, E ':l' ^t i1i2a15 lnlerstate Rate *:l * Test Year 201 4-201 5 Current lntrastate Rat€ ":l' 'n'|201s Proposed lntrastate Rate ":l' FY 2011 lntrastate Units:'ferminating tot Non-Dedicated or Originating and T0rminating foa Dedicated Col J H'l lntrastatc Price-0ut with 7t1t2A15proposed inlrastate rate and FY201 1 oemand "11 * FY 2014 lntraslate Units: Terminating ,or Non' Dedicaled and tolal for Dedicated ElomeIts *:l' Test Year 201 5"201 6 Forecasted lntra$tate Units Col M [{LrK)^ 112t21r."11.100 lntrastate Uolts Growth Rate o/, X'L w 2015.16 Forecasted lntraSiate Revenue 2015 CAF ICC Data Collection Page 2 of5 Two Wire & Four Wire Drrect Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile High Capacity DS1 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile High Capacity DS3 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile Synchronous Optical Channel oc3 Direct Trunked'Transport Facility,/ .lvlile Synchronous'Optical Channel ,oc12 . Direct Trunked i Transport Facility/ i lvlile ESALT 2 Mbps i DTF-E1 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile ESALT 2 Mbps DTF.E2 Direct Trunked Transport Facility,/ Mile ESALT 2 Mbps DTF - E3 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mile ESALT 2 Mbps DTT.E4 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ rMile ESALT 10 r Mbps DTF-E1 I Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ t'4ite ESALT 10 lvlbps DTF-82 Drrect Trunked Transport Facility/ lvlile ESALT 10 lvlbps DTF-E3 Direct Trunked Transport Facility,/ IV]ile ESALT 1O Mbps DTF-84 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ f4ile ESALT 50 Mbps DTF-E1 i Direct Trunked I ransport Facrlrty/ l14ite ESALT 50 lYbps DTF-E2 Direct Trunked Transport Facility/ Mrle ESALT 50 Mbps DTF-E3 Drrect Trunked Transport Facality/ MiIC ESALT 50 Mbps DTF-E4 Direct Trunked Transpo rt Fa cility,/Term ina tio n Voice Grade - Two Wire & FoLrr Wire Direct Trunked Transport Faci lity/Term i nation High Capacity DS1 Direct Trunked Tra nsport Faci lity/Term i natio n https ://www, neca i nfo. org/l CCI*CA F/sou rce/l ntrastateTRPOutput.aspx 6119120t5 2015 CAF ICC Data Collection iHigh Capacity DS3 I Direct Trunked I Transpo rt Facility/Term anation Synchronous Optical Channel oc3 Direct Trunked Transpo rt Facility/Term inatron Synchronous Optical Channel oc1 2 Direct Trunked Transpo rt Facility/Term rnation ESALT 2 Mbps Direct Trunked Transport Facility/Term ination ESALT 10 Mbps Direct Trunked Transport Faci lity/Term i nation ESA[T 50 I"1bps Multiplexing, Per Arrangement DS3 to DS1 Multiplexing, Per.Arrangement DS1Ito Voicei Customer Node Per Node OC3 155.52 M bps 'Customer Node Per Node oc12 622.08 M bps Customer Premises Port, Per Port OC3 155.52 Mbps Customer Premises Port, Per Port STS- 1 51.84 Mbps Customer Premises Port, Per Port DS3 44.736 Mbps Customer Premises Port, Per Port DS1 1.544 Mbps Add/ Drop M u ltiplexing Central Office Port, Per Port DS1 1.544 tvl bps Add/ Drop M u ltiplexing Central Office Port, Per Port OC3 155.52 Mbps Add/ Drop .Multiplexing r Central Office Port, i Per Port DS3i44.736 Mbps i Network Blocking, i Per Blocked Call i Network Blocking, , Per Blocked Call, iApplies to FGD only iESALT Real Time 'CoS/QoS, Per i ESALT DTF.E1 , Facility ESALT 2 lvl bps ESALT Real Time CoS/QoS, Per ESATT DTF'E1 Facility ESALT 10 , Mbps ESALT ReaI Time Pagc 3 of'5 https ://www. neca i nfo.org/l CC-CA F /source/l ntrastateTR POutput.aspx 6lt9l20l5 2015 CAF ICC Data Collection CoS/QoS, Per ESATT DTF.E1 Facility ESALT 50 lvl bps ESALT Entrance Facility Protection, Per ESALT Entrance Facility ESALT 2 M bps ESALT Entrance Facility Protection, Per ESALT Entrance Facility ESALT 1O M bps ESALT Entrance Facility Protection, Per ESALT Entrance Facility ESALT 50 tvlb ps Common Channel Signaling Network Connection Signaling Mileage Facility, Per Mile Common Channel Srgoaling Network Connection Signaling Mileaqe Termrnatron, Per Terminatiorl Common Channel Signaling Network Connection . Signaling Entrance Facility, Per Facility Common Channel Signalinq Network Connection STP Port, Per Port Term i na ti ng Tandem Switched Transpo rt Terminating Tandem Switched Transport Facility . Terminating i Tandem Switched i Transport iTerminating Tandem Swrtched Terminatlon lTermrnatrng Tandem Switched Transport , Terminating lan0em 5wrtcnrng N onrecu rri ng Charges Voice Grade Two Wire N onrecu rri ng Charges Voice Grade Four Wire N o nrecu rri ng Charges Hiqh Capacity DS1 N onrecu rri ng Charges High Capacity DS3 N o nrecu rri n9 Charg es Synchronous Optical Channel'oc3 Nonrecurring Cha rges Sy nchronous Optical Channel oc1 2 No nrecu rring Charges Interim I NXX Translation, htt ps ://www. n e c a i n 1o. o r"g/ I C C-C A F/sou rc e/ I rrtra stateT R P Outp ut. aspx 6fi9t2015 2015 CAF ICC Data Collection Page 5 of5 Per Order Nonrecu rring Charges FGC and FGD Conversion of Multifrequency Address Signaling to ss7 signaling or :SS7 Signalinq to Multifrequency Address Signaling, 'per 24 trunks I converted or fraction thereof onia per order basis Nonrecu rring Charges Trunk .Activation, per 24'trunks activated or fraction thereof on i a per order basis , Nonrecurring iCharges Flexible iAutomatic Number i Identification (Flex iANI), per End ; Office, per CIC I Nonrecurring i Charges ESALT 2 lY bps N onrecurring I Charqes ESALT 10 : Mbps Nonrecu rring Charges ESALT 50 M bps No nrecu rnng Charges ESALT Drrect Trunked Termination, per ESALT Direct Tru nkediTermination i installed i Nonrecurring i Charges ESALT : Entrance Facility Protection, per ESALT Entrance I Facility i https ://www.neca i nfb.org/l CC-CA F/source/l ntrastateTRPOutpLlt.aspx 6t19t2015 2015 CAF ICC Data Collection ffffi>2015 CAF ICC Data Collection NECA Home NECA Data Collections Contact Us CAF ICC - Instructions & Documents Logout Logged in User: Choua Her Home Select Company Main Page Study Area Data Input Menu ) CAF & ARC Output ) , . Study Area: FILER MUTUAL TEL -ID (lO:47222O) Study Area USAC Reports lView Printer-friendly report I l2Ot5 USAC o.b Rcpo.t Page I of I 6rf i;' CONNECT AMERICA FUND Data to be Provided to USAC/FCC in June 2015 for CAF ICC Purposes Curr€nt Settlement Type: Cost | --"-----"-**- 2 4 5 6 8 1 3 7 9 77 Test Period 711115-6130115 Post True.up (Filing) View 2011 Interstate Switched Access Revenue FY 2011 Intrastate T Switched Access Revenues FY 2011 Net Reciprocal Compensation Revenues 2011 ROR Carrier Base Period Revenue (Line 1 + Line 2 + Line 3) ROR Carrier Baseline Factor (0.95 x 0.95 x 0.95 x 0.95 ROR Carrier Revenue Requirement (Line 4 x Line 5) Pool Administration Ex Total ROR Carrier Revenue Requirement (Line 6 + Line R€venues from Rcformed Int€rcarri€r Compensation ICC) Ratee Interstate Switched Access Revenues 10 Interstate Allocated Switched Access Revenues# I1 Transitional Intrastate Access Service Revenues 72 Net Transitional ion Revenues Total ICC Revenue Line 10 + Line 11 + Line 12 L4 TRS Increment 15 Fees Increment t6 NANPA Increment Support for Price Cap AffiliatesInterstate Local 18 for Double or Corrections 19 Test Penod l3l14 Trueup - Net on Total Elioible 20 Recovery (Line 8 - Line 13) + (Line 14 + Line 15 + Line t6 + Line 18 + Line 19) - (Line Revenue5 from Access Recovery ARC 22 Line Business ARC Revenues )?Multi-Line Business ARC Revenues 24 Total ARC Revenues (Line 21 + Lrne 22 + Line 2 Connect America Fund (CAF) tCC Connect America Fund F) ICC Support (Line 20 - Line 24 NOTES: lPer FCC Deslgnatrcn Order, calculated as (Sum of Lrne 9 tor all TS p@l pa^icipanls) + (Line 1/ sum of Line I for all TS p@l panrcipants) "NECA estjmate provided for informational purposes only - actual to be calculated by USAC. https ://www. necai nfo.org/l CC_CAF/source/USACData.aspx 6lt9/201s 2015 CAF ICC Data Collection ilfm:'2015 CAF ICC Data Collection NECA Home NECA Data Collections Contact Us CAf ICC - lnstruction$ & Document$ Logout Logged in User: Choua Her Home Select Company Main Page Study Area Data Input Menu ) CAF & ARC Output ) , Study Arear FILER MUTUAL TEL -ID (lDt 472220) Access Recovery Charges Test Period 2015-2016 Pre-True-up View T6t Period 2015-16 Post-True-Up (Filing) View Test Period 2015-2016 Post True-Up (Filing) View Page I of I d Exchange/ Zone Name Residontial Lines excluding Lifelines SLB ARC Revenue nesidentiallResidentiall SLB ARC ARC I Lines Revenue SLB ARC MLB Lines MLB ARC ML8 ARC Revenue Total ARC Reyenue Filer Holllster Study 9!n,nqrJ i.(,i rl,,iie i lliyo l![ry https ://www.necai nfo.org/l CC_CA F/source/ARCChanges.aspx 6lt9l20l5 2015 CAF ICC Data Collection [-*-*----- I Study Area ID Ii 472220 Test Year 2015-16 Residential Lines Excluding Life Linesr.r Test Year 2015-16 Single Line Business Lines f r'f- Test Year 2015-16 Multi-Line Business Linesr*-r ngm-:'2015 CAF ICC Data Collection NECA Home NECA Data Collections Contact Us CAF ICC - Instructions & Documents Logout Logged in User: Choua Her d Home Select Company Main Page Study Area Data Input Menu ) CAF & ARC Output ) $l'".1 ,r,:!; ,:-,.i',,;, .o:.,:::,., ) Study Arear FILER MUTUAL TEL -ID (lDt 472220) tEI ., Study Area - Exchange Level Residential Lines and Local Rates for ARC Calculation,r' , ,, I ,; ,,. .. I t E3 oownload NECA temptatel Exchange Level Residential Lines & Rates Residential Llnes & Rates Summary Study Area Test Period Lines Test Period 2O,.S|aOLG study area Llnes for Test Period 2015/2016 - (luly 1, 2015 - June 30, 2015) Page I of3 IRecords response entered/updated on lhe above part of the screen] Data previously submitted on 3/24/2015 L0:26:37 AM (Eastern Time) Data submitted by Bob Kraut https ://www. neca i nfo.org/l CC_CA F/source/ResidentialRates.aspx 6fi9t20t5 TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER. Ccfilllc.tlon of Otllc6r.s io th. Accuncy of thG CAF ICC D.t. Rcport.d I canllythrt I .m atr omcor o, tha nportlng c.nlan my n3poorlbllllloa lncluda rnrurlne lha.ccu[cy oflh. actu.l dat: nportad; rnd, to ti. b.al ot my Inqu,Ldgr, tlt htomttlon npolt d on lhlt fom la acounla. Co*gir email:slevee,&tiknel com (i":lllei ]rduol hl rd FFil6r lO 83318. Dat6 5202C1t Printsd name of Authorizod Ofticer Title or position gf Authorized Offic€t: Telephone number o, Arrthorized Ofrics Study Arsa Cod6 of Rsporting Carrisr P.nona wllltully mklnl trh. ltat mot. on thl. tom can bt Punlt[ad by lln. or to]raltun ond.r lha Communldilonr Acl ol tt34, 47 U.l.C, !l502,50t(Dl,orflmorlmFrbonmntund.rTli.ltoftr!Unlt dst*.rCodr,ltU.3.C.!l00l. TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER. IF AN AGENT IS FILING DATA ON THE CARRIER'S BEHALFI CGrtlflc.tlon of Omc.7 to Authotlz. m Agent to Fll€ D.t R.port.d on Bchrlt ot Rcportlno Curl.r lc.n[ythrt|Nrm.o'Ar"fi)@F!uno,-o.o.uo,ltth.|nformltionnpoilldonbghr|fo' lhr Bpodlng cilrlln I alro c.dry thri I .m rn ofllcat ot tha nponlne crrLr; my [rponrlbllltlrt lncluda an3urlne tha tccuncy ot ti! d.tr prcYldcd to tha AuthortBd Ag.nt and, to tha lart ot my knml.dgo, Or .clurl data prevld3d io tha Authoiad Agont lr tccunta. NamB ol Authorized Agent :National Exchanoe Canlers Association, lnc. Nams ol Reporting Canisr;FILER MUTUAI" TEI .IO Stevo Cowgsr wgMny 'g.Fq oy nrjYd ! Cov.0?i ema'l*stevFc$)f le(el com.O,,'tler mri$l tel -id EFilei lD 83328 Date 512020.(5 Signaturs of AuthorEed Offi6r:Drt€r 5!20t2015 Printsd name of Authorizod Offic6r:Steve Co\4oer Title or position of Authorized Officer:Ge[er3l Manaoer Tel6phone numbor o, guthorizod offic€r:20&326-4339 Study Area Cod€ ot Reporting Carrior 472220 Filing Ou€ Dats for this lorm (mm/ddyyyy)0r16/201 5 P.ron3 wllltully mrklng frls rtrtamank on thlt tom crr !o putrlrhrd by lln. ortodaltun und.r thc Communlcrilon3 Act ot 193t, 47 U.s,C. !! 502, 503(bl, or rlr! or lmpdronm.nt und.r Tldo l t ot tt. Unlt d 3t t . Cod., lt U,S.c. ! 1001, rO BE COMI LEIED BY AN OFFICER OF !l E REI ORsillG CARRICR Certmcltlon of Ofrlclr for Rrt..of-Rotum Crrdrr Ellglblllty for CAFTICC Rocov.ry I crnirytrlt l.m u omcar ol thr nportlng c.nlarrnd thrl. to tm bGl ol my fmwlcdga, tha opordng c.rl.r otr thl. tom cartlth! that f h.! compll.d with Ellglbl. R.cov.ry !!1.917(dl md Acc.rs Rsovrry Chrrgc l6t.9l7(.) rnd b .llgiblc lo rcc.iv. th. CAF ICC ruppon [qu.ard punu.nt lo It1,9l7(0, Name of Rsporting Carriel Covo.ema,flde ec lil|n.li&m{ldirr mrNallep{*Figr iC 83328=Date 5,tq201 5 Signature of Authorized Officer or empDTee: I rintBd nam6 of Authorizod Officor or empBT6o: s itB or pobition of Authorized Officer or empDTse: o, Authorized Officer or empDT€e: StudTArea Code of R€porting Canisr P.ron. wllllully maklng tabc atrttmtnr on ihb fom crr ia punlthad by 0m ortorraltun undar thr Communlailonr Act ol 1034,47 U,S,C, C!t02,501(b),ortln.orlmprhonm.nlund.rTlthl8olth.unltrdStrt rCod.,1tU,S.C,I1001. 3O BE COMI LEsED BY AN OFFICER OF 5I E REI ORgIiIO CARRIER Cenmc.tion of Omccrtor Rrt.{t-Rltum Cilricr Not S.rklng Oupllcrtivc R.covary I cortlty lhrt I rm rn omssr of thr nponlng crnl.r.nd that, to tha bosl ot my knowladga, th! rponlng o.lrl.r l! not sklng dupllcatlv! Ecov!rylnth.rt t iqrltdlctlonforrnyEllglbLR.cov.ry3uq.dloth.EsovorymchrnlrmIp.r!51,917(dilvll). urgffi dgn&, r 5i€. 0 uovger uN 6u6te e Cov ge€n4FJL. ec fiA4elhm{vliBr mutualiep Signature of Authorizod Ofticor or ompBT€e I rintod n6me of Authorized Offic6r or empBTe6: s itD or pobition of Authorized Offic€r or ompoTge seBphone numyer of Authorizod Officer or empBT66 StudTArea Code of Reporting Canior Prrcnr wllfully mrklng trl$ rtat.m.nt. on lhl3 tom c.n b. punlrhad iy llnr ar tort ltun undor thr Commudcatlonr Act ot 1934, 4, U,3.C,!l 602, 50t(b), or flni or lmprlronmqnl und.r Thlc It ottho Unn.d sLL. Codo, lE U.S.C, C 1001, DATA ELEMENT FORMAT OF REOUESTED DATA Residential Local Servico Charge Eflective Date RATE FLOOR DATA COLLECTION - OMB Control Number 3060-0986 lnfonnatlon RESPONSE 14300251 3 07101115 204-326-4331 Block 2. Resldentlal Local Serylce RateE, Feer, and Llna Count! USAC Proprietary Confidential R8& Floor Dats TO BE COMPLETEO BY THE REFORTII{O CAR&IER, IF AI{ AGEI.IT I$ NilNG RATE TLOOR DATA ON THE CARRIER,S BEHALF: Certification of Oflicer to Authorizs an Agent to File Rate Floor Data on Behalf of Rsporting Carrier I cortlfv that I 8m authorlzad to rubmlt the lnformation isponed on thls form on behalf of the reoortlnq carrler: that I have provlded tho lnf6rmatlon rsportod horein bas€d on deta provldod by tho repottlng canl€r; and to the besl of m! knowkidge the info'rmatlon reportod hersln ls'accurato. {ame of Authorizad Aoent National Exchanqe Canier Association (NECA) {amo o, Reoorrno .,.n* Filer Mutual Telephone Company-lD iionature o, aurhoriz.d otticer *'{fr ", t ***) ( 1*r-, t-*r t t- }6t4t2015 )rinted name of auttrorizad offcer Stgvgn Cowger ,ro or ms*ion or aurhorrze.r orri*r Ggneral Manager/CoO reteohone number or authorized ofricer e08i 326--4331 trt. irudy Afea code of Rsoorrino canrer 1472220 I liJli.?ffiit' for this form I orrr,rrru CERTIFICATION.AGENT RrtG Floor Tcmplata Certification of Officer as to the iAccuracy of the Data Reported for the Rate Floor Data I certify that I am an offlcer of the rcporting carrler; my reeponsibllitiea include ensuring the accuracy of the actual rate floor data reported ; and, to the best of my knoudedge, the information reporled on thlg form ls accurate. {am" orRemrrind 6rr;", Filer Mutual f,elephone Company-lD iionstura o, authorizad o,ncsr *'f% t I U) ( /*, r-n t "/\-J .-,- 6/8/2015 ,r',rinted nEma of aurhodzed ofliar stevgn cowger .*re or oositim ol eurho.rz.d ofricar Ggngral ManageriCOo -ereDhonc numb.r or aurhorized ofricar (208) 326--4331. exl ;rudyAreacodsorRsoorrnocarrer l+lzzzo I liJ'#r?frDate'orrhisrom I ozo,,ro,u