HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150618CenturyLink Northern Idaho Redacted Form 481.pdfCENTURYLINK 1 600 7th Avenue, Room 1506 Seattle, Washington 98191 (206) 34S1574 Lisa.Anderl@CenturvLink.com Lisa A. Anderl Senior Associate General Counsel Regulalory Law AT74Trrv Centurylink' June 17,2015 Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472West Washington Boise,ID 83702-5983 Via Overnight Delivery Re: Docket No.: *U < -T -/{ -c I Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC (Northern Idaho) 2015 Federal ETC Filing Dear Secretary Jewell: On November 18, 2011 the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") released its USF/ICC Transformation Order in WC Docket No. 10-90 et al. With that Order, the FCC began a transition to a national framework for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers ("ETCs") and set forth a standard set of information that all ETCs must file with the FCC by July l't of each year. The Order also required ETCs to provide the same information to the respective state commissions. The annual ETC reporting requirements are containedin4T C.F.R. $ 54.313 of the FCC's rules. For the reporting of the data and certifications required by 47 C.F.R. $ 54.313 and $54.422,the FCC has developed a reporting template, Form 481, to be utilized by ETCs. Attached are the public and confidential versions of the Form 481 as frled by Centurylink with the FCC on or before July 1. The outage information and certain Tribal engagement information that is customer or company proprietary information provided in response to $ 54.313 (a) (2) and (9) in the Form 481 is confidential. The detailed broadband speed availability information at the exchange level provided in response to 54.313(a)(7) is also confidential. CenturyLink requests this information be treated as such as provided by State Rule or Protective Order. Consistent with past years, we request that you certifii to the FCC pursuant to 47 C.F.R $ 54.314 by October 1,2015 in order for Centurylink to continue receiving Federal high cost support in Idaho. Jean D. Jewell, Secretary June 17,2015 Page2 Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions regarding this filing. Sincerely,/bl Lisa Anderl LANjea Enclosures ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE Qwnsr Conponq.TroN osl CnNrunvlnrK QC (Nonrnnnx In,nno) Eligibte Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) Annual Recertification and FCC Form 481 Filing This Certificate is made pursuantto Rule 67 of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure I.D.A.P.A. This Certificate applies to certain information contained in Qwest Corporation's filing that has been redacted in the public version. The access line data provided in response to 47 C.F.R. $ 54.313(h) is confidential. The undersigned hereby asserts that she is familiar with the material claimed not to be available for public inspection, examination and copying and that she, in good faith, believes that there is a basis in law for that claim, namely that the information contained therein constitutes a "trade secret" as defined in Idaho Code Section 48-801 and is by virtue of the Trade Secrets Act, Title 48, Chapter 8, Idaho Code, subject to protection. /,r'fr Dated this / I day of June,2015. Qwest Corporation dba Centurylink QC (Northem Idaho) Page 1 FOC Form /t81 - Carrier Annual Seportlng <010> Study Area Code 4'7 5 L62 <015> Studv Area Name QWEST CORP IDAHO <020> Program Year <030> Contact Name: Person USAC should contact with questions about this data Kenneth w. Buchan <035> Contact Telephone Number:3l 83621;38 evt Number of the identitied in data line <030> <039> Contact Email Address:ken . buchaf,ocenturyl ink . corEmail of the identified in data line <030> 5d313 I 5lt.42i2 Comtsetoryl,Complaion REPORTING FOB AT,t CTRRIERS Service Quality lmprovement Reporting (check box when complete) Xq&.Nhil io report Unfulfilled Service Requests (voic Detail on Attempts (voice) descriptive document) <100> <200> <210> <300> <310> ( co m plete o t t o ch ed wo rk sh eet I ( co m p lete o tt och ed wo * sh eet ) desctiplive documenl) lo tt o ch d es cri ptiv e d o cu me nt ) <320> <330> <400> <410> <420> <430> <MO> <450> <500> <510> <500> <610> <700> <1010> <1100> <1110> <1200> Unfulfilled Service Requests (broadband) Detail on Attempts Number of Complaints per 1,customers Fixed Mobile Number of Complaints per 1,000 customers (broadband) Fixed Mobile Service Quality Standards & Consumer Protection Rules Compliance 475162id510.pdf 0.34 0_0 lc o m p lele o t toc h ed w o rk sh ee t ) lco fr p I e te o tloch ed w o tk sh ee t ) lco mp I e te a t toch ed w o rk sh eet ) (t yes, complete attoched worksheet)lY"-l l/I/l 7A 77 I , I"xa*m* (check to indicote cenilicotionl ( o tto ch ed d es cript iv e d o cu m e nt ) (check to indicote.ertilicotion) <710> Company Price Offerings (broadband) <800> Operating Companies and Affiliates <900> Tribal Land offerings (Y/N)? O O<1000> Voice Services Rate Comparability Certification Certify whether terrestrial backhaul options exist (Yes or No) Terms and Condition for Lifeline Customers (o t toc h d es c rip t iv e do cu m e nt ) (if not, check to indicote certificotion) (c o mp I e te o ttoch ed w o rk sh ee t ) lco mo lete o ttoched worksheet ) <2000> <2005> <3000> <3005> Price Cap Carriers, Proceed to Price cap Additional Documentation Worksheet lncluding Rote-of-Return Corriers offilioted with Price Cap Locol Exchonge Corriers (check to indicote cenilicotion) (co mp lete o ttoched wo tksh ee t ) Rate of Return Carriers, Proceed to RoR Additional Documentation Worksheet (check to indicote ceniJicotion) (co mplete o ttoched wotksh eet ) N OJo,Go o E =oo o! 6 oo Eo2 oooaE9BE8s[3c- lBbqHo-s*, UAB.:dr36d-t>-i=o:E;;==EXo!.=o:in ;=9!E5 ;HEo-o ==tu"-!,^=i8E ;gE.Y f ! - = 36=E J]-:-== fgEE rE**E:gle Ed=;rerP$*aE€EEie=ii S;iEeEI E i; s E 6 gir;E;I! 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E$H-ii E r'E o0 HiE # 9;t EE E e i esSS E E E =:EsE; I I PE se i : : sia:igEa:EA H E B P+E8Ei E HEsE=g.ii 6 = =E u ozcooe-8 hlJ]EQ.JO 65 Es !o95 Eioo> OEtl CE'=o NO 8gotc! i -- o6E>:o E9uiP.E9bO E; o oErEE EE: ESEis-: =>o= 912 EEOtstP5bEo'E tQdd X o-b55 o.9:-.:=fr B6H Bi€s3 =[@a 3o E ! q 3 i Pr E>9EEE €3 9 8E HgA e E.g ; q: q FA'oo!99 ooo c -9 E E T t c !pa$ ts E 86 8 i ooEz acLF .gao6taorc2=ocELOe'ioEn>!uECEE.E EEEiEEEEE aNo9lodN.oitEdN!lofrrd)d)(nEoo!iooooo!!19:.e!1!99!1!9E Page 13 <010> StudyArea Code 475t52 <O1S> Studv Aree Name OWEST CORP.IDAHO <020> Proram Year 2016 <03O> Contact Neme - Person USAC should contact recardinethisdata Kenneth w. Buchan <035> ContactTeleohomNumber-Numberofoersnidentitiedindatalim<030> 3183621s38 ext <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> ken TO BE COMPETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF THE REPORT]NG CARRIER 15 FILING ANNUAL REPORTING ON ITS OWN BEHALF: Ccrtlfication of Officer as to tte Accuracy ofthc Data Reported for thc Annual Reporting for CAF or Ll Rccipicnts ortify th.t l.m .n olfier of th. reportfuj onie6 my rapomiblitia imlude eBu]irE the mcur.Gy of the rnnurl reponha mquircmnts for uniycEl $ru|c. support *ipi.nt3; and,to the best of my lmwlcdte, th. infom.tion r.port.d on thb fom rnd ln rny rttachmnts L reunt . ,6.,,;-.. QffiST CORP- rDMO ;ilnature of Auihorizpd officer: CERTTFTED omrNE Date a5/28/2ats 'rinted name of Authorized Officer: D"ttd CoIe 'itleorpositionofAuthorizedOfficer: Executive Vice President OPerationa Suppore and Controller 'eleohone number of Authorized offi cer' 3 183 8 I 90 0 0 ext' ,tudv Area Code of Reoortin! carrier: 4'15762 Filinp Due Date for t;r1t ;orr' 07l01/201s Pe6ons willfully making fa lse rtatements on this form can b€ pun ished by fine or forf€lturc under the Commu nications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. 55 502, 503{b), or fine or imp,isnment underTitle 18 ofthe United stat6 Code, 18 U.S.C 0 1001. Page 14 'A8er|llCarrler FCC Form {81 oMB Control No. 306&@86/OMB Cont13l No. 305G0819 ,tuly?o13 . . Colhebn$omi 47 5t62 <015> StudvArea Neme QWEST CORP- IDAHO <020> Proeram Year 2016 Name - Person USAC should con'l Kenneth w- BLrchan <035> Contact Teleohone Number - NUmber of oerson identified in data line <030> 3L83521538 ext <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person rdentrfied rn data line <030> ken . buchan@cenEurvl ink . com TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FILING ANNUAT REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S BEHALF: TO BE COMPLETED BYTHE AUTHORIZED AGENT: Certification of Officer to Authorize an Agent to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier csrtify that (Namo ol is authorized to submit ths information Epo,ted on bshalf of the roporting @rrior. lso cert fy that I am an offic€r of tho rsporting carrior; my msponsibilitiss include snsuring th€ accuracy of ths annual data rporting rsquirom€nts providod to tho autho.izsd gent; and, to the best of my knowl€dgo, the reports and data providod to the authorized agsnt is accurate. {emp ol {ame of Reoort e ofAuthorired Officer:Date: )rinted name of Authorrzed Officer: itle or posrtron of Authorized Officer: elephone number of Authorized Officer: ;tudv Arpa Codp of Rpnodinc arrricr:Filinc Du€ Date for this formi Pe6ons willfully making false datements on this form can be punished by fine or forfeiture under the Communications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. 55 502, 503(b), or fine or imprisonmenl under Tirle 18 of rhe Unired States Code, 18 U.S.C. 5 1001. certification of Agent Authorized to File Annual Reports for cAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier he data reported herein based on data provided by the reportint €rrieD an4 to the best of my knowledge, the lnformation reported h€r€ln is accurate. ,lame of Reporting Carrier: ,lame of Authorized Agent or Emplovee of Agent: e of Authorized Asent or Emolovee of Acent:Date: ,rinted name of Authorized Apent or Emolovee of Acent itle or Dosition of Autho.ized Aeent or Emolovee of Afenl elephone number of Authorized Aeent or EmDlovee of Agent: ;tudvArea Code of Reoonine Cirrier Filing Due Date for this form 18 of rhe United States Code, 18 U.S.C. 5 1001. Page 14 Ar NV o I oo ! ,E ! Ec Ico o o !! E ! E o o oo o E E .E! tc =ca oo o o! E z o E zocoEog F coU a i ! E .2E .E! @ o ! oE U fco oE z CoU o o o E o oNo o o o F 3o Ez !l o oEo o !l o o oaooo d: c Uo oeo d@o z 60 cc o9q69>Xo g o u0q EoeocoFUEg3o5 .gE>o38*o5:-Nd AFFI DAV]T CERTIFYlNG COM PLIANCE WITH 47 C.F.R. 554.313(aXs), Ssa.313(aX5), 5sa313(a)(10), and 5sa31a(a) Section (500) - Service Quality and Consumer Protection Certification Section (500) - Emergenry Functionality Certification Section (1000)- Voice Services Rate Comparability Certification Section lz0tzl - Frozen Support Certification; and Accuracy of Annual Reporting of CAF Recipients Certification For the CenturyLink ETCs as listed in Appendix A, l, David D. Cole, being of lawful age and duly sworn, on my oath and under penalty of perjury state that I am the Executive Vice President for Operations Support and Controller of CenturyLink, Inc. ("Company'') and that ! am authorized to execute this affidavit on behalf of the Company. The Company hereby certifies pursuant to the requirements under 47 C.F.R. 554.313(a)(5), Ssas13(aX6), $54.313(a)(10), and 554.314(a) that: 1) CenturyLink has established operational procedures designed to facilitate compliance with applicable consumer protection rules, 2l CenturyLink has established operational procedures designed to facilitate compliance with service quality standards which may include customer remedies and improvement plans. CenturyLink also reports service quality metrics to State Commissions as applicable, 3) CenturyLink is able to remain functional in emergency situations as set forth in 554.202(aX2),4l The pricing of voice services provided by CenturyLink ETCs listed in Appendix A is no more than two standard deviations above the national average urban rate for voice service; 5) Allfrozen federal universal service support provided to CenturyLink ETCs listed in Appendix A was used in the preceding calendar year and will be used in the coming calendar year only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended, and 6) To the best of my knowledge and belief, the information reported on this form including attachments is accurate. EVP - Operations Support and Controller CenturyLink 100 CenturyLink Drive Monroe, Louisiana 7 L2O3 +l*.- DArED tni, JD' u. , * &ti lzos 'ERRI GI'ICE STA:IE OFt0UlStAllA Udon Prrhh Louhbna Bil Ro[ llo. 88El My Gornmbsh$ Eglra C m!ilt FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. suBScRIBED AND swoRN ro before ," rnir3* ^y ot l\ri I zoru'-T- Notary Public: My Commission Expires: AppendixA Listins of Centun Link Elieible Telecommunications Carriers COMPANY NAME DBA NAME Study Area Code State(s! of Operation CenturvTel of Alabama. LLC (Northern)Centurvlink 259789 AL CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC (Southern)CenturyLink 2s9788 AL Gulf Telephone Company, LLC CenturvLink 250298 AL CenturyTel of Arkansas, lnc.CenturyLink 40L705 AR CenturyTe! ofCentral Arkansas, LLC CenturyLink 40Lt44 AR CenturyTel of Mountain Home, lnc.Centurvlink 4OL7LL AR CenturyTel of Redfield, lnc.CenturvLink 401720 AR CenturvTet ofSouth Arkansas, lnc.CenturvLink 40L727 AR, LA CenturyTel of Northwest Arkansas, LLC (Russellville)CenturyLink 40tL42 AR, MO, OK CenturyTel of Northwest Arkansas, LLC (Siloam Sprines)CenturyLink 401143 AR, OK Qwest Corporation (Arizona)CenturvLink QC 455101 AZ CenturvTel of Colorado. lnc.CenturyLink 462208 co Qwest Corporation (Colorado)CenturvLink QC 465LO2 co The El Paso Countv Telephone Comoanv None 462L87 co CenturvTel of Eagle, lnc.CenturvLink 462L85 CO. UT Embaro Florida. lnc.CenturvLink 2to34L FL Coasta! Utilities, lnc.CenturvLink 22A3s6 GA Qwest Corporation (towa)CenturvLink QC 355141 IA CenturvTel of Postville. lnc.CenturvLink 3sr274 IA CenturyTel of Chester, lnc.CenturvLink 351126 IA. MN CenturvTel of ldaho. lnc.Centurvlink 472225 ID CenturvTel of the Gem State, lnc. (ldaho)Centurvlink 472223 D Qwest Corporation (Northern ldaho)CenturvLink QC 475L62 D Qwest Corporation (Southern ldaho)Centurylink QC 475LO3 1D Gallatin'River Communications, LLC CenturvLink GRC 34L057 L CenturvTel of Central lndiana, lnc.CenturvLink 320747 N CenturyTel of Odon, lnc.Centurvlink 320801 N United Teleohone Companv of lndiana. !nc.CenturvLink 320832 IN, OH United Telephone Company of Eastern Kansas CenturvLink 4LL3L7 KS COMPANY NAME DBA NAME Study Area Code State(s) of Ooeratlon United Telephone Company of Kansas None 4LL842 KS United Telephone Company of Southcentral Kansas CenturvLink 47L317 KS Embarq Missouri, lnc. (Kansas)Centurylink 4LL9s7 KS CenturvTel of Central Louisiana, LLC CenturvLink 270423 LA CenturvTel of Chatham, LLC Centurvlink 270427 LA CenturvTel of East Louisiana, LLC Centurvlink 270440 IA CenturyTel of Evaneeline, LLC CenturvLink 270434 LA CenturyTel of North Louisiana, LLC Centurvlink 270436 LA CenturvTel of Ringgold, LLC CenturvLink 270439 LA CenturyTel of Southeast Louisiana, LLC CenturvLink 270424 LA CenturyTel of Southwest Louisiana, LLC Centurvlink 270442 LA CenturvTel of Northwest Louisiana, lnc.CenturvLink 27043L LA, AR, TX CenturvTel Midwest - Michiean. lnc.CenturvLink 3LO67L MI CenturvTel of Michiean, lnc.CenturvLink 3L0742 MI CenturvTel of Northern Michiean, lnc.Centurvlink 31070s MI CenturvTe! of Upper Michiean, lnc.CenturyLink 310689 MI CenturvTel of Minnesota. lnc.CenturyLink 36L445 MN Embarq Minnesota, lnc.Centurylink 3614s6 MN Qwest Corporation (Minnesota)Centurylink QC 365L42 MN CenturvTel of Missouri, LLC (Belle-Herman)CenturvLink 429785 MO CenturyTel of Missouri, LLC (Central)Centurvlink 429784 MO CenturvTel of Missouri. LLC (Southern)CenturvLink 429786 MO CenturvTel of Missouri, LLC (Southwest)CenturvLink 429787 MO Spectra Communications Group, LLC CenturvLink 42LL5t MO Embarq Missouri, !nc.CenturyLink 42L957 MO,IA CenturyTel of North Mississippi, lnc.None 280458 MS CenturvTel of Montana, lnc.CenturyLink 482249 MT Qwest Corporation (Montana)CenturyLink QC 485104 MT Centra! Teleohone Comoanv (North Carolina)CenturvLink 23047L NC Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Company LLC CenturyLink 230470 .NC Mebtel, lnc,CenturyLink 230485 NC Qwest Corporation (North Dakota)Centurvlink QC 385L44 ND Qwest Corporation (N ebraska)CenturyLink QC 375L43 NE United Telephone Company of the West (Nebraska)Centurvlink 371595 NE COMPANY NAME DBA NAME Study Area Code State(s) of Operation United Telephone Company of NewJersey, lnc.CenturvLink 160138 NJ CenturyTelof the Southwest lnc.Centurvlink 492274 NM Qwest Corporation (New Mexico)CenturyLink QC 495105 NM Central Telephone Companv (Nevada)CenturyLink 552348 NV CenturyTel ofthe Gem State, lnc. (Nevada)CenturvLink 552223 NV CenturyTel of Ohio, lnc.CenturyLink 300630 OH United Telephone Companv of Ohio CenturvLink 300661 OH CenturvTel of Oregon, lnc.CenturvLink 53236L OR Qwest Corporation (Oregon)CenturyLink QC s3s153 OR United Telephone Company of the Northwest (Oregon)CenturvLink 532400 OR CenturvTel of Eastern Oreson, lnc.CenturvLink s3236t oR, cA United Telephone Company of Pennsylvania LLC, ThE CenturvLink L70209 PA United Telephone Company of the Carolinas LLC CenturyLink of the Carolinas 240506 SC Qwest Corporation (South Dakota)CenturyLink QC 395145 SD CenturyTel of Claiborne, Inc.Centurvlink Claiborne 290557 TN CenturyTel of Ooltewah-Collegedale, I nc. Centurylink Ooltewah- Collesedale 290574 TN United Telephone Southeast, LLC (Tennessee)CenturvLink 290567 TN CenturyTel of Adamsville, lnc.CenturvLin k Adamsvi ! le 290552 TN. MS CentralTelephone Companv of Texas, lnc.CenturvLink 442Lt4 TX CenturyTel of Lake Dallas, !nc.Centurylink 442LOL TX CenturyTel of Port Aransas, lnc.CenturvLink 442L71 TX CenturvTel of San Marcos, lnc.CenturvLink 442L40 TX United Telephone Company of Texas, lnc CenturvLink 442084 TX Qwest Corporation (Utan)centurvLink Qc 505107 UT United Telephone Southeast, LLC (Vireinia)Centurvlink 190557 VA Central Teleohone Comoanv of Virsinia CenturyLink 190254 VA, NC CenturyTel of lnter-lsland, lnc.CenturvLink 522408 WA CenturvTel of Washinston. lnc.Centurvlink 522408 WA Qwest Corporation (Washineto n )CenturvLink QC s25L6L WA United Telephone Company of the Northwest (Washineton)Centurvlink 522400 WA CenturyTel of Cowiche, lnc.CenturvLink 5224LO WA CenturvTel of Central Wisconsin, LLC CenturyLink 3311s9 WI COMPANY NAME DBA NAME Study Area Code State(s) of Ooeratlon CenturyTe! of Fairwater-Brandon-Alto, LLC Centurvlink 330877 WI CenturvTel of ForesWille, LLC CenturvLink 330884 W! CenturyTel of Larsen-Readfield, LLC Centurvlink 330898 WI CenturvTel of Monroe CounW, LLC CenturvLink 330913 WI CenturvTel of Northern Wisconsin, LLC CenturvLink 3309s6 WI CenturyTel of Southern Wisconsin, LLC CenturvLink 330931 WI CenturvTel of the Midwest-Kendall, LLC Centurvlink 330924 WI CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wisconsin, LLC (Casco)Centurvlink 3308s7 WI CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wisconsin, LLC (Cencom)Centurvlink 330841 WI CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wisconsin, LLC (Northwest)CenturvLink 330922 W! CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wisconsin, LLC (Platteville)CenturvLink 330934 WI CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wisconsin, LLC (Thorp)CenturvLink 3309s9 WI CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wisconsin, LLC (Wavside)CenturvLink 330970 WI CenturyTel of Wisconsin, LLC Centurvlink 330895 WI Telephone USA of Wisconsin, LLC CenturvLink 331155 WI CenturvTel of Northwest Wisconsin, LLC CenturyLink 330950 WI, MN CenturvTel of Wyoming, lnc.CenturyLink 5L2299 WY Qwest Corporation (Wyoming)CenturyLink QC 515108 WY United Telephone Company of the West (Wvomins)CenturvLink of the West 511sgs WY OJ.-{.-l '.1 C)o)E6!o o@ PI,QU .z; MJ vc o!!+-o.!tca rg';P EA oooNTN 5 9 c E e E I 4 a oE ! ; @.E o ;o @q o o!! E ! E ca o o o o o o ! ;.E= op co oo o a Ef2 o! E =z ocoEogoF ou o E i ! E.2 .= @ cI =aE l Co o Ez o a o E o a a oE4o o F a3o o Ez o ! !oU o ! a o o o oo! ;o't op ao oo o o ! E @ ! E o o a @ PIo;.:; go ul a6Uts .9p ;.9 -oQ!-qi_o.=d ca!o EA aoorNr o o o G ;.9E a;o ao o a! Ez o! E z o o oIoF coo o tr @ t o c !.2 -6 o o =o U co od o Ez o oo o E o oE o oo F o a Ez E !a o oU o ! o o oE Eooa90coScEt@Po!'==@E<F=o^sc GE-oo==<5 o o oE E o oo o.at o(t o. o- ao o o 6! o oodtroo oo io !qo.i co do 9 6! o o q O'o)oro(I ir o" o 6o o d Eo oo Eoo aoE c.d co o o I oo gooo! ng ric !qO.d ao 6o o ! do oo Eooo ol rt ot !( qo 6o o o oo coo oo o.d o o o o o oo oo .iq60 i^ !qo.a oI o3o o@^oo3.(J N N N N CI .g >" ;EEO.cqQ= H-Eoq tl!JO>o t$ EJ Eri o EH -rErocF6 :; !o G =Eo4 gs :I o 5o!6?Eoe oi (J J oEE!! x o6 a a a a o o o a r 6(.1 c !a Eoood o 4 o oo o.= oo! .s!o =2op o oq o oE! E E!! EU o2 oU oo xo oo oc=o ! .=!o,E troP o oq o aD E =z o! E =zacoEegeh @coU o E oaE dt oEE0 oE .9 u ! do tro ==ot U f o od oE@z EoI oo o Eo @ ec oNo oE a oU F E3o oENzo0 !f o o!oooo !5 o o j -.tJ u.lJ (JU o !o.o-.1 rdr-lU -rt F] a]J 0)U -rtj lrI JJ oU .rt Ef l.{7JI OJU .rt Ef a.lJ oU -rt F] -rtn-rt F] .9 oE .90 oo tG ao o cGe EoI oc losE oo U F1n .51 d--1 -rl Utl.ri q-.i o o o OJr-lo Er A rdtr.lJ oU O H u) rd X(.) Er r+.i o 0.) o 0.)r-l (.) Er -l rd!.lJ OJU rd .,1 .-lo!6U JJlroz OJr-l 0.)H -lru!.lJ oU 65 rd oz U o o_c 0)r-lo Er rl rd! +J oU EoU o6! .--loF .rl rd OJ o_c o -.]0) Ei rd tr-rt r-lo! rd .Fi o--1 E ]Jo(.)3'U-rl E .-.,] lr) .lJ (.)U .-i Eoo o F 0) o d.Fi E] )]J 0) lra]J oU ! ]J oU Bo j1 U H oord$o.--loU r.l-.1 o lr-!doU 0.) !o.a.Fi 6r-lU tt-..1 o r-.1 =+J oU lr(J! U)() U q-..1 o .-.,] lr =.lJ oU (-) trH ada 6]1tr q-.1 o r-lo =! CJU 6 o t ! E !o co o o 3o c o EoUuc ooo N € * I oU cq EoUu.g!EI @ a ! ! E !oz o oo o 3 o oUucEoooG o m oo @C oo!;a.Fcap co ao o @EE E o !E EU =oU o o O o.g E .=!o .E Ca =co ao o ! Efz o! Elzo osoIoF @coU E o 3 o i @oE .9s u.5E 6uo co =loE U lco od o Eo2 EcoU o o oo Eouo d ONo o o oU F o o E6z6o t = o oEoU o El o o Or @o6@o Ci2 o co(J 6:o @6OrIo6o ddzo9E FEEoOUr6U=uo .g-cGILEE8i!!-c: i! t'lbE.*E 6EEE J1 .Fin-.{n .9 o .g! oottro lo o trGo Eo(J oc lou.Eoo .Fl F] ! ]J OJU -rl F] !-.lJ oU a.lJ 0)U ,IJ 0.)U tla r-.) oU !a! () .Fi tr-ou) (,1) '.1E q-..1 o .-l CJ )]J 0)U l"rI .l-.) (.)rt ! CJ .lJao C,,] .Fl !aom t0-_tE q-.1 o -lo a.lJ (.)at .Fln IJ ort r-l6l]]J 0) .Fln lra]J 0) n lr JJ OJU C)---i -i() t0o,d @dsld6It! ]J r0 (,)3.cD! (jU m..1 E !tlo q-.t o rl 0.1 g +J C)U U F]n G rd.-t t.11 ao F] ! !lroz q-.1 o .-l OJ !-.li 0)U .lJuo3 .lJ o 3 UnJ ! OJ:c I 0.)r-lr-l() m .Fi !7oa 0)-rt E q-.1 U F] E] U F] F] 0) r-.1ri.Fl .lJ 0t OJ!of! q-..1 o --l OJ t.l ! C)U o H !o ! OJ.lJ m6t4 q-.t o ri0l ! ll 0)U UFln r0 16.-1 (/).rt-oFl .lJ cr) rsrl r.{-.i o r-.,] CJ a!tr(.)U Un F] .o r-l OJ.-l q-.1o rd 0.)d I o(/)! rd F] q-..1 o r-lo o.! t o --lo o .-lo o ot ! 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D 0) j1 -.t FT a! oU -.trf-d F1 !a.lJ OJU !a.tJ OJU ..1 .lJ rd!o lroU .lJo (.) ts rd rs +J o5 o-.1 !6$ !oU .lJo rd!oao ..1E o-.1!6! !oU .lJ 0)o ? tsoH o...1 .lJ r0! !oU .lJao3 ? oN.Fi ! o-Fi ]J rd!ool{oU ]J m (.)3 U H .-iorJ.o (.) = U H EoU 0) 0l r--.1o Er o!o.a m .-.,]r-l-rt Unn U H oIJ --1 c06B q-.1 o r--l OJ !arid OJU ) +Jtr(.)U ! u) (.) 3 !-o(n o ! q-.1o r-t 0) l{d .lJ OJU ?d.i(, 6B U,lFf -i v) ooo B I]J U]o3d E C) ! q o -l OJ o 3 Un,1 .rt adoUo,rl B I.ll (n 0)3tr.-l = 0) ! q-.1 o -l OJ 7!troU o.! to U Hm -rtd -.1!6 r-.1 r-.,] fdo !a]J 0)U E q-.1 o r-l0l $)! 0)U o -rt E ! rd .aF o r-.,]o tlaDE 0)U @ o 5 F o o oq o 3o cq EoUuC o ooo N @ E i oU Coq EoUu.E =aI @ ? ! 0E oz o o Bo 3 o oUq C oooG o€ Eo 9 oi a a .9. E .EEo.E Copco @o o o!o E ooE E o CoU oo x O O o .E rc a .E o .Eco ao ao o o! Ez o! EfzocoEoaEF Co() o E dt t E 6 E.2E @.EEouo co E =o U l Co ad oEE2 ocoU o o E IL oNo o a oU F 3o o EGz oo El o @!oI @@ tf oo J1 .Fi E] .rtj lri ]J OJU 0ld -,t r--1otr rdU o IJ q-..1 o .Fi ts] , JJ oU .Fl F] I .lJ 0.)U .-l E! ? o]JU -i (/)d5 t)mq) 3 D|ro OJ ! Ho tr rdoEoU 0) o.qo 0)ioF !(.) IJ 5 -n D ?oo OJlrI !o c)B !lro (J ! q o 6o oU qJ o o C)i(JF 1J(J!-i E5 U FI F] m rd -.1 .-to! rd(J o -lJ q-lo 0.) o o(.) r-toH o (.) .lJ--l o H m rdxotr t1-.1 o 0) o.co 0.) r-.,] OJF o CJ.lJ--l D E{ .-l J c.9oq .!9 ooEEo to o cGe Eo(J oE 6uEoo - ]J 0) a]J 0) o H () o ! JJ OJU Utf F] rd--t rd r-t a (.)A ql o oU (u do -l(U Fi 'o0) JJ--l o-rt o q-.'l o oU 0l o_d () r--l(.)F nJ (J!-rl D (.) (nli c)- 3()z q-.1 o OJ r--l c)H o.lJ-rt D .-l E] .-lj-rln !7tr oU -rt ts] !a.lJ (l)U -rtn ! .lJ oU j< -.1n l]d .lJ 0.)U -e F] !a]J (.)rl .rtn o 16 tl) rd I< !(.) .l-.)a rdfrl q-..1 o U OJ o C) r-.,]o Er o C) .l_)-.1 0) o_d o"Fl! rd! !oU .ll (,) (.) 3 !i .lJ o.)U a rd U) rd q-..to U OJ o o r-.,1 C)Ei o.lJ-rt o rdoH ! OJ .lJ o(, o.-t ]J rg! !o ]J U) (.)3 rdrJo dn .lJ oa o-rt .lJ ru! oU ]Jao3 o olio o-rt JJ(d tr oU !a (.) o rur3 H lr(.) .lJ!o2 o-rt .lJ 16! l]oU .lJo 0)3 6]Jo rdo ]J!oz o-rt .lJ ru! !oU ]J U) OJ ts og iE 6 U o ! ! !o qo !oq!oo 3o coo EoUuC o oo N 6 t'i I !a E U coq EoUu.=PoI @ oE ! c! E !oz o !oa!o 3o o'c oU @c ooot o€ 5 ? i o E ! I o oC N N! .E !o .Ecop co oo o oEE o E o-! E E ocoU o o o.9 o! .sEo E o =co @g o o! Efz a!Efzocoso -9oF 6coU o E o; E o6E .9E @.g! @ P 6 Co =-oE U lco ad o E6z o troU o o a EFued oN o a ao F a3o o EGzfro l q!oUo E !l o o Ol 6c'6'@.o, ."1 . ,<i.z. .,o co(J 6:ooQoo66o dd.zspUEE:OouloU>LO o.? r.r'.rl! ... .cL ,,'..EF.55t0-.=oiE +{bu63 co Etr.!0 oo !Eoo o cGo EoL) otr =Cot! =oo !a.lJ oU oooood 0)H uo6(l) .l_)Io(/l o o (1) r-l(u Er oo .l_)-rt 5 (6-rl .rt !-.1 +J U) rdo ,IJ-o CN {J o r-lotr Eo]J-rl d € oE ! c! I !o o otu o 3o c EoUqc o ooo N 6 E I ! a a E.e u.= =oI @ 9 ! I o o otr o :o @ oUq C ooaG o 6 Fo 9 c ! i gi I oo ac o6-.g!a.E a =c aq o a!o E oEE4 EU ocoU q .E o E .=!a't oPco oq o o! Efz o! E =zoqoEogaF ocoU o o tt tr Go!.9E d .EE 6qo G Co =loE U lco od aEoz 62 oU 6o Eoq ed oE o oU F H3o a Eoz6 E E = aEoU6o !- oo Tribal Outreach Documentation-2Ol4 Form 481- Line <910> Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC (Northern ldaho) Study Area - 475162 Tribal Entities Nez Perce Tribe Tribal Outreach Documentation-2014 Form 48L- Line <920> Qwest Corporationdlbla CenturyLink QC (Northern tdaho) Study Area - 475t.62 Tareeted Eneaeement Efforts As part of its efforts to strengthen positive relationships with the Tribal Nations within its serving territory while fulfilling obligations set forth in Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC 11-151, Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC (Northern ldaho) ("CenturyLink") extended an invitation to the tribal entity to meet and address issues of importance related to the provisioning of services on tribal lands. The purpose of these meetings was to discuss planning and potential deployment of service as well as other areas of interest specific to conducting business on tribal lands (as set forth in 47 C.F.R. 55a.313(aX9)) which at a minimum, would include: (i) A needs assessment and deployment planning with a focus on tribal community anchor institutions; (ii) Feasi bility and sustainabi lity pla nning; (iii) Marketing services in a culturally sensitive manner; (iv) Rights of way processes, land use permitting, facilities siting, environmental and cultural preservation review processes; and (v) Compliance with tribal business and licensing requirements. Tribal business and licensing requirements include business practice licenses that tribal and non-tribal business entities, whether located on or off tribal lands, must obtain upon application to the relevant tribal government office or division to conduct any business or trade, or deliver any goods or services to the Tribes, tribal members, or tribal lands. These include certificates of public convenience and necessity, tribal business licenses, master licenses, and other related forms of tribal government licensure. Corresoon dence Resu ltine from Tarseted E neaeement Efforts EXHIBITS- Letters Extendine lnvitation to Meet 1. Exhibit lD NO - 1: Letter to the Nez Perce Tribe Exhibit ID NO-L Centurylink- CenturyLinh 9Sg lrarn Slre€t. 1 lti Firsf Bcise. ldano 8370? ?s8.385.26?B J,a1 Sihrnrt@eenl"rltifr k.corrr Jim Schrnii ,sahc 'vlag l(gsicen:5.rc GEnerS, Man6ger November 19,2014 hlez Perce Tribe Carla Timentwa. Chairman P.O. Box 305 Lapwai. lD 83540-0305 Dear Chairman Tirnentwa, CenturyLink values its relationship with the Nez Perce Tribe and the opportunitv to provide services that meet the needs of Centurylink's customers located on Tribal lands. CenturyLink is striving to maintain a positive relationship with members of the Nez Perce Tribe through ongoing communications and. as appropriate, periodic meetings" In late 201l. the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") initiated steps to reform and modernize the lederal universal service support system to ensure that robust. affordable voice and broadband sen'ice are available to Americans throughout the nation including those residing on Tribal lands. I ln accord with the FCC's actions, late last year CenturyLink requested a mceting with representatives of your Tribal Govemment/Council to discuss the planning and potential deployment of seryices on'Iribal lands as well as other areas of interest specific to conducting business on your Tribal lands. The FCC has advised that the following topics be discussed: (l) deployment planning with a focus on Tribal community anchor institutions; (2) feasibility and sustainability planning; (3) marketiug services on Tribal lands: (4) rights-or-way processes, land use permitting, facilities siting. environmental and cultural preservation review processi and (5) fribal business and Iicensing requirements. ln furthering our goal of strong cooperative relationships with our Trjbal customers" and the FCC's goal of comprehensive eilgagement with Tribal authorities regarding I ln the Matter ofConnact America Fund; A National Broadband Planfitr {)ur Future: Estnblishing Just and Reasonable Rates.for Local Erchange Carriers; tligh-Cost lJniver,sal Service Support; Developing an Unified Intercarrier Compensation Regime: Fedsral-State,loint Board on Universal Seryice; Lifeline and Linlt-lJp: LJniversal Set'vice Re"form - Mabilirl, Fund, WC Docket Nos. l0-90, 07-l:5. 05-337, 03-109, CC Docket Nos. 0l-92, 96-45, GN Docket No. 09-5 l, WT Docker No. l0-208, Report and Order and Further Noticeof ProposedRulenraking,FCC ll-16l,16fCCRcd 17663(rel.Nov. l8,20ll)(US/ITCC Trans/brmation Order). The USF/ICC Transformation Order can be accessed on the FCC's rvebsite via thefollawingrveblink: h[tr;r:lj'rll{iUs.lcc"guv.qqbsi*31!.iliq3$!ebg$lg!,lc!-:ll-l6lA] Rcd"pCL *,1Fr"!- '.- 17-!+d\} telecommunications services, Centurylink would like to once again extend an oppor"tunity to meet with the Nez Perce Tribe at your cCInvenience" For your convenience, I &m attaching a reply form and envelope to facilitate the rerurn of your response. The reply provides the opportunity for you to identify the Tribal representatives that would attend the meeting as well as identi$ issues of interest to you regarding CenturyLink and the services we provide. Please respond at your earliest convenience so that we can set a meeting date. My office will be pleased to coordinate the scheduling of our face-to-face meeting and work to identifu additional Cennrylink personnel as needed to address your specific issues. Please contact Jim Farr at 801-238-4240 or james.farr@centurylink.com with any questions you may have regarding this letter. We at CenturyLink look forward to meeting with the Nez Perce Tribe and to continuing a strong relationstrip that is beneficial to all involved. Thank you for your attention.fuw Jim Schmit Idaho Vice President and General Manager {F Centurylink'" to Centu nk's uest for Meeti Centurvlink Representativels Contact lnformation Name:Jim Farr Title:State Resulatorv Affairs Director Phone Number:801.238.0240 Address:250 E 200 S; Salt Lake Citv, Utah 84111 Email:J a m e g.EArr@Cenluty !r n k.gSrn Primarv Tribal Renresentative's Contact lnformation - ShoshonB-Bannock Trlbes of, Fort Hall Name: Title: Phone Number: Address: Email: Name: Title: Phone Number: Address: Email: Name: Title: Phone Number: Address: Email: Additional Tribal Reoresentative's Contact lnformation Phone Number: James Farr State Regulatory Affairs Director Centurylink 250E 200 S Sah Lake City, Utah 84111 Fa* 801,237.6555 Tribe/Pueblo Name:Nez Perce Tribe Contact Name:Carla Timentwa Contact Position:Chairman Contact Phone No.:208.843.7342 Date lnitial Contact: Date: List of those in attendance: Needs Assesimentfor.Tribil CommunihirAnchor lnstitutions Services currently offered Deployment plans on Tribal land Timeline for provision of services on Tribal lands opportunities to partner with Tribal authorities Coordinate logistics of providing communications services on Tribal lands Address economics, remoteness, and deployment priorities Coordination ensuring services are marketed in manner relating directly to community, stimulating adoption of services on Tribal lands Developing materials, separately or jointly, specific to the Tribal ldentify lssues of importance to Tribal government and <121D Terms & Conditions ofVoice Telephony Lifeline Plans CenturyLinlq Ino. has over 100 local exchange carriers (LECs) that serve as eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) providing Lifeline discounts on local telephone service for qualiffing low-income customers in thirly-seven states. Each LEC's tariffor local terms of servico contain the tcrms and conditions of voice telephony service plans generally available to CenturyLink residential customers. Lifeline provides discounts on CenturyLink residential service plans that include voice telephony service. Lifeline discounts providod to qualified recipients include the $9.25 per month federal discount plus state discounts, if available. Tribal Lifeline recipients receive an additional federal Lifeline discount of up to $25 per month.. Eligible residents residing on Tribal lands in areas where CenturyLink receives universal service high-cost support can also receive a Tribal Link Up credit of not more than $100 against one customary service initiation fee at a primary residence. CenturyLink's flat-rated residential service plans provide unlimited local calling. Lifeline discounts also may be applied to local residential service plans that include a certain amount of local minutes or calls at a flat-rate and then have additional charges for minu&s or calls beyond those included in the plan. Lifelino discounts may be applied to bundled service packages that include voice telephony services, such as bundles with internet service and/or video service. Lifeline discounts may also apply to voice service plans that include optional calling features such as caller ID, call waiting, and voicemail. Toll service is available to customers receiving Lifeline discounts in the same mannerthat it is available to non-Lifeline customers. Toll limitation service is available to Lifeline customers at no charge. Information conceming CenturyLink's Lifeline program can be found on our Lifeline web page at http:i/www.centurylink. comlPa ges/Support/Lifeline/ A link to the CenturyLink tariffor local terms of servioe that includes the terms and conditions ofthis ETC's Lifeline offering is included in response to line 1220. NOTES: L. (LLZ) - (118) The Federal Communications Commission in FCC DA L4-59L adopted May L,2014 and in Connect America Fund et al. WC Docket No. 10-90 et al., Order, 28 FCC Rcd 2051, 2054, para. 8 [Wireline Comp. Bur. 2013J (ETC Reporting Requirements Order) waived the requirement that price cap recipients of frozen support or incremental support file five-year plans stating "until the [ConnectAmerica Phase II forward-looking] cost model is adopted and incumbents have the opportunityto accept a state-level commitnent it does not serve the public interest." Since the Connect America Phase II program has not been fully implemented at this timg the five year plan is not required. 2. (220) Outages are reported using the criteria provided in 47 C.F.R 554.313, which differs from the criteria in 47 C.F.R. $4.5 which is the basis for reporting outages to the Federal Communications Commission. Therefore, some outages may not have NORS numbers. 3. (300) - [310) CenturyLink is reporting any outstanding requests for voice service from 2014 that are unfulfilled at the time of this filing. 4. (320) - [330) CenturyLink is reporting any outstanding requests for broadband service from 2014 that are unfulfilled at the time of this filing. 5. (410) - (420) Complaints per 1,000 voice access lines are reported as complaints to any federal and/or state agencies. 6.(440) - [450) Complaints per 1",000 broadband customers are reported as complaints to any federal and/or state agencies. 7. (7LL) CenturyLink is reporting a-la-cart and data only broadband rates that meet or exceed both the required download speeds of four mega bits per second and upload speeds of one mega bit per second. Widely used upload speeds of 768K or below are not included in this report B. (800), (810)-(813), (1200), and (1210)-(L223) Centurylink is a designated eligible telecommunications carrier that receives Universal Service Support for High CostAreas under 47 C.F.R. 54 subpart D. Therefore, Centurylink is only subject to subpart (a) of a7 C.F.R. $54.422 as it applies to this filing. 9. (810) - [813) Per FCC DAt3-1707 releasedAugust 6, 2013, Centurytinkis reportingholding company, operating companies, and affiliates [as defined under section 3 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. S 153(2)) that are designated as eligible telecommunications carriers and/or that provide retail broadband internet access to end-user customers. L0. (92L) - (929) To the extent the carrier serves federally recognized tribal lands, the attached narrative, in response to line 920, should be relied on to describe tribal outreach and interaction. If the carrier at least offered to discuss the points listed in 47 C.F.R. S5a.313(a)(9) to the federally recognized tribes served in a study are4 lines 92L-929 were marked with a "yes" response. 11. [1000) - (1010) Carriers must certi$r that their local rates are at or below two standard deviations of the applicable national average urban rate forvoice service, as specified in the most recent public notice issued by the Wireline Competition Bureau and Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Qwes! Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink (Wyoming) and United Telephone Company of the West d/b/a CenuryLink (Wyoming) have certain exchanges with explicit costbased local rates above this standard. Customers in such exchanges receive a Federal Universal Service credit and/or a State Universal Service credit explicitly on their bill. This results in a net charge that is lower than two standard deviations ofthe applicable national average urban rate for voice service. L2. (2000), (2005), (2010J, (2014), and (2016) Per FCC DA 13-2101 released October 30,20L3, Centurylink is certiffing at a holding company level. 13. (2010) The ConnectAmerica Fund Inmemental Supportprogram (Round 1) requires participating carriers to deploy broadband services at certain speeds to locations within certain timeframes, The FCC recognized in DA 12-1155 released on fuly 78,20t2,that carriers may run into practical obstacles that would make it difficult to deploy broadband to the locations that were in t}te carrier's original deployment plan, and therefore may deploy to eligible locations not identified in the deployment plan. CenturyLink companies participating in the Connect America Fund Incremental Support program [Round 1) experienced the practical obstacles the FCC anticipated and therefore deployed broadband to a substantial number of locations that are not listed in the notice of acceptance filed with the FCC on luly 24,2012. Centurylinkwill identiff locations where deployment has occurred in a separate and/or subsequent filing. 14. [3000)-(3034) These questions are not applicable. This company is considered to be a Federal Price Cap Carrier or an affiliate associated with a Federal Price Cap Carrier for the purposes of this filing.