HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150618CenturyLink CenturyTel of the Gem State Redacted Form 481.pdfCENTURYLINK 1600 7th Avenue, Room 1 506 seattle, washington 98191(206)34+1574 )' i l! r' t:r r Centurylink' I '1, 15 sI74Trrv Lisa A. Anderl Senior Associate General Counsel Regulatory Law June 17,2015 Via Overnight Delivery Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public utilities Commission 472West Washington Boise,ID 83702-5983 bNR-T- t5-Dt Re: Docket No.:' CenturyTel of the Gem State ooa CenturyLink 2015 Federal ETC Fiting Dear Secretary Jewell: On November 18, 2011 the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") released its USF/ICC Transformation Order in WC Docket No. 10-90 et al. With that Order, the FCC began a transition to a national framework for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers ("ETCs") and set forth a standard set of information that all ETCs must file with the FCC by July l't of each year. The Order also required ETCs to provide the same information to the respective state commissions. The annual ETC reporting requirements are containedin4T C.F.R. $ 54.313 of the FCC's rules. For the reporting of the data and certifications required by 47 C.F.R. $ 54.313 and $54.422,the FCC has developed a reporting template, Form 481, to be utilized by ETCs. In addition, ETCs with voice service rates that are below the rate floor as specified by the FCCI must file separately the voice rate information required by 47 C.F.R. $ 54.313(h) by July l. Attached are the public and confidential versions of the Form 481 and the voice rate information for CenturyTel of the Gem State - Idaho as filed by Centurylink with the FCC on or before Julyl. The detailed broadband speed availability information at the exchange level provided in response to 54.313(a)(7) is also confidential. In addition, the access line data provided in response to 47 C.F.R. $ 54.313(h) is confidential. Centurylink requests this information be treated as such as provided by State Rule or Protective Order. t Only ETCs that receive Federal High Cost Loop or High Cost Model Support are required to report residential basic rates below the rate floor. Jean D. Jewell, Secretary June 17,2015 Page2 Consistent with past years, we request that you certit/ to the FCC pursuant to 47 C.F.R $ 54.314 by October 1,2015 in order for CenturyLink to continue receiving Federal high cost support in Idatro. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions regarding this filing. Sincerely,4"%/ Lisa A. Anderl LAA/jga Enclosures ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATE CrxrtrnvTnr, or nm Grvr Stltn, fNC. DBL CnNrunylnvx Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) Annual Recertification and FCC Form 481 Filing This Certificate is made pursuant to Rule 67 of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure I.D.A.P.A. This Certificate applies to certain information contained in CenturyTel of the Gem State, Inc.'s filing that has been redacted in the public version. The access line data provided in response to 47 C.F.R. $ 54.313(h) is confidential. The undersigned hereby asserts that she is familiar with the material claimed not to be available for public inspection, examination and copying and that she, in good faith, believes that there is a basis in law for that claim, namely that the information contained therein constitutes a o'trade secret" as defined in Idaho Code Section 48-801 and is by virtue of the Trade Secrets Act, Title 48, Chapter 8, Idaho Code, subject to protection. t.-TZ. Dated thrs / ) day of June,2015. CenturyTel of the Gem State,Inc. dba CenturyLink Page 1 <010> Studv Area Code 472223 <015> StudyArea Name CB}flTURY-GEM STATE-]D <020> Program Year <030> Contact Name: Person USAC should contact with ouestions about this data Kenneth H. Buchan <035> ContactTelephoneNumber: 3183621s38 ext. Number of the person identified in data line <O3O> <039> Contact Email Address: Email of the person identified in data line <030>ken - buchan@centurylink. com <100> <200> <210> <300> <310> Service Quality lmprovem ent Reporting Outage Reporting (voice) (com plete ono ched wo tksh el ) komplete oftoch ed wo tksh et ) d$ctiptiv. document) d$ctiptiw docunent) d6ctiptive docufrent) l7I.--.heckboxif no+-{to re port Unfulfilled Service Requests (voi Detail on Attempts (voice) <320>Unfulfilled Service Requests (broadband) Detail on Attempts (broadband) Number of Complaints per 1 Fixed Mobile Number of Complaints per 1,00o customers (broadband) Fixed Mobile Service Quality Standards & Consumer Protection Rules Compliance {722231ds10.pdf <330> <400> <410> <420> <430> <440> <450> <500> <510> <500> 2.74 0.0 <610> <700> <710> <800> <900> <1000> <1010> <1100> <1110> <1200> Company Price Offerings (broadband) Operating Companies and Affiliates Tribal Land offerings (Y/N)? O OVoice Services Rate Comparability Certification (@ mp lete o ttoch ed wo*sh @t ) (co tuplete o tloch ed w o*sh @t) (@ mplete dnoch ed wo*sh *t ) (iJ y6, complde otloched wo*sh*t)lY"---l FT: I / ll / I I/Iffi(ottoch d$ctiptlv e docutuent ) (if not, ch*k to indicote cedificat:bn) ( co mp lete o ttoch ed wo*sh et ) ( co mp bte o tt och ed wo*sheet ) I -7-TW <2000> <2005> <3000> <3005> Certify whether terrestrial backhaul options exist (Yes or No) Terms and Condition for Lifeline Customers Price Cap Carriers, Proceed to lncluding Rote-of-Return Corriers offilioted with Price Cdp Locol Exchonge Carriers (check to lndicot. cedilicotion) (com p lete o ttdch ed wo * sh eet ) Rate of Return Carriers, Proceed to ROR Additional Documentation Worksheet (ch eck to ln di cote ce ft ifrco tio n ) (com p lete d tteh ed wo rksh eet ) Nouod c@ E)uoo !oEo6 oo Eo2 oEaa9BE8s[3e-E EIB E i,e H P a =>-=aoEEE!L,=Eilr =:E:83 ;HE@;'Ey2=@ =EE ?n=,*gE.: _$EEuE;EP E;AEEEsii A gF$E ;FeFnfi;€EE,g€!r giEIE: :E:*EgAqHP!!r'!3;:+ASIi=EqgBesEBEE:; E?EEE5*bf.-';99"'-f ;s+ t! 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E !g9t c E d Ea!*.* c E !H:dEicao HEE # 9;; EE E s i es FE'E € E 6E9E;9 bEeT;;::T:A:i:EETsi - I b 8,= eit* s gigg 6 6eoooo oo ?t E>9E =Fo6 g5 9 3E HPA e .! =E.g ; q: q iE t F6'oo oz> cooe.8 8.{]f!Q}asc!.o: G= o9 E€;c OEE=, EEE8EE NO sEOEcE i 6c9:O E9,,9E9;o c;E!U €-8€rEH EEr leE =aBEi= EE3 8eHo66 X o-E55 o.9:-. ;=9 EEH t 3'5[@a eoe = G d! F .9 E EE -9 Eo .sI t I .E .9 E 8 86E oE2 GdFo.9eo0 tloge;OECLGefioEo>!uE95x--6E:EE!&EsE!J"g E gEEEE -ts69lOHNm€ENNr-rtrldlmmdlEOO!?OOOOOErgs1sl11!9!9!919E Page 13 <010> StudyArea Code 47 2223 <015> Study Area Name CENTURY-GEM STATE.ID <020> Program Year 20L6 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regardin8 this data Kenneth w. Buchan <035> ContactTeleohomNumber-Numberofersnidentifiedindataline<03D 3183521s38 ext <039> contact Email Mdress - Email Address of rerson identitied in data line <030> TO BE COMPI"ETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF THE REPORTING CARRIER IS FITING ANNUAT REPORTING ON TTS OWN BEHAI.F: Ccrtification of Officcr as to thc Accuracy ofthe Data Reported for the Annual Reporting for CAF or tl Recipients ortify thrt I .m .n offic.r of the reportln3 crnicr; my responsiblities include ensurint ths ecur.cy of the ennul reportina r.qulnm.nts for unlvcrrl rcrulcc suppon '.cipients; .nd, to thc b.st of my knowl.d!., th. lnform.tion reported on this iorm end in any ettachmerts b r6urut3. CEMY.GEM STATE - ]D iicnatureof Adhorizedofficer: CERTTPTED oNLTNE Date 05/2e/2015 ,rinted name of Authorized officer: Dawid cole 'itleOrDOSitiOnOfAuthorizedOffiCeri Bxecu!ive Vlce PreEident Operations Support and Controller 'eleohone number of Authorized Officer. 3 183 88 90 0 0 ext. ;tudv Area Code of Reoortin! carrier: 472223 Filin! Due Date for this lorm'. o7 / al /2475 PeEonrwillfullymakingfal*statementsonthisformcanbepunishedbyfineorforfeitureundertheCommunicationsActof 1934,47U.S,C.S550a503(b),orfineorimprisonment underTitle 18 0fthe united states code, 18 u.s.c. 5 1001. Page 14 <01(> StudvAreaCod€472223 <015> StudvArea Name CETTURY-GEM STATE-ID <020> Prcrram Year 2016 <03D cortact Name - Persn USAC should @ntact regardlns this data Kenneth w. Buchan <035> ContactTeleohoneNumber-Numberofmrsnldentlfiedlndatallne<Ogr> 3L8362L538 ext. <039> ContactEmilAddre$-EmailAddressofpetronidentifiedindataline<03G ken.buchan@centulylink,con TO BE COMPTETED BY THE REPORTING CIRRIE& IF AN AGENT IS FILING A]'I[UAL REPORTS Oil THE CARRIER,S BEHATF: TO BE COMPI.EIED BY THE AUTHORIZED AGEilT: Certificadon of Oflicer b Authoriz. an At.nt to Fll. Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Rcclplcnts on Bchalf of Rcportlng Carrlcr cerilfy rhat (Name ol ll auiho.lzad to rubmlt the lnfom.tlon Bpo.ted on behaf of $e reportlng enl.r.I il& certiry that I m rn ofncar of th€ roporting carrl6r; nry Bspon.lbllhls lnclude oniurlno ths .ccumcy of lh. ennual data mpoilng requlrm.nt prylded to lha euthorEed gant rnd, to the bost of my knowlodgo, lhe nporta .nd data provldad to the ruthorizsd aoant i3 accuraa. lame of , lame of Rebrtinr Car i[nature of Authorized offi cer Date: ,rinted nare ofAuthorized Oflicer: 'itle or position ofAuthorl2ed Officer: 'elephon€ number of Authorized Oftier: tudv Area Code ol aarrier:Filinc Due Date forthls fom: PeEonswillfullymakingfalsefitement!onthisfomc.nbepunkhedbyfineorforfeitureundertheCommunkatbnsAdof 19:14,47U.S.c.555oa503(b),orfineorimprlsoment underTith 1E ofthe united St*es Code, lE U.s.C. 5 1001. Ccrtificaton ofAgcnt Authorizcd to File Annual Rcports for CAF or Ll Rcclpllnts on Bchalf of Rcpordnt Carrler , 6 et6t lor tte repordn3 orrls, ertlty thet I em authod[d to submh the annu.l Eports tor unlvffil 3.nlca support rsclplents d behaf of the ]epordnS errlcrt I hilc prdlded ihe d.ta reported hseln bed on data pulded by thc Eportlnt 6rrb1; an4 to thG best of my knwledtc, the lnfom.tlm rcported hercln b .aurat., {ame of Remrtinc Carier: {ame of e of &ent: ;icnature ofAuthorized Aopnt or Emolovee ofA@nt:Date: ,rinted nare ofAuthorized A{ent or EmDlwee ofArent: nfle or msition of Authorized Aent or Emdre of Arent leleDhone numb€r ofAuthorized Arent or EmDlovee ofArent; ;tudvArea Code of Remrtinc Carrier:Filinr Due Date forthis fom: 18 ofthe unired Sbtes Code, 18 U.S.c. 5 1001. Page 74 AFFIDAVIT CERTIFYING COMPTIANCE WITH 47 C.F.R. S54.313(a)(s), 554313(aX6), SsaJ13(a)(10), and 554314(a) Section (500) - Service Quality and Consumer Protection Certification Section (600) - Emergency Functiona lity Certifi catio n Section (1000)- Voice Services Rate Comparability Certification Section {20t2l - Frozen Support Certification; and Accuracy of Annual Reporting of CAF Recipients Certification For the CenturyLink ETCs as listed in Appendix A, l, David D. Cole, being of lawful age and duly sworn, on my oath and under penalty of perjury state that I am the Executive Vice President for Operations Support and Controller of Centurylink, lnc. ("Company'') and that I am authorized to execute this affidavit on behalf of the Company. The Company hereby certifies pursuant to the requirements under 47 C.F.R. 554.313(aX5), $s4.313(aX6), 554313(a)(10), and 554.314(a) that: 1) CenturyLink has established operational procedures designed to facilitate compliance with applicable consumer protection rules, 2l CenturyLink has established operational procedures designed to facilitate compliance with service quality standards which may include customer remedies and improvement plans. CenturyLink also reports service quality metrics to State Commissions as applicable, 3) CenturyLink is able to remain functional in emergency situations as set forth in 55a.202(aX2L4l The pricing of voice services provided by CenturyLink ETCs listed in Appendix A is no more than two standard deviations above the national average urban rate forvoice service; 5) All frozen federal universal service support provided to CenturyLink ETCs listed in Appendix A was used in the preceding calendar year and will be used in the coming calendar year only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended, and 6) To the best of my knowledge and belief, the information reported on this form including attachments is accurate. EVP - Operations Support and Controller CenturyLink 100 Centurylink Drive Monroe, Louisiana 7L2O3 +',-- DArED tt ir -70' o, u ot ,0ti l zos tmil qrrcE sTmorLoutst rut Udon hilrh touhlana Br Ro[ tlo. @2 liy Gommbrhn EqlmClhdr Notary Public: FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. My Commission Expires: AppendixA Listins of CenturvLink Elieible Telecommunicatlons Carriers COMPANY NAME DBA NAME Study Area Code State(s) of Operation CenturyTe! of Alabama, LLC (Northern)Centurylink 259789 AL CenturvTel of Alabama, LLC (Southern)CenturvLink 259788 AL Gulf Telephone Company, LLC CenturvLink 250298 AL CenturvTel of Arkansas, lnc.CenturvLink 401705 AR CenturyTel of Central Arkansas, LLC CenturvLink 40LL44 AR CenturvTel of Mountain Home, lnc.CenturvLink 4OL7LL AR CenturyTel of Redfield, lnc.CenturvLink 40L720 AR CenturvTel ofSouth Arkansas, lnc.CenturvLink 401727 AR. LA CenturyTe! of Northwest Arkansas, LLC (Russellville)CenturvLink 40tt42 AR, MO, OK CenturyTel of Northwest Arkansas, LLC (Siloam Sorines)CenturvLink 407143 AR, OK Qwest Corporation (Arizon a)Centurylink QC 455101 AZ CenturyTe! of Colorado, lnc.CenturyLink 462208 CO Qwest Corporation (Colorado)CenturyLink QC 465102 co The El Paso County Telephone Company None 462L87 co CenturvTel of Easle. lnc.CenturyLink 462L85 co, ur Embarq Florida, !nc.CenturvLink 2LO34L FL Coastal Utilities. lnc.CenturyLink 220356 GA Qwest Corporation (lowa)CenturyLink QC 35514r IA CenturvTel of Postville, lnc.Centurvlink 3sL274 IA CenturvTel of Chester, lnc.CenturvLink 351126 IA, MN CenturyTel of ldaho, lnc.Centurvlink 472225 1D CenturvTel of the Gem State. lnc. (ldaho)CenturvLink 472223 1D Qwest Corporation (Northern ldaho)Centurylink QC 475t62 ID Qwest Corporation (Southern ldaho)CenturvLink QC 475L03 1D Gallatin River Communications,' LLC CenturvLink GRC 34LO57 IL CenturvTel of Central lndiana. lnc.CenturvLink 320747 IN CenturvTel of Odon, lnc.Centurvlinl 320801 1N United Telephone Company of lndiana, !nc.CenturyLink 320832 IN. OH United Telephone Company of Eastern Kansas Centurvlink 4Lt3L7 KS COMPANY NAME DBA NAME Study Area Code State(s) of Ooeration United Telephone Company of Kansas None 4Lt842 KS United Telephone Company of Southcentra! Kansas CenturvLink 4LL3L7 KS Embarq Missouri, !nc. (Kansas)Centurylink 4LL957 KS CenturyTel of Central Louisiana, LLC CenturvLink 270423 LA CenturvTel of Chatham. LLC CenturvLink 270427 LA CenturvTel of East Louisiana, LLC Centurvlink 270440 LA CenturvTel of Evangeline, LLC Centurvlink 270434 LA CenturyTelof North Louisiana, LLC CenturvLink 270436 IA CenturvTel of Rineeold, LLC Centurvlink 270439 LA CenturvTel of Southeast Louisiana, LLC CenturvLink 270424 LA CenturyTel of Southwest Louisiana, LLC CenturvLink 270442 LA CenturvTel of Northwest Louisiana, lnc.CenturvLink 270431 LA, AR, TX CenturvTel Midwest - Michisan. lnc.CenturvLink 310671 MI CenturvTel of Michiean, lnc.CenturyLink 3L0702 MI CenturvTel of Northern Michiean, lnc.CenturyLink 31070s MI CenturvTel of Upper Michigan, lnc.CenturvLink 310689 MI CenturyTel of Minnesota, lnc.CenturvLink 36L445 MN Embarq Minnesota,lnc.CenturvLink 351456 MN Qwest Corporation (Minnesota)CenturyLink QC 36sL42 MN CenturyTel of Missouri, LLC (Belle-Herman)CenturvLink 429785 MO CenturyTel of Missouri, LLC (Central)CenturyLink 429784 MO CenturyTel of Missouri, LLC (Southern)CenturyLink 429786 MO CenturvTel of Missouri, LLC (Southwest)CenturyLink 429787 MO Spectra Communications Group, LLC CenturvLink 42LL5L MO Embarq Missouri, lnc.CenturvLink 42L957 MO.IA CenturyTel of North Mississippi, lnc.None 280458 MS CenturvTel of Montana, lnc.CenturvLink 482249 MT Qwest Corporation (Montana)CenturyLink QC 485L04 MT Central Teleohone Comoanv (North Carolina)CenturvLink 23047L NC Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Company LLC CenturvLink 230470 .NC Mebtel, lnc.Centurvlink 230485 NC Qwest Corporation (North Dakota)CenturyLink QC 385t44 ND Qwest Corporation (N ebraska)CenturyLink QC 375743 NE United Telephone Company of the West (Nebraska)CenturyLink 371595 NE COMPANY NAME DBA NAME Study Area Code State(s) of Operation United Telephone Company of NewJersey, lnc.CenturvLink 160138 NJ CenturvTelof the Southwest. lnc.CenturvLink 492274 NM Qwest Corporation (New Mexico)CenturyLink QC 495105 NM Central Teleohone Companv (Nevada)CenturvLink 552348 NV CenturvTel ofthe Gem State, Inc. (Nevada)CenturyLink 552223 NV CenturvTel of Ohio, lnc.CenturvLink 300630 OH United Telephone Companv of Ohio CenturvLink 300551 OH CenturvTel of Oreson. lnc.CenturvLink 532361 OR Qwest Corporation (Oregon)centurvLink Qc 535163 OR United Telephone Company of the Northwest (Oreeon)CenturvLink 532400 OR CenturvTel of Eastern Oregon, lnc.CenturvLink s32361 OR. CA United Telephone Company of Pennsylvania LLC, ThC CenturvLink L70209 PA United Telephone Company of the Carolinas LLC CenturvLink of the Carolinas 240s06 SC Qwest Corporation (South Dakota)CenturvLink QC 39s145 SD CenturyTel of Claiborne, lnc.CenturvLink Claiborne 290557 TN CenturyTel of Ooltewah-Colleeedale, lnc. CenturyLink Ooltewah- Colleeedale 290574 TN United Telephone Southeast, LLC (Tennessee)CenturyLink 290s67 TN CenturvTel of Adamsville. lnc.CenturvLink Adamsvi lle 290552 TN. MS CentralTelephone Companv of Texas, lnc.CenturyLink 442Lt4 TX CenturyTel of Lake Dallas, !nc.CenturyLink 442LOL TX CenturyTel of Port Aransas, lnc.CenturvLink 442LL7 TX CenturyTel of San Marcos, lnc.CenturvLink 442L40 TX United Teleohone Companv of Texas, lnc CenturyLink 442084 TX Qwest Corporation (Utah)CenturvLink QC s05107 UT United Telephone Southeast, LLC (Vireinia)CenturvLink 190567 VA Central Telephone Company of Virginia Centurvlink L90254 VA. NC CenturyTe! of lnter-lsland, Inc.Centurvlink 522408 WA CenturyTe! of Washington, lnc.Centurvlink 522408 WA Qwest Corporation (Washineton )CenturvLink QC 525161 WA United Telephone Company of the Northwest (Washinston)CenturvLink 522400 WA CenturyTel of Cowiche, lnc.CenturvLink 522410 WA CenturyTel of Central Wisconsin, LLC CenturvLink 331159 WI COMPANY NAME DBA NAME Study Area Code State(s) of Operation Centu rvTel of Fainarater-Bra ndo n-Alto, LLC Centurylink 330877 WI CenturvTel of Forestville, LLC Centurylink 330884 WI CenturyTel of Larsen-Readfield, LLC CenturyLink 330898 WI CenturvTelof Monroe CounW, LLC Centurvlink 330913 WI CenturyTel of Northern Wisconsin, LLC CenturvLink 3309s6 WI CenturvTel of Southern Wisconsin, LLC CenturvLink 330931 WI CenturvTel of the Midwest-Kendall, LLC CenturyLink 330924 WI CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wisconsin, LLC (Casco)CenturvLink 3308s7 WI CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wisconsin, LLC (Cencom)CenturyLink 330841 WI CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wisconsin, LLC (Northwest)Centurvlink 330922 WI CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wisconsin, LLC (Plattevillel CenturvLink 330934 W1 CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wisconsin, LLC (Thorp]CenturvLink 330959 WI CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wisconsin, LLC (Wavside)CenturyLink 330970 W! CenturvTel of Wisconsin. LLC CenturvLink 33089s WI Telephone USA of Wisconsin, LLC Centurylink 331155 WI CenturvTe! of Northwest Wisconsin. LLC CenturvLink 330950 WI, MN CenturvTel of Wvomins, lnc.Centurvlink 5L2299 WY Qwest Corporation (Wyoming)CenturyLink QC 515108 WY United Telephone Company of the West (Wyomine)CenturvLink of the West 511595 WY o o; .EE 99o .Hdi a6Utsoo.9p OE_q; ca$o'; q0 EA 5 9 F o t € o I o E !;.g't oEa oo o o! E o!! E aoU oo a o ! .=E.9= osco oq o oo E5z o! E =zocoEgoF co o ! .2 .s! o co !foE I l a a @ Ez coa A V o E a oo @ Ez .A ov o!oU E ! oo oE !ooou@co@Fd3aPox= =oq<F=o^EcP.: Eou<)<5 o o 6 Eo E o0OJ o( o. Eo o o! io E ooo! ooE icoi o-i Eo o qo t OrOJ a(I!ao.c c' o o ! o o Eoo ooE l'aoi OH Fo oi !! Eo o Etooo! oo L'^ !io-i t o d o6 ! tro ootrio OJ rl olt o. Fo o oE d! o o E o@ itrfoEi^ f.i Eo o oE !! o ooEgo@o! ooEi^ o o o ! co oo 00 .rgoo I o.d go o otr !! do trtror A( i o. tr o o s t! o o Eo a!.d!oOE! Oi o o o t! Eo oi O@ -iEoo o-i o o o t io o Eo!ol a! Io- tro o o F Eo ou OrOJ a(I !a oi o o =o ou^oo ::: N :?: .92 !Edg!o.cq6- =oo:oo o 4A-r9oocFo r F !o GE@o& =o#e :? 6 c-.o.g!tu'aE @d 1 q q UrJ oEtro€ o 6 a a a n n a a o o o o a o a r o .) i ! oE a4 o o o o ;o EEa =o oq o @ !p = E g!! E z oo oo "xo oo o G ! .=!o Ecop og 0 o! E =z o! E =z ocotog @F I io i otr!o ! .9 U E u@ co =oE u f 0 o o Ez aoU oo o Eo e aNo o Ets Eo DF U o Ez o !l g 8 o !f o o (.) lro.a-rt rSr-lU .r{ -Y .Fi E] E.9o .90 oo !cGo o EGo Eo(J o '6 @u .Eoo a! OJU .rt ]J OJ .rl-rt F1 J4 -rt.Fij lra]J oU lrI ]J (.) lr-]J (.)U lr7U 0.) traIJtr(.)U lra]J OJU J( .rt ,l -IJ oU -rt ,f -rt ,f JJ oU .-l lra.lJ 0) lr ]J c.)U lrd -lJtr(.)U tr7]Jtro)U 'F{ E] a l-.) OJU t.la.lJ OJU UFlFl EoU ordl{o 0.)r1 OJ Ei or-l 0)H r-l rdh ]J OJU rc rd 0.) o 0lrl 0.) Er rd --l r-to! rdU (.) o-.t q-l o r-l (.) Er o H OJ lio -rt rdr-lU q-l o r-l (.)F U H lr 4J OJU lr .lJ EoU ir) oU li ]Jd C)U 16..t .rl !.-t tr rdo o) OJ --lo oUt)-.iB r-l rd!.lJ OJal q-{ o r-l 0)F rU 6-.to.Fi o F1 r-l6tr.tJ oU q-l o .-.,1 rU rd.F1d H r+ rd! .l_) 0,al q-l o r-l 0.)H o rs rn 6 ! r-l6lrl-) oU q-l o r-.,]o Ei .i H a rdo 16 li r+-lo .-t (.) Ei t{-..1 o 0)rloEr .-t 16! .lJ OJU o H U) rdx 0) Er q-l o r0o oU 0) o-l OJ E{ rt rd!! OJU rsors c) U F1 F] o OJo-rt lr 0.)tn E 16.oU 16olrm ri lrd .lJ 0)U a o.rl !do-.1 - EoU j4 -.1 F1 o .g t ! 0).,J m() U q-l o r-l o)F () o !a.lJ oU @ 0.) o oo r-.,] 0.) Er OJ oI !5 ,i o' E o I o L tr c o EoUuc ooo N @ t' I ! o cq EoUu.gEEI € o! d5 a;tr d E o o E o U@C EoooG o @ Eo xc a o 3 I I oo oc @o! .=Eo Eco =co ao o oE! E o!! o EU goU o oo o .= o 6E .=!o.Ecap co ao o ! Efz o3 Efz acoEoooF coU ( tt tr o @! .9E u Eoqo o E =o U co ad a Eoz oco oo a E u Pd oNo o F F o DF U o Eoz oo E = O Olso66o oz'o coI6 =oo€oeo6.o . -od,,2.3EPEmfodouoIeIH6= oEGCIEE8Tt!-:oi! +{EE oo3QgE8 o!oU o !J O ]1 -.t Fl .9 Etr.P oo tro io o troa Eou oE louc'6o -rt ts] !)JI oU -rt; .lJ oU (-) o! oE r.l-.1 o j -rt F] 7! ()U !o (.) 3 ! o cn j1 -rtn ! .lJ c)U ! 0) ..1j =! (.)U .Fi E] tla.lJ (.) f( --i F] - ]J oU !aJJ (.)U !a! 0lU tt .tJ 0)U C)ns srl OJooIg U F] F] t;(U U) 6 !4, !oo3 !lroz q o rto U H i(d .-t .Co.rt E lr 0) .lJlro q-.1 o r-.,] 0) ! JJ 0)U o H .-i cr) u)-l cn(n-rl5 !tro tl-.1 o r-l 0) lr .lJ oU Unn rd 16-.1 c0-l ao F] .lJ!o q-..1 o rl 0) U F] F1 -rl !ao(r)o--l r-t rs! +J oI U F] F] -.1 tlaoao--1 E q-.1 o .1 =lJ oU U F] !: F1.Id.-lo-rl q-..16 rdod I (.)otr rdlf r+-l o .-l a! oU UFl; OJr-l.-l.Fi .lJoo!ot! q-l o .-.1 a ]J OJU ,]J OJU UFl F1 (-) ..1A C) rd E] OJ!o !(J ]J U)6rl q-l o r-l 0) r0 rd.-1 u)..1-on !(/)6tn o .g E lr:JD oU o r-.,]o q-l o r-.,]o -ti C)U a.lJ o !7! OJU t.la]J 0)U 6 o o: d d o t o \ Coq EoU c ooo N o J ! i o C o EoU d .EEEI 6 ot 63 d a' EoU o -o o'tr oUuc oooG o€ 5 9 3 I o oc 6oE .= !oG co =Co oo o o !E E o!! E rc Cou o O O o .= o rcE .=!o., oPco @o o op Elz o! Efz acoEopoF o CoU c t t c 6 oE .9t ucE 6uo 6co t =ot U l Co a o Eoz ocoU oo oo Eoq ed oNo F F E o P a a Ez6a f o oEoUo E !l or 6o6@oo C,z o Eo(J 6 o 6 GOo?oEom ddz$EF emgodooo5elu6= oEGCLEE8E!!-.=oin +ibd d',8 .-l.Fi.-i .Fi F] .Ft F] .-l F1 .-l F] .-l F] .-l F] (J r-l rdE(.) lrd ]J OJU or-l(do(J lra]JtroU 0.)r-tr-loU I G B(J .lJr-loo .Fl or.].-loU I rs30)!r-loo tt-.] o .-i g .9 otr.!9 oo!E6 .o o EEe Eou oE ouEoo l{a.lJ ()(J H.Fi F] tra.lJ (]U tra! E OJU tl-! oU 11 li oU lr .lJ 0)U lr .lJ 0)U !I! 0)U g .lJ 0)U lr) JJ 0)U tra! OJU lr ]J C)U lr ]J 0.) lra.lJ oU !d .lJ (.)U lrd .lJ o ! IJ oU .Fi F] !a.lJ (.)U H.-t F] l1a.lJ 0lU .rt F1 tra.lJ OJU r] U) troa EIUo E !(n o3 o .g t o d 0) ET ! ]J c)ii'd o]JJJ fUiOl i0 oU(, B !a c)3d z t)o03 ut{oz U*1 F] .; -do oU U)-a B IUo()3o E C) ti q o rl (.)F c oU C)I Uj,l i--t otro Uo.rl B I! mo3o--1E OJ ]J q-.1 o .i ooa rdU Un,l -'--t a o Uu.rt B I}Joo3'd-FlE OJ.qJJ ql o F] 14r-t rd6do I .lJoo3 (6 rd.Fio-rt-on -tJoo3 .lJao c0 q-..1 o r-l (.)F tr--l u) oU(n -.1B !o !ao(, ri-.] o (6 6..1a--1-on !o rd 0) tlaoq q-.{ o o H a6(n 6 ! JJao(n q-.{ o ri 0) Er cr.] 0),.1 r+.id(.)d t+-.1 o r-l 0) Er 0) r-.,]-.].Fi !ooA r.t-.] o -l0.)F o H -'o 0)tro t!.r o r-1 0)H o Hd H rd rd-.1 U)-rtI o F] .lJ (n C)3 ]J!o r+-.i o r-.,]o Er !a.lJ (.)U U,lj ri60 .d tl4 IJ0o3.q+Jlioz ira.lJ OJU o ot E3 .i o' E o ot o F, U g o EoUuC ao No t' I E O goa Eo u.g =o- o ot!: a; d e o E o i! O o oUqC ocaG o 6 o o e o oc o! .EooE Co =o ao o o !E E a-E EU CoU oo o O @ .= oE .=Ea Eco =co aa o @€ Elz o!EfzocoEqoEF 6 oU ct 3 o rcoE .9t u -c_! 6q @ tro =foE =Co od a Ez 6aoU O O Ea EouI oNo F Fa o )Fzd(l o Eoz6a E, O oEoU o Ef o O -.t tr.9 Gc.9 oo!EG lo o cG Eo() o = .a!Dc oo J( ..t Fl !I .lJ () -rl ! (.) tr3o J1 or-{ c) Er ol{o,ain r-{.1.A !e r-.,1o rJ "aoE OJ r-.1oF g.{r-l,(, $ rd! Et4 !I !J oU o H -lo oU(n -tE I]Jo Uilrt j1 .a Fl ! ]J oU .Fi F1 a! 0)(J .rt!r a! oU -rt !: llI! oU lr ]J oU tra JJ oU 163o5 o.-l .l_J rdlro lroU .lJ u)o3 d rd oU C) o Unn t 6sEoU Fl F] o o.Fl .l_)6o.rl tsEoU l-r 0.) -rt ..1 .lJ rd '+r+ r0o (-) H rdd-.1lror+f! o H o H o.lJ -d o rdB q-l o r-t 0.)H lr .lJ OJU (-) H !)a 0)3 ]Jao(, C) .lJ r+.1o r-t G)F +J OJU rd5 UrfJ .da oUo-d B I ]J o e iE o o oo-.t !-rt r-.,],.1 .rl .-l6.lJo6oU E () u q o rt 0)F E o.qJJ qlo )!tr OJU @ oE F: a;c o o E o !,! c6a EoU{c oooo N @ tr c J U C@o EoUu.Et oI O o ! dE d E o o E O o NU@c oqat o 6 eo 9 Ic t a4 oo @c o6E .s!o Ecop co oq o aE! G EU @ E! 6 EU oc U o X oo o.= 6 E .s!a.E aEgo oo o o!Efz o! E =z @coqgoF ocoU h O E o t a o 6E .9 q.s! oua oco =J E l co a o ENz coU oo oo EEq ed oNo o F F E o F aU o E6zoo !l o aE U a E = oo ..tn.Fin.Fin d n =o oE .go oo!co !o o troG EoL) og'6 louc'6o rd J1 U) rdlr .a0 .lJo 0)B (.) JJ q-.1 o Erd ?oU(.) trI !o 0)3 !lro o JJ Ho U F] F1 u 16 .r{ .-{o! rdU o ]J tr-t o (-) H o r0x 0) Er tt-.1 o oU 0) o orl 0.)F E OJ.lJ o (.) Fr !5(J! 5 .lJ q-] o d.-l F1 !d ! oU -rt F] ! ]J 0.)U .-in U) rdg r-l rdlr.lJ oU ]J)o(, ql o oU o o oor-l 0.) lJo.lJ oU 0) o 0)r-l OJF .o 0)JJ-.1 D Fi .d (.)]J..1 E5 oF n5 C) +J-rl D 0) o o r--1o Er n5o .L..)-rld5 o o-( o r-.,]oF 'r1(.) .lJ-rt OJdo 0.).-loF 'd C),IJ-.1 D Fl .Fin 5l-J oU 5 t-.) E()U a.lJ E(.) U hi ]J 0)at !al-J oU !I .lJ 0.)rt oU .lJa 0) oU .lJ (n OJ : o!oE-d ,crld5 tf0 0)3.qDlroz OJ IJ lrlo (doEoU 0) o u OJJ c)F do! 5 U ts] F] rd,.t f6 -t C) q-..1o an 6M r.l-.1 o U H rd rd-rioEH q-..to-.1 m ooo-rt B q-l o!) --t (n rdts o-rlri6! oU .lJ U) 0) rd.lJJ o-rt!6! o rd!H l] OJ r-lIoc0 o-.1 .t-.) 16! rs.lJo _.\l I o-rt ]J rdlr o rdrd H ! 0l ]J!o o-.1lJ6! o .c aoU oU .lJo CJ oU .lJ tD OJ @ rd]Jo rdo .l-.)tro Z o-rt .lJ 16! oE !: d o e o t o t, U cao EoU C o ooo N @ g.c j ! U co Eo(Ju.g =oI @ ot !: d d oU t o c o oUucEoooE o @ EcI o @ I I o.E o! .= !o .Eca =o oo o oE- E oE! N E ocoU oo o o.g o o! .s!@ F apco ao o o€ E =z o! E3zacoEaooF 6co(J o E t t E rc N! .9E u.gE Eu E o co E =o U l Co od oEz @ CoU O @o E rII oNO a F F o DFz o o Ez @o EJ o oEoUoo E = oo .-t lr .lJ 0l ]Jo OJB o l_J q-.t o .Fl a.lJ 0) tr.9 Gtr.!o oaEtro r0 o EGo Eou o '6 a0utroo d'Fi ..1 tr.rt e F] F] l-l cn rdo .lJ o(/) o o 0)r+() Er ! OJJJ..t D .lJooB o ! q-{ o rda oU o o 0) 0)H (.) ! trD o 4 ! OJ]J-rt @ oIt5 a;E o' o t o L tr C6q EoU @q oo N @ t *' I ! E () cq EoU @.a!EI @ 6I ! ,itr d E o o o U a U @c ooo6 o @ Eo ,, o I E I o o o ac o oE .=EaG Co =o ao o a !! EE o ! G EU ocoU o o oo o.g o6E .g!o.Eco =o a o! Elz o!Elza o a EF =oL) o i o ; o E 6 o! .9E u E oUo oco E =oE U l co oo o E@z @ Co o o G@ Eo @ed o o c EF F E F d(- o E6z Go Ef O aEoU a !J o Tribal Outreach Documentation-2014 Form 481- Line <910> CenturyTel of the Gem State, lnc. dlbla CenturyLink (ldaho) Study Area - 472223 Tribal Entities Shoshone-Paiute Tribes ofthe Duck Nevada Tri bal Outreach Documentation-2014 Form 481- Line <920> CenturyTel of the Gem State, lnc. dlbla CenturyLink (ldaho) StudyArea - 472223 Tareeted Eneaeement Efforts As part of its efforts to strengthen positive relationships with the Tribal Nations within its serving territory while fulfilling obligations set forth in Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC 11-161, CenturyTel of the Gem State, lnc. dlbla CenturyLink (ldaho) ("CenturyLink") extended an invitation to the Tribal Entity to meet and address issues of importance related to the provisioning of services on tribal lands. The purpose of these meetings was to discuss planning and potential deployment of service as well as other areas of interest specific to conducting business on tribal lands (as set forth in 47 C.F.R. 554.313(aX9)) which at a minimum, would include: (i) A needs assessment and deployment planning with a focus on Tribal community anchor institutions; (ii) Feasibility and sustainability planning; (iii) Marketing services in a culturally sensitive manner; (iv) Rights of way processes, land use permitting, facilities siting, environmental and cultural preservation review processes; and (v) Compliance with Tribal business and licensing requirements. Tribal business and licensing requirements include business practice licenses that Tribal and non-Tribal business entities, whether located on or off Tribal lands, must obtain upon application to the relevant Tribal government office or division to conduct any business or trade, or deliver any goods or services to the Tribes, Tribal members, orTribal lands. These include certificates of public convenience and necessity, tribal business licenses, master licenses, and other related forms of tribal government licensure. Corresoondence Resultine from Tarseted En aeement Efforts No response was received as a result of the November 79,2Ot4letter to the tribal entity. EXHIBITS- Letters Extendine lnvitation to Meet Exhibit lD GS-1-Letter to the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley Reservation, Nevada Exhibit ID GS-L *:3 centurylink'" CenturyLink t*9 l,1air: SirBet. '-rii Frsfl 3oi&e, r{ahc 83?l? .Jtm gBnffi rt@centurrirnk.cOnl Jim Schmit lsa,lo V,ce p.esrdent and 3ts,ieial iranagsi November 19.2014 Shoshone-Paiute Tribes Lindsey Manning Chairman P.O. Box 219 Owyhee. Nevada 89832 Dear Chairman Manning, Centurylink valucs its ongoing relationship with the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes and the opportunities we have had this year to work together to meet the needs ol'CenturyLink's customers located on I'ribal lands. As we approach the end of another year, Centurylink would like to extend an opportunit-v to meet to discuss additional issues that may be of interest to you regarding our services. In late 201l, the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") initiated steps to reform and modernize the {bderal universal service suppon system to ensure that robust, affordable voice and broadband service are available to Americans throughout the nation including those residing on Tribal lands. I In accord with the FCC's actions, late last year CenturyLink requested a meeting with representatives of your Tribal GovernmenlCouncil to discuss the planning and potential deployment of services on Tribal lands as well as other areas of interest specific to conducting business on your Tribal lands. The FCC has advised that the following topics be discussed: (l) deployment planning with a focus on Tribal community anchor institutions; (2) feasibility and sustainability planning; (3) marketing services on Tribal lands; (4) rights-or-wa)' processes, land use permitting, facilities siting. environmental and cultural preservation review process; and (5) Tribal business and licensing requirements. I ln lhe Matter of Connect America Fund; A National Broadbanc! Plan.fbr Our Future; Estabtishing Jusr and Reasonable Rates.fttr Locul Exchange Carriers: lligh-Cost Universal Service Support; D*,eloping un UniJied lntercartier Cotnpensutian Regime; Federul-Slatc Joint Board on Universal Senice: Lilbline untl Link-Up; Unitersal Sert,ice Reform - Mobiliry Fund, WC Docket Nos. I0-90, 07-135. 05-i37,03-109, CC Docket Nos, 0l -92, 96-45, GN Docket No. 09-5 I, WT Docket No" l0-?08, Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. FCC I l- 161, 26 FCC Rcd 17663 (rel. Nov. 18, 201 l) (USF/ICC Transformatian Order), The USF/ICC Translbrmalion Order can be accessed on the FCC's website via the following weblink: htlu:,1,[6llloss.ttc.goviedocsjuhllc,,anachrnatchrFCC- I J -_!_0l l fSd+dt. In furthering our goal of strong cooperative relationships with our Tribal customers, and the FCC's goal of comprehensive engagement with Tribal authorities regarding telecornmunications services, CenturyLink would like to oncs again extend an opportunity to meet with the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes at your convenience. For your convenience, I am attaching a reply form and envelope to facilitate the retum of your response. The reply provides the opportunity for you to identiS' the Tribal representatives that would atte*d the meeting as well as identifu issues of interest to you regarding Centurylink and the services we provide. Please respond at your earliest convenience so that we can set a meeting date. My ofiice will be pleased to coordinate the scheduling of our face-to-face meeting and work to identify additional CenturyLink personnel as needed to address your specihc issues. Please contact Jinr Farr at 801.238.0240 or james.fan@centurylink.corn with any questions you may have regarding this letter. We at CenturyLink look forward to meeting with the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes and to continuing a strong relationship that is beneficial to all involved. Thank you for your attention. 9* #/",,"// Jim Schmit ldaho Vice President and Oeneral Manager {3 Centurylink'" to Centurvlink's for Meeti Centu rvl,in k Representative's fontact I nformation Name:Jim Farr Titte:State ReEulatorv Affairs Director Phone Number:801.238.0240 Address:250 E 200 S; Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Email:James. Fa rr@CenturvLink. com Primary Tribal Representative's Contact lnformation - Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of Fort Hall Name: Title: Phone Number: Address: Email: Name: Title: Phone Number: Address: Email: Name: Title: Phone Number: Address: Email: Additional Tribal 's Contact lnformation Phone Number: i Address: Email: James Fan State Regulatory Affairs Director CenturyLink 2508 200 5 Salt lake City, Utah 84111 Fax: 801.237.5655 James. Farr@CenturyUnk com Shoshone-Paiute Tribe of the Duck V 208.759.3100 Ext. 1231Contact Phone No.: Date: List of those in attendance: Timeline for provision of services on Tribal lands Coordinate logistics of providing communications services on Tribal lands Address economics, remoteness, and deployment Coordination ensuring services are marketed in manner relating directly to community, stimulating adoption of services on Tribal lands Developing materials, separately or jointly, specific to the Tribal ldentify lssues of importance to Tribal government and Determine CTL departments that Other marketing service discussion <1210> Terms & Conditions of Voice Telephony Lifeline Plans CenturyLinlq Inc. has over 100 local exchange carriers (LECs) that serve as eligible telecommunications carriers @TCs) providing Lifeline discounts on local telephone service for qualifying low-income customers in thirty-seven states. Eaoh LEC's tariffor local terms of servicc contain the tcrms and conditions of voice telephony service plans generally available to CenturyLink residential customers. Lifeline provides discounts on CenturyLink residential service plans that include voice telephony service. Lifeline discounts provided to qualified recipients inolude the $9.25 per month federal discount plus state discounts, if available. Tribal Lifeline reoipients receive an additional federal Lifeline discount of up to $25 per month.. Eligible residents residing on Tribal lands in areas where CenturyLink receives universal service high-cost support can also receive a Tribal Link Up credit of not more than $100 against one customary service initiation fee at a primary residence. CenturyLink's flat-rated residential service plans provide unlimited local calling. Lifeline discounts also may be applied to local residential service plans that inolude a certain amount of local minutes or calls at a flat-rate and then have additional charges for minutes or calls beyond those included in the plan. Lifeline discounts may be applied to bundled service packages that include voice telephony services, such as bundles with internet service and/or video service. Lifeline discounts may also apply to voice service plans that include optional calllng features such as caller ID, call waiting, and voicemail. Toll service is available to oustomers receiving Lifeline discounts in the same mannerthat it is available to non-Lifeline customers. Toll limitation service is available to Lifeline customers at no charge. Inforrration concerning CenturyLink's Lifeline prograrn can be found on our Lifeline web page at http://www. centurylink.com/Pa ges/Support/LifeLine/ A link to the CenturyLink tariffor local terms of sorvioe that includes the terms and conditions ofthis ETC's Lifeline offering is included in response to line 1220. NOTES: L.(LLZ) - [118) The Federal Communications Commission in FCC DA 14-59L adopted May \,20L4 and in Connect America Fund et al. WC Docket No. 10-90 et al., Order, 28 FCC Rcd 2051, 2054,para. I (Wireline Comp. Bur. 2013) (ETC Reporting Requirements Order) waivedthe requirementthat price cap recipients of frozen support or incremental support file five-year plans stating "until the [Connect America Phase II forward{ooking] cost model is adopted and incumbents have the opportunity to accept a state-level commitrnent, it does not serve the public interest." Since the Connect America Phase II program has not been fully implemented at this time, the five year plan is not required. 2. (220) Outages are reported using the criteria provided in 47 C.F.R. 554.313, which differs from the criteria in 47 C.F.R. $4.5 which is the basis for reporting outages to the Federal Communications Commission. Therefore, some outages may not have N0RS numbers. 3. (300) - (310) CenturyLink is reporting any outstanding requests for voice service from 2014 that are unfulfilled at the time of this filing. 4. (320) - [330] CenturyLink is reporting any outstanding requests for broadband service from 2014 that are unfulfilled atthe time of this filing. 5. (410) - (420) Complaints per 1,000 voice access lines are reported as complaints to any federal and/or state agencies. 6.(440) - (450) Complaints per 1,000 broadband customers are repofted as complaints to any federal and/or state agencies. 7. (7LL) Centurylink is reporting a-la-cart and data only broadband rates that meet or exceed both the required download speeds of four mega bits per second and upload speeds of one mega bit per second. Widely used upload speeds of 768Kor below are not included in this reporl B. (800), (810)-(813), (1200), and (1210)-(L223) Centurylinkis a designated eligible telecommunications carrier that receives Universal Service Support for High Cost Areas under 47 C.F,R. 54 subpart D. Therefore, Centurylink is only subiectto subpart (a) of 47 C.F.R, S54.422 asit applies to this filing. 9. (810) - [813) Per FCC DALS-L707 releasedAugust 6, 2013, CenturyLinkis reportingholding company, operating companieq and afiEliates [as defined under section 3 oft]re Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. S 153(2)) that are designated as eligible telecommunications carriers and/or that provide retail broadband internet access to end-user customers. 10. (921) - (929) To the extent tle carrier serves federally recognized tribal lands, the attached narrative, in response to line 920, should be relied on to describe tribal outreach and interaction. If the carrier at least offered to discuss the points listed in 47 C.F.R. S5a313(a)(9) to the federally recognized tribes served in a study area, lines 92L-929 were marked with a "yes" response. 11. (1000) - (1010) Carriers must certiffthattheir local rates are at or belowtwo standard deviations of the applicable national average urban rate for voice service, as specified in the most recent public notice issued bythe Wireline Competition Bureau and Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Qwes! Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink (Wyoming) and United Telephone Company of the West d/b/a CenturyLink (Wyoming) have certain exchanges with explicit cost based local rates above this standard. Customers in such exchanges receive a Federal Universal Service credit and/or a State Universal Service credit explicitly on their bill. This results in a net charge that is lower than two standard deviations ofthe applicable national average urban rate for voice service. L2. (2000), (2005), (2010), (?014), and (2016) Per FCC DA 13-2101 released October 30,2073, Centurylink is certiffing at a holding company level. 13. (2010) The ConnectAmerica Fund Incremental Support program [Round 1) requires participating carriers to deploy broadband services at certain speeds to locations within certain timeframes. The FCC recognized in DA 12-1155 released on fuly L8,Z0Lz,that carriers may run into practical obstacles that would make it difficult to deploy broadband to the locations that were in tlre carrier's original deployment plan, and therefore may deploy to eligible locations not identified in the deployment plan. Centurylink companies participating in the Connect America Fund Incremental Support program (Round 1) experienced the practical obstacles the FCC anticipated and therefore deployed broadband to a substantial number of locations that are not listed in tle notice of acceptance filed with the FCC on fuly 24,20L2. CenturyLinkwill identiff locations where deployment has occurred in a separate and/or subsequent filing. 14. (3000)-(3034) These questions are not applicable. This company is considered to be a Federal Price Cap Carrier or an affiliate associated with a Federal Price Cap Carrier for the purposes of this filing. Rate Floor Data l ! RATE FLOOR DATA COLLECTION - OMB Control Number 3060{986 Block 2 - Residential Local Sewice Raies, Fees, and Llne Counts TO BE COiiPLETED BY THE REPORNNG CARRIE& IF THE REPORTING CARR]ER IS FILING RATE FLOOR DATA ON ITS OYVI{ BEHALF: Certification of Officer as to the Accuracy of the Data Reported for the Rate Floor Data I certlfy that I am an offlcer of the reporting carrier; my respon6lbl!ftles lnclude onsurlng the accuracy of the actual rab floor data rEported; and, to the best of my knowledge, the in ormafion rcported on thia form is accurate. {.tn. of Flmtlnd canl.r cnturvTC d th. Gcm Stale. lnc. d/b/a ContuivLlnk fldeho) irda.hfa6r.rilhtrr,ar,fr* :> A-> ^ 4---., . G////S ,rH.d nm at authorized o{llEr Devld D- Cole lltL or odffdr of autho.ts d ofi{crr E(.(rrff,! \rlcc Prusld€nt of ODerAhm SuDDod ed Cootrollct {fia/ r?{l\&ffi -t' itudv AE eeL df Fl.milim Cedr 1722 iifing Due Datc torthls lorm 'rtl rr,,ltl