HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140701Silver Star Communications FCC Form 481.pdfSIUT/EFIsiTAFl- _\ * Il.lN1Ul,IU:T;Ol';S n,:nli', /i:t11,..*1--L-i., ,: zillE JUL - | Ptl 2, 5 t I[)'f, f"i1:)'r . rr ;-: -: LJT lLI.ii:$ Ct.r,rii-,;l; ji i;, i June 30, 2014 VIA ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION Jean Jewell, Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington PO Box 83720 Boise,lD 83720-0o74 Re: 2014 Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) Annual Report Filing; Docket No. GNR-T-14{1 Silver Star Telephone CompanylColumbine Telephone Company (4722951 Dear Ms. Jewell: Silver Star Telephone Company, lnc. and Columbine Telephone Company, lnc. ("Silver Star") hereby file with the Commission the 2014 ETC Annual Report Filing(s), as follows: A copy of the Silver Star Telephone Company, 1nc.472295 FCC Form 481 - Carrier Annual Reporting Collection Form and a copy of the Columbine Telephone Company, 1nc.472293 FCC Form 481- Carrier Annual Reporting Collection Form, each form completed pursuant to 47 Cf R 9S 54.313 and 54.422, as applicable, redacted for public viewing to protect confidential and proprietary financial information, along with the Officer Affidavit per Commission Order 29841. The non-redacted, confidential information is submitted to the Commission separately via express delivery, pursuant to Rule 67 of the ldaho Public Utilities Commission Rules of Procedure and ldaho Code 5 9-3400(1). Request is hereby made that the Commission notify the Federal Communications Commission and the Universal Service Administration Company, prior to October 1,7014, that Silver Star is eligible to receive federal high-cost support for the year 2015. Questions regarding this filing should be directed to my attention as shown below. Regards, Administrahf Enclosures <01b StudvAreaCode a72243 <O1$ StrdvArea Name @I.IIAM tELflHOfE CO., lrc. DBA tAIt$ TEl,Ec!fi <)20, Pmrrem Year 10 15 4X> Contac tlame: Person USAC rhould contectwith cu€stions alout ttls?aG xlchcll'' t'otzku' <)35> ContactTelephoneNumben 3o?88366e0 uc. ,tumber ol the oerson ldentilied in data line <):X)> <Cl9> ContactEmallMdress: Email otthe oerson idenfiried in data line <l:Xb retzku.e.i1vlr.EE.rcr <1m> <2q)> <21(> 4XXr, <31(> Service Quality lmprovement Reporting Out Be Reporting {voice} F-if-lk-a,erkborrf rcl@l Unfu lfi lled Service R€quests D€tall on Attempts (volce) Unlulfllled Service Requests (broadband) Detail on Attempts <40r Humberof Comptaints per d6.nqat r ar@Nt*) zoFoIUro4o J6:)o. u,olt IoluFo ould <410> Fired<42O> Mobile <43(> <{40> <450> <500> <510> <610, <zx> o.275 I / If--/ I a <710> Company Price Offerlngs {broadband) Terrestrial Backhaul (Y/N)? r--,r]r-n td&attoc,.dro.*M) lm,*rcatuc/|(dwb.hqtt ,mrl{.a. otto.rr.d n{dtnit, ({ru@ett alef,xdw*th..tt Hslb,'dtr.quettfertba) (atucbd6lrr@rc.kwt)t-,r-|ru { I I I <1100> <:.110) <120(> <2qxb <2005> <xm> <t005> Terms and Condition for Ufellne Custorners ({ t'r4, chc(l b tubE qttl@lbr) (@ phla Etaad*d w,,,het) l@*banx,.dwbhc.r) Ptca C.p crnlGr!, Pro6cd to Prlc. Cap Adddon l Oocurlrlrt doo Wortit!€t t,,clucrin! no|f{,f-Retu,,, Caffictt dtfilioted wlth PtiLre Cop Lor,ol Exdrange Carrif.6 (df,x,.r.Ntuaqftli,/.id1t {ffidet ofrLl{dm.,glartt ieto of R:tum c.nLl!, Ftoc.cd lo nOR Addhlonrl Docrlfiant tbfi Wodstr..t lcic(l lo hdaot cc*fratuo) {@ttt,/lf rffiwlheca) zoFu UJo.oz (J o3o-uoIL Io UJFo o IIJu co E3 o6Eo& Gt oo EG2 o.s c- IOc-:-:q;12E o2>=E9=Eq''5EE 6!4.-; E C9>POLE! = > -BEE g PEEd E !sig ,g! * i[E - Es a gc E tE€ E E ? g g g s;F; & :.u s s'-;if : t H e g I i5a:ai g fi I9I Ei93! i r a E s€';eYlNs il Y o " 9 Eg € sr E e: ! ; E EEE:eu 33:3:*_EiE;: E E I g g f EUE:9 E6cFc:.E€55+ 3:333-Ei $:Efi gEEgEii A+.A6AA =i5==:vvvvvv J' c & E 3! 6'69:E [iP.E E I-:.>l.E g Eq3; 6 r 3* - i ei g; E9trn SooEsi :q EEhE ;IFEiI ?: I,};g EE;:#i8 gqBl *EE =,r";a;fi# E:E#iff,E$ss SiEE 'gU A; I * 5 } AE EA='-^^* c E t e T-1 *E:Ef E Eei;eAEa *dv i t oE6 o6o gc o 6'os? !gtu =co a)o. o oE!, 6 Eu eE!, =GEu G co(,) ormo xtol €l @l ;l .]6tOI olcl*l6l 61!lct'-lEIrUl clolp1 clo oo-l oLooE:2 olt Efz a,co .LgoF 6 coU tn6o oZ o Io = o GEI.gEs EGUtu U6 oog,o,c (J fco o& rutroz o Eo(J o() 6o EE naoe oNo zoU JoF 2b 6o UZ I z ?{oF 2 EI o EGzoo ! 6 c, ottoU 6(, oo Noo6d zot-o uJo-oz o 63o. tr.oIL Ioull-o aUIu .!r{: Eiia 0 -t EEa6ii {;;; si =gU?5-aAEN E i;ri; o-t!, o =gz3€ rd<>o o o3 Ez o Er*i< E*z6 5 !cIe.EB'o !cigB6gaIo rn c.E fo ta s!a95o iEi =€ Ec,2 oo U .E fr ! ; -9 o co Ua o EE! Gc ap! 6 Eu a o 6o q oo 0c o €E E0 20p o oo o o! E,z 4 E52ocoEoooF acoU o E D raC c t{o 6 6 E:oc c ac 0Ez 6 coU oo E oc oo Eo o tf o q!o 60 !f o zo]-(J UJo.aZIJE =o.Eolr Io UJFo cllrlil, E Ia xIa! I It aI(8rtitslrga EIa{Ia E I t J tiI aIIt !Iti4aa e ( ( JI I ! : 1 ( J( I Err.lE-! EJ ( ( I 0 ! !I1 E EQ L 6 Lbg IIII I5 a Ig R coiffi3E:tE'ItuisE!! iiOEUOtBIetoCG!T-o!:C6t-ga!po: oo xoo Fo 6o @c=nE.lrc !3GacaEt oG o 0DEt2 0DE3zocea3 F E Eo(, o E5! 8d ai5q- !o! IIC!iI a6cooptot L'e 5 rt,E 3Ei2a coU s B q lECd zoF(,luo.oz oJtr3o.trolr Ioull,-o a UJu III $ii o T Ir I f;i IJ i: fiS.IIiI! III aI!iI !o.ltig $fi a a!II ! at fI I!II ata F aaI s 3 3E: A ?I aiEstIE Eg 5l o xE52 .gEI =?EaIt n 5o ? F o 3 Ji !3 AI Zo !EEt Et 6 b BiA EoIJ I E6p E zot-olurozo Jo Jo.uolt IolUl-C' oluu EFocoL'Uc!oI I iE3o EU cIEUl ea 2, oo o oL'uE€Ila 6o !obE -gEo =tso!coEoo I I !E =iEu PExao Eg EqoL.) IU I o F A6Iqc oo!sElu c3Gco oG o 3E3z t E:ztCIt6-coFIGo(J aaI oI 0 o&o I oE.o E.E! CE 6oco =3oG t,fifco o4 JEoz t3a Co(J 6o Ea Ion a)Eo26o E:t oEC!(,!o !, ,\ot0t!C zoFouto.0zIJo =o, E,oIL Iolrlt-fJ ou, G, crt, E!uootcUo ooEaz Hg*E ;Eq,F8E";3a'EE" E aE i+E E E E EggEgE E .Er* tEf {EE E,E$1fEEEE gEtEEEiggEEEE Ef;EIEEg$EEEEgg $EfiB sE$s555855 TiEH AAAAAAAAi O Xr rl N,i!?ul rOr\OgrIiOEX.YNNt\|r\.llNF.N{'8*; s e0s0?99s C -96o=lto coE AJu6tocU co Ecg., oI Clt F oI teIU E 6E. 'coo!,csii-o F <, (t! d da I ot taa I 0I o{no oc=o 6a,s!,o t.rB o oo. o a) !E!t 6 Elr.t o!,E =o Eul UlEcoU Ortvto xI ttxI I I40 Io oo EIUoc o(, I 56t vEELada u2H B Ezo A HEF TE 6I JI (, E(z 6g .E, 6 u'o t oItoL'l!!, .t,5 oo @oE.Do. =Il-oUIGo z_ oJE3o- u,oIL Io UIF(, ouIE u E!z -E$ $88E t') O E ir!G6LL+SaOErnt j, EEo'an;G(E6ntu!ri, E E gE EEA EEE5 E E: AE# sggEt E*i!o !!oE$ EEEee s5Hx: xooEE EHEr.P.!6E*E 8E;o c ott a,TE !EEa o cr: AA6Crsgcl rivv (,nlo oc or!!, "g!to c.,g to5t on5t, E6 =.oElu g!t! =G EtlltlEcoL' Olanc, xI o !6Fo A(,Ir1c, a,c=.E G.c, Eil,!E co3go s o t-oE,7 g E 2 a,to5atttoFurtgo(J lntYto a 4 tt oT! a .o (E!le t!C€ loUg u.!coU !,,oE (Ja coco,aL I o,EGz L'o tro(J o(ae oa, Eaa U a. (, t\aI oEa!zG6ts ?t3 6 cl a,'Eo(J lg E ! 6 oclo 6 !,UoA 2ot-(, IrJo.o =o Jo,o.uoIL IoIUFo ctluut EiFH E iE€ E iEE A H8€ r g EE E f;E A Eie F E:E E E-Co =!6 b o5Ei EEg E g.E,k !, 6Ei ! *lgoE-C ,9 c} H€$ E E ;A A AENN*CHHdavvv sSfiE"E7i.co-E* 9EE5 aiFcot6cl.€Ee -EO{E EgE+i,E!to50!r-,ODvLC E EEEs5Ef;;Et9E8t E$Ep: $ -8 1;gE Etrl;r!=EieaTEX Iig*5- o6lto3rJ lt5A-o .tc) o6lrtd coE5 oatq g Gt ooEIz cs4o.sdl J>co CLett)F!r(, o o co !r,co|J d c oF oFaN E Eg I I i{ tt! I l! Gro IgtoU) u6 out,)o (J 11,5co o6-t tU lDz Ioco(J olrIc' a ila, E0 Ie(l. oo EUT uF E 6o dE : 8 iv6 A,{q ts ET E,I o E6z ,!o ir3 6 lrl C) F a!l(' L)oo t: o(, zol-o lrJo-o =oJ6 =o. d,oIL Ioull-o oulu co Eos !o.: toeEc gcE o(1!gcUr ooE6z coIJ c 66c -tc:EEoI oUo4 E os E E;* =r-;E: E E.Bsl;*L6-9EE EE€E!gco!88e iiEs.Ea I -f:5EE -a6. 09eaC=Go--6A E8!PE; ;r 9-EI 5IrT=E6EEO E E59XE i HEH EE Esc iEE {E iEs. EiEIi Ef;f E I*Eg EgIEEEg[€*tg IitE tirp gu E$$EIe$E AAAAA6 h66 0E trE B mmEm! $ittc EthItaee I E.gE T Erts tEEr IAtsi I:*ir E EEE iT55 EgE! ElEp tJEo" .iET:a odES =I T z T E EI I.g EE TEIT9l,!IXr :T,.ls $Eg$g;-s [:AEa5 TEsatt EE fc *t iTf,tri I= I5gH ETEOCE !BtE TETIrl iElaq EioItIII €!I E go B oc c E(JO66PEESE GGG EttEaJOO-ULJ(JEL ooo=d a ar993c c e clt a 0599eE o36(aoooo o660 d 4zI altEL u EToU 0ECZGo aa ? lEI Gl E: oo 2ot-C'ITc.o7oJo3o.g,olr IoUIFfJ oulu u utrEEE I g E -I F!ErE'TEEB>iE!r$ri EiE iEEE ITr=f ? EE E3iI;fi gi x 5rI EiF gEjji I98rd *EEtii 7f,9g IE ii$3Hti ls-;61irlr !l $ B1,t€; 18 {g $u tr Et o Ep ag ET BrIgt f Erj HtI 6 Ss EE62a-Eotf;ti€ TB i Esa ?l E FEs It E gE: FgI tEI !T6'*o- IE 6',i'22 E t griI6.*Sii!trE.iF:E gl gTIt oo ! E f4 e E 5s is:.ttsta,Et !.tsg a?8!8aiE;r F aiBfco! Et Eo E E r aI T E3 EIt! EI 6 x E ail q -o o d B EE cd ".8 ETas .IE EE i€ BTrtaliE E: B8 $**apl;a E.!9 rtE EEI gIf, Ef:;e{?tIIfrt!I iIE IEItao $iE * ;i. E I6li.)g5!t8 itIia: o g iIfC-!t lIvIsl TEa!IInlEr II fETI8; !ir'Dtt frt! Btrr!OE ITlr E3 TE *T;IEr!lii ;6 I E EI t ,; E 6 -o E!sI5r !sI Itst G'o I EEo aIs!IE I$ EES--TtE6Sr;{t6Elqtrg. TETr!i .l.s r$iiE! IE !3I g rl iil iiiiEil AE EIE I iEiSIErI EiE .E ifr*EEIi $$6aOi6000 6fr *ff OE t E E A <11(}, $ila,lr.,c6rL <0lS> Strrdvlra]{.m col.lnlalrcE aBtaPBqtra qt.. Dlc. DBA tBrod rBx,Bcul <02O> hflnm Ycrr <r:Xb Cont ct t{!m€ - Psron t Slf tllouH csrtact rcmrdrr tl$s drta ,,tl'ehCIlc XoE3ius <ot$ ad.ci f.i..lbm rlu{ber - t:urnlnr nf ss ldsffiad ln datr Xm <,3o> ! 078836690 .xt <Ol9> &alIt Emrtl lddr6r - Em.{ Ad&s 6, mm idafltficd ln datr $m <}3{> mbErkurril%lrr.r . b.r TO BC COii'IETED BY THE REPORTI]IG CARRIEN. lr THE REPOEIIIIG CARRIER 6 FIUIIIG AII'{UAI. REPONMilG OII ITS OWII BE}U\LF: C.rttfic.don of Ofnclr a to thc A.curaq ot thc O.t R.Dortd 6or tlu Annuel Rrportiq ior CAf or U tudpi.nts adpbnts3r4fol,r.b.*oftn?t frrla{gtraffi!.ln tlo.trrgonrdooUrLtomrrdhrtvafrr&tdfrba6*.t.. 'f'd*. COI.UIIEMB ?ELBDEOIIE C!,. :tC. DBf, "El!tr fEL8ttrl I ^1ga*. CaITIFTED OS!II!{E nd, 06/2612011 b4,.!e).. t"ffrilon &lElud kL o, msltbr of llthorhad Of,ics: Chlaf lleiel Of llccr cleolpm aumbcr of Ar:horlrcd Ofnc"r' 30?8806621 ctL. lhde Ar.r t^eb 6f IMim arrrl,.r. a72293 Fllle ,}r. f!il.krrt1t1" ln.*. 0?/01/2014 Ptfsr$tfuXy,nakt{frLafitlmt'or!lhblfimonbaFrnbh.dbyff!.ocfDrllltmun&rthComunlolbosAnd$Y, tl7U.S.C!!5@,5O3{b},qlln orlnpdronmslturd.rffi. l'' o,tha t nld st t6 Cod.. lll U.tC I 1([f. 2oFoulo.o =(, Jo3a.uoIL Ia Lrll-fJ alu E, <010> StudyArcr Cod.412295 <015, StedyArtr i,t re COLII'BIIIE AEIjAPBO}fB CO., tNC. DEA TE'IOIT TB'.ECTTI <O2O) ProrarhYaar ?015 <0:10> Cqrtxt N.m - Pclu SSAC dHld dllxt tErdm d$ drt XlcblllG tloc.kut <O35> Co.rt <t Tclaohoc N6b.r - ttuBbcr of r|u ldcnttfid in &tt lle <O3O>lO?aaf65qO dt <039> Coat..' €mll Addr6 - Cmil AddH of Ercn ld.nriicd in d.t! llrc <O3O>et2hta.l,lvar.tar -nat TO BE COIIIPIETED BY IHE REPORNIIG CARRIE& IF AT{ AGEITT 15 RUIT6 AXXUAT REFONTS Oil THf, CAiRIEI'S EEHALF: zoFoluo.o =fJJtrIo.uoI,L IoltJFo o IJJtr Cstlf,cetlon o{ Offfccr to Autho.h. .n Agcnt to Fllc Annuel Rcports for CAF or U Rc.lplent3 on Ech.lt ol ncporttnt C.rrlct ortl,6lri(lllmot L rdslr.al b aaidt lh. hrbfllE{fi npo.t d s b.rr.lt o, th. rsor{ng crtda?. |grn* m4 E th. b..t of t*y fnowhdge. fno nfo.b rld (hl. D(illd.d to fr lrfnsl.rd.!od b reilrrb. {.n" o{ AsthsL.d Arant: {.rc ol R.rytle crrrlce ir0tqrc oa Autlsitcd O{tcrr O.t : ,rintad n m ot lu*rdircJ dliccr: litL q gaitin ot AlthdiKl Offw: fdoDhm numhcr ol Althdh.d oflE..: itudv Anr Cpdc ol irstir Onir:FilimD6D.bfurhiifm: ?rm rmfuIy mlft! t lr. rt.t mntr s thlr tom on b. punBhd b| im tr brtltuE sndr th. Comnunhlbnr &r ol 193.4, a, U.s,C. tg sot, 5O3(U, or tln. tr knr.boomt undr fitL tt ol tha unrrd $rur codr, lt us.c I l@t TO BE COTiPLETED BY ITG AT'IHORIIED AGEIIIT: Ccrtific.tlon of Af.it Astiorlred to Fllc Annu.l Rlport' lor CAF or U X.clplentr on E halt o, Lportnt C.rrhr lra d.ta nFtrd hsttl b8cd a drte pred&d bf thG rceorrtra cantaq ltr4 to dl. !.!r of rnt laorlGair. tha htof,ndo.l n orted ha.ch ts .ccurrtc. {anta of ft*to.tlna Canlan {.m oa ArtlEipd Arait d EmDro€ of Ar.dt: lamtu'r d Autho.tcd Arst or Emqloyr. o{ Aram:Ootc: trlr*cd mm of Aurhshrd &mt o Emolmr ol Arat: id. of ooridon ot Aiho.i:ad Arcnt d Emlil. of lcnt .hpha[ numbar otAuthori:ad Aarfil tr EmolovcG ofAaart: itudy Arar Co& oa i.Dodinf Crrle FilirEOeO.t fo.6lrtom: I a]@ rftufy ErhS hl6. tLt.mntt 6 thlr ,b16 o b. F,nitlt d by fnr o forirfum oado th Cohic.icfti(ry Lt o, 19!/1, a7 u,s,c lt 502, lo3(bl, 6 fin. d isE lsffit snd.r ThL i lt oftn! UoGd Srlt ! Co.tr, t8 USC t 100r. =oFo u,loo =(, Jo3o.uoIL IoluF(, olrIu I ItIIaI I at a: I.tII8.!lu EITi- TlLet a Ic,la ,1 Ia l,! .g!u fllT oo o EE Ei o a o IIaaI E 6I dL 3 E ; Uu I!It IE aI aH o I I o! JCEflo2R -88 -s!giaEoo 5i,Ic -oo!UE -oEEtc'a !pr-k oo IE;{ ! a, Ia II Io o ,5intsElG CaE 5Et o aEIt E! C oE! =oE aa co(, 6I t{a oFo 6 C' lc n C€ .g!lg c3!cot o o! ts:2. 0DE:'23coGo0 Fza co(, 6 ? aaI t I lEuI it! EIsEhfo UotI!tc L' I Uc lEi2x!Cou 6 6 io G!s 4 o6 EElI E 5 EF do d2 :I B E Tat"n- EJI o FzCoi t: 6 6 F o!oU iot !3 o6 zot-olrJo.o =oJoDo.uoIL IoulF(, otuE Ioa !oroo9GcoOaCaE-8*E<F! $fe lo at !o - o j At IEaa, qo d ou joAo ooaI, o 3 oI , I,II, l ) { )I t I o6aaa I E o2 j3, o 0oaa, ao i o2 h'0A o ooaoa co g{ o2 r; 4 c ooaa, Eo 3 oz it o 9 , o 6 o2 i Ao oo a) go d o2 j 36 ooa!a go j & a o ooaIa Eo G o! t;0E o {oat) co a a, t t o 0oIaa Eo 6 oT;o! o coaaa co g oa l! o oU o d 6 o t o 3odna co d oZ j a o ooa!, do g o2 iI o o t6ioag^ lg659.C a o ?o o o o 0 0 o o o o o o o o eo€lt= 3TIr o.cqoE 6S -9 =o : l$u o o o o o 9o o o 9 o o o o oN o o o oE8 !lrOE ;F F ,; 1 1 !a.lr-tr o o o o o o .i f;r ? F 1 r o I ;1 I 1 U -TIIB i co otstoD ha o ao EE .l a 1 E6 oJ\al 4r > € 0Fto6t or oI ap( a q sp IDIb( 5o oJI\tat!t 4L o I? o!oc!(O+ do or:r\la: lr 6 Eo 0 aothG O+ E6 gaU co s a 1 a to aF aotso oi Bo o{(\.a,ua l( a o o aDIoo!o6d E6 So\oa)gE 6 d ots a6l6r Ar ahl.\cr)!C <U E!tl t o E t:!!A E o i A hT s 'I o I tr I F c l;a ! !F !ao,Ta !I o o o€na!staEE0! E ItItE =a€U ItEtEI Uil 6U oo .;a a oo 0E;tEctjI Eo E ItI E52Ig,aotfol.F E0 E(J 66o Iax oi o IAUt aa'tt EIc€ U 6 E Ii L,t:'IaJL o Ea =E Cou Ao g I H2I EF fra d2 I Iao E Htr T,HII 8 oEi2 oi E: ? F a Eg Iin oo utio.at)(t, U.rl fraEEoU ht,rJ Co It5t Eio E:e EC' !36r 3 zol-(,ulo.o =oJo o.uoI,r. IolUFo o uJd,U E3H UdH .-l I r{.r{ I .rl@lu, olots|ts rrl HdI .UulrJmlul hl r{ol o>t>r'l I r{dt.dcDl(a I0o oF co aF a!3 Jc ;E $ oco A3 0ts I € oU c6e EoUEcEoooo dov c6CI EoL'tsc€o:E ao ug iit &oI o oaoa oF 0e ea ou 0Eo(., UqE6od,E c, s o6;6 Fxo IaII oEI c,o oc EEE EEo co3eoEg o G ?E =6Eg oEt =6E 6c6(., 66o x o Fo 6Ioc G Gtg Eo co:!C6 I o 3E,2 oA E,zgocaooF Eca(, o t,I aI 0 oIt oo? c T t eo oc6oE:oc(, :,co o& oEoz sEa!(,, c,o oo E6t6 6 ? (, Eo2oo !5 6o o!oUio E3 c, ct Columtine Telephone Company, lnc. dba Silver Star Communications ('Silver Staf) . Une 1tr2 (54.313(aX1) Compllance) FCCrormtlSll This section, mnsisting of three (3) pages, is redac'ted in its entirety. Columbine Telephone Company, lnc. dba Silver Star Communications ('Silver Sta/') Seruice Quality Standards & Consumer ProteEtion Rules Statement of Compliance (FCC Form tt81- Une 5101 Silver Star has established operating procedures designed to facilitate compliance with applicable consumer protection rules; including rules regarding verification of orders for telecommunications service as required of submitting carriers (i.e., Slamming) {Section 54.1f00}, compliance with the FCCs Truthin-Billing Requirements {64.2tt00}, compliance with the FCCs customer proprietary network information (CPNI) Requirements (64.2009L and all other customer protection rules including employee training and policy manualdevelopment as applicable. zoFouIo.o =oJo3o.tolr Io]UF(, oulu Columbine Telephone Company, lnc. dba Silver Star Communications ("Silver Sta/') Functionality in Emergenry Situations Statement of Compliance (FCC Form tl81- Une 5l0l Silver Star has established operating procedures designed to facilitate compliance with applicable service quality standards, which may include customer remedies and improvement plans. Specifically Silver Star complies with Rule 500.01 of the ldaho Public Utilities Commission rules requiring it to furnish to its customers safe, adequate and continuous service in accordance with accepted good practice, and to that end, maintains its entire plant and system in such condition as to enable it to furnish such service, and inspect its system and facilities in such manner and with such frequency as may be necessary to obtain knowledge of their current condition and adequacy. Silver Star is capable of functioning in emergency situations, by maintaining both battery and generator back-up power, which ensure reasonable functionality of voice services without an external power source. Additionally, Silver Star can reroute voice traffic around damaged facilities and is capable of managing traffic spikes resulting from emergency situations. 2ol-o uJo.o =oJo:)o.uou. Io lrJ]-o oulu Columbine Telephone Company, lnc. dba Silver Star Communications ('Silver Staf ) Fixed Voice Services Rate Comparabllity Statement of Compliance (FCC Form tf81- llnc 1010f Silver Sta/s monthly retail residential localservice rates do not exceed 537.75. zo FouJGo?oJo3c tr,olL IolrlF C) olutr, Columbine Telephone Company, lnc. dba Silver Star Communications ("Silver Sta/') [ow-lncome Telephone Assistance Program Terms & Conditions (FCC Form tl81- tine 121O1 Silver Star provides unlimited local calling for lifeline-eligible residential customers, discounted by the federally authorized amount of $9.25, and state telephone assistance discounts, where applicable. Silver Star's lifeline-discounted monthly telephone service provides access to eme rgency, operator, interexcha nge, a nd d irectory assista nce services. The service does not include enhanced calling features such as voice mail, caller lD, callforwarding, internet or long distance telephone service. Toll Limitation service is provided at no charge for lifeline customers, upon customer request and pursuant to FCC guidelines. zoFouto.o =IJE3rtrolr Io IJJl-o oluu Columblne Telephone Company, lnc. dba Silver Star Communications ("Silver Sta/') tine 30i6 (54.313(fl(2) compliancet (FICC Form tl8l) This section, consisting of five (5) pages, is redacted in its entirety. 2oFo IIJGo =(, Jo,o.uolr IaulF(, alUu I SEte of Wloming ) CERTIFICATION BY ELIGISLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER: S3. OF COMPLIANCE WITH SERVICE QUALITY AND CUSTOMER County of Lincoln ) PROTEfiION, ABILJTY TO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL lN EMERGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH.COST SUPPORT. AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINES$ OR CORPORATE OFFICER The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29&41 requires that Eligible Telecommunications Caniers cerirry that it is compliant wlth applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules; and ETCs must darflonstrate the ability to remain functional in ernergencies. ln addition, tho Commission must file an annual certification with the USAC and lhe FCC that all federal high-cost support provided to ETCs within ihe State of ldaho will be used only for the provision, maintenanm, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. Accordingly, the undersigned states and verifies under oath the following: 1. I sm an officer of Cdumbine Telephone Company, lnc. (dba Silver Star Communications), an eligible telecomrnunications carier for receiving federal universal servioe support under saction 214(e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 in the state of ldaho. 2. I am familiar with the Compant's day-to-day operalions in the state of ldaho and with the Slate's service quality standards and consumer protection rules as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841. 3. Columbine Telephone Company, lnc. is complying with applicable service quality gtandards and consumer protection rules of ths Federal Communications Ccmmission and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. 4. I certify to the Commission that the Company is able to remain functional in emergencies as sel forth in Commission Order No. 29841 and in 47 C.F.R. $ 54.201(a)tz). 5. I also certfy that all federal universal service supporl funds recelved by Columbine Telephone Company, lnc. during the cunent calendar year will be used in a manner consistent with section 254(e); that is, for the provision, maintenane, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. The company will ontinue to comply for the period of January 1, 2015, through December 31, 201 5, to be eligible for federal univssal service fu nd support. 6, This verificatian and afiidavit is provided to ba the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to enable the IPUC to certfy to the FCC that federat univarsal service support received by the ellgible caniers in the state will be used in a manner consistent with Section 254{e) of the Telecommunications Act. SUBSCR:BED AND SwoRN to before me this ffi.rof June, 2014 M.Ct{tr.L€ ;r*IIct}sllO?qry ?r3lie5:o;s cl Wyo*!lnA Coirnly rl ll.lrslt *ry Ccrn.rlril*r! Ex*lrsiirdrct1 I3. XSL My Commission expires <010> StudvAr:aCode t12295 <015> StudvArea l'lama SILVIA.8trln TEITPAOXB CO., ItlC. <020> ProgramYear 2015 <):n> C.ontact Name: Person USAC should cootact with questlons alout nis?ata I'l1ch'1i'a loctku' <(Ll$ ContactTelephonel{umber: 30?88366t0 cxt. Numberottlle D€rson identi?ied ln data llne <0:N)> <)39> Contact Emall Address: Enlall otthe oe.son idenutied ln data line d)30> u!@trkultrilvcrstar,trei <10(}, <2S <21(> <30(> <310> Service Quality lmprot ament Reportint Outage Beportlng (voicel[7lL-a,*r Unfulfllled Service Requests Detail on Attempts tvoice) Unfulfllled Servlce Requests (broadband) oetall on Attempts (@t* qtbcH uarbr[q (wt*t2 atbc/}(,eotuhatt l(id*,oe,d,@'.art!@,n) ,mtl.tt ofirdrr.brEt, (oa*tc ctd'ctl wfufua) (t yet, ei,,e* a?ffi mrtuict) {dt1<lE.ktdl@b swt) (ottEh Cctdlr',hr.,9.w6t) I / ll7l l7-lt---:r-l <32(> <30, <'(x> <41(> <a20> <430, <44{> <45(> <500, <510> <6m, Number of (omplaints per custom€rs Fxed Moblle <610> <7(x> <71(> Compiny Price Offaings (brcadband) <8[X> Operatim Companies ard Affiliates_ <900> <1m> <1010> <1100> <1110> <12(D> Voice Seillces Rate Tenestrial Eacthaul {Y/t{t? Trlbaltandoftringi(Vx)? O O 2oFouJo.o =(, JoDc d,oIL IoulFo olttd, l/ll /l I/|ffi I I { II <2mo> <2m5> 41000> <3q)5> Terms and Conditbn for Ufeline Customers Wd, ,,{d,,hdldccrrfudoit (a6E*lEotud*d vq&luttl (MrUraE o,,tar,lpd w,ltrr.at Prlc. c.p c.nhr!, Ptoc..d to kka c.p Addtbn l oocutn.nEtlon woddle€t tnchfriag noB-ot-ktun Corrbrs otfiliated wlth Pice CaP Laftr,t Exchottga conb's lc,.r*14tA.aE htnftrtbnl (@a#.o,bdtdw.ffi) R.tG of n hlm (lrdGl!, PloeGd to non Addliloo.l Doclrtl.ttffin Wodsh..t H*{,&/},arto& a{lcorb^t luryfu adldrdntut*ctl 2oFo IUo.oz o Jo:,o.uoIL IoIUl- C) a UJg, a,E3o6'oo G otu Ea2 I;l NIol3l6lslEI xl:lolql-3 Itt€l ol -t*rln (Jtould4licl oFlc=l! -Hlo il;EI.cl C Elo 6l!-c*fl ;l =E:9.ro 3*E gz>2,OY:EA'U =EB dts;E E E1-'= ) eEEE g g E-6d g I*g! ,gE *gEE Fe o -IEE; iEggaHEAE* $:3Est EEE F E 9 g g 3 A IE# f E X i ! ! i i[Bi ii5r: Eui HE H H; E E E E€;r;5 rErEE-eit'EEa E l t r-' 2;*Es-A !:frEH IiYoI: !*)3 $iEi sEEiEF: .9 c 3. EI!E-E E:F.HE i-:3EE E*Eo 0J ! r=:E.i1 .g6EEE; ETg3 g 6 t'c FE:E ;sr f i; E: sisu- E:igco* 96t CO- O Z J 6 o "^EE t: $ r: s i ;E 5 i;E# E:E*iti,E$rs9nk'i't;6;iIEfisP.Eff E T T A ! gE Hn;"^h *Et er:.&E=EtEsail€aEB * o C oc o (JU oE Eo c.9o Eq, (Jt-r !,ru.>o rU cGo Eou ao GI o AAA NAor<l6(rr\oddddddddddHivvvvvv 0c; 0 iaa oa e oo ruc G G,r'c 'cto ?co3tro rua o g!1' € Eg oE!, 6Eu uacoI (rtmo orno o =E G!, ;oEcot, o oo oDE:z a,3 E3zogoEGA)0Ft6coL' utmo I o q u I GoE .9 d .cE Gc(, UocoIEEo () lgo oC o EGz6o co(J om(t Go EGUoc oNo uz :I g o I ? & E !UEez6E !,q 6o r o!ou6q Ea o o oBoo- o c zot-(J UIo.o =oJo3o.t,oTL IoIUFo olrJu I n t Ca, oE z oo gg 66E5Eo cg!go a o a!o E !! E oc0 o o o€ 6p .=to Ecop co o o aE52 o€ Efzo oEq EF E goU o o oE ts I ! .2 { €oIo E c e! o U o gG I z G o(J o o 6 E c o o EoIoo !a oo o & zoFoUIo.o2 C)Jr0:)o.eoIL IouJF(, olutr ! III Ia!T I a! aI IIf,: E}raI ! -g TIICt3a6 t T ! Tt .t Itu J 1 I JiI trr Ii ( IIaad ! Ei E 5 I {I a J 6 H 3oo66tgiEJ,1uS$39toEoa9tEB TT!tEI_o*s!on;!aOEE6 oo I I ( IIt: oo EnEoc 6o F 0a6U6 !, o o zoFo IUoozoJo:)o.uoIL IoglF(, olu&, III iEI ot Ier5 i$u iIaaiIoF IIBrTJo- aIa! II! Ia ( ! IaItt I N 6 so.C; !C !oE 53 6 bo o I6I=i Ea I te=CE Tt E 6lo 6o ac a tsfrt 5G E x oIE52 o! E3,tIEaooF gt o Lo Ei Et oI oEi2aa t) o U BI l E5 o o a.9at!ItIa6t FL E(, t E6T€ E zoF(,luo.ozoJ6DGuolr I cllUF(, o UJu cGCIEoL'Ic Eooo dq ago aa ceIg co o cnoEoUEC€Er. q' c i6a$t(, aco! 5 aF ao a) o .c 6uItEo6ld A B!GottC! cJ!Eo T o ag !I=aEU o !I aEl!tnc6tJ oI xa o o-F o ?g G G'(, .E1'.f, co!cott o a,!EI2 2EaZ go€.to to c6L' 6 ? ! I ! .!I I Go! s Ic EcTc Eo Eo !t:6a L'I,c60oe goztocotJ 6I io EEIod 6d? o Ei2ao t! 6 (l F o:L'no '!! 6o zIFolUo.o7oJE:)rtroIL IaluFC' oluu toE,o6Ea,c Ga o {rEoz. -ct HE3 T EEgF8E,; EE" i nr5:E E c g frgE giiisgiiggtIg FIEt !83$856686 :?ESAAAAAAAAA: o xi d Nmttrn\ot\60r<UE;ldNNI\|NNl{NN€'e€; ? ?99999?C co 6u=Ito co ElUU.!uclr, coE Eo o(, GII F oator !,eo (JFU,cl{E 'co ttc6JfltEF ortot o E!;t !> o a aI c)ar!o oc a6t E1tlU C(, =co o,c. o o,t,T' ={q EIJ I gE! r!Eut6goU grfoo r(o Fo olno oc 6 .!Eg t, -!, co3coEoo. o o ^oEfz oltEa =0,co.c,CI.coFtatcoL., rrtn)o at! I 0 oEU I G l!E ,3 Ic!toT0) uatcouI,o.cua:)go oa- oEo2 EltcoL., C).rto 6a, Ea Ect B. oGIo Jt! 8 E!oT EJhk 7 E E I q t,EG =a!o !, rn o F o!,oUoo !t3 oo =oFo UJtro =IJo:,o.troIL Io UJl-o autt 6'H l^ =* €tEE? bE3ta, EE,a, # F $$ EEi Es e:t t:EE* EEE9P EIH;€ itigfi EiEocolra,TE TgEa,oo.a5 AAooii oatto oc=lo .o!,s!,o c(,!t corI o o t!t =o Ei! gtt!, =aET!tloco(J t!{no xI I 6 F oavt?l, =oo!, "E!,.,vEoE co 3 o !,a EJ?I o-aE =ztosoo 0,F u(E corJ rJ'tn}o o ! T ! !zI I 6 t!.E, gs!, |!Be alGcop =5oE (, e co oG ., El!2 UacoL' oavtC' o aa, E E Ea. o(, a,E.!2n,t =,5 Lto oE(,ao t:, 6 o?.|(t zoFC'UIo.o3(, JE,G u,otL IoulF-(, ctult cog Et,rt€o oaEo2 E EH 8-E) oB.!> o 'lii.Esg € E =3 0E9 8 E-e€ p rJIE i ENE E Ti;E B EE: A ;E; g ITgE E-CO E =Y6 O oE*Eg EE$ E g lr:r O 6Ei : *|!C} v CFi .9 cl " EB E 2' E EE I i ;* A a5NNt\E6lNNar{ddovvv o'SaE"E-=ieo-E{gEE 5 ar'Eco=oo,gEa -EOs€EgE+o:ao=o€ S-E!stEgEe.E!!r EEg8:-biNE t€BI o.;cE 3oucG-EieoE€SE!;.a E ,c' & F3 o tto3 IJ-oto.o JCJ o c.oa C,c 6, J coE CLoo,t-oIJo o co !,co(J c0 E 0,F orl (f TN6 ocEa6! E.Eto Et!co oo o o !, E=G Elft o g!l!t =IE Eu, gocou grmc, ;xo o o tsq (,6ct rUc=GoT' .ElC'tG trttgco ott otEtz tE,z3co=ooa,t- (,0go(J r/tIl}ct I t I I It I Go? Tg6 GIt E L'G go =3o tJ o o,c oEl!zt0 EoU IDdto c 6(, g l! t!o A. 6Ncl ri2 e &Ze Ed H xHq cr'J q 1' Edzll'arL{ :Et l,t ct F o?touotl !lt6 (, o t- 4toBoo- c6 nE5c !o doEuC caEtC! =I2Aa E TCou Ea T.og Eg3i.lT :!!itr: =.c EE FoluBo =(, JE3o.EoIL IolrlF(, a IIJd EoEoii oo Eo2 co: s o6C a:6Eo(J oEo4 Etot mmmEEnu gI6 EE*'- o-h EEsECF8;; BE-Ct -orx :EEE9HsEecoD8Ee r'O o ffigsxE6 5iEH siE.TgEEEEfl5E€I 1= E3Eaci EeE$ EEE iEgggrggiliglgEl;gl-- [^-^- q-" gs*EeHHgE T T5 AAAAAAAAAAod Naa6 6 tso6 0sB $EB$ s BsE$ tE $E ETrT-5 E:ACBE 8.1 2f._gB:? EE!f EE Igf-[gitcI= TdsnE#!rCIiulF!tat.E-EEI ETrllsrl!ga E8a Eo Io,II3 2 !(JE L' UI I T Tcq !lt da E c 5 q lEn2oo t5 o a!8E .3: (lo 2oFoUIq.oz (J J63c'aoIL IaUIF.o (l IIJd, -c Et I 3I5Itot E 6'I u [tr oEIEiiiE{ iiiiEE IIi [,Ei StEsi$EE o ooo uUu -c .c EEotiEiE9ItrlP8!bEI FrEi tEisi EEE,*€ E{II E EEiE EEiI$E:T*Tt tis{ iEilif qlri nItlfr e EE € E!p5_lE I gEg i ,li E E EI*I i $IEE Is tIx" g il iiil :t :;tI [i $ti E ir !!EEs e oEr p $s6i5 it o caIa .[IE!.E E 5rt! Ea E trg a ESlIEilnl;IIttpoo5t s5 = E6E:I; iTr i${ F!iil€ "*a- aoEg 6622;> =- f, gE T!lErBH: TftaItIEe5a9 ETII 6? EE * it t Gbts -eE!t 6 I E 7EEo o l Easl EIee TE EE iE rE9€ EE EE 53otcE iG!!set-.1J! J! EE*I c-; iEE ErErls EB*Ea.tr€e ET! ;II fEItoq ![E E'o z! EII sx -=EH IEl3 rE TI:i EIat g.o c t ?trIT!I tT =E !I T EiEtttI3te 6 TL EttI I!! E E6 <01(}> Stu6rAG.codc 172295 <ol'> 9tudyrr?til.m.SttvtB. sTtS tELaPaoNs c1c., txc <021!, Prorm Ye.r 2015 <0!e| Contxt N.m . Pson USAC :l}ouH cont.ct rarrdlir thh datr illche1lc lrotzhua <r3t> ConixtTdloftdclfmhcr-!fumbcfofoarsontdentmcdhdat inr{3(}} 1016836690.xt. <O39> Cofrttal tmall Addrr$ - €fid Addracs of Darson ldarti0od lt &te trnc <03& @rlurortlvlrslar.ncc TO BE OOMPtf,T[ O By rE REFOEnilG CIRR|ER, It TlrE REFOirTlftG CAniltR S F!UI6 AililUAt REN)nmflG Olr tf:$ Ot{ll BEHA| f : Ccruficatlon ot Of0car as to thr ac.rlra(y of rhG Oat Rrportcd for ltr Annuel Raportlnt io, CAf or U Rrclphntt rdrfitr;md,rotr.b.iotmrWr,tlnlnlbrmedmnportrdoitibfo.mrdhrry.Ldstr.atsb.a@r.t. {rnraof RaOotdnacaTllqf. sltVAi 6.frf, ,I:EPBOIIE C'o., lrc. ;irnltura ot&tfiorlrad olficca: cEnrtFltrD ot['r!'B oate 06/261201t )rintad mma ol Authorhed ofncer: J'ffailoo BDSl''Ed Illc of B3ttblr of Arthorircd Offtccr: Chicf rlnecl.l Of I lccr 'elcahom nunbar of Auth6riz.d Of6ra: f 0?8806 52 I qt . itudy Ar€E C6dG of iemriim crrls: t7229t FilbrDucDat fordrhtotmt 01 /0L/2014 g.rsr rtlltulh mklr{ trb. rtrt tmtr 6 rhb ftrm qn b. Frot !.d bV 6m q lffin unnr th. Coffi$&.ibE Ar, ot 19!/4, 4, U.sc. 59 5&, !Ot(b), 6 im q lmrrisnmst ondf fHG lloftia Utthld strb Codr, lE U.t(: I ltxr,. zot-(, uJro =oJo:,o.troIL Io lrJFo o lrJu <OlC, StudyAc.Codr 472295 <01b StudyArurta.m srlvEn sTAn aELEPgc{B co-. nic. <O2E PmBm YG.r 20ls <lr:lO> Co.rbd lLm . F.l..d USIC lrrdid @M.mrdh. thii drb Itch.l1. kttku! <OiS> ConEa?.Ldr6h.Hffih.r-kdbcrofam!{.ottiadihd.r,lIEdD 3079936690 .xt in data lim <0rO) Mrciu kusasi TO tE COilruTED BYTHE REFOfnilG CARiIE& rFAr{ AGErfr rS F|UNG Ar{ttUAt- REpORnt oft THt CAiRlEi'S 8E}rAlf; zoFfJilJo.o2 oJ03o.tolr IoulFo olrlu &rtli..Uo, of Offk r to A.]thorhe rn tgeat to Fih Annu.l RcporB for CAF or Ll R.dpbnE on 8ch.lt of ilporHrE C.rdet {rt{Y lrd ofrr ol b rdbd-d toubmltth. lr*otmadon t rorLd m b.ldtoafh. nporfideanh.. I 0pltt;.l4!oIrt atolmyrmod.df,in r?ortafi.l4rlrprorru.{lolh..idrorl:d.gu{lr.carrb, fi6r otAut,rfiE.d Aalnt: 'l.m of ir9dlhr Crnlcr: ihrtur. oil Ardldl2rd Olii@r D.ta: trintld uru of Authsirqd Offnr; ftli tr Gltiil d Authtrlzcd Otfl€.r: rahphm. nu!*or ot Authorlad Olficrr: itudv ArGr Cod. o{ RlEilm Crnbr Fflihr tk* Dat. f P.ffi ellrtu[y m.Ul[ f.b. rtrt frnlr s thb fan c.n t punbk ty fin. d tb,iitun und.. tl[ Crmsa.tionr l6t ot t93a, a? U-S.c" !{ 50& 50:r(b}, o. flnr d lnpiienmnl u^d.r thh 18 of th. Unlt d Snt.. Ccd., 18 U,S.c. I lo0t. TO BE COIIIPT:TED 8Y THT AUI}IORIZEO AGETT: C.rtlftc.tlon of Atlnt Authorkcd to fil€ Annu.l Rlport3 for CAF or U Redphntr on 8Gh.tt of Rcportlq3 Crrrhr ,rd.L !!po.edi.'*b..:do drtr prodd:dbthcncorrtll3*da; rod.tottGb.stormyknrh{c,the fdomurfm iltortr{ i.'*r b.c.unta {am o, Rrooatifl Carbr: {rm of A*htrir.d Ar.m a E&dffi ol Afifit: lifttuc oa Authorircd Arcnt s Emdq!. ot trnt:O.ta: rrintad rma of Althchcd Ar.nt d E arl litlc ff Bitioo ol A{thdiad Aent a EmDkrEe of^rcot ranb itudY Artr Coda ol icoontnr cariu:FilEa.D.t hrtfiirform: I A.* "rmffV *ff,x ?.&! tt*]mt' s tfib bm ao b. 9Ebh.d by f{ d b.tita 6d.. ttE Cairi'tMtlti(s A.t oa 19X. {7 U,S.C. l! soa 5ot(b}, d fim s ihpdsffit mdry fitL i' ..-*-,._-).-.----,- :, l8oldrurldst r6codr.ltuJ.ctl&r. nm E, cl-tmc, I.ttov!oe TEl-o zaTmoJo2 zoF(, UJGo =oJE =o. d,oIL IoulF(, ouIu I :IIaaI I tt 6 d 1 a2 IICIo!EUE'a{gJIaE o ! a.cI,IIs a a o o o tt! !It T dIta o atr t.lt3 IEIa,!tEtT t F ! a aa c E 5 I ! E ai ! aI -!!I! trtd (,B d,'{tH d da cd3t{-{ t a a q a o E&ohEfl92l E.? UF CEiaoEla 5;ip -3gE _a€$€-gE!pg# o6 nia I I aaa 8! A s a,c it!c EaGIrt c o t !! =cE o!! =o Eg EG coU 6o xd o 6oFo Ao ocEIn!C !o !E EEt t o ot E,z a-6€,2I .Eoo FIc8 ? a)T I o J!u I Ca! EIc!5o uIgI ! 3 (J =t oG 3ci2ai c6U 6o oo EaEoA 6 (5 IEiznJi !a o F U EnJI GJ oo zoFoluro =IJo =Gtrolr IouIF(, o lrJE ?u.g 9i !IOU EOQ cGT*E<F! $!s 0o3I, Io E A o2 ld o Ioaaa co E o2 !.cn o 0tdaa o E o2 h' 4o UDI! I E I a 5 o6aa, Ao 5 o2 ioE o ooaaa Io a I 4 6 D!II I joaoa co 3 o2 j 6o 0oa!, 6o 5 o2 i a o gIc6 'o oD^o65e, AE3iE!, o.C t,8xH-e6CL.5 :5 o o o o 0 o 0 I o !$,o q o o o o 6 o o o o Ee -r8socFG F 1F 1 I I.lltIt o oo oo o o oo o !r F F s a o o o E' =ts TE ga B c I 6a I at Ia aI I ea;,( T c t ot H aat Ii a a3 ! I aI E T Ea a,( t !!o oH ox o o A A oH oH DoEiI a 0'!I,I 3t Io!aatsEoG c EI E6 o II iE 0I =iEU a bU a o !xU o oFo 6 o ocEniGc EIE 5t E I o aA G!2 t EIzII EaFta Et 6 t,! It o tu- aa€ c Ic€ ! IEIEII 3) EI oEIa T 5U 6 c' o ! Ea Ion oo H oo F B IadEt caF6r j o oEt =Gai Et o o 3il aI oo z,oF(,uta.oz oJo3o. doIL IouFo ct lrJt, .rl frac EoU t{ .Urlq tr tu -l.rl u, ot{ IUq.r{ -oEaAo CJ .r{ .rl IJtU().rlc E oU kduut €rloo.Fl :E +,dU.rl Eac EoU t{d*J(a Ho rl-flo lu E{ h 'UrJn k 0, -a'.4gt FI EI I Tl' T UI i0aa oU ocoiq oF n q o gGoEouTc Eto d E c6o Eot-,Tc!oI o a;c ; nIu onII ots t t hot a o IEEtoaloc o 6 oE;q o o toa, 8 L c, ?oc=6 6!€!o co!coEoo o o !! 6Eu o ?E 6Euaac6(J 6o€, x3o 6 F oo oc*oGB G1ta co:Eaoct otE32 .tEazoco 6o3F66coL' 6o ! * 3 3EoI GoE c us! iEo 66co t3oc U fCo oG cEi2 E CotJ o 6 6o e6 UoC o ct 3 Eo2Co 3 (, F oto(J C3 E) oo Silver Star Telephone Company, lnc. dba Silver Star Communications {'Silver Star,,) Line 112 (54.313{aXl) Compllance} (ftCC Form 4811 This section, consisting of three (3) pages, is redacted in its entirety. zo F(, luo.o =oJ @ =o. tr,oIL !o lrJt-o o UJd, Silver Star Telephone Company, lnc. dba Silver Star Communications {"Silver Stat,,} Servlce Quality Standards & Consumer Protection Rules Statement of Compliance {FCC Form tl81 - tinc 5101 Silver Star has established operating procedures designed to facilitate compliance with appticable consumer protection rutes; including rules regarding verification of orders for telecommunications service as required of submitting carriers {i.e., Slamming} {Section 64.1100I compliance with the FCCs Truth-in-Billing Requirements {6,4.2400}, compliance with the FCCs custorner proprietary network information (CPNU Requirements {S4.2m9}, and allother customer protection rules including employee training and polic,y manual development as applicable. zoF(J UJa.cltZoJE3oEolL IoEIFo o UIu Silver Star Telephone Company, lnc. dba Silver Star Communications ("Silver Sta/') Functionatity ln Emergency Situations Statement of Compliance (FCC Form tlEl - Une 5101 Silver Star has established operating procedures designed to facilitate compliance with applicabte service quality standards, which may include customer remedies and improvement plans. Specifically Silver Star complies with Rule 500,01 of the ldaho Public Utilities Commission rules requiring it to furnish to its customers safe, adequate and continuous service in accordance with accepted good practice, and to that end, maintains its entire plant and system in such condition as to enable it to furnish such service, and inspect its system and facilities in such manner and with such frequency as may be necessary to obtain knowledge of their current condition and adequacy. Silver Star is capable of functioning in emergency situations, by maintaining both battery and generator back-up power, which ensure reasonable functionality of voice services without an external power source. Additionally, Silver Star can reroute voice traffic around damaged facilities and is capable of managing traffic spikes resulting from emergency situations. zoFotuo.o2 oJo3o.uolr. Ioult-o o UTu Silver Star Telephone Company, lnc. dba Silver Star Communications {"Silver Sta/'} Fixed Voice Serulces Rate Comparability Statement of Compliance (fCC Form tl81- Une 10101 Silver Sta/s monthly retail residential local service rates do not exceed 535.90. zoFouJAo =IJo =rdoIL IaluFo oluu Silver Star Telephone Company, lnc. dba Silver Star Communications ('Silver Sta/') Low-lncome Telephone Assistance Program Terms & Conditions (FCC Form tl81- llne 1210) Silver Star provides unlimited local calling for lifeline-eligible residential customers, discounted by the federally authorized amount of 59.25, and state telephone assistance discounts, where applicable. Silver Star's lifeline-discounted monthly telephone service provides access to emergency, operator, interexcha nge, a nd d irectory assista nce se rvices. The service does not include enhanced calling features such as voice mail, caller lD, callforwarding, internet or long distance telephone service. Toll Limitation service is provided at no charge for lifeline customers, upon customer request and pursuant to FCC guidetines. zoFo IJJA CNz(, J @ =o.uoIL Io UJF(, olrlu, Silver Star Telephone Company, lnc. dba Silver Star Communications ("Silver Sta/') Llne 3017 (s4.313(f)(2! Compliance) (FCC Form {8t} This section, consisting of three (3) pages, is redacted in its entirety. zoFouIcoz(, Jofo.EoIL Io UJFo oluE State of Wyoming )CERTIFICATION BY ELIGI BLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRI ERss. OF COMPLIANCE WITH SERVICE QUALTY AND CUSTOMER PROTECTION, ABILITYTO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL IN EMERGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH.COST SUPPORT. AFFIDAV]T OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER County of Lincoln ) The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order Ho. 29841 requires that Eligible Telecommunications Caniers cartify that il is compliant with applicable service quahty standards and csnsumer protection rules; and ETCs must demonstate the ability to remain functional in emergencies. ln addition, the Commission must file an annual certification with the USAC and the FCC that all federal high-cost support provided to ETCs within the State of ldaho will be used only tor the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. Accordingly. the undersigned states and verifies under oath the following: 1. I am an officer of $ilver Star Telephone Company, lnc. (dba Sitver Star Communications), an eligible telecommunications carier for receiving federal universal service supporl under section 214(e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 in lhe state of ldaho. 2. I am familiar with the Company's dayto-day operations in the state of ldaho and with the State's service quality standards and consumer protection rules as set forth in Commissbn Order No. 29&41, 3. $ilvar Star Telephone Company, lnc. is complying with applimble servica quality standards and con$umer protection rules of lhe Federal Communications Commission and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. 4. I certify to the Commission that the Company is able to remain functional in emergencies as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841 and in 47 C.F.R. $ 5a.201(aX2). 5. I also cert,fy that all federal universal service support funds rec€ived by Silver Star Telephone Company, lnc. during the current calendar year will be used in a rnanner consisient vvith section 254(e); that is, for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intendod. The companywillcontinue to complyfor the perlod of January 1, 2015, through December 3'1, 2015, to be eligible for federal universal servics fund support. 6. This verification and affidavit is provided to be the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to enable the IPUC to cerilfy to the FCC that federal universl service support received by the eligible caniers in the state will be used in a mann€r consistent with Section 254{e} of the Telecommunimtions Act. SUBSCRIBED ANo swoRN to before *rtni*hff*of June, 20'!4 l*Ll:tlt t{*1:{Holc;r fr*lles*{le a, t*ya[}1il1*Ccunly *l Llr':c*la't tdy e *rar::5&ten Ex;t**tld.cn .l5. 2$l i Notary Public for Wyoming, County My Commission expires at Lincoln