HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140701Rural Telephone FCC Form 481.pdfftECri1,/fiil ?0ll' JUL - I AH t0, 00 u r,rl? i i$o#''X J, i U*, * * WUrW. l,l O SSADA l,l S. CO i,t 3121 West March Lane. Surte 100 Stockton, CA 95219 T t20el r55-6100 F l20el 955-61?9 Ac u rtt<' rt. Ag i li t.y. A rt sw ars. fune 30,2014 VIA EI.FCTRONIC FILING AND FEDX - CONFIDFNTIAI FIIING Ms. fean fewell, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W. Washington Street Boise, Idaho 83720-007 4 Qn U,ta^'- Eric N. Votaw, Senior Manager For Moss Adams Enclosures Praxitv.i MEMBER.. GI OEAt ALIIANCE OFlN0EPEN0rt',1 rIRMS 6nl R-T t'l -o l Re: Rural Telephone Company -ldaho FCC Form 4Bl - Carrier Annual Reporting Data Collection Form, in Compliance with 47 C.F.R. SS 54.313 and54.422 Dear Ms. fewell: On behalf of Rural Telephone Company - Idaho (the Company), attached is a copy of the Company's FCC Form 481 - CarrierAnnual Reporting Data Collection Form, in compliance with 47 C.F.R. SS 54.313 and54.422. The attached report is provided to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC) in accordance with 47 C.F.R SS 54.313(i) and54.422(c). Redacted financial information is included as an attachment to the FCC Form 481. A hard copy of the non-redacted confidential financial information that has been filed with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) subject to a Protective Order, issued by the FCC on November L6,20L2, and the FCC's confidentiality rules, is also being submitted to the PUC, via overnight delivery as confidential information that is exempt from disclosure under the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Rules of Procedure, Rule 67. The information is proprietary in nature and is not generally available to the public through regulatory disclosure or other means, and would give an advantage to a competitor if made public. In addition to this electronic filing a hard copy of the redacted and confidential version (on yellow paper) will be sentvia overnight mail to the Commission. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at 209-955-6116 or via e-mail at Eric.Votaw@mossadams.com. Sincerely, www.14ossA0Axs.co M 1121 West March Larre, Suite 10C Stockton. CA 95219 T l20el 955-6100 F {20et 955-5199 A t: u rtt t tt, Alt i li t.1,. A n s n, e rs. ft rc E l\,r l,) 20lq JUL - I Al'l l0: 00 ID,iHC l"jiitl-i: UT lLiT iIb COiriirt ili$ iOi'j REDACTED. FOR PUBTIC INSPECTION June 30,2014 VIA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary Federal Communications Commission 0ffice of the Secretary 445 Lzt* Street, S.W. Washington,Dc 20554 RE: Confidential Financial Information Subiect to Protective Order in WC Docket Nos. 10-90.07-135.05-337.03-109. CC DocketNos.0l-92.96-45. GN DocketNo.09-51. WT Docket No. 10-208. Before the Federal Communications Commission Dear Ms. Dortch: Rural Telephone Company - Idaho ["Rural"), a privately-held rate of return carrier receiving high cost support, has electronically submitted FCC Form 481 to the Commission with redacted financial data, in compliance with 47 C.F.R SS 54.313 and54.422 As specified in the Protective Order issued on November L6,20L2 bythe Commission, two copies of the redacted confidential information are being filed simultaneouslywith the non-redacted confidential information. The redacted information for this filing and each page of the file where confidential information has been omitted is marked "REDACTED - FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION" Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding this particular matter. Sincerely,/,!'. Z7 U*/a,"r--q Eric N. Votaw, Senior Manager for Moss Adams LLP Enclosures Fraxitv"iMEMtsER.. GLOBAI ALLIATICE OFINOEPEI,IOET{T FIBMS Mr. Charles Tyler, FCC Telecommunications Access Policy Division Page 1 <010> Study Area Code <015> Study Area Name Rru TEL CO - ID <020> Prosram Year <030> Contact Name: Person USAC should contact with ouestions about this data Su6e Caae <035> ContactTelephoneNumber: 2083362614 exL Number ot the person identitied in data line <030> <039> Contact Email Address: Email ot the oerson identified in data line <030>suaan. ca6e@ru!alte1 . org <100> <200> <210> <300> <310> Service Quality lmprovement ReportinB Outage Reporting (voice) ( compl eta o tto c h ed wotk s h e et) I co m pl ete o tto c b ed wo tks h eet) l7h.--.heckboxif no -l Unfulfilled Service Requests (voice) Detall on Attempts (voice) <320>Unfulfilled Service Requests (broadband) Detail on Attempts (broadband Number of Complaints per 1,000 customers (voice) Fixed Mobile Number of Complaints per 1,000 customers (broadband) Fixed Mobile Service Quality Standards & Consumer Protection Rules Compliance (check to tndi.ole cettifrcohonl 4122337D5t0 Situations (.heck to indicole ceditcolionl ( o ft oc h d eso i pt i ve docum qt l descilptive document) <330> <400> <410> <420> <430> <440> <450> <500> <510> <500> <610> <700> <710> <800> <900> <1000> <1010> <1100> <1110> <1200> 0.0020 o.0 ( complete oltoched wotksheet) I com p I etc otl o ch ed wo r k sh ee l) ( com p I ete ottoch ed wo tk sh eet) (iJ yes, complete oltoched wotksheet) (che.k to indicote certilicotionl ( o do c h d es.ri pt i v e d o c uh ent ) (iJ not, check to indicote certiJicotionl ( compl ete o ft o c h e d wot ksh eet) ( c ompl ete o tt o c h ed wotk sh eet) fill /l I/ll /l I / ll-l T / Il-/ I 7B&ffiw Company Price Offerings (broadband) Operating Companies and Affiliates TribalLandOfferings(Y/N)? C OVoice Services Rate Comparability mpany Price Terrestrial Backhaul (Y/N)? Terms and Condition for Lifeline Customers E r--rffi <2000> <2005> <3000> <3005> Price Cap Carriers, Proceed to Price Cap Additional Documentation Worksheet lncluding Rote-ot'-Return Corriers offilioted with Price Cop Locol Exchange Corriers (check to indicote cettili.otion) ( complete ottoched wo.ksheet) Rate of Return Carriers, Proceed to ROR Additional Documentation Worksheet (check to indi.ote cettilicotion) ( co m pl ete o ?t o ch ed wor ksh e e t) PaEe 2 <010> Studv AEs Code <01S> StudvAE Nrm.Il TL6-TD <020> Prcgram Year <030> Contast Name - Pe6on USAC should contact regarding thi5 data su!.n c!.. <035> cont8ct Telephone Numbe. - Number of person identified in data line <o3o> 20831525r"*r <039> Contact EmEll Address - Emall Address of petron identlfied in data line <030> .u.tn.c..srurllrlr.ory <11D HEs Eceived iB ETC certlfication trom the FCC? your answer to Line <110> ii ves, do you havc an existinB S54.202(a) "5 Dlan" filed with the FCC? lf your answer to Line <111> is yes, then you are required to tile r progress repor! on llne <112> delineating the status of your comPany's existing 5 54.202{a) "5 year plan" on file with the FCC, as It relates to your provision of yolce telephony seruice. <11> Attach Five-Ycar Service Quality lmprowment Plan or, in subsequent years, your.nnualprogressreportfiledpursuantto4TC.F.R.S54,3l3{a)(1). lfyourcompanyisa CETC which only receives frozen suppoG your progress report is only required to.ddress voice telephony seruice. <113> <114> <115> <116> <117> <118> Please check these boxes bel@ to confim that the attached documents(s), on line 112, @ntains a progre$ report on its five-year seruice quality improvement plan pursuant to 5 54.202(a). The information shall be submitted at the wire center level gr Ensus block as appropriate, M.ps detailing pro8ress tryards meeting plan targets Report how much universal serulce (USF) support was received How {UsF) was used to improve seryice quallty How (UsF)was used to improve seryice coveGge How (UsF) wEs used to improve service capaclty Prcvide an explanation of network improvement targets not met in the prior Blendar year. Name of Atbched Docurent PaSe 2 200315251a.xtl. d.t. lin. <O3b ih d.tr lin! <O3D 2015 <030> Conr.d Nrhe - P..son USAC should contad Number. Numbar ln dttr lin. <03b .ur.n <701> <702> Rrsid.ntial lool Srnlac Cher8! Effrctive D.tc SinEh St.tFwld. R.sidenti.l tool Servac! CheG. RUW UL Q this data identifi.d ih deta line <030>2o8ll5261a.xc <039> Contad €m.ll Addrrss - Email Aural T.l.phon. CmP.ny Dolng Buslness A5 Comp.ny or Brand D6i8nation Page 7 <01O> Studv Area Code {?22t3 <015> Studv Area Name Rl,NtE!6-ID <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact resardins this data <035> ContactTeleDhoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedlndataline<030> 20813626r' cxr' <039> ContactEmallAddress.EmailAddressofpersonidentifiedindataline<03D !u..n,c..!orur.]r.l.ory <910> Tribal Land(s) on which ETCSerues <920> TribalGovernmentEngagementObligation lf your compery serye5 Trlbal lands, ple.se select (Yes,No, NA) for each these boxes to confirm the status described oh the attached document(s), on line 920, demonstEtes coordination wlth the Tribal Eovernment pursuant to 5 54.313(aX9) includes: <921> Needs asse$ment and deployment planning with a focus on Tribal communily anchor institutions. <922> Feasibllityandsustainabilltyplanning; <923> Marketing seruices in a cultuElly sensitive manner; <924> Compllance with Rights of way prccesses <925> Compliance with Land Use permltting requirements <926> Compliance with Facilitles Slting rules <927> Compliance with Environmental Review processes <928> Compliance wlth cultural Preseryation review processes <929> Compllance with Tribal Business and Licensing requirements. Select (Yes,No, NA) 'wu Page 7 <010> Study Area Code <015> Study Aree Name Tl,N@S.ID <020> Prcgram Year <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data 8u.rn c... <035> Contact Telephone Number - Number of person identified in data line <030> 2os!r 526r. .xr . <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> ruru.car*nrrrter."ry Please check this box to confirm no terrestial backhaul |[<1120> options exist within the supported area pursuent to 5 54.313(G) Please check this box to confirm the reporting carrier offers IE .rrao, broadband seMce of at least 1 Mbps do\ rnstream and 256 kbps upstream within the supported area pursuant to 5 54.313(G) Page 8 Page 9 <015> StudyArea Namc iMLELft. tD <020> Proqrem Y.ar <030> Contact Name - PeEon USAC should contact regarding this data <035> contactTeleohoneNumber-Numberofoersonidentifiedindataline<030> 20833626rr Gxr <039> contact Emall Address - Email Address of identified in data line <030> <1210> Tems & Conditions of voice Telephony Lifeline Plans a?2233tD!200. pd! Name of Attached Document Link to Public Website 'Please chock these bores b€|ry to confirm that the attached documentls), on line 1210, orthe webilte llsted, on line 1220, contains the requi.ed information pursuant to S 54.422(aX2) annual reporting for ETCS receiving low-income support, carieE must annually rcport: <7221> lnformation desffibing the terms and conditions of any voice {E]telephony seilice plans offered to Lifeline subscribers, <1222> Details on the number of minutes provided as pan of the plan, <1223> Additional charges for toll calls, and Etes for each such plan. E E Page 9 P.3c l0 - P.en USAC .hould cont.d dS> Conbd of b..$n id.ntlfi.d in d.t. linc <030> 2oE!36261a cxr CIIEO( tha bor6 brlry tonob ffrllane rr a radpi.nt ol lnEcmanbl Contd Amulo Phr$ I epptt f.@cn Hlth Cd.uppo6 Hlth Con 3uppf to oft$t.cos ah.rta rduclona, rnd Cdnad Amrrlo Phe ll 3uppon s ict tmh In 4, crR I 54.313(b),(c),(d),(.) th. l.lm.tlon E oil.d d itlJ fo6 .nd ln thr dcunBs rodrcd bcls i..cur.tc. lnffiobl Cdhad AnliLa Phe I rcpcfring<201O 2nd YerC€difiotion 147 CfR 0 54.3131b,U))<2011> 3rd Y..rCadlfiotlon 147 CFR S 54.3131b)l2D Prl.. C.p crrl.r i@trlnt f rorcn support cdlootlon (47 CfR 5 il.r12(.)) E - T= E Et=m <2012> <2013t <2014> <2015t <2017> <2018> <2019> <2020> 2013 Froten Suppod Ccrdfiotion 2014 F.ozcn SwFn C.niliotion 2015 Frorrn SupFi Crftlfic.iion 2016.nd tutuir F oar. Suppn Cadlfiotion Ptl@ c.p crrri.rcdn.d Am.rlo lccsuppofr{47 cFR t s4.313(dD C.nlfi@tion suppofr U*d to Build groadb.nd csnd ahok Ph.s I Rlpdtint {47 cr8 5 54.313{.}) 3td yc$ BrordtPnd Seryie Cadifiotion sth ya.r Br6db.nd S.rvie Cartmetion lntcrim P.ogr6 C.rllf iotion Pleas! chek the box to confim that the atEched document{s), on linc 2021, contains the Equired informationpuEuant to 5 54.3 13 le)(3Xii), a5 a recipient of CAF Phase ll tupport shall prcvide the number, names, and rddressEs of communltv anchor instltutions to which began providing rccess to broadb.nd seilice in the plcceding calendar year. lnllrlm P.oB,.$ Communlty Anchor lnditoliona N.me of Att.ch.d Do.ument listing Requi.ed lnformrtion Pr8.10 qm6.b.hbbi6ohpbro6bhFr..trrdqdrtu.ffibr6r*Izlr)).il,brdfrlyhE.dE,6khlmibE ffihhrhtEEhtr.dnm6xrffiha, A I g.tllolzl,lffii..dlytutrh hlfubn rtsdd n$h bh (ID, lBrlfiolt rh,Mktm hl&n l.? Gi 5 ajrll,IrI0} _-- -. tu& drd hli h b trh hd h otbdrad ffi (!). 6 lno 3012 ffi ! ha 6quM hlmbn pn6d bl30ul 5 64,313 (X1Xr). h edi$e[ ryfr mtumBr, Mm;,'snd sro.s3 oldmfrudy;dd indub!bfrd bgsnp.ovldnO e@ b bra&sd Bffi ln h p.€@dno elondi )€a.[f (sl2l @mory M tBtMh 1.7 ffi a s38(rxtx!)l l$t!, hFurcomp.ny.Prnr.tH*ionorBl.TcFit!.313(r[2ll(301a) ll E, kwur.onEnviFthcius snudreon l{E) tErenk cq or hd end n6 r.Fa loFnh! isn lo. TtuomheBbnr 8odffi) l$r5l DGffi(6,td a&E sb.( hm sbmst md sbm6t o, cas Fm (!0171 ff !h! .6Fnra I y6 06 hc Il4, r(.ch pur compsy'r RUS .onul OO(s[l rt&E@lnosln.$t.,rE,(mryrfr? IYGAo) ILrllLJ Ittb.rsM.5Fonk.S8. *u!cklth.bG Mtocontum YourrMBlon, on h. S25 puBudto I5{.311(fl{2). cont.ht (sD) tlFr.ororsdr.d[dfh.ncu.dmstorl2).lh&l..pn h.rormn.ompr.bhbiU5Ognhtisdrorrdmmmmk.taom E tsn) oGlM(s)h.Bd.@3re(hdEsbtAMrdsddhtolc6hFh [:] lI2t) uqmteBdlts.hdFdd.dfEpdkx@unbt $ntsddhds..omFn/,tlrs&ldL |E trtE cFeh no d lln. illE. tu tur th. bE Hwto conlknFu rM.ron, oi h il25 Nornrto,9.313(f)12), ME4il.AtH Bd. xcohbnt; o.l,.llmo.Ol r# h .tord.oms.&to 8US OFtiu S@n rorT*ommukrbE lx23l un&nyhg ilombh rubldd b . rak !y .n rnd@hr .dtrE @bll...euntrt E E E{302.1 13025' Un&dyhi hlomnbn oudd lo .n ofk.r c.dflc.{on.M6(6){dB3lffi SkL l|rm Ststffit sd <015> Studv Area Name RURAL TEL CO 201S <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regardins thls data Su6an Ca6e <035> contactTeleDhoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<030> 2083362614 ext <039> Contact Emall Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <o3o> susan. case@ruralrel . orq TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF THE REPORTING CARRIER IS FILING ANNUAL REPORTING ON ITS OWN BEHALF: Certification of Officer as to the Accuracy of the Data Reported for the Annual Reporting for CAF or Ll Recipients certlfy that I am an officer of the reporting carrier; my rcsponslbllities lnclude ensurlng the accuracy ofthe annual reporting requirements lor universal seruice support €ciplents; and, to the best of my knowledge, the intormation reported on this fom and in any attachments is accurate. {ameofReDortinscarrier: RW TEL co - rD ;ignatureofAuthorizedofficer: CERTTPTED oNLTNE Date 06/21 /2oL4 >rinted name ofAuthorized officer: Mark Mattell lltle or positlon of Authorlzed offlcer: Generar Matrager elephone number of Authorized officer' 2 0836 6 26 1{ ext itudv Area code of ReDortins carrier: a12233 Filing Due Date for tL1t 1or. 07l01/2014 under Title 18 of the United States Code, 18 LJ.S.C. 5 1001. 412233Area Code <015> StudvAree Name RI'RAI TEL CO - ID <03D Cont8ct Name - Person USAC should contact recarding this dsta SUBaD ea6e <035> ContactTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentlfiedlndatallne<030> 2083362614 ext <039> Cont.ct Email Address - Emali Address of person identificd in data linc <030> au6an. caae@rura1rel . orq TO BE COMPTETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FILING ANNUAT REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S BEHATF: TO BE COMPTETED BYTHE AUTHORIZED AGENT: Certification of Officer to Authorize an Agent to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier eruly that (Nam of ls authoriBd io aubmlt tho lnromstion reported on behalt of lhe reporting 6rier. gent; end, io tho bost of my knryledgo, the tsports and dsta prcvidad to tho authoriad agsnt i5 acamto. lamc of Authorized AEent; {sma of Raoortlhr Cafiler: iiEnature of Authorized Offi cer:Date ofl .l offi.Eri 'ltle or oosltion olAuthorl2ed officer: 'eleohone numb.r of Authorized Officer: itudv Araa Code of ReDortins Carrier:Fllinc Due Oate for this form; Pershs wlllfully making t he statemenb on thls torm c.n be punlshed by fine ot forfeiture underthe Communications Act of1934, 47 U.S.C. 59 502,503(b), or fine or imprionment under Tltle 18 ofthe Untted states Code, 18 U.S.c. S 1m1. Certification of Agent Authorized to File Annual Reports for CAF or U Recipient5 on Behalf of Reporting Carrier ihe data reported hereln based on data provided by th€ reporting carler; and, to the best of my knowled8e, the lnformatlon reponcd herGln ls accurate. ,lamc of ReDortinc Csrier: ,leme of I Arent ofAEent: ;isnature ofAutho.i2ed AEent or Emolovee ofAsent:Dat€i ,rinted name ofAuthorized Asent or Employee of Agent: 'ltle or 6fAuth6.ir.d Asrnt e ofAEent ! number of Adhorized AEent or EmDlovee of Alent itudv Area Code of Caaaiea:Filins Due Date for this form: remns wmrutty marin.;;;"*;;;";n,, "- *" i" orrrn"o o, * ". *ir. ,"0", rn"...,^""i.;;;;;;;;;;,-;rr.t... io toi. ioriot,..0"" ".,-on-"*"ir"0".*n18 ofthe United Stater C.de,18 U.S.C. I 1001. Page 13 Urur 100 lrrrrnl Fve-YEaR Senvrce Quauw lupnovEurrur Punr'r Reolcrro ron PueLrc lrusprcrron Response Line 510 Rural Telephone Company StudyArea 472233 Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. 5 5a.313(a)(5) and or 47 C.F.R. 5 54.422(b)(3) Rural Telephone Company is in compliance with appropriate FCC Service Quality Standards and Consumer Protection Rules. Rural Telephone Company provides CPNI training to all of its new employees and in addition trains all of its existing employees on an annual basis. Rural Telephone Company also conducts subscriber outreach regarding CPNI by periodically placing CPNI explanation messages onto its website informing subscribers on CPNI rules and regulations. ln addition Rural Telephone Company trains staff on Red Flag issues on an annual basis. All company employees are required to sign and acknowledge that they have completed CPNI and Red Flag training and understand obligations to adherence of applicable rules. Rural Telephone Company also outlines its rates, terms, and conditions under which RuralTelephone Company offers service in its Local Exchange Tariff. The tariff explains customer rights and obligations, customer service, dispute resolution, deposits, billing and payment options, disconnection of service as well as cancellation of service options. Rural Telephone Company keeps its tariffs available for public inspection at its business offices. Response Line 510 Rural Telephone Com pany Study Area 472233 Fu nctionality in Emergency Situations: Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. 5 5a.313(a)(5) and 47 C.F.R 5 54.22(b)(4) as set forth in 47 C.F.R. 5 5a.202(aX2) Rural Telephone Company meets the requirements to remain functional in emergency situations and has the following capabilities: Back-up power is provided to Rural Telephone Company central by use of a fixed generator and batteries that provide it with 8 hours of emergenry power. ln addition, Rural Telephone Company field electronics have 8 to 12 hours of back-up power by use of fixed and mobile generators and batteries. Rural Telephone Company also has SONET technology deployed in its core fiber optic network that is a self-healing and will automatically reroute traffic should a fiber cut occur. ln addition Rural Telephone Company has connectivity to the neighboring exchanges to pass traffic and also has connectivity to the LATA Tandem which further provides capabilities of handling traffic. Lastly, Rural Telephone Company is prepared and capable of managing traffic spikes resulting from emergency situations and has developed procedures for employees to follow during emergency situations, ih dat. lin. <03b 2083362614.xt idenilfi.d in daE lin. <03O, <701> Rsidanli.l [oc.l s.ryic. Ch.r8e Efr.divc Date <702> gingh St.t.-wld. Raslde.tl.l Local s.ffice Ch.er <03D Conl.d Xrm. . turim USAC rhould cont.d ln dil. lin. <O3D 208!16261a.xt Sblc Erchrnt! (ILEC)R.rld6htl.l R.E stata Ra3ulrtad Total Rates and Fces Brodbrnds.rylcG DownlddsF.d roadb.nd Seryice Upload Sred (Mbps Usag. Allowance (cB) usage Allowancc Actlon Taken When Llmlt Reached {select} ID 29.95 9t 0.764 0,255 o Oihcr, Unlinitld OsrE. ID 29.95 0.0 29,95 .750 0.255 ID 29.95 29. t5 0.r56 0.256 ID 29.95 0.0 29.93 764 0.256 0.0 ID 29.95 0.0 29.95 0.750 0.256 0.0 oEh.!, hliair.d Ua!g. ID 24.95 0.0 29.95 0.r69 Orh.r, hlihiicd Ua.g. ID a9.95 o.o 0.5!2 o ID a9-9s 0,0 49.95 .o 0.5t2 0.0 oth.!, unti.tt.d D3.9. ID a9,9!0.0 3.0 0 .512 o.o oth€r, onhrutcd U3!9€ ID Shoup 49.95 o.o a t.95 ,0 0 512 o.o orher, unl!ilircd E6.gc ID 0.0 4 9.95 1.0 5t2 o othcr. h1ialr.d o..9. ID 49.95 0 {9.95 3.0 512 o!h.r. unlirir.d uaag. ID 69.95 0 69.95 6.0 0.753 oEh.r, un]iFrr.d !6agc ID 59-95 0.0 69.9s ,0 ,66 orhlr, unlimircd u3a9. !D 0.0 69.95 6.0 0, ?58 0,0 Othcr, UnliRlE.d Ua.qc Shilp 69.95 o.o 69,95 _0 0 ,758 0.0 orhcr. unliiir.d o.r9. ID 69.9s 59.95 6.0 0 .763 orhcr. unlinlrrd u6rE. ID 59.95 ,o 9g 6.O 0.160 o oth.!, Unlrulcd U3.9c ID 89.95 0.0 t9.95 10,0 0.r64 oth.r. unliDir.d u3.9. ID a9-95 0.0 t9.95 10. o 0.r68 Olhcr. Unliritcd Ua.g. ID a9-95 0-0 89.t5 10.o.?68 o.o oth.!, unliait.d u6.q€ TlruBO.ID ln d.tr lin. <030t 3Et Erch.h3. (lLEc)R6ldcntl.l fuE 3b& R.tubt.d Total REtcs and F€$ lrodb.nd Scdlc. Dilnlod SF.d ircadband S€rule Uplo.d speed (Mbps Usrg! Allowance IGB) Usage Allflane Actlon Taken When Limlt Reached {.cl6ct} ID shoup 99.95 0.9.95 to.0 0, t64 o orEr, unliniE.d u..E. ID 49.95 0.0 09.95 10 0.r66 ID 49,95 0.0 89,95 r0,0 Response to Line 1000 Rural Telephone Company Study Area 472233 Voice Services Comparability Report Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. $ 54.313 (a) (10 ) Rural Telephone Company ("Rural") is in compliance with the requirement that voice services is no more than two standard deviations above the national average urban rate for voice service of 5a5.96 as specified in Public Notice DA 14-384 issued on March 20,20t4. Rural's current total local end-user ratel of 525.92 for all of its exchange (which includes a local fee of $25.76, mandated state fees of S0.16 and mandatory extended area service charges of SO.OO) is is not above the standard deviation as specified in the USF/ICC Transformation Order. 2 1 Local End User Rate as defined in USF/ICCTransformation Order 26 FCC Rcd at 17751, Para.238 ' USf/tCC Transformation Order, 26 FCC R.cd at 17694, Para. 84 (footnote included) "The standard deviation is a measure of dispersion. The sample standard deviation is the square root of the sample variance. The sample variance is calculated as the sum of the squared deviations of the individual observations in the sample of data from the sample average divided by the total number of observations in the sample minus one. ln a normal distribution, about 58 percent of the observations lie within one standard deviation above and below the average and about 95 percent of the observations lie within two standard deviations above and below the average." RURAL TELEPEONE COMPAJ{Y, dba RTI r"P.u.c. No.z Sth Revised Sheet No. 29 Cancels 4th Revised Sheet No. 29 IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION LTFELINE Jean D. JeweltSecretary I. GENERAL Applicablc to qualifuing low-income subscribers to single party residential service of the Company. 2. RATES A Baselinc Lifelinc is a reduction or credit applied to thc local scrviocs providcd to qualifying low- inoomc consumers. Tho reduotion to the normal residential onc-party ratcs aro as follows: Approved Dec. 3,2012 Monthlv Credit or Discount $9.25 s3.50 Effective Nov. 1,2012 (D) (D) Residential Access Lines Fcderal Lifclino Rcduction Stste Matching Looal Ratc Reduction (DXN) lo0 (D) G) I (T) B. These rcductions or crcdits are from the normal reeidential on+party service subscribed to bythe consumer. Thc Fedcral lifelinc reduction shall be used to waive the customer's Federal End-User Commou Line Charge or Subscnlber Line Charge first aud then to reduce normal residential one-party rates. The siate matching local rate reduction provides additional discounb for qualifring consumcrs. In no case will thc discount exceed the rate charged for the service subscribed to by each individual The following servicss are included: l. Single party, voice grade access to the Public Switched Network2. Access oo emergercy services3. Access to operatorservices4. Acccss to interexchangc scrvices, unless toll blocking is chosen 5. Access to dircctory assistance 6. Toll Blocking (D) (D) Issued: LU27|20L2 Advice LTR: 12-02 Issued By:By: Jim Martell. President Effective RTIRAL TELEPHONE COMPAI\rY, dba RTI I.P.U.C. NO.2 5th Revised Sheet No. 26 Cancels 4th Revised Sheet No. 26 NETWORK ACCESS LINE SERITCE RATES Access Lines Jean D. Jewell Secretary Monthlv Rate Atianta Boise River Prairie Shoup Three Creek Tipanuk I(ey System PABX Trunks Residence (R-1) $2s;76 (D2s.76 (D2s.76 (D2s.76 (1)2s.76 (D2s,76 (r) Business (B-1) $40.68 42.00 42.40 42.00 40.68 42.00 Business @-1) Rate Business @-1) Rate (r) IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Approved Aug.2,2010 CONDITIONS The above rates apply to the provision of network access lines which, when connected to a suitable telephone instruucent, provides access to the telephone network Instruments mu.st be provided by the subscriber, zubject to the conditions described in the Connection with Subscriber-Owned Equipment portion of this tariff. Additional inshuments may be attached to network access lines, The Company reserves the right to limit the number of instrurne,nts connected to an access line if they cause interference with the normai operation of the liae. Tone Dial service is provided oniy where the facilities are available. Effective Sept.1,2010 Issrred: A7/28120L0 Advicc LTR: 10-03 Issued By: Rural Telephone Conrpanv. dba RTI By: Jin i\{artell. President Effective: 0910112010 (I) Ltrur 3005 Rare or Rerunru DRra Rroacre o ron PusLrc lwsprcrroru