HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140701Inland Telephone FCC Form 481.pdfINLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY Corparate O{fices 103 S. 2nd St. P.O. Bax 171 Roslyn, WA 98941 RECil\/[:llj 20llr JUL - | il{ 9: Lf} INLAND TELEPHANE Telephone: FAq 649-221 1 Fax: (509) 649-3300 June 30,2OL4 Via electronic filing to : jeanjeuell@tuc.idaho.gou Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secreta4r Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West \Mashington Street Boise, ldaho 83720 GNR-T tLl- o I RE: 2013 Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) Annual Reporting Requirements with the IPUC Dear Ms. Jewell: Inland Telephone Company ("the Company") hereby provides copies to the Idaho Fublic Utilities Commission ("Commission") of the filing to the Federal Communications Commission ('FCC') and the Universal Service Administrative Corporation ("USAC") for designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier, in accordance with 47 U.S.C. 54.313 and 54.422. I have also included the signed Affidavit pursuant to Commission Order 2984I. Company, Study Area Code 472423, is a rural incumbent local exchange carrier [LEC) as designated by the FCC, and is eligible to receive federal universa-l service high-cost support pursuant to the Code of Federal Regulations ("CFR"), Title 47, Sections 54.301, 54.305, and Part 36, sub-part F. Please review the attached filing and include Company in your Annual Use Certification Letter to USAC and the FCC. lf you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me directly. Sincerely, Enclosures Treasurer/Controller STATEMENT REGARDING OPERATING PROCEDURES IMPLEMENTING 47 C.F.R PART 64 SUBPART U GOVERNING USE OF cusToMER PROPRIETARY NETWORT( TNFORMATION (CPN[) MARCH 1,2014 The following statement explains how the operating procedures of Inland Telephone Company ("Inland" or "Company'') ensure that it is in compliance with the Commission's CPNI rules, as codiFred at 47 C.F.R. Part 64 Subpart U ($$ 64.2001-64.2011) and is relevant to calendar year 2013. Except as otherwise indicated, the following applies with respect to the Commission's rules in effect both before and after the December 8, 2007 effective date of the Commission's April 2,2007 Report and Order in CC Docket No. 96-115. See FCC O7-22 (rel. Apr. 2, 2007); Public Notice, DA 07-4915 (rel. Dec. 6, 2007). This statement covers calendar year 2013. L Use of customer proprietary network information without customer approval. A. Inland may use, disclose, or permit access to CPM for the purpose of providing or marketing service offerings among the categories of service to which the customer already subscribes from Inland, without customer approval. B. Inland may not use, disclose, or permit access to CPM to market to a customer, service offerings that are within a category of service to which the subscriber does not already subscribe from Inland, unless Inland has customer approval to do so, except as described in Section I.C. O) Inland may use, disclose or permit access to CPM derived from their provision of local exchange service or interexchange service, without customer approval, for the provision of CPE and information services, such as call answering, voice mail or messaging, voice storage and retrieval services, and fax storage and retrieval services. (2) Inland may not use, disclose or permit access to CPM to identify or hack customers that call competing service providers except for CPNI made available to other telecommunications carriers pursuant to tariffed or detariffed billing and collection iurangements and billing and collection services provided pursuant thereto. The Company does not sell CPNI to any third-party for any purpose. C. Inland may use, disclose, or permit access to CPNI, without customer approval, as follows: (l) Inland may use, disclose, or permit access to CPM, in its provision of inside wire installation, maintenance, and repair services. (2j Inland may use CPNI to market services formerly known as adjunct-to- basic services, such as, but not limited to, speed dialing, computer-provided directory assistance, call monitoring, call tracing, call blocking, call return, repeat dialing, call tracking, call waiting, caller I.D., call forwarding, and certain Centrex features. D. lnland may use, disclose, or permit access to CPM to protect Inland's rights or property; to protect its users and other carriers from fraudulent, abusive, or unlawful use of, or subscription to, Inland's services; and to render, provision, bill or collect for services. Inland provides local exchange telephone seruice and access to long distance service providers rn srx exchanges in the states of ldaho and Washington. Inland's operatiug prccedures corttply rvith the above requirements ottd ittclude, but are not liaited to, the provisiorts rlescribed below. The Contpotty does not engage iu any outbortttd telemarketing. Otrtbottrtd print nrurketing, ,f ony, that may be distributed by the Contpaty by nmil is addressed to all subsuibers or customers withirt the opplicable geographic area, zip code(s) and/or telephone number prefix(es), witltout regard to the speciftc services that the subscriber or arstoruer receives, or does not receive, from the Contpany ond/or the Contpany's affiiates, Under Company policy, rrote of the Company's alliliates is pernitted to use any CPNI of tlrc Contpanyfor any outbouud telemarketing or outbortttd print marketing. Moreover, the Cowpany does ,tot use any CPNI for auy irtbourtd marketing of services that are not within a category of service (i.e.r local and interatchange) to which the astoruer already suhscribes from lhe Contpany antUor orre or more of the Company's affiliates. The Company does nol sell, or provide access to orry third pafi to, ony of the Contpany's CPNIfor purposes of marketing the services of the Company or of any of its afftliates, other than as pernitted without prior custonter opproval with respect to the Courpany's alftliates, Except for CPNI made available to other lelecommunications caruiers pursuafit to tariffed or detardfed ltillirtg and collectiott flrrailge,rtents and billing and calleclion services provided pursuant thereto, aucl purntant to Comnrissiou-mandated carrier chnnge procedures, the Conrpatty does not provide CPNI to any third-partyfor finy purpose. The Company, its enrployees and agents may uake suclt other uses and disclosures of, and permit aceess to, CPNI xtitltout customer approval as are perrnitted by applicable stalate, rule, regulation or order. Such uses, disclosures or access nrcy lnclude those authorized by Sectiotts 222(c) aud (d) of the Communicatiotts Act of 19i4, as anended, by Section 64.2005 of the Coumission's rules nncl by orders of the Commission. Except as set forth above, the Contparry daes not provide any CPNI to arry goverfirtterttal entitlt, or to any other third pa@, other than: pilrsuartt to sttbpoena or othet lawfiil process or witlt the subscriber's prior written cofisertt, or in accordance with the outlrcnticatiott ortd other requireatent described at Section IY below and in the FCC's rales, as a result of a person represeutirtg himself or herself to be the subscriber (or the subscriber's duly authorized ogent) and having confirued his or her identity or authority by provitlirtg to the Contpany appropriate identifyirtg information (such as Social Security Nuntber, driver's license number, ntother's nniden ilArrre, userutante or password, as nppropriate or othenpise required). II. Approval required for use of customer proprietary network information. A. Inland may obtain customer approval through written, oral or electronic methods. (1) Inland does not seek or obtain oral approval, and therefore does not bear the burden of demonstrating that such approval has been given in compliance with the FCC's rules. (2) A cnstomer's approval or disapproval obtained by Inland to use, disclose, or permit access to the customer's CPNI, the use of CPNI outside of the customer's total service relationship with Inland must remain in effect until the customer revokes or limits such approval or disapproval. (3) Inland must maintain records of notification and approval, whether oral, written or electronic, for at least one year, B. Use of Opt-Out and Opt-In Approval Processes. (1) Except where use, disclosure, or access to CPNI is otherwise permitted withor.rt prior customer approval (as described above), Inland only uses, discloses or permits access to CPNI upon opt-out or opt-in approval, consistent with Section 64.2007 of the Commission's nrles and, by December 8, 2007, with the Commission's amended rules. Inland's process is described in Section II.A above. (2) Except for use and disclosure of CPM that is penilitted wiflrout customer approval under Section I, or that is described Section II.B, or as otherwise provided in section 222 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, Inland may only use, disclose, or permit access to its customer's iadividually identifiable CPM subject to opt- in approval. The Compafly curreiltly does not use CPNI in a manner that requires prior custorrrer approval. Should luland's policy change, however, Iuland shall inrylement the foregoing policies to e,tsure the FCC'I rules are coatplied with. III. Notice required for use of customer proprietary network information. A. Notification, GenerallY. (1) Prior to any solicitation for customer approval, Inland must provide notification to the customer of the customer's right to restrict use of, disclosure oi and access to that customer's CPM. Q) Inland must maintain records of notification, whether oral, written or electronic, for at least one year. B. Individual notice to customers must be provided when soliciting approval to use, disclose, or permit access to customers' CPM. C. Content of Notice. Customer notification must provide sufficient information to enable the customer to make an informed decision as to whether to permit Inland to use, disclose, or permit access to, the customer's CPM. (1) The notification must state that the customer has a right, and lnland has a duty, under federal law, to protect the confidentiality of CPNI. (2) The notification must specify the types of information that constitute CPM and the specific entities that will receive the CPNI, describe the purposes for which CPNI will be used, and inform the customer of his or her right to disapprove tbose uses, and deny or withdraw access to CPNI at any time. (3) The notification must advise the customer of the precise steps the customer must take in order to grant or deny access to CPM, and must clearly state that a denial of approval will not affect the provision of any services to which the customer subscribes. However, Inland may provide a brief statement, in clear and neutral language, describing consequences directly resulting from the lack of access to CPM. (4) The notification must be comprehensible and must not be misleading. (5) If written notificatiou is provided, the notice must be clearly legible, use sufficiently large type, and be placed in an area so as to be readily apparent to a customer. (6) If any portion of a notification is translated into another language, theu all portions of the notification must be translated into that language. (7) Inland may state in the notification that the customer's approval to use CPNI may enhance Inland's ability to offer products and services tailored to the customer's needs. Inland also may state in the notification that it may be compelled to disclose CPNI to any person upon affirmative written request by the customer. (8) Inland may not include in the notification any statement attempting to encourage a customer to freeze third-party access to CPM. (9) The notification must state that any approval or denial of approval for the use of CPNI outside of the service to which the customer already subscribes from Inland is valid until the customer affirmatively revokes or limits such approval or denial. (10) lnland's solicitation for approval must be proximate to the notification of a customer's CPNI rights. D. Notice Requirements Specific to Opt-Out. Inland must provide notification to obtain opt-out approval through elecftonic or written methods, but not by oral communication (except as provided in paragraph F of this section). The 4 contents sectioll. of any such notification must comply with the requirements of paragraph C of this (1) Inland must wait a 30-day minirnum period of time after giving customers notice and an opportunity to opt-out before assuming customer approval to use, disclose, or pennit access to CPNL Inland may, in its discretion, provide for a longer period. Inland must notiff customers as to the applicable waiting period for a response before approval is assumed. (0 In the case of an electronic form of notification, the waiting period shall begin to run frorn the date on which the notification was sent; and (ii) In the case of notification by mail, the waiting period shall begin to run on the third day following the date that the notification was mailed. (2) [nsofar as Inland is using the opt-out mechanism, it must provide a Notice to its customers every two years. (3) If Inland uses e-mail to provide opt-out notices, it must comply with the following requirements in addition to the requirements generally applicable to notification: (i) lnland must obtain express, verifiable, prior approval from consumers to send notices via e-mail regarding its service in general, or CPM in particular; (iD Inland must allow customers to reply directly to e-mails containing CPNI notices in order to opt-out; (iii) Opt-out e-mail notices that are returned to lnland as undeliverable must be sent to the customer in another form before Inland may consider the customer to have received notice; (iv) Inland must ensure that the subject line of the message clearly and accurately identifies the subject matter of the e-mail; and (v) lnland must make available to every customer a nrethod to opt-out that is of no additional cost to the customer and that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Inland may satisff this requirement through a combination of methods, so long as all customers have the ability to opt-out at no cost and are able to effectuate that choice whenever they choose. E. Notice Requirements Specilic to Opt-In. Inland may provide notification to obtain opt-in approval through oral, written, or electronic methods. The contents of any such notification must comply with the requirements of paragraph C of this section. F, Notice Requirements Specific to One-Time Use of CPM. (l) Inland may use oral notice to obtain limited, one-time use of CPM for inbound and outbound customer telephone contacts for the duration of the call, regardless ofwhether Inland uses opt-out or opt-in approval based on the nature of the contact. (2) The contents of any such notification must comply with the requirements of paragraph C of this section, except that Inland may omit any of the following notice provisions if not relevant to the limited use for which krland seeks CPNI: (i) Inland need not advise customers that if they have opted-out previously, no action is needed to maintain the opt-out election; (ii) Inland need not advise customers that flrey may share CPM with their affiliates or third parties and need not name those entities, if the limited CPNI usage will not result in use by, or disclosure to, an affiliate or third party; (iir) Inland need not disclose the means by which a customer can deny or withdraw future access to CPM, so long as Inland explains to customers that the scope of the approval Inland seeks is limited to one-time use; and (iv) Inland may omit disclosure of the precise steps a customer must take in order to grant or deny access to CPM, as long as Inland clearly communicates that the customer can deny access to his CPM for the call. The Contpaay currently does not use CPNI in a manuer that requires prior atstonrcr approval. Shonltl hiland's policy change, however, Iulond sltall implement tlrcforegoitrg policies to errsure the FCC'v rules are contplied x'itlt. ry. Safeguards required for use and disclosure of customer proprietary network information. A. lnland must implement a system by which the status of a customer's CPNI approval can be clearly established prior to the use of CPM. lnland's policies and procedures are detailed in Section II above. B. Eflective December 8,2007,Inland may release call detail information during a customer initiated telephone contact only if reasonable authentication procedures are complied with and (l) the customer provides Inland with a pre-established password, (2) Inland, at the customer's request, sends the call detail information to the customer's address of record provided the address of record has been associated with the account for at least thirty (30) days, or (3) when Inland calls the telephone number of record to disclose the call detail infonnation. Inland is permitted to create a back-up customer authentication method for lost or forgotten passwords. Inland is also prohibited from releasing call detail information during a retail visit without the appropriate password or valid photo identification. However, if the during a customer-initiated telephone contact, the customer is able to provide without assistance from Inland personnel all of the call detail information necessary to address a customer service issue (i.e., the telephone number called, when it was called, and if applicable the amount charged for the call), then Inland personnel are permitted to proceed with its routine customer care procedures. C. Not later than June 8, 2008, Inland must authenticate a customer without readily available biographical or account information prior to allowing the customer on-line access to CPNI related telecommunication service account. Once authenticated, the customer may only obtain on-line access to CPNI related telecommunications service account through a password. D. Effective December 8, 2007, Inland is required to notiS customers immediately when a password or back-up means of authentication for lost or forgotteu passwords, on-line account, or address of record is created or changed. Such notification is not required when the customer initiates service, including the selection of a password. E. Business customers are exenrpt frorn the password requirements which became effective December 8, 2007, if: the customer is contractually bound to lnland, is serviced by a dedicated tnland account representative as the primary contact, and within the contract Inland is responsible to address its CPNI obligations. If, at any point, the business customer must go through a call center to reach a customer service representative, then the exemption does not apply. F. Inland kains its personnel as to when they are and are not auflrorized to use CPNI, and Inland must have an express disciplinary process in place. G. Inland must maintain a record, elechonically or in some other rnanner, of its own and its affiliates' sales and marketing campaigns that use its customers' CPNI. Inland shall maintain a record of all instances where CPM was disclosed or provided to third parties, or where third parties were allowed access to CPM. The record must include a description of each campaign, the specific CPNI that was used in the campaign, and what products and services were offered as a part of the campaign. Inland shall retain the record for a minimum of one year. H. Inland must establish a supervisory review process regarding its compliance with the FCC's CPNI nrles for outbound marketing situations and maintain records of its compliance for a minimum period of one year. Specifically, sales personnel must obtain supervisory approval of any proposed outbound marketing request for customer approval. I. Effective December 8, 2007,Inland rnust take reasonable measures to discover and protect against attempts to gain unauthorized access to CPM, which may include encryption of its databases. Inland must properly authenticate a customer prior to disclosing CPM based on a customer-initiated telephone contact, on-line account access, or an in-store visit. Inland must take measures to protect CPNI stored in its intemal databases from potential unauthorized access, and evaluate and increase its security measures should it discover an increase in attempts to gain access to unauthorized information. J. Inland must provide written notice within five business days to the FCC of any instance where the opt-out mechanisms do not work properly, to such a degree that consumers' inability to opt-out is more than an anomaly. (1) The notice shall be in the form of a letter, and shall include lnland's name, a description of the opt-out mechanism(s) used, the problem(s) experienced, the remedy proposed and when it will be/was irnplemented, whether the relevant state commission(s) has been notified and whether it has taken any action, a copy of the notice provided to customers, and contact information. (2) Such notice rnust be submitted even if Inland offers other methods by which consumers may opt-out. I( Effective December 8, 2007, Inland has a general duty to first inform federal Iaw enforcement agencies, followed up by notification to affected customers, after reasonable determination of a breach of its customers' CPM. (1) Inland must file an electronic notification to the United States Secret Service (USSS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) within seven (7) business days tluough the central reporting facility furnished by the Commission. (2) Inland is prohibited from notiffing customers or the general public of the breach until seven (7) business days have passed after notiflcation to the USSS and EBI unless under certain specified circumstances: (a) Ialand identifies an "exEaordinary need to notify customerso'before that period or O) An ongoing or potential investigation or national security requires customer disclosure to be potentially delayed for up to thirfy (30) days. Inland must notiff the affected customer(s) after the applicable period. (3) Inland must maintain a record, whether electronically or in some other manner of any breaches discovered, notifications made to the USSS or FBI and notifications made to customers. The record must include, if available, dates of discovery and notification, a detailed description of the CPNI that was the subject of flre breach, and the circumstances of the breach. Records must be maintained for a two (2) year period. fnhnd's operatilry procedures coutply ryith all of the obove requirements, irtclrtdiltg those that becanrc effective Decemher 8, 2007. With respect to ortline authentication ilt particular,Inland implemented ,rteasures to etsure contpliance by the applicable June 8, 2008 deadline. As previottsly discussed, the Company currently does not use CPNI in a manner tlut requires prior castomer approval. Slnald Inland's policy change, howeverr lnlaud shall implentent the relevant aforententioned policies to ensure the FCC's niles are contplied x,itlt. Inlanrl notes iil particular that: t Contpafly personrrel ore truined as to xtheil they are and ore not authorized to use CPNI, and that oil eJcpress process is in place such that uiolations of these procedures may reuilt iu disciplirtary actiott, ttp to and including terminatiort of employment. o Inlond does not provide custonrers' witlt onlinc access to their CPNI at this tilne. . ll/itlt respect to business crtstomers subject ta Section IV.E above, hilsrrd requires theut to provide the names of all tlrut are sulhorized to have access to the accourrt and at what authorization level (eg. to make service changes, request additional services, billittg fuquiries) and further requires tlut a 6 to l0-plnce alphanunrcric pasxvord be established. e Operutilry procedures have been hnplemented to cotttply with the remaining requirements described above aud applicable to Inland's use, disclosure of and third party access to CPNL V. Supplemental Information Effective December 8, 2007, the FCC's rules require that the annual certification filed pursuant to 47 C.F.R. $ 64.2009(e) disclose any actions taken against data brokers and a sunmary of all consumer complaints received in the previous calendar year regarding the unauthorized release of CPM. Inland is not aware of any consumer complaints regarding the unauthorized release of CPM and has not taken action against any databrokers. INLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY 103 S. 2ND Street P.O. Box 171 Roslyn, WA 98941 l509l 649-2211; (8Ool a62-a578 Fax (509) 649-2555 CERTIFICATION BY CUSTOMER IN ORDER TO RECEIVE FEDERAL LIFELINE SUPPORT STATE ELIGIBILITY (Subscriber signature not required) I certify that I am qualified through the: E Community Action Partnership Association of ldaho (CAPAI) (lnland must receive email confirmation from CAPAI) E Washington Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) - Case # (Must have o current Woshington DSHS Cose # ond porticipote in ot leost one of the programs below) ! Sunntemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAPXFood ! tre8nant Women Assistance (PWA) Stamps) I terporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) ! Sunnlemental Security lncome (SSl) f] uedicaid (Medical Assistance) I St.te Family Assistance (SFA) INCOME ELIGIBILITY I certify that my household income is at or below 135% of the federal poverty guidelines and therefore I qualify for Lifeline Support under the federal income requirements and have provided proof of my qualifications. FEDERAL ELIGIBILITY I certify that I qualify for Lifellne Support and am currently participating in one or more of the programs listed that I have checked below and am providing a copy of my benefit or program participation card or award letter. Medicaid Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) (SNAP)(Food Stamps) Low lncome Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) National School Lunch Program's free lunch program trI E fl asea, Blind, or Disabled (ABD) Cash Assistance I netr8"" Assistance fl Corn*rnity Options Program Entry System (COPES) Chore Services E E n Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Federal Public Housing Assistance (FPHA) or Section 8 E Supplemental Security lncome (5Sl) TRIBAL LIFELINE ELIGIBILITY Tribal ldentification Number I certify that I qualify for tribal Lifeline Support, as I reside on land that meets the Bureau of lndian Affairs definition of "reservation" (any federally recognized lndian tribe's reservation, Pueblo, or Colony including former reservations in Oklahoma, Alaska Native regions, and lndian Allotments) Nq participate in one or more of the programs listed that I have checked below and am providing a copy of my benefit or program participation card or award letter. trl Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Federal Public Housing Assistance (FPHA) or Section 8 (SNAP)(Food Stamps) Low lncome Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) National School Lunch Program's free lunch program Head Start (lncome eligible) Medicaid Bureau of lndian Affairs General Assistance Tribal Administered Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TTANF) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Food Distribution Program on lndian Reservations Supplemental Security lncome (SSl) lncome Eligibility (See lncome Elieibility) trI EfIE E E E EEtl SUBSCRIBER CERTIFICATION It is understood that by participating in the Lifeline program, the support that I receive is not actual payment to me but a discount on my monthly billed service. Participating in Lifeline does not protect me from collection procedures if I do not pay my phone bill. lfully understand that this discount, as well as the criteria for participation in the Lifeline Program, may change and I may no longer qualify, or the amount of support may increase or decrease. Filename: 140603 APPLICATION - BY EXCHANGE.xlsx LIFELINE CERTIFICATION Page 1 of 3 As the Certifying Subscriber, I certify that, (i) the service is for me and not a member of the household; (ii) I am not listed as a dependent on someone else's tax return; and, (iii) the service address is my primary residence. I further certify that the service that I receive from lnland Telephone Company is my main line of service and neither I nor anyone in my household receives Lifeline Support for any other telecommunications service. Further, I understand that Lifeline is a federal benefit program that provides a monthly discount on either home or mobile telephone service and ONLY ONE Lifeline discount is allowed per household. Members of a household are not permitted to receive Lifeline Supportfrommultipletelecommunicationscompanies. lunderstandthatviolationoftheone-per-householdrequirementwill resultinde- enrollment from the program and possible fines and imprisonment. As the Certifying Subscriber claiming income eligibility, I certify that the documentation I have provided accurately represents: (i) my household income and the number of persons in my household; or, (ii) proof of participation in an eligible program. I certify that I will notify lnland Telephone Company within 30 days,(i) if for any reason I should no longer participate in any of the eligible programs or qualify by income, and or (ii) if I move from the address provided on this form. lf my address listed above is temporary, I certify that I will verify my address to lnland Telephone Company every 90 days. I understand that if I fail to respond to an attempt to verify my address within 30 days, my Lifeline support may be terminated. I understand that if I fail to give notice as required, I am subject to penalties, including de-enrollment, being barred from the program and fines and imprisonment. I understand that Lifeline Support is not transferrable and that I may not transfer my service to any individual, including another eligible Lifeline Support recipient. I further understand that if my service goes unused for 60 days, my service will be suspended subject to a 30 day period in which I may use the service or contact lnland Telephone Company to confirm that I want to continue receiving the service. Further, I fully understand that in order to continue to receive thls support, I must annually, or more often, certify my eligibility and provide proof of eligibility. I understand that my failure to timely re-certify will result in de-enrollment and termination of my Lifeline benefits. I fully understand that the Lifeline Program is administered by the Universal Service Administration Company (USAC) under the guidance and authority of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)and that all of the information that I have supplied pertaining to my eligibility will be shared with USAC and the FCC and I give my consent to do so. I certify that the information provided on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge under penalty of perjury and if I have provded any misleading statements in orderto receive support, lwill be liable for any support received, my service may be discontinued, it may result in de- enrollment and my being barred from the program and I would be subject to state and federal fines and imprisonment. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT APPLICANT (PRINTED) SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER SERVICE ADDRESS xxx-xx-DATE OF BIRTH BILLING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER lnland Telephone NUMBER OF PERSONS IN FAMILY OR HOUSEHOLD ial, except as ALT INFORMATION Company service - Customers serving Exchange DEWATTO, WA PRESCOTT, WA ROSLYN, WA NAME OF CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE COMPTETED ON THIS FORM IS SUSJECT TO STATE AND FEDERAI. PERJURY PENALTIES. Filename: 140603 APPLICATION - BY EXCHANGE.xIsx LIFELINE CERTIFICATION Page 2 of 3 I NLAND TELEPHONE COMPAiIY (5091 649-2211; (8OOl 462-4578 Fax (5091 649-2555 LIFELINE HOUSEHOLD WORKSHEET Your household is everyone who lives together at your address as one economic unit (including children and people who are not related to you). Theadultsyoulivewitharepartofyoureconomicunitiftheycontributetoandshareintheincomeandexpensesofthehousehold. Anadultis any person 18 years of age or older, or an emancipated minor (a person under age 18 who is legally considered to be an adult). Household expenses include food, health care expenses (such as medical bills) and the cost of renting or paying a mortgage on your place of residence (a houseorapartment,forexample) andutilities(includingwater,heatandelectricity). lncomeincludessalary,publicassistancebenefits,social security payments, pensions, unemployment compensation, veteran's benefits, inheritances, alimony, child support payments, worker's compensation benefits, gifts, and lottery winnings Spousesanddomesticpartnersareconsideredtobepartofthesamehousehold. Childrenundertheageof 18 livingwiththeirparentsor guardiansareconsideredtobepartofthesamehouseholdastheirparentsorguardians. lfanadulthasnoincome,orminimal income,andlives with someone who provides financial support to that adult, both people are considered part of the same household. You hove been osked to complete this Worksheet becduse someone else currently receives o Liteline-supported service ot your address. This other percon may or may not be o port ol yout household. Answer the questions helow to determine whether there is more thon one household residing at your address, 1) Does your spouse or domestic partner (that is, someone you are married to or in a relationship with) already receive a Lifeline-discounted phone? (check NO if you do not have a spouse or partner)' lvrs E*o > lf you checked YES, you may not sign up for Lifeline because someone in your household already receives Lifeline. Only ONE Lifeline discount is allowed per household. > lf you checked NO, please answer question #2. 2l Other than a spouse or partner, do other adults (people over the age of 18 or emancipated minors) live with you at your address? flves E*o [ves E*o A. A parent B, An adult son or daughter c. Another adult relative (such as a sibling, aunt, flves Ero cousin, grandparent, grandchild, etc..) O. An adult roommate E' other Jtrt Ero > lf you checked NO for each statement above, you do not need to answer the remaining questions. Please initial line B, below, and sign and date the worksheet. > lf you checked YES, please answer question #3. 3) Do you share living expenses (bills, food, etc.) and share income (eitheryour income, the other person's income or both incomes together) with at least one of the adults listed above in question #2?[vrs fl*o >lfyoucheckedNO,thenyouraddressincludesmorethanonehousehold. Pleaseinitial linesAandBbelow,andsignanddatetheworksheet. > lfyoucheckedYEs,thenyouraddressincludesonlyonehousehold. YoumaynotsignupforLifelinebecausesomeoneinyourhouseholdalready receives Lifeline. CERTIFICATION Please initiol the certification below ond sign ond date this worksheet which must occompony your Lifeline opplicotion. A. I certiJy thot I live at an oddress occupied by multiple households. B. I understond thdt violotion of the one-per-household requirement is agoinst the Federol Communicotions Commission's rules ond moy result in me losing my Lifeline benefits, ond potentially, prosecution by the United Stotes Government. SIGNATURE [ves E*o Filename: 140603 APPLICATION - BY EXCHANGE.xISx LIFELINE CERTIFICATION DATE Page 3 of 3 Form 481 - Carrier Annual Reporting tCC Form 481 CIMB Gontrel No. 3O6{Xr!rE5lOMB Co.tol tto. 30€GO819 Juty m13 Page 1 <010> Studv Area Code <015> Studv Area Name IN]]M TEL-ID <020> Program Year 2 015 <030> Contact Name: Person USAC should contact with questions about this data James K. Brooks <035> Contact Telephone Number 50964922I1 ext Number ot the identitied in data line <030> <039> Contact Email Address: Emall of the person identitied in data line <030> j brooks@inrandnet - com REPORTING FOR ATL CARRIERS 5tt.313 ..' *.422 Completion I Completlon <100> <200> <210> <300> <310> Service Quality I mprovement Reporting Outage Reporting (voice) ( com plete ottoched wotksh ee t) (.om plete ottoched wotk5h eet) (check box when conptete) l-h.--.heck box rf noF-{ <320> <330> Unfulfilled Service Requests (voice) Detail on Attempts (voice) Unfulfilled Service Requests (broadband) Detail on Attempts (broadband (otto ch descil ptive docum en t) I o ttoch descriotive document) <410> <420> <430> <440> <450> <500> <400> Number of Complaints per 1 Fixed Mobile Number of Complaints per 1,000 customers (broadband) Fixed Mobile Service Quality Standards & Consumer Protection Rules Compliance 74a630 412423 CERTIFICATIONS.pdf, 7442L2 ITC 802299 CPNI CERTIFICATION.pdt, 140212 lTC 802299 CPNI OP PROCEDURES.pdf <510> Situations (voice) Terrestrial Backhaul (Y/N)? Terms and Condition for Lifeline Customers (compl ete attoch ed w otksheetl (compl ete ottoch ed wotksheetl (@mpl ete ottoch ed w otksheet) (if yes, conplete atto.hed worksheet) (chpck to indicote cettllicotion) desctiplive doumentl (otta ch desctiptive docum en t) 77 l/]7 0.0 00 I , h*m*u 77(check to indicote cettilicotion) ( o ttoch ed des ci pti ve docum ent) (check to indicote certificotion) <510> <700> <7to> <800> <900> <1000> <1010> <1100> < 11 10> <1200> Company Price Offerings (broadband) Operating companies and Affiliates Tribal Land Offerings (Y/N)? O OVoice Services Rate Comparability (ifnot, check to indicote certilicotion) ( conpl ete ottoch ed worksheet) (compl ete attoch ed w otksh eet) <2000> <2005> <3000> <3005> Price Cap Carriers, Proceed to Price Cap Additional Documentation Worksheet lncluding Rote-of-Return Corriers offilioted with Price Cop Locol Exchqnge Corriers (check to indicote cettiJicotion) (compl ete o tta.hed workshe etl Rate of Return Carriers, Proceed to ROR Additional Documentation Worksheet (check to indicote certilicotion) (conplete aftoched worksheet) co Ef o oE 6 @E6z o ._c cu ooc.:i9;*E s =>=b9r:EO'" =EH 6::! P Eu>eo EEE g P56d E Ioo o q 6 oE;= gg HPEF Fr , -I;fI EBc*"EEtar* -s:-+oss EEC F E 3 3 g 3 go-.=dEgld6ovo;oo--,Y6aEi[ € E A E E;I9Rg ,iE gsF€,;xeS? 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El'i; .E@ : a o 9 6 d e3E E .d 3" ei Eiio- -q53 E h 3 i.E E?.d : iE E E ! i; Eti Eq;b ;g qB €sE €E:F EE E. i;8,;P': P E EEE:E9!it,!; i tr qEE itEB; =:i E ! f;6 E!:EE=E.; O > :r - d.E:d = 66=6eooo!1 9!1 !9 {1 ) E !o oE q9 !E F !1 'otrE oo c EoooEco c Eo6 @o o E oo-ao som coE) oo I Nooo Ec 5 6 8;g f E E EG -o E E5 st P E d :r g Y 9 iF o 6* -q = u € Eo E, E Ei F;iO != ,= r > = }: E E 6 :> I 6 U o !.9! a! 5lt:G = :o Yl uF! :€ E EEE ?d r:JE ie 8-E*o := 5 -* ^o^HOHooo c6oeg 69 fr>fo ,E5 x6 EE6'oEiocE= 69ceoo NO 3EPE. 6E>:o kI u;9. €3€6iHECEEei TE: EHE:E 9E;9 8gH 5sb 9a-- Y =9tp5Ho9I 3 iD;ot =aob- Page 12 <010> Study Area Code 412423 <o15> Studv Ar.a Name INI,AND TEL-ID <020> Proqram Year 20rs <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact reEardinr this data James l(. Brooks <035> ContactTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<030> 5096492211 ext. <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identifird in data line <030> jbrooks@inlandnet . com TO BE COMPTETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, lF THE REPORTING CARRIER IS FILING ANNUAT REPORTING ON ITS OWN BEHATF: Certification of Ofticer as to the Accuracy of the Data Reported for the Annual Reporting for CAF or u Recipients cenify that I am an olficer ol the rcportlnt carriar; my responslbllltlas ltrclude ensudnt the.ccuracy ofthe annual rcportlnt rcquiremlnts for unly€rsal seruic€ support eciplents; and, to the best ol my knowledte, th€ lnformation reported on this form and ln any attachments is accurate. {ame of ReD 2 6...;".. INLAND TEL-ID ofAuthoriredoffice. CERTTFTBD ONLTNE Date )rinted namr ofAuthorized otficer: irames Brooks 'itle or posltion of Authorized officer: Treasulerlcortroller elephone number of Authorized Off icer. 50 964 92 211 ext. itudv Area Code of Reportins carrier: 412421 Filinr Due Dateforthisform' 0?/01/2014 Per$ns willtully mkint f"lsr datlmrnts on this form can be puni!h.d by fine or forf€ituE under the Communications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. 55 502, 503(b), or fine or imprisonmlnt underTitle 18 ofthe Unitrd SEtls Code, 18 U.S.C. 5 1001. Page 12 Page 13 -A8ent/Carrler FccForm4Sl Collecdon Form OMB Contrcl No. 3O6OS86/OMB Control No. 305G@19 tr.f,, ,Ar r' JuV2013 <010> Studv Area code <015> Study Area Name TNLAND TEL-ID <020>2 015 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact reEarding this data James K. Brooks <035> ContactTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersohidehtifiedihdataline<030> 5096492211 ext <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of oerson identified in data line <030> TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FILING ANNUAL REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S BEHATF: TO BE COMPLETED BY THE AUTHORIZED AGENT: Certification of Officer to Authorize an Agent to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier certify that (Name of is authorlzed to submlt the information reported on behalf of the reporting carrier.I lso certify that I am an otricer of the reporting carier; my responsibilities include ensuring the accuracy of the annual data reporting requiremnls provided to the authorized gent; and, to the best of my knowledge, the rcpods and data provided to the authorized agent ls accurale, ,lame of Authorized Asent ,lame of Reoortins Carrier e of Authorized officer Date 'rinted name of Authorized Officer itle or oriz€d Offi.er eleohone number of Authonzed Offrcer itudv Area Code of ReDortinE Carrieri Filing Due Date for this form underTitle 18 0fthe LJnated states code. 18 u.s c. 5 1001. Certification of Agent Authorized to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Eehalf of Reporting Carrier he data reported herein based on data provided by the reporting carrier; and, to the best of my knowledge, the information reported herein is accurate. Jame of Reportihg Carrie. Jame of Authori2ed Fmnl6vep ofAEent isnature of Authorized AEent or Emolovee of AEent Date rinted name of Authorized Asent or Emolovee of Asent itle or position ofAuthorized Asent or Emplovee ofAgent number of Author;rFd As.nt of Apent: ;tudv Area Code of Reoortine Carrier Filins Due Date for this form 18 ofthe United Srates Code, 18 U.5.C. 5 1001. IsE=E9ddEF .g eEei-3 rEo $o! -e P= E E 1; E g;g o oo ots b B^itul aob O ri>E9l Hd!oo oo do i! oodqE O'd'a!- bdEUo.Hc6 !.Aaa oo! E-o r o@qo 4doD! 3^ AO or o>cood^q d ! o.id o€ obb> qco do,d Od! q .dE - oo qt d o o!!c!.a.d 63* o o o 9 EtE q I oo!! o o @ ,E E ,E E c =co oo o !! E ! E aU 6 o x oo ! ,EEo =c@p o @ o o Eaz ! Ezoco ogaF oU o oo .; oe6 6 !.9E u € @ co = c U f, o 4 @Ez Eoco oo o E oo oo a ItrF A eJz Eoz o E o o€Io@o ctz E o(J 6 oo6I6Go dz @o$!ccEOo9q69SH5 oJio sc EoAo&,oEEEt!o =LR,C s€>U Jt I oEo Go !f oo or !Eo o 64q .g qo Eo 6 E !-.gE EGOEiu >.99b !t6E ??? qo o ze E o c o6 :..a 1 ocoEUog eo.E II o 6 d ; ote EtsEOe.9p;3q4 ?: oq Fo Gc E E UFrI U Ur o E(s r o(u,f o OJf (ulr (u -l (u lro (u F] o G a o A a o@ .:t slqE .9p 3e o! OB o=E .lic6 EI'; 9p ooorNr EoI !c t o oo ! oa E ,E o =op o o oE G E to E E o oo oo ,E E .Eoo E op c o o ! E-z ! E)zo o o F ts o oo v e E.9 ,E o o o = E f co oEz oU o E o d oo o oF e J2 Eo o ! oo I o @ !osQO<o6-d =i-ol==oE<F=oEc@oogE€)<5 to i oz o oz ; c o o co3o o@^o65e oa:.92 3EEqca 6:oo!:l :? .gE E-opEF-9 E:EE"E :? o6ota 6_ocF6 I ?I Eog oG QdfiE ?::: Ec,qgE6'6dod :?1 Ur oE GE r o o!o J co0l coo o 6 a o a o ! ! eo 9 atra E 0 oo! o o o€ ! ,E o ,F c ;o o o !E E oEE EU o o oo ; o oo c ! .9 !oE cp o o o oo E z o E z co ooEFt6 c o oo! v E G 6! ,9E @ ,E ou = U f o o @E6z coU o o o E o oNo o I F o aI Ez ! o !a E o o m !oB!o .d rd -.] H rd.aE l{ rd-ta-.]--l() U o (d -t H lr rd-t)--l--l() U rd -.] H oU otro Io-t C)H ! d -.] H .9oc .99 oottoa o coa EoL' o,d l0@E'6o -4 a!0 !6o d0 E Ff od a o !0 odtrl fs 5 Ul:lf !6 a oU d 6 CH or @!o !d& !o -a E J CJz 4qd o o .4 d d 3 U J !d)i oU d 6 o.4 a!0 !6o o .i e.i d q& o oC-i od d 5 UJJ d, oU d d (6o oU 0)tro (u --loFl d rs r-l H o .e @ e' Aeo o q F !q tr co EoU{.E G oo @ o !o o !o o c o Eo{.E!o- @ q eoo o o 0F ! q ,9 G c Eo oE o @ Eo9 i! d I oo ! oo o ,E G ! .EEo .Ecop co ao o a!! E a!! E coU oo O o o E ! .= Eo !cop co oo o o! Efz a! Efzaco oaaF coU o oo! e o! ,9E u.sEo{o G co ! =ot U lEo od o EGz 6coQ oo 6o E{oo oo a EF o2 3 oEoz o !l O o)€Iooom oz6 o()o =o @oI6@o C;azSE FC6588teIua=ro< o!oUo@ !f oo Ability to Remain Functional in Emergencies Gertification 554.313(axo) EICs must demonstrate that it has a reasonable amount of back-up power to ensure functionality without an extemal power source, is able to re-route tratfic around damaged facilities, and is capable of managing traffic spikes resulting from emergency situations. l, James K. Brooks, being of lavvful age, state that I am Treasurer/Controller of lnland Telephone Company ("Company"), that I am authorized to execute this certification on behalf of the Company, and that the facts set forth in this certification are true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. On this basis, the Company certifies to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission, pursuant lo 47 C.F.R. S 64.2009(e), that the Company's operating procedures are adequate to ensure compliance with the Customer Proprietary Network lnformation rules and regulations as set forth in 47 C.F.R. SS 64.2001 through 64.2009. The Company is able to remain functional in emergencies as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841 and in 47 C.F.R. 554.201 (a)(21, as such standards relate to functionality of wireline carriers in emergency situations. The Company further certifies that it maintains back-up power to ensure functionality without an external power source in the forms of auxiliary generators and batteries in its central offices as well as adequate battery back-up in its subscriber carrier cabinets and that its switching capability is more than adequate to manage the traffic of its subscribers. For calls within the exchange of Leon, depending upon where a cut is made, there exists redundant toll routing however, the Lenore exchange has no redundant totl routing. ln both exchanges, customers can continue to make calls within the exchange should the interexchange interconnected facilities get disconnected. The Company does not have ring technology at this time however; it is looking at redundant routing altematives for Lenore. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of ldaho that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated this 30h day of June, 2014 atRoslyn, Washington. By: K. Brooks Treasurer/Controller lnland Telephone Company tlcollcdo ofllfruioq usoA.Rus OPERAIING REPORT FOR TELECOMMU NICATIONS BORROWERS l?ah &uuill bc wd by RUS m alat prfuwrclol tiuador l'ow rqpou. b rquhd bl ? USC.90l ., tt1,, ne a,hld b Ldal larr dl ,rflldtu ffiilhc alldarlal lnlomta iln h{ Mtd e dniadd! IORROWER MME Inland Telephore coq)any (erepared with AudiEed DaEa) 'NSIRUCTIONS-.fflhnI. Eptt to Rl,lS \lrhln 30 rhy qltoclotc of ,hc pcid. "or d.rollcd lEilEtlory, scc RUS Bullctla 1711-2. Rcport la \holc dolha only, PERTOD ENDTNG IBORROWER DESTGNATTON Decernber, 2013 lWA053rl CERTIFICATION lfc lurcby en{1' 1ls1 the awl6 h ,hls r€po|t aru lil adotdance wilh ,lre dffiwils and other rcards olthe $$ktn aod ,ttlecl rhc stalw of fic t),tt.m to the bcsl ofour htowlcdgc and bcllef,, ALL INSURANCE REQUTRED BY 7 CtrR PART 1788, CHATTER XVIT, RUS, WAS IN FORCE DURING TTIE RE,PORTING PERIOD AND RENEWALS HAVE BEEN OTTAINED FORALL POLICIES. ltuRtI{G'l'uripEIlroDcovElt!:l, llY'l'HlsR"]:l,oRIfullsuANl'luPAR'I'rTrEot 7c]RcHAl'l'ERxvll (Cluch ffi olup lolowlngl E A[ oI tha oblgadffr udu rha RUS bm dmJrncntt haE b!€n ftrltt.d ln allnallrtrl Gplcls.I Thuc hro boon a detBu[ h lh! tuIfl[rnsnl ollll! oblgeuoru- uds irB Rt S lou doqm8nB. Sald d.faul(s) ls,ls€ ip.cJfialy dEqlbcd h lho Tdrcom Op6r6dng Rlpon Greqorv Maras 3/20/2oL4 DATE PART A" BALANCE SHEET ASSETE BALANCE PNloR YEAR BALANCE EIN AF DFEI6 UABILITTES AND STOCI(HOLOERS' EOUITY BAI-ANCE DFIAP VE E BALANCE EIN AE DEEIM :URREI{T ASSETS l. Ce3h snd EouiElents ,, . :' r.,:, . ,,.ji, 565, 7s: "'.': i'':,',,,rll:: 298 ,4t ;URRETT LIABILMES E. Acrount3Pavru€ |,,:::;-;1,1'.; i!, r,t,- :i., 1,'.''':. ::: t, L34,728 2 C$1Ff,IIJS CoEln ctlon Fund 8.04(395.811 E- NolEi Pewble 0 3. Ar{nlat€s::r;;:;;;;i) ;; iii,''1..,.,n.'jli.r 17- AdEm Blllnc ard Pamenls 0 s. Talecom. AccoJnlr RecaivEbls 82 , q2(a4,4A6 18. CuEtomgr Oopolit8 2, 09(2 .519 b, Olhet Account6 Rec€lvablo ts. CunEnt MsL UT Dobt 673,30(389,000 c Notas RecatvEb,e 0 10. Curent MeL UT DBbt-Rlf,. Dav. 4. Non.Ailllhts:11- Cumnt Met-.Cedlrl LBB 0 8. Tolocom, Accouni8 Rgcelvablo 453,381 635,441 12. lncome Tares AccnJsd 2(50,011 b. Other Accounts RecelvaHe 13. OtherTar6Accru€d 78, 55!L42.940 c. Not6s Rsc€lEblB 14, Othor Cunorll LlBbiUtiB 776,165 815, 571 5. lnlrot md DlvlCends Raelveblo 15. TotEl Cunont Lhbllllles {2!i thru 341 1.721 .375 2.544.749 0. Malerl8l.Rsaulsied 259 .616 269 ,54',.ONG.TERM DEET 18. Funded D€bhRUS Not63 . :, . ., ^" 363,004 'i r';.'u.1:il,: 23L,6757, Msls.iel-Nonrgold6tad 8. PEoavmEnts 2 ,49C 38,20I 17, Fundod DEbI-RTB Not6 198, 95C 65, 936 9. Olh€r Cumnl A$ats i8. FundldD€bt-FFBNolB 534,358 2 ,8L6 ,944 10. folrl CumntA.sst3 ll Thru 0l L,372,73C I ,722 . 90t i9. Furdad Dabt-Oth€r (2,65s) NONCURREHT ASSETS 11. lnvostment in Amiatsd ComEnhs ::I 1 _.,:.'10. Fundad Debt Rural Deyelop. Loan 0 l. ftemlum (Dbcoun0 on UT oebt 0 0 a. Rural DEvdomnt 290,67)51,70!12. RescouirBdDob(0 0 b. NonruEl DaveloDreBl 13. OHioe0orE Unds Csohal Lsse 0 I 2- Olher I ruEtmenle lt.:8:t!..r, !.;,rl1r 14. Adv. Fmm Affillaled Cdmffinia 0 a, Rutel DwdoDmont 15. OlherLono.Tarm Oebt b. Nonrural DeElosmnl L78,!2a 190, 105 16. Total Lono.Torm Dobt (36 thru asl L , O95 ,322 3,111,903 3. NomulaEd lffitrnenls 831.59(I . 821. 312 )THER UAB. A DEF. CRED]TS 17. Olhsl-opTm Lbblltles14- OIhs Nonarm! Asssb 2A(25A i5- Dafered ChmB 18. OlhtrDefilr€d Crcdhg 7L6 ,5L2 528,L25 6. Jurlsdlctlonel Diftrsncas t9. Otts Jurtrdldlorol Dllteffi 0 7. Tolll NoncunsntA3ssE (11 thru 16)1. 3 00, 63{2,06X .377 i0. Total Olhor LlsbflUE End Dot md Credl6 (47 thru 49)1L6,6L2 528,126 'LANT. PROPERTY, AND EQUIPIIIEI{T 8. TdomDPlant.lnsnlG ,".'j:,:r! i, ,,. rt , r. ;' 1,,. r ti!.,r ' 1,,i, 22,848,576 :OUITY i1. CeD. Sloch Outstsnd. & SuEdibed I l '- l' ::.1 93,1502258{.411 93 x5( 9- Pmostv Hdd fur Fulurc LJss 0 i2. Addlllonal PaH]*Csoltal 7,t7!7 ,t7S 10. Plant Undsr Construdion 123.651 2,578,522 i3- Tlt8wstod( 11. Plant Adl., Nonoo. PlEnt & Gmdwlll i4. Membarshlosnd Cao, Cer{lhates 2. La3s Acarmdded Deracblhn ls.657.911 16. 940.466 i5. Olhercspitel 0 0 B. N6t Plant ll8 lhru 2l lu 221 7 ,250,L5',9,485.932 i6. Pslroneoe Csoitsl Cr€dlrts 0 la. TOTAL ASSETS (l0l17+23, 9 .924 .521 L2,271,2L7 i7. RetElned Eemlnos or MerclG 6-286-ACI 5_qEE-O?4 i8. Totrl Edultv a6l lhru 5rl an? 2nF 6. OnA - 1qq 19. TOTAL LIAB|LmES AND EqUITY (35+48+50+581 9,923,52r t2 , 273 ,217 A@6!irothcPrp@clRi*EdoiAdoflggJ,Dr3q.?dlyNt6drdartrow,DdrDdsoiruotttsitldhr6p6db.rollctdooofitrfffiionpnl6titditpllyt!ydldoMBElhlMb6. Thcvild OilE ml rub6 hr t[t itrf@dor @lt6ria l, 052fl] I . ft. tinc Eqtrirtd to mpld, Ob infmlti@ @ll..d@ h 6rimltql lo !Erg. 4 lM p6 EspoB hdodng 6c tbc fB Bio'lng hffiloB, Totsl Equity= 49.51t % orTotalAsssts Page 1 of 6 USDA-RUS OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOMMU NICATIONS BORROWERS BORROWER DESIGNATION I{Ao534 PERIOD ENDING Decedber, 2013'NSIRUCrTO^/$ Sea RUS Bullelln 1744-2 PART B. STATEMENTS OF INCOME AND RETAINED EARNINGS OR MARGINS ITEM PRIOR YEAR THIS YEAR 1. Local Network SeMces Revanues 711,304 568.600 2. NetworkAccsss Servlces Revenues 4 ,720 ,821 4,213, 114 3, Lono Dlslance Network Services Rayenues 18,094 (788) 4. Canler Bllllno and Collec-tion Revenues 49, 017 55,958 5, Miscellaneous Revanues L09,474 52,553 6. UncollectibloREvenuss 4,796 6,212 7. NetOoerallno Revenuae (1 thru 5 lsss 6l 5,605, 915 {, 983 , 175 8. Plant Specltic Operallons Expense 2,24O,OzL 2,001,65i 9. Plant Nonsoeclllc Ooeratlons Exoensa (Erctudlno Deoreclation & Amorilzelionl 338, S50 333,31! 0. DeoreclellonExoense r.zss .27 4 1,315. 8?! 11. Amorllzallon Exoensa !42 18: 2. Cuslomsr Operatlom Expense 517, 858 549, 59! 3. Comorate Ooarations Exoansa 1, 032.592 1 , 011, 755 14. Total Opsradng Expengee (8 lhru ,3)5,384 ,757 5,213,39t 5. Ooerallno lncome or Mamlns (7 less 14)22r,729 1230,2231 18. Other Operallng lncome and Expenses 0 7. Stale and Local Taxes 110. 333 126,725 18. Federal lncome Taxes 998 ( 157, 5{?) 19. Oth€rTaxes 0 0 10. Total ODerallno Tsxes ll7+{8+l9l 131, 331 140 ,8221 11. Net Ooeratlno lncoma or Mamlns ll5+1&20)89. 798 (189, rl01) 12. lnierest on Funded Debt s5, 114 ?5 ,452 13. lnteGst Exoensa - CeDltsl Lasses 0 0 14. Olher lntersst Exo€nss 14, 555 19, 260 25. Allowence for Funds Used Durino Conslrucllon o 0 10. Total Flxed Charoes (22+23+21-251 99,769 94 ,7L2 17. Nonooerstlno Net lncome r7(l . 535 (r4,982) 28. Exkaordinarv ltems 0 19. Jurlsdlctlonal Differences 0 10. Nonr€oulatod Net lncome (513,?54)(3,308 11. Total Net lncoms or Marolns 121+27+28+29+38261 (349.099)1102 _ao1 12. Total Tares Basad on lncome l1?4.6381 1165.487 13. Retalned Eamlnos or Mamlns Beolnnino-of-Year 6.534 .486 6 - rn6. nE! 14. Miscsllanoous Credlts Year-io-Date 1 ,496 3, 594 t5. Divldends Declared (Common)0 l€. Dlvidends Daclared fPrefcned)o 17. Olher Deblts Year-to-Date o 18. Transfers to PatrorlBoe CaDllal 0 19. Retalned Eamlnos or ]llerolns End-of-Perlod 1{31+33+3tl} - (3t}36+37+38}t 6,285, 883 5,988, 07 10. Patronaoe Caoltral Beoinnino.of-Year 0 1. Transfers to Palronaoe Caollal 0 12. Palronaoe CaDitsl Credlls Retlred 0 L?. Patsonaoe CsDttal End.of.Yoar 140+41121 0 14. Annual Debt Servlce Pavmenls 7a7,181 780,059 15. Cash Ratlo I(14+20-10-111/n 0.7600 o.7737 16. ODeralino Accrual Rallo 1t14+20+2il I n 1 - 0018 1.0s70 17. TIER t(3'l+26) / 261 -2.499L -2.t929 18. DSCR t(31+26+10+'ll) l/l4l L.EOL?t.422t Page 2 of 6 USDA.AUS OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS BORROWERS ,irSIRUCnO rS. S ee nUS auilenn lru+z BORROWER I'ESIGMNON wA0534 PERIOD ENDED D€csmb€r.2013 Prr C. SIIBSCRIBER (ACCESS LINEL ROIJTE MILE. & ItrGIr SPEEII IIATA INFORMATIoN I. RATES 3- nouTE iltLES EXCHANGE B1 R-1 aht BUSINESS RESIDENTIAL ,h\ TOTAL TOTAL(lnduding flber) FIBER )EWATTO 27.OO 2:LOt t!301 3lt taa.03 40-o7 ]RESCOTT 26-5!'t8.5(t7 t.tE tei 132 7A tm ROSLYN 2t.00 14.0(19{'l-o12 1.20t t37 54 3i 06 JNIONTOWN 2s_o0 15_0t 217 3{ll 5?,tlaoi rd fro .EC,N ao 6I 25.7t ?5 ?a 5.0(onn .ENORE ao at 25.7i 23 ,A1 7et l7A)t 19lX lrobt€l rlrel*r louts Mlleege l,utslde Exchsnge s.6t s.Bt folal 49:t 2.0osl 2..lsE 850.18 110.71 Na Erdrrnd*6l USDA.EUS OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS BORROWERS /rvSTRarCIrOrVS - S ee RUS Buldin ;71+2 BORROWER DESIGNATION w40534 PERIOD ENDEO Decqnber,2013 Part C. SIJBSCRISER (ACCESS LlNEl. ROUTE MILE- & HIGII SPEED IIATA !NI'oRMATIoN Detallr on Leerl Eroandm Bmadhlnd Sarulce EXCHANGE No- Accasc Llnss slrh B8 av8IaHo No OtBmadband Subsalbors tbl Number OfSubsslbrs Advertbed Downbed Ral€(KbF) Ady€trdsod UdoadRats,(KbpB) Pdc€ Per Monlh SbndalonalPclg ,n Type ol Tecturology )EWATTO 3tt ,)T T1 I OnO r Sfin 45.9!:tst )RESCOTT 16i aa AE r88 i12 !t5.95lPa.rooe ,3L RCISLYN I 2'le Aa!7Lt l.m0 t.500 35.9!lid(ro€)SL UNIOTTOWN 821 18:,.000 t.500 35.9!PeckEao lsL LEON )F t.m0 t.500 35.S!Prcl€86 lsL I FNORE 268 13t t3t t68 i12 3s.0!PeclGda lsL fdel 2.45I.1.49! USDA.fIUS OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOMMUNTCAT]ONS BORROV{ERS tsottttgwER uEslgNA r ruN l{Aos34 PEHIUIJ ENUINLi December, 2013 IVSTRUCnO/VS- See RUS Edk/ttn I 7U-2 pi*r o. ,r=reu oara ,No.PlotEnpbyq llNo.OftqEndorsral {o l- Sqre Hils Socd 453 ,l.AG6UEpcrSqucMllc 5 .40 5. SDbElbar F R@lc Uilc 2.94 PARTE TOLLDATA Shrdy Arsa lD Cod6(s) r.472423 b.5L a- d. c. t 0._ h-(_ t. 2. Types ofTol Soulomants (Cl|ect( ons) lnlordsie:I Arlerage Schodulc I Avcnga Sctradulalntrastato: [l co*aa"i" p c*a..,, PART F. FUNDS INVESTED IN PI.AI{T DURINO YEAR l- RUS. RTB. & FFB Lm Fundg Exoendad L,653,225 Olher Lono-Tem Loan Funda Eroerded l. Furds Er!€rdsd Under RUS lnlsrlm Amrot,al l. OlhEShort-Tm Lmn Funde Ererded GerEral Funds B(g8ndsd (Othsr lhan lntodm) I Salnoed Matarlals 3,000 Conhibufion ln Ald lo Consbucdm !. Gross Addlilons lo lelmm. Plant l'l thru 7)1. 656 .22S PART G. IttlVESTttEt{fS lN AFFILIATED COMPAI{IES INVESTMENnl CURRETIT YEAR OAT CUIIIUIAIIVE DATA ItrEhtlnt Ttds Yau ht lncomdl.o3! Ihlr Yost CmulrilE llrutmlnt To 08lr d) CmdsllE lffidLu To Dsts Cmlnl BalenB lnvosbncnl ln Affilldlad Com6snl6r - Rural Oavaloomanl 51,709 51, 709 51, 709 lnvEstrnsnl ln Aflillatad ComDanle6 - l,lonrural Dsr,elopmsnl Psge 5 of 6 USDA.RUS OPER.ATING REPORT FOR TELECOMM UNICATIONS BORROVUERS BORROWER DESIGNATION }I40534 'ERIOD ENDING )eceniber, 2013 PART H. CURRENT DEPRECI,ATION RATES Arc corporation's &prtciation ratcs approvcd by the rcgulatory authority withjurisdiction ovcr ihc pmvision oftelcphonc ccrrriccs? (Chcck onc)EI YES trI NO EOUIPMENT CATEGORY DEPRECIATION RATE Land and suoDort assBts - Motor Vehlcles 16.00t Land and suDDort assels - Alrcreft l. Land and support Essets - SDecial purpose vehlcles l. Land and suDoort assets - Garage and olhorwork equipment 16. 00i i. Land and support assets - Buildings 1r .001 ]. Land and support assets - Fumihrre and Office equlpment 15.00t Land and suDDort assets - General DurDosB comDuters 25.00t l. CenEal Omce Swltchlns - Dioital 9.00t ). Conlral Office Swltchino - Analoo & Electro+nechanlcal 0. Cenhal Office Swltchlnq - Ooerator Systems 1. Central Office Transmlssion - Radio Svslems 13.00t 12. Central Office Transmisslon - Clrcuit eouiomenl L1.19t 1 3. lnformation onloination/terminatlon - Station aooaratus 14. lnformallon orloination/termlnatlon - Customer oremlses wlrlno 15. lnformation orlsinatory'termination - Lame orivate branch exchanqes 16. lnformallon orloination/termlnatlon - Public teleohone termlnal eouioment 17. lnformation oriolnatlon/termlnation - Other termlnal eouioment 18. Cable and wire faclllties - Poles 7. S9t 19. Cable and wire facilltles - Aerlal cable - Metal 42.06t 20. Cable and wire faciliUes - Aerial cable - Fiber 5.00t 11. Cable and wire facilities - Underoround cable - Metal 6 .00t 12. Csble and u,lre facllities - Underoround cable - Flber 5.00t 23. Cable and wire facilities - Burled cable - Metal 14. Cable and wire facillties - Buried cable - Flber !5. Cable and wlre facllities - Conduit svst€ms 16. Cable and wira facillties - Olher Page 0 of 6 USDA.FUS OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOMM UNIGATIONS BORROWERS BORROWER DESIGNATION t{Ao53,1 PERIOD ENDED Dcccmber, 2013 INSTRUCTIONS - See help ln the onllne appllcatlon. PART I . STAIEMENT OF CASH FLOWS 1.Beglnnlng Cash (Cash and Equlvalents plus RUS Gonslruction Fund)5?4.797 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERANNG ACTIVITIES 2. Net lncome { 302, {03 ) Adiuslmenls to Reconclle Nel lncome lo Nel Cash Provldad by Opamttng Aclivlllas 3.Add: Deoradatlon 1. 316 . 875 4. Add: Amorthation 182 5.Other (Explaln) sce spreadabect ln notes aecElon (1,0{9,066} Chanoes ln ODerallno Assols and Uabllllles .6.. Decrease/(lncreass)lnAccountsRecelvable (185,120) 7.Decrease/{lncrease) in Materlals and lnventory (9,911) 8.Decrease/(lncrease) ln Preoavments and Delened Charg€s (35,?1S) 9.D6craase/(lncrease) ln Other Cunent Assets 0 10.lncrease/(Decrease) ln Accounts Payable 942 .087 11 lncrease/(Decrease) in Advance Billinos & Pavmenls 12.lncrease/(Decrease) ln Other Cunent Llablllties 163, 174 13.Net Cash Provlded/lUsed) bv Ooeratlons 8{0, 103 CASH FLOWS FROM FINANGING ACTIVITIES 14.Decrease/(lncrease) in Notes Receivable 0 t5.lncrease/(Decrease) ln Notes Pamble 0 16.lncreasel(Decreass) ln Customer Deposits 449 17.Net lncrease/(Decrease) ln Long Term Debt (lncluding Cunent Maturitles)1,73t .281 18.lnoeasey'lDecreasel ln Other Liabilities & Defened Credits ( 188, {861 19. lncrease/(Deca€ase) ln Caoltal Stock, Pald-ln Capi&al. Membershlp and Capital Certil'icates & Other Capilal o 20.Less: Payment of Dlvldends 0 21.LBss: Palronaoe Caoital Cradils Retired 0 22.Other (Explaln) see epreadaheet ln noEeE aection 1S8, 037 23.Net Cash Provldsd/{Used) by Flnanclng Actlvltles L,1tt,28t CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACNVMES 24.Nst Caoilal ExDenditurss (Prooertv. Plant & Eouloment)(2,519,330) 25.Olher Lonq-Term lnvestrnents 1752,7431 28.Other Noncunent Assets & Judsdicllonal Dlfferances 0 27.Other (Explain) sce rpraadsheet Ln noEes EecELoD 830, lzl 28, Nat Cash Provldadt(usidl bv lnvestino Actlvltles (2, {51,952) 29.Net lncrease/(Decreasel ln Cash 119, 432 30. Endinq Cash 694,229 Revlsion Date 2010 \TES lelo, PART I CASH Llno 5 Cash Less BORROWER DESIGNATION wAo534 E3,144 tt49 (6,708) INSTRUCTIONS - Scc RUS tsullctir 17,14-2 PERTOD ENDED Decsmber,20!3 NOTES TO THE OPERATING REPORT F'OR TET.ECOMMT'NICATTONS BORROWERS RATES ARE ON PAGE 6) lnt 12.50%, Other Worlt Equipment-|250%, Bulldings-2.50%, Fumhure-15.00%, Company Communlcations !-ZS.O0%, Office Support Equlpment-5.00%, COE Swltchlng-9.00%, COE Transmlsslon-ii.19%, COE Radlo- ed Cable"{.00%, Fiber Optic.4.00%, Aerial Wire-8.00%, Aerial Flber-{.00% STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS .OW RECONCIUNG EXPISNATIONS Ion ther rtlon and amorllzatlon on nonrcgulaled lnvestments ln deposhs rrender yalue of llfu lneurance nt ln.AP Amount Total LIns Total Llne 27 Total USDA.RUS OPERATING REPORT FORTTI .R'.IMMI INII-ATI.INS Nr}RP()UT'ERS BORROWER DESIGNATION wAo534 l7'l (44e) 3,000 121 NSTRUCTIONS - Scc RUS Bullain l7{4-2 ]ERIOD ENDED Dcccrnbcr,2013 NOTES TO TIIE OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOMMUNTCATIONS BORROWERS I and stato lncom€ tax€s h stock dlvldend rount of Adrustment (1 Cthor ify change ln defurrad crodlts to oporatlng activities fy deposlt change to operatng actlvltios rount ofAdrustnent )ther al amounts of capltal expEnditures al amounts of long.term lnvostmentE tount of Adiustment BORROWERDESIGNATION wA0534 INSTRUCTIONS . Scc RUS Bullctin 1744-2 PEBJOD ENDED Dccember,2013 CERflNCATION LOAN DEF'AULT NOTES TO THE OPERATING NEFORT T'OR TELECOMMI,'NICATIONS BONROWERS State of Washington County of Kittitas ) CERTTFTCATTON BY ELtGtBLE TELECOMMUNTCATIONS CARRTER ) ss OF COMPLIANCE WITH SERVICE QUALITY AND CUSTOMER ) PROTECTION, AB|LTTY TO REMATN FUNCTTONAL tN EMERGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH-COST SUPPORT. AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR GORPORATE OFFICER The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29841requires that Eligible Telecommunications Carriers certify that it is compliant with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules; and ETCs must demonstrate the abili$ to remain functional in emergencies. ln addition, the Commission must file an annual certification with the USAC and the FCC that all federal high-cost support provided to ETCs within the State of ldaho will be used only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. Accordingly, the undersigned states and verifies under oath the'following: 1. I am an officer of lnland Telephone Company, an eligible telecommunications carrier for receiving federal universal service support under section 214lel of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 in the state of ldaho. 2. 1 am familiar with the Company's day-to-day operations in the state of ldaho and with the State's service quality standards and consumer protection rules as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841. 3. lnland Telephone Company is complying with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules of the Federal Communications Commission and the ldaho Public Utilitles Commission. 4. I certify to the Commission that the Company is able to remain functional in emergencies as set forth in Commission Order No.29841 and in 47 C.F.R. $ 54.201(a)(2). 5. I also certify that all federal universal service support funds received by lnland Telephone Company during the current calendar year will be used in a manner consistent with section 254(e); that is, for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. The company will continue to comply for the period of January 1,2015, through December 31, 20't5, to be eligible for federal universal service fund support- 6. This verification and afiidavit is provided to be the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to enable the IPUC to certify to the FCC that federal universal service support received by the eligible cariers in the state will be used in a manner consistent with Section 254(el of the Telecommunications Act. Date: June 30.2014 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this PAMELA R. NELSON. '{OTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTO'I COi/6,llSSlON EXPIRES T;'*'m"iro('.:P? ll,X *" t"" " *'sh in ston' EF 9.2015 My Commission expires S- *. 4 ,-rt*. tS FCC FORM 487 uN) INIIND TELEPHONE COMPANY IDAHO OPERATIONS . 472423 FIVE YEAR FORECAST. NETWORK ADDITIONS As they are known to the Company at the date of this Report, the planned investments and forecasted expenses related to Idaho operations (Study Area Code 472423l,for the period January l,2Ol4 through December 31, 2OlB, are listed below. The Company expects to use all Universal Service Fund support received in order to fund the expenses related to the provisioning, maintenance and services provided over these upgraded facilities as well as existing facilities and to service the debt with the Rural Utility Service created in order to make these improvements; improving service quality, coverage and capacity. The Company (S,AC 472423) received $405,725 in federal high-cost support for the calender year ended December 3 1 , 20 13. The Company expects that the continued receipt of Universal Service Fund support will aid the Company's efforts to continue to provide the supported services at rates that are comparable to the rates for such services in urban areas of which all customers and potential customers in the Company's designated ETC service area will benefit. 2014 2015 20t6 20t7 2018 LENORE 1836) Access Lines (@ 1213U20731 268 Data Subscribers (@ 72l3U2ot3l 138 I M icrowave (nlt/rthernet)4s0,000 Fiber to the Node 1,000,000 Electronics s00,000 TOTAL LENORE 1,950,000 LEON (2241 Access Lines (@ 7213712073l,26 Data Subscribers (@ 72137120731 15 Fiber to the Node 100,000 Electronics 30,000 TOTAL LEON 130,000 TOTAT 130,000 1,950,000 0 0 0 FORECASTED OPERATING EXPENSES PLANT SPECI FIC OPERATIONS 420,743 444,782 472,973 505,051 541,398 PLANT NON-SPECI FIC OPERATIONS 43,182 47,076 39,t72 37,287 35,574 ACCUM ULATED DEPRECIATION 193,009 251,509 305,509 306,509 306,509 CUSTOM ER OPERATI ONS EXPENSES 67,405 69,L37 70,914 72,737 74,609 CORPORATE OPERATIONS EXPENSES 136,698 729,433 122,643 776,296 110,354 TOTAL OPERAT!NG EXPENSES 860,438 93s,937 1,072,150 7,037,874 1,068,453 Filename: 140630 ITC FORECAST.xIsx FIVE YEAR-472423 FCC Form 555 December 2013 Approved by OMB 3060-08 l9 Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certilication Form AII cariers must complete all or portions of all sections Form must be submitted to USAC and filed with the Federal Communications Commission IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Deadline: January 3ln (Annually) ldaho State (An Eligible Telecomnrunications Canier (ETC) nrust provide a certiJicationform for each slate in vhich it provides Lifeline .ret'ur'ce), 472423 lnland Telephone Company Study Area Code(s) (SAC)ETC Name(s) Westem Elite lncorporated Services lnland Networks Holding Company Name(s)DBA, Marketing or Other Branding Name(s) Affiliated ETCs (include nsrnes and SACs, attach See list of Affiliated ETC'saddilional sheets i Provide a list of all ETCs that are atliliated with rhe reportitrg ETC. )fiilialion shall be delerminetl in accordance vith seclion 3(2) of the Communicaliotrs Act. Tlnt Section delines "afiiliate" as "a person lhal (directly or indirectly) owns or controls, is o\t,ned or controlled by, or is under comnon owncrship or control tvith, onother person." 17 U,S.C. I I 5i@. See also 17 C.F.R. S 76.12A0. For purposes of this filing, an officer is an occupant of a position listed in the article of incorporation, articles of formation, or other similar legal document. An officer is a person who occupies a position specified in the corporate by-laws (or partnership agreement), and rvould typically be president, vice president for operations, vice president for finance, comptroller, h€asurer, or a comparable position. If the filer is a sole proprietorship, the owner must sigl the certification Section l: All ETCs MAST COMPLETE SECTION 1- Initiol Certitication I certiff that the company listed above has certification procedures in place either to: A) Review income and program-based eligibility documentation prior to enrolling a consumer in the Lifeline program, and that, to the best of my knowledge, the company was presented with documentation of each consumer's household income and/or program-based eligibility prior to his or her enrollment in Lifeline or B) Confirm consumer eligibility by relying upon access to a state database and/or notice of eligibility from the state Lifeline administrator prior to enrolling a consumer in the Lifeline program. I am an officer of the crylpany named above. I am authorized to make this certification for the Study Area(s) listed above. lnitial dp'II Approved by OMB 3060-0819FCC Form 555 Dcember 2013 Section 2: All ETCs MUST COMPLETE SECTION 2-Annual RecertiJication Do not leave enrpty colwnns. If an ETC hos nothing lo reporl in a column, enter a zero, A B C Numbcr of Subscribers Chlmrd on Ftbruary FCC Form(s),197 ofsurrcnt Form 555 colendar ycnr Number of Lincr Chlmcd on Frbrurry FCC Form(r) 497 ofrurrcut Forn555 cakndrr ycrr provldcd lo lYlrclinc Reccllcrs Numbtr of Subccribcn clnimcd on lbc Februrry FCC Form(!) {97 thrt werc iniliolly cnrollcd ir currcot Form 555 crlcndnrycar 6 0 0 Initiql lhe ceilirtcations below that apply to your ETC and complete the lables corresponding to the certiJicalion belatv. Depending on Ihe eIale, BOTH CERTIFICATION A AND B fuUYAPPLY. A) I certiff that the company listed above has procedures in place to recertifr the continued eligibility of all of its Lifeline subscribers, and that, to the best of my knowledge, the company obtained signed certifications from all subscribers attesting to their continuing eligibility for Lifeline. Results are provided in the chart below. I am an officer of the company named above. I am authorized to make this certification for the Study Area(s) listed above. Initial D E F=D-E c 6 = (F+G)I Numher of Subseribcrs ETC Contactcd Dircctly to Recefii$ Eligibility Through Attcstation Number of Subscribers Rcsponding to ETC Contact Number ofNon- Responding Subscribcrs Number of Subscribcrs Rcrponding That Thcy Arc No Longer Eligihle Numbcr ofSubscribers Dc-enrolled or Schcdulcd to bc De Enrollcd as a Rcsult of Non-Rcsponsc or lnclisibilitv Numbcr of Subscribers Who De-Enrolled Prior to Rcccrtlfication Attempt AND/OR In lhe space 6sl61v, please list lhe progranr eligibility dala sources, such as ETC access to a stale database and/or nolice of eligibitityfronr lhe state Lifeline adntinistrator or the Universal Service Adminislrative Contpany (USAC), and indicale for vhich qualifying programs (e.g., SNAP, SSI) lhese sources at'e used to verifu subscriber eligibility. If any of subscribers are subsequently contacted directly by the ETC in an allempt to recertify eligibility, those subscribers should be listed in colunns D through I as appropriate and not in columns J lhrough L. B) I certifr that the company listed above has procedures in place to re-certify consumer eligibility by relying on Community Action Partnership Association (CAPA) of ldaho . Results are provided in the chart below. I am an offrcer of the above. I am authorized to make this certification for the Study Area(s) listed above. Initial OR C) I certift that my company did not clairn federal low income support for any Lifeline subscribers for the February Form 497 data month for the curent Fonn 555 calendar year. I am an officer ofthe company named above. I am authorized to make this certification for the Study Area(s) listed above. Initial _ Number of Subscribers De-Errollcd or Schedulcd to be Da'Enrollcd as a Rcsult of Fiuding of Incligibility by Strtc Administralor, ETC Access to Eligibility Dato or USAC Number of Subscribcrs Who Ds.Enrollcd Prior lo Rcccrtilicntion Attcmpl Number ofSubscriberg lVhose Eligibility was Revicrved By Statc Admiuistrator ETC Access to Eligibility Data or bv USAC Approved by OMB 3060-08 I 9FCC Form 555 December 2013 Section 3: ALL ETCS MUST COMPLETE SECTION 3 - De-enroll percentage lllhat is the percentage of sabscrlbers de-enrolledfor this ETC? SeCtion 4: ALL ETCS MUST COMPLETE APPROPRIATE CHECK BOX; PRE-PAID ETCS MUST COMPLETE ALL OF SECTION 4 Is the ETC Pre-Paid? fes [ *" V Ql Pre-Paid ETC does not assess or collect a monthtyfeefrom its Lifeline subscribers) If yes, record the number of subscribers de-enrolledfor non-usage bymonlh in colurnn S below. Non-Usage Resalts Appllcable to Pre-Poitl ETCs: R s Month Subscribers De.Enrolled for Non-Usase January Februarv March April May June July Ausust September October November December Signature Block: ALL ETCS MUST COMPLETE SIGNATURE FIELDS By signing below, I certify that the company listed above is in compliance with all federal Lifeline certification procedures. I arn an officer of the company named above. I am authorized to make this certification for the Study Area(s) listed above. NI N o P= N+O O=ttP+llllil00! Number of Subscrlbrrs Chlmed on Fcbrurry FCC Form(s! 497 (From Colunn A) Numbcr ofSubrtribcrs De Enrolhd or Schedutcd to bc Dc- Enrolhd ar r Rcsult of NorRcspomc or Imllglblllty (From Colwnn H) Numbcr ofSubrcrlbcrr Dc- Enrollcd or Sctcdulcd lo bc Dc- Enrollcd rs e Rcsuli of r Findlng of Incligibility (FromColunm K) Tolal Numbcr of Subscriberr Dc-Enrollcd or Schcdulcd to bc Dc-E nrollcd Perccnlngc of Subscrlbcrs Dc-Enrollcd or Scbcduled l( bc Dc-Enrollcd lbrt vcrc Chlmcd on lhr Fcbrunry FCC Form(r) tl97 5 2 2 40 Approved by OMB 3060-08 I 9FCC Form 555 December 2013 James K. Brooks Printed Name of Officer 01t30t2014 Date (509) 649-2211 Person Completing this Certification Form Contact Phone Number ETC Identification SAC F-TC Name 472423 lnland Teleohone ComDanv 522423 lnland Telephone Company 479007 lnland Cellular LLC (f/Ua Washington RSA No. I L.P.) 529003 lnland Gellular LLC (f/Ua Washlngton ESA No. E LP.) 529004 lnland Cellular LLC (flUa Eastem Sub-RSA LP.) Holdins Com ,aalt N s SAC Holdine Comoanv Name 47242X W€st€m Ellt€ lncorporaled SeNlce6 522423 Westem Ellte lncorporated SeMces 479007 lnland C.llular TalBphono Company 529003 lnland Cgllular Telephone Company 529004 lnland Cellular Telephono Company DBA, Mar or Other B Name s SAC Name 472423 lnland Netwcrks 522423 lnland Networks 479007 lnland Cellutar s2s003 lnland Cellutar 529004 lnlard Cellular Approved by OMB 3060-08r 9 Affiliated ETCs SAC Name 522473 lnland Telephone Company (d/b/a lnland Networks) 479007 lnland Collular LLC (flUa Washinslon RSA No. I L.P.Xrr/b/a lnlend Cellular) 52S003 lnland Callular LLC (frua Washlngton RSA No. I L.P.)(d/b/a lnland Cellular) 529004 lnland Collular LLC (t/Ua Eastem Sub-RSA L.P.)(d/b/a lnland C€llular) AIINUAL SECTION 6a.2009(e) CERTIFICATION EB Docket No. 06-36 Annual $ 6a.2009(e) CPIIII Certification for 2013 Dated: February l2r2014 Company: Inland Telephone Company Form 499 Filer ID Numberz 802299 Name of Signatory: James I( Brooks Title of Signatory: Treasurer/Controller I, James K. Brooks, certify that I am a duly authorized officer of Inland Telephone Company ("lnland" hereafter) and, acting as an agent of Inland, that I have personal knowledge that krland has established operating procedures that are adequate to ensure compliance with the Customer Proprietary Network Information ("CPNI") rules of the Federal Communications Commission ("Commission"), codified at 47 C.F.R. Part 64 Subpart U, implementing Section 222 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. Accompanying this certification is a statement explaining how lnland's procedures ensure that the company is in compliance with the requirements set forth in section 64.2001 et seq. of the Commission's rules. Inland has not taken any actions (proceedings instituted or petitions filed by Inland at either state cornmissions, the court system, or at the Commission against data brokers) against data brokers in the past year. During the calendar year ended December 3l,zDl3,Inland did not acquire first-hand any information that it has identified as being information with respect to the processes pretexters are using to attempt to access CPNI. Inland has not received any customer complaints in the past year concerning the unauthorized release of CPM. K. Brooks TRIBAL ENGAGEMENT STATEMENT Although the service area of the Lenore exchange of Inland Telephone Company, Idaho operations, is within the conventional boundaries of the Nez Perce Tribe reservation, the exchange primarily consists of private property (non-tribal). Inland does not serve the areas in which the Nez Perce have their tribal headquarters, administration, enterprises, cultural center and anchor institutions. Inland Telephone Company is an equal opportunity provider and does not ask or keep track of race, creed, color or sexual orientation when providing service; we wouldn't know if a subscriber was a tribal member unless they were claiming Tribal Lifeline.