HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140701Cricket FCC Form 481.pdfg at&t =7 OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Jean Jewell, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise,ID 83720 Notice of Filing Compliance (FCC Form 481) - Cricket Communications,Inc. Dear Ms. Jewell: Pursuant to section 54.313(i) of the Federal Communications Commission's ("FCC's") rules,l Cricket Communications, Inc. hereby provides a copy of its FCC Form 481, Carrier Annual Reporting Data Collection Form that it filed with the FCC. All eligible telecommunication carriers that receive high-cost and/or low income support must file Form 481 with the FCC by July I in order to continue receiving such support. To complete our records, an additional copy of this letter is enclosed. Please return the letter, bearing the date stamp of the Commission, to Lori Gioso at AT&T, in the enclosed, self- addressed envelope. Lori Gioso - External Affairs, Western Region AT&T Services,Inc. 2535 E.40th Ave., D-3222 Denver, CO 80205 If you have any questions regarding this report, please feel free to contact me at (2lO) 545-3519. Sincerely, )* -. S-.--- John Sisemore Director - Regulatory Enclosure John D. Sisemore Director - Regulatory AT&T Services, lnc. 162 Roseheart San Antonio, TX 78259 T:210-545-3519 M:214-202-5076 June 30,2014 t_{r_ u1*;:LJ ::tF : (f:. i5 xtTlr)rfl r$E (- L I Dr o q,G Nrl -T- /4 -0 I Re: '47 c.F.R. 954.313(i). I oilr 0illird fMrt{f60r*$}0il,tr{br*td'!$" r0ss(Bl{r, ,uhi0L*::,. <010> Studv Area Code 419414 <015> Studv Area Name Cricket Communicati6ns <020> Program Year 20L5 <030> Contact Name: Person USAC should contact with questions about this data Maheen siddiqui <035> Contact Telephone Number: 8588826216 ext. Number ot the oerson identitied in data line <030> <039> Contact Email Address: Email ot the person identitied in data line <030>maheen. siddiqui@c!icketwireless. com 9*.31+,:.,N.,, t{;{2*r it t(om (check box when codplete) <100> <200> <210> <300> <310> Service Quality I mprovement Reporting Outage Reporting (voice) ( comp I e te ot to c h e d w o rk sh eet ) I comp I et e ot to c h ed w o r k th eet ) (il not, check to indicote cettifcotion) ( com pl ete o ft o c h e d wot ksh ee t) ( com pl ete o no c h e d worksh e e t) [-ll.-- .heck box if no Unfulfilled Service Requests (voice) Detail on Attempts (voice) desctiptive document) <320> Unfulfilled Service Requests (broadband) <330> Detail on Attempts (broadband) <400> Number of Complaints per 1 L-]N -m***( oftoch descriplive document) <410> <420> <430> <440> <450> Number of Complaints per 1,000 customers (broadband) Fixed Mobile <500> Service Quality Standards & Consumer Protection Rules Compliance <600> F Fixed Mobile Voice Services Rate ability Terrestrial Backhaul (Y/N)? Terms and condition for Lifeline Customers 0.0 l-l[ftffinfti I-ll / I <610> <700> <710> <800> <900> <1000> <1010> <1100> <1110> <1200> Company Price offerings (broadband) Operatlng Companles and Affiliates _ Tribal Land offerings (Y/N)? O O descriptive documeot) ( com pl ete o t to c h ed w o rk sh eet ) ( con p I ete o tto c h ed w o rk sh eet ) ( con p I e te o t ?o c h ed w orksh ee t ) (if yes, cofrplete ottoched work sheet) lcheck to indicote certificotion) ( oftoch dactiptive docunent) 1-ll / I l--ll / I r---rffi <2000> <2005> <3000> <3005> Price Cap Carriers, Proceed to Price Cap Additional Documentation Worksheet lncluding Rote-of-Return Corriers offilioted with Price Cop Locol Exchonge Corriers (check to indicote certificotion) ( c o mpl e t e o tto ch e d w otk she et ) Rate of Return Carriers, Proceed to ROR Additional Documentation Worksheet (check to indicote certilicotion) (complete ottdch ed worksheet) No@6C co E =ooEo @ o Eoz Etr- OOc.:iq 3*H g bPrtro'"5E? 63;i E EEE - .> xEE! 8 E€6d E 3cO O 6 6 Oi.o-5 * e P6)= S ] Go::6 - -:Ii ;eeHBE E tE * S i e H E 3.!,= F.: .E t* o o o EEE€ 3 E =: : : Eo-.=6-Egl 66ovo-oo--.Y6;Ei[ t r t t E;ig$g B E P E P€,;3*R' * 0;;XEeo9.=E;9[9: S* E ts ? 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E *S s .,= =: = -u F,A 'Ir oo c Eod @oco c@E 6aoEo E ooEaoc-q6o b coEl o coeg 8,9rc9-ae EE Ec oqEtao eg E8c- NO 3CIo! 5E> c:o E9U o oE:E HP=EE:OEPo IeE!io EH3;E gts;95bEo Ei;oo6 Xotsn5 0.=:i - a,q EEH B&,€G{';o6 daoh a <010> Study Area Code 419014 <015> StudyArea Name Cricket Commmi.cat.ion€ <020> Program Year 2075 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact regarding this data Maheen Siddiqui <035> ContactTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<030> 8588826216 ext <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> naheen TO BE COMPIETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF THE REPORTING CARRIER IS FITING ANNUAT REPORTING ON tTS OWN BEHALF: Certification of Offlcer as to thc Accuracy of the Data Reported for the Annual Reporting for CAF or Ll Recipients certlfy that I am an off,cer ofthe reportlng carrlar; my responslbllltl€s lnclude ensurlnt the accumcy of thG annual reportlnt requlrcments for unlversal serulce support ecipients; and, to the best of my knowledte, the lnformatlon reported on thls form and ln any attachments ls accu;ate. ,lameof ReDortinr Carrier. Cricket Commuications ;ignature of Authorized officer: CERTTFTBD oNLTNE Date 06/26/20!4 ,rinted name of Authorized offi.er: Jemif er van Buskirk 'itle or f of Authorized officer PresidenE elephone of Authorized Officer. ?705213555 exf . ;tudyArea Code of Reportinc carrier: 419074 FilinE Due Date for this form: o7l01,/2014 PeEons willfully making fale statements on thi5 iorm can be punished by fine or forfeiture under the Communications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. 95 502, 503(b), or fine o. imprisonm€nt underTitle 18 ofthe United States Code, 18 U,S.C. 5 1001. Page 12 Page 13 .A8sntlc.riet FCC fdm rl8l OMB Control No. 306O#85/OMS Cofiuirl l,lo. 3060S19Datr€olkc$on Fornr 1015 <010> Studv Area Code 479014 <015> Studv Area Name cricket commrnications <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact resardinP this data Maheen siddiqui <035> Contact Telephone Number - Number of person identified in data line <030> 8588826216 ext - Fmail Address of oerson identified in data line <030> TO BE COMPTETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FILING ANNUAT REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S BEHATF: TO BE COMPTETED BY THE AUTHORIZED AGENT: Certification of Officer to Autho.ize an Agent to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier certify that (Nam of is authorized to submit th€ infomtlon reportsd on behalf of the reporting carrier.I lso certify that I am an offcer of the rporting carrier; my reEponsibilitieE include enEurlng the accuracy of the annual data reportlng requirements provided to the authorized gent; and, to tho beli of my knowlsdgs, the report! and data provided to tho authorized agont i! accurate. ,lame of Authorized Aceht: ,lame of Reportinc Carrier: Jre of Authorized Officer Date: name of Authori?.d Officer: itle or oosition of Authorized Officer: elephone number of Authorized Oificer ;tudv Area Code of Reoortinl Carrier:Filing Due Date for this formt Persons willfully making false statements on this form can be punished by fine or forfeiture under the Communications Act of 1934, 47 U.5 C. EE 502, 503(b), or fne or imprisnmenl under Title 18 of the United States Code, l8 U.5.C. 5 1001. Certification of Agent Authorized to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier he data reported her€in based on data provided by the reporting carrier; and, to the best of my knowledge, the lnformatlon reported h€rein is accurate. lame of R Carrier: lame ofAuthorized Asent or e of Asent: iitnature of Authorized Aqent or Emplovee of AEent:Date ,rinted name of Authorized As.nt or Emolovee of,6 itle or oosition of Authorized Aeent or Emolovee of AEent elephone number of Authorized Aeent or Emplovee of Asent: itudv Area Code of Reportinfl Ca.rier:Filing Due Date for this form 18 ofthe United States Code, 18 U.S.C. $ 1001. Page 13 cricket Crlckel Communicolions, Inc. SPIN: 143032463 Form 481, Sec.610 Funclionolity in Emergency Siluollons All mobile switching centers ond cell sites hove bottery bockup power. Also, eoch switching center hos o dedicoted diesel generotor ond there ore severol cell site generotors in the morket oreo. ln instonces of power outoges, priority is set bosed upon troffic, cell site locotion ond time of doy. ln certoin ports of the service oreo, o cell on wheels (COW) con be deployed. ln cose of o totol switch outoge, o mobile commond center moy be estoblished by eoch switch vendor. U) o.ApdU--l daEEoU (.) J1o-.t trU U]zoH Er UHzDEEoU FtrlrdUHd g)2oH Er UHz E =oU ErtrlM(JHdU o 6c .go rl,6 tco o o cGCI Eo oc:.o !9 E 6 -r{ EoU +Jo) 14 -rl t{U tsrfr] 14UHdU O{doU FLEH (6 rs--t 0)-.t5oFI F!5 o).lJd 0,V Er cE Er +J.rJrt'.1.q E F!EH rJ.rt 11-.t .qoE Frd E{ rJ-rt r-l--lIo = Frd Ei ]J,rt r-l.-lp =Fid Er a!o(-) ErL5Hd U)zoHH U zD =EoU Ertr]l<UHdU Hz =Eo trl F]trlH Hz E E td F]tr]H U)zoH Er UHzDEEoU E4 F] tr1F HDoco F] F]El Fq Hd. oHd ErH F]H Fq =Er ErH F]H caoE Erd Erd FFrH F]Hmo =Er LE Er HH F]Hmo =Hd Er( cGo EoUUc 6 @oo d @ o d o dEc0 o oq 3o oT cGo E U.E =- 6 o ca Eoa o ! o oUqcE ooE oo eoI o o!.a3 o o !U @ b E :ooE oo o.E 6o! .g!o Fco =co oo o g !! 6 Eu oEE o EU o oU o o ;xo o a 6 o! .E o ,Ecop o oo o o5 E =z o! 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