HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140701CenturyLink S.Idaho FCC Form 481.pdfMary S. Hobson Attorney & Counselor 999 Main, Suite rros T.'"##;:' June 30,2014 Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472West Washington Boise, lD 83702-5783 Re: Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC (southern Filing and Annual Recertification Dear Ms. Jewell: RTCfrI\,1[ 20tEJUL-l Pil?:a2 u r tl?ffiuciiLr,r r,i i ss r c,,, Idaho) 2014 Federal ETC On November 18,201I the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") released its USF/ICC Transformation Order in WC Docket No. 10-90 et al. With that Order, the FCC began a transition to a national framework for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers ("ETCs") and set forth a standard set of information that all ETCs must file with the FCC by July l't of each year. The Order also required ETCs to provide the same information to the respective state commissions. The annual ETC reporting requirernents are contained in 47 C.F.R. $ 54.313 of the FCC's rules. For the reporting of the data and certifications required by 47 C.F.R. $ 54.313 and 54.422, the FCC has developed a reporting ternplate, Form 481, to be used by ETCs. Attached is the public version of the Form 481 for CenturyLink QC (southem ldaho) as filed with the FCC. A confidential version of the Form 481 is provided under seal and with an Attomey's Certificate. The outage information and certain Tribal engagernent information that is customer or company proprietary information required by $ 5a313(a)(2) and (9) in the Form 481 is confidential. In addition, the detailed broadband speed availability information at the exchange level provided in response to 54.313(a)(7) is also confidential. CenturyLink requests this information be treated as confidential pursuant to Rule 67 of the Commission's Procedural Rules. In addition to the FCC Form 481, CenturyLink QC also includes the Affidavit of David D. Cole, Executive Vice President of Operations Support and Controller, certifying the compliance of CenturyLink QC (southern Idaho) with service quality and customer protection requirements, its ability to remain functional in emergencies, and its proper use of federal high-cost support. CenturyLink QC (southern Idaho) hereby requests that the Idaho Public Utilities Commission by October 1,2014, certify to the FCC, pursuant to 47 C.F.R $ 54.314 that the Company is in compliance with section254(e) of the Telecommunications Act and 47 C.F.R. $ 54.314 in order for CenturyLink QC to continue receiving Federal high cost support in southern Idaho. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions regarding this filing. Sincergly,i'*"tq4t Mary S. Hoy'on Attomey for Centurylink QC (southern Idaho) RECfI lrF*tJ FT I State of Louisiana ) CERTIFICATION BY ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER ) ss OF COMPLIANCE WITH SERVICE QUALITYAND CUSTOMER County of Ouachita) PROTECTION, ABILITY TO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL lN EMERGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH-COST SUPPORT. 2J t( ?afi &JL _ t PH 2t urtl?#$%'iti;rss AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29841requires that Eligible Telecommunications Carriers certify that it is compliant with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules; and ETCs must demonstrate the ability to remain functional in emergencies. ln addition, the Commission must file an annual certification with the USAC and the FCC that allfederal high-cost support provided to ETCs within the State of ldaho will be used only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. Accordingly, the undersigned states and verifies under oath the following: I am an officer of Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC (Southern ldaho), an eligible telecommunications carrier for receiving federal universal service support under section 214(e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 in the state of ldaho. I am familiar with the Company's day-to-day operations in the state of ldaho and with the State's service quality stiandards and consumer protection rules as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841. Qwest Gorporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC (Southern ldaho) is complying with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules of the Federal Communications Commission and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. I certify to the Commission that the Company is able to remain functional in emergencies as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841 and in 47 C.F.R. S 54.201(aX2). I also certify that all federal universal service support funds received by Qwest Corporation dlbla CenturyLink QC (Southern ldaho) during the current calendar year will be used in a manner consistent with section 254(e); that is, for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. The company will continue to comply for the period of January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015, to be eligible for federal universal service fund support. 6. This verification and affidavit is provided to be the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to enable the IPUC to certify to the FCC that federal universal service support received by the eligible carriers in the state will be used in a manner consistent with Section 254(e) of the Telecommunications Act. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT David Cole, Executive Vice G-eo-tq Date SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me thi.s -1O* Oay of Junec;/^r icE E Notary Publie for La.,IlJ*^o. , residing at My Commission expires 0e-^-/- A-. 6 2-(635 1. 2. 4. 5. ,,t e ft* Page 1 <Olo> StudvArca C.ode {75103 <015> studvArea Name oilra! oR -rD <020> ProfiemYear.rr r;psJ}1*?"lltilnY,tffdhourdcontacr x.*rb*. !ueb.! <)3S> ContactTelephoncNumbcr: 31!352153t .xt. Number ofthe oerson ldentlfied ln data llne <030> <089> Contact Emall Address: Emall of the Dc6on ldrntmed ln data line <):10>te.lnrcbrDacoguryllnl(. cG <100> <200> <21(> <3fl> <310> SeMce Qualtty lmprovemem Reportlng Outage Reporting (voice) Unfu lfi lled Service Rcquests Detall on Attempts (volce) <32D Unfulfflled Servkc Rcqucsts (brcadband) <33D Detail on Attempts Number of ComplalnB per customers Fhed Moblle Number of Complaints per 1,000 customers Flxed Mobile 175 rdf (olbchdan prrv&aw{ <400 <41(> <42o/. <43(> <44(> <45(> <50(> €1(> <5@ <61(> <7!0> <71(> <800> <900> <100(b <101(> <11q)> <1110> <12m> l7lrTt I/ ITI ITll / I Company Prlce Offerlngs (broadband) Operatlng Companles and Afflllates TribalLandOfferlngs(Y/N)? O O (@rpld. oGrdrld rcr*t t .t, l.ot ,flcb o,,rdfit wkthcrtt lccir/La, otudt d tB*$ccq M ta, .mplei.lbdsl rctbhatl I#bktd@bel@ttServices lq',ad dqqipl,..twt) Terrgtrial Bacl6aul (Y/N)?(lt not ct.* b fu,aE a$dd@) (anr/*tu6duqlc,,al (o?4,.Edl!dtdw**,4Terms and Condition for Llfaline Customers Prlce Cap Caniels, Procced to lndudtng Rotaol-Retum Corriers ofrllloted wlth Prte Cap lacol Et<dronge @nierc (drr*b lfilet qlrl@dul (conpLbcffiwhfuJ R.te of Retum C.rlers, PDceed to ROR Addltoml DocumEnt.tbn wo?ksheet l.,((lbtuncqdl,@dqt lrlW <2(m> <20,5> <3000> <3005> { Page 1 No EOoC co E =uooEo4o oo Eoz E E! OOE:-{E 3;b I=>::oY! =cEE€g ! E€iE I -E-3; E E€.Pi 'sE *IEt EEg$EE EgsE t6gEgEe-'- O. E I{ o o O, sE;i[ I E E E E EEg*E !Es's's'€;P$IT f .ieeE;UE B{ ; k s: t x *-tE':; E i E : : : EE =aE! E-=sEE13E€ia# *EgEsSEoof :- E;=f-=-€3 $iEg g--EiEe: 0g$e**YVVVV$ .9 c E. 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Codo {75101 <)1s> StldvAroNrmG or{Eat @R!-ID <02(> Pr*amYlar 2015 <)3o> contact Nimc - Persor UsAc shoold mntact regarditg thls data t(.Ecelr W, 8usb.tr <Xl$ ContactTeleohmeNumber-Numbcrofpersonldentifiedlndatalir|e<o3&, 3183621s39 ert <03$ ContactgriailAddress-Em.ilAddrssofprmnidendffedind.tallne<[X> kca.buohs8ac.lturyltnk.cn TO BE COMPI"ETED BY ITE REPORTII{G CARRIER, IF T?IE REPORTING CARRIEN E flUNG ANNUAT RE?ORTING ON ITS OWN BEHAU: Certificatlon of Offker as to tte Accuncl of thc Data Reported for the Annual Reporting for CAF or Ll Reclphnts cerdfy thil I .m .n ofier of tfir rrportlng c.rrlcri my Gpomllitldc hdrdc cngldtrg tha ecarecy ol thc rnnu|l repordn3 rcqukcmlnt3 ior utrhrers.l $rrle !|ppon Gdplrllt$ rrd, to th. bst of rny knowh{c, thr htotil.don rrpotH sr thb ionn rnd ln any rtbdim.tltt b ..Gunt . lrft 6f P.sdim Crreler: (I|ESB CSD-ID { r*i..r CEBIIEIED OIIME n# 0cl0zl20:{ rrlil.d um 6f d dfid. Davlal Coh Itleorortdonof^uthorlt doffior: E(cstlva Vlca ProllatBr - Olf,nBlona EUDDG! rrd ConErcll.r . huhh* 6f Arihorizad Offlc*: 313!88r000 at.t ^ itudvAror coda d Rloortinr carrlan 173103 tlllrx DE D.t fi,rthirform: 06/3o/2014 PmE wllldtr mHnt frbe st t mtr on thL lom on br punLtrd bry tln! srb|ftltm ud.rtlE Cqnmlnk tlhr Art sf l$4. 4, U.S.C l9 502, 30r(b), orfti! orlnTrtrsmntlIldsTlrlt 18 sf th. unlb{ statcr OodG, lt U-s'c. I 1(D1. <016 StudvArdCrd.a?1101 OUEST @NP.ID dIlO, Pif,nm YG.r <rtD cdrict Nlm - Psson USAC shanld ontsct rcErdlrt tH' data X3eth ll. auchrn <O3S> CmtrctT.bDhomNurnb.r-NumhrotpcrrdldlntifEdind.bnm<ollo> 318362133E *i. dL3$ ciltrct EmlladdGr - EmailAddrcs!.f D.]son H.ntlicd ln d.t llm <xto> TO BE COMPETED BY fiE REPORTING CARRIE& IF AI{ AG$TT E FIUNG AilNUAt REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S BEHArf: TO BE COMP1EIED SYIHE AUTITORTZEDA6E'{T: Crrtlfkatlon of Oftker to Auttorize an Agcnt to File Annu.l ReporB ror CAF or U Reciplcnts on Behllf of RGportinE Carrhr !tlh.lOmot b authorL.d to .ubmlt it. hfotrrltlon npori.d oo bahal, ol th. rapodr|' oanLr. t .n4 !o ih. b..t ot my tnod.dC., th. ,aDorta .nd ah Eovld.d to th. aluro.t.d .!.nt L *aurata ol AutlErli.d olidd lht : &trha.hd Olidr 'drolm numbrr of Atnhqlxd Ofiei Itdr, &.. C6da of RaEdil Cariian FllilDsDrt fdthlrlbm: tllsxilltu[ymltlf f&lrt!ililtontltlrfomotrb.FltrHEdbrflmorlorftltrnundrtrh.@.iiltrkibnrArtof!94, ta7U.s.c.ll5O2,Sot{br.qfGafmp.tqmrt $d.rTltL ltof th. Unlt d St trcoda 18 Us.C 11001. Certmadon of Agcnt AuthorLcd to me Annual Reports for CAF or l-l Redphnts on Schalf ot R.t ordng Carder h.dataltpat dhc?lltrbrrcdon6Epntscdbydl.rarotthg..rria$md,too!bcrtofmyfntrh4G1116ffimdor!ilporilh.nhlraGcurata olAfthorh.d Am.t d lhdm. otArm D&r 6l A.ant EL A!.il r.,Fb'J^.f,bld r6nd Ehdah. d&.nt! Cd. df n C.rd.e Flnm DE Dil.fo.thlrhm: P!ffi $Itully mhit ib. r.umnt! mthbtom on b. pDBh.d by llm orbrtcthrE urucrh. CommkrtbN Act of 193a, 47 u.s.c. tt5c4 sorlb), stur qhrrloiffit und.rTn cll dthr UoI.d st.tr cod., 1! U"sc. I ,lX[. 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IC EGUe6aCoIptc U go!oE oEoz ud ou Ao 0 c d E6Uo 4 oNo aH AI EE E oEczoE t = 6o o 6F o:(,oo E5 o(, c.l acE oo!Ga .E o cac EoIJ{ aC!!oa =oo rJ CIU ca Eo() Ho dil d.fl +J(, FI ortFI ri.rlodooo.HBIr,oo!tr{: oA! {{o IvE-! B.,tU a!o na{ Ett Io atII at cIEoUUt Eooo s I IE d !a cao a !! oa{ Eafrt 8 aI $ 8 at uaH 4 di, Aog EI 5UTc!o 6 !o * a Eata!oIcox oo o56oEcIz,Io:PE Et o p!t 6EU c!E =6Euad oU oo *a o o ooo oc Io! G !orE Etco bo o osEfz o! EazocosoooF U6coIJ 6mo Aa4o,o j E a Eov oi! ! tsc:6 oEl E6Eo 3fo3 L' f CoeoL oE62 oacoU oo 6 o 6o Eexee o 9 oH AII tsoI E aE626o i I o DF o 3ag !! 6 I G Eo CEI oo!cio o Eoa EoU oEE3la6Coo r)aoB a)t{o2 op !t{o olI,xoH tt{ o U}IF] (U+trct A 0,,H .lc(, rJ.A E -loH ,td 0, JJ-rt 6 ordocfit 14 d IBt{L)troo.cr,7o(a qi o I IE{ k, A U a !{ Ia€ Eot B6 do I &Hoo aot cEoEoUu.E Gooo s u! xE I taU coq EoUEc16 o- $ Ixc ) Iao a! t o3 5 Eat $ t at & T Ia E omo oc d G!E!ll coItoet o bE! =GEU p tE =EEE udc0U 6E ! Io oC no!sEoIEgoIE6Et o 3Eaz 3 EIzoCoaoo FE6 coL' 5E tn D ej ! Iq E 2 8GE.9E E! 6E E ui EooE)I u =Eoeoc oEo =uG CoIJ o s 0o EeUeo o ? a aI EIe oEEz o e5 ? o!o()nl i5 oo .E !E!!!at Eao o c6BEoU ocIaIcoo &Ie'i kaqaI a ! I oa€ E34 66 t a Eog a35 E6oEoIJIs ooo N $ daH I!{ha e L' EaoC 8Is! -9 $ I It!t h, EI aI! oAa€H E Ttt ; g- os 8 aa & o 6U{CE8oe o s o6o oE I!EEE-1n E:lcoEtt p !E =EEU gEE =EU G coU 6 s rao a 6( o 6oo JC aa!s!aG EJtcCot o 3Etz o-6Eazoto g -goF6!CoU s AaEoae I & oIEoI a€,95 I.EEa E U6Eog3 Bs IJI =coeg4 aEa =6d coLJ oo d d E E04 o 6 a IAEI H6sIo oEoz o !:6 6o o!otJ Gg tI 6I AFFIDAVIT CERTI FYING COM PLIANCI WITH Ss4.3r3(AX5), S54.313(AX6), a nd $54.314(a) Section (500) - Service Quality Certlficatlon Sectio n (600) - Eme rge ncy Ca rrier Ce rtifi catio n Sectlon lz0t?,l - Frozen Support Certificatlon; and Accuracy of Annual Reporting of CAF Reclpients Certification For the CenturyLink ETG as listed in Appendix A, l, David D. Cole, being of lawful age and duly srorn, on my oath and under penalty of perjury state that I am the Senior Vice Prcsident for Operations Support and C.ontroller of CenturyUnk, lnc. ("Compan/) and that I am authorhed to execute this affidavit on behalf of the Company. The Company hereby certifies pursuant to the requirements under 47 CF.R. Sil.313(AX5) and $s4.313(AX6) that: 1) CenturyLink has established operational procedures designed to facilitate compllance with applicable consumer protection ru les, 2l CenturyLlnk has established operatlonal procedures designed to facilitate compliance with service quality standards whlch may lnclude customer remedles and lmprovement plans. CenturyUnk also reports servlce quallty metrics to State Commlsslons as applicable, 3) Centurytink ls able to remain functlonal ln emergency sltuatloni as set forth ln 554.202(a)(2),4l All frozen federal universalservice support provided to CenturyUnk EICs listed ln AppendkA was used in thb precedlng calendar year ard will be used ln the coming calendar year only for the provision, malntenancg and upgradlng of facllhies and services for which the support is lntended, and l5) To the best of my knowledge and belief, the informatlon reported on this form including attachments's accu rate. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. SVP - Operations Support and Controller CenturyLlnk 100 CenturyLink Drive Monroe, louisiana 7 L2O3 SUBSCRIBED AND sWoRN TO before me this \-thday of Notary Public: My. Commission Expires: 5s i "D-^^- \^rlin^ \ \to S{'afl, trg L-ourS\ *- AFFI DAVIT CERTI FYING COM PLIANCE\ wlTtl4T C.F.R S54.313(aX1O) Section (1000) - Voice Services Rate Comparability For the CenturyLink ETCs as listed in Appendix A, l, David D. Cole, being of lauftil age and duly stom, on my oath and under penalty of perJury state that ! am the Senior Vice President for Operatlons Support and Controller of CenturyUnk, tnc. ("Compan/) and that I am authorized to o<ecute this affidavit on behalf of the Company. The Company hereby certifies pursuant to the requirements under 47 C.F.R. 954313(aX1O) that 1) The pricing of GnturyLinKs volce seivices ls no more than tvo standard deviations above the natlonal average urban rate for volce seMce; and 2) To the best of my knowledge and belief, the informatlon reforted on thts form lncluding atta chments is accurate. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT.2a4e> SVP - Operations Support and Controller CenturyLink 100 CenturyUnk Drive Monroe, Louisiana 71203 DereDthts \fl'ayot A'0JJ zor+ an# sUBscRIBED AND swoRN To before me ttris tT iay of \;l \ zora Notary Publk: My Commission Expires: :I$ +4q8& S+*t{ t"-.^frifu_ f-^^rs(-?Ovrnrn,l_ AppendixA Llstlne of CenturvLink Ellglble Telecommunlcatlons Carrlers COMPANY NAME DBANAME Study Area Code Statelsl of Ooeratlon CenturvTel of Alabama, LLC (Northern)Centurvlink 259789 AL CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC (Southem)Centurvlink 2s9788 AL Gulf Teleohone Companv, LLC CenturyLink 250298 AL CenturvTel of Arkansas, lnc.CenturyUnk 401705 AR CenturyTel of Central Arkansas, LLC CenturyLink 40174/,AR CenturvTel of Mountaln Home, lnc.CenturyUnk 40L7tt AR CenturvTe! of Redfield, lnc.CenturvLink 40t720 AR CenturvTel of South A*ansas, lnc.CenturyLlnk 40L727 AR,IA CenturyTel of Northwest Arkansas, LLC (Russellville)CenturyLlnk 40LL42 AR, MO, OK CenturyTe! of Northwest Arkansas, LLC (Siloam Sprines)CenturyLink 401t43 AR. OK Qwest Corporatio n (Arizona)CenturyLink QC 455101 M CenturvTel of Colorado, lnc.CenturyLink 462208 co Qwest Corpo ration (Colorado)CenturvUnk QC 465102 co The El Paso CountvTeleohone Comoanv None 452L87 co CenturvTel of Eaele, lnc.CenturyUnk 462185 CO, UT Embaro Florida.lnc.Centurvlink 2LO34t FL Coastal Utilities. lnc.CenturyLink 220356 GA Qwest Corpo ratio n (lowa )Centuryllnk QC 355141 IA CenturvTel of PosMlle. lnc,CenturyLink 35L274 IA CenturvTel of Chester. lnc.CenturvLink 351126 IA, MN CenturvTel of ldaho, lnc.Centurylink 472225 ID CenturvTel ofthe Gem State, lnc. (ldaho)CenturvLink 472223 ID Qwest Corporation (Northern ldaho)Centurvlink QC 475L62 ID Qwest Corooration (Southern ldaho)CenturvLink QC 475LO3 ID Gallatin River Communications, LLC Centurvlink GRC 34LO57 IL CenturvTel of Central lndiana. lnc.Centurylink 324747 IN CenturyTelof Odon, lnc.Centuryllnk 320801 IN United Teleohone Comoanv of lndiana, lnc.CenturvLink 32A832 IN, OH United Telephone Company of Eastern Kansas Centurvlink 4At3Ll KS COMPANY NAME DBA NAME Study Area Code State(s) of Oneration United Telephone Company of Kansas None 4Lt8r'.2 KS United Telephone Company of Southcentral Kansas CenturvLink 4LL3t7 KS Embaro Missouri, Inc. (Kansas)CenturvLink 4Lt9s7 KS CenturvTel of Central Louisiana, LLC CenturvLink 270423 LA CenturvTel of Chatham, LLC CenturyLink 2704.27 LA CenturyTel of East Louisiana, LLC CenturvLink 27o4/;O LA CenturvTel of Evangeline, LLC CenturyLink 270434 LA CenturvTel of North Louisiana, LLC CenturyLink 270436 l-A CenturvTel of Rinssold, LLC CenturvLin!270439 tA CenturvTel of Southeast Louisiana, LLC CenturvLink 270424 LA CenturvTel of Southwest Louisiana, LLC CenturyLlnk 2704d.2 tA CenturvTel of Northwest Louisiana, lnc.CenturyLink 27043L tA. AR. TX CenturvTel Midwest - Mlchisan, lnc.CenturvLink 310571 MI CenturvTel of Mlchigan, lnc.CenturyLlnk 3LO702 MI CenturvTel of Northern Michiran, lnc.CenturvLlnk 310705 MI CenturryTel of Upper Michisan, lnc.CenturyLink 310689 MI CenturyTel of Minnesota, lnc.CenturyLink 361445 MN Embarq Minnesota, lnc.CenturvLinl 361455 MN Qwest Corporation (Minnesota)Centurylink QC 36sL42 MN CenturyTel of Missouri, LLC (Belle-Herman)CenturyLink 429785 MO CenturvTel of Missouri, LLC (Central)CenturyLink 429784 MO CenturyTel of Missouri, [C (Southern)CenturyLink 429786 MO CenturvTel of Missouri. LLC {southwest)CenturvLlnk 429787 MO Spectra Communications Group, LLC CenturvLink 42tL5L MO Embaro Missouri.lnc.CenturyLink 42L9s7 MO.IA CenturvTel of North Misslssippi, lnc.None 280458 MS CenturyTel of Montana, lnc.CenturyLink 482249 MT Qwest Corporation (Montana)CenturvLlnk QC 485104 MT Central Telephone Company (North Carolina)CenturyLink 23047L NC Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Company LLC CenturvLink 230470 NC Mebtel, !nc.CenturyLink 230485 NC Qwest Corporation (North Dakota)CenturvLink QC 38s144 ND Qwest Corporation (Nebraska)Centurvlink QC 375143 NE United Telephone Company of the West (Nebraska)CenturyLink 371595 NE COMPANY NAME DBA NAME Study Area Code State(s) of Operatlon United Telephone Company of New Jersey, lnc.Centuryllnk 160138 NJ CenturvTel of the Southwest, lnc.CenturyLink 492274 NM Qwest Corporation (New Mexico)Centurylink QC 49s105 NM Central Telephone Company (Nevada)Centurvlink 552348 NV CenturvTel ofthe Gem State, lnc. (Nevada)Centurylink 552223 NV CenturvTelof Ohio,lnc.CenturyLink 300630 OH United Teleohone Companv of Ohio CenturyLink 300651 OH CenturvTel of Oregon, lnc.Centurylink 532361 OR Qwest Corporation (Oregon)CenturyLink QC 535163 OR United Telephone Company of the Northwest (Oreqon)Centurvlink s32400 OR CenturvTel of Eastern Orecon, lnc.CenturvLlnk 532361 OR, CA United Telephone Company of Pennsylvanla LLC, ThE CenturyLlnk 170209 PA United Telephone Company of the Grollnas Ltc CenturvLink of the Carolinas 240506 sc Qwest Corporation (South Dakota)CenturvLink QC 395145 SD CenturyTel of Claiborne, lnc.CenturvLink Claiborne 290557 TN CenturvTel of Ooltewah-Collegedale, I nc. CenturyLink Ooltewah- Collesedale 290574 TN United Telephone Southeast, LLC (Tennessee)CenturyLink 290567 TN CenturvTel of Adamsville, lnc.CenturvLink AdamMlle 290ss2 TN, MS CentralTelephone Company of Texas, lnc.CenturvLink 442tL4 D( CenturvTel of Lake Dallas, lnc.Centurvlink 442l0t TX CenturvTel of Port Aransas, lnc.CenturvLlnk M2LL7 D( CenturvTel of San Marcos, lnc.CenturyLink 442t40 TX United Telephone Company of Texat lnc Centurylink 4r'.2084 D( Qwest Corporatlon (Utan)CenturvLlnk QC 505107 UT United Teleohone Southeast. LLC Nireinia)CenturyLink 190567 VA Central Telephone Companv of Virginia CenturyLink 190254 VA. NC CenturyTel of lnter-lsland, lnc.CenturvLink 522408 WA CenturvTel of Washineton, lnc-CenturyLink 522408 WA Qwest Corporation (Washineton)CenturyLink QC 525151 WA United Telephone Company of the Northwest (Washinston)Centurylink s22400 WA CenturvTel of Cowiche, lnc.CenturyUnk 5224t:0 WA CenturvTel of Central Wisconsin, LLC CenturvLink 3311s9 wt COMPANY NAME DBA NAME Study Area Code state(sl of Ooeratlon CenturvTel of Falrwater-Brandon-Alto, LLC CenturyLink 330877 WI CenturyTel of Forestville, LLC CenturyLink 330884 WI CenturvTel of Larsen-Readfield, LLC CenturyLink 330898 WI CenturvTel of Monroe County, LLC CenturyLink 330913 wt CenturvTel of Northern Wisconsin, LLC CenturyUnk 3309s6 WI C-enturvTel of Southern Wisconsin, LLC CenturyLink 330931 wl CenturvTel of the Midwest-Kendall, LLC CenturyLink 330924 wt CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wisconsin, LLC (Casco)330857 wt Centu ryTe! of the Midwest-Wisconsln, LLC (Cencom)CenturyLink 330841 WI Centu ryTel of the Midwest-Wisconsln, LLC (Northwest)CenturyLlnk 330922 WI CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wisonsin, LLC (Platteville)CenturvLink 330934 WI CenturyTel of the Mldwest-Wlsconsln, LLC (Thorol C.enturvLink 330959 WI CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wisconsin, LLC (Wavside)CenturvLink 330970 WI CenturvTel of Wisconsin, LLC CenturvLink 330895 wt Telephone USA of Wsconsin, LLC CenturyLink 331155 wt CenturyTel of Northwest Wisconsin, LLC CenturvLink 330950 WI. MN CenturvTel of Wvomine, Inc.CenturvLink 5L2299 WY Qwest Corporation (Wyoming)Centurylink QC 515108 WY United Telephone Company of the West (WvominEl Centurvllnk of the West 511595 WY Tribal Ouileach Documentation-20l3 Form t[81- lJne <91O> Qwest Corpo ratl on d I b I a Ce nturyl,Ink QG (ldaho Sout h) StudyArea - 475103 TribalEn$tles Shoshone-Bannock Tri bes of Fort Hall Trlbal Outreach Documentatlon-20l3 Form tt81- Une <920> Qwest Corporatlondlbla CenturyLink QC (ldaho South) StudyArea - 4751O3 Tarseted ErEAgement Efforts As part of lts effiorts to.strengthen posittue relationships with the Tribal Nations within its servlng territory while fulfilling new obligaticns set forth in Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaklng, Fcc 11-16I" Qwest C.orporation d/b/a CenturyLink Qc (ldaho South) ("CenturyUnlC') extended an invitatlon to the tribal enthy to meet and address issues of importance related to the provislonlng of seMces on tribal lands. The purpose of these meetlng was to dlscuss planning and potentlal deployment of seMce as well as other areas of interest specific to conductlng buslness on trlbal lands (as set forth ln 47 C.F.R. 55a313(aX9)) uvhlch at a minimum, vnould include: (l) A needs assessment and deployment planningwith a focus on tribal communlty anchor lnstituUons; (ll) Feaslblllty and sustalnablltty plannlng; (lll) Marketlng seMces in a cuhurally sensltlve manner; (fu) Rlghts of way processes, land use permlttlng, facilities siting; environmental and cultural preservation review processes; and (v) Compliance with tribal business and llcenslng requirements. Triba! business and licenslng rcquirements lnclude business practice llcenses that tribal and non-tribal buslness entities, whether located on or offtrlbal lands, must obtain upon appllcation to the relevant tribal governrnent office or dMsion to conduct any business or trade, or dellver any goods or seMces to the Trlbes, trlbal memberc, or tribal lands. These lnclude certlficates of publlc convenience and necesslty, tribal buslness licenses, master licenses, and other related fiorms of tribal government licensu re. Cortcsoondence Resultlna from Tarreted Ensaaement Efforts CenturyLink sent the Tribal Entity i letter on March & 2013. Another letter was sent on December 20,20L3. GnturyLink enjoyed a good worklng relatlonship with the Trlbal Entlty in 2013. CenturylJnk met with the Tribal Entity on muhiple occasions thttughout 201i! discussing a varlety of topics ranging fiom El(HlBlTS - Letters Extendine lnvlhtlon to MeFt Exhlbit !D SO1- lnftlal Letterto the Shoshone'Bannock Trlbes of Fort Hall Bftlblt tD SG2 - Second Letter to the Shoshone-Bannock Trlbes of Fort Hall Exhibit ID SO.L CerrturyLink" JlnBchmlt ldaho Vlct hasldent& General ilamgsrt€Ehshaallr Fhor BoEc,D ogmt (z!8)38+484t nnu.ilrt@it!ry[*.qtt IvIach 8,2013 NaftarSmall Chairman Shosbone-Bamoeik Tribes P.O.Box306 BofiIIaILID 83203-0306 Dear ChaitmaSnalt OnNovcmber 26ft. oflast yeu, I sent tho @Iod tetrer to you offrrirg to meet with represetradves of your Ttibal Connsil to disorss arcas of iderest thd youmiglt havc legmaliDg CcohryLink's povision of scrrricce on your Tfral lande. Since I did nd hoar fiom. you, I am following qp to rco if pu think srrch a noetiqg is necossaty at this time. If not, please know thst the oftr to meet rcmains opeo d anytimo now and inthe fifirc. janes-frrr@oeffiylink cm wift any qudions. Wc d Cdurylink look forwrard to continuingto bnrild a stoDgrclationship +tntis benefioialb all fuvolved. Endosrre 3d rl- ,SI4t Shc€ncly, tu Jimsc,hmit dH CenturyLink* JlmSclmltkllmvE FTrfibilrnd o.Dmt umg.r trtFloorg0AM*rqrEd Boh..D €froa @otE6-2648 X,D.idil*Oc.nuDrllnkcdn Novembec26,2012 Nathan&ratl Chaiman ShoshmeBonockTribes PO Bor(305 FortHell, Llaho 83203-0306 DerChaimmSuall: Ccotrytfuk values ita reldim$ip wifr ec thosbora-Bmock Tribcs aEd trr opportnityto pmovide s€rvicost!4lqectlto nods of oursusbmffi ntEdato Sbshone-Bmock tdbol l""da Al-drd,.tilir&,' ;;sh# to ;;inil;;-;offilreilEdffii'rcim ;. l;us6;€rs'tiirrgii ougoing cmmmications -q 8s appropie, ffiodic ncctings. In m cftrt to streqgthen tbd rclatiooship, ed to fitlfiIl certain new obligdions fi,on the Federal Communiadious Cmnissim (TCE"), I wudd HG to eudend m oporlmity to naet wi& you md/or rcpres@littos of your Tlibal Corucil at prn erliegt coryenieoca Ib prpose oftis meotiqg is to disous yorublocomrnicctions ueeds, plmiqg ad potential d4loymed of savies, aid otte arsas of intaest specifc to condurtiag businesg onfrc tibal lmds. As youlmow, tho FCC has inithtcd sbps b rcf@ md modecnizetho &dcmalunivcmal serrrico Bltpport sysbmto wrnrtratnbust aftrdablc voice atrd brosdbsnd sewioG uc awilable to Amecicaus tkuugbodtrp ndioA inotrdiqg those iEsiding on Tribal laods. Tho FCC's plm inoludcs a rcquirwd for companies sucb. as Cemfiryl,inl(, to hold dissussims wi& Tribol cditios in our sen ing areas rWrding rrcice md hroadband scrvicos. Jim Far, Stab Reguldory Dirootor fo Cdrylink, will coordine fis scnceding of our ftco-to-frce Ese*fug and sill idcdi& additional Ccntrylink permmol as needeil b addr€f,syoruspecifioissucs. Plearoresponild5rourcrliestcoavcoienccbyidcntiffinga pinary poif dcodact that Mt Farr oao coordimle with to sst qp a mceting ddo, defioroiac tho Tribal rcprcoemtatives thatwottld arfimd tho ueofing, and idontify speoific issuesofintercsttoyourogarlingCeoluryliDkmdthesemiccswuprovide. Mr.Bar cm bo readert d (801) 238-O2ffi m@ I look fotward to noeeting n ith pu md to building a siltroag rolationship flrrt is besoficial to all invohrcd" Inthe moantime pleas do Dot hcsitate to oo&ct mo should you have any qucstions rcgarding this lcftr. Siroerely, 1rn/ ImSc'hmit Idabo Vice Presi&ut and Gco€ral Ivfnsger Exhibit lD so-2 {S cenruryLink- GefitryUnk00emdn8t d. tlthEoorto:s,MhotOT{Il Jhrl.lfiAec,ntryht.E! JtmSotnlt U.fio l,bPr!ffi an €ciad [&rg8 Decmber2Q20[1 Shodhonc.BaoDock Tlibcs Ngthm SmEll l,lrnr'tmen P.O,Box306 FGt Iklt Idaho 832(E-0306 DcrChaimm&call Cemrytjnt values its teldiorubip rrilh fto Shoshme-Euoock Tribe md. fto opportuityopo{id€ s€r'iicesthdmeetthemoils pfCeiltrytinlt'B custm€ee tocatcd. STliballand-q In latc 2011, trs Fodcral Cmtnications Commission (TCe) iilitialqlshps to rdorm and oodeodze tls &ful uftterral ouvice sqport qfsErr to connc fi4 rcbqrt, affordabla voiw url broaftand s€n ice arc swilable to Aomicans tkon$or* tho ndioa iocffiing eose residing oa lHbat lads.l As o part oftrii refnrm, tb fCC roquiEs compmiee Uke Cctrurylink to coniact all Tribal Gotumem/Coruoils wiftin-'-' Cconryt int s scrvice temitory, atleastmally, odBrovfththo opportnityto disous thc plming millnbutial dcploymectof sonriccs q Tdbol r-ur.k as woll ss ofter aus of iercst qndfo to conduoting buinoss olr Iribal lnadi. Itrits ordo fto f@ has advi$althatthp$[owing topics bo iliscusscd: (1) @lofmcm pl@Diug wih a foars on &ibol cmmnrity m;hor iugt'tuttions; (2) f€adbitity eil sustaioabilityplsuohs (g) ua*dng scrvic€f, m Trftal lands; (4) dghils-or-vay 1noocsE€sr lmilusclnttrifring froilitics s[ti4g, covfuommlandcultralgosenndon rwiewpmcoss; and (5) Tlibal huincss ua Hceoahgftrluiltm€ffi: I Ia ttu Aate 6&wca,rwra Fl{t4- A Nqdd W Plorfo Ou Fwuz; EMblffifrrg,frDt ad Rwnabh naer fi* Id Maryc Mers; EfdrcM Urrfwtrll Ws W tuv&ptury atthfuilfri.awzwCMwsdileegtuqFfu d-fu t4loh*DudqthnwtdS*$*;L{elt,,eatil rtu k'tb; aWvqml W* R&n' iloMV.rirr4 Wc DorJct Noo. 1090, 07-135, 05€3?' 03-109, cC DoolrstNos. 0142, 9G+5, GhlDodctNo. 09-SL WTDodlGaNo. lS2(8, I(qmteal OEdEr dFrrfrfr Nodce ofPqoredhlhHne. fcC 11-16I, 26ACCRod 17663 (nLNov. 18, 2011) (ttrS. IrmC Wwordb, N4, Ab (BFlrc lrwadmnatot &dar mbo aooemcrt on tp FrCC'a uruftqito via ttc $tlowirg wfilhh http/4allfus-fco-gov@1 I -t61Ar-Bid.odf. h aoood rribfu FCOo aoti@s, lfr lastyer C€drrylink scut alEthio tE ShoshoD+Bomc,t Tribcs rcqucsdqg a mcc&g witt ryrcs€qffiws of yorn Mhl Covcmoen/Cmcil In rerymse b thc lctEr, rryoocffiiwe ofito ShoshmpE@oct Tritcs, oouhnfied CemyA"ipegl Cmff"yr-ift aDD[lcies eE ryctnity o proritc scnEcc 6 fte Shofus,Banuoe,k Ilibe& Should o,lttr adifltioal is8trc6 c qucdime dse h trE fdEG, ploarc coutactmo Aaufrtine" Ihnkytuforpurffiim. /'l'qha,L / IlnScrhit Idab't/ipo hpsidcd ud Oelcrrl lr{auaser <1210> Terms & Conditions of Voice Telephony lifeline Plans CenturyLink has over 100 localexchange caniers (LECs) that serve as eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) providing Lifeline discounts on local telephone service for qualifuing low-income customers in thifi-seven states. Each LEC's localtariff contains the terms and conditions of voice telephony service plans generally available to CenturyLink residentialcustomers. Lifeline provides discounts on CenturyLink residential service plans that include voice telephony service. Lifeline discounts provided to qualified recipients include the $9.25 per month federal discount plus state discounts, if available. Tribal Lifeline recipients receive an additional federal Lifeline discount of up to $25 per month. Eligible residents residing on Tribal lands in areas where CenturyLink receives univerbal service high-cost support can also receive a Tribal Link Up credit of not more than $100 against one customary service initiation fee at a primary residence. CenturyLink's flat-rated residential service plans provide unlimited local calling. Lifeline discounts also may be applied to local residential service plans that include a certain amount of local minutes or calls at a flat-rate and then have additional charges for minutes or calls beyond those included in the plan. Lifeline discounts may be applied to bundled service packages that include voice telephony services, such as bundles with internet seruice and/or video seMce. Lifeline discounts may also apply to voice service plans that include optional calling features such as caller lD, caltwaiting, and voicemail. Toll service is available to customers receiving Llfeline discounts in the same mannerthat it is available to non-Lifeline customers. Toll limitation service is available to Lifeline customers at no charge. lnformation conceming CenturyLink's Lifeline program can be found on our Lifeline web page at htto: /Alwvv. centurvl in k. com/Paoes/SupoorULifeLine/ A link to the CenturyLink tariff that includes the terms and conditions of this ETC's Lifeline offering is included in response to line 1220. NOTES: 1. (112) - (118) The Federal Communlcatlons Commission in FCC DA 14-591 adopted May 1, 2014 waived the requirement that price cap recipients of frozen support or incremental support file five-year plans byJuly L,20L4. 2.l22Dl Outages are reported using the criteria provided in 47 C.F.R. 554.313, which differs from the criteria in 47 C.F.R. 54.5 which is the basis for reporting outages to the Federal Communications Commisslon. Therefore, sorne outages may not have NORS numbers. 3. (300) - (310) CenturyLink is reporting any outstanding requests for voice service from 2013 that are unfulfilled at the time of this filing. 4. (320) - (330) CenturyLlnk is reporting any outstanding requests for broadband service from 2013 that are unfulfilled at the time of this filing. 5. (410 - 420) Complalnts per 1,000 volce access llnes are reported as complalnts to any federal and/or state agencies. 6. (440 - 450) Complalnts per 1,000 broadband customers are reported as complalnts to any federal and/or state agencies. 7. (77L1GnturyLink is reporting a{a-caft and data only broadband rates that meet or exceed both the required download speeds of four mega bits per second and upload speeds of one mega blt per second. Widely used upload speeds of 758K or below are not included in this report. 8. (811) - (S13) Per FCC DAl13-t707 released August 6,2l!3,CenturyLink is reporting holding company, operating companies, affiliates (as defined under section 3 of the Communications Act of 1934 as amended, 47 U.S.C. 5 153(2)) that are designated as eligible telecommunications carriers and/or that provide retail broadband internet access to end-user customers. 9. (921) - (929) To the extent the carrier serves federally recognized tribal lands, the attached narrative, in response to llne 920, should be relied on to describe tribaloutreach and lnteraction. lf the carrler offered to dlscuss the points listed in 47 C.F.R. 55a313(aX9) to at least a majorlty of federally recognized trlbes served in a study area, lines 921-929 were marked with a "yes" response. 10. (1000) - (1010) Carriers must certify that thelr local rates are at or below two standard deviatlons of the applicabte national average urban rate for voice service, as specified in the most recent public notice issued by the Wireline Competition Bureau and Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink (Wyoming) and United Telephone Company of the West d/b/a CenturyLink (Wyoming) have certain exchanges with explicit cost based local rates above this standard. Customers in such exchanges receive a Federal UniversalService credit and/or a State UniversalService credit explicitly on their bill. This results in a net charge that is lower than two standard deviations of the applicable national average urban rate for voice service. 11. {2000), (2005), (2013), and (2016) Per FCC DA 13-2101 released October 30,2013, CenturyLink ls certifoing at a holdlng company level. 12. (3m0-3026) This ls not appllcable to thls company as it is considered to be a Federal Prlce Cap Grrier or an afflllate assoclated with a Federal Price Cap Carrier for the purposes of thls flllng.