HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140701Cambridge Telephone Company FCC Form 481.pdfJuly 1 ,2014 REC.ri\,j[f, ?CII\ JUL .I Pil 3: 38 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83720 jean.jewel l@puc. idaho. gov 0ur?-T-t4-ct t RE: 2013 Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) Annual Reporting Requirements with the IPUC Dear Ms. Jewell: Cambridge Telephone Co., lnc. ("the Company") hereby provides copies to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") of the filing to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") and the Universal Service Administrative Corporation ("USAC") for designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier, in accordance with 47 U.S.C. 54.313 and 54.422. I have also included the signed Affidavit pursuant to Commission Order 29841. Company, Study Area Code 472215, is a rural incumbent local exchange carrier (ILEC) as designated by the FCC, and is eligible to receive federal universal service high-cost support pursuant to the Code of Federal Regulations ("CFR"), Tltle 47, Sections 54.301, 54.305, and Part 36, sub-part F. Please review the attached filing and include Company in your Annual Use Certification Letter to USAC and the FCC. Please note the enclosed document contains confidential trade secret information that is exempt from public disclosure pursuant to Section 9-340D(1), ldaho Code. Pursuant to Rule 67 of the Rules of Procedure of the ldaho Public Utilities Commission, the enclosed trade secret information has been submitted on yellow paper and has been separated from the non-confidential portion of the document. lf you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me directly. Sincerely,?-*u9-<Richard Wiggins Cambridge Telephone Co., lnc. President / State of ldaho ) CERTIFICATION BY ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER ) ss OF COMPLIANCE WITH SERVICE QUALITY AND CUSTOMER County of Washington) PROTECTION, ABILITY TO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL lN EMERGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH-COST SUPPORT. AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFIGER The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29841requires that Eligible Telecommunications Carriers certify that it is compliant with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules; and ETCs must demonstrate the ability to remain functional in emergencies. ln addition, the Commission must file an annual certification with the USAC and the FCC that all federal high-cost support provided to ETCs within the State of ldaho will be used only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. Accordingly, the undersigned states and verifies under oath the following: 1. I am an officer of Cambridge Telephone Co., lnc., an eligible telecommunications carrier for receiving federal universal service support under section 214(e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 in the state of ldaho. 2. I am familiar with the Company's dayto-day operations in the state of ldaho and with the State's service quality standards and consumer protection rules as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841. 3. Cambridge Telephone Co., lnc. is complying with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules of the Federal Communications Commission and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. 4. I certify to the Commission that the Company is able to remain functional in emergencies as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841 and in 47 C.F.R. $ 54.201(a)(2). 5. I also certify that all federal universal service support funds received by Cambridge Telephone Co., lnc. during the current calendar year will be used in a manner consistent with section 25a@); that is, for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. The company will continue to comply for the period of January '1,2015, through December 31, 2015, to be eligible for federal universal service fund support. 6. This verification and affidavit is provided to be the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to enable the IPUC to certify to the FCC that federal universal service support received by the eligible carriers in the state will be used in a manner consistent with Section 254(e) of the Telecommunications Act. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 3O day of T^r. ZOl4 Public for Tdc. Commission expires ho , residins r, U)acair . ][d2--'L- Z-Otb Date: June 30,2014 DANALYNNE MUNDEN Notary Public State of ldaho POBoxEE Cambridge ID 83610 June 19, 2074 VIA OVERNTGHT DELIVERY Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary Federal Communications Commisslon Office of the Secretary 445 Lzth Street, S.W. Washington, DC 20554 RE: Confidential Einancial Information Subject to Protective Order in WC Doeket Nos. 10-90, 07-135, 05-337, 03-109, CC Docket Nos. 0l-92t 96-45, GN Docket No. 09-51, trtIT Docket No. L0-208, Before the Eederal Cornmunications Commission Dear Ms. Dortch: CamEfidge Telephone Co. Inc., a privately-held rate of return carrier receiving high cost support, has electronically submitted ECC Form 481 to the Comrni-ssion wlth redacted financial data and 5 year build out plan. Cambridge Telephone respectfully provides the Commission with its eonfidential financial data so thal all its reporting obligations are satisfied. Cambridge, by its authorized representative, respectfully submits confidential infornation in compl.iance with 4'l C.F.R. SS 54.313 and 54.422 ,under seal, as specified with the Protective Ordered adopted on Novenber 16, 2AL2 ("Protective Order") and also in conjuncLion with 47 C.F.R. SS 0.457 and 0.459. Further justification for this confidential filing is identified below in accordance with 4'l C.E.R S0.459(b) Canbridge Telephone reguests confidential treatment of certain information submitted with its annual reporting requirementg as a privately-held rate of retuxn carrier and high-cost reclpient in Docket No. L0-90. The confidential information is reguired by 47 C.f.R. S 54.313(f)(2) and includes detailed financial information that is competitively sensitive, Disclosure of this confidential information would have a substantial negative i:opact on Cambrldge Telephone. Such inforuration would not normally be made avallab1e to the pubtlc for inspection because of the finaneiaL information and should be afr,orded confidenti-af treatment under both 4 7 C.F.R. SS 0.457 and 0.a159; 47 C.E.R. S 049(b): Information provided by Carnbridge Telephone j-ncludes specific information related to fl-nancial data and is subject to protectlon for the following reasons: 47 C.F.R. S 0459(b)(1) Identification of the specific information for which confidential treatment is sought; Cambridge Telephone Co. requests that all finaneial data, Ioop/subscriber counts and route mile data be treated on a confj-dential basls under Exemption 4 of the Freedom of Information Act. Cambridge Telephone Co. maintains this l-nformation is confidential, competitively sensitive data not normally made available to the public. Release of this information would have a substantial negative competitive irnpact on Cambridge Telephone. The non-redacted version of the cover Letter for Cambridge Telephone's submission and each page of the file containing confidential inforrnation is rnarked, "CONFIDENTIAL FINANCIAL INFORMATION SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER IN WC DOCKET I.IOS. 10-90, 07-135, 05- 337, 03-109, CC DOCKET NOS. 0L-92, 96-45, GN DOCKET NO. 09-51, WT DOCKET NO. 10-208, BETORE THE EEDERAL COMMUNICATTONS COMMISSTON." 47 C.F.R. S 0459(b) (2) Identification of the Commission proceedlng in which the-informati_on was submitted; The information is being submitted in compliance with 4 7 C.E.R. S 54.313(f)(2) and is to be filed in !f,C Doeket No. L0-90. Privately held rate of return carriers that receive high-cost support must cornplete the FCC Eorm 481- to incl-ude a full and complete annual support of the company's financial condition and operations as of the end of the preceding flscal year (sections of which Carnbridge Telephone Co. is requesting be afforded confidential treatment) . 47 C.E.R. S 0459(b) (3) Explanation of the degree to which the information is commercial or flnancial or contains a trade secret or is privileged; The information designated as confidential is detailed financial information ineluding a bafance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement that j.s competitively sensitive information not normally released to the public. Release of any of this commercial or financial inforrnation would have a substantial negative eompetitive impact on Cambridge Telephone. 47 C.F.R. S 0459(b) (4)&(5) Explanation of the degree to which the information eoncerns a service that is subject to competition and how disclosure of the information could result ln substantial competitive harmiThis type of conmerci.al and financj-al infonnation is generally not subject to routlne public inspeetion under the Commj-ssionrs rules (47 C.F.R. S 0.4-57(d)), demonstrating that the Commlssion already anticipates that the release of this tlpe of information likely would produce competitive harm. Release of the information designated as confidential would allow competitorsto become aware of sensitive proprietary information regarding the operation of Canbridge Telephone's buslness and would cause Canrbridge telephone substantial competitive harm. 47 C.P.R. S 0459(b)(6)e(?) Identification of measures taken by the Company to prevent unauthorized disclosure: availabiLity of the information to the public and extent of any prev3-ous disclosure of the information to third parties; Carnbridge Telephone treats and has treated the included in this submissi-on as confidential and disclosure to parties outside the Company. Anyto be submitted to a state regulatory authority non-public information has protected it from financial informatlon reguired has been filed as confidential information, not available to the public, in accordance with state rules and/or statutes. 47 C.f.R. S 0459(b)(8) JusLificatj-on of the period during which the Company asserts that material shoul-d not be available for public disclosurei CanQridge Tel-ephone cannot determine any date on which this informatj-on should not be considered confidential. However Cambridge Telephone does believe that thls information should be treated confidential for a minimum of 10 years. 47 C.F.R. S 0459(b)(8) Other infornation the Company believes may be useful in assessing whether its request for confidentiality be granted; Under appJ.icable Commission rules and court rulings, the information designated by- the Company as confidential shoul-d be withheld from public disclosure. Exemption 4 of the Freedom of lnformation Act protects information that is commercial or financial in nature; obtained frorn a person outslde government; and prlvileged or confidential. As specified in the Protective Order, two copies of the redaeted confidentiaL information are being filed simultaneously with the non-redacted confidentialinformation. The redacted information for this filing and each page of thefile where confidential information has been omitted is marked "REDACTED - FOR PUBtlC INSPECTION" Please feel free to contact me with any questlons regarding this particul"ar matter. Sineerely, R,rLoJ il,fr tn.SRichard Wiggins Canbridge Telephone Co., Inc Pre3ident Enclosures .cc Mr. Charles Tyler, FCC Telecommunications Access Policy Division <010> Studv Area Coda 11?275 Page 1 <015> StudyArea Name CNIIRIDCE TEL CO 1020> ProEram Year <030> ConfeEt Name: Person USAC should contactwlthquisttonsaboutttrLUlii''--' Rtqhuit ntsgtu <035> ContactTelephoneNumben 208e57131{ ut. Number of thE person ldentlfled ln dela llne <030> <039> Contact Emall Addressi Emall of the person ldenHrled ln data llne <Olo> ills9ilrs'stcld!'coB €2D Unfulfllled Servbe Requests (broadbandl €30> Debll on Attemptg <tl{XD Number of Complalnts per cugtome19 <410> Flxed<42O> Moblle <5ilr, <430> Number of Complalnts per 1000 cust!,mes (broadbandl<44o> Flxed IE3--l<45(D Moblle .569, Servlce Quallty Standards & Consumer Protectlon RulesEompllance servlce Quallty lmprovement Reportlng OuF.Ee Reportlng (volce) l-7-fi.-.heckbox lf notr:l Unfulftlled Servlce Requestr Debll on Attempts (volce) Ctmpany Prlce offerlngs {broadband) operatlng companles and Afflllates- TrlbalLandofferlngslY/Nt? O O Volce Servlces Rate loE &ta ottorlEd wlthut, ,.o.rpr!E orlodEd Erbh.!t, li./l,el ao hllplcczttl,m,/|ql lauodGddselldildruimtt (chcc\ to lndlort eilfi@llo,t detqlbtdwwntt l-:-ll--,i-t r.?fl , I <610> <700> <710> <800> <900> <100tD <1010> [@npl',c sal,lhd wtutBtt ,@npkE ol odld lErbrrtrl, lanryhl a otlodt d w ldqilt lll yu, mpktc ottosh.t vafufuatt ldBel€bfuGEedtt @l|f{tt lon,d, d.ratptlvE doiln nil l/lW <100> <200> <210> <300> <310t I 0.0 ,l I <110t> Terrestrlal BaclJraul (V/Nl? <1110> <120I> Terms and Condhlon for tllellne Customers <2o(xb <2005> <3u00> <3005> Prlce cap Car{ers, Proceed to lndudlng &ot*of-ReMm Cotlets affllloted wlth Ptlce Cop Loml Exchange Corrlers ldEL lFhn/r!Eettlldlut Jcafr!&l! rtrrtrd lslrtEr,l RatE of Return carrlers, Procsed to@ leh.* lo ,I.dl@l ? n t l@tlmt lffipk// onoEtuAw,bhal, ll nor. cllrl to ttril@t2 R A@,/€Dl lcnfu,,-arffiwrld,Etl IcsrpLt oalo.,,dwl,hett N !JE!6& coc Juoaa,cuil o!, EIEz Eg Ootr.!-:q 3*5 c2>iil9:ETIY =EEuEiE E EEE5 E EEgs #E STE= Fi U E E$E- tieHEg EEI E E ?II E 5iEE[' E E E E E E3 UST 6 A F E P E E[HE HEEEEEE EEEl eE Ei EBE IEH+ #EgsEgEglE-fr s-EEeer= AAAAAArl914EFEdFtFldFtHHFlFlFldHvvvvvv JE trd tLre 9 -'3 gHE 55. 5 E r *e!E{d gi:lr6 a> il rl O BEE i}flHrr f H raEpl EflI;EfiE gEBE *iE s$ rE *EF, EHfiE fr$EEEIEEEEipg_x.EiEE;EEEE: eHHEEiEE A.H v UUI!tE EI EEoi EI rt-tEldl'l "ldtdIHI,l fo ot d l!! or{H o.EJo U,cE IUro e,.9 .E Eg IJ E !,IU dg a, s lot Eau o d u uCI4B6 x omc! 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FEFT+E E?FI €.t E.lrE I-E EE?t ETls ilfE. iE ag E 8I BtI{t I5t E E 4I E E 5 E Bc!I E !II€o i$ i*t E g ifr lgE E iE i$iiEtEEE EF EIF E$* E EE lE? EEg f, Ei EEE EEEE E $j€ EgEEgiSE iH EBg E ! ! eErd EIF3sE HEE| ,aft5 EHEE .*s: --d EirEi ci $FEIs€; =8 F EE EoEa; .gsaEccE E6 Eoo Ee =oEq En dB E Eo Et E! ItcI Bc! It !F E f, E E n ! I* E o .lff c B Et .s bfIi E Eo 6 ooE <gltD StudvArerCodE <018 StuthArea Nama CIItsf,IDCE TEI. CO <0:l(!> ProEamYear 201ti <03(b contsct NamE - PecDo USAC Ehould co$brt rErardlnr thls dib Itchltil tfimlB <Gls> contactTeleDhonEltumber-NumberoflersonldefldlhdkrdaEllne<Btb 208?5?131{ elt. <n$ Contact Emall Addres8 - EmB0 Addrels of Derson ld$tlned h date lha <Et{b Hl@lMe crcrel. . Ed TO BE COMPLEIED BYTTIE EEPORTINC CARRIER, ]FTHE REPORIING CARRIER IS HL]NG ANNUALREPORTING OI{ IT5 OWN BEHATF: Certlflcatlon of Offlcer as to tha Accuracy of tfie Dab Reportod Ior lhe Annual Reportlng for olF or Ll Reclptentt aadq thlt I !n rn offier o[ tha raportlng anlsri my srlponrlbllhler lndudr rnsurlng tto rcarncy of the annurl rqortlnl rcqulrrmantr tor unhar5r] llrulca $ppqt '6dplEntt, and, to thB tcrt oI my knorrledlg rhc lnformrllon reponed on thb frm rnd h ooy atladilBlnt3 lr lcarretr. trmr trf nennr6n! r,Mlen tr IaERIDGB IEL CO ilrnitura of Atnhortzed omcEn clElrrFtED olfllxilE Dara 06/te/?01a rrktrd nEm€ of AuthorlEd OmG Rtchlra WtgglB 1tL oro63ltlon DfAuihorlzad Of,Im PrsldEnt 'deohonr numbs of AutfiortEd Of&pn 10825?0ea{ ul. itudvArea Code of BeoDrtlnr carlEn {72115 Fllln! Du Detrfor th6165s 06/10/?011 undlfIurU olth! UnltrdSlats!c!dr. tB USC l lmt" P.gr ll {?tlltid!1b ShtdvAE.cndr dllgr StudvArea ilame cAll&ErroB TEr. co <rz(b PrEf,ramYeBr <Et> conrdct Name - P€Eon TJSAC ilould contEd rElirdln8 thk &tt dcbarit UlqElr! GOIS' CmbEtTeleohonel,lumbar-ll$|heroter!trlld€ntlfi:dlndebllne<03{b 20825?111{ lrl. <Il9> clntictEmellAddrcs-EmallAd&rs:orpssonldell$Dldlndrtallne<tl30r Evloolnsaqrcrelr..otr TO BE COMPIETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AT{ ACENT ]S RUNG ANNUAL REPORTS ON IHE CARTTIERIS BSIAIF! TO BE COMPI TED BVIIIEAUTHOBtrED AGENT! Certllletlon ol Officerto Authorha En Atent to Flla Annualf,eports fo, CAF or Ll Redplentr on Sehrll of Reportln8 c8rilot cerufy lhEt (Nsmo ol Ir &rlhortld to lubmll lh. lDt6mruotl ropodld on blhdt ol lh! ltporllng oE rlln I rgsnB En4 t! lhs bcst ol my knawlodo!,li6 rrporlr [nd dnb pruvld€d lo lho lulhorlrrd rgrnl lr aeunlt. lam! of Arthfiked AEents l6ma of ReEortlnr canlcn ihrutm of Authqlred omcen O!t!3 rrlnted nEmE of ArthorlEd Omen nilE or oorltlon of Arlthalnd omc€r: llephonr numbsr of AuhorlEd OmcEn itudu fuF. code af nED6rlln! crrdE Flllnr lrrE nrtE far thh fahr PlmatwllfullyrEldntbhriaturrlnlrontfbfoma[trDulrli.dbylneuf*fdtunundrth!Crmrrunlr{ioil4(tol1Sl4,4rU,'Clr50AlGlbLorllEorlmprBmmut utrdlr'nrlt 18 slrh! unltrd tilg (!dG tt usc I iltrL CErtlflcetlon o, ABEnt Author[ed io Fllr Annual Beporb forCAF or Ll Bedphnts on Bghalf of ReportlnE Cattlcr he datl r.Foned hE eln bi!€d on drt0 prEuldld br lha reporrhg 6nlsi ilr4 to th! trtl of rrylootrhdlq thE lddmrdBr Ilplrtld harlh E rcsurEb. lrmB of Authorltld A8qnt or Employqa of Alsnt: ilamhru olAuthodrd AEentsr Emtloser ofASPnE Dat6! lrlnmd nam ol AuthorlEd AEent or EmDlovee ofArEn! :hlEa? DBldon of Aulhorl1ed ArBn!or Em9loYte olA8ent lrlcntnna humbE. nl AuihdtEd AlEnt or EmolilEe of Alrnts tlllnr Du! DatB fdfi ls fom3 18o[lh! Unll.d5ntE qod|, u t ]!c. I ts,. oL !EE B EGo oq o e a 6( il B( fi6 Eil ttq h u a Ed Id ad Co E.o:EEEft0!ts!qEr! EEagEEdE 0 o o o €o 6 E E c o ooE U Eavl 6ud E =oo lrl E o E 6 a g €do E g E o G o oE Etuog aEE 3: g E t4 oa g o g E o E E o oa o o 5; ES{tSE8l^ IF 6 Er 6d €F hit FoQ 6 q d o E 0 qo Fc trE E E ts E ht g s U EUufi !L c!Ci{tE If,lIt 'l{I 5f) 9lselg iH EI[, ET3oJ tG55 {rtoIo) To-{{fl, H dg H otrldrltr HJ !I a eH oH AH tr 6 o $o6 E_BE2Bg3 Eg.EEUEoo;HE.93;E!OB =$Efrtr6.$o E -s'GUI AAoo 6Fo o5 E E1'sEoG coEEIdo o Hgt! ;Eu p !! a EqtE Eou 6mo DId r6dE6 omo otr EE! .E !@ trqE o otr E UoE:z o!ea oEo BggtgEoIJ Eo !! En 6EcIu c 6 6! EE€a3 d@otEEo g o U 5ag EU&IoEEz uo ou I ? Bo e EEor CJo ou d E 0 HHdg U @Eoz6o !Eq q 0! EEo tf A d u .EU oU6udco!g edtguo:? <F5 $E E6 UEa<5 €E n dtt ridA!o oC E d 3 !da o c!uttt u'oIu3 I! 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