HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140627Filer Mutual ETC.pdfFILEFIMUTUAL Telephone Company JUNE 15,2014 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, lD 83720 jean.jewell@puc. idaho. gov D|:r\l:ltiii'.t1l--1-/t*I-i , i- 20lq JUH 23 AH B: SB IDAhU r:'i:;:, UT lLlTl [S C0iri *i i5 :-1 i O i'" (ruRa'Wo\ RE: 2014 Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) Annual Reporting nequtu'ements with the IPUC Dear Ms. Jewell, Filer Mutual Telephone Company, lnc. ("the Company" or "File/') hereby provides copies to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") of the filing to the Federal Communications Commission ('FCC') and the Universal Service Administrative Corporation ("USAC") for designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier, in accordance with 47 U.S.C. 54.313 and 54.422. I have also included the signed Affidavit pursuant to Commission Order 29U1. Filer Mutual Telephone Company, Study Area Code 472220, is a rural incumbent local exchange canier (ILEC) as designated by the FCC, and is eligible to receive federal universal service high-cost support pursuant to the Code of Federal Regu{ations ("CFR'), Title 47, Sectjons t4.3O1 , il.305, and Pad 36, sub-part F. Please review the attached filing and include Filer Mutual Telephone Company in your Annual Use Certification Letter to USAC and the FCC. This filing is made pursuant to Rule 67 of the ldaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure !.D.A.P.A. Filer Mutua! Telephone Company respectfully requests confidential treatment of certain information (the "Request") included in its filing pursuant to ldaho Code S 9-340 paragraph (D). Enclosed is a copy of each page that contains confidential information printed on yellow-colored paper stamped "TRADE SECRETS", which has been placed in a sealed envelope, stamped confidential can be reviewed by Commission staff. This information is considered confidential due to the proprietary and customer specific information contained therein. The undersigned ter.eby asseds thet he is fanriliar with the rnaterial clairned not to be available for publ[,o inspection, examination and copying, and that he, in good faith, believes that there is a basis in law for that claim, namely that the information contained therein constitutes a "trade secret" as defined in ldaho Code S 9-340 paragraph (D), and is subject to protection. Fiter ft/htuat Tetephone considers att infonnation tH reilates to its financiat posttion and subscriber information to be proprietary and confidential in nature. Public disclosure of such information would likely cause substantial harm to the financial position of the Company. The Company is requesting that this information be retained as confidential. lf you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me directly. General Manager/COO ! FI,LER/MUTUAL Telephone Company JUNE 15,2014 RECElvril: 20lq JUil 23 fit{ g: Sg lljiii-it, r'L: . UT lLlTl IS COL4 i,i isli I0t. Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W est Wash i ngton Street Boise, lD 83720 jean.jewell@puc. idaho. gov RE: 2014 Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) Annual Reporting Requirements with the IPUC Dear Ms. Jewell, Filer Mutua! Telephone Company, lnc. ("the Company" or "File/') hereby provides copies to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") of the filing to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") and the Universal Service Administrative Corporation ("USAC") for designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier, in accordance with 47 U.S.C. 54.313 and U.422. have also included the signed Affidavit pursuant to Commission Order 29841. Filer Mutual Telephone Company, Study Area Code 472220, is a rural incumbent local exchange carrier (ILEC) as designated by the FCC, and is eligible to receive federal universal service high-cost support pursuant to the Code of Federal Regulations ("CFR"), Title 47, Sections 54.301, 54.305, and Part 36, sub-part F. Please review the attached filing and include Filer Mutual Telephone Company in your Annual Use Certification Letter to USAC and the FCC. lf you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me directly. Sincerely, Steve Cowger General Manager/COO State ot 9rla frn ) CERTIFICATION BY ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER Gounty orTkuL , FLrAss 3I3r"=Yrffi^T#,fl1-rt=#"3^=,,$P0Hg,t[?.",*tJ#lhT=NcrEq AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH-COST SUPPORT. AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER The ldahe Public UtilitiesGomrnission Order t,lo. 29S4lrequiresthat Eligible T€leao{mmunicationsearr,ierscertify that it is compliant with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules; and ETCs must demonstrate the ability to remain functional in emergencies. ln addition, the Commission must file an annual certification with the USAC and the FCC that allfederalhigh-cost support provided to ETCs within the State of ldaho will be used only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. Accordingly, the undersigned states and verifies under oath the following: 1. I am an officer of Filer Mutual Telephone Companv , an eligible telecommunications carrier for receiving federal universal service support under section 214(e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 in the state of ldaho. 2. I am familiar with the Company's dayto-day operations in the state of ldaho and with the State's service quality standards and consumer protection rules as setforth in Commission Order No- 29841. 3. Filer MutualTeleohone Comoanv is complying with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules of the FederalCommunications Commission and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. 4. I certify to the Commission that the Company is able to remain functional in emergencies as set forth in Commission Order No.29841 and in 47 C.F.R. $ 54.201(a)(2). 5. I also certify that all federal universal service support funds received by Filer Mutual Telephone Comoanv during the cunent calendar year will be used in a manner consistent with section 254(e); that is, for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. The company will continue to comply for the period of January 1 , 2015, through December 31, 2015, to be eligible for federal universal service fund support. 6. This verification and affidavit is provided to be the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to enable the IPUC to certify to the FCC that federal universal service support received by the eligible carriers in the state will be used in a manner consistent with Section 254(e) of the Telecommunications Act."'.W))))h,um/* SUBSCRIEED AND S\A/ORN to befsre rne tn ?tP Ay of June Public for Date 9nt4 6tost2014 DONNA COMPHER NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF IDAHO Commission expires --;:: -lla a - ' .tllf r -'. ffiIii,FILEN TI/IUTUAL REDACTED. FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION fune 15,2014 VIA OVERNIGHT DETIVERY Marlene H. DorLch, Secretary Federal Communications Commission Office of the Secretary 445 LZth Street, S.W. Washington,DC 20554 RE: Confidential Financial Information Subiect to Protective Order in WC Docket Nos. 10-90. 07-135. 05-337. 03-109. CC Docket Nos. 01-92. 95-45. GN Docket No. 09-51. WT Docket No. 10-208. Before the Federal Communications Commission Dear Ms. Dortch: Filer Mutual Telephone Company ["Filer Mutual"), Study Area 472220, a privately-held rate of return carrier receiving high cost support, has electronically submitted FCC Form 481 to the Commission with redacted financial data, in compliance with 47 C.F.R SS 54.313 and54.422. As specified in the Protective Order issued on November L6,20\2 by the Commission, two copies of the redacted confidential information are being filed simultaneously with the non-redacted confidential information. The redacted information for this filing and each page of the file where confidential information has been omitted is marked "REDACTED - FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION" Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding this particular matter. Sincerely, Telephone Company Steve Cowger, General Manager/C0o For Filer Mutual Telephone Company Enclosures Mr. Charles Tyler, FCC Telecommunications Access Policy Division Ms. Grace Seaman, Idaho Public Utilities Commission FCC Form 481 - Carrler Annual Reporting FCC Forn 481 oMB Control ilo. :r6$i0986/OMB Cmtrcl No. !106$0t19 July 2013 <010> Studv Area Code 4't2220 <015> Studv Area Name PILER l,llfTuAl, TEL -ID <020> Prosram Year 2 015 <030> Contact Name: Person USAC should contact with ouestions about this data Robelt KrauL <035> Contact Telephone Number: 2n83 4'11L ext. Number of the oerson identified in data line <030> <039> Contact Email Address: Email ot the oerson identitied in data line <030> bkraut@filertel net 54.313 I 9,422 Completlon I Completlon FOR ALL CARRIERS lcheck box when comDlete) <100> <200> <2lo> <300> <310> Service Quality lmprovement Reporting Outage Reporting (voice) l-7I.--.heck box if nol-l Unfulfilled Service Requests (voice) Detail on Attempts (voice) Unfulfi lled Service Requests (broadband) Detail on Attempts (broadband) Number of Complaints per It\\\.!| @n plete o ft d.h ed wo*sh e e t ) ( cofr p le te oft och ed wo *s he et ) <320> ( oltoch des cri pt ive d q u fr e n t) descilptiv. docunent) l-lbr\SR\\<330> <400> <410> <420> <430> <440> <450> <500> <510> <610> <700> <710> <800> <900> <1000> <1010> <1100> <1110> <1200> Fixed Mobile .6544 0.0 Number of Complaints per 1,000 customers (broadband) Fixed Mobile Service Quality Standards & Consumer Protection Rules Compliance 412220ID51O. <600> Functiona Situations (check to indicote cefrificoaion) ( oft oc hed d esc il p tiw d@u ment) (check to indicote ceftifrcotion) l/ll / I ntTnt /l l/ lsssut Company Price Offerings (broadband) Operating Companies and Affiliates TribalLandOfferings(Y/N)? O OVoice Services Rate Comparability ( comp lete o ttoch ed wo *s h eet) I comple te ottoc h ed wo t*s heet ) (@pbE oftrched w*sheet) (il yes, cofrplete ottdched wo*sheet) (check to indicote cenilicotion) ( ottoc h desc ri pt ive doc u fr en t) Terrestrial Backhaul (Y/N)? Rate of Return Carriers, Proceed to t-7-rffi <2000> <2005> <3000> <3005> Terms and Condition for Lifeline Customers (il not, chdk to indkdte ceftilicdtion) ( cofr p le te oft och ed wo rts h eet ) ( con plete otuhed wo*s heet ) Price Cap Carriers, Proceed to Price Cap Additional Documentation worksheet lncludinq Rote-of-Return Corriers offilioted with Price Cop Locol Exchonge Corriers (check to indicote certificotionl ( complete oft oched wo*sheet) (check to indicote certilicotion) ( c om p lete ot oc h e d wo *s he et ) N o.oo& o E oo oE G oa o2 'l-=l EIBIEIE I ;lEl#13 I fla I EliEl El;;lEl ;El fl'fl 1 a ] ! 1 U ! n ! o o .9 o6 .EEo, 'a o;o oo o oE 6 EU o !E o EU o(J omo mo o =E GE ;oEcop co oo o o! 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Page 72 - neportlng canler FcC Form 481 OMB Control No. 305G0985/OMB control No. Jury 2or3 C.ollecllon Form :!06H)819 <010> Studv Area Code 472224 <015> StudvArea Name FILER MUTUAI TEL .ID <020> Program Year 2 015 <030> Contact Name - Person USAC should contact refardins this data RoberL Kraut. <035> ContactTeleohoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<O3O> 2083254331 4t <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <030> bkraut@filertel . net TO BE COMPTETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF THE REPORTING CARRIER IS FITING ANNUAL REPORTING ON ITS OWN BEHALF: Certification of Officer as to the Accuracy of the Data Reported for the Annual Reporting for CAF or Ll Recipients cerufy that I am atr officer of the reportln! carrler; my responslbillttes lnclude ensudnt th! tccuracy ofthe annual rcportlng requlrrm.nts for [nlversal seruice support ecipl.nts; and, to the b.st of my knowlcdte, the lnfomatlon reportcd on thls fom and ln any attachmcnts ls accumtr. l,ameof Reertine Ca..i.r' FrLER m[ TEL - rD eofAuthdrizedofficer: CERTTFTED ol[LrNE Date 06/19/20L4 ,rinted name of Authorized offi cer: st'eve cowger 'itle or position of Authorized officer: Gene!aL l'leager/coo ?leohone numberof Authori2ed officer: 208325433L ext' ;tudv Area Code ofReoortinl Carrier: 412220 Filinr Due Date for this ld.n. 06 / 30 / 2OLA PeEonswillfullymakinstlsestatemenisonthisformcanbepunishedbyflnrorforfeitureunde.theCommunietionsActof1934 47U.S.C.99502,503(b),orfineorimprironment underTitl6 18 ofthe United States Code, 18 U.S.C. 5 1001. Paze !2 Plg:11 Certif ication . Agenl I Carrier FCc Form 481 Data Collection Form OlVlE Control No. 3060-0936/Otulg Control No. 30504819 July 2013 <010> Studv Ar:a Ccde <015> Studv Ar.a Nrme <0:0> Proqram /.ar <035> Ccntact T Numberof oerronidentilied inlata linE<030> :l3l25fllI ex: <019> ContEct lmailAddr"ss - Efi.il Address cf oerlon identifled in data line <030> hk-1r:- n:i i r--a1 a:- IO 8E COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FILING ANNUAT REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S BEHAI.F: TO BE COMPTETED BY THE AUTHORIZED AGENT: Certification of Officer to Authorize an Agent to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Eehalf of Reporting Carrier cortify that (Name ol is authorizsd to submit the inlormation report€d on bshal, ot the .Eporting carier.I gsnti and, to tha best of my knowledge, ths roports and data provided to the authorizod agont is accurate. ,lamE cf lame of Aeoortin, iignature of Authorized Oflicer:Date: rrinted name of Authorized Officer: 'itle or oositlon cf Authori2ed Officer: aleohone ' of Authorized Offic.r: ;ludv Ar.3 CJde of Reoo.inq Caffier Filinq Oue Data |or ihir form: under Title l8 of the united Stare5 Code, 18 U.5.C. 6 1001. Certification of Agent Authorized to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier he data reported herein based on data provid6d by the reporting carrieri and, to the best of my knowledge, the information reported herein ls accuEte. ,iame cf Repodinq Carrier: lame of Authorized Aqent cr Emoloyee .f Aqent: ;ignatur. cf Authorized Aqent or Emolovee of Aqent:Date: ,rinted name of AuthorirFri Arant nr Fmalavpr .f,1eEhtl 'itle cr oosition of irad Ae.nl ol AEent eleohone number cf i2ed Asent or Emolovee of AEent: itudv Area Code of Reoortine aarrier:FilinE DUE DatE for thir f6rm' L8 of rhe unated Stares Code, 18 U.S.C. I 1001. Prge 13 FIJJ>zLloGz(, LritI(o Ot r.i?FtO U)oZFIJ toa)8q-(,Qe!dz$>oosurri r,62roOotrui*fov NfO>dScD=dUd- L/i <ogzz FUJL!L..!z uo.oL(JE>c)>i2U=co*";n-OEToodU>o-z uFLU\vY91tsWuLBiJuJ F-{ - t/)co -O)n40z.oozF EoLz J oz ZE J t*.zulaEzoLJ zol-L'trlr1Az L' to a c,otlI6ulFL' ol,llG cx o-*E E E'E.EE' EqLPPPP.==a|C)L)orJfi Ea €€€€oo(uoG,G,dG, EEEt'oooq)PPYY(J{J(JrJ(o(o(o(!EE'OEooooEd.Et EEE'I'o(u(uoPPPP(J(J(J(J(o(o(o(oEE!Eoo(uoE, d. G, C, o HeE Et.EE'iE E o o (u o crE(U(o(!d EEEt,6o(uood.EG.G. 9Ef,6sEEEEE"'IU t! tttlrogE aEO E 15trl i. !> E€e tE: -iUr5 tJ-C >i?a b -E.gg3=-- sr! CL g I ; EEI+'; to oJ H3HE EEA49',= .E6"rr._sDP_-:eOt(,'=:E; B-e'i; E: E i 3e P = -E.P E € E Et =: =-YJ1b: 5BEE ;.9 u b-'=EEE E -.;coI 998 H i r Ef # X B.e P i EEF---.-F5! E E 3:aE 2Eot*c o > to-tr: = 9 E r oFG!'= oE -.= cL':6EA ir E P^or,orc 3aH^.EF .o o H Est s 3 I E!8EE= E.oc,iE=E 6f: ;EE€ ;;E i etE grE ie =E f : s:E b.- E E= EEE€ ;{fi tE E 3 ;5E>e1.e g Y.;E >6_> 5 q.= F €P;F EEE FE d,sHs Ei; Uu oorxor EJ|q :FFE te: b EER *";ET, gE€ ?" #t; IE[EEgEi Eg*E i.€.e€y EEh zEe< ;r zEEi Hgg .gp3*B El***r EEe s tr .9 CL Itoo L'0,o o.?,E'EEoooqlPPPP(.r9uutu(!(olE.C' E' E' EooooG, G, E. G, FL!VL)oaz(c tri Y(oOl nJ-?t'to v.,ozFUJ:z(Joc]j vn(JY- (./)On u)o=-l z.co2oos(Jao(./)fiz "rOoFri -.<rri udz Nfo>dsor= ' L-,c) L'd-Z ,rt<o og F 10(JFUJlrtqqo. Xutt X IZ HF (J (Jd>a)J>:CO =fi:l =coo' froaG, xoO ETr+ oc)A ur':!! >oE 3=6 Hgur =uat =o:o(J, L-l=(-JUJ Fl -tncO -O)ulIzooz = &oIz J oz zE)g t--zl!otrzoU cE.9 z --EE gEE FLU!.==oucJEE-ffF.g E.EE 6 e ?? fg-++c.t TE tn1r o E'E'o=oo - W U !aEOuuq(E(o.= E!,Y 0,, (u,i 4-F- E nEEaai!, e o (u 5 -€€.zooE.E EEo(u (J(J(g(I,!Eoo&.t EE!oooPPP9(J(J(!(o(oE!t,oo(ud. d. G. Et,EEo(u(uoPUPP(J(J(J(J(E(!(!(!E'E'EE'o(uooG,C,Ed T E- E E g ?E? fi "I # * #G, E, E, ErEo.=EEgEEEE E6 E E E'88 EEEE, E, E, o tl!, oEEE(t)=oooJ9 W D D Di!Ou(Juc,o(o(g.: EE'E'PoJOro,tr g.r.F. E HeEEEE'i!?q.,(uo ?e(E(I'(oE EEEOE OE CE EE.9zE.|-OE!!E FL!u!!.==ariJaJ(J(JEr-"ff;ftF.r g.r. 9EEEE??8.?E E6 E E E E,Ylo€1cE:oooooGE,T,G o ttlE oEEE'E'O=oroJ(uo -WDUEDOcI(J(Ju(JE(o(o(o(o.: EE'E1',POT(u(l,,(ulE F.F s.g o HEEt.aaE'g!, t 0J o (u (U ?e(E(o(!(!d.rrEEt.io(uood.G.&.E Eo .g Itno6 Ioo o- --EEq.l oPP(J(J(o(oEEooE. E. oF{o:: laoEo o0CL3J oi ozo.9o E .9 CL (J]noo Io o a- -H-E' E' E'o(uq,PP+,(J(J()(!(o(oEE!ooa)d.EE, NF{o :: eioEo o0ELf.Y o =ozo.co (o dc)Ntr otivOCLE'ELt/nHA--yIE9'd =L6 tE6'Ea ,oj(uoJo)UDUDg HHHH -.fro@oo c(oo. Eo(J (ucoo*oat oP =roqri b>O-g3g(rlr t-tu:zUooz(J rrif(o Ol 6iOr -lo VIozFLU Uoo;80- t/)OD r, iizm2oo{ufY) (,toz;oo= ngr1 2Fl 5?>o5ol=.iUdrui< ^(tY u.t1aFlfJIJJ U _>z uoaouUd =g2U =coEx8ETooU>o-zUUFLui^ \zyeo-Xo:;E(Jul el - u"lcO -OlzoOz F d.ot!z J (Jz zg- J -2 lr,lo LzoU zoFL'IJotnz L' r0fcEoIIIot!Fu o UJE cE.9=-^E,OE'E'E'E FLuuuv.==d,u(JurJEE'ffff d, E, G, C, tirEEEE?EG'fi'(!(E.YIOEEEI,ooooGE,d.G o ra =, oEEEE'o=oJooo)P,,PPPPoouu(J9tr(!(E(o(!.: E'EE!+.oJ(u(u(u,E F.r.F F. o H E E 6'6'E'E'ilr?ooo(u ?vftr(EaE(Eil!rEEt.i &p&& EEt'T'ooooPPPPu(Juu(o(o(o(oEEt'E'ooooE,E,GG, E' T'(uoPP(J(J(o(!!t,ooEE, T E- E E g EEFL99.==ou()EE-ff;&.d E.E e-EfiEt'88 EEF.r. o taE oEE'o .(Uo) -e!ua!6uuE **,e(U(u.i F-tr g nEEaaEEEOO ?v(E(E:il EE'i P& tro c utao6 (J 0,oa- ----E'E'E'E0rooo+tPP+t(ro(J(J(o(o(o(Dt,EE'T'qr(uo@E,G,d,& lnr{o: 6oEl! a0o.3EtrG.o!lEo lo co CL ItDoo Ioo O- --EE'0J0,UPrJu(o(oEEoo)E, E, o!F{oN tioEo q0o.DJ o3 ozo(, o c(!o. Eo(J oco ^€oE -e*NePilg_<+'39; 0oio6iLE>;gL73e =G, u- ti1 Ft!:z()(Joz lJ2 fi<t (o Ol c..i?do v,oz FIU)zLJoa;80 or) (/)o=Fr2 fo2ooserr) (,fizoOoF HD?42 N:fo>d=or=dUd- L.i <9ff1oFutlal l!Yuoiou \)E> (')2i7U =cotra'piloodU>cilzUFLUi^ :lYv o:-L-;-=LJurl -tnad -Olzooz F d.oIz -J Uz zE J -zUJoEzoU zoFL'UJo.az u o3o ocoI!Iot!F(J oUJ0l cX o- EE gE?E FL!!9.==o(JuuEE-fStF.g s. tETEEEtlE(E(u(!fi8 EEEF.r.g. to .nE qEEE'o=o(uoewuDui!6ut.luE(g(t,(o.= EEEPG,(U(l,-14 c. E G.E g H E E 6'E'E'iE ts o o o ?v(E(!(E;iEEE'i gg& E'EE'(uoouyP(J(J|J(o(u(!f,!Eoooc.&.G !EEEooo(uPPPPo(J(JtJ(oC,(o(o!ET'EooJo(uEE,GE, T E--.-a-l,ozrEEt FluuuP.==0Juu(Ju.Eo*6€€€€ECLOoo@ EG,EC, !rFo.=E! 2 E E E E€ Ed H H H E.n o EEt,EooooG,E.EG. L(! Itl !t oEEE-Oo=(Uooo -w!uPPocluuuee(E(!(l,G'.E EEEE-34 E &. G. d,r E sEEEE'aE'EEfflflflt?(E(E(E(!P, EEEE C .9 TL!C't^oo L'oo O. F--t,EE0JooPPPouu(o(o(ot,EEo(u(uG,E,d FF{ctN lno!l! o0c =Eg(!aEoo lo c .9 CL (Jtaoo IJooo E t'E E'oo(uoPPPPuu(J(J(o(U(oG,EEEt'ooo@&, E, T, G, c8..ocF{sfi Ovtcoo!, E "€R $q.,8R =E.f Eqr-3U EEJ< E8ir I3Ei 6tx. u- vt Fl!:Z(JoUz(, .ri<f (o O) r.i F-{o VIo FltJ:z(Joa;80 on q)OEe4 Z.(n2oosu(r1 ('cnz LnOotr Ln;1mYnzN]o>dso=dUH- ,tl <9tr1A FUJ[rrYuoio; l) d.>n>i2U=codrr 999ilooU>olzUFLU'^ \Zdxo-Ho:i-=(Jul !-{ -tr)m -(r)zoOz = EoLz J oz zE J FztfloEzo(J zoFL'UIr1Az u @fr Gol!Iot!F(-J atrl OE cx o- E E g EEFL!UE *3!!UJd UUE, C, E.Ef; 6 g ?? €r=8HH,n o Et,ootr. F. l! .a!, o E'E'o=Oory w ! sa!clu(JE(!(o.= E!.P0)0,1A^aer o *E E aaf E ts O O *,-€€,ZooG. OE 'c, E,oo.}J+'(J(J(o(!EE'ooE. E, ET'o(uvv(J(.,(E(!:oEqroE,E cE.9 z --E! gEE fiEs##tG. E.Ef;6eE'?E;'8*H.? o arEooF.e. o ta!r oEE'o=o.r(1,gEUUhauuc(o(!.E EEtDtiltrt E sEEaaiEto(u E EE Eo CL I3Aoo |Jooo- --E'EooPPu()(o(ottEo(uE,E gr F{o:: 1i0,Et! !oo. =?troa?oo @ Eo o.E(, 1aoo lJ0,orEE'oo+)P(J(Jo(EEtloo&,G o0F{oN lio!lo oocD !ltrl!.ie!tl!oo c(Eo. Eo(J oco EERe8RL-<t =q;oioE:&f.i;9.o5v:uIX. Lr- irt 01F{oN E'ovu(oEoE. Eov(J(!E(u E, EoP(J(!EoE. !ov(J(!Eo&. Eo.P(J('EoE !oP(J (D !o&. oF{oN l! :ooPu(EEot EoPu(!T'(u E, !oPu(oEoE 'c,oPu(o!,oG EoPTJ(oE'oG, EoPu(!EoE, Nr{oN l! EoP(J(!Eot EoP(J(oiEloE, EoPL)(t,T'oG, Eo,v(J (o!od. EoP(J (EE'od. !ov(J(oEot (o F{oN ll Eovo@!o&. ! OJv(Jo'c,oE E'ovIJ G'E0.,c. EoP @t,o&, Eo.l.(J6'ooE, :ooP(J @EoG. lnF{oN lt Eo.lJuoEot EoP(Jt!Eot EoPU(oEoG, EoPu(oEoG, EoP(J(oEod. Eo (J(t,E(u G, <fF{oN l! EoP(J(!E'oE. Eo{UoEo&. E'oP(J(oEoG, !,oP(J(!Eo&. !,oP(JoT'o&. Eo)v(J(oEo,E. IJ 9oo.tl ct!d (J uooIAcoz trIE o. tro o(,o ooo t^co o ooo o Eo ttl3(J Ittr .9 o oooo o oo o(J ]aot,ltrooxUI alE (! ooo E oF FU:zIOoz(9 ri (o O1 c{' O) Fio trloz FIJJ:Z(Joa;ll ?U(J. (./)q', -1 2(n2oO F-'91l] (^fiZtoootrris(oYd> 4.. :)o>dSo)= ' L-,oLJH: \rt <adY u.t1O Ft!IJIYu(J-oioLQE =Pzu)-codH3Eryoo -d>ci-zu-LU:- \zH9o-Ho:-LrL=Uu r'l -Lnco -1 n40zooz F d,oIZ J uz zE J :<FzIJJotrzo(J zoFIlrJAln =I o 4 c,o]tIoUIF(J a:UIEG+,(J(E!,oG, o c o EooE .g(n F{oN .E taT'c5t!I E E'E'J0)oro!, E6EO(o(E(o'g &&#o dE c(E CL Eo(J oEE3?L-o- g ,qo .J^ (J .ocLbF O-'FE 5bE uvqL390-o,E ,5.;E -E E-3 o*iE -eO o!.; 1A C't,'g CL!,o EEop o olloo.E !o3o oir{oNEn0 =o E tc{oN o tn tr o(JlJoNottl!o. ! tao =..!1-tco CLx{,xocooG o,E C'o o o. ct! EL EoIosF o.Ct '= ttP(Jo'g CL 'ElottEEop o ollloos+,Eowg{,L orF{c,NE!0 =oLE'rrt F{oNLor- Irttb,c JoIJ(JoN(Vttl!o ll aioL3EEcoCLxoE?CLl! coG'.cCL +,EP U\J ,H(u+{I !igER EoPN Ac+l!=g; Po.JioEE:& IP=-> oif i9 saJi, FE u- tJ1 (!.lJoF C'iF{oN IT Eo (J(o!(u&. EoPu(UEoE EoPU(o!oG, EoP(J(!EoE. !oP(J(gtod. roFloN tl E OJPu(oEoc. EoPUt!EoG E'oP(J(oEo,E, EoPL)(oEoE, !,oP(J(I, !oE NF{oN lt !oPU(EEoc. :E'oP(J(oEoE. !oP(J(I,rooE Eov(.,(gEoe 'ooP(J(oE(uG (o F{o ^ll! E(u (J(oE(ud. Eopo(o!o&. EoPIJ(EE'o&. EoP(,(UEod. iooPuoE(u G. laFloN tl !oPC)(!E'o&. E(uPU(oEoG. EoP(J(t,EoG, E(uP(J(oE'ot EoPI(o!o&. <lF{oN tl :oo.P.CJ(!Eod. E(u (J (EE'oE, :c,oP(J(!Eot E'oP(J(I,E(uE, EoPU(!!ot ooE!:lrl .! otro(, dE'c -5or{F{N ut.s.EI =ta oI o t! tr0,L'oF{NAI tro tD.9 E.tco Fou o E co(J ocl ^l tho =gol!o =doEE(J oF{€ tao =t,Eooxt! .E oIE1., ag o ,/tii ! ffi FILEN MUTUAL Telephone Company To: FederalCommunicationsCommission From: Filer Mutual Telephone Company, iAC472220 Date: 6/2/2014 Re: Form 481, Line 510, Descriptive Document for Service Quality Standards & Consumer Protection Rules Compliance Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. $ 54.313(a)(5) and or 47 C.F.R. 5 54.422(b)(3) Filer Mutual Telephone Company (Filer Mutual) is in compliance with appropriate FCC Service Quality Standards and Consumer Protection Rules. Filer Mutual provides CPNI training to all of its new employees and in addition trains all of its existing employees. Filer Mutual also conducts zubscriber outreach regarding CPNI and mails CPNI explanation messages when there is a change to a customer's CPNI. ln addition Filer Mutual trains staff on Red FIag issues. All company employees are required to acknowledge that they have completed CPNI and Red Flag training and understand obligations to adherence of applicable rules. Filer Mutual Telephone Company understands and complies with the ldaho Public Utilities Cornmission's Telephone Customer Relations Rules, IDAPA 31.41.01, adopted under the general legal authority of the Public Utilities Law, Chapters l through 7, Title 61, ldaho Code, and the Telecommunications Act of 1988, Chapter 6, fitle 62, ldaho Code, with regards to service. These telephone customer relations rules provide a set of fair, just, reasonable, and non-discriminatory rules regarding deposits, guarantees, billing, application for service, denial of service, termination of service, complaints to telephone companies, billing for interrupted service, and provisions of certain information about customer to authorities. Respectful ly 5u bmitted, l-LtL^J Filer Mutual Telephone Company Steve Cowger General Manager/COO o Page 1 FILEFI MUTUAL Telephone Company To: FederalComrnunicationsCommission From: Filer Mutual Telephone Company, SAC 472220 Date: 6/2/2014 Re: Form 481, Line 510, Descriptive Document for Functionality in Emergency Situations Compliance Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. 5 5a.313(aX6) and 47 C.F.R 5 54.422(b)(4) as set forth in 47 C.F.R 5 5 .2O2(a)(2) Filer MutualTelephone Company meets the requirements to remain functional in emergency situations and has the following capabilities: Back-up power is provided to Filer Mutual Telephone Company's cenrrdl and remote offices by use of fixed generators and/or batteries that provide it with a minimum of L2 hours of emergency power service. ln addition, Filer MutualTelephone Company's field electronics have a minimum of L2 hours of back-up power by use of fixed generators and/or batteries. Filer Mutual Telephone Company also has SONET technology in its network that allows for self-healing network should a fiber cut occur in its core network and will automatically reroute traffic. Filer Mutual Telephone Company also has redundant paths within its network to provide for the capability to reroute traffic. Filer Mutual Telephone Company is capable of managing traffic spikes resulting from emergency situations. Respectfully Submitted, i,ti , /7 i /rUrrtrJ \=.*cclttt Filer Mutual Telephone Company Steve Cowger General Manager/COO . Page 1 oooq ,:; s3 4iPE oa.99 h9 -o6t 63_o96 *o;E dq ooorNts !: D ! , n t uc !c a a o o o o E 6tr o o tro o a = d o o Ez o f o F oq @ a ! I o o o G o .E !o Eco =o @o o o!! oE @ !! 6 E o I o o xo o o o 6 .s !o 'E o =o oo o @€ Eaz oo E,zo o eooF oco o a !o!o o! .9 .E! 6u o !)oE u lco od oE6z66 o Ga E o4 o o o E F D 5E o E6z o t) o o!oIoo t o o Response to Line 1000 Filer Mutual Telephone Company Study Area 472220 Voice Services Compa rability Report Pursuant to 47 C,F.R. 5 54.313 (a) (10 ) Filer tvlutualTelephone Company ("Filer'') is in compliance with the requirement that voice services is no more than two standard deviations above the national average urban rate for voice service of 545.96 as specified in Public Notice DA 14-384 issued on March 20,20L4. File/s current total local end-user ratel of 521.12(which includes a localfee of 52t.00, mandated state fees of SO.tZ and mandatory extended are service charges of 50.00) is not above the standard deviation as specified in the USF/ICC Transformation Order. 2 I Local End User Rate as defined in USF/ICC Transformation Order 25 FCC Rcd at 17751, Para.238 'USf/tCC fransformation Order, 25 FCC Rcd at 17594, Para, 84 (footnote included) "The standard deviation is a measure of dispersion. The sample standard deviation is the square root of the sample variance. fhe sample variance is calculated as the sum of the squared deviations of the Individual observations in the sample of data from the sample average divided by the total number of observations in the sample minus one. ln a normal distribution, about 68 percent of the observations lie within one standard deviation above and below the average and about 95 percent of the observations lie within two standard deviations above and below the average." ffi' U r.: [:.\, i i r I i: L L :-; St. Paul, Minnesota March 14,2014 INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT Board of Directors Filer Mutual Telephone Company Filer, ldaho We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Filer Mutual Telephone Company, which comprise the balance sheet as of December 31, 2013, and 2012, and the related statements of comprehensive income, members' equity and cash flows for the years then ended, and the related notes to the financial staternents. Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditors' Respons ibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, includino the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements. whetherincluding the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, due to fraud or error. ln makinq those risk assessments, the auditor considers internedue to or error. ln making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion ln our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Filer Mutual Telephone Company as of December 31 ,2013 and 2012, and the r.esults of its operations and its cash flows for the year.s then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. L,o,.l-l'i:, C!,S.r,'-l|n, "-.Lu,n * Co,, L IJ CONFIDENIIAL FINANCIAL INFORIVIATION SUB]ECT IO PROTECTIVE ORDiR IN iI/C DOCKET NOS 10-90' 07 1.35,05-337,03-109, cc DocKEr NOS 01-92,96-45, GN DOCKET N0.09-51, VW DOCKET NO. 10-208, BEFORE TH E FEDERAL COM I\1 UN I CATIONS COMM ISSION FILER ItIUTUAL TELEPHONE COMPANY BALANCE SHEET DECEMBER 31, 2013 AND 2012 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS: Cash Certificates of Deposit Due from Customers, Less Allowance of $23,000 and $21,000 Other Accounts Recei,rable lnventories Prepaid Expenses Total Current Assets INVESTfuIENTS AI.ID OTHER ASSETS: lnvestment Securities Other lnvestments Note Receivable Total lnrrestments and Otlrer Assets PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPfuIENT: ln Service Plant Under Construction Total Property, Plant and Equipment Less Accumulated Depreciation I.let Property, Plant and Equipment TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND CURRENT LIABILITIES: Line of Credit Current Portion of Long-Term Debt Accounts Payable Customer Deposits Accrued Expenses Tofal Cunent Li abilities NON.CURRENT LIABILITI ES: Long-Term Debt Postretirement Benefits Defened lncome Taxes Total Non-Cunent Liabilities MEfuIBERS' EQUITY: Memberships Patronage Capital Non-Patronage Capital Accumulated Other Comprehensive lncome Totat Members' Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES AND fuIEIVIBERS' EQUITY fuIEIVIBERS'EQ The accompanying notes are an integral paft of the financial statements. 2 2012 REDACTED.FOR PU BLIC I NSPECTION CONFID'NTIAL FINAI\CIAL INFORI'IAIION SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORD'R IN VVC DOCKET NOS. 10'90, 07-135,05-337,03-109, CC DOCKET NOS.01-92,96-45, GN DOCKTT NO.09-51, VW DOCKET NO. 10-208, BEFO RE TH E FED ERAL COMfuI U N ICATIONS COIVI fuI ISSION FILER MUTUAL TELEPHONE COMPANY STATE&IENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOIIIE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2013 AND 2012 2412 OPERATING REVENUES: Local Netryork Netrvork Access lntemet Services Lease Reyenue \tr/ireiess Re'renue Other Senrices Long Distance Computer Repair Senrices rVliscellaneous Uncollectibles, Net Total Operating Re,renues OPERATIT\IG EXPENSES: Plant, fulaintenance and Access Depreciation Customer Corporate Other Taxes Total Operating Expenses OPEMTING fuIARGIII OTHER lf.lCOtulE AI.ID EXPENSES: lnterest and Di,riCend lncome Gain on Sale of lnvestment Other fncome in Limited Liability Companies lnterest Expense Redemption of Broadband Tax Credits Net Other lncome and Expenses MARGTN BEFORE tNCOi\,tE TAX EXPENJSE (BENJEFtT) lllcoME TAx EXPEI\SE (BEi\t=FtT) NET fuIARGII.I OTHER COMpREHET.IStVE tNCOiltE (LOSS): Unrealized Gains (Losses) on A,railable-for-Sale Secunties: Unrealized Gains Arising During Period l-ess: Reclassification Adjustment for Gains Recognized in Net Margin Net Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Available-for-Sale Securities Unrealized Loss on Postretirement Benefits Other Comprehensive lncome (Loss) COMPREHENSIVE INCOME The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 3 REDACTED.FOR PUBTIC INSPECTION CONFIDENTIAL FINANCIAL INFORiVIAiION SUdJECI TO PROTECTIVE ORDER IN VVC DOCKET NOS. 10-90, 07-135, 05-337, 03-109, CC DOCKET NOS. 01-92, 96-45, GN DOCKET NO. 09-51, lVT DOCKET NO. 10-208, BEFORE TH E FEDERAL COM iVI UNICATIONS COMM ISSION FILER MUTUAL TELEPHONE COMPANY STATEMENT OF MEMBERS' EQUITY YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2013 AND 2012 fulember- Patronageships Capitat AccumulatedNon- Other Patronage ComprehensiveCapitat lncome Total BALANCE on December 31,2011 Itlet fulargin Other Comprehensi,re lncome (Loss) Other Change in futemberships, f.iet BALA|ICE on December 31,2012 Itlet lVlargin Other Comprehensi,ue lncome (Loss) Retirement of Patronage Capital Change in Memberships, ttlet BALAIICE on December 31,2013 REDACTED.FOR PUBTIC INSPECTION The accompanying notes are an integral paft of the financial statements. 4 CONFIDENTIAL FIIJANCIAI- INFORI\I.ITION SUBJECT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER IIJ WC DOCKEI f!OS. 10-90, 07-135,05-337,03-109, CC DOCKET NOS 0l-92,96-45, GN DOCKET N0.09-51, \iW DOCKET NO. 10-208, B iFO R E IH E F ED E RAL CO iVI fuI U N I CATI O NS COIVI fuI ISS I O IJ FILER MUTUAL TELEPHONE COMPANY STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2013 AND 2012 2013 2012 CASH FLOIVS FROfuI OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Net fulargin Adjustments to Reconcile Net fulargin to tlet Cash Provided By Operating Activities: Depreciation Gain on Sale of lnves+,rnent lncome in Limited LiabiliV Companies Distributions from LLC lnvestment Redemption of Broadband Tax Credits Benefii for Postretirement Benefits Changes in Assets and Liabilities: Due from Customers Other Accounts Recei'rable lnventory for Resale Prepaid Expenses Accounts Payable Accrued Expenses Itlet Cash Provided By Operating Activities CASH FLOIVS FROtul ll.l\/ESTll..lc ACTIVITIES: Additions to Property, Plant and Equipment Sahrage, Net of Cost of Remo,ral lnerease in illaterials and Supplies Purchase cf Ceriificates of Deposit Sale of Certiflcates of Deposit Purchase of lnvestment Securities Sale of lnvestment Securities Redemption of Brcadband Tax Credits Sales of Other lnvestments Purchases of Other lnvestments Itlet Cash UseC ln lnvesting Actirrities CASH FLO\A/ S FRCtvI FI NAI\ICI tlc ACTIT/ITI ES: lncrease (Decrease) in Customer Deposits Change in Line of Credit, Net Principal Payments of Long-Term Debt Proceeds from lssuance of Long-Term Debt Other Retirement of Patronage Capital Change in fulemberships Net Cash Provided By (Used ln) Financing Acti,rities NET II.ICREASE IN CASH CASH at Beginning of Year CASH at End of Year SUPPLEfuIENTAL DISCLOSURES OF CASH FLOU/S INFORfuIATION: Cash Paid (Refunded) for: lnterest lncome Taxes lncrease (Decrease)in Accounts Payable for Property, Plant and Equipment lssuance of Note Recei,rable from Sale of Other lnrrestment The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 5 REDACTED.FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION