HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140203CenturyLink QC-Qwest Form 555.pdfM"ry S. Hobson Attorney & Counselor ggg Main, Suite rros Boise, lD 8g7oz 908-C85-8666 January 31,2014 Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472West Washington Boise,lD 83702-5983 cNR-T-t4-D I Re: Qwest Corporatio n (dlb I a "Centurylink QC") Lifeline Certifi cation Dear Ms. Jewell: Pursuant to the Federal Communications Commission's Report and Orderl requiring eligible telecommunications carriers to re-certifu the eligibility of their Lifeline subscribers and to report the results to the Federal Communications Commission, Universal Service Administrative Company and to state commission and Tribal governments, Centurylink hereby submits its 2013 Lifeline re-certification results for the state of Idaho. Please contact me at (208) 385-8666 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ,Lt"d Mary S. Hoh#n l"ld---'1.-- Attomey for Centurylink I In the Matter of Lifeline and Link tlp Reform and Modernization, Lifeline and Link Up, Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service, Advancing Broadband Availability Through Digital Literacy Training, Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 27 FCC Rcd 6656, 6715-16 n 132 (2012);47 C.F.R. $ 54.416. Also see Public Notice, 28 FCC Ptcd 12947 (2013). Approved by OMB 3060-08 l9FCC Form 555 December 2013 Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Certification Form All carriers must complete all or portions of all sections Form must be submitted to USAC and filed with the Federal Communications Commission IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Deadline: January 3l't (Annually) State (An Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC) must provide a certificationformfor each state inwhich it provides Lifeline semice). See Attached Sheet -See Attached Sheet- Study Area Code(s) (SAC) -See Attached Sheet- ETC Name(s) -See Attached Sheet- Holding Company Name(s)DBA, Marketing or Other Branding Name(s) Affiliated ETCs (include names and SACs, attach -See Attached Sheet-ional sheets if necessary) Provide a list of all ETCs that are ffiliatedwith the reporting ETC. Afiiliation shall be determined in accordance with section 3(2) of the Communications Act. That Section defines "ffiliate" as "a person that (directly or indirectly) owns or controls, is owned or controlled by, or is under common ownership or control with, another person." 47 U.S.C. S 153(2). See also 17 C.F.R. S 76.1200. For purposes of this filing, an officer is an occupant of a position listed in the article of incorporation, articles of formation, or other similar legal document. An officer is a person who occupies a position specified in the corporate by- laws (or partnership agreement), and would typically be president, vice president for operations, vice president for finance, comptroller, treasurer, or a comparable position. If the filer is a sole proprietorship, the owner must sign the certification Section 1: All ETCs MUST COMPLETE SECTION 1-Initial CertiJication I certiff that the company listed above has certification procedures in place either to: A) Review income and program-based eligibility documentation prior to enrolling a consumer in the Lifeline program, and that, to the best of my knowledge, the company was presented with documentation of each consumer's household income and/or program-based eligibility prior to his or her enrollment in Lifeline or B) Confirm consumer eligibility by relying upon access to a state database and/or notice of eligibility from the state Lifeline administrator prior to enrolling a consumer in the Lifeline program. I am an officer of the company named above. I am authorized to make this certification for the Study Area(s) listed above. Initial JMA FCC Form 555 December 2013 Section 2: All ETCs MUST COMPLETE SECTION 2- Annual RecertiJication Do not leave empty columns. If an ETC has nothing to report in a column, enter a zero. Approved by OMB 3060-0819 A B C Number of Subscribers Claimed on Februrry FCC Form(s) 497 of current Form 555 calendar yeer Number of Lines Claimed on February FCC Form(s) 497 ofcurrent Form 555 calendar yeer provided to Wirelinc Resellers Numbcr of Subscribers claimed on the February FCC Form(s) 497 that were initially enrolled in current Form 555 calcndar yerr 9150 0 881 Initial the certiJications below that qpply to your ETC and complete the tables corresponding to the certification below. Depending on the state, BOTH CERTIFICATION A AND B MAy APPLY. A) I certiff that the company listed above has procedures in place to recertify the continued eligibility of all of its Lifeline subscribers, and that, to the best of my knowledge, the company obtained signed certifications from all subscribers attesting to their continuing eligibility for Lifeline. Results are provided in the chart below. I am an officer of the company named above. I am authorized to make this certification for the Study Area(s) listed above. Initial S D E F:D-E G 11= (p+G)I Number of Subscribers ETC Contacted Directly to Recertifo Eligibility Through Attestation Number of Subscribers Responding to ETC Contact Number ofNon- Responding Subscribers Number of Subscribers Responding That They Are No Longer Eligible Number of Subscribers De-enrolled or Scheduled to be De- Enrolled as a Result of Non-Response or Inelisibilitv Number of Subscribers Who De-Enrolled Prior to Recertilication Attempt 24 l0 t4 0 t4 0 AND/OR In the space below, please list the program eligibility data sources, such as ETC access to a state database and/or notice ofeligibility from the state Lifeline administrator or the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) and indicate for which qualifuing programs (e.g., SNAP, SSI) these sources are used to verifu subscriber eligibility. If any of subscribers are subsequently contacted directly by the ETC in qn attempt to recertifu eligibility, those subscribers should be listed in columns D through I as appropriqte and not in columns J through L. B) I certify that the company listed above has procedures in place to re-certiff consumer eligibility by relying on CAPAI / ID PUC . RCSUITS ArC provided in the chart below. I am an officer of the company named above. I am authorized to make this certification for the Study Area(s) listed above. Initial JMA J K I, Number of Subscribers Whose Eligibility was Reviewed By State Administrator ETC Access to Eligibility Data or bv IISAC Number of Subscribers De-Enrolled or Scheduled to be De-Enrolled as a Result of Finding of Ineligibility by State Administrator, ETC Access to Elisibilitv Data or USAC Number of Subscribers Who De-Enrolled Prior to Recertification Attempt 8491 2207 0 OR C) I certiff that my company did not claim federal low income support for any Lifeline subscribers for the February Form 497 datamonth for the current Form 555 calendar year. I am an officer of the company named above. I am authorized to make this certification for the Study Area(s) listed above. Initial - FCC Form 555 December 2013 Section 3: ALL ETCS MUST COMPLETE SECTION 3 -De-enroll percentage ll/hat is the percentoge of subscribers de-enrolled for this ETC? Approved by OMB 3060-0819 M N o P=N+O Q = ((P+ M) * r00) Number of Subscribers Claimed on Fcbruary FCC Form(s) 497 (From Column A) Number ofSubscribers De- Enrolled or Scheduled to be De- Enrolled as e Result of Non-Response or Ineligibility (From Column H) Number of Subscribers De- Enrolled or Scheduled to be De- Enrolled as a Result of r Finding of Ineligibility (From Column K) Total Numbcr of Subscribers Dc-Enrolled or Scheduled to be De-E nrolled Percentage of Subscribers De-Enrolled or Scheduled tr be De-Enrolled that were Claimed on the Fcbrurry FCC Form(s) 497 9150 t4 2207 2221 24% SCCIiON 4: ALL ETCS MUST COMPLETE APPROPRIATE CHECK BOX; PRE-PAID ETCS MUST COMPLETE ALL OF SECTION 4 Is the ETC Pre-Poid? Yes E lfa Z 6e fre-faid ETC does not ctssess or collect a monthlyfeefrom its Lifeline subscribers) If yes, record the number of subscribers de-enrolledfor non-usage by month in column S below. Non-Usoge Results Applicable to Pre-Paid ETCs: R s Month Subscribers De-Enrolled for Non-I]sase January Februarv March Anril May June July August Seotember October November December Signature Block: ALL ETCS MUST COMPLETE SIGNATURE FIELDS By signing below, I certiff that the company listed above is in compliance with all federal Lifeline certification procedures. I am an officer of the company named above. I am authorized to make this certification for the Study Area(s) listed above. Approved by OMB 3060-0819FCC Form 555 December 2013 Signed, Jerry M. Allen Signature of Officer Vice President of Revenues Title of Officer Tom Nehls Person Completing this Certification Form Printed Name of Officer Jarl.-28-14 Jerry M. Allen Date 720-s78-5326 Contact Phone Number Approved by OMB 3060-08 1 9FCC Form 555 December 2013 ETC Identification SAC ETC Name 472225 Centurvlink CenturvTel of Idaho Inc. 475162 Centurylink Qwest Comoration 475103 CenturvLink Owest Cornoration 472223 CenturvLink CenturvTel of the Gem State (Nevada) Holdins Company Name or Other Bra Approved by OMB 3060-0819FCC Form 555 December 2013 Affiliated ETCs SAC Name 330884 CenturyLink CenturyTel of Forestville LLC 331159 Centurylink CenturvTel of Central Wisconsin LLC 3s1274 CenturvLink CenturvTel of Postville Inc. 535 163 Centurylink Qwest Corporation 331 155 Centurylink Telephone USA of Wisconsin LLC 46s102 CenturyLink Qwest Corporation 401727 Centurylink CenturyTel of South Arkansas Inc. 442101 Century Link CenturvTel of Lake Dallas Inc. 330895 Centurvlink CenturvTel of Wisconsin LLC 36s142 Centurylink Qwest Comoration 401720 Centurylink CenturyTel of Redfield Inc. 552348 CenturyLink Central Telephone Co. ofNevada (FKA) 330898 CenturvLink CenturvTel of Laresen-Readfield LLC 442084 Centurylink United Teleohone Co of Texas Inc. FKA Embarc 4017 ll CenturvTel of Mountain Home Inc. 190s67 Centurylink United Telephone-Southeast Inc. (FKA Embarq) 401705 Centurylink CenturyTel of Arkansas Inc. 230485 Centurylink MebTel Inc. 485104 CenturyLink Qwest Corporation 515108 CenturvLink Owest Corporation 320747 CenturvTel ofCentral Indiana Inc. 3309 I 3 Centurvlink CenturvTel of Monroe Countv LLC 475103 CenturyLink Qwest Corporation 330924 Centurylink CenturyTel of the Midwest-Kendall LLC 330922 )enturyLink CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wisconsin (Northwest 45510r CenturvLink Owest Corporation 230471 ;nturyLink Central Telephone Co.-North Carol ina(FKA Embar 330934 lenturvLink CenturvTel of the Midwest-Wisconsin (Northwest 230470 lenturyLink Carolina Telephone and Telesraph Co FKA Embar 4tt3t7 enturyLink United Telephone Co-Eastern Kansas (FKA Embar 33093 I Centurylink CenturyTel of Southern Wisconsin LLC 462208 CenturvLink CenturvTel of Colorado Inc. 341057 Centurvlink Gallatin River Communications LLC 371595 Centurvlink United Telephone Co. of the West GKA Embaro 2s0298 CenturvLink Gulf Teleohone Comoanv 280458 Centurylink CenturyTel of North Mississippi Inc. 310702 CenturyLink CenturyTel of Michigan Inc. 401143 CenturyLink CenturyTel of Russellville 401142 Centurylink CenturyTel of Russellville 429786 CenturvLink CenturvTel of Missouri LLC 429787 CenturvLink CenturvTel of Missouri LLC 330950 Centurylink CenturyTel of Northwest Wisconsin LLC 429784 Centurylink CenturyTel of Missouri LLC 429785 CenturvLink CenturvTel of Missouri LLC Approved by OMB 3060-08 r 9FCC Form 555 December 2013 Affiliated ETCs SAC Name 330956 Centurvlink CenturvTel of Northem Wisconsin LLC 401144 CenturyTel of Mammoth Sprins Jacksonville 3 I 0689 CenturyLink CenturyTel of Upper Michigan Inc. 330959 JenturyLink CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wisconsin (Northwest 300630 CenturvLink CenturyTel of Ohio Inc. s05 I 07 CenturvLink Owest Corooration 160138 enturvlink United Telohone Co. of New Jersev (FKA Emban 270423 Centurylink CenturyTel of Central Louisiana LLC 4t1957 CenturyLink-Embarq Missouri Inc (FKA Embarq) 270427 CenturvLink CenturvTel of Chatham LLC 270424 Centurvlink CenturvTel of Southeast Louisiana LLC 330970 lenturvlink CenturvTel of the Midwest-Wisconsin (Northwest 270431 CenturyLink CenturyTel of Northwest Louisiana Inc. 3 I 0705 Centurylink CenturyTel of Northern Michigan Inc. 290574 CenturyLink CenturyTel of Ooltewah-Colleedale Inc. 270434 CenturvLink CenturvTel of Evaneeline LLC 310671 CenturvLink CenturvTel of Midwest-Michiean Inc. 270436 Centurvlink CenturvTel ofNorth Louisana LLC 270439 Centurylink CenturyTel of Rineeold LLC 270440 Centurylink CenturyTel of East Louisiana LLC 5l 1595 CenturyLink United Telephone Co. of the West (FKA Embarq 270442 CenturyLink CenturyTel of Southwest Louisiana LLC 290567 CenturyLink United Telephone-Southeast Inc. (FKA Embarq) 259789 CenturyLink CenturyTel of Alabama (Northern and Southern) 259788 CenturvLink CenturvTel of Alabama (Northern and Southern) 30066 l Centurylink United Telephone Co. of Ohio FKA Embarq 355 I 4l CenturyLink Qwest Corporation 42tt5l Centurylink Spectra Communications Group LLC 170209 lenturvlink United Telephone Co. of Pennsylvania FKA Emba 361445 CenturvLink CenturvTel of Minnesota Inc. 495 105 CenturvLink Owest Comoration 220356 Centurvlink Coastal Utilities Inc. 2905s2 CenturyLink CenturyTel of Adamsville Inc. 290557 CenturvLink CenturyTel of Claiborne Inc. 320832 CenturyLink United Telephone Co. of Indiana (FKA Embarq) 361456 CenturyLink - Embarq Minnesota Inc (FKA Embarq) 395145 CenturvLink Owest Corporation 552223 CenturvLink CenturvTel of the Gem State (Nevada) 240s06 enturyLink United Telephone of the Carolinas-SC (FKA Emba 522400 :nturyLink United Telephone Co of the Northwest(FKA Embar 2t0341 CenturyLink-Embarq Florida Inc. (FKA Embarq) 492274 CenturyLink CenturyTel of the Southwest (New Mexico) 522410 Centurvlink CenturvTel of Cowiche Inc. 522408 Centurvlink CenturvTel of Washineton Inc. Approved by OMB 3060-08 I 9FCC Form 555 December 2013 Affiliated ETCs SAC Name 482249 Centurvlink CenturvTel of Montana Inc. 411842 CenturyLink United Telephone Co. - Kansas (FKA Embarq) t90254 CenturyLink Central Telephone Co. of Virginia (FKA Embarq 421957 CenturyLink-Embarq Missouri Inc (FKA Embarq) 532361 yTel of Eastern Oregon Inc.,CenturyLink CenturyTel of Oreg< 351126 CenturyLink CenturyTel of Chester Inc. 472223 CenturyLink CenturyTel of the Gem State (Nevada) 525161 CenturyLink Qwest Corporation 462187 CenturyLink The El Paso CounW Telephone Company 33084 I lenturylink CenturvTel of the Midwest-Wisconsin (Northwesl 462185 Centurvlink CenturvTel of Easle Inc. 375143 Centurylink Owest Comoration 512299 CenturyLink CenturyTel of Wyoming Inc. 442114 Centurylink Central Telephone Co. of Texas FKA Embarq 330857 lenturyl-ink CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wisconsin (Northwest 385 144 CenturvLink Owest Comoration 4421t7 CenturvLink CenturvTel of Port Aransas Inc. 475162 Centurylink Owest Comoration 320801 Centurylink CenturyTel of Odon Inc. 472225 Centurylink CenturyTel of Idaho Inc. 330877 CenturyLink CenturyTel of Fairwater-Brandon-Alto LLC 532400 lnturyLink United Telephone Co of the Northwest(FKA Embar 442140 CenturvLink CenturvTel of San Marcos Inc.