HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140131Mud Lake Telephone Form 555.pdfFCC Form 555 Deccmbcr 2013 Annm l Llfcllac Ell glblc Ttlcconr m unlcrtlons Ce rricr Ccrtillcet lon Form All canicrs nlust complctc all or portions of all scctions Form must be submitted to USAC nnd lilcd tvith thc Fedcrat Cornmunications Commission IMPORTANT: PTEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS FIRST .Dcodllnc: lu n aary 3 ltt (A nnaotltl ldaho Sutc (1{n EtlgiMc Tehmnhirnlfrtlnnt Cunlat (EIC) nw pn>vl& a nnttlailotlornfor euch ttutd b Bhldt fi ptorklet L{rllne *wfctl, 472227 Mud Lake Telephone Coop. Ass'n, lnc. Sludy Arco Codc(s) (SAC)tiTCNrm(s) Holdi ng Company Nanre(s)DBA, Markctingor Othcr Branding Nnrn{r) fliliatcd ETCs (irrclrdr twnrcs and SiCs, attrch slrccls Proride a tkr dott fut il:rlr on qliilaretl rtlth tht rcpottltrg ElT, tltllottut tlwll bc lcteniaed h o*tlrrhncr vith sccrlon J(tr) o/thc Coallltuicatlottt Aci, 'Ilrlt &alon ddtnet "o!filbte" ut "o prsw llwt (llnclly or inllruct$l on'r or contolt, ls oli.nal ot crutrolkcl \,, or k uxler cuwoaevnerhlpor anntml vhlttuothtpenon." 4T U.SC, i l5r@. Se allio.l7 GF,ll 176.1200, For purposcs of thls fillng, un oflicer is on occupmt ofa grcsition listcd in thc sniclc of incorporntion, anicles of fornntiorr, or othcr sirnilar legal docunrcnl. An ofliccr is a pcrson rvho oc'cupirs n positioil sptcitied in thc corporatc b).lrrrs (or partnenlrlp sgrccmcntlt :rntl rvould typicolly bc prcsidcrrt, vice presidcnt for oJrratiors, vicc prcsidcnt for firuncc, comprollcr, Hrasurer; or a courporoblc position. lf llrc filer is a sole proprictorship, lhc orvncr inust sign thc cerriricilIlorr I ccrtify that the compmy listcd abovc has ccnilication procedurcs in placc eithcr lo: r\) Rcvierv lnconrc and program.basd eligibility docum€ilatlon prior to errolling o consurlcr irr tlrc Llfclittc program' ond rhat, to tlrc bcst of nry knorvledgc, thc conrpatly tvds prcscntcd rvith dccumcntalion of eoch corcumu's house[old lnconrc and/or progrant-bascd cligibllity prior to his or hcr cnrollnrent in Lifeline or B) Confirm consunrcr cligibilily by rclying upon acccss to n statc datrbasc an<Uor noticc of eligibllity fiont thc statc Lifclinc dminismtor prior to cnrolling il consurncr in thc Lifclirtc progrsm. I am on officcr of tlrc cqrnpany naured above. I onr authoriz*d to nrakc thls ccrtilicotion for llu Study Arca(s) lisrcd above. lnltlal 1(rt ( Approvcd by OMB 3060{819 l A B c Nrnbrref S.Lr..llcri Cldd.d or frbrrrry fCCFornrQl l9T otcsrrtit tbnr Sii trlcrCr ltrr lirrrbcrrl Umt Cblatd dl trcbrrry FCC Pon{r) {r7 ofclr,rtul Porlt $t! crlcndrycrr proildcd to lllrcllr* Rsclkr* Nrotrr rl Sulccrlltcrt ddild rr th FrbnrrT FCCf.r{r) afl tbrt rl'.rc Irlthlu trillk{ Itcltrtlt Fofln S(i srltrdff r'crt *0 o lnltktl tlu ccrtllicatlons belox. tlut apply ta your ETC au4l complev rlu tablts corrgspondlng lo rlw ceriljcatlon below, Depruthry ut ilE $tote, BOru CEnflnC;nTlON d iND b ,llif ifFlf, A) I ccnify thlt tlrs comprny listed abovs hns proccdues in placc to r.ccilify thc continued cligibility of all of its Litbline subscribcrs, and that, io thc bcst of nry knor{edgt, thc company obtained slgrtcd ccrlilications fiont all suhcribem attciting to tlrcir contlnulng cllgibllity for Lifctinc, Resuls 0ro provlded in thc chart bclorv. I m nn officer of thecompany namcd above. I am authorizcd to mqke ttris ccrtilicatlon for thc Study Arca(s) llslcd nbovc, Inlrirl _ D u F.D.8 G llr(F+cl I NsmDcr ot $ubrcrlbtn ETC Cootrctcd Dlrcrtly to llcccrrlfl, Ell;lbltty'throush Att6lrrLn f{umbcr ol $ubrcribco Rupondhr to ETC Cbnlirt lluubcr of Noa- Rofondlal Subrcrltc:r l{tmbrr ol Sub*crlbcnRrrpondlag1trt Thcy Arc No Lo4cr Ellglhk Nuil$cr ofSuhrcrlblru llc.rnrollcd or $chrdllcd to bc llc. ]larollcd ls r Rcsult of No*.!{6ponr orlmlhlbllttr l{urnhr of $utrcrlbcrt tVho DcErru.lhd Prkrr to llcccrtltl8ltfoa rtlrcqqlt t I o a a AND/OR ln ilfi space hclov, plca$e llst tln progronr efit lblll$ tldla sQurc€.i, wch ds ETC acse.rl ,a o ttale dtttabase amllot notlca ot tllglbltltyfmm tlw tav Lfrlitw rlrrlnlttl.um@t at ilt$ Urrirrrra/$cn'fc6 idnlntstrstiw Coutpony (l,lSdQ), nnd lxllcatator vhich guoltlylng prograus (*6, S.\[t4 SS7, thesd sowr'et ctre wcel to rwl$ ahxrlber eltglbllltl,, [aq, olsriQttlbvx aru snbtequently canroctcil ilircctly hy the EtC itt t n dltenpt to rcceat$, rll1lbllity, those sabscrlbts ihouhl he lirteil tu cohmnt D tbough I os opproprlute anl ngt ltt coluansJ through L 6) I ccrtify that thc conrpony listed abovc hns proccdurcs in plrcc to rc-ccrtil'y consunlcr cligibility by rclying on Acllon of ldaho Rcsults rre in tha . I anr drr to nlako rhls FCC Form 55i D*mber2013 Sgctiou ?; All ETC:s OruST COill PL EfE S ECTI OtlJ 2- Annual Recertlficutlon Do ni ledvc mpry calnilrils, I an ETC has nothhtg to reporl lil a cohtmn, iltrlr a :ero. cerrilicnrion for rhe study Are(s) llstcd hbovc. lhc comDmv nnmcd n Itrltlsl' {Fl .I K l. ilrl$lUCr O, Sllql.tlD{tt Wtqre f,.lllbility rrs Rcrt<wal.ByStrtr ,ldrnlnlrlrrtor FIC Atrcr to El[ibllltyDrir or bv U&IC I{urlbrr oI Srhocrlbcrr Oc.f, a rqllfil or Schtrtrltd to lto lt+Enrollcd rr rRellt oI Flrrtiog of lnclffiblllty by $trtc rtdnrlalrt reior, E?C Accgr to Blhlblllty Dru or U$AC ilomlrcf 0tsrlrcdbc|t lv[o Dc.Eoroltcrl l'rlor lo Rccrrlillcrlloo rtrlrngtl at tl o OR C) I certify tlnt nr)r cAmpany did not claim fcdcral lorv incomc suppofi for any Lifelinc subscribcrs for the February Form 497 duu month for the crrrrerrt fonn 555 calcndsr ycar, I nrn an ofliccr oItltc con{xury rumlcd above. I anl iluthorizcd to rnake this certiliciliion for the Study Arer(s) listed abore. tultinl - ( t FCCForm 555 Deccmbcr 2013 Ssction 3: ALL ETCS L'lUSf CO*IPLEfiE SECTION i - De.enroll perco,ilage )|that k thc percentagc of snbseilhen dc<nrcllctlfor thh ETC? $sctiou 4: ALL tifCS NIUS'I'CQMPLETE AFPROPRIA'fE CTIECK BOX; ltRE-PrtlD ETCS MUS1. CONIPLETE ALL OF SESTION 4 ls thc ETC Pre-Pald? f* fl N, El (l ?re.t'atd tTtC clots t o! (rJscw orcollail o nourhty/tt/ront tt$ L&tlns iuhtcrlbcrs) Itycs, record the namber ofsub.rcrlbers da-enrolladlot non uioge by month lu colunm I below. Non.Usage R*nhsAppllcablc to Pr*Pi,ld ETCr: R s Ilfonth Suhscrlbors l)o.Enrotlcrt for Noa-Usncc Januarv Fcbruarv March Aoril lvlry Junc Julv Aunusl Scotcmbcr Octobcr Novcmber Dcccnrbcr $ i $Fhrrq BloS k : I LL ETC$ tV UST Coiff L ET E S lONnT'U RE F I E L DS By signing bclcrv, I ccrtify tlril lhe conrpeny llstcd abovc is in contplloncc rvith nll fcdcral Lifilline ccrtilication procedures. I am an ofliccr ofthc conlpany nanted abovc. I am authoriz.ctl to rnakc this certilication for thc Study rlrea(s) ligtcd aborrc. Approvett by OMB (3060-08t9 \ I ( 11t N o PrN+O O.lrP+.vtr lool !tuDD.rof $rlqcdbtn Clrlatd er ftbrur; fCCfrrs{rll,, lllaeColrnltdl Nrubcr e3$rbrctlttr Dt f,ors[rdor *lahlcd to h llo Sr'.llcdrrr narlof Nm.Rrqoucor hclllfitllty {fuo*Cot\ffit0 N3sDct.tsrhr.rh..j Ilc. f,rtt&{ rr Sclcddctl h bc t!* Errol,.dgrnc$tltof r Fhdlrgollrdllblllty (FturColtwK) Totrl i$nb.ro( Snbcrtbcn tlo.f,rrcXal or$tlahlcd lo bc Dof, lrolled fcttt.lrl..ts.td(dtcrll*f rrr$al cr $hcdrtr{ tr lr! DlGrttthd lhl ncrt Cblrt{oo tlc fcirurry TCG Fcrur(i) .lf I 50 0 14 14 28o/o Approvcd by OMB 1060{819FCC Form 555 Dcccrnber 2013 Signed, Randy Msad Printcd Name of Oflicer au30t2014GenerFlManag.g .. _ _Titlc of0fticcr Ran{y-.1tla?d .,_ " - .- .- . ., Pcrson Cornpleting this Ccrtilication Form Datc (208)374-S01 Contact Phonc Nurnbcr E'l'C ldcntification sAc l?l'C Nnnre 4?2?7 htld Lrfr Talools.u Coos*lvs Asrociatho. lnc, or Other Brandir ( ( Approvcd by OMB 3060-0819FCC t'ont 555 Dcccmber ?013 l