HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140130T-Mobile West LLC Form 555.pdfiffi! ?ayr",H:?lJ Suite 2400 1300 SW Fiflh Avenue Portland, OR 91201-5630 Mark P. Trinchcro marktrincher@dwt.com January 29,2014 YIA EMAIL - iean.iewell@ouc.idaho.eov Ms. Jean Jewell, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 472West Washington Boise,lD 83702-0074 Re : T-Mobile West LLC - Form 555 Filing * Docket GNR-T-14-01 Dear Ms. Jewell: On behalf of T-Mobile West LLC, enclosed for filing is FCC Form 555 pursuant to 47 CFR $ s4.416(b). Very truly yours, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP 466-y- Mark P. Trinchero MPT/jan Enclosure DWT 23468245v1 00481 72-000324 I Anchorage I NewYork I Seattle I B"llurr" I Po.ttuno I shanghat I lsAnsoles I SanFrancisco I Washingtm,D.c. I it, ., (1:;i www.dwt,com Approved by OMB 3060-0E19FCC Form 555 December 2013 Annual Lifellne Ellglble Teleconmunlcatlons Csrrier Cerllflcatlon Form All cariers must compl€te atl or portions of all sections Form must be submltted to USAC and filed rvlth the Federal Communications Commission IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Deailllne:,Ian uary 3 ttt (Ann ually) ldaho State (An EllgibleTcleconur.rrlcatlonscarlq (EIC) nu*pmvldeo cert{lcallonformf,oreachstale inwhlch tlproildes Llfeltne*ntice), 479013 T-Moblle West LLC Study Area Code(s) (SAC) T-Mobile USA, lnc. ETCName(s) T-Mobile Holding Company Name(s)DBA, Marketing or Othet Branding Name(s) Affillated ETCs (lnchde names and SACs, altach see attached rvorkshectaddilional sheets Ptovkle a ilsl olall ETCI lhat oro qflilhtedvfth lhe reporttng ETC. $lllatlon shall be determlned ln acardance wlth sectton 3(2) olthe Conmulcatlous Act. Tlnt Sectlou dctlnes "qfilllate" as "o person thal (dtnctly or lillrectly) owns u conlrols, ls owwd or controlled by, or lswdercoumonownershlporconlrolwlth,anolherporson,"4TU,S,C.SlS3(2), Seeala47C,F,RS76,l200, Forpurposes <if this filtng, an offlcer is an occupant of a posltion listed in the artiole of incorporation, articles of formalion, or other sinilar legal documont An oflicer is a person who occupies a positlon specified in the oorpomto by-larvs (or pafinership agreement), and would typically be president, vice president for operations, vice president for frnance, compholler, treasurer, or a comparable position. If the filer is a sole proprietorship, the owner must sign the certificatlon Section I ; l/I ETCI M UST COMPLE?E SECfl ON I- Intthl Certlflcot lon I certify that lhe company listed above has certlfication procedures in place either to: A) Roviol lncome and program-based eligibility documentation prior to enrolllng a consumer in the Lifeline program, and that, to the best of my knowledge, the sompany was presented with dooumentation of each consumer's household income and/or program-based eligibility prior to his or her effollment in Lifeline or B) Con{irm consum€r ellgibility by relying upon access lo a state database and/or notice of eligibillty fiom the state Lifeline administrator prior to eruolling a Gonsumer in the Lifeline program. I am an officer oftho-company named above. I arn aulhorized to nrake this certification for tho Study Area(s) listed above. Inlttalflfup\ Approved by OMB 3060-0819FCCForm 555 Dcember20l3 &clian 2: AA EfCs MUST COMPLETE SECIION 2- An n ud Recertltlcotlon Do ttol leave erupty columns. Ilan ETC has nolhing lo repott in a columq enlet q zero, A B c Nunrbcr of Subrcrlbrrc Chhuld on Fcbrurry FCC Forn{s),197 ofcurrrt Forru 553 crlcDdff ycir Nunrbcr of lJrcr (.'lrlnrd ou Pcbruary FCC Form(i) .197 ofcurrelt Fornr 55S crkodat,'.tr provldcd to ll'hallBG R.rnll.r, Nunlb* of Slbscrlbcrc chlrncd oD lhc FcbrrNry FCC Forn(c) ,197 thel n'crc loldilly.orollcd ft aurr.trt Fonn 555 crlcndrrycrr l!0 3 Inlllal the cert{lcations below lhal aply to yur ETC utd complele ke lables cotrespondlng lo lhe certlticatlon belov. Dependhry on Ifu *IaIe. BOTH CERTIFICATIONA AND B N,ilYAPPLT. A) I certifr that the company listed above has procedures in place to recortify tho continued eligibility ofall ofits Lifeline subscribers, and that, to the best of my knorvledge, tho company obtained signed certilications li'om atl subscribers attosting to their continulng eligibility for Lifelino. Results are provided in the ohart below. I am an officer pfthe company named above. I am authorized to ntako this csrtificalion for th€ Study Area(s) listed above,nlnttiatQd!\ *TrlbaL resldents only D B F-D.E o rI=G+O)t Nurnbcr of $ubsglbcrcETC Contrcled Dlrcctly to Recertlf! Ellglblllty Through Allc.rtrllon Numbcr of Subrcrlbcru Rccpondinl to ETC Conlrcl Nurnber of Nou. Rcrpondlng Subscriberc Numbcrof Subscrlbors Rcspondlng Thnt ThcyAroNo Longer Ellglbls Numbcr of Subscrlbcl's llc-onrolled or Sehciluled to be De. Enrollcd rs a Resolt ol Non-Responsc or Inclleibilitv Nunbsr of Subscrlbers lVho De.Enrolled Prlor lo Rcccrtlllcrllon AltemDt I 1 0 0 0 a AND/OR In the space below, please list the program eltgtblllly dola sources, such 08 Erc qccess to a slate dalabose and/or nolice of eltglbilityfi'ou the rtate Llfellt e admlnlstrator u' the Unlvercal Sentice ldminlstt atlve Company (USAC) and lndlcate tor which qualifying prograns (e.g., SN/P, SSI) thwe sources ore used lo verlty subscrlber eltgtblllly. lf any of subsolbeff are subsequently contacted dh'ectly by the ETC h at altenpt lo rccefllfy efiglbilily, lhose subscribers should be llsted ln colunns D tlrough I as oppropriale ond not ht columns J lhrough L. B) I certifl that the company listed above has procedures ln place to re'certlfy consumer eligibility by relying on roucc ot cllglblllly lhottl slale admlnlstralor CAPAI for non.tlbal rocldonls lncludlng all qusllMng progfami managed by CAPAI , ResUlts Ue provided In the ohart bolow. I am an officer of the company named above. I am authorized to make this certification for the Study Area(s) listed above. Intttnl l[,[( J K L Numbor ofSubrcrlbcrr lVhore El[lbllltywer Rcvlerrcd Ey Stalc Adnrlnlslrrtor EIC Accoss to Ellglbillty Drtn or bv USAC Numbcr of Subscrlberr llc-Enrolled or Schedulcd to bc De-Enrollcd rr r Itesult of Flndlng of Inellglblllly by State Admlalrlmlor, ETC Acccsr to Ellellrlllty Dntr or USAC NumDcr oISubtcilDcrr lvno IleEnrollcd Prlor lo Rccsrtlfl catlon Altonpt o 0 o OR C) I certify that my company did not claim federal lorv income suppofi for any Lifeline subscribers forthe February Form 497 data month for the cuuent Form 555 calendar year. I am an oflicer of the company named above. I am authorlzed to mako this certificatlon for the Shrdy Area(s) listed above, Inltlal- Approved by OMB 3060-0819FCC Fonn 555 December 2013 Sectlon 3t ALL ETCS MUST COMPLETE SECTION 3 - De-enroll percent age lYhot ls the percentoge of subscrlberc cle-enrolledfor thls ETC? Sectlon 4: ALL BTCS MUST COMPLETB APPROPRIATE CHECK BOX; PRE-PAID ETCS MUST COMPLETE ALL OF SECTION 4 Is the ETCPTe-Pakl? ,* [ *o V @ Pre-Patd EIC does not assess or collect a nonthlyfee!'om tu Llfeltne subswibers) lf yes, record the number of substibers de-enrolledfor non-usage bynonth in colunn S below, Non-Usage Results Appllcable lo Pre-Pold ETCI: R s Monfh Snhsarlherr De.Dnr.olled for Nan-flsnaa Januarv February March Aorll Mav June lulv August Septembor October November December Signaturo Block: ALL ETCS MUSTCOMPLETE SIGNATURE FIELDS By slgning bclorv, I certify that the company llsted above is in compliance rvith all federal Llfeline certification procedures, I anr an officer of the conpany named above. I am authorizod to make this certification for the Study Area(s) listed above. I}I N o P=N+O ortrP+ilr*tnm Numbrr of Subrrlbcrr Chimcd on Frbrurry FOC Form(r).197 (FtouColuun 1) Nunrbcr ofSubscdbrrs Dc- Enrolltd or Scbrduhd lo bc Dr. ErrolltdmrRgullof Nou.Rcspousc or Iucl3glblllry (FtouCohtttut II) Numbar of Subs(rlblrs Dr. Enrollrd or Sohldulad to b! D.. Enroltcd ar r llcrul( ol r Blodlug of Incllglblllty (FlonrCohnnnK) To(el Nurnbcr of Subs*lbcrr Dc.Errollcd or Schrdulcd lo bc Dc-E nrollcd Perttnlagc of Subscrtbcru Dc.Eorollcd or Sctcdulcd tr bc Dc.Enrollcd thnt wrre Clllm.d on thc Fcbrurry FCC Form(s) .197 11 0 0 0 0 Approved by OMB 3060.08 l9FCC Forn 555 Decomber 2013 Vice President, Tax Title of Officor Rhonda R. Thomas Chrle Mlller Prlnted Name of O$icer Date425-383-4215 .. . Contact Phone NumbetPorson Cornpleting this Ceftlflcation Form ETC ldentification sAc F.TCNnme or Other Bra FCC Form 555 December 2013 Afllltated ETCs sAc Name 260042 (Alabamal T'Moblle Cent .l LLC and PowrrtouMomphb. lnc. 130006 (Connacllcull T-Moblle Norlhoagl LLC 589005 (Delawarc)T.Mobll6 Nodhcail LLC 579007 (olstdcl of Cotumur)T.MoblL Northaart LLc 210013 (Florld.)T.Moblta South tLC 229020 (Goorolal T-Moblle South LLC 820003 lHauraltl T-Moblle West LLC 470010 0daho)T-lr{obllo W63t LLC e28015 (lndlana)T-trloblle Cenlral LLC 209024 0(antuckv)PoworiauMomphl6, lnc, aild T.illobllo Conlral LLC 2790116 il-oublanal T-Mobllo Cenlral LLC 189027 {MaMand)T-Moblle Nodhsist LLC I I9004 (Masoachuscttl)T-Moblla Norlhoart LLC 910033 (Mlchloan)T-MobUo Contral LLC 3800{4 (Mlnnoola}T.Mobll6 Ccnt al LLC 2E9029 (Mleslcslpp0 PouortouMomphlr, lnc. and T-$loblte soulh LLC 429023 NlssourD T{,lobllo Contral LLC 120007 (New Hamoshlle)T.Mobllo Northoact LLC {69004 (NewJercey)T-Mobllo Nodhor3l LLC 499013 tNew Mexlcol T.Moblle Wott LLC 160024 (N6wYork)T.Mobllo Nodhcart LLC 239005 (Nodh CaroInB)Sun0omWheless, lno. 300008 (Ohlo)T'Mobllo Conl al LLC and Volcoglrcam Plttsburgh LP 5300ltl (Oreoonl T'Mobllc W6st LLC 179014 lPonnsvlvanta)T-Moblle Northeast LLO, Volcosterm Pillrburoh LP andT.tirobllo Conlrat LLC 039003 Fuorto Rlcol T.MoDllo Puedo Rlco LLC 200022 (Tennosroo'l PoweileUMemohla. lno. il4g086 (Toxas)T.MobUe Wosl LLO lSS0l6(Vlrolnld T.Moblc Nodheast LLG 529013 M$hlnoton|T.Molllo Woet LLC