HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140130Columbine-Silver Star Form 555.pdfID 472295 FCC Form 555 December 2013 Annurl Lifeline Eligible Telecsmmurications Carrier Cerlification Form All eaniers must complete all or portions of all sections Form mus: be submitted to USAC and filed with the Federal Communicalions Commission IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS FIR$T Deudline: Januory 3Id (Anaually) ', State lAa EtigibteTelecommruications Carrier {ETC) must prtvide a eenilieltion{onnfar each s&te in which it pravidx Lifeline se*icef,;a; Columbine Telephone Co. lnc., Silver Star Teleohone Co. lnc. Study Area Code(s) (SAC) Horizon Cornmunications, lnc. Holding Company Name(s)D3A, Marketing or Other Branding Name(s) Affiliated ETCs (inelnde names ancl SACs, altsch -Sse Attached Sheet-additianal sheets Pro'$de a list of all ETCs that dre alliliated wirh the reporting ETC. Alfilituion shall be determined in accordanee with section j(2) of rhe Camn unications Act. That Section defines "afiliate" as "a person lhat (directty rtr inrtircctllt owns or contrals, is oxmrll or contolled by, or is under comman ownership or antral with, nother person." 47 U.S.C, ,l{ 153{2). See also 47 C.F.R ;\ 76. 1240. For purposes of this filing an oflicer is an occupant of a position listed in the a*icle of incorporation, articles of formation, or other similar legal document. An officer is a person who occupies a position specified in the corporate by-laws (or partnership agreernent), and rvould typically be president, vice president for operations, vice president for finance, comptrotler, treasurer, or a comparable position. If the filer is a sole proprietorship, the owner must sign the certification Section l: All ETCI NUST COMPLETE SECTION I* Iaitial Certifie*ian I certify that the compary listed above has certification procedu:es in place either to: A) Revierv income and program-based eligibility documentation prior to enrolling a consumer in the Lifeline program, and that, to the best of my knowledge, the compary was presented with documentalion of each corsumer's houschold income andlor program-based eligibility prior 1o his or her enrollment in Lifeline or B) Confirm consumer eligibility by relying upon access to a stste database and/or notice of eligibility from the state Lifeiine administrator prior to enrolling a consumer in the Lifeline program. I am an officer of the company named above. I am authorized to make this certification for the Study Area(s) Approved by OMB 3060-08 r9 t-',"i ETC Name(s) Silver Star Communications listed above. Initial Approved by OMB 3060-08 I 9FCC Form 555 December 2013 Section 2: All ETCr MUST COMPLEZE SECTION 2- Anxual ReceaiSution Do not leave empty columns. If an ETC has nothing to report in a columa, enter 4 zero. A B c l{umbcr of Sulxcrlbcru Chlmcd ou Frbrnrry FCC Forr{r} d9? of.rrrcot Form 355 trltldrr ycrr Numbrr of Liner Clelmtd or Fcbrurry FCC Forrdr) 49? ofcurrtrt Fonn 155 lrtcadrrycrr providrd to lYirclire Rcrllkrs Nrmbrr of Substribcrs cklmcd ar lht Fcbrurry FCf Foratr) {97 thtrvcr iritldly enrollttl ir (urrrtrt form S55 crlcrdlr ycrr 44 0 e Initial the certifcatiorc below that apply to y'our ETC attd complete thc tabl* coresponding ta the cet'tifcatian belo*. Depending on the stdte. BOTTI CERTIFICATION I AND B MAY APPLY. A) I certify ihat the company lisled above has procedures in place to recertify the continsed eligibility of all of its Lifeline subscribers, and that, to the best of my knowledge, the company obtained signed certifications from all subscribers attesting to their continuing eligibility for Lifeline, Results are provided in the chart below. I am an Stud listed above. ;ffiS#oypy named above. I am authodzed to make this certification for the Study Area(s D tt F=D-E C H = (r+c) Nrmbcr of Srhccribers ETC Conirctcd Dircctly :o Rcccrtify Eligibility Through Aatcalation Numbcr of Sulxcribcrs Rcsponding to ETC Contacl Numbcr of llo*- Rcsponding Subscribcrs Ittmbcr of 5rlb6ctib.x Rerpondiag Thal Thcy Are No Longcr Eligible Numbcr of Suhrcribers Dc-cnrollcd or Schedulcd to bc Dc- Enrolled a* r Result of Non-Ilc*ponsc or Inclioihilltv Number of Subrcrihrrs lYho Ile-Enrolled Prior to Recrrtificrtion Atlempl 8 2 6 0 5 0 ANDIOB In the space below, please list the pragram eligibility data sources, $rch as ETC access ta a stote database and/or notice of eligibiliry /rom the state Lifeline administrator a*he Universol Service Administrative Company (USAC), and inclicate for which qualifying pragrams (e.g., SIflfl SSI) these sources are used to verifu subscriber eligibility. If any of subscribers are subsequentlv contacted direclly by the ETC in an otternpt to recerti,fy eligibili{y, those subscribers should be listed in columns D through I as appropriate and nat in columns J through L. B) t ce*iry that the company listed above has procedures in place to re-certify consumer eligibility by relying on wlarI!*ltyltsd.ComdtArrdPdir.lrrAe*.rlonoal&lu.b$*rffs.}fccio!rr$.r.s{e.&t {.d.rdr6o!&a!**fiaidir.td[hdp.i*l$]ffi.&ibiity . ReSUltS afg ake this certification for the Study Area(s) listed above. lnitiataff / J K L Numbcr of $:rbs*rib*rs lt'bose Eligibiliry wes Rwkwcd By Slrtc Administr*tor ETC Accc** to Eligibility I)ate or bv I-ISAC Numbcr of Sub*eribrrs Dc-Enrolhd or Sciedulrd to hc Dc-Enrollcd rs a trcsult of Finding of Ineligibility by$t tc Ad&iaistratorl ETC Acccss t0 f,ttsibilitv Drie or USAC l\umber of $rb*cribc:r Who Dc-Enrolled Prior lo Reeertifitalion Attrmpt 36 0 OR C) I cerrify that my company did not claim federal low income support for any Lifeline subscribers for the February Form t197 data month for the currenl Form 555 calendar year. I am an omcer of the company named above. I am authorized to make this certification for the Study Area(si listed above. Initial _ Approved by OMB 3060-08 I 9FCC Form 555 December 2013 Section 3: ALL ETCS MUST COMPLETE SECTIOT( 3 - De-enroll percentage What is lhe percentage of subscribers d*enrolledfor this ETC? Section 4: ALL ETCS MUST COMPLETE APPROPRIATE CHECK BOX; PRE.PAID ETCS MUST COMPLETE ALL O-T. SECTION 4 Is the ETC Pre-Paid? to f] *o V (A Pre-Paid ETC does not assess or collecr a monthlyfeefron its Lifeline suhscribers) If yes, record the number of wbscribers de-enrolledfor non-u.sage by month in column S below. Non-Usage Results Applicable to Pre-Paid ETCs: R s Month Subscribers De-fnrolled for Non-lIsese January Februarv March Aoril Mav June July Ausust Seotember October November December Sigcature Block: ALI. ETCS MUST COMPLETE SIGNATURE FIELDS By signing below, I certify that the company listed above is in compliance rvith all federal Lifeline certification procedures. I anr an officer of the company named above. I am authorized to make this certification for the Study Area(s) listed above. ilI N o P=li+O Q=((P*M)r 100) Numbrr of Subscrihrr Chincd on Fcbrurry FCC lbrm(s) {97 (From Column A) Nurrber ofSubrcribcrs Dc- Enroltcd or Srhcdulcd to bc Dc- Enrollcd rs r Rcsull of Non-Rcrporrc or Incligibllity (From Column lb Numbcr ofSubrcrlbcrr Dc- Errollcd or S.hcdElcd to bc llc- Earollad ai r Rcrult of r Finding of lncligibility (From Column K) Tot l Nurlbcrof Srbscribcrs Dc-f, lrollcd or Schtdulcd to b. Dc-E nrollcd Pcrc.ntrgc of Subrcribcrr Dc-Enrolhd or Schcdulcd tr bc Dc-Enrollcd thrt wcr? Clrimcd oo tbc Fcbrurry FCC Form(r) .197 M 6 0 b 14Yo Approved by OMB 3060-0819FCC Form 555 December 2013 Title of Officer Michelle Motzkus Jefferson H. England Printed Name of Officer January 29,zAM Date 307-883-6690 Contact Phone Number ETC Identification SAC ETC Name 47229,5 Columbine Tel€phone Co. lnc., Silver Slar Telephone Co. lnc or Other Brandi Approved by OMB 3060-08 I 9FCC Form 555 December 2013 Affiliated ETCs SAC Name 519m1.512295 Silver Star Telephona Co., Inc. 479011.519005 Gold SlBr Communicatbns, LLC