HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131016Inland Telephone ETC and FCC 481.pdfINLAND TELEPHONE CAMPANY Corporate Otfices 103 S. Znd St. P.O. Box 171 Roslyn, WA 98941 INLAND TELEPHONE Telephone: (509) 649-221 1 Fax: (509) 649-3300 October 15, 2013 Via email in .PDF format to iean.-ieutell@',uc.idaln.aou Idaho Public Utilities Commission Commission Secretary 472 W. Washington P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 8372O-OO74 b tv?-f- t3- 0 ) Re: SIC Docket No. 1O-9O - FCC Form 481-Carrier Annual Report and Report and Certification Pursuant to IPUC Order No. 29841 Dear Ms. Jewel: Enclosed is a copy of the Federal Communications Commission ('FCC"), Form 481 that was electronically completed and submitted to the Universal Service Administrative Company fUSAC"). This submission is for Inland Telephone Company, Study Area Code 472423 and includes all attachments that were submitted to USAC and will be submitted to the FCC; the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Certifications, Reports and Affidavit are included. Since the Company serves a portion of tJre Nez Perce Reservation and/or tribal members thereol these documents have also been sent to the Tribal Chairman. If you should have any questions, please call me at (509) 649-22LL or contact me by email at jbrook@inlandnet.com. Enclosures Sincgqely, Cames K. Brooks Treasurer/Controller Jean Jewel September 15, 2OL3 Page 2 af2 CERTItr'ICATE O.tr. SERVICE I, James K. Brooks, hereby certiff that I have, on this 15e day of October, 2OL3, served the foregoing ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER (ETC) ANNUAL RE-CERTIFICATION upon all parties believed to be of interest in this proceeding. A copy of the foregoing ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER (ETC) ANNUAL RE.CERTTFICATION fiIed today was placed in the United States mail, first-class postage pre-paid, overnight delivery service or electronically, as applicable, to the following: Ms. Jean Jewel, Executive Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 47 2 W . Washington Street Post Oflice Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 8372O-OA7 + Electronically to: jeanjewel@ruc.idaho. gou Marlene H. Dortch Office of the Secretary Federa-l Communications Commission 9300 East Hampton Drive Capital Heights, MD 20743 Electronically (when available) to: apps.fcc.gou/ ecfs/ Nez Perce Tribal Executive Committee Silas C. Whitman, Chai.rman Post Office Box 305 Lapwai, ID 83540 Via USPS STATE OF IDAHO ELtctBLE TELECOiIMUNICATTONS CARRTER (ETC) ANNUAL RE.CERTIFICATION CONTENTS Section 1: Carrier lnformation Section 2: Description of Local Usage Plan Section 3: Detailed Outage lnformation Section 4: Unfulfilled Service Requests Section 5: Customer Complaints Section 6: Service Quality and Consumer Protection Certification Section 7: Ability to Remain Functional in an Emergency Section 8: Voice Telephony and Broadband Service Price Offerings Section 9: AdditionalVoice Rate Dala Section 10: Federal USF High-Cost Support Certification Section 1 1: Five-Year Network lmprovement Plan and Progress Report lD Annual ETC cert-modified JB Page 1 of8 08/13 Section 1 : Eligible Telecommunication Carrier Information Date of ETC Annual Report August 26,2A13 Company Name: lnland Telephone Company Address: 103 S 2nd Street P.O. Box 171 Roslyn, WA 98941 Company Contact Personffitle: James K. Brooks, Treasurer/Controller Tefephone Number: (509) 649-2211 Email Address: jbrooks@inlandnet.com Service Area Code (SAC): 472423 Number of ldaho Telephone Service Assistance Program (ITSAP) recipients: 5 (Use numberftom last report submifted to the ITSAP Administrator) lD Annual ETC cert-modified JB Page 2 of I 08/13 Section 2: Description of Carrier's Local Usage Plan-- Competitive Eligible Telecommunications Garrier (CETC) Only EfCs musf submit information describing the terms and conditions of any voice telephony seruice plans offered to Lifeline and ITSAP subscribers, including details on the number of minutes provided as paft of the plan, additional charges, if any, for toll calls, and rates for each such plan. To the extent the ETC offers plans to Lifeline subscnbers that are generally available to the public, it may provide summary information regarding such plans, such as a link to a public website outlining the terms and conditions of such plan. C.F.R. $ 54.202(a)(5). Description: Not applicable: lnland Telephone Company is an incumbent localexchanqe carrier with no varvino service olans. Section 3: Detailed Outage lnformation 554.313(aX2) Provide detailed information on any outage, as that term is defined in 47 C.F.R. $ 4.5, of at least thirty (30) minutes in duration for each service area in which an EfC is designated for any facilities it owns, operates, /eases or otherwise uses and that potentially affect (a) at least ten percent of the end users serued in a designated seruice area; or (b) a 9-1-1 specialfacility, as defined in 47 C.F.R. $ 4.5(e). Specifically, the annual report must include information detailing: (a) the date and time of onset of the outage; (b) a brief desciption of the outage and its resolution; (c) the sfeps taken to prevent a similar situation in the future; and (f) the number of customers affected. Reporting peiod is January*December 2012. See Oder No. 29841, page 18. Number of outages:one (1) Additional outage information: ln the Lenore exchanqe, on 10/26/2012 at 09:05. lost connection with CenturvLink: approximately 294 subscribers were without lonq distance service or connectivitv to 911: Centurvlink ticket # MA1007062. Service was restored by Centurvlink on 10/2612012 at approximatelv 09:15: not certain what other steps can be taken to prevent this from happeninq in the future other than establishinq another interexchanqe route. lD Annual ETC cert-modified JB Page 3 of 8 08/'13 Section 4: Unfulfilled Service Requests 954.313(a)(3) Provide the number of reguesls for seruice from potential customers within the EfC's service area(s) that were unfulfilled in the previoul year (January-December 2012). The ETC shall also detail how it attempted to provide seruice to those potential cusfomers. See Order No. 29841, page 19. Voice The number of unfulfilled service requests from potential customers within the ETC's service area: zero (0) Additional information: There were no unfulfilled service requests for the period Januarv 1, 2012 throuoh December 31. 2012. Broadband The number of unfulfilled service requests from potential customers within the ETC's service area: zero (0) Additional information: There were no unfulfilled service requests for the period Januarv 1. 2012 throuoh December 31. 2012. Section 5: Customer Gomplaints 554.313(aX4) Provide the number of complaints per 1,000 handsets or lines for the previous year (Januaryr-December 2012). Voice The number of customer complaints per 1,000 handset or working access lines: zero (0) Additional information: The Companv did not receive from the Federal Communications Commission, the Consumer Protection Division of the Office of the Attornev General for the State of ldaho or the Consumer Assistance Section of the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("lPUC"). anv complaints against the Companv concerninq the services orovided to its customers bv the Companv that are either subject to the requlatorv jurisdiction of the IPUC or among the services supported bv the federal hiqh-cost fund. Broadband The number of customer complaints per 1,000 handset or working access lines: zero (0) Additional information: The Companv did not receive from the FederalCommunications Commission, the Consumer Protection Division of the Office of the Attornev General for the State of ldaho or the Consumer Assistance Section of the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("!PUC"). any comolaints aqainst the Companv concerninq the services provided to its customers by the Companv that are either subiect to the regulatory jurisdiction of the IPUC or among the services supported bv the federal hioh-cost fund. lD Annual ETC cert-modified JB Page 4 of 8 08113 Section 6: Service Quality and Consumer Protection Certification S54.313(aX5) Prcvide certification that the canier is complying with applicable seruice quality standards and consumer protection rules. Section 7: Ability to Remain Functiona! in Emergencies Gertification S54.313(aX6) EfCs masf demonstrate that it has a reasonable amount of back-up power to ensure functionality without an external pawer source, is able to re-route tratric around damaged facilities, and is capable of managing traffic spikes resulting from emergency situations. l, James K. Brooks, being of lawful age, state that I am Treasurer/Controller of lnland Telephone Company ("Company"), that I am authorized to execute this certification on behalf of the Company, and that the facts set forth in this certification are true to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. On this basis, the Company certifies to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission, pursuant to 47 C.F.R. S 64.2009(e), that the Company's operating procedures are adequate to ensure compliance with the Customer Proprietary Network lnformation rules and regulations as set forth in 47 C.F.R. SS 64.2001 through 64.2009. The Company further certifies that it maintains back-up power to ensure functionality without an external power source in the forms of auxiliary generators and batteries in its central offices as well as adequate battery back-up in its subscriber carrier cabinets and that its switching capability is more than adequate to manage the traffic of its subscribers. For calls within the exchange of Leon, depending upon where a cut is made, there exists redundant toll routing however, in the Lenore exchange, there is no redundant toll routing. ln both exchanges, the customers can continue to make calls within the exchange should the interexchange facilities to CenturyLinUQwest or any intra-exchange facilities are cut. The Company does not have ring technology at this time. The Company has secured an RUS loan and purchased property in order to erect a tower to place microwave equipment for a redundant route from the Lenore exchange. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of ldaho that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated this day of August, 2013 at Roslyn, Washington. By: K. Brooks reasurer/Controller lnland Telephone Company lD Annual ETC cert-modified JB Page 5 of 8 08/13 Section 8: Voice Telephony and Broadband Price Offerings $54.313(aX7) Caniers shall report rates in effect as of January 1. (This data is not required for the 2013 filing.) per month; $0. Section 9: Additional Voice Rate Data S54.313(h) All incumbent local exchange canier recipients of hrgh-cosf s uppoft must repoft all of their flaf rates for residential local seruice, as wellas sfate fees as defined pursuant to $5a318(e) of this subpaft. Caniers musl a/so repoft all rafes fhat arc below the local urban .a,te floor as defined in $54.318 of this subpaft, and the number of lines for each rate specified. Caniers shall report lines and rates in effect as of January 1. Note: 5 TAP subscribers not included v Exchange Rate Type Residential Local Service Rate State Subscriber Line Charge State Universal Service Fee Mandatory Extended Area Service Charoe Total Leon FR $25.76 0 $0.23 0 $25.99 Leon MS $16.00 0 $0.23 0 $16.23 Lenore FR $25.76 0 $0.23 0 $25.99 Lenore MS s16.00 0 $0.23 0 $16.23 NOIEi Measurad service minutes oer month: $0.03/min thereafter. Exchange Res. Rate State Reg. Fee Total Download Speed (Mbos) Upload Speed(Mbos) Usage Allow (GBI Usage action Exchange/Description Lines Residential Rate State Subscriber TAP Line Charoe State USF Surcharge County E- 911 Surcharge Leon-Basic Residential 28 $25.76 $0.07 $0.1 5 $1.35 Leon-Local Measured Svc 2 $16.00 $0.07 $0.15 $1.35 Lenore-Basic Residential 276 $25.76 $0.07 $0.15 $1.25 Lenore-Local Measured Svc 13 $16.00 $0.07 $0.1 5 $1.25 lD Annual ETC cert-modified JB Page 6 of 8 08/13 Section 10: Federal USF High-Cost Support Certification S54.313, 554.314 Pursuant to FCC regulations, in order for EfCs to continue to receive fedenl USF, the Commission "must file an annual certification with the Administntor IUSACJ and the Commission IFCC] stating that all federal high-cost suppoft provided to such caniers within that State will be used only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and seruices for which the support is intended." State of WASHINGTON) CERTIFICATION BY ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER ) ss OF COMPLIANCE WITH SERVICE QUALITY AND CUSTOMER County of KITTITAS ) PROTECTION, ABILITY TO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL lN EMERGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH-COST SUPPORT. AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER The ldaho Pubtic Utilities Commission Order No. 29841requires that Eligible Telecommunlcations Caniers certify that it is compliant with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules; and ETCs must demonstrate the ability to remain functional in emergencies. ln addition, the Commission must file an annual certification with the USAC and the FCC that all federal high-cost support provided to ETCs within the State of ldaho will be used only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading ol facilities and services for which the support is intended. Accordingly, the undersigned states and verifles under oath the following: 1. I am an officer of lnland Tetephone Company, an eligible telecommunications carrier for receiving federal universal service support under section 214(e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 in the state of ldaho. 2. I am familiar with the Company's dayto-day operations in the state of ldaho and with the State's service quality standards and consumer protection rules as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841. 3. lnland Telephone Company is complying with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules of the FederalCommunications Commission and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. 4. I certify to the Commission that the Company is able to remain functional in emergencies as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841 and in 47 C.F.R. $ 54.201(a)(2). 5. I also certify that all federal universal service support funds received by lnland Telephone Company during the cunent calendar year will be used in a manner consistent with section 254(e); that is, for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. The company will continue to comply for the period of January 1,2014, through December 31, 2014, to be eligible for federal universal service fund support. 6. This verification and affidavit is provided to be the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to enable the IPUC to certify to the FCC that federal universal service support received by the eligible carriers in the state will be used in a manner consistent with Section 254(e) of the Telecomm reasurer/Controller Act. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me thiq-](F PAIdELA R. NELSON NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMISSION EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 9.2015 lD Annual cert Page 7 of 8 08/'13 Section 11: Five-Year Network lmprovement Plan and Progress Report The annual repoft must include a progress report on the caniels five-year seruice qualtty improvement plan, including maps detailing its progress toward meeting the plan targetg an explanation of how much univercal seruice suppott was received and how ff was used to improve signal quality, covenge, or capacity, and an explanation regarding any network improvement tarurets that have not been fulfilled. This information shall be submitted at the wire center level. The annual rcport must a/so include an updated five-year network improvement plan indicating plans for future investment. lnland Telephone Company has made substantial investments over the years, which allow it to provide quality telecommunications servaces to its customers in its designated Eligible Telecommunications Carrier ("ETC") service area. Through the investments and expenditures, the Company is able to continue to provide services at a level that the Company believes meets the intent set forth in 47 U.S.C. S 254 of providing quality telecommunications services to customers in the service area for which the Company is designated as an ETC. The Company remains dedicated to establishing an alternative means of getting its interexchange traffic as well as less expensive and faster broadband transport to the world. The Company has identified that it should require two microwave towers (one at the Lenore central office and one across the Clearwater River) in order to establish the connection in/out of the Lenore exchange location; with additional co-locations or microwave transport from an existing cellular carrier. A site across the Clearwater River has been purchased. The Company has applied and received a loan with the Rural Utillties Service ("RUS") for approximately $4,100,000. The loan design'is to build a new central office building ($244,000), additional switching software ($14t,000), microwave facilities (towers and equipmentx$1,183,000) and build fiber to the node (buried fiber and electronicsX$2,489,000). The Company's contracted consulting engineers have been in the field performing staking and design, however, with the changes to lnter-Carrier Compensation and Universal Service Funds created by the Federal Communications Commission, with the exception of the microwave facility, the Company is proceeding cautiously and does not have an anticipated timeline for these projects at this time however, the Company has five years in order to draw these funds from the RUS; by May 18,2017. The Company has and will continue to make investments and expenses for the provisioning, maintenance and upgrading of the facilities for which the Universal Service Fund support is intended. Other than those investments contemplated by the RUS loan, the Company has no further capital budget items for the period January 1,2013 through December 31,2017 . The Company expects that levels of expenses will remain relatively similar as those it experienced in the calendar year 2012, subject to the effects of inflation and other commonly experienced changes in the cost of labor and materials; provisioning and maintenance always continues. The Company reports that, for the period January 1,2012 through December 31,2012, ,l received $459,544 in Federal Universal Service Support from the High Cost funds. lD Annual ETC cert-modified JB Page I of 8 08/13 INIA,ATDWLEPTIONE Febrnary 25,2013 Wa Federal Express ouemight deliuera Marlene H. Dortch Ofhce of the Secretarlr Federal Communications Commission 445 lzttt Street SW Suite TW-A325 Washington, DC 20.554 llfith a delivery address of: 9300 East Hampton Drive Capital Heights, MD 20743 (202',1418-0300 Re: EB Docket I{o. O6-36 Annual Section 64.2009 (e) Certifrcation As required by section 64.2OO9(e) of the Federal Communications Commission's rules, enclosed is an original and four copies of the Customer Proprietar5r Network Information Compliance Certifi cation enecuted by Inland Telephone Company, Form 499 Filer ID 80229. Also enclosed is the Statement Regarding Operating Procedures for Inland Telephone Comparry. If you should have any questions, I can be contacted at {5O9) 649- 2217. Enclosures Cc: Best Copy and Printing, Inc (via email to FCCIdBCPIWEB.COMI FCC Enforcement Bureau airres K. Brooks ANNU.A,L SECTION 64.2009(e) CERTIFICATION EB DocketNo.06-36 Annual $ 6a.2009(e) CPNI Certificatlon lor 2012 Drted: February 25, 2013 Company: Inland Telephone Company Form 499 Filer ID Numberz802299 Name of Signatory: James I(. Brooks Title of Signatory: Treasurer/Controller I, fames IC Brooks, cediry that I am a duly authorized officer of Inland Telephone Company ("Inland" hereafter) and, acting as an agent of Iulan4 that I have personal lcrowledge that Inlaud has established operatiug procedures ttrat are adequate to ensure complianoe wi& the Customer Proprietary Network Infonaatior (*CPNI') rules of the Federal Communications Commission ("Commission'), codified at 47 C.F.R Part 64 Subpart U, implementing Section 222 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. Attached to this certification is an accompanyrng staterneut explaining how Inland's procedures ensure &at the company is in complianoe with the requirements set forth in section 64.2001et seq. of the Commission's rules. Inland has not taken any actions (proceedinp instituted or petitions filed by Inland at either state commissions, the court system, or at the Commission against data brokers) against data brokers in the past year. During the calendar year ended December 31, 2012, Inland did not acquire first-hand any information that it has identified as being information with respect to the processes pretexters are using to attempt to access CPM. Inland has not received any customer complaints in the past year conceming the unauthorized release of CPM. STATEMENT REGARDING OPERATING PROCEDTJRES IMPLEMENTING 47 C.F.R. PART 64 SUBPART U GOVER}IING USE OF cusToMER PROPRTETARY NETWORK INEORMATTON (CpNr) MARCE t,2ol3 The foilowing statement explains how the operating procedures of Inland Telephone Company ("Inland" or "Company'') ensure that it is in compliance with the Commission's CPNI rules, as codified at 47 C.F.R. Part 64 Subpart U ($$ 64.20AL64.2011) and is relevant to calendar year 2012. Except as othenrise indicated, the following applies with respect to the Commission's rules in effect both before and after the December 8, 2007 effective date of the Commission's April 2,2007 Report and Order in CC Docket No. 96-l L5. See FCC A7-22 (rel. Apr. 2, 2AO7); Public Notice, DA 074915 (rel. Dec. 6,2007), This statement covers calendar year2012. I. Use of customer proprietary network information without customer approval. A. Inland may use, disclose, or permit acoess to CPM for the purpose of providing or marketing service ollerings among the categories of service to which the customer already surbscribes from Inland, without customer approval. B. krland may not use, disclose, or permit access to CPNI to market to a customer, service offerings that are wiflrin a category of service to which the subscriber does not already subscribe from Inland, unless krland has customer approval to do so, except as described in Section I.C- (1) Inland may use, disclose or permit access to CPM derived from their provision of local exchange service or interexchange service, without customer approval, for the provision of CPE and information servicos, such as call answering, voice mail or messaging, voice storage and retrieval services, and fa"r storage and retrieval services. Q) krland may not use, disclose or permit &ccess to CPNI to identiff or track customers that call competing service providers except for CPM made available to other telecommunications cariers pursuant to tariffed or detariffed billing and collection arrangements and biUing and collection services provided pursuant thereto. The Company does not sell CPM to any third-parly for any purpose. C. Inland may use, disclose, or pemrit access to CPM, without customer approval, as follows: (1) Inland may use, disclose, or pemrit aceess to CPM, in its provision of inside wire installation, nraintenance, and repair services. (2) Inland may use CPNI to market services formerly known as adjunct-to- basic services, such as, but not limited to, speed dialing, computer-provided directory assistance, call monitoring, call tracing, call blocking, call rehm, repeat dialing call tracking, call waiting caller I-D., call fonrarding and certain Centex features. D. Inland may use, disclose, or permit access to CPM to pnctect lnland's rights or properfy; to protect its users and other carriers from &audulent, abusivq or unlawful use o{, or subscription to, Inland's services; and to render, provision, bill or collect for servioes. Iuland provfules local erchange telephone sen'ice ofid access to long clistance service provlders rn siu exchanges ln the states of ldoho aad lllashlttgton. Inland's operafing procedures conryly with the dbove requirearcnts ond lnclude, bnt are uot lindted to, the pt'ovisions descrtbed below. Tlrc Company does uot engage in any outbourtd telennrkahrg, Outbound print arurkethry, lf any, that nny be dislrlbated by the Conryany by nail is addressed to all srtbscribers ot custourcrs within the appllcable geographic areo, zlp code(s) atd/or telephone nrunber preftx(es), withont regarul to the speeific services that the snbscriber or custoiler receives, or does uot recelve, fron lhe Conryany and/ot'the Contpatty's afiliiles. Under Conryany pollcy, noue of the Company's affiiates is perniile.d to nse ouy CPNI olthe Conpanyfor oty orttboundtelematketing or ontbotud prilrt nnrketilry. Moreover, the Conrpany does ilot nse oily CPMfor any inbound marketing of ser'vlces tlnt are not withitt a category of service (1,e,, local and iuterqtchaage) to tphich the anstonrcr olready subscrib* frorrt the Conryauy ailcVor orte or more of the Conrpany's affiiates. The Coatpouy does not sell, or provide access to any third party tu, aily of the Compauy's CPNIfor purposes of mark*ing the serulces of the Conpany or of cny of i* alftliates, other tlun as pernitted without prior actomer approval with respect to the Conrpany's afflliat* Exceptfor CPNI nnde avollnble to other teleconmrunications carriers pursttorrt to tarffid or detadlfed bllling snd colleaiol orrdngeutents nnd btllirrg and colleaton services provided pursuarrt thereto, aud pursuont to Connission-nmtdated carrier change pruceduresr lhe Coatpany does rtot provide CPNI to auy third-pa@fot ilny purpose. The Conryany, tts eruployees aud agents may amke sach ather uses and disclosurcs of, and pernit access to, CPNI withottt cusloarcr approval os are penrtitted by applicable sldutq rulq rcgulatlon or orden Such uses, disclosures or sccess any include those authorized by Sectiotts 222(c) and (d) of the Connruilicatiorts Act of 1934, as amended, by Seaion 61.2005 of the Conmissiort's rnles and by orders of the Connission, Escept as set fonh abovq the Conrpony does not provide any CPM to auy govenmrental entity, or to aty other lhiruI pafly, other thott: pursuaul to sttbpoeua or other lawfiil process or with the sabscrlber's pfior wrltteu corrsenl, or in accordance with the authentlcatlon ad other requlrement desefibed at Sectiort IV below and in the FCC's rales, as a result of aperson represeiltfurg hilnself or herself to be the subscrlher (or the subscrlber's dul! strlhsrlzod agent) and having confinned his or her ldentlty or auilrcrtgt by providing to the Company approprlate tdeutlfytrtg firformation (such as Social Securtty Nuntber, drlver's llcense urunber, nruther's nniden ,tdnrc, ilser nane or pasnoord, ns approprlate or otheneise required). il. Approval required for use of customer proprietary network iuformation. A. Inland may obtain customer approval through written, oral or elechonic methods. (1) Inland does not seek or obtain oral approval, and therefore does not bear the burden of demonsbating that such approval has been given in compliance with the FCC's rules. (2) A customer's approval or disapproval obtained by krland to use, disclose, or permit access to the customer's CPM, the use of CPNI outside of the customer's total service relationship with Inland must remain in effect until the customer revokes or limits such approval or disapproval. (3) Inland must maintain records of notification and approval, whether oral, written or electronic, for at least one year. B. Use of Opt-Out and Opt-In Approval Processes. (1) Except where use, disclosure, or access to CPM is otherwise pemritted wiftout prior customer approval (as described above), Inland only uses, discloses or permits access to CPNI upon opt-out or opt-in approval, consistent with Section 64.2AA7 of the Comrnissiou's rules and, byDecernber 8,2007, with the Commission's amended rules. Inland's process is described in Section II.A above. (2) Except for use and disclosure of CPM that is permitted without customer approval under Section I, or that is described Section II.B, or as otherwise provided in section 222 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amende4 Inland may only use, disclose, or pernrit access to its customer's individually identifiable CPM subject to opt- in approval. The Compdny atrrently does uot use CPNI iu a nnnner that retlaires prior custorner approvol. Shoultl Inland's policy change, howeverr lnland shall irnplattent theforegohtg pollct* to ensure the FCC's rales are coatplled with. III. Notice required for use of customer proprietary network information. A. Notification, Gsnerally. (1) Prior to any solicitation for customer approval, Inland must provide notification to the customer of the customer's right to restrict use of, disclosure o[, and access to that customer's CPNL (21 hrland must maintain records of notification, whether oral, written or electonic, for at least one year. B. Individual notice to customers must be provided when soliciting approval to use, disclose, or permit access to customerc' CPM. C. Coutent of Notice. Customer notification must provide sulficient information to enable the custorner to make an informed decision as to whether to permit Inland to use, disclose, or permit access to, the customer's CPM. G) The notification must state that the customet has a righl and Inlaud has a duty, under federal law, to protect the confidentiality of CPM. @ The notification must speciff the !ryes of information that constitute CPM and the specific entities that will receive ttre CPM describe the purposes for wbich CPM will be used, and inform the customer of his or her rigbt to disapprove those uses, and denyorwithdraw access to CPM at any time. (3) The notification must advise the customer of the precise steps the customer must take in order to grant or deny access to CPltII, and must clearly state that a denial of approval will not affect the provision of any services to which the customer subscribes. However, krland may provide a brief statemenl in clear and neutral language, describing consequences directly resulting from the lack of access to CPNI. (4) The notification must be comprehensible and must not be misleading. (O If written notification is provided, the notice must be clearly legible, use sufEciently large t1rye, and be placed in an area so as to be readily appareut to a customer. (6) Uany portion of a notification is translated into another language, then all portions of the notification must be hamlated into that language. (7) Inland may state in the notification that the customer's approval to use CPM may enhance Inland's ability to offer products and services tailored to the customer's needs. Inland also may state in the notification that it may be compelled to disclose CPM to any person upon affinnative written request by the customer. (8) Inland may not include in the notification any statement attempting to encourage a customer to freeze third-party access to CPM. (9) The notificatiou must state that any approval or denial of approval for the use of CPM outside of the seryice to which flre customer already subscribas from Inland is valid until the customer alfirmatively revokes or limits such approval or denial. (10) Inland's solicitation for approval must be proximate to the notification of a customer's CPM rights. D. Notice Requirements Specilic to Opt-Out Inland must provide notiEcation to obtain opt-out approval thmugh electonic or written methods, but not by oral conununicatiou (except as provided in paragraph F ofthis section). The contents of any such notification must comply with the requirements of paragraph C of this sEction. (1) hrland must wait a 30-day minimum period of time after giving customers notice and an opportunity to opt-out before assuming customer approval to use, disclose, or pennit acsess to CPM. Inland may, in its discretion, provide for a longer period. Inland rnust notiff customers as to the applioable waiting period for a response before approval is assumed. (i) In the case of an electronic form of notification, the waiting period shall begin to run from the date on which the notification was sent; and (iD ln the case of notification by mail, the waiting period shall begin to run on the third day following the date that the notiJication was mailed. (2) Insofar as Inland is using the opt-out mechanism, it must provide a Notice to its customers every two years. (3) If Inland uses e-mail to provide opt-out notices, it must comply with the following requirements in addition to the requirements generally applicable to notification: (i) Inland must obtain express, verifiable, prior approval from consumers to send notices via e-mail regarding its seryice in general, or CPNI in particular; (ii) hland must allow customers to reply directly to e-mails containiug CPM notices in order to opt-out; (iir) Opt-out e-mail notices that are returned to Inland as undeliverable must be sent to the customer in another form before Inland may consider the sustomer to have received notice; (iv) Inland must ensure that the subject line of the message clearly and accurately identifies the subject matter of ttre e-mail; and (v) Inland must make available to every customer a method to opt-out that is of no additional cost to the customer and that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Inland may satisff this requirement through a combination of methods, so long as all customers have the ability to opt-out at no cost and Bre able to effectuate that choice whenever they choose. E. Notice Requirements Specific to Opt-In. Inland may provide notification to obtain opt-in approval through oral, written, or elechonic methods. The contents of any such notification must comply with the requiremeots of paragraph C ofthis section. F. Notice Requirements Specific to OneTime Use of CPNI. (l) Inland may use oral notice to obtain limited, one-time use of CPNI for inbound and outbound customer telephone contacts for the duration of the call, regardless of whether Inland uses opt-out or opt-in approval based on the nature of the contact. (2) The contents of any such notification must comply with the requirements of paragraph C of this section, except that Inland may omit any of the following notice provisions if not relevant to the limited use for which Inland seeks CPM: (r) Inland need not advise customers that if they have opted-out previously, no action is needed to maintain the opt-out election; (ii) lnland need not advise customers that they may share CPNI with their affiliates or third parties and need not name those entities, if the limited CPM usage will not result in use by, or disclosure to, an afFliate or third partf (iiD krland need not disclose the means by which a customer can deny or withdraw ftture access to CPNI, so long as Inland explains to customers that the scope of the approval krland seeks is limited to one-time use; and (iv) Inland may omit disclosure of the precise steps a customer must take in order to grant or deny access to CPNI, as long as Inland clearly communicates that the customer can deny access to his CPNI for the call. The Conrpaily currently d.aes not use CPNI fut a manter that requires prlor custorrter approval. Shoald Inland's poliqy clrungq however, Inland shall intplanent the foregoirtg pollcles lo ensure the FCC's niles are complied wlth. ry. Safeguards requlred for use and disclosure of eustomer proprietary nehvork information. A. Inland must implement a system by which the status of a customer's CPNI approval can be clearly established prior to the use of CPM. Inland's policies and procedures are detailed in Section II above. B. Effective December 8,2007,Inland may release call detail informatioa during a customer initiated telephone contact only if reasonable authentication procedures are complied with and (1) the customer provides Inland with a pre-established password" (2) Inlan4 at the oustomer's request, sends the call detail information to the oustomer's address of record provided the address of record has been associated with the account for at least thirty (30) days, or (3) when Inland calls the telephoue number of resord to disclose flre call detail information. Inland is permitted to create a back-up customer authentication method for lost or forgotten passwords. Inland is also prohibited from releasing call detail information during a retail visit without the appropriate password or valid photo identification However, if the during a customer-initiated telephone contaot, the customer is able to provide without assistance from Inland personnel all of the call detail information necessary to address a customer service issue (i.e., the telephoue number called, when it was called, and if applicable the amount charged for the call), then krland personnel are perrnitted to proceed with its routine customer care procedures. C. Not later than June 8, 2008, Inland must authenticate a customer without readily available biographical or account information prior to allowing the customer on-line access to CPM related telecommunication service account. Once authenticated, the customer may only obtain on-line access to CPM related telecommunications service account through a password. D. Effective Decsmber 8,2007, hland is required to notifu customers immediately when a password or back-up means of authentication for lost or forgotten passwords, on-line account, or address of record is created or changed. Such notification is not required when the customer initiates service, including the selection of a password. E. Business customers are exempt from the password requirements which became effective December 8,200'1, if the customer is contractually bound to lnlan4 is serviced by a dedicated Inland account representative as the primary coutact, and within the conEact krland is responsible to address its CPNI obligations. I[, at any point, the business customer must go through a call center to reach a customer service representative, then the exemption does not apply. F. Inland trains its personnel as to when they are and are not auflrorized to use CPM and Inland must have an express diseiplinary process in place. G. Inland must nraintain a record, elechouically or in some other manner, of its own and its affiliates' sales and marketing campaigns that use its customers' CPM. Inland shall maintain a record of all instances where CPM was disclosed or provided to third parties, or where third parties were allowed access to CPM. The record must include a description of each campaign, the specific CPM that was used in the campaign, and what products and services were offered as a part of the campaign. Inland shall retain the record for a minimum of one year. H. krland must establish a supervisory review prccess regarding its compliance with the FCC's CPNI rules for outbound marketing situations and maintain records of its compliance for a minimum period of one year. Specifically, sales personnel must obtain supervisory approval of any proposed outbound marketing request for customer approval. L Effective December 8,2007, hland must take rcasonable measures to discover and protect against attempts to gain unauthorized access to CPN! which may include encrlptiou of its databases. Inland must properly authenticate a customer prior to disclosing CPNI based on a customer-initiated telephone contact, on-line account access, or an in-store visit. krland must take measures to pmtect CPNI stored in its internal databases from potential unauthorized access, and evaluate and increase its security measures should it discover an increase in attempts to gain access to unauthorized information. J. Inland must provide written notice within five business days to the FCC of any instance where the opt-out mechanisms do not work properly, to such a degree that consumers' inability to opt-out is nrore than an anomaly. (1) The notice shall be in the form of a letter, and shall include Inland's nnnl€r a description of the opt-out mechanism(s) used, the problem(s) experienced, the remedy proposed and when it will be/was implemented, whether the relevant state commission(s) has been notified and whether it has talcen any action, a copy of the notice provided to customers, and contact information. (2) Such notice must be submitted even if Inland offers other methods by which consLlmcrs may opt-out. I( Effective December 8, 2007, lnland has a general duty to first infonn federal law enforcement agencies, followed up by notification to affected customers, after reasonable determination of a breach of its customers' C?M. (1) Inland must file an elechonic notification to the United States Secret Service (USSS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) within seven (7) business days through the central reporting facility fi,rmished by the Commission. (2) hland is prohibited from noti$ing customers or the general public of the breach until seven (7) bminess days have passed after notification to the USSS and FBI unless under certain specified circumstances: (a) Inland identifies an "exEaordinary need to notiff customers" before that period or (b) An ongoing or potential investigation or national security requires customer disclosure to be potentially delayed for up to thirly (30) dap. Inland must notiff the affected customer(s) ater the applicable period. (3) Inland must maintain a record, whether elechonically or in some other marurer of any breaches discovered, notifications made to the USSS or EBI and notifications made to customers. Tho record must inolude, if available, dates of discovery and notification, a detailed description of the CPNI tlrat was the subject of the breach, and the circumstances of the breach. Records must be maintaiued for a two (2) yearperiod. fnhud't operating procedures conryly utlth all of tlrc above requirearcnts, ittchtdirtg those thal became elfective Decentber 8, 2407. lfiith respec't to ortline autheutication in partiailar,Iuland huplenrcriled measures lo ensure coatpllauce by the applicable June 8, 2008 deadline As prevlonsly discussed, the Conryany cameutly does tot use CPNI ln a nnnner that requires prior antonter approval Should hland's poliqr change, how*er, Inland sholl implearcnl the relannt aforementloned policies to errstre the FCC's niles are coutplied wlth. Inland notes ln porticulor thot: t Conrpaty persomrcl arc trahrcd as to wheu they ore and are not aulhorlzed to use CPNI, aul tlnt an a;press process is iu place such that violotlons of these procedures nrcy result itt dlsciplinary action, up to aud irtcluding tenninatiort of employmenl t lulaud does not provide atstomers'with ortllne access to their CPNI at thls tiua c lllitlt respect to bashrcss cnstorrrers subject to Section IY.E abovq Inland reqalres theut to provide the naarcs of all that are autlnrized to hrwe access to the occortttl aud al firhat authorization level (ag. to anke sewice changes, reqaest additlortol serviees, billirtg hqulrles) nnd further requires thol a 6 to l0glace alphanunrcric password be estahlished. . Operatlng procedures hm'e been lmplenenled to conryly wlth the reuainiug reqairemeuts described above and appllcable lo Inland's usq dlsclosure of and thtrd party access lo CPNL V. Supplemental Information Effective December 8,20A7, flre FCC's rules require that the annual certification filed pursuant to 47 C.F.R. $ 64.2009(e) disclose any actions talcen against data brokers and a summary of all oonsumer complaints received in ttre previous calendar year regarding the unauthorized release of CPNL Inland is not aware of any consumer complaints regarding the rurauthorized release ofCPM and has not taken action against any data brokers. Approved by OMB 3060-08 I 9 FCC Form 555 November 2012 Annual Lifeline Eligible Telecommuuicatlons Carrier Certilicstion Form All canien must complete Sections l, 2, and 3. Carriers must complete Section 4, if applicable, Deadline: January 3 ln (Annually) ldaho State (An Eligible Telecounnnications Carrier (ETC) t tust provide a cet'tfuationformfor each state lnwhlch lt provides Lileline s eruice\. 47242e Westem Elite lncorporated Services !nland Telephone Company ETCName(s) lnland Networks Holding Company Name(s)DBA, Marketing or Other Branding Name(s) Affiliated ETCs (irrclude nanrcs and SiCs,Additional Sheet Attachedallach additlonal sheets if necessny) Section l: All ETCs (Inltlal the certiJication that applie.s to yoar ETC. Depending on the state, both cert iJi c at I ow mry app ly')- I certiff that the company listed above has certification procedures in place to review income and program-based eligibility documentation priorto enrolling a customer in the Lifeline progrsm, and that to the best of my knowledge, the company was presented with documentation of each consltrner's household income and/or program-based eligibiliry prior lo his or her enrollment in Lifeline. I am an officer of named above. I am authorized to malce this certification for the Study Area(s) listed above. Initial (List the specific &lC(s) for which you are nnHng this certlJlcalion if it is not appltcable lo all of yonr stndy areas witll/ln the stote. Attach additional sheets if nec*saqi). AND/OR I certiff that the company listed above confirms consumer eligibility by relying on cAPA olkrrho prior to enrolling a customer in the Lifeline program. (Please llst the program ellglbtllty data sources, such as ETC access lo a slate database mrdlor notlce of ellgibilitjtfi'om tlv slale Lifelhte adntiltislrator md indicatefor t ltich gualiflirrg progro,rrs (e,g., WA4 SS0 these sources are used lo verifit ss71s11rer eltgibillty), I am an officer of the named above. I am autlurized to make this certification for the Study Area(s) listed above, Inltlsl (List the specific SAC(s) for which 1ou are nnking this certiJicatiott if it is not applicable to all 472423 Notice of eligibility is received via email from the Community Ac,tion Partnershlp Association (GAPA) of ldaho areas vitlin the stale. Atlach additional sheels lf necexay). 'Your ilud1' Approved by OMB 3060-08 i9 FCC Form 555 November 2012 Section 2: All ETCsllntttal tlrc certi/ication tlW applles to yonv 67r, md lf applicable, courylete calunns A through L the lables belov- Attach addltlonal sheets if neceswry). I certifr that the company listed above has pmcedures in place to re-certify the continued eligibility of all of ie Lifeline customers, and that to the best of my knowledge, the company obtained signed certifications from all consumers attesting to their continuing eligibility for Lifeline, except those subscribers whose eligibility was verifred by the company through the use of other sources of eligibitity information as welt as those subscribers who were re-certified by the state Lifeline administrator. Results are provided in the chart below. I am an officer named above. I am authorized to make this certification for the Study Area(s) listed above. Numbcr of LIncs Clqlmed on May FCC Form(g).197 Prcvidcd to Wlrcllnc Rcscllcrs c D E=C-D F G = (E+F)H Number of Subscribars ETC Contoctcd Dircctly to Rcccrtlfy Ellglllillty Through Atlcsl!tlon Numbcr of Subscrlbers Rcspoarling to ETC Contoct Numbcr ofNoo- Rcspouding Subscrlbcrs Numicr oI Subscrlbcrs Rerpondlng Thlt Tbcy Arc No Longcr Ellgiblc Nsmbcr of Subscribcrs Dc. Earollod or Schedulcd to Uc Dc.Earolkd ls l Result ofNon- Rcrpoasc or Inrlioibilitv Numbcr of Subscribsrg Who Dc-Eorollcd Prlor io Reccrtillculion AltEruDt I J K L Number ofSubrcrlbcrr rflhosc Eliglbillty wu Rcvlcrrcd By Statc Admlnlstralor or By ETC Aecess lo Eliglbillty Dlto Numbcr o[ Subscrlhcn lVhosc Eliglbillty lVls Examincd by Slatc Admluistrulor or By ETC Accegs to Ellgibllity Dilr and Fonrd to bc Inallolhh Namhcrof Customers Dc- cnrullcd or Schcdulcd lo bc De- Enrollcd as a Rcsult ofr Flndlng of hdigiblllty Number otSubscribrt3 lYho IrFEnrollcd Prior io Rcccrlllicltion Attcmpt 5 0 0 7 Approved by OMB 3060-0819 FCC Form 555 November 2012 OR I certifr that my company did not claim federal Low Income support for any Lifeline customers prior to June _ (insert cun'ent yeat), I am an officer of the company named above. I am authorized to make this certificalion for the Study Area(s) listed above. Initlal_ (List the specific SAC(s) for whlch you arc uruHng tltis certification if it is not appllcable to all of yow study ueas vlthln the state. Attach dditlonal sheets if necasary). Section 3: AII ETCI (Inltial the certlJication beloyD. I certiff that the company listed above is in compliance with all federal Lifeline certification procedures. I am an offtcer of tlrc company named above. I am authorized to make this certification for the Study Area(s) listed above. lnitial/Wtr Section 4: ttoo[Usage nppllcabte to Certain Pre-Patd ETCs (rhe ETC does tnl assess or collect a monthlyfee from tts Lifeline subscribers)(Reeord tlte nunber of subscrlbers de-enrolledfor non-Nage by month in column N below\ James K. Brooks Printed Name of Officer January 31, 2013 Daie (509) 64e-2211James K. Brooks M N Month Subscribers De.Enrolled for Non-Usage Januarv February March April Mav June July August September October November December Conlact Phone Number Approved by OMB 3060-081 9 FCC Form 555 November 2012 Affrliated ETCs sAc Name 5?2423 lnland Telaphore Gompsny (drbla lnlarut N€tworl<r, 52S003 WashlBglon RSA No. I Umiled Parlnsnhlp (dlbla lnland Cellulor) 529004 Emtsm Sub-RSA Llrnltad Parlnarrhlp (d/bra lnhnd Crltular) 47p007 Waahlnclon RSA No.8 Umll€d Parhenhlp (d/b/a lnland CalMar) Approved by OMB 3060-081 9 FCC Form 555 November 2012 ETC ldendfication sAc ETC Name 472423 lnlrnd TolaDhons Comoany 8;u027 InlEnd Telsphono Cdfl pEny 479007 Warhhslon RSA No. 8 Llmllad Parlnststilp 529003 Werhlnqton RSA No. 0 lJmltEd PBilnolthlp 52!1004 Eadom Sub-RSiA umllsd Parlnolthlp Com s sAc Holdins Comoanv Name 4724?3 Wolbm EmE lncorporslrd Sorvlcas 5?2123 WaslEm Ellla lncomoraled Servlceg 47S0['lnlad Celular Tclsohone Cornoenv 52s)03 lnland CEllul8r TE|lohon, ComlaIlv 52m04 lnland Csllular TaleDhons Gomf rry DBA, MA or Other s SAC Name 4721?5 lnllnd Nlbvorll8 5U42:t ldand Netuotlts 47S007 lnland Csllutr 52S003 lnlsnd Colld& 52S004 hl.nd Cdlular Aodia3tot!cP4om*RrdugidAdofl995.8!8pty6rys.@dua6.F6.&d!D6nitDoltGqBi.tdtoEpotr,',u*,,*,-o,n,^^M*,ffJh1ts OMB mtrd outq fqtur hfmrio ettai@ ir672.0011. Thc dacrcquirdo mfl& l[Lhfsrrlio ollErln LEdELdb.68c.l hmr pcrroc,ladodag tfc tinc fcwi*iof iit{udlott!, /tsdtinr ql!&lr dlh m:q lalqir ud njnuidrs ltc &b nr.dEd, ad @Dldir! .nd Flolq thc olkrdoo of iafsauim uso -RUs OPER^ATING REPORT FOR TELECOMMUNICANONS BORROWERS rbu tlll blsdb7 RUSmala'yorrfiaaclottluloe l-NBIWc k tq{bdbt7 US.C,90l ct tq, Inlard TeleFhone Company (Prepared wLth Audit.ed Data) Efin o LlJS $lriln 30 doyr du cluc olthc Ftid. dcloiled llttn6tlou, tcc RUS Bullctin I 741-1. Rcprt ia thok ddlon only. . CERNFICANON lfc hcrcby ceaifi' tlrot the eiltri.t lil lhb t€pott an ir affinldtce vitl, lhc dctourrg and othcr rccotds olthe sysrem an.t ftllec! the statl,6 of ,he ,isl.n to the bast of our browlzdgc ud blief. ALL INSURANCE EEQUIRED BY 7 CFR PANT I78& CHAPTER XVII, RUS, WAS IN TORCE DURING T}IE REPORTING PERIOD AND RENEWAI,S HAVE BEEN OBTAINED FOR ALL POLICIES. DURING THE P[:RIOI' COVERED BY 'I'HIS RXPOKT PURTiUAN'I"I'O PARI' ITOU OI'7C!R CHAI'TER XVII (ClEcl om ol ,lE loflowbE) E AI olthr obfigstons lrrdrr lh6 RUS loan dffimt!i8E bm tulllllcd h i[ materisl Epocls.E ThrE ha bean a dchu{ h hE fulil&rot of th8 sblte{oncBdu fic RUS loen dMmE, Sald drfadt(s) b/tr8 spocfllca[y dBglbod h ths Tdcom Op@thg Repod 304, 5rr0 160, 001 5. lntar€st and Dividends RsDalvabl€1, 991,871 259,636 641 ,t96 534,368 2, 139, 05 7- ,372 ,73 1_78,12 | , 096 ,122 1.300,634 808.121 TOTAL LIABIUnES AND EQUITY (3s+40+50+58) 4. Non AftlbtB3: lhru 21 h3! TOTAL ASSETS (1rFr7+231 Totel Equlty = 611 . 36* % of Total AEEats Page I ol I USDA.RUS OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS BORROWERS SORROWER DESIGNATION t{40534 ,ERIOD ENDING Decariber, 2012NSIRUCI/ONS- See RUS Bullatln 17442 PART B. STATEMENTS OF INGOME AND RETAINED EARNINGS OR MARGINS lTEM PRIORYEAR THIS YEAR 1. Local NetworkServlcesRevenuas 805, 031 713.304 2. Notwork Access Sarv'xxs Ftsvenues 4. 913,169 4,720,A23 3. Lono DislEne,s Netwo* SeMcBs Revanugs 1,79 18.094 4. Csnier Billlng and Collecuon Revenuas 53, 064 {9, 011 5. MlscellaneousRavenuas 93,495 LOg t 474 8. UncollecUbleRevenues t7 , o44 4,196 7. ilot Oporadnq RevBnues (1 thru 5 less 6l 5 , 8s7, 8911 5,605,916 8. Plant Spectfrc Operalions fupense 2,236,474 2,240,Ozt 9. Plant Nonspedllc Operalions Expense (Excludinq Depreclatlon & AmortlzaUon)170.469 338,850 10. Deorecialion Exoense 1.r1r.724 r,255,274 1. Amortization Expense 30, 911 LSt 2. CuslomerOoeralions ExDensE 443, I9L 517, 85r 3. Corporale Ooeratlons Exoanse 1, 150 , 148 1.032.59: l{. Total Oooratlnq Erpsns$ (8 thru l3l s ,403 , 6L7 5,394,78'' 5. Ooeratinq lnoome or Mamins (7 less 14)434,217 227. LzS 16, Olher OperaUnE lncome 8nd Exoonses 7. Slale and Local Taxes 1113,520 130. 333 16. Federal lncome Taxas 80, 881 99€ Olher Taxes Total Tares (17+18+l!224 ,40L 131,33t 21. Net Operatinq lncome or Marqins (15+16-20)2?9 ,876 89. ?98 22 lntereston Funded Debt 117, 05rl 85, 114 23. lntergst ExDonse - Caoltial Leasss o 14. Other lnterest Bpense 10 14,555 15. Allowance for Funds Usod Durlnq Conslrucllon 0 16. Total Flred Chargier (U2+23+'12+251 !t7,074 )),/b! 17. NonoparatlnE Net lncome 2g . sL4 171r,535 18. Exlraordinary ltems 0 !9. Jurlsdictlonal Differencss 0 t0. NonrsEulatod Net lncome (49.316)(513, ?64) tl. Tohl Net lncome or lrla]g,lns l2l+n+28+29+30-26)E2 - OOO l!4q- oqEl 12. Totgl Tsr(€s Based on lncome 47 , OL?(174.63e) 13. Retained Eamlnss or Mamins Beslnnino-of-Year 6-5{O_01?t - 6aa .4ae 14. Mlscellaneous Credlts Year-to-D€t6 2,449 1, 495 15. Dlvldoads Declared (Common) 36. Dlvldends Declared (Prcfened) 17. Olher Dablts Year-lo-Date 18. Transfers to Palronase Capllal 0 19. Retalnsd Eemlnge or Marglns End.o{-Porlod I(31+33+3{). (35+36+37+3811 6,634,4e6 5.286.88! 10. Pelronase Capltal BeslnninE-of-Year 0 1. Transfers to Patronase Capllal 12. Patronaoa Caoital Cr€dib Refired 0 E. Pabonase Capltd End.of.Y€er !t{l+,lt-{21 0 14. Annual D6bt SeMce Psym€nls 744 ,620 771,751 15. Cash Ratio l(14+20-1Gt 1) /0.7555 0.760( iAccrual Rallo I 0.9807 1. 00].t t7. T|ERI(31+20)/261 1.78s8 -2 .4991 t8. DSCRI(31+28+10+111 I 441 1.8959 1 ,401i Page 2 of 6 uso -Fus OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOMMUNICANONS BORROWERS ,IvSIRUCfrOlrS - Sso RUS Bulgilln 17t +2 EORROWER DESIGI.IATION wAos34 PERIOD ENDED Decemb€r,2012 Pert C- STjBSCRIBER TACCESS LINEL ROUTE MILE- & IIGII SPEED DATA INFORIIIATION I- RATES r. nouTE lflLEs E(CHANGE &1 R-1 thl BUSIN€SS RESIDENTIAL ,hl TOTAL TOTAL(indudlng Rber)lel FIBER ,h\ ,EWATTO ltN 2tLOl .l€w 3!t8 143.8[lLO1 ]RFSCOTT 285t t4.50 38 l2a l6a 152 A7 t-0( idsLYN ,L nl .t 3.80 174 I O,t!t.ta(t5r-ot :lt-oI JNIOMT(IA'N 25 0I t5 0t lg2 tr!507 2'J1.8t la-{l( FOhT 40.8t 2571 )!an 5 lto o0a -ENORE .10.6E ,s7t ?2&t )7''177 N 12 rtt irobneWirEles RouE MIsEgeOrisld€ ErEhangr 0.0(0.0t fotBl 442 2.059 2,50 e1a l,1(I1 t3 No. Exdranoe 6l usoA-aus OPERATING REPIORT FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS BORROWERS ,NSIFUC7IOTVS - S@ RUS Btl/Eltin 17t*2 BORROWER DESIGNATION wA0534 PERIOO ENDED Oecemb€r.2012 Part C. SUIISCRIBER {ACCESS IJNE}. ROUTE MILE- & mGH SPf,ED DATA INToIMATIoN Det llr on Leet Ermmlm 3mrdblrd Errvle EXCHANGE No. Acca$ Llns! $,tlh BB avrlable No OfBroedb.nd Subscrlberg Number Of Sub3cflbsrs Adverttsad Dournlosd Rele(ryff) Advsr&€dUCed Rsto (Kbps) Prics Per lt onth ,n Sbdalone/Pchg ,n Type of Technology DEVUATTO 33I 22/tlI t8a il?taa3 PrcLe@ DSt PRESCOTT t6I 51 5l TBA i7,1) AA ,aF.hda DSI ROSLY.iI I la(7gr 712 rB O(tr}78tr 1? 8A ,aa,6aa nsl JNIONTOWN 5{!7 zx t8q >B.Ollo ren It n3lP*ta6 DSt EON 2t 1t 1d >a onn ,6R 26.08lPsckaoe DSI .ENORF ,t!1^3 1t7 768 512 tg.T0lPeckaoe DSt tnld 2 An1 t..l4t OPERANilG REPORTFOR TELECOMM UiIICANONS BORROYUERS tst,tt'ruwEx uEstliNA I t(,N I,IA0S3{ |-EI{IUU trNUINg December, 2012 JSIFUCTTOTVS- Sao RUS Bld€An 171+2 PARTD. SYSIEHDATA I . No. PfrrI EEdoFE lL Xo Ota Eoptoycrsl 43 , SSE& Mllq Sqvtd 453 ,l.A6UEFSq@MIlc s.40 ,. SubEfrar !- Roulc Milc 2. gE PART E TOLL DATA sluoy Ar6E ru ${ro8(8, ".!:gb.522421 d.- r.- 0.- tr- t- t. 2. Typee of Toll SBulamont6 (ClEck one) lnlerdda: lntEslEla: I averagesdrcdute I evaaga Sdr€oute [l coet aaai" @ coaaasr PART F. FUNDS IT{VESTED IN PLANT DURING YEAR Rt S. RTB. & FFB L6en Funda Eroended 541,768 Olhaf Lono.Tem tien Funds ErDended l. Funda Exosnded Under RUS lnlBrlm AoD(ov€l l. Olher Short Tam loan FundE ErDMded !96,772 22,2L7 Conlrlbution ln Aid l. Grcss Addillong to Tde@m Planl (1 lhru 7)760 -1E7 PART G. lNVEElllEltTS llrl AFFIUATED COMPAI.IIES IXVEST*IENTS CUNNENT YEAIT DATA CUIIULATNE DATA ht alrr€an Thlr Ycar ht lncofiarL6s n& Ylr CunulEUE lffiunl]Il ToDds ,e, Cmulallw ln@ma/Lm To Drta CurErn Brlsm lnvsstrfiant h Amiabd Comosnl€B - Rursl DovEloomBrd 29O,61L 290,671 29O,671 lnvedmonl ln Aflniatsd ComDsnlrs - Nomral Developmsnl Page 5 ol 6 USDA.BUS OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS BORROWERS BORROWER DESIGNATION 9140534 PERIOD ENOING Dac6nibe!, 2012 PART H. CURRENT DEPRECIATION RATES Arc corporation's deprcciation rates approved by the rcgulalory authority with jurisdioion over the provision of rlcphone rcrviccs? (Chcck onc)trI YES E]NO EOUIPMEilT CATEGORY DEPRECIATION RATE Land and supooil asseE - Motor Vehlcles 15. 00t l. Land and supoort assets - Alrcraft l. Land and suoportassets-Special puroosevehicles Land and support assets - Garage and olher work equipment 15 .00* i. Land End supoort asss6 - Bulldlnqs 4.00t B. Land and suDoort assets - Fumlhre and Ofiice eaulpment 15.00t /. Land and suDoort assets - General Du,Dose comout€rs 2s.00* 3. Central Oflice Switcilno - Dioitral 9.00t l. Cenlral Office Switchlns - Analoa & Eleclro-mechanical 10. Central Office Switchino - OoeralorSvslems 1 1. Central Ofiice Transmission - Redio Svslems 13. Oot 12. Central Oftice Transmlssion - Circult eouloment 11.19t 13. lnbrmalion orisination/termination - Statlon apparatus t4. lnfurmatlon orioinatlonltermination - Customer oremises wklno I5. lnformauon originstion/termlnEtion - Lame prfuate branch exchanges 16. lnbrmaUon orlslnatiory'termlnailon - Public lelephone termingl equipment I7. lnformatlon orlolnallnnlterminatlon - Other terminal eouioment '8. Cable and - Poles 7 .59t Cable and wira facililies - Aeria: cable - M6tal 42.06* 10. Cable and wire facilitles - Aerial cable - Flber 5.001 1. Cable and wire facilities - Undersround cable - Metal 6.00t 12. Cable and wlre f;acilities - Underground cable - Fiber 5.00t 23. Cable and wire facilities - Burled cable - Metral !4. Cable and lvire f;acilltles - Burled cable - Fiber 15. Cable and wire facill[es - Conduit systems 16. Cable and wire facilities - Other Page 6 of6 15. j18. 17,Net USDA4US OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOMM UNICANONS BORROWERS ln Notes in Customer In Lono Term Debt Cunent BORROWER DESIGNATION Il4053{ PERIOD ENDED Decembar. 2012 INSTRUCTIONS - See help ln the online applicaUon. PART I.STATEMENTOF GASH FLOWS 1.Beginnlng Cash (Cash and Equlvalents plus RUS Constructlon Fund)1.046.451 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERANNG ACTIVITIES L Net lncome (3r19,0991 Adluslmenls to Reconclla Net lncofne lo Net Cash Prwldad by Operatlns Actlvitles 3. Add: Deoreclatlon L,255,214 1- Add: Amortlzatlon 182 5. Other (Explain) See NotaB Page 387, 567 Chanoes ln Owafino Assets and Liabllities 6.Decrease/(lnqease) in Accrunts Receivable 199, 051 7.Decrease/(lncIease) ln Materials and lnventorv 96,96i 8.Decrease/(lncrease) ln Prepavmenls and Defened Charges (1,35S1 s.Decrease/(lncrease) in Other Gur.ent Assals 0 10.lncr€asey'(Dscr€asel ln Accouols Pavable (xl1,899) 11,Increase/(Decrease) in Advance Blllinos & Payments 0 12.lncrease/(Decrease) in Other Cunent LiablliUes 50, ?93 13.Nst Cash Provlded/lusedl bv Ooerallons 1.321.486 CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACNVMES 14.Decrease/(lncrease) ln Notas Receivable 0 (15{,165) 555 lzLL.64el 18.lncrease/{Decrease) In Oihsr LlabiliUes & Defen€d Credats (91. s09) 19. Increase/(Decrease) in Caoltal Slock, Pald-ln Capital, Membershlp and Capilal Cedificales & Olher Capital 0 20.Less: Payment of Divldends 0 21.Less: Patmnaoe Capltal Credits Reured 0 22.Other (Explain) See l{otss Page 898 23.Net Cash Provlded/(Used) by Flnanclng ActlvlUes (455, 85 9) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTWMES 24.Net Caoital Eroanditures (Prooertv. Plant & Eoulomentl (3s6,01s) 25_Other Lonq-Term lnvestmsnts (304,093) 26,Other Noncunent AsseE & Jurlsdlcdonal Differences 0 27. Olher (Explaln) see tloeer Page (873,173) 28,ilet Cash Provldedl(llsedl bv lnveslino Actlvltles (1,533.281) D.Net lncrEassl(Decreasel In Gash ({71,65{) 30. EndlnE Cash s74,79i Revislon Date 2010 PART H-CURRENT DEPRECIATION RATES rDAHO DEPRECTATTON RATES(WASHTNGTON RATES ARE ON PAGE 6) Motor Vehicles-12.50%, Garage Work Equipment-L2.5O%, Other Work Equipment-L2.50%, Buildings-2.50%, Furniture-15.00%, Company Communications Equipment -5.O0%, General Purpose Computers -25.00%, Office Support Equipment-5.00%, COE Switching-9.00%, COE Transmission-Ll.l9?6, COE Radio-L3.OO%, Poles-5.00%, Aerial Cable- 4.A096, Buried Ca b le-4.00%, Fiber Optic-4.00%, Ae ria I Wi re-8.00%, rAeria I Fiber-4.00% PART.I STATEMENT OF CASH FTOWS CASH FLOW RECONCITING EXPTANATIONS Description Amount Line 5 Other Depreciation and amortization on non-regulated investments Change in other taxes Change in deposits Cash surrender value of life insurance Gain on sale of property Deferred and state income taxes Federal and state income taxes payable Non-cash stock dividend Total Amount of Adjustment Line 22 Other Reclassify change in deferred credits to operating activities Reclassifo deposit change to operating activities Total Amount of Adjustment Line 27 Other Remove retirements from line 24 Salvage Additional amounts of long-term investments Total Amount of Adjustment 74,448 (87,4421 566 {6,t471 122,2L7l. (174,658) (20) (813) (210,283) Reclassify advances from affiliated companies change to investing activities LzO,75O 91,509 (s661 211,693 1404,7421 22,217 (103,593) {486,118} Page 1 4',l 2423<010> Studv Area Code IN]TAND TEL'ID<015> Studv Area Name 2014<020> Proeram Year <030> Contact Name: Person USAC should contact with questions about this data ,James K. Brooks <035> Contact Telephone Number: \soel 64e-22;-1Number ot the Derson identitied in data line <030> <039> Contact Email Address: jbrookE@inledner . con Email otthe oerson identitied in data line <030> <100> <200> <zLO> <300> <310> <320> <330> Service Quality lmprovement Reporting Outage Reporting (voice) Unfulfilled Service Requests (voice) Detail on AttemPts (voice) Unfulfilled Service Requests (broadband) Detail on Attempts (broadband) Fixed Mobile (compl ete o ft o ched worksh eel) ( com p I ete o ft o c h ed w otksh eet) lcheck box when complete)r=-iEE l_!_11 1 ,_J ll-/-llE I ll<- check box if no outages to report ffi ll-/-I / I<400> Number of Complaints per 1,000 customers (voice) <410> Fixed l-." I <430> Number of Complaints per 1,000 customers (broadband) 0 I I bttuch descripilve docunentl ( o fto.h desc i p ti v e doc u n e ntl (check to indicote certilicotion) ( oft o ch e d descti ptiv e d o c um e n t) (che.k to indi.ote cdtilicotion) ( otoch ed desc ri ptive doc u n en t) ( com pl ete oft dch ed w o tksh eet) ( com pl ete o fr och ed w orks h eet) ( com p I ete oft dch ed w o tk sh eet) (iI yes, complete otto.hed worksheet) (check to indicote cettilicotion) ( o tta ch d es ct i pti ve d o cu m en t) (iJ not, check to indicote cettilicotion) ( c o m pl ete dft o ch ed wotk sh eet) ( c om pl ete aft a.h ed w o tk sh eet) <440> <450> <500> Service Quality Standards & Consumer Protection Rules compliance .SfOr@ <500> Functionality in Emergency Situations <610>- <700> Company Price Offerings (voice) <710> Company Price Offerings (broadband) <800> Operating Companies and Affiliates \<900> Tribal Land Offerings (Y/N)? \J <1000> Voice Services Rate Comparability.tororF ^ A<1100> Terrestrial Backhaul (Y/N)? (9 U <1 110> <1200> Terms and Condition for Lifeline Customers <2000> <2005> <3000> <3005> Price Cap Carriers, Proceed to lncluding Rote-of-Return Corriers offilioted with Price cop Locol Exchonge Corriers (check to indicote cettificotion) (com pl ete o ft o ched wo.k sh e et) lcheck to indicote certificotion) ( com pl ete o tto c h e d w o tks h eet) Rate of Return Carriers, Proceed to 1011012013 Page 1 oNo 6 No@@d <'l 6Iooom c;z o Eo(J .o o {o()oro6ioofr) c;zd-60{!ccE8rao HE a0 .E 6TL|,E Eo Eoto CL E EEEe?t e,E€5U}Ee* E+ co El ooEot o oo Eoz !oc.=oq3EEEc>=oO- 6Ex fra -.: E F - >.tH= E .2-. o5 5€ U c!i ud E gEs* va g"q i: g; hf EF Fr , -IE6s TEqHEEEi.E* SniAs:q,= F i .! li o . g EEE€g E?:EEgoc=dEglddq-! = dtr;f f tiseeg:O.6o;OOO?3 *Gx l; a E E EPnHs;U:EEbhey+e e.=v *959; gB H H: E E E E-Eouoxour.3EHE 6 Y : ^^ f o 6 6 =lgieH: E5 sEs rp*EA; f;egaFEgI g a; X r 333€fl: -E H s' # e e E E!L d o 6 2 E - I I a.! AAAA Ao\'0@N6iddHddiddidiVVVVVV .9 coo EI uioe-E Ei E H:= i^=ouP sgEcio 56:ar O L *- !.E-35 Hdto a> 3dl QEEfi E*;'= o: .:d Eis;t :+ bH:E {; }:3,'", 598;.EE 5Ei:-gt;e 6;8 ge9- a:d>ri;f, Ea; F; g: EE s r- '-=l!:ENo4Ue *r96:-.:ccR^*-Ye=:sEoggil-€E EqE av v E > h H'i tEP>bgabPA:l-=+ *=t riT:.*'E =E:EsbRsEigl,iEsgEeUE A SdV UUuos t:;:oo 6 6 NoN+o Uc,F 'ioc @o oslo o! Uio .9 o oEJ o o3 E6 fo (J(J( os Eo c .o 6 Eo (JFU: !o o o coo Eo fo o- o Eo !o € @ oo!! ooo o.s rcoE .=Eo .F op co oo o oE! 6 EU o !E G EU G Eo(J o o a 9 omo o .E o GE .E !o Fcop co oo o o! E z o! ElzoEoEoooF @ Eo(J o o oo! I oe oo! .9E EE @uo G co Elot U lco oL o E6z G coU o o 6q) Eo @oc oNo a IEF I1 2 o Eoz 6o !l o oEo(Joo !a o o Gd oN6 o 9 o ! @ oo!p o o ,E 6 E ,EE Fcp o @q o oEE E oE! E E coU oo a I o o c zo .=Eo Fco =co o o o! Efz E =zoc cogoF ts6 co o oo! I E ! .2 .=E o ! oE U lca o E z oU oo G@ EG o oNo a IEts Ea z o o o! 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I i=si iEJi=dCEEi o'=E= =B 6@F@ oooo Page 12 <o1o> study Area code 47242f <015> StudyArea Name rN]]N TEL-rD <020> Prosram Year 2014 <O3o> contactName-PersonU5ACshouldcontactrecardincthisdata James K' Brooks <035> ContactTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<O3O> l5o9) 549-2277 <039> contactEmailAddress-EmailAddressofpersonidentifiedindataline<o3o> jblooks@inrandnet'com TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF THE REPORTING CARRIER IS FILING ANNUAL REPORTING ON ITS OWN BEHATF: Certification of Officer as to the Accuracy of the Data Reported for the Annual Reporting for CAF or Ll Recipients certlfy that I am an officer ol the r€portint carrier; my responsibillties include ensuring the accuracy of the annual reportint requirements for universal *ruic! support ecipients; and, to the b€st of my knowledg€, the information reported on this form and in any attachments is accurate. {ame of Reoortine carrier: TNLAND TEL-rD ;ignature of Authorized officer: CERTTFTED omrm Date ,rintedhameof Authorizedofficer: Glegoly A' Maras 'itle or of Authorired Officpr recreLdtY rhone numberof Authorizedoff;cer: (509) 549-221r ;tudy Area Code of Reporting carrier: 412423 Filing Due Date for this form: r0/15/20L3 underTitle 18 ofthe United states Code, 18 U.S.C. S 1001. 10110Do13 Page 72 472423<010> StudvArea Code <015> StudvArea Name INI,AND TEL-ID <020> Prolram Year 20t4 <030> contactName_personusAcshouldcontactreEardinEthisdata Jameg K. Brooks <035> ContactTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<O3O> 1509) 649-22fL Certification of Officer to Authorize an Agent to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Cariel ca.tlty lh.t (t{are of Agontl lr authodad to rubfirt th. lnlomdon Eported on bsh.ll o, th. rrporong c.rier. I rgont; and, to the best of my knowladgo, the Eports and data provlded to lhe rulhodEd agent i3 accunt3. lame ofAuthorized lameofReDortin€Carrier: INLAND TEIJ-ID iitnature of Authorized Officer: CERTIFIBD ONLINE Date: rrintcd name ofAuthorized Office.: 'itle or .ofA I offic.r: bleohone number of Authorized Offic!r; 'tudv Area Code of Rewrtinacrrier 472423 Filinr Due Date for thistotmi 1o / Ls /2073 Persons willtully maling fale statements oh this fom can be punished by tine or forfeiture uhder the Communicationi Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. 55 502, 503(b), or tine or imprisonment underTitle 18 ofthe United States Code, 18 U.S.C. 5 1001. <039> Contact Email Address - Email Addrrss of person identified in data line <030>jbrooks@inland[ec. com TO BE COMPTETED 8Y THE REPORTING CARRIE& IF AN AGENT IS FITING ANNUAL REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S BEHATF: TO BE COMPTETED BY THE AUTHORIZED AGENT: Certification of Agent Authorized to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier fie data rcported hercln based on data prevlded by the repo.ting 6niei; .nd, to the best of my knowledge, the lnformadon reported herein k .dBte. {ame of Reporting Carrier:INI,AND TEL-ID tlame of i Ac.nt dr Em6ldvr. ofAcent: iiqnature of Authorized AEeht or Emolov.. of Arent: CERTTFTED OIIIJINE Datei 'rinted name ofAuthorizrd AEcnt or Emolovee ofArent 'itle or position ofAuthorized Arent or Employee of Agent Gleohone number ofI I As.nt ofA.ent: ;tudv Area Code of Re@rting Carrier: 412423 Filins Du. Date for this form: to /7s / 2073 18 ofthe United States Code, 18 U.S.C. 5 1001. 1011012013 Page 13 o o $EeE9 06;3eE a!ar-3 EEa (o!do UooUq o6 o^Urotrid.qlr!uUXoolrdo dd,H u..c!-ilo uoOd OAkH.doB> eo 9 ! I oop o o E 6 ;oEco aa o o oE G E o EE oEu oU oo a 9 oo ! .= ! EZ @ =c o oo Efz oo Ezoao eooF coU o oo X e !.9Eq .=E uo o =-0E U l o c Ez EG a U oo o E o d oo a I F Q I Ez o ! o !a 6o E oa o€Io@o ciz E coU @ =o IoI6@o dz 60titstqE3r6 H6 ?llCl !o EoaocoEBEg85ggEs=Jt g tr rd-larlri OJU tr rd-.] -t-.]o)U c .9ocU ooEE@ ao o troc EoL' oc =aouE oa o o o. q!o p!dA 6o .4iI qc o oc !6 to d c;z @d. o oc dB o 5 oII ! a oU ! 6 o !o !6 6o e j c;z & o oc dB 6 UII !6, oU EoeoU o oqo ts E d i coo Eo @.F G ooo N @ oo !o do koa!o o E !o I coo EoU @.s!o- € E AEoU o o oo ots nN o'tr o(J UcEoqoG o @ EoI € d c @ oo!p oo o o ! ;o =Eop g e@ o o EE 6 EU @ !! oEu oaoU o o a oo o.E 6 G! .EEo FEop Eo o o! E5z o! Elza o oooF GaoL) o oo!@ i q G6 ,9 u .EE Guo Gco E o f oeoL o EGz GcoU oo Go Eg Uo L oNo a EGz G E !f o o oEoUoo !, oo INLAND TELEPHONE COMPANT lO3 S. 2ND Street P.O. Box 171 Roslyn, WA 98941 (s0gl 649-22Lt; (8OOl a62-4s78 Fax (509) 649-2555 CERTIFICATION BY CUSTOMER IN ORDERTO RECEIVE FEDERAL LIFELINE SUPPORT STATE ELIGIBILITY (Subscriber signature not required) I certify that I am qualified through the: Community Action Partnership Association of ldaho (CAPAI) (See email confirmation) Washington Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) - Case # INCOME ELIGIBILITY I certify that my household income is at or below L35% of the federal poverty guidelines and therefore I qualify for Lifeline Support under the federal income requirements and have provided proof of my qualifications. FEDERAL ELIGIBILITY I certify that I qualify for Lifeline Support and am currently participating in one or more of the programs listed that I have checked below and am providing a copy of my benefit or program participation card or award letter. EE E Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program tr] E Federal Public Housing Assistance (FPHA) or Section 8 (SNAP)(Food Stamps) Low lncome Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) National School Lunch Program's free lunch program Federal Public Housing Assistance (FPHA) or Section 8 Medicaid Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) E E fI EEtl Bureau of lndian Affairs General Assistance Tribal Administered Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TTANF) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Food Distribution Program on lndian Reservations Supplemental Security lncome (SSl) lncome Eligibility (See lncome Eligibility) E E E EEE SUBSCRIBER CERTIFICATION It is understood that by participating in the Lifeline program, the support that I receive is not actual payment to me but a discount on my monthly billed service. Participating in Lifeline does not protect me from collection procedures if I do not pay my phone bill. I fully understand that this discount, as well as the criteria for participation in the Lifeline Program, may change and I may no longer qualify, or the amount of support may increase or decrease. E Supplemental Security lncome (SSl) TRIBAL LIFELINE ELIGIBILITY Tribal ldentification Number I certify that I qualify for tribal Lifeline Support, as I reside on land that meets the Bureau of lndian Affairs definition of "reservation" (any federally recognized lndian tribe's reservation, Pueblo, or Colony including former reservations in Oklahoma, Alaska Native regions, and lndian Allotments) AND participate in one or more of the programs listed that I have checked below and am providing a copy of my benefit or program participation card or award letter. f] Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)(Food Stamps) Low lncome Home Energy Assistance Program (LTHEAP) National School Lunch Program's free lunch program Head Start (lncome elieible) Medicaid Filename: 130808 APPLICATION - BY EXCHANGE.xIsx LIFELINE CERTIFICATION Page 1 of 3 As the Certifying Subscriber, I certify that, (i) the service is for me and not a member of the household; (ii) I am not listed as a dependent on someone else's tax return; and, (iii) the service address is my prlmary residence. I further certify that the service that I receive from lnland Telephone Company is my main line of service and neither I nor anyone in my household receives Lifeline Support for any other telecommunications service. Further, I understand that Lifeline is a federal benefit program that provides a monthly discount on either home or mobile telephone service and ONLY ONE Lifeline discount is allowed per household. Members of a household are not permitted to receive Lifeline Supportfrommultipletelecommunicationscompanies. lunderstandthatviolationoftheone-per-householdrequirementwill resultinde- enrollment from the program and possible fines and imprisonment. As the Certifying Subscriber claiming income eligibility, I certify that the documentation I have provided accurately represents: (i) my household income and the number of persons in my household; or, (ii) proof of participation in an eligible program. I certify that I will notify lnland Telephone Company within 30 days,(i) if for any reason I should no longer participate in any of the eligible programs or qualify byincome,andor(ii) if lmovefromtheaddressprovidedonthisform. lfmyaddresslistedaboveistemporary, lcertifythatlwillverifymyaddresstolnland TelephoneCompanyevery90days. lunderstandthatiflfailtorespondtoanattempttoverifymyaddresswithin30days,myLifelinesupportmaybe terminated. lunderstandthataflfail togivenoticeasrequired, lamsubjecttopenalties,includingde-enrollment,beingbarredfromtheprogramandfines and imprisonment. I understand that Lifeline Support is not transferrable and that I may not transfer my service to any individual, including another eligible Lifeline Support recipient. I further understand that if my service goes unused for 60 days, my service will be suspended subject to a 30 day period in which I may use the service or contact lnland Telephone Company to confirm that I want to continue receiving the service. Further, I fully understand that in order to continue to receive this support, I must annually, or more often, certify my eligibility and provide proof of eligibility. I understand that my failure to timely re-certify will result in de-enrollment and termination of my Lifeline benefits. I fully understand that the Lifeline Program is administered by the Universal Service Administration Company (USAC) under the guidance and authority of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)and that all of the information that I have supplied pertaining to my eligibility will be shared with USAC and the FCC and I give my consent to do so. I certify that the information provided on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge under penalty of perjury and if I have provded any misleading statements in order to receive support, I will be liable for any support received, my service may be discontinued, it may result in de- enrollment and my being barred from the program and I would be subject to state and federalfines and imprisonment. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT APPLICANT (PRINTED} SOCIALSECURITY NUMBER SERVICE ADDRESS DATE xxx-xx-DATE OF BIRTH BILLING ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER NUMBER OF PERSONS IN FAMILY OR HOUSEHOLD lnland Telephone Company will keep the information contained in this form confidential, except as required by federal or state law. Att INFORMATION COMPLETED ON THIS TORM IS SUBJECT TO STATE AND FEDERAI. PERJURY PENALTIES. nland TelephoneEE E] Company service - Customers serving Exchange DEWATTO, WA PRESCOTT, WA ROSLYN, WA EtlE UNIONTOWN, WA LENORE, ID LEON, ID TURE OF CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE NAME OF CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Faderol o list of occeptoble dxum.ntotl@ fu lncffi. Filename: 130808 APPLICATION - BY EXCHANGE.x|sx LIFELINE CERTIFICATION Page 2 of 3 I NLAND TELEPHONE COMPAT,IY (5091 649-22LL; lsool a62-4s78 Fax (509) 649-2555 LIFELINE HOUSEHOLD WORKSHEET Your household is everyone who lives together at your address as one economic unit (including children and people who are not related to you). Theadultsyoulivewitharepartofyoureconomicunitiftheycontributetoandshareintheincomeandexpensesofthehousehold. Anadultis any person 18 years of age or older, or an emancipated minor (a person under age 18 who is legally considered to be an adult). Household expenses include food, health care expenses (such as medical bills) and the cost of renting or paying a mortgage on your place of residence (a houseorapartment,forexample) andutilities(includingwater,heatandelectricity). Incomeincludessalary,publicassistancebenefits,social security payments, pensions, unemployment compensation, veteran's benefits, inheritances, alimony, child support payments, worker's compensation benefits, gifts, and lottery winnings Spousesanddomesticpartnersareconsideredtobepartofthesamehousehold. Childrenundertheageof 18 livingwiththeirparentsor guardiansareconsideredtobepartofthesamehouseholdastheirparentsorguardians. lfanadulthasnoincome,orminimal income,andlives with someone who provides financial support to that adult, both people are considered part ofthe same household. You have been osked to complete this Worksheet becouse someone else currently receives o Lileline-supported service at your oddress. This other percon mdy or mdy not be o port oI yout household, Answer the questions helow to determine whether there is more thdn one household residing ot your oddress. 1) Does your spouse or domestic partner (that is, someone you are married to or in a relationship with) already receive a Lifeline-discounted phone? (check NO ifyou do not have a spouse or partner)' [-'lvrs E*o > lf you checked YES, you may not sign up for Lifeline because someone in your household already receives Lifeline. Only ONE Lifeline discount is allowed per household. > lf you checked NO, please answer question #2. Other than a spouse or partner, do other adults (people over the age of 18 or emancipated minors) live with you at your address? EEE Ivrs E*o E*o > lf you checked NO for each statement above, you do not need to answer the remaining questions. Please initial line B, below, and sign and date the worksheet. > lf you checked YES, please answer question #3. Do you share living expenses (bills, food, etc.) and share income (either your income, the other person's income or both incomes together) with at least one ofthe adults listed above in question #2? !vrs E*o >lfyoucheckedNO,thenyouraddressincludesmorethanonehousehold. Pleaseinitial linesAandBbelow,andsignanddatetheworksheet. > lf you checked YES, then your address includes only one household. You may not sign up for Lifeline because someone in your household already receives Lifeline. CERTIFICATION Please initiol the certificotion below ond sign and dote this worksheet which must occompony your Lileline applicotion. A. I certify that I live dt dn address occupied by multiple households. B. _ / understand that violotion of the one-per-household requirement is dgainst the Federol Communications Commission's rules and may result in me losing my Lifeline beneJits, and potentially, prosecution by the United Stotes Government. SIGNATURE 2l A. A parent B. An adult son or daughter c. Another adult relative (such as a sibling, aunt, cousin, grandparent, grandchild, etc..) D. An adult roommate E. flves !ves NO NO NO Other 3) Filename: 130808 APPLICATION - BY EXCHANGE.xIsx LIFELINE CERTIFICATION DATE Page 3 of 3