HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131015TDS ETC and FCC 481 Redacted.pdfS2SJunction Rd Modison, W 53717 www.tdstelecom.com 41..-._1 -_-.--,::.1 , .: :*ijOtT I=fii:i lil: l5 October !3,20L3 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission T2w.washington cNrl_T-|3_ olBoise,lD 8372O-OO74 Re: Certification Purcuant to 47 CFR Sec. 54.314, Copy of FCC 481 Filing, and Request for Confidential Treatment Dear Ms. Jewell: This letter is to request that the ldaho Public Utilities Commission notifo the Federa! Universal Fund Administrator (USAC) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)that Potlatch Telephone Company, dlblaTDS Telecom, is eligible to receive federal universal service support in accordance with the above-referenced statute and federal rule. Eligible Telecommunications Carriers ("ETCs") who receive federal high cost or low income support are required to file annual reports ("Annual ETC Reports") pursuant to 47 C.F.R. 55 54.313 and 54.422 with the FederalCommunications Commission ("FCC"), the UniversalService Administrative Company ("USAC"), and the relevant state commissions or Tribal governments, as appropriate. See 47 C.F.R. 5 5a.313(i); I5a.a22bl. The Annual ETC Reports are required to be filed on FCC Form 481, with attached materials. ln fulfillment of this requirement, Potlatch Telephone Company, (the "Compan/'\, has enclosed public and redacted copies of its FCC Form 481, along with the Request for Confidential Treatment letter dated October 9,2OL3 to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, Federal Communications Commission. Pursuant to the Code of Federal Regulations cited in the FCC letter and IDAPA 31.01.01, Rule 67, Company requests that certain portions of its FCC Form 481 as outlined in the FCC letter be treated as confidential information and not subject to public inspection. Company respectfully requests that the ldaho Public Utilities Commission afford this information the same confidential treatment that has been sought from the FCC as public disclosure would cause significant commercialand competitive harm to the Company. Page 2 Please contact the undersigned should you have any questions concerning the Company's request for certification or confi dentiality. TDS Telecom (508) 664-s4ss bruce.sch iefe I be i n (otd ste leco m.com Enclosures c.c. Gail Long State of Wisconsin ) CERTIFICATION BY ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER ) ss OF COMPLIANCE WITH SERVICE QUALITY AND CUSTOMER County of Dane ) PROTECTION, ABILITY TO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL lN EMERGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH-COST SUPPORT. AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29841requires that Eligible Telecommunications Carriers certify that it is compliant with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules; and ETCs must demonstrate the ability to remain functional in emergencies. ln addition, the Commission must file an annual certification with the USAC and the FCC that allfederal high-cost support provided to ETCs within the State of ldaho will be used only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. Accordingly, the undersigned states and verifies under oath the following: 1. I am an officer of TDS Telecommunications Corporation, parent company of Potlatch Telephone Company, d/b/a TDS Telecom, an eligible telecommunications carrier for receiving federal universal service support under section 214(e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 in the state of ldaho. 2. I am familiar with the Company's dayto-day operations in the state of ldaho and with the State's service quality standards and consumer protection rules as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841. 3. Potlatch Telephone Company is complying with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules of the Federal Communications Commission and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. 4. I certify to the Commission that the Company is able to remain functional in emergencies as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841 and in 47 C.F.R. $ 54.201(a)(2). 5. I also certify that all federal universal service support funds received by Potlatch Telephone Company during the current calendar year will be used in a manner consistent with section 254(e); that is, for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. The companywillcontinuetocomplyforthe period of January 1,2014, through December31,2014, to be eligible for federal universal service fund support. 6. This verification and affidavit is provided to be the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to enable the IPUC to certify to the FCC that federal universal service support received by the eligible carriers in the state will be used in a manner consistent with Section 254(e) of the TelecommunicatioJrs Act. Senior Vice President Government and Requlatorv Affairs Title s rJ es c ru e Eoo'l.\,F$np - N to bero re ; i. ii'' ' '1. -'.'i ,,!a!. ' . ''-' i''"r--" . . " l';: '..\l 1 " ir l' ' tt"la at Madison, Wisconsin REDACTED . AVAIIABLE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION S25Jurcflon Rd Modlson, W 53717 www,tdstelecom,com Marlene H. Dortctu Secretary Federal Communications Commission Office of the Secretary 9300 East Hampton Drive Capitol Heights, MD 20743 Annual Reporting as Required by 47 C.F.R. $ s4.313 and 47 C.F.R. 5 54.422 WC DocketNo. 10-90 Dear Ms. Dortch: On behalf of its affiliates listed on Attachment 1, TDS Telecommunications Corporation hereby submits a redacted, public version of the Annual Report required by 47 C.F.R. $ 54.313 and 47 C.F.R. S 54.422. The enclosed Reports have been marked (REDACTED - AVAILABLE FOR PI]BLIC INSPECTION.'' TDS Telecommunications Corporation is also submitting, under separate cover, a confidential version of these Reports. The confidential version is marked (CONFIDENTIAL - NOT F'OR PUBLIC INSPECTION." An original and one copy of the Reports are enclosed. Please contact the undersigned should you have any questions concerning the above- referenced enclosures or if you require any additional information. Sincerely yours, &cd"- Sara Cole Regulatory Counsel TDS Telecommunications Corp. (608) 664-8140 :". j '.:,ll turl Re: October 9,2013 Attachment REDACTED - AYAII-ABLE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION Attachment I AL Butler Telephone Company 250284 AL Oakman Telephone Company, Inc.250311 AL Peoples Telephone ComDany. Inc.250314 AR Cleveland CounW Telephone Company. Inc.40r698 AR Decatur Telenhone Comoanv 401699 AZ Arizona Telephone Company 452171 AZ Southwestem Teleohone Comoanv 452174 CA Haoov Vallev Teleohone Comoanv 542321 CA Hornitos Teleohone Company 542322 CA Winterhaven Telephone ComDany 542323 CO Delta Counw Tele-Comm. Inc.462184 CO Strasburg Telephone ComDany 462207 FL Ouincy Telephone Company. FL 210338 GA Blue Ridee Telephone Company 220346 GA Camden Telephone & Telegraph Company,Inc.220351 GA Nelson-Ball Ground Telephone Company 220375 GA Ouincv Telephone Company, GA 220338 ID Potlatch Telephone Company 472230 N Camden Teleohone Comoanv. Inc.320744 IN Communications Comoration of Indiana 320776 IN Communications Comoration of Southem lndiana 320809 IN Home Teleohone Companv.Inc. (IN)320778 IN S&W Telephone Company. Inc.320816 IN The Home Telephone ComDany of Pittsboro. lnc.320777 TN The Merchants and Farmers Telephone Company 320788 IN Tipton Telephone Company. Inc.320829 IN Tri-CounW Telephone Company. Inc.320830 TN West Point Telephone Company, Incomorated 320837 KY Leslie County Telephone ComDany 260411 KY Lewisnort Teleohone Comoanv 260412 KY Salem Teleohone Comoanv 260417 ME Cobbosseecontee Teleohone Comoanv 100005 ME Hamoden Teleohone Company 100010 ME Hartland & St Albans Telephone Companv 10001 1 ME Somerset Telephone Company 100024 ME The Island Telephone Company. Inc. (ME)100007 ME The West Penobscot Telephone & Teleeraph Company 100034 ME Warren Teleohone Comoanv 10003 r MI Chatham Telephone Company 3 1 0685 MI Communication Corporation of Michisan 310672 REDACTED -AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION MI Island Telephone Companv (MI)310677 MI Shiawassee Telephone Company 310726 MI Wolverine Telephone Company 3 10738 MN Arvie Telephone Company 36 350 MN Bridee Water Telephone Company 36 362 MN Mid-State Telephone Company 36 433 MN Mid-State Telephone Company, KMP 36 413 MN Winsted Teleohone Comoanv 36 507 MO New London Teleohone Comoanv 42 928 MO Orchard Farm Teleohone Comoanv 42 934 MO The Stoutland Teleohone Comoanv 42 951 MS Calhoun City Telephone Company, Inc.280448 MS Myrtle Telephone Company, Inc.287449 MS Southeast Mississippi Telephone Company, Inc.283301 NC Bamardsville Teleohone Comoanv 230469 NC Saluda Mountain Telephone Company 230498 NC Service Telephone Company 230s00 NH Contoocook Valley Telephone Company 23321 NH Hollis Telephone Company. Inc.23321 NH Kearsarse Teleohone Comoanv 20045 NH Merrimack Countv Teleohone Comoanv 20047 NH Union Teleohone Companv 20049 NH Wilton Telephone Company, Inc.200s0 NY Deoosit Teleohone Comoanv. Inc.s0089 NY Edwards Teleohone Companv. Inc.50092 NY Oriskany Falls Telephone Comoration 501l4 NY Port Bvron Teleohone Companv s0118 NY Townshio Teleohone Comoany. Inc.50129 NY Vernon Telephone ComDany, Inc.50r33 OH Arcadia Telephone Company 300s85 OH Continental Telephone Company 300607 OH Little Miami communications Corporation 300613 OH Oakwood Telephone Company 300645 OH The Vanlue Telephone Company 300662 OK Mid-America Telephone, Inc.432010 OK Oklahoma Communications Systems. Inc.431984 OK Wvandotte Telephone Company 432034 OR Asotin Telephone Company. OR 532404 OR Home Telephone ComDany (OR)532377 PA Mahanoy & Mahantango Telephone Company 170183 PA Susar Vallev Teleohone Comoanv 170206 SC McClellanville Telephone Company, lnc.240533 REDACTED. AVAIL/IBLE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION SC Norwav Teleohone Comoanv. Inc.240535 SC St. Steohen Teleohone Companv 240544 SC Williston Telephone Company 240551 TN Concord Telephone Exchange, Inc.290s59 TN Humohrevs County Telephone Company 290s66 TN Tellico Telephone Company, Inc.290s78 TN Tennessee Telephone Company 290575 VA Amel ia Teleohone Corporation 90217 VA New Castle Teleohone Comoanv 93029 VA Virsinia Teleohone Comoanv 90253 VT Ludlow Telephone ComDany 40058 VT Northfield Teleohone Companv 40061 VT Perkinsville Telephone Company. Inc.40062 WA Asotin Telephone Company. WA 522404 WA Lewis River Telephone Company" Inc.522427 WA McDaniel Telephone Company 522430 w Badser Telecom. LLC 330844 w Black Earth Telephone Company, LLC 330849 w Bonduel Telephone Company, LLC 33085 r w Burlinston. Brighton & Wheatland Telephone Company, LLC 330856 w Central State Telephone Company, LLC 330859 w Dickewille Teleohone. LLC 330875 w Eastcoast Telecom of Wisconsin, LLC 330914 w Grantland Telecom, LLC 330930 WI Mid-Plains Teleohone. LLC 33088r w Midwav Teleohone Company. LLC 330909 w Mosinee Telephone Company, LLC 330915 w Mt. Vemon Telephone Company, LLC 330917 w Riverside Telecom, LLC 330943 w Scandinavia Telephone Company, LLC 330945 w Southeast Telephone Co. of Wisconsin, LLC 330952 WI Stockbridse & Sherwood Telenhone Comoanv- LLC 330954 WI Tenney Telephone Company. LLC 3309s8 WI The Farmers Telephone Company, LLC 330880 WI The State Lons Distance Telephone Comoanv. LLC 330955 WI UTELCO. LLC 330963 WI Waunakee Telephone Company, LLC 330968 Page I <010> Study Area Code POTh1CH TEL CO iNC<015> StudyArea Name <020> Prorram Year <030> contact Name: Person USAC should contact with questions about this data arlce SchieieLbei n <035> Contact Telephone Number: Number of the oerson identitled in data line <030>608-56{-5495 <039> Contact Email Address: Emall ot the person identitied in data line <030> bruce. sctie:elbei not isie:-ecffi. com <10D Service Quality lmprovement Reporting ktueteteottodedw@ksheet) <200> Outage ReportinB (voice) kwete.ed..a.hed wdksne, r \<zto> El.-.neck box if no outages to report -^\ o t-!--t_____t____t I<3oo> unfulfitted seruice Requests (voice) I--'] kY<310> Oetailon Attempts (voice) bttoeh,rescnort0eiY.att<320>UnfulfilledserviceReque5t5(broadband}t-J\q <330> Detailon Attempts (broadbandl I I r*"1$)/"a".,."",r <400> NumberofcomplaintsperI,OOOc,ryllgEl- aC<410> Fixed ff-l \\- <430> NumberofcomplaintsperI,OOO.!$gg.11|@,!@!L \\v<^afi>EiYc.{l l-rv .ill./--tr[ l--.-r:1l3l ili1," Fl^Q lr'..Je.u,.v r \/ ./ \<600> funcdonamyin Emergencysitulto\ - \|. lche*toindicoteceditcotion)-..^-- <710> Company Price OfferirlSl(bDJubanil \l kffiprteouocb.dsdtshzet) <800> Operating Companjg{1{Xffiliate\\rr-^ kmptete dtochcd rqk'he&).;;;, ;,:*.;;;;;;;;&E6t .-tp-O ityes,cffip*.eodocbedw&rhdl <1000> Voice Services Rate Gmpartfiy.l khe&totndicdte cedifi.otibnl <1010> | \>- l bt,od.lsurytwdoeunent).rroo, rffiO O rfnot,checkroiddicotecedr@.bnl <1110> kmpte.eofrochcds6klh.*) <1200> TermsandCondltionforLlfelineCustomers kompteteoidhedworksheet) <2000> <2005> <3000> <3005> Price Cap Carr'rers. Proceed to Ptice Cao Addifional Documentatioo Worksheet lncludinq Rdte-of-Return Carriers olfrlidted with Ptice Cop Locol Exchonge Cafiiers (.hecl< lo ihdicot. c*ihtotion) ( cM pletP ofr oched w v ksh *a ) Rate of Return cani€rs, Proceed to ROR Additional Documentation Workshc€t ( che ck to n di cote.eni f. ot io a ) (( el pbte oftoched w @ kth eet) c*27no13 Page 1 N @u6q ts oE c qU o Pq9oxE>=oolY>o-ooo:uo=.E 'E -E oo9ee6eogE E = -j o o cg, !!E:o o oit:6H 6 0 56] i 60Fg sEf < od -.YOB 3 :€o o r:r I r.= @ro Ee Eo - o) 6 @Euc 6o.gEE N o .E cog ooo I I I I I I I I l_ IElE ..o'li ,6}--li s$o"lEs -$19' m ,.9--dFu .E: iEEEfEEH: Efl: E+; Ei *cF *ui ggg F:H #EI :.i*_*- ?E5", etp !-sE E [EEi €tEE 66I EEIfE;Ei{iIIisgfra: !95! s::q;EH;# iiEg FEa lEiiEE$;EIEE? * $g$ddddvvvv n E o. I I = E @ ! 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YI E;D.-;,*v' E P.lr 12 <o1o> study Aru. code 472230 <O15> StudyArEllrme POTUTCH TEi' cO rNc <020> Prctram Year <030> cont4t Nam€ -tGimusAc should contast ragardlnl,thls data Erucc schief elbein <o35> cont*tTebehorcNumb.r.Nmbrrofrtaoiidcntifi€dindrtrlinc<o:rD 504-66{-s4ss <039> Conta.t Email Addrc$ - Email idiirc$ of p.rsn identifi.d ln dat! llne <O3O> bruce. schicf.lbeimtdsrelccom"c@ TO BE COMPTETED BY THE REFORTI]IG CARNIEN, IF THE NEPIORTIITIG CARRIER IS FIUNG ANITUAL BEPOffi]IVG Oil ITI' OWIT BEHAUT Ccrdffcadon of Offlccr .3 to thc Accuracy of thc Data Rcportrd for thc Annual Rcpoilrg for CAF or U ncdplcnts clrdry ti* I rm m ofll€er of 0l. Teortlna carb'; nV rtlpotrtluldc idud.6ulna thc mmt or lt .mual .G9dlha r!$drmtrttr ulucr.al !sdc. e?prt and, to ths ban ol my laoqrHta. th. ln dnrilon npord otr lhla tsm ard h .ny att.drBntt i3 rccuntc. CER?IFID OMTXE LO/ 7E/2Or3 Por$orwillfully maklng talse stabhetr oo thit [o.m can be rrurjlsh€d by fine or fodehura under und.. Tith lt ofthe U.itd Actof1934, 47 UJ.C 55 502, 5o3(bl, or fine or lmp.bonment "$ Page 13 <O15> StudYA.cr ilrm.POTI.A?CH TEL CO INC <0m> Pr@ram Yrar 20t4 <030> CdtrctNam€-PersnUSACshould@nt ctroetrdiafthltdat Bruce schieEelbein <035> cootrctTdeohoneNmbff-Numb.rofer$.identifiedindat line<o3o> 608-554-5455 <039> CrntictEmallAddes-EmailAddrrssofp.rsonidentltlcdinditalinc<030> bruce.schiefel"beiaetdstelecom.c@ ro BE coMPLETEt tY THE REFORTTTITG CARREn, rF Ail A6ENr lS ;lur6 AdtUAl REPTORTS ON THE CAnnrER'S BEHAU: Ccrdffcrtlon oI Offle, to Authorizc rn Agcnt to FIb Annual R.po?t3 60r CAF or ll R.dpLnt3 on Ech.lf of R.portll|t G]rler c.rtlfy thrt I rm J oils, ot lho nporung c.rl.i; my GpordullfB lnclude .n3urtng lha Gurrq, of the Dnurl rleu nportlnjt$bmmt3 p@ldad to tho .uihorlzld md, io tha D6t ot my Inflldgq lhr [po.L and dda prcvldad i0 lrra rulhorlz.d agttt l! -arrrta Carler: POTLA?CH TEI co INC Co& orRem^ino &rriet 4722aO Flllnr Due Drte fo. thia Perions willful,y ,natlng fike 3tai€mff15 on this torm c.n be punirhrd bv fin. tr forteiture u.dcrthe under Title lg ofth€ Unltd Stetet Adof 1934, 47 U,s,C 55 502, 503(b), or fine d imprl$ohent TO 8E COMPTETE) SYTHE AUTHORXZEDA6EI!IT: ccrtricatlon of eecllpdrd $h,/", **oris fo, cAF or ll B.cipicns on Bch.lf of ncportins c.rrict , G .t6t h. thc ..poda! aarbr, o.taty tn.t he d.t| r?ortcd htrth t.t.d o.hi. rfgl(l tlNtrtn. mn[l Gporlt tor nlEill xilla rl?rat,adpLrtr 6 idr.I of rlr. l.rordra c.rilq: I hr. pmld.d llat; .rd, to tic bcrt ol ny fndd.dt ,lt. hformtbn rafort r, hadn ts rcrata {ame ol E Cariar:rEqltrcII rE&Y {.meotAuthori.cd As.ntd Emol€.lUfcnt: t b}v ;imaturc of Authoriz.d Alent or EmoLre of A{erL Y cBRTrPr m ONLTNE 1!i 'itle or msitlon of Authortred Arentor EmgtdEoiArent ,tudv Ara code of 12 210 Filhr Due D.te for Oris fDrm: Lo I t5 / 2or1 18 of6e United Sbt6 Code,18 USC. 5 10Ot. 0912712013 Attachmentsf a ^"dycso-$' FCC Form 481 The FCC does not require completion of the below-listed items in the 2013 filing. ln the FCC's Public Notice DA L3-L7O7 , released August 6, 20L3, these items were not included in the list of items that must be included in the 2013 filing.l Line 100 - Service Quality lmprovement Reporting [47 cFR sa.313(aX1)] Lines 320 and 33O - Unfulfilled Service Requests (broadband) [47 cFR s4.313(a)(3)] Lines 430 and 440 and 450 - Number of Complaints per 1,000 customers (broadband) [47 cFR sa.3r3(aXa)] Line 700 - Company Price Offerings (voice) [47 cFR s4.313(aX7)] Line 710 - Company Price Offerings (broadband) [47 cFR sa.313(aX7)] Lines 1000 and 1010 - Voice Services Rate Comparability a(,\[47 cFR s4.313(aX10)]v. 'The Public Notice stated, in relevant part: For 2O13, ETCS that receive high-cost support must complete FCC Form 481 to include the following: lnformation pursuant to section 54.313(aX2) through (aX6) as it relates to their provision of voice telephony service in calendar year 2012; their holding company, operating companies, affiliates (as defined under section 3 of the Communications Act of 193d as amended (the Act), 47 U.S.C. 5 153(2)) that are also designated as ETCs and/orthat provide retail broadband lnternet accessto end-user customers), and any branding, pursuant to section 54.313(aX8) of the Commission's rules; for those ETCS that serve Tribal lands, a report on Tribal government engagement pursuant to section Sq.S13(aX9); for price cap carriers only, certifications pursuant to section 54.313(c) and (d), as appropriate; for privately-held rate of return carriers only, their financial information pursuant to section 54.313(fl(2), as appropriate; and for those ETCS without access to terrestrial backhaul that are compelled to rely exclusively on satellite backhaul in their study areas, certifications pursuant to section 54.313(g). Line 510 - Certlflcatlon of Compliance wlth Service Quality Standards and Consumer Protection Rules (5001 sandca quafiW Cedfcat,on FCC Form 481 OMB Control No. 3060{986 <015> slu(y Area Name<020> ProSnm Year<030> Contact l,Iame - P€mn USAC shouH conttt reearding this dat<)35> ContactTebphona Number - t{umberof pcson identifild in data line <030> <039> Cont ct Em.rl Addr!5s - Emarl Addrss ot larrc,t deotried ln data lrne <03o> rO BE COMPTETED BYTHE REPIORTIT{G CANRIER, IF THE REFORTTT'IG CARRIER 15 FII.ING CERTIFICATIOI{ ON IT5 OWN EEHAIF' Cartilic.tlon of offlcer .3 to Compllancc wlth Appllcable Scilicc quality Stindardl rnd Consume. Protlctlon Rules ert fv thrt I m .n offle, o, tic npoitllt Grrlc.; rry rlsslbllds lncluda oshtr ompllrm ,lih :lt .pplkabb rori- q,rfftv {.\Ur r mll a thr 6nmd rqi.cion rul$; .nd, to ttu bctt of my lnowhdtE, th. crrl.. h ln cmdltre wfth lPpllcrtl. sDle qEllty tttnd.rdt rnd @ruCI$f,tlo rulr$ Perss willfulay mkirS f.l$ rtat.m.ntr d this to.m qn b€ punishcd by tim or forf.ituc un(r rtyr imuntationi Act of 1934,47 U,S.C. S$ 502,503(bl, orflne or lmpd$nmmt lrderTith 18 of the untted st#6€od., 18 u.s.c ry $$r Llne 510 - Certification of Carrier's Ability to Function in an Emergency (6@l Emcrfoncy Cerrlcr C.rilf c.tbn tCC Form /t81 oMB Cstrol No. 3050{986 <015> Study A.ea Nama<020> PrcgEmYear<Glo> Contact Namc - Person USAC should contact regardin8 this dard <o35> contactTelephone Numbet - l{mber of peron idmtifisd in dal<O35> ContactTelephone Numbet - I{mber of persn idmtifisd in dab line <O30><O39> contact trorl Addrss - Emril Addre$ ol Derson rdentrfled m data lne <o3o> TO 8E COMPTETED 8Y THE REPORTI'{G CARRIE& IF THE REPORTIl{6 CARRIER IS FIIIil6 CERf,IFICANOI!' Oil ITS OWil OEHAU: Certiflcatlon of Oftl.cr a3 to Compllance wlth 5 54.m2(.r(2) c€rufu tiat I .m .n ofice, ot {re rcponlng 6nl.r .nd tft.t my r€spsrslblltis trdudc mwlng conrglhre uht th. r.quteecn6 of a7 Cfn 9.202(aN2, th.t th. orl; te bla to tunc{on ln rmcr3cncy darAbm. Spxmally, ttc repordng Gar.ler h.r a rGaronable emomt of bachp pwcr O .(-\Fmcdo.lltv wlthoirt an erta?tr.| pmr oure, ls tenlrally .blc to rsote tntfc .round dameted facilltl.3, rnd b capable of mn{lnt tralflc rplk6 reruhln3r!\lgertcncy sltuatlonr.,\,,{. \ rm lo Pe@ns wiltfulh maklnt fale stat.m.ntr on this fo.m..n be pu6ish.d by fin. or forfrilur. qG tff )*.nL.tions Act of 1934, ,17 U.S.C, 59 502,5o1b), orfire o. ioprisonhent und.r Title 1E ot the Unit.d Steus corle, ls Us.c 5\$/ co o s?o6!Eo .a o cE4 Eou 2.; 36Eco6 0)Fi eoU 0) OJFr (,JtrF -t OJ E{ (aaF{ E U 0) oF. aaF -to tsr dcoN..tlr 0)Er aaF o6 E I o 0)Er c U H UFi,l tr6o.eoU 0t:o.coo 0ts, 6c6 ! IE0EB tJ o .co1 tlo i !oc-4 ! 4 tuE{ ! q ! 'uco! oo E z co I)oE U l o o4 oEz 6co oo ([ trrJ oU @ U -1 ,; Eou E o o I ts Fo Ez o E- o @!oU o oU 0) FaFaFi c oUo -l0)E{ (toEr E Uodoti L) H co CE_b oo!gC 6 o ctrAEou oE =ap o6 o o !r! --l g o=t o U OJr{ Eo eo ! c q. o o o E oE E 6coU o o oo o o !E,2 0oElz coEog .q a I U l o o oez coU o o .pao '{-lo --tE (.) trHdoFr o rd o HH 4a oU Io -.{() E{ 0, Fr H 6 (srt +J 6 uFl ok(, l{d k4 (.) Er ! F co! ir oF 0)eot A(,h --t0)Er lr ]Jd d ,!oo oo)) U d!g 0) .rl lJ -toEr Elroo( .q OJFr Po (u Ei o tc o tst a..1 o rdIJaoA H ok o +Jrl.rl A o E o o o ) ,) - Ez Ef o Eo CEU'a0oE d 6 o coA EoIJ lc:6BEo6 oUo)d 0,}F aaF {.)F. EoU 0.)r{ 0)F (aoFl Eooo.l(j E{ aA E{ Uo -JoF. atrEr oF turJd! !d--lE o o o a ocH E]E U H oHo-d dots 0).1ri-i d-lr-l C)rlUUE IJrJ 0) tsr lr(u -.1 o.r{ 3 AJ F] AE}d otH 3(J ll t/)kd 0, 14 o G ! !. -l0)F () OJtr.rl toE .qUgoE 0) Ei --l OJF -.10),.{ dAUE oF.l 0) E-t IJ a U (U..{ r-1a 0)j (]J F mH d()F dtr(dAoH o oU oo o e6 e4 odo ! F F JEI oEz o !! o oooU >!: o o o !IEEoct!ai6 o E6aEou{ oc teUEo4t Eoo 0).l(J Er anF Eoo 0) -1 aFl o lUs(uH (/laFi (/] 6l tst Eo Uorl(.)F nFi EoUc,iaFr aoF 0)i(.) Fr (,trF Eo e d o TI H JJ l'.{olr 0)A 3 0)z (u F{ ir(0 14 €$d oho UcH oE C)U otro..1!.6U-]{daeEoU (6 Eo.qd-{ 0.)F 16o F dBlloz oo ts t' oo oc o oa E,2 oA E z oEz co a o o tsr (,H dr{o,.1 't{.q!1ro 'dlq o t/loUU4 !t{ c)F G)-lFl,.i otr.i oF 0)r-l ]Ju rU -{(,)H rd-Fl d --lEddoa 6!tr =615 C)E{ 4(., Fl o€ Ei d Boz Fl rlJH r{oF .(U ]-)(d,-tJJoOr 6(, OJF e 0) rda U 3()2 oo EeNe o o 2 c FI Jts E 2 El o I ; o!oU o o o ao oa.!9l6!cilE o coq Eo d 0E zEoEoa o C)() 0, tsr U)oFi ooo U)oc 0)()oa63d U OJ-{0)Er (,)AFr Eo Ulu.-{ co-i ! U H U}]!l a E-r -0.)F0) Er EoUor{0F t,aF 0)F (noF c) Er trtr(u .lJ U)o3 ! o c[) tr rd TJo..t ! fio Er -.{ oo4 ! .2 ! a co 0) F{ C,)Fi o Er t{.q J1oot)(/l E U 0) C)ts u)otr () Eo ;o d t I o o!E 6 E !! E oU oo Ujj UEH HoF Co () Fl 0)).-l rd 0, F (uF do-rl 1).0t{ootoU (.) U (6.uo-r{o EcoFl aoF{ o o-.1! Aoa .d !l 16(.)-.1 d F EoU ooF OJ tsr o 3H 0) .C(n ,a or}f{aEt,) 0) OJi( rd3 do ho3oF a =(,) o(l) J4a{d3.l.A = --lodUUa..13 r{-{ o o oF +Jod 0).(]J oq o UI-.1om-.{ =po(6 C,).quaoU) o o! E =2 AE52 6 6co I o o E qo d oo z c & J €ic o E 2 o !f o o!oU o E = oo coI!9 lEt!tE 6 o coq Eo 0c t6Ect (, -loH (noFr EoU(u r-.1 0)F a HFr r-{ c)F 0) (d t{q)! --tB H !ln OJ r-t -.,1oU {.1 tsl 0..) -.th 0) --{o -{0 Fr o{)rJoc.AE aa Er EoU 0) -l{)F{ (r]aFr oU 0)A() tsi v)aF ao E{ (, Fr o!-!tss oi{5]J Htu ]J -rloFJ lr(6 .-l .i -loU (6 .A -tot{{6U !l{oz cgorJ U'dt'l o o UtrH o._tp(d ..i t{F o eE o H a Or .-{rlolrtldU ocH ,;oo B -tldt{dfa o !E 6E !! o E o @D E5z ooe z oEogoF -l 0) Ei d.ri ,fi Ut{.rl q) Fr tro!t{ rdB 0)Ei ! 0,1 Url F] c; F]trlEr (.)F -u H tro +J (u 0)F{ co-dcD E o E{oe o o O J t1 EcH tso o Ez a !f o po oe p f o o co..1 ! rdtr trd.-l r! o-.i!l o'd!d 0)Fr trd-lada 0)U rt6ID E atl(, !d r{ 0)F t.ld rl(,U trool{ 0)tH It-{ 0,FJ 4a& rd3oH 0)F lJd.-1 .-lJ {1)U o!6E .l 0,U o.-{.1__t doo A1U6F) 0)]J6! UItd -{d r+-d ooj1 U fdFJ qlo UoU oU l{dr-{,r{d m 0)!d]JU) !5o!)-.t D io tsr lr6.-tt rirl 0)al od -l-rt o U) ordFl oU rr(6 ra,-{do() o 0)!J(6pa ,d c)t).-t c.9 oc.!p oo!EoE a etr4EoU 0E aa{ .Eo6 e o a o U H u)(n(, i()k.A B tid l'{d cq Olj ttr UI 0)r-l (.)lr,.1 tl 16d !J (.) ! m (.) EH v) U) a,lH CJ!-.t B Uo(, f{ (.)H l{rdr-la.-{ 0)U orJUc--t Er-l..1 B I,Ilr0tr!tr f6 !rdF.ld.{ F{0lU o ?E C)F lr(d -la-l C)U €h(, !rdrl, i 0)U a* U H I..r {d.1 s -.]oU IJd oU o E o odo I!I I c oez ! UDoU o !, o o.,1l).d o..1 +l rd +Jd Eo oEE oct!aoo o cia EoU lc-6Ec'6o IU!5.lJc 0) ,.toFf 6tlo dUId o a o6 ! ! r0 -l)r-{r-loo o a)IJ .d IJ(n 6()p-rtqD a eoq o d d u.-t E o 6!oc coE a0 d t co ! =ot (d Ol dc,t)..{ E..{j .Fi6r-lot trq) 3otr \o u) E< (D rdxoF ((,)d ..1 E-.t ts] o l{ 0)3oE{ aE(o coo.Ao6 = o ? oo}] ocoot{tr o (t) otlt! o UHUU)D o cH adxoF & co o Ez coU oo u!oU o a:6 oo o-.1!6lro o..trl rd! o.A rJd o..1 lJd! tro..t JJ6 T{ ti rdr+aAr{ 6o._t!rd! do..1 l)d lr rd-lar-{ -l0)(j co oaD 0aEcd6 o Eo4Eou oa fEEEoo tld -l rldoU oo!dt)(.D {)r-l tr(df4{ -l.-1 0)U U}oL)(6pa t{rd -15rlrJoU It 0)IJ a6JJ c0 H 16-t)r-]doU ooiJ6!a nlurJ-.1 e o o c trTJkdA oIJ.-t e.ft J (ad rd 6..16 H o EoAr .,{Eo!(J !ild Or 15o! ".1 F] rl 4(,c d_-t rd (., HUFI,] EoT6 o t a o c t 0 c a a o 6 otr(.) !Jflr{A rl o .g U H t;r0 r-{ar{r-to dl{ d J 1+ z U H 1+ v)d ru .-td = rn* (uA -4EJo u (lJ 3o Fr 4 d Q)Er t{(6 .-)3.{.l 0)o o)d 0) U (d E rd.l .v, ]J ,.{o 4 oo a ! o Ed Io d oo o !l tr 5 () o Ez Go -, o !o o ? oo co.A ]J xo Hop6o!o do xod Ho 60 o oU 0 ot1p.o 0F A F] a xo H0 d0!o C;U 0co A 0F oU ao r$ o-.1 JJd! oo lr rdAa.-.{-{0)U o 0)]J6,IJ(,) (l) o--t ]Jfd l{t6 -.1 tro U lr{6 0)U 0o!.dp(/) 4(,+i-d {ua (u 0)tr3 16 tsf .lJ TA c.9oEa oclEcGE o C6AEo o .ga6T.5oa li(0dd c)U o OJ!iUuv) oou 5 m 0).lJ f6]J(t E0,!.r{ ! Hd.{a3i()U 0() +J(6Dtn (,()t !l JJ-.1d ts E E a o o o! E o !! Eg ocoU oo H o = o F]a Ao o 6rJotrI r-l(s 0)d ooIUU-r{Eo q-.1 o IJ'D UFflf dolrdU,d U o 6OreoU ,i !dk() Oro !dila d0o ao!d!o d0! uD HoU|tr.6trl o o !2 0 n!I dq c 0 o.qa!40F !d i t) n F t c oq o a o t{d+ Id c,U a CJp cd m o0),) H U l)ir6O. €0,!)-.{ ..{ Ff C; dU]& OJ 0)a UI 0) c) tst o cd&eoU U] !{ {,9ro !16 :1.t 0U u0 IBJo .d U, oo .=U H {H UtfFl ^;3 H tr OJL)6o $ro qio UoUa o F] Ff a..1o .-t r1 14H Aid}{.lJ o(_) '{fo ()o aD a!oEIJ!d oo +r,s ..1 FI @E dE doFi rrdr1 r-tr1oU m .A Jrd! ! c o oo a d a pJ/0)U OJEi tl 16-l r-tJ Ao tsr !d t --lorl 0)H t{6.-{a oo ots& UFlJ u)troUo (aUOr o ! E,z aD E,zocoEog F coU o 6 (U,a do)).d D l{ 16.t5 oU o tl6-{a{-t0) CJ tI} 0.) +J6! (6oEoU or !6tr e o :oNoV J I tlJ e e62 o ! o o!oU o !, o o pqA j,l a6 U}cdv )1o{dH -oo H * ad d tl UnFl (} (6 tro..1 ]Jdll 0U uI D oH UFlts] a6a d c.9 n =.!9 oo E6o o coB EoI oc 56EE'o-a l{d -l r{r-l c,U rn C]!(t ! <n ! C)!--t) Jtf OI rd mc rd!4 l{6 a r-1-l o(s t) 16V (d 3oH t{()! lrldodd!< .qo oUa oU h([-l -l.-1oU u) 0.) +) rd!tn 6 0) +J.r{q !d-l rlr-{(.)U oo!(dtl(/l !orJ.ft Hrd.1ar-lri OJr' a()!.6!a il.d-{) F{r{oU u) OJ!6]J @ Eo Eo d & d ooo c U l o 4 Ez cou H <ftt 4IA 16 ..{ o!rsU JJ o(/) 'tJo UoU CDD H dcdJ U.d lu .lJ!rdar oo]J.s E.r1; a =U) 3o!tr(.)r-ld4 d2 d rd..{c 16 r{ o tr0, Or u .d .co!o ritld Or 1, C)]J.A4..{ Fl rld rsEo 16.--{ (o - !(dU t) U,l 'T t{aoao 'r'{E l] 0)! 16ol{o tH o oUC'D lr OJ! fd CJtr 2 o F E}l ! rd.-la o 6 E .q 16xoE{ otrH a;EoE 16X(,)F tH o Uo aD .-l.-lE U6FJ qfo dEot(d.{ o lr(u TJfd()t{U tHo UoUa) Uj{ a;dd-{$(u4Ed U q-{ o U r)a l.r 0)!d 0)g U tHo (_)oUa o DEl2 !E)z coU o dt{ zFl t-{ I D o E6coa oo U I o e6z o I o a!o o ! o tro.'{!d !(6 r-ta-{.-l 0)U o 0, +J rdp(o E()!..{ HD c.E6EDEoo Too o EnB Eo I qc aoIGoa ec o d ,. oo o0o !(,q ,a o a o o Ez o! E5z co o -sF o coo U l o 4 Edz cou o o oo.tJ6 Uj 'i otr() ulr .dOl oU H H(,H -Ftd6E 5 E]F Ud!l atr 0) rJll(s Pr o(.lc.rt oE I0 o)o EfrlH E6 0,o..1 t{ U H U)lrodIJ!dOr t{d -1a.ir-t 0)U e.l lr OJ !lrrdo. 6o!-.t ..{ FI ,4adI trH r)It d o dlr]J(4) I() r'{ OJF !d {,go.{poA 0)H r-{6co-d!dz otrH o Er F] (dd6-.{d(H r!o .lJ() d.--l.A o H IJ JJ u) 0F tltg I d0U 6A,o!o a '!r0 Idoo {J odo..i dU.i o I ts E ts I 16E .E Ho.rl +J(dtl H(not-t+l o !E E o.lJd-A.-l-.1 d J4oJJ o 6 E E-l o Ee o oo z I I o oez a !: o oooI o ! = oo Eo !c -DJa!coa o cGcEoU oc,Eaaoa a Eo Eo o nc ! .; o 3 o l.r cq .{l u)olo>lEr I oo E =2 @-EIz @coto -seF 6 -oE U fco od o Ez oaoU oo o e o d odo o ots oE 2 o p5 o oooU o !f o o line 920 - Tribal Lands Reporting s'e , -"*yn*o-$' Potlatch Telephone Company - Study Area 472230 Nez Perce Nation Juliette, lD Fcc - s4.313(aX9) s,e a "$*.c*o-s' Summary Potlatch serves a small portion of the Nez Perce Nation in its exchange of Kendrick, ldaho. Due to the delayed timing of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approvall of this reporting requirement, TDS-Potlatch was unable to implement its tribal engagement activities in 2012. TDS-Potlatch has reached out to the Nez Perce Nation to schedule a meeting in 2013, in fulfillment of its 554.313 (aXg) tribal engagement obligation and in furtherance of the goal of establishing good working relationships with its customers located on traba! lands. TDS-Potlatch expects to be able to report on these activities with its 2014 filing for 2013 calendar year activities. 1 On August 5, 2013, the Bureau published nolbe in the Federal Registerthat ameMments to section 64.313 of the Commission's rules are now effective and that the Ofiice of Management and Budget has approved FCC Form 481, 78 Fed. Reg. 4721 1 (August 5,2013). Line 1210 - Terms and Conditions of Voice Telephone lifeline Seruice ^c8€ .$^' -d._.$o-s' -Terms and Conditions of Voice Telephony Lifeline Service -5a.a22@)(2) Lifeline Service Overview1. A Lifeline customer may subscribe to any local service offering available to all residential customers. Such local service offerings include: o Basic local exchange telephone flat rate service (Rl) which entitles Sre customer to an unlimited number of telephone calls within the exchange and local calling area (including EAS poinb) without additional charges. Toll charges do not apply. . A local rneasured service (if offered by the Company). The service is priced lower tran Rl service but either a per minute or per message rate also applies. The measured service plan may include an allowance of minutes/messages. . An expanded local calling service which is priced higher than Rl service but includes a larger local calling service area without incurring toll charges. For a list of local exchange services andExchange tariff posted rates, on Company's Localwebsite at 4. andlor contact the Company at 1-888€ALL TDS (1-888-225-5837).not all bundles are tariffed) Any of the local service offerings listed abovlQ/o\r a minimum one month period and entitles the customer to telephone caJ[qglthin the exchange and local calling area (including EAS points). Toll chargerpQrbt apply to such calls. Telephone Service including Lifelingi$&ice also includes - : [Hlf,:,,s1r ",p@,i"y gffi""s with other Nl1 services. Access to ooedt*aervltres\o Access to oir6ctilv as.lisE6ceo Access ElQErriffiYong distiance carrier ;;,ffi ffi: ; ffi ,rrT,u\ "n,':]ir r: establishnent of local service to customers who are eligible for Lifeline Assistiance and have previously been disconnected for non-payment of toll charges. Llfeline Assistance will not be connected ff an outstanding balance is owed by the customer for local service. Applicable tiaxes levied by state, county and local taxing authorities are added to local service rates. 5. -Terms and Conditions of Voice Telephony Lifeline SeMce - sa.a22@)(2) STAR Packases STAR Packages are optional service bundles. Each package permits a customer to receive services and features for a flat monthly rate, for each STAR Package subscriber line provided. The STAR Package options include the following services: 1) 3STAR Package lncludes: Residential One-Party Line, Caller lD Deluxe, Waiting/Cancel Call Waiting, Call Forwarding, and Prefened Forwarding (not flat rate service at some companies) Call Call 2) 3) The 3 STAR Package can be upgraded to include Anonymous Calt Rejection, Three-Way Calling, Priority Ringing-lSpecia! Call Acceptance, and Personal Voicemail. The chargeTSilis upgrade is set forth under "Reg[!ence" below (not flat at$dervice at somecompanies). a\' 4 STAR Package ( lncludes: Residential one-Party -aCY", ,o Deluxe, Calt Waiting/Cancet Call Waiting, Cat\!5rwarAing, Prefened Call Forwarding, Anonymous Call Reje^{ron)and 300 Minutes of LATA-Wide and/or Long Distancecalling 1\- The 4 STAR Packase *A\S;ded to inctude Three-Way Callins, Priority Ringing, SpeciqlO{l Acceptance and Personal Voicemail. The crra rge t", [i#osi*$"it rortn u n i"r'Bcsidence" be low. s srAB(Sa* t\ One-Party Line, CallerCall Waiting, Call Fonruarding, Rejection, Priority Ringing, Special lD Deluxe, Call 3-Way Calling, Call Acceptance, a. Forwarding, Personal Voice Mail, and Unlimited LATA- Long Distance calling Rules, regulations, and limitations as specified elsewhere in the Company's tariffs for each individual service will apply as part of this Package. STAR Package customers may terminate their Package at any time upon notice to the Company. Unless terminated by the STAR Package customer or the Company, a customer will remain enrolled in the Package, as amended from time-to-time, with any applicable changes in rate, for as long as the Plan continues to be offered by the Company. New Customers that subscribe to one of the STAR Packages will receive a waiver of all installation charges. c. d. -Terms and Conditions of Voice Telephony Lifeline Service - s4.422(a)(2) Service Charges will not apply when the STAR Package replaces existing Local Exchange Service or if the customer requests a change from the STAR Package back to Local Exchange Service. e. A Package Change Fee will apply when a customer downgrades from the 4 STAR or 5 SfAR Package to the 3 STAR or 4 STAR Package. Customers may upgrade to a higher STAR Package without incuning a charge. f. The Star Package may not be combined with any other optional toll calling plan service, except for those specified in this offering. g. Customers who fail to pay the entire Package rate per month will have all STAR Package optional features removed. The customer will then be converted to the tariffed Basic Local service rate. Service Charges will not apply for converting services back to tariff rates. Such customers will not be permitted to re-enroll in this Residence ::il.?::i,1,f$ilnfiX,?:" such time as arr associat"o uno"'o o''K,"' 1) 3 STAR Packase, per line ,atX to $2e.9e2) 4 STAR Package, per line 15$29.99 to $39.993) 5 STAR Package, per tine s- $39.99 to $49.99 Package Upgrade (features added to exisqnScrage) $5.00 Packase chanse Fee aap" $z.so a. b. 2. $ Terms and Conditions a. Security Line Service wil! be provisioned where facilities are available. b. Rules, regulations, and limitations as specified elsewhere in the Company's tariffs will apply to this bundle. c. No other optional services or features are allowed with this bundle, except Toll Restriction, Toll Restriction PIN Override, Non-Published Numbers, and Non-Listed Numbers. These four services will be allowed at the rate listed -Terms and Conditions of Voice Telephony Lifeline Service - 54.422(a)(21 elsewhere in the tariff. As stated in the Lifeline Service Overview, charges for toll restriction do not apply to Lifeline Customers. d. Customers must subscribe to this service tor 1 year. Cancellation of the bundle prior to the one year timeframe will cause an early termination fee of $99 to apply. e. Customers must subscribe to TDS Long Distance Corporation as their long distance provider- f. Any toll calls will be billed at TDS Long Distance toll rates. g. Service Connection Charges will not apply. h. Optional Call plans are not available with this bundle. i. Seasona! Service is not avaitable with this bundle. ^S...O'3. Rates and charoes *fri"* Bundre Base Rate . U"fi36.e5 to 47.2a1 other data speeds may be available for an additionaf Snlhd\s\'qv .s ^slf "8Y iY' '*' ,{ 525 Junctlon Rd Modlson, Wl537i7 www,tdstelecom,com November 6,2013 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington Boise, lD 8372O-OO74 RE: Update to TDS Telecom's Federal 481 Filing Dear Ms. Jewell: Last week, TDS Telecom submitted an electronic Erratum filing with the FCC to correct our 481 filing (annual reporting requirements of 47 CFR 5 54.313 and 5 54.4221. The purpose of the Erratum filing was to correct Lines 510 and 510 of FCC Form 481 (rules 54.313(aX5) and 54.313(aX6)). Specifically, the originalfiling did not include documents describing how we comply with: a) Service Quality Standards and Consumer Protection Rules and, b) the Ability to Function in an Emergency. Enclosed are the Line 510 and 510 documents for Potlatch Telephone Company. Please insert these pages into the "Attachments" section of the copies previously sent. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, 8N /,4'//*; Bruce Schiefelbein Manager - Regulatory Compliance TDS Telecom (608) 664-s4ss bruce.sch iefel bei n @tdstelecom.com Enclosures c.c. Gail Long Line 510 - Description of Compliance with Service Quality Standards and Consumer Protection Rule 54.313(aXs) TDS Telecommunications Corporation's ILEC companies follow applicable federal and state service quality and consumer protection rules. They comply with quality of service requirements including monitoring and reporting service quality metrics where required. TDS Telecom has implemented numerous consumer protection measures to protect customer information. For example, TDS implemented Customer Proprietary ation (CPNI) policies and procedures that are consistent with the FCC's regulations.are required to complete CPNttraining and in addition, employees who have Nldata receive additional guidance through written procedures regarding cust all employees are required to review TDS' Business Code of and requirements on protecting sensitive customer informa includes information m improper use and disclosure. TDS data privacy and security policies are rei through periodic training required of all employees. Additional consumer prote^(fqn'?neasures include TDS' use of a third-party verifier to prevent unauthorizea OresuUXF=dinterexchange.carrier (PlC) changes ("Slamming") and the elimination of billing.nU .dffin arrangements that could have potentially allowed unauthorized third-partV cQ,fuds to be added to customer's bills("Cramming"). ^a\, ,^&'dq/,9\rq$Y) Line 610 - Description of Functionality in Emergency Situations Rule 54.313(aX5) Company is able to remain functional in an emergency situation through the use of back-up power to ensure functionality without an external power source. The Company's standard for battery backup is 8 "" :: ;,*.,- ;", ::"::ff:.,":.;-,:,:: ; ffi xd.::#;" and celltemperature, as well as equalization or replacement if necess50/addition, permanent generators are present at significant wire centers to maintain p$@in" event a commercial power failure extends beyond battery backup capabilities. Also, pqfu)le generators are available for deployment to remote wire centers without ,"rrr5@rators. The Company's network is engineered to provide maximum capacitY in o6QUlt andle excess traffic in the event of traffic spikes resuhing from emerg"r"r rnr.X@U(nlfacilities are remotely monitored and managed by a centralized Network "rflPa$)r6nich is staffed 24 x7,355 days a year. Technicians are able to remotely access "r{q$frm conditions. By design, transport redundancy is built into the telephony and data nettrFon many levels and in the event of a hardware or circuit failure or traffic spike, the networks are able to self-correct in many cases or, at many locations, technicians are able to manually switch network elements to standby facilities both locally and remotely.