HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131015Rural Telephone Co. ETC - FCC 481.pdfState of ldaho ) CERTIFICATION BY ELIGIBLETELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER ) ss OF COMPLIANCE WITH SERVICE QUALITY AND CUSTOMER county of Elmore i PROTECTION, ABILITY TO REMAIN FUNCTIbNAL IN EMERGENCTES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH.COST SUPPORT. AFFIDAVITOF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER The ldaho Public Uiilities Commission Order No. 2984l requires that Eligible Telecommunications Carriers certify that it is compliant;with applicable seruice quality standards and consumer protection rules; and ETCs must demonstrate the ability to remain functional in emergencies. ln addition, the Commission must file an annual certification with the USAG and the FCC that allfederal high-cost support provided to ETCs within the State of ldaho will be used only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. Accordingly, the undersigned states and verifies under oath the following: Rural Telephone CompanY1. I am an officer of an eligible telecommunications carrier for receiving federal universal service support undel s6ction 214(e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 in the state of ldaho. 2. I am familiar with the Company's day-to-day operations in the state of ldaho and with the State's service quality standards and consumer protection rules as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841.Rural Telephone Company3. _ --.4.4r s complying with applicabla service quality standards and consumer protection rules of the FederalCommunications Commission and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. 4. I certify to the Commission that the Gompany is able to remain functional in emergencles as set.forth in Commission Order No.29841 and in 47 C,F.H. 5 s4.2Q1(aX2). 5. I also certify that allfederal universal service support funds receiv$f6ya 1 Telephone Comp ffifins the current calendar year will be used in a manner consisteni with section 25a(e); that is, for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. The company will continue to complyfor the period of January 1. ?OL3 , through December 31, 2o1L , to be eligible for federal universal seruice fund support. 6. This verification and affidavit is provided to be the ldaho Publii Utilities Commission to enable the IPUC to certifyto the FCC that federal universal servlce support received eligible carriers in the state will be used in a manner consistent with Section 254(e) of the T Act. Martell, Pres. Seotember 5. 2013 Date September ' 2Ol3 cir, lc,r./'l* Notary Public for siding al SUBSORIBEDAND SWORNto beforemethis 5th d"rof Ail#3t My Commission expires //. vrlrrarv vvllr,uvwttvll vJ Vlvrlr u L L^v vva ^v.vtb ^wbv^vra ., .",..""snesG+s&1:q. .q*t.r..-.i!tti,- USAC =n' Universl SeryiceAdminisratiye Cmpany I -CONFIRFTATION Congratulations. Your filing has been successfully certifted. Filing 2 was sucressftilly certified on 2013-09-11 17:40;20.0 by mark@rtci.net .SAC: 472233 SPIN : 143002523 Carrier Name : RURALTEL CO - iD Proqram Year:2014 rctumEZstT;rchl @ 1997-2013, Universal Seillce Administratlve Comparry, All Rlghts Reserved.Website & Prlvacy Policies PaBe 1i ;i', ta.-; . OMB Conkal llo. 3060{986/OMB Coed No, 305GOBLlJuly Zr13 <010> Study Area Code RI]R.AI TEL CO ID<015> Studv Area Name <O2O> Program Year 2 014 <030> Contact Name: Person USAC shouid contact with questions about thls data Suean CaEe <035> Contact Telephone Number: N umber of the person identitied in data line <030> zoa -366-2674 <039> Contact Email Address: Email ot the oerson identlfied in data line <030> su6Jn - casg@ruraIte1, org <100> Service Quality lmprovement Reporting <200> Outage Reportjng (voice) <2to> |El.- .heck box if no outages to report (con plete oft 6 chcd w o rkt heet) ( co fr p lete ott o.hed w o r kt h eet) (chtk box wh.n .ofrplete)__JHEffi L---I_JL-I <300> <310> <320> <330> <400> <410> <420> Unfulfilled Service Requests (voice) Detail on Attempts (voice) Unfulfilled Servicc Requests (broadba nd) [-i -T-l[-]w ( otu ch d es ci,plve d o cument) Detail on Attempts (broadband) @ftach ds.tiptivp dacumcnt) Number of Complaints per 1,000 customers (vot'ce) Fixcd Mobile <430> Number of Complaints per L,000 customers (broadband) <44c> Fixed f---------l <500> SeNice quality Standards & Consumer Protection Rules Compliance <510> 4722t3id510 <600> Funcfionality in Emergenry Situations <510> 4i2233id6to <70O> Company Price Offerings (voice) <710> Company Price Offerings (broadband) <800> Operating Companies and Affiliates^ <900> Tribal I and Offerings (Y/N)? U () <1000> Voice Services Rate Comparability <1010> <1100> Terrestrial Backhaul (Y/N)? O O<1110> <1200> I erms and Condition for Lifeline Customers (.heck @ 1 nd icote certilica tion ) (otDch P d d E sc flptlve da cu me ntJ (ch e ck ta ln d icote ce rtiti. oti an) (ofr ach ed d.s.ri ptive do cu mP n t) I conp lete o ft Dched wor*sh e et) ( can plete afr o c h ed w o tks h eet ) ( con pl ek dto.h e d wo r ks h eet) (rfys, coaplete otlochcd wotk heet) (check to indicote cettifbati,n) ( ofrach d"scll plvc d o.u m eat ) (if not, check tc ihdicdte cenifkation) (coh plel e ottdchc d wo rksh e et ) (c o n p lEt e q tt ache d wotks h* e l) <2000> <2005> <3000> <3005> Price Cap Carriers, Proceed to Price Cap Additional DocumelltaljadffgBlIge! tncluding Rote-of-Return Coniers affilioted with Pice Cop Lacol Exchange Carriers (.h eck lo tndico te. ert tk atior ) ( co mplele dtl o ched w. rk he et) Rate of Return Grriers, Proceed to ROR Additional Documeltation WorksheeS. ( che. k b i n d h ate ce n ti c dtio n ) (co m p ld. o tto chcd wotksheet) 1C't1412013 Pase 1 o{ a -!Jog;EEEc >;:o Qs-: o6 ET 6o:F P EEEi X 613: E ;o.g-E fi r" P9 )= iA I 6tgt :E=FeEtr B B E s= i P EEAE# $*ia sE EfEts;tgsssF'.-cL=-.LLL.-o-'-eE:q@dJdt;tif t; E E E E3 sGt :; E i a .s;p:;[:EEthf e*E eit; fr E+ # 3: r S: il ; ; €-E* e E * = == i -i i rE#EE5 f;eFAgEg:o?-!elJ-oot"".E* E;H;a aE+E; E U > & r r r d,E AAnnnno+6(OroOddHHddHdddHHVVVVVV tI coE =o6Eoo6 oa Eoz I tlltll "l"ldol;l ;l;l ;l'l'l llt E l- I *=: *i lp I *fri q*a EIEIEiiiIg €lilE*fEEia uI}-I EEE ;gf,c Elexl $+s,EEE;ilE;l ie t-H*s;gl;il ;!+e!H;* :IEII EEbg +;E i fl*fl EEI; ilE rsl;l ; ,i rr ot,], oo::. aO: 'l t"3-o.ol ::1: O oz ,,,:,,,Q 't .c:o ': .lU.6 ,. ,o (l)-,16o)?..,,1:.O::1,::o'r, O'm r'il,r:d:: :::.,,2", d-6O+!.cCE8+: .ioi:(J. =H5 ,OD:P. 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E -ug iii iF;I *BB ' 5:: E 5FI *i it EEt 5;5 * iI -gEg iE ra tin .!:.r F : g i;fr iE ;';iE:aiE:i E I8..fi;e S# EeBSE.63535 3 E $ $ s s s39gooooooftofim .9 E s r I z 65 F t,t"r * 5F>9s 3 e=q - g; E S ET 6 neo ! ..L i.= 6 0 o - o= 6q c EH 6E E3q P - 6r ! 66 x.9X tv >rc >-.^ o 60 { o o!d oL E Y= E ;: i E= t Page 12 <o1o> Studrtuea Code 4'12'233 <015> StudyAreaName Rrru TEL co - TD <020> Pro€ram Year 2014 <03o> cortact Name - Person USAC should conhct regardinE th'E data su6e cae <035> ContactTeleohone Number- Number ofoerson ldfltilied in data line <036; 208 365-2514 <039> contactEmailAddress-EmallAddr6sofpersonldentifiedindataline<030> suean.caBe@turalteL'org Certification of Offcer as to the Accuracy of the Data Reported for the Annual Reporting for CAF or Ll Recipaents crtify thrt I am an otris of ttc reportinS cerier; my respoosftilities indude ensurlngthe acqlnry of the sntrual reporting requllmcnts for universal ffilce $pport edplent5; .nd, to the best of my krowledge, the lnfomatlon reportcd on thb f(m and in any attadrmats is serate, ,lameofR€oo.tinqcarrleri RURAi rErr co - rD ;ipnature of Authorized officer: cmrrPrBD ourNE Date ,rinted nameof Authorized offlcer: Jamea R. MAIEE11 'ttle or msition of Authorized offrcer: President eleohone number of Authorized offlcer' 208' 365 -2514 itudvArea code of Reoortlnr carrier: 4?2231 Filinc Due Date for this fom: 10/1's/2011 Pe6ffswillfullymakicglalsertaterentsonthisformcanbepunishldbyflneorfprEitureundrrtheCommunic.tlon.Actofl9S4 47U,s,c,5$502,503(b),orfln.orlmprisnrent underTitle lS of |hc unltcd StrE Codc, 18 u.s.C. 6 1001, TO BE COMPTE]ED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF THE REPORTING CARRIER IS FILING ANNUAT REPORTING ON ITS OWN BEHAI,F: 10t14m13 Page12 PaEe l3 412213<010> StudyArea code <015> studvArea Name PI'BT TEI CO - ID <020> Progcm Year 2074 <030> ContactName PersonUSACshou:dcontactrEardingthisdata su6an case <o35> contactTeleEhoneNumbcr-Numberofpercnidcntlficdlndataline<o3o> 2oB-366-2674 <039> ContactEmailAddress-EmailAddressofpersonidentifiedlndatallne<O3D ausan.qasei*ruraltel.org TO BE COMPI.ETEO BY THE REPORTING CARRJER. IF AN AGENT IS FII-ING ANNUA REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S EEHALF: TO BE COMPETED BY THE AUTHORIZED AGENT: Certification of Offirer to Authorize an A,gent to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Reclplents on Behalf of Reporting Carrier :lfy thrt (N.mo ot is authorlzed lo sjtmlt the lnformation npofied on befialf ot thE reportlng carrler. eatily that I am an olllcer of lhe r€portlng ffiieri my resporldbllities lncluds ensurlng the accuracy of the annul data reportlng requlrmenG provlded to the .uthorized t; and, io thc beit of Ery knowledge, the reports and data povlded to the aqtiorlTrd agffit Is a6unte. lama ol Al Aspntt Jameg R, Ma-tell lame o{ Reoortine Carrier: RURAL mL m - ID ofAuthoriz.doffi.er CERTIFIED ONLINE )rinted name ofa izedOffier: ,faoeE R. Martell litlc or @sitioil ofAuihorized Officer: pre6idenr, , oumbq ofAuthtri?ed officer: 208-355-261 tudy Area Code of Re gottinp, Carrier. 47 2233 Filing Duc Datc for this form: 10/ I s/2011 Perrcnswillfullymakinglal*st.t mntsonthEformcanbepunirhedbyfnetrforf.ituEunde.thetummunLltbBAdof1934,47U.S.C.55502,5031b),orfineorimpilsotrment under Title 18of the Uniled States Code, 18 U.s.C. 5 1001- Certification of Agent Authorized to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reportlng Carrier hr drta reported hereltr based il data provided by thr reporting carrlet; and, to th€ b8st ormy knowledgr, the inlmatlon r€port€d hrreln h acGrate. lam. of R Caari RURALTEL@.ID ,lame of Authorizcd Arent or EmElovce of AEenti ,lEnatureofAuthtrizedAsentorEmploweofAsent: CERTTFTED ONLTNE Date: rrinted oare of Autho.ized/e of AEent: 'ith or oosltion ofAuthorizedAEerrt or EmDloyee ofAeent 'eleoh6e D.i7F.l AsP.l o' Emolov..6fAEent: ;tudvArea Code ofReDortino Carrier: 472233 FilinsDueDateforthisfom; ao/15/20a3 18of the Unitsd St.t.r Code, 18 U,S.C. 5 ffi1 i o $ D 6r8.9 E= E i ;;!gE: $EsgUEf-9 ^Cd- o- -gEE>=r386o .o,.' Ero:rlir\:8 .ro:z ,,.E ': tr ,U,::.: 5:e]:o a@6o:A.E ,,r ci.z @o$ .!: 6UIa6 !-.1 > o,,9-o u Eooo.ts.otsn!EgiEo'53E5QtE'60 &E N co aHoo ; o .g 6 E @Ec @p co o o oEE oEd @ !! EutGeoU o o o o hEsEoE E@p o o o oEfz o! E-zo oEo EFx goU o o dU c aq 6! E .s! so o o E5o U lco od o Ez Eoo o o No Eoilo No oU Js) o Ez6o t5 o atoO @ pa o o co 6c_a ooE o co o cooEoU o 'E ouc'6a oU o) O OJ Er --1rd Fl d, tt r-1o E-t -{(6 tJJN d Eoo I o a @o Eo(J Uc;: ooo ! B EH ,]o h 5 E o E0u .g! = 6 tr aE ocoE F a 'I (J c oo 4 O o O o .E N!.!!o jic ;o oo o o!! E ott E oU oo O o .4. o! .= !@Ecop co o o o! Eaz oIElZ co ooTF oO o o U a 6 T .9s .gE @o Cop5oc o lCo d oEoztocoU a o E oo oNO o dHtl d E oEz6o E o Q!oO mo f oo EIF v, (,FIstoolrE6tL {O =lDed)'cEst7!-f hE E HEqBiF i t(.-- .J(> t: ,$,.r, ., jlr'r {', .".d4" i"! { tr,*;*s t: i i;r I t Lifeline Program Home I SelectaState RTI Phone Directon/ PEIOMtrTIONS lilrcbMall I Contact Us I Our Community I Our HistoryGur Company Phone Intern€t Cellular Cable r:j RT['s Lifcline Progrcrn + Your Land llne ii: Call beic{e yor digl + Fall Neaslettcr @.Ad, fuffie^arn"o MAEE A:iMAF'I'ruruv€t sAve uP 1 l} s tou ctN aNY SMAt? t Pl(Ut'rLl CIJ(T FOi DEruLJ > X/ \.^r)J' "1\P RTI's Lifeline Program Are yeu eligible for our Lifeline prog!'am? II so, you may guallfy for a reduceC monthly vale oilliour phone bill. lihare Enhaoced llfeline ilsistance is for trlbal lands and provides telephone subsffibers llvlng €n the land dlsunts. Click the llnl(s below to determin€ if you're ellgihde, http : //www. Lr sac. oi glli./9.qttinq "servica/defa,l!t. aspx RTI off"rs Lifeline and Llnk-Up Asslstance prcqEms that provide non-telephone resldent! access !o basic phone servlces. Residents who olherwlse cEnEo! afford telephon€ s?rvlce catr receive dlscounts (,n basic servlce, The program helps the lorrr- ln@mc and elderly stdy connect€d to emsgency servkes and communlty reurces, It you or anyone ls lvithout phone servlce you may quali''y for these federal proofams. Call the follovring numbers ln yoar sbte for moE informauon: Idaho Deparbn.nt of Health & Welfare Reglonal Offke 1-800-926-2588. Nevadsi 1-838-366- 7921, Oregon: OTAP 1-800-848-4442 End Washington: 1-888-636-2840. !{tIPORrAHT: As of August 2, 2O12, RII ryill be adjustlng thc LtfeJine credft to their Ufetlne sstomers, The credlt amount change ls mandatcd by the Federal Com,fllnlcatlon Commission (FCC). The r.cent FCC tjfelim Reform Orders t€foirns lovr- hcorl]c unlversal seryice programs to elirninatewaste lnd inefflciencies and inEraase accountabillty. The new Llfeline credit for RTI-Idaho customers will be decreased from $13.50 per a month to $12,75 Per month. Thls credlt adjustment will be reflected on tlle .ustome6 August 2ol2 bilt. As well, begiftnlng ln luty. the company will no longer be providing Linkup-Support for Don-tribal (JstomcB. RTI will also be transitionlng ln 2012 to nevJ rcC/State UFe(ioe certiftcatlon proce!=es ln order to re-certlfy eligibllity for each and erery Uf€linesubso{ber. rtyou would llketo hrvemore lnformatlon on Llte(lne prografi please browse around ourwehslte, vbit httor//www-Bac.oruL./ly' o. cofltact us tol! free at 1-e88-366-7821. sIiElrAP I PRMCr POUCY I EMPLOYI'IEXT I SUPPoRf I SCHOIARSHIP I EMHIIYEE L@IN O2013 [tunl T€l€cBm lrc. D6rdoped bVYBrsolsuon.net Page 1 of I sarvie Stairrs | 1.888.866.7821 I Company News I My Account http ://www.rtci.net/Idaho/Lifeline Program. aspx t0t7012013 IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR LIFELINE CUSTOMERS Lifelf ne Support Decreases hy $0.2S per montlr Efiective Apill,2O12 On February 6.2012, the Federal Cornmunicat'rons Commbslon (FCC) released an Order (FCC 12-11) ftat makes significant charrgee to the federal and state Low lncome Program knorarn as Ltfeline. This prcgram provides supportto eligible telephone customers to rnake localtelephone service morc affordable. Curently, the program provides support to more than 7 million Americans- While the Order expands etigibility for Lifeline to potentially more recipients, beginning with your A pril, 2O12 blll, the total federal and state Lifellne support will decrease by $0.7S from a total of $13.50 to g12.75 per month- However, state support will increase to cover the difference and you will not see a change in what you pay at the presenttime. Qualifying customers on Tribal lands may be eligible for increased Lifeline support. ln addition, the Order increases the avaitability of Tribal Link-Up which pays all or part of the cost of connectlng a new service on Tribat lands" Please call 1-888-3A6-7821 if you have any questions regarding this change ln Lifeiine or Trlbal Link-Up support. IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR LIFELIHE CUSTOMERS Lifeline Support Decreases by $0.75 per month Effective April, 2012 On February 6,2012, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released an Order (FCC 12-11) that makes significant charges to tho federal and gtate Low lncome Program known as Lifeline. Thls program provides supportto eligible telephone customers to make local telephone service rnore affordable. Currently, the prograrn provides support to more than7 mlllion Americans. While the Order expands eligitrility for Llfeline to potentially more recipients, beginning with your April,2A12 bill, the total federal and state Ufeline support will decrease by $O.75 from a total of ${3.50 to $12.75 per month. However, state support will increase to cover the difference and you will not see a ehange in what you pay at the present tirne. Quali$ing crrstomers on Tribal lands may be eliglble for increased Lifeline support ln addition, Ihe Order increases the availability of Tribal Link-Up which pays all or part of the cost of connecfing a newservice on Triballands. Please call 1-88&36&7821 if you have any questlons regarding thls change in Lifeline or Tribal Link-Up support IUIPORTANT NOTICE FOR LIFELINE CUSTOTI,TERS Lifeline Support Decreases by $0.2S per month Effective Aprll,2012 On February 6, 2012, the Federal Communicatlons Commission (FCC] released an Order (FCC 1 2-1 1 ) that makes significant changes to the federal and state Low lncome Program known as Lffeline. This program provides support to eligible telephone customers to make local tetephone service more affordable. Cunentlg the program provides supportto more than 7 million Americans. lMhile the Order expands eligibility for Lifeline to potentially more recipients, beginning with yourApril, 20{2 bi[, the total federal and state Lifeline support will decrease by $0.2S ftom a total of $13.50 to $12.75 per month. However, state support will increase to cover the differenco and you will not see a change in what you pay at the present time, Qualiiying customers on Tribal lands may be eligible for increased Lifeline support. ln addition, the Order lncreases the avaihbility of Tribal Link-Up which pays all or part of the cost of connecting a new service on Tribal lands. Please call 1-888-366-T821 if you have any questions regarding this change in Lifeline or Tribal Link-Up support. t(}*"t gc,yJ*x' J Uwutu il,-4Y' rrfl .l \u,r(if-/ Prcne Dlt€Gtory PtPto Contest" *PiolograPtt;rs wailEdt Here arellP sPecilics: a a Deadline: ltrlay ?'5n, ?{,12 H$ffiffii3ffi cand ffinner wtu have ilreir Photo ""-""i zot 2'2013 DiteEtory' iln Crtaottto" have a chanae i" ""t - Go to wuttir'rtci'n+to irr" Oir".t"ry contest Page' IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR. LIFELINE CUSTOMERS 'i, Effective April 1 ,2012 the company will no longer be providing Link-up Support to non-tribal customers. RTI will also be transitioning in 2O1'2 to new FCC/State Lifeline certification processes in order to re-certify etigibility for each and every Lifeline subscriber. If you would like to have more infQrmation on the Lifeline program please visit our website http://www.rtcj.lqt or httd//www.usac.oro/lil or contact us toll free at 1-888-366-7821. Clt A*"5{A*J'il' l2<)'{'t + Li]v-/.)-!''\exede [,</'--- by VioSot IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR LIFELINE CUSTOMERS As of August 1,ZO1Z,RTI will be adjusting the Lifeline credit to their Lifoline customers. The credit amount chaige is*anuated by the Federd bommunications Commission (FCC). The recent FCc Lifbline Reforin Order reforms iow-income universalservlce proErams to eliminate waste and indff iciencies and increase accountability."lih;;;* Guiin" credir for RTt-Nevacta customers will be increased from $8.25 per month to $9.25 per month. This credit adjustment will be reflected on the customer's August 2012 bill.-The new Lifeline credit for RT|-ldaho customers will be decreased trom $13.50 per month to $12.75 per month. This credit adjustment will be reflected on the custome/s August.2012.bill- As well, Odginning in July, the company will no longer be providing Link-up Support to non-tribal customers. RTI willllso be iransitioning in ZOt2 to new FCC/State Lifeline certification processes in order to re-certify eligibility for each and every Lifeline subscriber. lf you would like to have more information on the titetine program please see our website hitp://www-rtci.net or http://wtl4rv.usac.org/li{ or contact us tollfree at 1-888-366-782'|- !it il'-'%+\F' TELEPHOIIE SERVTCT, Life Line Seflrice is avajlable to mally residents that provide a reduced fee on your landline or wireless phone serrice. EUgibility is determrined by total household inmue that does not exceed 195% of tle povert5r guidelines. These are the fibllowing pl'ograms that may quafi{y you: SNAP TANF SSI Medicaid Call your Department of Social and llealth Service or call our office af 1-888-8 667 82'J, wwwrtci..net 4* IQTI-1BB8.35E,7BAI aoa.36E.zEr4 [P] aoB.355.a6l5 [Fl Aga W. Madison Ave., Elenns Ferrg, lD 436e3 RIIRAL TEX.EPEOI{E CO 892 Y ilADISON AVEGI,E}IIIS EIRRY \D 83623-2374 Ilr,1,.'II,,I1,,,,l,1,,llrr,l,l,,lJ,l,rrl,1.,1,l,II E Pbasecha"sB myeefiUdebit card monthk. ** RR ol Please retum this portion with your payment. 208394-?t14 DUEDATE: .lo/43[2 y servico for se discounts can lg on the ford telephone rsic service. The elderly stay ,nd community itate to see if you Beginning July 2o12 RTI will no longer be providing Link-up support for non-tribal customers. Gall our ollice if you need any addltlonal information ar 1.888.366.7821 Or check online with the following links htto://life li ns u p port, oro?l s/am -i-eliqible. aspx TOTAL: ACCOLINT SUMIVIARY Biu Date Account Number Due Datu Total AmountDue 9tts/1,2 - w/o3/12 -- AMOI]NTPAID: -Please bill my credit card: n lEilI I lvns{ I - lrEdffil tr@[ Signature: Card.#: Exp. Date: .,. -V-Code: LiHine AssisancePrevious Balance 'Gurren,t Cha.rges: 208-394-9001C Total- Local- ServiceTotal for 2O8-394-9OO1 208 - 653- 1101.C Total- Iocal ServiceTotal- for 208-653- 1101 208-653 -1102C Total .Local ServiceTotal for 208-653-1102 20,8-653-2409 NDA TOLLTotal for 2O8-653-2409 208-553-9993C Total Local- Service NDA TOLLTota1 for 208-6.53-9993 208-864- 1200C Total Local- ServiceTota1 for 2O8-864-1200 20.8-864-ZLOA NDA TOLLTotal for 2O8-864-210A 208-864-2233 29 30 30 1I 83 84-84- 25 25 2.252.26 13.6013.60 1.51I -703.27 5.635.63 .85-8s Provides discounts on basic monthly ser qualffied telephone customers. These dir be up to $9.25 per rnonth, depending on customeds state. Residents who otherwise cannot afford t servicg can receive discounts on basic s prograrn helps low-income and the elder connected to emergency s€rvices and c( resources. Callthe following numbsrs in your state 1 qualify: ldaho: 1.800.926.2588 Nevada: 1.888.366.7821 Oregon: 1.800,848.4442 Washington: 1.888.636.2840 Beginning July 2o12 RTI will no longer Link-up support for non-tribal cust Gall our ollice if you need any addltlona at 1.888.366.7821 Or check online with the followint Conttnued CURRENT:30DAY:60 DAY:90DAY: 1 State of Idaho ) 0ERTIFICATION BY ELIGIBLETELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER ) ss OF COMPLIANCE WITH SERVICE QUALITY AND CUSTOMEH Countyof Eluoqe ) PROTECTION, ABILITYTO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL lN EMEHGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH.COST SUPPORT. AFFIDAVITOF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29841requires lhat Eligible Telecommunications Carriers certify that it is compliantwith applicable service quality standards and c'onsumer protection rules; and ETCs must demonstrate the ability to remain functional in emergencies. [n addition, the Commlssion must file arr annual certltication witft tho USAC and the FCC that allfederal high-cost support provided to ETCs within the State of ldaho will be used only for the provislon, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. Accordlngly, the undersigned stales and verifles under oath the following: Rural Telephone Cornpany1. ! am an officer of .--- - , an eligible telecommunications carrierfor receMng federat universal service suppon uflder section 21 4(e) of the Telecommunicatlons Act of 1996 in the state of . ldaho- 2. I am familiar with the Companfs day-to-dayoperations in the state of ldaho and with the State's service quality stardards and consumer protection rules ag set forth in Commission Order No. 29841-Rural Telephone Company 3., --.--.- . - is complylng with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules of the Federal Communications Commission and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. 4. I certify to the Commission thai the Company is able io remain functional in emergencies as set lorth in Commission Order No. 29841 and in 47 C.F.R. $ 54.201(aX2)- s. I also certify that atlfecleral universal sorvice support funds receiv$#$fl Telephone cl*Pffifing the current calendar year will be used in a manner consistent with seotion 25ai.q); that is, for the provlsion, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and serviccs for which the support is intended. The company will contlnue to comply for the period of January 1 , 2OL3 ., through December 3'l , ?ot 4 ., to be eligible for federal universal sennlce fund support- 6. This verification and affidavit is provided to be the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to enable the IPUC to certify to the FCC that federal unkersal service support received eligible caniers in the state will be used in a manner consistent with Section 254(e) of the T Act. . Ivlarte , Pres. Septeuber 5, 2Ol3 Date September, 2AL3SUBSGHIBEDANDSWORNtobeforemethis 5th drroffiffiH NotaryPublicfor I THERESA M WILSON Nohry publlo Statc ot ldaho AFF'IDAVIT OF PUBLICA'T'TUIIRII SERYICERATES : quality t"lc"om-uaications serviccs providor vho p,roviilir tasic crhiuiceil services ble rates within its scrvice tcrritory. Basic scrvices ato offercd at thc followiag rites r & Three Crcek fueas; al & Essinesl Rrtce County of Elmore State of tdaho Pleaie contaetyour loci Heglt& g E'dr,iro Qflt"eOr'' CrUlIblIFreo 1-$S8-366-782fa''IQTI-. rt Pnblicatioo: ll/ar chl ,2fr12. }sr' I, Coleen dfl S.ir.o"on, do solemnly swear that I arrr the Publisher of the: Mountain llome $ews A weekly newspaper of general circulation, published once a week, in Mountain Home, Idaho, that tlre nolice attached hereto which is a part of publication thereof; was published in said nelvspaper for ,:i consecutive weeks, the firqt publication havins been rnade on the**t?1 dav ot /,1i,*,o4412o12, and the tast publication having been made on thelltth aav ot VfAya/+-2or2; every Wednesday issue of tlre paper during the period and time of publication and that the notice was published in the paper proper and not in a supplement thereof. And I further surear that tle said Mountain Home News has been continuously and uninterruptedly published in said Elmore County during the period of.78 consecutive weeks prio.r to the first publication of the attached notice. Residing in Mountain Home, Etnore Count;r, Idaho. My cornmission expires 11-17-2O17. " ^rr i 6 l l'l lrt9, - -$ti"::1P'1:{ Yi.\rf*l"iuYi \i i - *"*.o !- a=i ". - --+1,rt ." ^Q ; i. }..i,1"""."4f,i "',i!aTE of .:--"'-srltSra,rrrlttr' tesidencc lusiness ftscribcr Line (FCC Acccss, I linc). rbscriberl.iac (FCCAccccs, Multi Liuc) Uaivorsal Scrvico Fund Surchargc (IUS$ Uniyersal Scrvice Fund Surchargc (IUSF) f ldoho Assistance Prograrn $25:16' $42.00 $ 6.50 ;t , $ 9'20 '' . $ .12 (Res) $. ,9,Gus)$ n6' rF H rrro ol:o 6Dsr ElEn!EOE9.94-t =afo 6l(@ rr.@ ol.:. o I::f;![ i;[: t[i.ilii:ni .: ;l : :.. ::a a'; .:. ::' ::::;! : i. l, .:. ::: 6g.A l\) !,1 srt'o -{.o:cn -{ (, = - 1'l rt =triliiE9\uf5=-- BH31s,c,A+gLLL>-'a395 s q66'q q J5dsi(,Ergr*oroo(D E 6sE+e, = td s:-o o*i I 8GGEsstB I 1-jj a a-fl B&Ha!oi8 s 5 [ [:[-a B'! e6Er -. --. vH i CGi :ii: 0rO): :-':: -n -n i .:,6.; .--? j .x : : -: .: :.o.i : :': .i(r.': : : ; :qri ! I i.io.; : : : :- (D: i :-: ;'o': ; ': -i :'o: : : : :'.lii':! 'iiii: . ; J,f,: i." ': lJ'*' -: oN.. r .''.;GEEB .. 86&8 g sg Fo +oH) FU G6 o 00(+ oH/ (') vlodc>5F{ oOhEgU o ? ts_;€ F aop= o =a; @1Hq*@O*o 70 (1J E*ng -{Q^aFulq='ostr - HIDs56;eSrriJ816i!tr- :'eEri5F?r'9oj'<t=oH^ O E tssfi3*@ = ole?r5z*Fgo.T =e*a EFE: ?o*o'E'?x'I'*2 - 6Ai H E*iE<B';; 36OO+EOE=;5-a' d=€_;gio ?P=EOs =lE, -60< Ea$gga ut*Eaggg*i ggg*r'geiug iaEggg BEgEEg, $E; gHEt rB,FETE i EiEEE EAEgEE EEE iIEl $-E iE -EEeEEEEE'EE$,EEflE€FEg,,,*e. Fo o UE ag 3ot p" lnso oo a' o Gx o2 o q hJ aCg oA)$.o =-rtoo .at' oobo d a o' trp=6 ffi} Idaho Statesman"' " i; l'""o1 ;lrTI rIl"'.1T", " " " PO Box40, Boise, lD 83707-0040 LEGAL PROOF OF PUBLICATION Attsntion: Kelley Rodgers RTI 892 W MADISON AVE GLENNS FERRY ID 83623 LEGAL NOTICE Sersise Hates RTI is a quality telecomrnunications services provider who protides b',r- sic enhanced seruices at reasonable rates t'rithin ts service territory. Basic services are offered at the follor,,ing rates for AUanta & Three Creek Areas: Residentlai & Busin ess Rates Local Residence Local Business Fed. Subscriber Line IFCC Access,l linel Fed- Subscriber Line IFCC Access, Multi LineJ ldaho Universd Service Fund Surcharse (lUSFl lduhs UniverEal Service Fund Surcharge {lUSFi Sbte of ldaho f,ssistance pragram asststeance oroEftilns mav De elrerule tor dsc0unts lrqm tfiese DaStc t0. qa I service char"ges . th rqq gh .stat{.s.pecjfi ed lgleph o ne assista n c e p I ars.tsl'l state snec!fleo teleD l-Iealth and f/elfare ,rffice"Please contact vdur local l-Iealth and $/elfare rrffire. Basic services-are offered to all consumers in the RTI service territariesBasic services-are offered to all consumers in the RTI service territarir at the rates, terms, and c.onditions specified in I?Tl's tariffs and/or pripnce inforrnaticrrr regarding s ervices, F:b' tt'larch 10.24,2013 - -. ,.-. , -*r0005s0483-ol bJelic1hle for rfscounts frqnr thbse ba'sic [o- JANICE HILDRETH, boing duly swom, deposes and says: That she is the Principal Clerk of The ldaho Statesman, a daily newspaper printed and pub[shed at Bo'se, Ada Couniy, Staie of ldaho, and having a generel circulation tfereln, and which said newspaper has been contjnuously and unintemrptedly publbhed in said County during a period of twelve consecutive months prior to the nrst publlcation of the notice, a eopy of whic*t ls attacfied hereto: that sald notice was published in The ldaho Slatesman, in mnformity with SecUon 60-'108, ldaho Code, as amended, for: 2 tnsertions Beginnlng issus 0t O3nAl2A12 Endlng lssue ot OA24/2o12 .ss COUNTY OF ADA ) On thls 24 day of March in the year of 2012 before me, a Notary Public, personally appoared before ms Janlce Hildreth known or ldentiffed to me to be the person whose narns subscribsd to lhe within instrumenl, and being by first duly sworn, declared that the statements tlurein are true, and acknowledged to me lhat she execuled the same. A*"Wiln^n,u-; Notary Publlc for ldaho Residing at; Boiso, ldaho My Commission expires: aloqlw'Y s 25.76 s 42.00$ 6.50s e.20$ .12 (Res)$ .20 tBust$ .oE The above charses will have federal and local tnxex added on. Touch fonJservice is provided as a part of local service. Toll Blocking is ar,.ailable at no charge for low inconre custorners who oualifu. Ernersencv 911 Senices - ExchanBes with charces in ldaho are: $S+, 6Sf, 868, and 796 -Ihere is a $1X0 per line charse. Lovr incorne individuals dieible for Lifuline and Link-Up felephune assisteance il tne ra(es, terms, ano conoltlons specliieo ln t{ll5 Ia lists. lf vou have anv ouestions resarding RTI's services, 1€8&366-7821,. d( visit our busiiess office at 892 \,V.. Glenns Ferrv.lD 83623 forfurther inforrnaticrtt re-serdins r 1€8&366-7821 Glenns Ferry,lD sarding RTI's services, nlease call us at ile_ss office at 892 !V.'lti'ladison Ayenue, Alffint,Ad NmD'T ld€nlb€iis ,o Arrcuhl Cdr LIM 112511 0000590483 LEGAL NOTICE lates $124.21 2 33 STATE OF IDAHO ) ldaho Statesman tha N.-r9.par c, th. T7..ad.. Vrllay I DAAOSTAT'SMAf,.COM PO Box40, Boise,lD 83707-0040 LEGAL PROOF OF PUBLICATION Attention: Kelley Rodgers RTI 892 W MADISON AVE GLENNS FERRY ID 83623 JANICE HILDRETH, being duly swom, deposes and says: That she is the Principal Clerk of The ldaho Statesman, a daily newspaper printed and published at Boise, Ada County, State of ldaho, and having a general circulation therein, and which said newspaper has been co ntin uously and uninterruptedly publlshed in said Qounty durirE a period of twelve conseqrtive monlhs pdor to the first publication of the notice, a copy of which [s attached hereto: l]lat said notice was published in The ldaho Shtesman, in conformity with Sectlon 60-108, ldaho Code, qs amended, for; 2 lnsertlons Beginning issue of: 0311012012 Ending issue ot 0312412012 .SS couNw oFADA ) On this 24 day of March in the yoar of 201 2 hefore rne, a Notary Public, personally appeared before me Janice HiHrelh known or identifiod to me to be tho person whose namo subscribed to the wlthln lnstrument, and heing by fltst duly sworn, declared that the statemeots thorein are lrue, and ackncrukdged to rno thal she execrrted lhe same- Notary Public for ldaho Resldlng at: Boise, ldaho My Commisslon expirest d"'lt"*l^,ut \@unt S \d Nsnbdr denutEtd ro Amount cDlr Uncr 112511 r000590482 LEGAL NOTICE EEOE $67.73 1 29 LEB&L NUTIOE frn Equal Opporft,rnity Ernplnyer RTI ruith Ls nrain office located at 8qZ tS. Fdladisnn fruenue, ffilenns Ferru. lD 83623. cornDlies and ad- here'd to the follar,rring staternents under the U.S. Dept Ef Agricultrre guidellnes.-ln flmordE,nf,e 'L',rith Federal law and the U.S. Dent" of Asriculture's uolicv. this institution is*nruhibited frorn"iJiscriminating on thb hasis of race, color, national origin, sex, Fe- ligion, tsBE, ur dsability [Noi all prohihited bases apply to all pro--iiTfrl a c,mplaint of riiscrinrina- tion, write USD,q, Directar, Office of Ciuil Ristrts, Roorn 3t&1i1r, Wht- ten Buildins. "14il0 lndeuendence Ave. SW. tTfashinstsn, Df 20250-9410, or trall" VrJ2-72sl59tu4 (voice or TDD). USDA is an equnl opFCIrtuni$ prouider and emFloy- ET, {eilEl 366-2fil4 -ffit I?TI t*' Hrry-Il t, l.L1E*frounou *ru, STATE OF IDAHO ) .-.ffi'f,o -*Lwlry,,{ Idaho Statesman fl. xarlr.Drr.t llc frc.jrf. V.ll.,I DanoSr^Ttg UAf,.COu PO Box40, Boise, lD 83707-0040 LEGAL PROOF OF PUBLICATION Attentlon: Kelley Rodgers RTI 892 W MADISON AVE GLENNS FERRY tD 83623 LEGAL NOT1CE DID YOU KNff[f,.. Telephon e Assistance Prosrans are available tu lowincorrre individuals. .To .'qualifo. _for-_Lifeliqe/Liik-Up Services, please contact your local Health and Welfare Office- Lifelin#Link{Jp $ervices are progrars designed to assist lsvr incone households afford lmal telephone seruice. Lfeline assisb urith monthly nhone bills snd Link-Uo assisb with connerfion and installation drarees-' Please contact your loeal Health & Weffare Office car Tou rr* fiec-366-7gzI r;i' HTI" Pulr. h4arch LA ,21,201?- JANICE HILDRETH, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the Principal Cterk of The ldaho Statesrnan, a daily newspaper prlnted and published at Boiss, Ada County, State of ldaho, and havlng a general circulaflon therein, and which said newspaper has been continuously and uninterru ptedly publlshed In sald County durlng a pedod of twelve mnsecutive months prior to th6 tust publlcailon of ifie notice, a copy of whlch ls attached heretrr: lhat said notice was publlshed in The ldaho Statesman, ln conformity wilfi Section 60-108, ldaho Codg. as amended, for: 2 lnsertions Beginnlng lssue of: WhAnO1z Endins issue ot 0312412012 (Legals Clerk) STATE OF TDAHO ) .ss couNTYoFAtlA) On this 24 day of March h lhe year ot2012 before me, a Notary Pubklc, personally appeared befure me Janice Hildreth known or idenlited to me to be the person'shose name subscribed to the within insifumenl, and being by first duly swom. declared that the statemenls thereln are true, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same, 05s0+8r-01 il*lu tL"*^* Notary Public for ldaho Roslding at: Boioe, ldaho My Commlsslon expiras: \@uatl#Ad Numb€l ldmilicatl6 )o Amount Colg Lln6 112511 0000s90481 LEGAL NOTICE LIFELINE 978-43 2 14 zloatzorq ldaho Statesman =;;rG;;;;;;1" r..*.,,. r-. I DAEOSIATIIilAtr.COX PO Box 40, Boise, lD 83707@40 LEGAL PROOF OF $ 25.76 s 42-00s 6.50s s.20S .12 (ReslS .20 lBusl$ .06 assisteance Dro{rams nev be elieible for dscourts from trbse basic lo- gal service ihartes thrqqE'h statd.sp.eqjfied tglephone assistance plans. Please contact vdur local l-l'ealth and Welfare office Basic sersices'are offered to all consurners in fie RI seruice territories at the rates. terms, and condtions specified in RTI's tariffs and/or price Iists- lf uou have anvsuestions reEarding Hfl's selices, please callus at 1S&566-7821, {r visit our busifiess u:ffice at 892 W."lt'{adison Avenue, Glenns Ferry, [D 83623 for further inforrnation regarding sevices. Pub' sePt' 17'24' 2012 .---- -- ' 0u006r4376{r \eount#M ilumbd d$li6m{on ,o Armhf Cob Lln6 12611 10006'14376 LEGAT NOTICE lates $12421 2 33 f?[f'F $ip F, il Zl;U PUBLICATION Attenlion: Kelley Rodgers RTI 892 W MADISON AVE GLENNS FERRY ID 83623 LEGAT NOTICE $eruice Rates RTI is a oualitu bleconrnunications services orovider who orovides ba- sic enhanced services at reasonable rates 'ruithin its sewice ferritorv. Ba- sic services are offered at the follu*ring rates for Atlanta & Three Creelt Areas:Eesidertid & Businass Rates Locd Residence Local Business Fed. Subscriher Line (FCC Aceess, L linel Fed. Subscriber Line (FCC Access, Multi Line} ldaho Universal Service Fund Surcharge (lUSFl ldaho Universal $eniice Fund Surcharge IIUSF) State of ldaho Assisbnce program the ,a[ove charges.'dll have federal an{ lo"c.al bxes added on. Touch Tone serv'ice is oroviderl as a pad of local seruice. Toll Bloekins is availiible d no charce for low hmrneToll-Blocking is availiible at no charge for low hcnrne custorners rrho oualifv. Emeirencv glL Services - Exchanees wifi charr 394,-653, 86q, qq+, and 706, li-nere is a $864, and 706 rThere is a $1.00 per line charge. Ees in ldaho are: f.00 p".line chilg/+, o55, [8u, E6+, and ruE - lhere ls a sl.uuperllne cnarge, Low income iirdividuals eligiti.e for- L'ftline and- Link-Up tdephone JANICE HILDRETH, being duly swom, deposes and says: That she is the PrhQd Clerk of The ldafio Statsrnan, a daily newspaper jr*rtd ard published al Boise, Ada Cornty, State of ldahq and havhg a general circukatioo lherein, and which saH n€urspaper has been continuously and uninte]ru ptedly publlshed in said County dudng a pedod of twdve consecutive months prior lo th6 first publicatlon ofthe nolioe, a copy ofwhich is atached hereto: that saki noiice was published in The ldaho Statesman, ln conformity with Section 60-108, ldaho Code, as amended, for: 2 lnsertions Beginnlng issue of: 0911712012 Erdingissueof: 0912412012 STATE OF IDAHO ) .S.S COTJNTYOFADA) On flis 24 day of Seplember in the yaarof2olz before rne, a Notary Publlc, pelsonafty appeared beforo me Janice Hildreth known or idenliied io me to be the parson whose narne subscribed to tha within lnskument, and belng by frst duly swom, declarcd thatlhe statemente therein are lrue, and ldaho Statesmarl Ti. llGl3!.pa..t ttr fra.rs.. Y.tt.yI oir o! -aret!^x.co m PO Box40, Bolse, lD 83707-0040 LEGAL PROOF OF PUBLICATION Attenfion: Kelley Rodgers RTI 892 W MADISON AVE GLENNS FERRY ID \,, [-lJ li JANICE HILDRETH, beins duly srrorn, deposes and says: That slte is the PrincipalClerkof Tho Haho Silaiesrhan, a daily nervspaper pdnted and publishod at Bolss, Ada County, State of ldaho, and having a general circulation frerein, and whhh said newspap€fhas beeil conlinuously ard unintemrptedly published h safrl County during a perlod of lwelve consea*ive months prior to the first publication of the notice, a copy of wtich is attached herelro: that said notico was published in The ldaho Statesman, ln oonturmity with Section 6$.108, Haho Code, as amended, for: 2 lnsertions Beglnnhgbsueot 09lr7l1\O12 Ending issue of: 0912412A12 HTI with itr rnain offire located at 892 I,U Madixun Avenue, Glennr Ferru, lD B3Eg3. comolies and ad- hered to the fnllowins staternents under the U.S. Dept Ef Agrieulture guidelines ln accord&nce with Federal law LEEf,L HOTIEE An Equal Opportunl$ Ernplatrar stsx, re- and the U.S. Dept. of Asriculture's uolicv. this instifution is'*nrohibiteclicf, this instifutisn is-prohibitedElElrcu, rnrs rnstrtuuon rs Drol'ilhrted frorn-iliscrirninating 0nthb hasie sf rflcer culor, natisnal origin, ligion, EIJE, or disabili$ trrohibited hases annlu ta ligion, EEE, or disabil[U (Not all prohibited bases appl to all pro- Hrarnsl.Tu file n cornolaint ef discrirnina- tion, r,rrite USDA, Directnr, 0ffice of friuil Hiehts, Roorn 32eW, Mit- ten Buildifrg. '1400 lndeoendence Aue. 51[ll lYashington, D[ 202m-9410, or call- 202-72tr5964 lvuice or TDDI. USDA is an equal sppertunity prouider and emdoy- Hr- (2081 366-2614 -ffi IQTI,, Pr b" s:Pt. 1_1,11_3#ln*r4*r7{ r qccount*Ad Nurtor ds6llcdm to Ir::qrni Cof!LIns 112511 0000614377 LEGAL NOTICE :EOE $67.73 I 29 STATE OF IDAHO ) .ss couNryoFADA) On this 24 dayof Sephmberh fi€ ycar of 2012 befora me, a Notary Publio, personally appeared belbre me Janice Hildreth lanwn orideolifled to melo belhe person whose name subscribed to the uihin instrument, and belng by first duly sworn, declared lhal the statemenlE therein arE true, and admoudedged to me thatshe ,t-8-1""'U""o*L Idaho Statesman th. l{rrtpa?3a !l th. Tr..r.r? Y.]l!,I DaxoftarErr^x-rou PO Box'0, Bo'se, lD et707-fi,40 LEGAL PROOF OF PUBLICATION Attention: Kelley Rodgere RTI 892 W MADISON AVE GLENNS FERRY ID 83623 i1*.-,,- !'Lr If # ?_.ill:) oiil'$tut-flr8fiE". Teleohone Assistance Prosrams are avai[able to lowincome indiuduals. To qualify'for Lifeline4ink-Up Seruices, please cortact your local Health an-d Welfare 0ftiee- Lifelhe/LinbUo $ervices are Drosrams deslsned to assist low incorne househdlds afford local telephone-service. Lileline assists w'rth monthly ohone bills and LinkUn assist.s with connection and installation charges.' Flease eqniact your local Healtfi & WeFara ffice -' Gatl Toll f .** fggg-466J821 I?TI. Pub' se-Pt' t7'24' 2012 . - , om,EUaTB-,r f;ft. JANICE HILDRETH, belng duly worn, deposes and says: That she is the Principal Clerj( of The ldaho Stalasman, a daily newspaper printed and published at BoiEe, Ada County, State ofldaho, and haviog a goneral drctlation therein, and which sald newspaperhas been mnt-nuously and unlntenuptedly published in said County durlng a period of twelvs @nseartive months pdorlo the flrst publication ofthe notlca, a copy of which is attached hereto: that said notr'ce was publlshed in The ldaho Statesman. in conformity with Secflon 60"108, ldaho Code, as amended, fon 2 lnsertions Bagt'nning issue at. 0gl1l8w Endingissueof: 0sl%l2U12 couNTyoFADA) On this 24 day of Septamber in the year of2012 bsfore mE, a Notary Publlc, perGonally appeared before me Janice Hildreth known or ident'fied to m6 to be the person whoso name subscribed to the within instrument, and being by first dufy swom, deolared thatlhe slatemen(s thereln ar6 true, and aclmowledged to me that she lannll td ldhbd dsitfiorUon PC)Armrn Cols LIN 112511 ]mofi4378 .EGAL NOTICE LIFELINE r/6.43 2 14 tfu,,:uM,, il"i^T:,STATE OF IDAHO ) -ss Rlrisaq,aritv&rci:o@*or""rioqrrrrri*r_G"ia"r"r;o;iig+ji.ti,$i*,i*$ti#*L "r- r- rr'{r v r I t'^r reasonablo ratcs #ttin le si-i"tE;;;;n::ii'i:;i::Y^f:Xtij.:ll$Tjj.'.Y?T.iA'i;;ii#"H:*'#;f ::f !'+I'*i1ir;rp:r*.i"i;4tl!:':,li::ffi co.*ty'LrErmore ,la""*ra*"o."".ii:t1,.-''::;i: ,'.i '-"i:.ji: , '' ,i ',t,i:i;',, i,,;i;iir;1[;ii;L State "rrarrr" --- ]us, -ocalResidence :. .. ...:'i: ,.' .,, ...1:....'. i .' ...'r..i.rr,,.';1.';r -" ., ;i.::....1r;1..:...-1f ' 'r ; '-:";''i:r'1;:;i:, i '-::i:ii:,'l;.'-.::,;ii.;,,.;ilirii}j.:1;ri State "rrarrr" --- lus,ident&rl & Bnein+i ifirirs ,. .--ocalResidflce;....r:.r:, ,,. ,r,,...', ...;.ii;.::..,':.'_r.gi3,;rr6..,..,;if.;,.iri.irr# bit.subsc-riktu*gccei,*ro,.i-ffi:..;..,.,'-1,ilr:'-,,-;$7"r$. '"'i:'i:r'li,il;.;i:ii I, Coleen W. Swenson, do solemnlysEc€rr"6r'iTl*H$,SJ'ffi. ffii.,r;;r+'i$:fi,fu;6i'ffi that I "a ure Ritiisner orthe;hto U.aircrsal seni; dn$[$ii!il. ffi6 ,' ,'i" ;lj, ,.r: ii ,.",,,*;rL;;;i,,,,'1iir.,:;ri: *J#:5ffiiffiHffT*6i,,. j..[,a#r.e#jiiffi Mounto,nHometrrews cabovochargcswilrhaveI4iral?it-iir;tar,-oraj[a;.,.1:,ili,'#,;ii;ii:..1 ::;.....:i.. n rouchronese,viu.*r***',*lJ;i#.r;#.;l",',i,.. i.iit:iffi i"1i'#LTffI"T:iJ.roucr lr6s ssvice irprovidddbijpgtor*r9to9ti1#1.;.,;rri,,lifriirr:i iir,- y;1ftisli3d once Jweek,-in Mountain itme,. ..: . . -.1 ;. - -:.. ,irolrBlockingisavam!!a!rl,$rq1'.r...i,i#tFp+o. i ilnilul,,l,,' '^"3L, T", *: notice_attached hereto which is''':; ' i:''' -'': ' '1.'- .';"t'+*i;i,..,,.I:1,fitirii.r. a-part of pubrication thereof; *"* pruri"hed inIffffI;tH,'ffiI*?iH'fi#i',I""'Anll#ffi.;irj;;;;i,,,*ir jri;,, "dd ";;p;;;il:./_ consecurive weeks..---,---,---.t-"".;.,\.:.1!fer:Nil.Dr.uvpetlraecD!!f,9,ji::::i,1...,:,r.. i.f,i::::r.:: rt l*:.,llglJry, "iui';i#i*i", r*a u*-uio*a#lu,l*,1H;ia;# *: ff*o:ior; \avinS_been made on themcoEeruqvlduaIsbliAiblefoiU{tIinchdLihk-Uiie'"-,,.iti}ir;..i.ffii,fi-"{,-^"-Wi,ii::;#jI*,"'^". l{iTr"!{"',:ltrEJ};l:P,H,'ff 3lxxt."ffii*?#.J?-r : scrrices atc offced to ilt'coiisu,r#;:iilffffi i',fl lti'ffiff ;1*#;;tl*;Tftns;*lr:r$*:-tW;;;-.":f;ry1t",llJf"L Wednesday issue of ttre faper Auring ttremsnrrr',ofefHt:''f$ii*:*"k-,:.t,T'$el9.ryi:'di*,ai}i;fiiiii:!-EHj,fi period "rra ti*" of ffiffiffi;;;io A., ' ";i*;*l'l**H*-* -.,,.';:,fi!'?.,., ,,,.ii,.i'',,i:i li ::::: was published in tt:e paper proper and. -:..:r.,rj.:?. i4J... .$}L . . .i.:;.. 'f:.i,..;i;.1:'., ::..;,{L,.;.|,:-i::iij uvqvv wds }ruortsne(l ln tne' , *-Er$opnrlrrprtr"ulnqlrill,.r'#{,.ii1:if:Iil;i*ii;1 not in a suppiement Ur"r*"f.hi'lEmainoilicet*'"t"t[1ffi ffi:ffi'ilsar#ff;fl1;,Ht* !s to tte fdl,oring Ei{Hli;iitid rdanco with Fcderg *nriha dii,,#,ffitl.ffi*1ffru.*itr rffil-i-ti$,'tffi xlio,.o,rtedrypubrishedinsaidErmore Corrnty during the period of Zg consttrtiveweeks prior to the first publication of theattached notice. UOUNTAbI HOTiE NETI'S : ! ; I i I il i1_l IIlL]rlr-.1 r,,l t .. . !-r;J;,''rl Residing in Mountain Idatro.Home, Elmore County, My commission e4pires LL_L7-ZOLT. .ont"' ".'j;\/'I l'0u,,-( ii't\/gry "i1, ""'*c1JJ;'"\,Y;,7rna- p.v,.a,i D r t'i, o,i' A, ", .P -\' c.! +,n-ty \5i,a-. a 4' if 'f "io'[A&p %", +Z ? @Gu*, B :: , ?"- F 1;p,1!O u'i' i'r '',,y2ii;u ",. "i ^o, n n"p*ti arrd sworn '"#r6-lii:isPJ Affidavit of Publication STATE OF TDAHO )couNTY oF TWrN FATLS) SS. I, Ruby Aufderheide, being first duly swornupon oath, dqrose aud say that I am kgal Clerk of the TMES-NEWS,published daily at, Twhs Falls, Idaho, and do solemnly swear thd a copy of the notice of advertisenrent, as per clipping attached, was published in the regular and entire issue of said newspaper, and not in my supplement thcreof, for two consecutive .- ' t (/k. f , commencing with the issue dated 13th day of September,2012 md ending with ttre issue dated 20th day of September, 2012 And I dcr further certify ftat said newspaper is a consolidation, effective February 16, 1942, of thc Idaho Bvening Times, publishcd theretofore dally except Sunday, ad the Twin Falls News, prblished therctofore daily except Morday, bofr of which newspapers prior to cossolldalion hacl been published under said ramcs in, sald city and counry comimrously and uniutemrptedly &ring a period of more ftan twelve consecutiye mortls, aad said TIMES-NBWS, since such consolidation, has been ptblbhed as a daily newspaper except Sairrday, until July 31, lW9, at which time sairl aewspaper bcgan daily publication rmder said name ln said c.ity and courty cottinuously and unintemrpted. And I firther certify that pursuant to Section 60-108 ldaho Codo, 1'huroday of each weck has been dasignated as tlre day on which tegal notice by law or by order ol any ccnfit ofcompeEnt.lurjsdiction wiftrin thc stata ofldaho to be issued ahereof i-:'iersoa whose name subscrited m ttre rvithin insrument, aatl being by re first duly lerein arc true, atrd acknowledged to me that b€ executcd the saEe, commision expires: LINDA CAPPS-MoGUIHE NOTABY PI.JBLIC STATE OF IDAHO Thursdqv iq aonounced astre d4v oa which said legal will be phlished- tdrr"r,ii i:,jliri,:.i,i,i"i'#, r "'t' aO1g5:,;.1.,ii.;i!+ :;:.it .!...'/' " .t.::; r :: ' ; , F dE H 93aKD =I'ID Jd,=6-EEnIlo" 6delo'HE-Itr O'O =I4- -::<H EEOH 993h sdcB e.E itt, J=.Ea=6'6 ='sO;+ daq3 96 o **3Q) rooa6aE6()** EDOoioa5'ri'oOE2dds.(DcLo6aro|d8'oa 4Bolo.5E$ J6(Do- ooor_ noE,o.o oo @41@@$ tu(o o) N, (,iutnb\o()oo tnaoo?26'6.60-I TI:EC,:Ja- o- A CJ> oo55on)tci @o o.a-:CEa@AT TI g4e&ff =-_1Ct>@*5b+FE6EEq96 o Uq?itO$Oo@ a o) @o E 5o ag. th 0l3oo -E5 ,tsil3 ?ootEHEi : gEFEE BE $EEF Igg iE BJ tttmn om7 -lmcn r o fI aa6@I o i a Zts. E o .6,o0oI a, ao @@turON TI' Ecob@ ts'.')E?g $D + oH) ry F-(J o FD OH ? oq,o-r>;,H.a tr,oar1;J EU5> o Fo7{ c) Uo cf\ do oa o o Ft oFo<,o o o E F t, o oeo5op o;-o rc a!J,otoI 4, o7 A) Io oe o o5 to BA4p p =o"o o coo =ooo Bt{€o N o 5 (rI{ o oap 6A @ q6g9 a 2o -E r = *s;'s s E A'*i*x q Ia='dg E E[;'ns I hE 5 o< o3.Eie,3-H9orliqi-qo;a"fiE ?sSzi6oEdS =@1Eajii'1Y o --x5=OA-.-.^ 4" do Hr3Tdahn[,aegF€ 6. tsor4:ts*36PE=ar!"-sB @-63H':&g; Fe z1€f+a'F6Oqg?.oiti=ceP:a Hoj':rlqEaFcs3 3tr =. trE.rr-= a< Fo a =oa @p 3ob rE o Oo3 E ,oxE oq o o\ h,oo 'dcs oo*.o -II(!otv,h, !'){OJ do, A.o}6o o to a F o o oo o o E r3s!6 ! C' oE{oo F (ntt o5r I =.)9 <, Ep o p5o. ozoJomoat CDtIIF omv{mlDo I oE oo.ooa, o J o oc l, foo P o t, oo!e(1 v 53r cd oil c 5 5o.o o+l F)r o€ts o E3AIo eq E o5o 5o oo o G E6 oo EIoIfo 0q{ ':l' =o oo o (! I g) No No:ao o l$e h! zo ,r Ed +) =np- 8D r-+oH)E(-/. (J () s) o iJ ou2o1d>a F-lsr!qO4}i,r. o trG rl or h, N(, h,(, N i)*-i i ...-- Fo,r "( tr o C)rda do 0? cr to'! 06 o o p o- D o o3o o o€ (| HIj o7oo ao iqop F Fo{t ^)fEo Eg h oA{ooiF cnto Eo troB 5L.IeD €e.<oo*, oq+3-oos -.o eP o o ; t! Elo 2oi om o'o om7 o m 7 Ima oo o =o t, G} o o F doo Dl,o{F oo oo PE r< i5: OE EatE+o?,zd@dEd=. IAo=eoOrH, Jaod o!, o o o oc Faqo o F' o oI Frd @ }! =o = o 6o a I€o N oo ootr o o o :l 5o o oc d = I a tq{ = Jo go at,aE N I\'{ No lo C) llr-odE>FHSrooOhtr, s.p '.o 9 F€ 5o6sOP}t'-BE,I3Fir.-h aq @OF'f;6.o=:! - F-0g'e-6e-xE=.<gi3o.f5oX-. IEo.-- 5 l.'l O,3EB5t^F*E trJoEdJ2. ^;F'='u-:DoF:r<66 d- Pao di;9.-sOq -'5.tr:g's3{a8"Bi'6='o s/_dts+d q =+F1(Yoo o *-.$83"8i6oh,aifr+==5" s p6o8.2 eii9ii/ =E:srd.,o 5oEsoL=5 -=d5:i = F o5orl btr o B3 oo = = o ox! g o o hJ I,J !trg oB' =o TI(o (D .qiN o o,<h B d o :n o.F5 FE'ol, Affidavit of Publication STATE OF IDAHO ) couNTY oF TWIN FATLS) SS. I, Ruby Aufderheide, being first duly sworn upon oath, depose urd say that I arn Legal Clerk of the TIMES-NEwS,published daily at, Twiru Falls, Idaho, and do solen-mly s*rar that a copy of the notice of advertisement, as per clrpping attached, rvas published in the reg$ar and entire issue of said newspaper, and not in any supplement thereof, for two wnsoutle o/,Ufui9 -, comrnencing with the issue dated 20th day of December, 2012 and ending with the issue dated 27th day of December, 2012 And I do firther cert'rfy lhat said nervspaper is a consolidation, effective Febnrary 16, l9+2, of fie Idalo Evening Times, published theretofore daily except Sunrlay, and the Twin Falls News, published thewtrrforc daily except Monday, both of which newspapers prior to consolidation had been published urder said names in said city and county continuously and unir:terrupedly during a period of more than twelve consecutive months, and said TIMES-NBWS, since such consolir.lation, has been publistred as a daily newsluper except Sahrrday, until Jttly 31, 7978, at which rime said nenspaler began daily pubiication uoder said name in said cfuy and county continuously and uninteuupted. ];j;,.i'.xoa whose name subscn^bed to dle within instrument, and being by me first dulyn,-] j.,:i , ,:;:' ;.1i,':rein are fue, aud ackuotvledgud to mc that he execured the same. befote me, Aufilerbeide, siding at Trvin Falts, Idaho y commision expire:4 *f {-/.F .q.l 'I it, :+i',r;.lii;,.lri l.::l+::;:ir:iir for ldaho Your loeal telecommunications provider is pleased to offer Lifeline seruEcen which provides discounted service only fer etigihle eustomers. Every person in America should have access to quality, af{ordable telecommunications service^ This princigle of "Universal Service'has beenthe goal ofthe telecommunications indusW for decades- Lifeline is a government supported service available to qualified, low incorne cu$tomers and offers discounted services for eligible customers. Eligible consrlmers can receive one Liieline-subsidized phone service per household. ln addition, all new subscribers must dernonstrate their eligibility at s-rgn up and must re-certify their etigibility on an annual basis- How Do I Qualify lor Lifetine Discounts? The Lifeline progmm is available to quatifying consumers in every statq territory and cornmonwealth. To qualify for [ifeline, subscribers must either have an incorne that's at or below 135% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, or participate in one of the following assistance programs; . Low-lncorne Home Energy Assistance Program UHFAP). Federal Public Housing Assistance or Section 8. Medcaid. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Prograrn (SNAP), formerty the Food Stamp Program. Supplemental Security lncome {SSl). Iemporary Assistance for Needy Famiiies fl-ANF). National School Lunch free luneh progmmr Ehrreau of lndian Affairs GeneralAssistance Tribalty Adrninistered Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TIANR Food Distribution Program on lndian Reservalons (FDPIR) Head Start (if income elieibility criteria are metl State assistance programs (if applicable) How Do I Prove that I Am Etigible? All new subscribers must demonstrate that they are eligible. lf a state database is unavailable, subscribers must show proof of etigibiliiy by demonstrating that they meet the income quatificaiions or participate in a qualifyitrg program listed above. What if I No Longer Qualify for Program Benefits? You are responsible for notifying your phone provider when you n0longer meetthe appticable eligibility requirements for fie program witrtr 30 days of becomlrg arvare of sah ineligfbtlity. lll/hat Does One Fer Household Mean? Only ONE Lifeline service may be obtained per housetpH. oHousehold' is defined as any individual or group of individuals who lire together at the same address as one economic unil An {economlc unif is defined as "all adu}t individuals contibuting to and sharing in the income and expense of a housef:old-" Ltfeline support is available to eligibte low.income eon$^rners [Mng in group living facilities. A Lifeline Household Worksheet for Determinirrrg whether there are multiple households at one address is available at httpi//wlJvwusac .orgAi/. A household is not pennitted to receive Lifeline benefits from multiple provlders. Lifeline is a non-transferable beneit. A subsoibx may not tmnsfer his or her beneft to any ofier person Lifsline is a government benafit availablo to qualified, low insome customers. tfliltfully making false stabilrents to obtain the hene{tt can result ln fines, irnprisonment, de-enrollment or belng barred from the program. Only one Lifeline s6ruiee is available per household whether wired or wireless" A household is defrned, for purposes of the Lifulins prograrn, as an lndlvidual or group ol individuals who llue together at the sama address and share income and axpenses. What lf I Have More Than Orte Llfeline Phone Service? lf you know that you are receiving more than one Lifeline benefit per household. you should immediately contact one ol the providers to de-enrollfrom one of the Lifeline programs. 2O12 lncome Requircments for a Household at or Below 135% of lhe Federal Poverty Guidelines S15,130 s18,920 s19,o9O s&,870 s23,050 szg,82A s27,010 $gs,zzo $30,970 s38,720 $e+,sao $43,720 s38,890 Sne,ozo s3,e60 s4,950 I $1I,170 si3,97o 2 $31,060 j sri.*_l -- Sor,r* I s44,710 i $4,550 I I iJ L n__ t'5 ;6L_--=lt le I ror eachI additi,mdI person, addi._- Lifeline: Affordable Telephone Service for lncome-Eligible Consumers Background Lifeline is a government benefit program that provides discounts on monthty telephone service for eligible low- income consumers to hetp ensure they have the opportunities and security that tetephone service affords, including being able to connect to jobs, family, and 911 services. Lifeline is supported by the federat Universal Service Fund (USF). For more information on the USF, visit wwW.fge.Sovlep_cvctopedle/unkrsq!€e,,ryicg fund- What Benefits are Available Underthe Llfeline Program? Lifeline provides discounts on monthly telephone servlce (wireline or wireless) for eligible consumers. These discounts average $9.25 per month, and may be more deponding on the state. Federat rules prohibit etigible low-income consumers ftom receiving more than ONE Libline service per household. That is, eligible low- income consumers may receive a Lifeline discount on either a wireline or a wireless service, but may not receive a LiEline discount on both services at the same time. Additlonally, only ONE Lifeline service may be obtained per household. "Houoehold" Is defined as any individual or group of individuals who live together at the same address as one economic unit. An "ecenomic unit" is defined as "all adutt individuals contributing to and sharing in the income and expenses of a household." Lifeline support is available to eligible low-income consumers living in group living facilities. Lifeline applicants may demonstrate when initially enrolling in the program that any other Lifeline reclpients residing at their residential address are part of a separate household. ln some cases, Lifeline also includes Toll Limitation Servlce, which enables a telephone subscriber to limit the amount of long distance calls that can be made {rom a telephone. Link Up provides eligible low-income consumer$ living on Tribal lands with a one-time discount of up to $100 on the initial installation or activation of a wireline or wireless telephone for the primary residenc€. Tribal Lands Link Up also allows consumers to pay lhe remaining amount that they owe on a deferred schedule, interesl- free. Federal rules prohibit eligible low-income consumers from receiving mor6 than ONE Link Up discount at a prlmary residence. Eliglble consumers may be eligible for Link Up again only after moving to a new primary resldence. Link Up gupport is only offered to carriers who are building out infrastuctura on Tribal lands-so not all carriers may discount thelr activation fee. Enhanced benefrts are provided to lorv-income consumers wfio live on a federally recognized lndian Tribe's reservation, pueblo, or colony; on a former reservation in Oklahoma: within an lndian allotment; within an Alaska Native reglon established by tho Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act; or Hawaiian Homelands held in trust pursuant to the Hawaiian Homes Comrnission Act of 1920, See our consumer guide on Promoting Telephone Subscribership on Tribal Lards (yEryfcp.ggyfgui{eSlp.f.g[ot!rrq!s!eFh_p.[*sslqcf,rFer$ik lfibal-la+glSlU for more information- How Do I Qualify for Lifellne Discounts? The Lifeline program is available to eligible low-income consumers in every state, tenitory, cornmonwealth, and on Tribal lands. You must be ellglble to enroll. To participate in the program, consumets must either have an income that is at or below 135% of the federal Poverty Guidetlnes (Frp.e"htlg,qrlUppJertylindets€ElrnD or participate in one of the following assistance programs: r Medicaid: wurw.ruedi_Eaid,oqy/ri{e-dicg.ld-GHlP: Igferrms!|s.h!ss!;. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps or SNAP): wpw.fns.us"Sa^eetlfqngg; FcderelCoornunlcatlonrCornmisiol . ConsuurcraedCovornmeutalAffeircBurerq - 445 l2tiSt.SW.Wrohlngtou, I1C20554 . Supplerhenta! Security lncome (SSl): www.gsa.sovlssi;. Federal Public Housing Assistance (Section 8):pgrtat.h,ud.qovlhudpo4pt/HUD?src=/topictllo.usins cholce vouqhellroqr-?n sffi;. Low-ln@me Home Energy Asslstance Program (LIHEAP): ww-r,v.acf,hhE.$-o.Ir/progla&E@!ibga};r Temporary Assistance io Needy Familles FANF): rywnr.acf:h4s.ggv/proora{Ggrofa/hlls;. Natlonal Scfiool Lunch Prograrn'e Free Lunch Program: wwEfns.usgargovlendllunch;, Bureau of lndian Affairs General Assistance: wrvw.hia.q gritlltlr.oWgAreIB |4{Q[.S/H rl |rt a n Sery iceslinder.hlm;.. Tribally-Adminbtared Temporary Asslstance for Needy Families (TTANF): wEr.Ig,acf . h he.sgvlBro$r:ar{g[s]hffi s;r Food Dishibution Program on lndian Reservations {FDPIR): qlglv.fu q.usda.qovffddlproq ra m e{f,{, p I rldgfaq!!.htm;. Head Start (if income eligibility crlteria are met): tfflf,rgllign.acf"hEs,pqvlpreglgms/ghg; or. State assistance programs (if applicable). Who Pays for ttre Lifetine Program? AII telemmmunications service providers and certain other providers of telecommunications must contribute to the federal USF based on a percentage of thelr end-user telecommrrnications revenues. These companies include wirellne telephone companies, wireless telephone companies, and certain Volce over lnternet Protocol (VolP) providers, Some consumers may notice a "Universa! Service' line ttem on their tetephone bills- This line item appears when a cornpany chooses lo recoyer its USF contrlbutions directly fom its Gustomers by billlng them this charge. The FCC does not require this charge to be passed on to customers. Each company makes a business decision about whether and how to assess charges to recover its Universal Service costs. Can I get rnore than one discounted service? No. Federal rules prohibit eligible low-income consumers ftom receiving more than ONE Lifeline discount per household. An eligible consumer may receive a discount on either a wireline or wiretess service, but not both. lf you or any other person ln your household are cunentllr receiving more than one monthly Lifeline servlce, you must select one provider to provide your Lifeline seryice and you must conlact lhe other provider to de-enroll ftom their program. Subscribers found to be vlolating this rule may also be subject to crlminal and/or civil penalties- Key provisions of the Lifeline rules include the folbwhg: r Lifeline is a government benefit program;. Only eligible congumers may enroll in the program; r The program is limited to one beneft per household;e Lifeline service is a non-bansferable benofit. Gonsumers may not transfer their service (or glve their Ufeline-supported phone) to any other individual, including another eligible consumelr ln most cases, consumers will bo required to provide documentation to prove the subscrlber, one or more of the subscribefs dependents or the subscriber's household is eligible to receive Lifeline. Consumers will be required to make certain certifications upon signing up for Lifeline and each y€r afier that, including that: r The subscriber or a member of the subse.riber's household, including dependants, participates in a quali&ing federal program or meets the incpme qualiffcations for Lifiellne;r The subscriber provided proof of eligibility, if reguired to do so;. The consumer's household receives only single Lifaline servlce;o lf applying for Lifeline based on income,.the number of individuals in the consumefs household;o The informatlon contained in the Lifeline application ls hue and conect to the best of the consumer's knowledge and that poviding hlse or fraudulent information to receive Lifeline benefits is punishable by law; Federal Commonicettons Corrmlesloo - Contumcr lnd Covernmcntrt Affalrr Brreau ' ,t45 lttl St SW. Washington, DC 20554 1.88E-CALL-FCC(r-sS&22t53221 - Tt It l{&T-ELLrCt(1-E88-s35-5322) ' Fer:l-t66-{lE-0Z3t . ugJglr:c.sce/consEBwrorcEtrgrq{gl-n{fol . lf applying for Tribal Lands Lifeline support, that the consumer resides on Federally-recognized Tribal lands;. The consumer must acknowledge that he or she may be required to re-ceffiry continued eligibility for' Lifeline and, illlre consumer fails to do so, could lose the Lifeline service- The subscriber will also be required to provide certairt information to the phone cornpany or a state egency (depending how consumers in their state slgn up for Lifeline), including: r Name and address information - Consumers who do not hava a permanent rssidentiat address rnust provide a temporary address, whlch cannol be a P.O. Box. lf a consumer resides at a temporary address, the talephone service provider or state agenoy may require confirmation of the address;. Date of birth and the last 4 digits of the consume/s Social Security Number;r Consumers participatlng in the Lifeline program musl notify the telephone service provlder within 30 days if the consumer moves;. Consumers participating in the Lifeline program must notify the lelephone service providerwithin 30 days if lhe consumer is no longer eligible for Lifeline. Sorne Questions and Answers About the Llfeline Program Am I eligible? To see if you are eligible, use the Lifeline Eligibility Pre€creening tool on the Universal Service Administrative (USAC) webslte at urrusf-li&Ilgqg[BEg&fg. How do I enroll? Apply for LGline through your local telephono company or designated state agency. To Iocate a Lifeline provlder in your state go to WXw.lifelhesUplgEglg, What documentation do I need to provide at enrollment? Program Eligibility Verification - Acceptable documentation includes: Current or prior year's statement of benefits ftorn a qualiffing program; notice letter ol participation in qualiffing program; program participation documents (or copy); or another officlal document of a qualifulng program. lncome Eligibility Verification - Acceptable documenlation includes: The prior year's state, federal or Tribal tax return; current income slatement from an employer or paycheck stub: Social Security statement of benefits; Veterans Administraiion statement of benefits; Retirement or pension staternent of henefits; Unernployment or Workers' Compensation statement of beneftts; Federal or Tribal notice letter of participation in GeneralAssistance: or divorce decre6, child support award, or other official document containing income lnformation. The cortsumer must pre$ent the same typo of docurnentation covering 3 consecutive months within the previous 12 months, if the documentauon does not cover a full year of income. Does lhe phone seryice have to be in the name of the person receiving the program henefit? The phone service does not need to be ln the name of lhe percon receiving the benefit; however the person who qualifies for Lifeline must be a member of the same household as the subscriber. How is Household defined for purposes of the Lifellne Program? A household is delined as any indivlduat or group of indivirJuals who liye together at the same address and share income and expenses. What do I do if I am receivittg moro than one Lifeline service? Households with duplicate Libline seryices must select a single provider and deenroll from other Lifelina programs. Consumers virrlating the one per household rule may be subject to crlminal and/or civil penalties. Do I neeel to verify my eligibility? Yes, every year. Once you are enrolled in Lifeline, you must variff your continued eligibiliiy on an annual basis. lf you become inel$ible for the benefit, either because your income has increased, you no longer qualify for a bderal beneftt program, or someone else in your household gets a Lifeline service, you must contact your provider immedialely to de-enroll from the program othenrrise you may be subject to penalties. What if I have free Lifellne? lf you receive Lifeline for free, you must use youl servlce every 60 days in order to maintaln the benefit- Federd Communications Commlssion . Conrumer and Govcrnneutrl Affalrs Brrotu ' 445 l2*'St SW. lYashirgton, DC 20554 I{S&CALL-FCC (l$&i225-!5372) . TTY: I-8$-IELI-FCC(1-tt&tr15322) - Ear: l{66-{18{232 . Wg-&S,gSV4Susumer-egvgLrneflfa!-gjIsjf,s;b8re4q For More lnformation To find mole information about eligibllity and how to apply for Lifeline and Link Up benefits, visit the Universal Service Administratlve Company's website (giww.usac.orsllifl, call USACI toll-free number (1-888-641-8722), call the FCC's toll-free customer service number (1-888-CALL-FCC), or contact your local telephone company, For information about other telecommunications issues, visit the FCC's Consumer and Govemmental Affairs Bureau website (vvr'w.fqF.uglr/oonsumeI:aolernmental-qf,faiq,"bureau), or contact the FCC's Consumer Center by calling 1{88-CALL-FCC (1-888-225-53221voice or 1-888-TELL-FCC (1-888{35-5322) TTY; faxing 1- 866-41 8{232: or writing to: Federal Communications Commission Consumer and Govemmental Affairs Bureau Consumer Inqulries and Complainls Division 44512th Street, SW Washington, D.C.20554 ffi Forthis or any other consumer publhntbn in an accassible format (electronic ASCII text, Brallle, larye Nint or audio), pease writu or call us af tfe address or phone number below, or send an email to EC.q5O!{dfcc.qov, This docvment is for consumer education purposes only and is nd inteded to affect any proceedrngs or cases lnvolving this subJect mafier or related rirsues. Last Re$bwed OBl15l12 Fedcrrl Communlcaflonr Coonkslon . Couromer rnd Goveramcnlrt Alfairs Burelr ' 4dS 12tr St. SW. \frstlngton, DC 20554 1-tEE-CALL-FCC (l-t88-225-5322) . TTY: t-ttt-TELL-f,'CC (1+88-835-5322) . Far: t*6G4fe-0?ir2 . rro{.1i?g.qcv./.coaeamcrjlgl,grEnrepta.ha&ifs:E$Iggg Response Line 510 Rural Telephone Company 472233 Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. S 5a.313(aX5) and or 47 C,F.R. 5 54.4221b!,{3) Rural Telephone Company ("COMPANY") is in compliance with appropriate FCC Service Quality Standards and Consumer Protection Rules. COMPANY provides CPNI training to all of its new employees and in addition trains all of its existing employees on an annual basis. COMPANY also conducts subscriber outreach regarding CPNI by periodically placing CPNI explanation messages onto its website informing subscribers on CPNI rules and regulations. ln addition COMPANY trains staff on Red Flag issues on an annual basis. All company employees are required to sign and acknowledge that they have completed CPNI and Red Flag training and understand obligations to adherence of applicable rules. COMPANY also outlines its rates, terms, and conditions under which COMPANY offers service in its Local Exchange Tariff. The tariff explains customer rights and obligations, customer service, dispute resolution, deposits, billing and payment options, disconnection of service as well as cancellation of service options. COMPANY keeps its tariffs available for public inspection at its business offices. i, ,l ",,r1 !' ,] " 1: i'l I i".. i.. .i ;,nli'Ir. ir' ";r"'.1;'-J \il1 r;. 1'" Annual Repofting for High:Cost Recipients 47 c.F.R $54,313(a)(2) through (a)t6) and (h) Rural Telephone Company 5s4313(al(6) - ABIUTY To Fu NcTt oN lN E MERG ENCY srTUATloN s Ability to Functidn ii Emergenicy Situatiorts Annual Certification MichaelJ. Martell Vice President BuralTelephone Company Printed Name of Offic€r Title of ffiicer Company Name I am authorized to provide this certification on behalf of the Cqmpany. I hereby certiflT that the Company is capable of functioning in emergenry situa[ions. The Company fias a reagonable amount of back-up pow€r to ensure functionality without an external power source, is able to reroute traffic around damaged facilities, and iscapable of managing traffic spikes resulting from emergency situations. Executed on Signature Printed/Typed Name June 21, 2013 Michael J, Martell, Vice President $filiates ;AC )olng gusine$ As Company ol Brand Dslmatlon iural TeleDhone ComDany - NV ;52233 lural Teleohone ComMnv fBand: Rn) t !:;EE :il-E ,EEEiTE Eo t E;i,iE:: EE*E o F 6 : c :.:Egq;o F9-E{s 'I il tt3 ,a 6 o t I E, Et G d i\I i-as'3 -t,t!tt rB Eri3tot!I 63 E g !itt Er A t f irig!u EIt 5 IIr!f 1sl6 E ts!?r E B! E tittpr.