HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131015Oregon-Idaho Utilities ETC and FCC 481.pdfCHEGSN-IOAHO UTILITIES INC. 1023 N. Hortcn Street PO. Box 1880 Narnpa, ldaho 836$3 ?08-461 -7802 208-461-7896 FAx october 75,2073 Ms. iean Jewell Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 427 W. Washington Boise, fd.83720-A074 Jean.iewelL@ p uc. ida ho.sov &nr R-r-l 7-o) RE: Commission Order No. 32867 2013 Eligible Telecommunications Carrier Annual Reporting to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. Dear Ms. Jewell, Enclosed, please find a copy of the Oregon-ldaho Utilities FCC form 481 submission for SAC 532390 for program year 2014 along with a completed "AFFIDAVIT oF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER". This Form 481 has been filed with USAC but has not been filed with the FCC due to the ongoing shutdown of the federal government. This Form 481 will be filed with the FCC as required once the FCC is again open and available to receive such filings. ln accordance with IPUC Rules of Procedure Rule 67, financial and audit information contained in the FCC Form 481 for Oregon-ldaho Utilities, lnc. is confidential and is protected by law from public inspection, examination or copying under Title 9, Chapter 3, Section 9-3400 (1Xa) and (b). lndependent economic value is derived from this information not being readily ascertainable by proper means by other persons who could obtain economic value from its disclosure or use and Oregon-ldaho Utilities, lnc. makes reasonable efforts to maintain the secrecy of this information. This protected information has been separated from the information not protected from public inspection and is being submitted to the PUC via certified mail as required by the IPUC rules of procedure. lf you have any questions or need additional information concerning this submission, please contact me at (208) 461-7802 orvia e-mail at dous.mussrave@oiutelecom.net. Sincerely, Douglas N. Musgrave Manager State of ldr,"&l: ..-J County o1 Csrn-,{A n i CERTIFICATION BY ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER OF COMPLIANCE WITH SERVICE QUALITY AND CUSTOMER PROTECTION, ABILIry TO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL IN EMERGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH.COST SUPPORT. AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29841 requires that Eligible Telecommunications Carriers Certify that it is compliant with the applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules; and ETCs rnust demonstrate the ability to remain functional in emergencies. ln addition, the Comrnission must file an annual certification with the USAC and the FCC that all federal high-cost support provided to ETCs within the State of ldaho will be used only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. Accordingly, the undersigned states and verifies under oath the following: 1. I am an officer of Oregon-ldaho Utilities. lnc. , an eligible telecommunications carrier for receiving federal universal service support under section 214 (e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 in the state of ldaho. 2. I am familiar with the Company's day{o-day operations in the state of ldaho and with the State's service quality standards and consumer protection rules set forth in Commission Order No.29841. 3 Oreoon-ldaho Utilities. lnc. is complying with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules of the Federal Communications Commission and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. 4. I certify to the Commission that the Company is able to remain functional in emergencies as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841 and in 47 C.F.R $ 54.201 (a)(2). 5. I also certify that all federal universal service support funds received by OregonJdaho Utilities.lnc. during the current calendar year will be used in a manner consistent with section 254 (e); that is, for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. The company will continue to comply for the period of January 1, 2014 , through December 31, 2014 , to be eligible for federal universal service fund support. 6 This verification and affidavit is provided to be the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to enable the IPUC to certify to the FCC that the federal universal service support received by the eligible carriers in the state will be used in a manner consistent with Section 254 (e) of the Telecommunications Act. Cathy M. Gifford f*ohry Public State of ldaho Date SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this I54 Oay of October Notary Public for dCtb Page 1 Fo]m 481 - Carrier Anilal RepoGi:S rGC tan ai!, oa(E*rdra& xao{aaGroa*ed*!.f nGtso6rt ,4t,[IForm <olD Study Area Code 5l]19C oa?r60x rilAltc<015> Study Area Name <020> ProRram Year <030> Contact Name: Person USAC ghould contact with questions about this data D9ug nisgrJ.Jc <035> Contact Telephone Number: Number ot the person identilied in data line <03O> <039> Contact Email Address:dou-q, hrsg:evriqoruLtle:dr. lrec Email of th€identiticd in date line <030> 5&'*I . t ,..54,ls.r fq*u&dmffcsrt o{r $ORAIICAR*ERS <100> Servicc Quality lmprovement Repo.tint r==rc tr=r:==I con plete at oahe c! @tk'ht ? t I lafrpLte dilehed @,,3he.ti khek ro toditd. cedticolonl I g I toa ha d de tc np lie d@un eo r I lchffk to indicda cdd;li@don) I otao.h. d d" \.ri p lif &. ufr e nt) (tofr plcta o ftoched w.\th*t ) (r ofr I tle ott oc h(d fr il\hmt I lcofr lbe oft ehed wo*t h* t ) (il yes, tmghte ottached wottshet) (.hdl to indboe e^iti@non) (o I I oah alasc n pl iE doc lme h( ) (if not, .h.ck to indrore cenificottMl Itffi pl. te ottochc d m*sM 4 lcofr ple t. ou* hcd mrksh e.a ) <20O> Outace Reoortins (voicel <210> | t ll<- check box rf no outages to report <300> Unfulfilled Service Roquests (voice) <310> Detail on attempts {voace} <320> Unf ulfi lled Servicc Requests (broadband) <330> Detail on Attempts (broadband) <400> <410> <420> <430> <440> <450> <500> <510> <600> <610> <700> <710> <800> <900> <1000> Voice Services Rate Comparability.tororE^ ^A<1100> Terrestrial Backhaul (Y/N)7 t? (. <11 10> <1200> Tcrms and Condition for Lifeline Curtomers Number of Complaints per 1,000 customers {voice) Fixed Mobile Numbcr of Complaints per 1,000 customers {broadband} Fixed Mobile Service Quality 5tandards & Consumer Protection Rules Compliance Functionality in Emergency SituationsW Company Price Offerings (voice) Company Price Offerings (broadband) Operating Companies and Affrliates^ Tribal Land Offerings (Y/N)? tl lot tod dcx hptie dt ufrnt ) lo t M c h de t,pltua dx u a?. t.t r7-f/!-t I -Tffi <2000> <2005> <3000> <3005> Price Cap Carri€rs, P.oceed to Ptice Cao Additional tlocumentation Wortshcet hcludinq Rote-ol-Retufi CoftErs affilioted with Price Cop Locol Exchonge Corriers l.hek b indi@G catntnotuh) (afr Ol at. ottochctl w*th e. t ) Rate of Return Carriers, Proceed to ROR additional Documentation workhee,t f.hc.k to ;^dicot a.fttficoagn) (c@pleae oatoched wi*sea ) l0/1 1i2013 Page 1 N0UGc e-=Pg: c >!o9:u **6tsX O4-! p EEgE * aE3; u !Eg.s .HE $EEE Hi .-I-oa&-c@L'l-X>c'6otiE* eEEH$EEeEi nt e s g Eeef 9 E+EEE!sx;&:.ussHtrif : ttees: * $xl i i E e e € -CES= scE'"'iefre $i;;;€Eif;i EEEEEEiEEHi EEeSS;EtEil; :!3i3ri li'E-E gEi i i E: $*ag**ddddHdvvvvvv !q c, E: o6!oE o oo Eoz ttIllltltttlltt lt JJdd^t^lPI EI;l ;l'l 1 =ll 3llEl" I f;*E *1 lr I rte iia tIE I IH; $IEEli I EEE =.3$ ;liliiigt3, tIE I cg! 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Person USAC should roat.ct rcrrdim trir d,tt Doug drrgrrne <03t> Contctl€lephffiel{ufiber-tlumbc.olpc6odld€/ttificdh&tslinc<030>208-{61-?801 <019, CofitrctEmrlAd&a!s-:mailAddrcrsofDGEmldc{|tffitdlndeHline<030D dqjg'm6gr.wiutGl.cm'Et TO BT COMNffA BYIHEMPOTNTTG OANMEN, lF THE REPtOn1ttl6 CAfiftER ISEUt& A'{M'AIREFORTIi'G OI{ IISOWII EE}IALF: Cert'ficetron d Olllcc' .3 to thc Accurrgl ol thc D'U nceortcd lor tllc Aroual ncDortlrt for CAF or U RGclpl.trrs .crrlrytl* I ri n offiotrolftartpotlllE GrnE : myrtlDcEttrdaahdtdc aurflUthrrearoyottfi. mod llro.tha rae&ffiirfoa unhrarstrnaGG $DFort ldC.rtrt a.4 totlle tarf olmykrryaat!,tirtnlsnrhn nConrd ar&LIomrrndh rrymdcoB ts.c.rrrxr. lma of tamitinr crdrc cE{taor rIM mrl' imrturrorAuthorhedoffi(er: cERTrrrE) oltLrnE Drt! ,rintad Mma 6l Authori2ed o*firf,: :}oug !tusgrlve Itta or 66iltbn of turthtri*d oItktr: t'iamgar 6ft dfrrs. (204! 461. 7E02 hdyArercodadnercrtr'orG.dcr 532390 Filim DG h.tor rhh;o-. 1o'/t5/2013 Pcffirilft{ymfi.ftiErrlrEiant!nthBromtrt pullh€dbfffEtrfo.teluEord.rrtrccfitmddtbn!trol1934.aru.S.Cttgr2.t03{bl.diEsiwimmntqdtr Tltle 18 of the U.nd $d6 code, 1l us.c. I 1OI. PaSe l3 -laGflt/(*frlqr fCCtum'181 olsoonirol No. 3060.{I}s6&r*B@rr'x{i.5a6ssr3Foarrau <01S> Study Area Nare ORffiN lDNILl Uf lL <020> Pro8ram Year 2 01{ <030> conD.r iJrfib€, - Nxmbcr of indatr tine<03o> :08 45: J60l <039> ContactEmailAddre*-EmailMdresrofftr5onidentrfiedind.talin€<0lO> doug.Fxaq.sYe'noluiele.oB.nei TO 8€ COMPI.EIEO BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FIUNG ANNUAI REPORTS ON T}IE CARRIER'S SEHALF: rO BT COMPTETED BY T}IE AUTHOEIZTO AGENT: Certification of Offker to Authorlre an Agrnl to File Annual Repons for CAf o. ll Recipients on Eehalt of ReportinS Carriar c.fiity th.l (},Lru o, Aecdtl l! auilrorEad to Hbarit lha lntmtlon Eporbd m bcrrrll of tfi? n ortng Eri{..I rls c€rdt that I rm rn dfiff o{ $c nporling qrloa; ryry Hpooslulltl,ea lEludc ffiurlng t te acuRcy of the aonEl drt Epodng equlrments pmla€d to tre rsthdtzod rgmt; .nd, to lhe b€at of .tv lswladqe, ttt Eporls and d.t puldgd to ttr rldpdad rg€nt b aeurts. (amc of Authorized Apsnt: iam. o, Remninp aarriot ;inorture ol A!thonred Omrer:Oate ,rinted Gme of Authorizpd OJfi.F{l ltle or por,ton of Authdrred Officer: eleohom numb€r ot Authdiled Offrer: ;tudv Ar., fod. of Filino DuF tlit6 ldr rhi< f.m- Ppenr willfully ftlng fallr 3lniade^ti on thE form on bc punilhed by fine or ,orfe'tuie !'de lhe 6r- muricatiotr5 A€t oa 1934, 47 U 5.C 6! 5O2, 50:{bJ, or fine or ;mpriion 6ett under Ttire l8 of the Unjte.d 5b&5 Code, 18 U 5.C q 10Ol Certification o, Atcnt Authorir€d to tile Annual Reports for CAf or Ll Recipients on Echalf of Rcportint Carrier ri.gc6t for ihc;GpodlnE crrricr, cnlfy that lm &lhor&ed lo ilb.nit the aonsl rcpoltsld univ&l rervlce ruplort Hipl€ots on b€haf ottha Eportl[8 6rricr; I h.w ra dlla pmvided by the reponhl carier; il4 to the b€t ot my lnowledte, ilE informatim ef,orted hcreh b arcurata, llme of RegoniM Ca.rier lame of Authoriled Asent or of A4e.i: ,ignature otA!thdiu€d A:ent or Emrklye ofAlert;Oate I , nam ot Aulhorized Arcnt s Emolov* ot AE nt: 'itle or o of Autho.izsd tueftt or Emdowe of A€ent elephon€ numbe( ofAuthoriJed AEeil o. Emolfre ol A{ent todv Aree Code off,ee,iin{ Carri€r:tihtr Oue Date fo. this forfri l8 oI rhe United 5t3B Code, l8 U.'-C. E 1001. 10/1112013 Pafe 13 c -96c oo!caE o g6oEou oc,.a6c6o N a cGo EoU ca6oo 6 E a c!oI 6 .9 3q ! ooOE o 6 o); o a !c E co ; oo o g E G E op E o(, a o o e aE ;0 =co3c oo o o c On E:2ocoEooaF o o o s \l i'I o!,I c !6d E E U tro od o a 8 0 o 4 o o Ez o t cl o?I6 .tzo €ooa =o rs6oPoI Cia26:*r EoOUaooaro ot6U a ! Line 510 Service Quality Standards & Consumer Protection Rules Compliance Oregon-ldaho Utilities, lnc. complies with the service quality standards in the State of Oregon as defined under OAR 85S034-0390 Retail Telecommunications Standards for Small Telecommunications Utilities. Oregon-ldaho Utilities, lnc. complies with the service quality standards in the State of ldaho as defined under IDAPA 31.41.01The Telephone Customer Relations Rules- Supervisory personnel periodically monitor activities and information about customer service orders and trouble reports in these states to insure service quality standards are being followed. Frequent interastion between supervisors and field and customer service staff helps to ansure that each employee understands their role in following these standards. Oregon-ldaho Utilities, lnc. complies with allapplicable requirements on consumer protection rules including OAR 8@0344390 Retail Telecommunications Standards for Small Telecommunications Utilities in the State of Oregon, IDAPA 31.41.01The Telephone Customer Relations Rules in the State of ldaho, 47 CFR Part 64 Subpart U, Customer Proprietary Network fnformation, and the FederalTrade Commission Red Flag Rules. Employee training is held yearly on the requirements of each of the above as well as general training on disclosure of customer information to unauthorized parties. Supervisory personnel periodically monitor the activities of field and customer service personnel for compliance. Line 610 Functionality in Emergency Situations D€scription Oregon-ldaho Utilities, lnc. has engineered our communications network to remain funaional in emergency situations as required by applicable state and federal regulations. Main Central office sites have emergency power generators that run automatically in the errent of a commercial power loss. ln addition, these sates have battery backup which will allow them to remain functional in the event of a loss of generator power. Second tier remote switch sites and remote concentrator sites have battery backup to continue operation in the event of a comrnercial power loss and the company has an inventory of portable generators which can be manually deployed to remain operational during extended commercial power loss events. Our class 5 switch and second tier remote sites have emergency stand alone capabilities to continue operation during an isolation event. All main switch, second tier remote switch, and remote concentrator sites heve redundant transport paths allowing them to re-route traffic in the event of an emergenry. Allswitching concentrator and transport equipment have redundant criticalsystems to continue opemtion during an anternal card failure. We maintain a Rural Utilities Service recommended standard set of spare cards and parts in house for all mission critical systerns- Routine maintenance is conducted on all mission critical systems. OIU also has an automated alarm monitor system in place that alerts company personnel of system malfunctions 24 hours a day, 7 days per weelq 365 days per year. Our network was engineered to exceed generally accepted traffic handling standards within the industry to assure continued operation during traffic spikes and during busy hour and busy day events. Une (1210) - Terms & Conditions of Voice Telephony Lifeline Plans Oregon-ldaho Utilities does not have any service offerings specific to low income subscribers. Discounts to local service rates are available to qualified low income subscribers through the lifeline assistance program. Oregon-ldaho Utilities offers flat rate local service that includes unlimited calling within the defined local calling area, with access to 911 service, operator services, directory assistance, and lnterexchange carriers. Oregon-ldaho Utilities does not offer toll service to our subscribers. The below media ad was printed on a quarterly basis in The Argus Observer and The Owyhee Avalanche during 2012 informing the public, including those eligible for Lifeline, the availability of Oregon-ldaho Utilities telephone service. Iflirtes to'nforath Dde dthovddi&v olltr iehplrsre *rriru r}ftt ue effcd h rrd mr. tidm ol *",fi#,rsm ad oqlie &coorftfrlnt hd *niteres atdelth &hn rxdms of ,ordo! Y&v trefu J4t4ttil, t*hBttltztl Gd fdrtr" t5{U3391rdtu Sod[ tonlft t20E/5t3] errhnoe h lddro lbilS rnic raer-*frlin tlere iesr yry, dcpcrf,{1or lrrie locrtioe Dd ruqE trurE Sl I.65 h Szt 05 ,l$ 56.S hded d r*r dqc lor niidcrt*rl scrria, Ed 52135 b S3l.S5 ntr SCIO hdad d r*rfuS hrfi*h boficsr $rdr!. It rs rll$ ii* &ld ille lith *G *fot lodcrt rce$ b lll rrritr dn h redor $nirtd ahdon srirh. dthrirdri criermIcd re ir*r i !!frdt h r dfiiod SlJc kredilestidorsr d SzJlfobfrll arh.n bil tr* hG$fi* lldt tu t! Uil* d IAr csirtuc noanrl liCdl lr &a*r ftrr $dx5d trrr#cikr h:d fu'D!il !d I& **.r rsdstco rrorac duv dsr'rxrin hI d b&ilir' ' ,.rb#mfu?. fio'ihrcir !! r rrrhl tdfn llll;IdD,rrhrhcrn&H$rda.'ddtL- Oregd,lddrln-ft+ LL bfisl fiar {800} 62{-0082 -*, Line (301.7) - RUS Operating Report and Management Letter Attachment (including notes) This section is confidentialand protected from public inspection.