HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131015Gold Star FCC 481 and ETC.pdfEill]/EFrsimH' 1rrll.' : rii october 15, 2013 VIA ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION Jean Jewell, Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472W. Washington PO Box 83720 Boise,lD 83720-0A74 Re: Gold Star Communications, LLC (SAC 479011) 2013 Eligible Telecommunications Carrier (ETC)Annual Report Filing; Docket No. GNR-T-13-01 Dear Ms. Jewell: Gold Star Communications, LLC ("Gold Sta/') hereby files with the Commission its 2013 ETC Annual Report Filing, as follows: A copy of the FCC Form 481 - Carrier Annual Reporting Collection Form, completed pursuant to 47 CFR 95 54.313 and54.422, as applicable; and, Affidavit of Business or Corporate Officer certifying compliance with applicable rules and guidelines. Request is hereby made that the Commission notify the Federal Communications Commission and the Universal Service Administration Company, prior to December 16,2013, that Gold Star is eligible for federal high-cost support for the year 20L4. Questions regarding this filing should be directed to my attention as shown below. Thank you, t.t.f,l''-'? t": , ,J _.i Enclosures legal & Regulatory Administrator 3S?i883-6590 -Y$"tesituerstar'net PaBe 1 479011<010> Studv Area Code Gold SEar Commuications LLC<015> Studv Area Name <020> Prosram Year <030> Contact Name: Person USAC should contact with questions about this data Michelle Motzkus <035> Contact Telephone Number: Number ot the person identitied in data line <030>307-883-6690 <039> Contact Email Address: Email otthe person identitied in data line <030> mamoE zkus@s ilverstar . net <100> Service Quality lmprovement Reporting <200> Outage Reporting (voice) ( con pl ete oft och ed w otk sh eet) I c o n pl ete o ft och ed wotk sh e et ) (check box when complete) -iEl_!_ll____!___J =ffitl/il/ll <310> <320> <330> <400> <410> <420> <210> <300> Unfulfilled Service Requests (voice) Detail on Attempts (voice)l-J kttach desc.iPtive document) I / ll<- check box if no outages to report Unfulfilled Service Requests (broadband) Detail on Attempts (broadband) l-J htbch descriptNe document) Number of Complaints per 1,000 customers (voice) Fixed Mobile <430> Number of Complaints per 1,000 customers (broadband) <500> Service Quality Standards & Consumer Protection Rules Compliance.51Orm <500> Functionality in Emergency Situations<oro>W <700> Company Price Offerin8s (voice) <710> Company Price Offerings (broadband) <800> Operating Companies and Affiliates^ .A<900> Tribal Land Offerings (Y/N)? U (9 <1000> Voice Services Rate Comparability .1O1Or-..A. <1100> Terrestrial Backhaul (Y/N)? (9 t<1110> <1200> Terms and Condition for Lifeline Customers [-]rc <440> <450> Fixed Mobile (check to indicote cettilicotion) ( o ft o ch ed desc t i pti ve d o. um e nt) (check to indicate cettilcotion) ( o ft o ch ed desc t i pti ve d o c utu ent) ( con plete o ft och ed wo.ksh e et) ( co fr ple te o ft och ed wotksh e e t) (compl ete oft o che d wo,ks h eet) (il yes, complete oftoched wotksheet) (check to indicote certilicotion) ( dtto ch d esc i ptive doc u m en t) (il not, check to indicote cettilicalion) ( com pl ete dft o ch ed w orksh eet) ( com pl ete oft o ch e d w o tk sh eet) <2000> <2005> <3000> <3005> Price Cap Carrie6, Proceed to Price Cap Additional Documentation Woiksheet lncluding Rote-of-Return Carriers offilioted with Price Cop Locol Exchonge Corriers (check to indicote certifi.otion) ( com p I ete o t o ch ed work sh eet ) Rate of Return Carriers, Proceed to ROR Additional Documentation Worksheet (check to indicdte certificdtion) ( c o m pl ete o ft o ch ed wotksh eet) 10114t2013 Page 1 NouoG o egl oq;EEgc>=o 9p-:6E F* -oc-i,!E- >ri @UE E = tsE3; E ;Egs f,E &9): ;63 0trUE Ft , -IEi, : g>HE 5tr33 EEEbPEEaE* i:34s3EE+E E3g: g g o-=6-E9lddove;oo--.YoiEi[ t a A E t;; 93! i E a g s€,;9fiH5 3 E;;i $i; r;;;; ,:; ;!q hi;<q60c9o ao X Q u I I I o!*E;i sssEsEt*EaH EEsEg=eilga; Xr3g=3i -E s E H s' F A : A A!o d o 6 Z d - - - o.: N NAs=:95PddddddVVVVVV E+ c OJ E) oo oEoo oo Eoz I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Iot Iot =l;l-}l 6t6lalBIElst*:.n I fi-l si g I PeA i*a E I i;i g*a E I EFxl s;i Elri;E[+: I i:u EI+gi I ;t= E3*;; I ;.Hi a_85=- EHI 3EE EEEflYel !3;ss[33 ;EI ;IE B ! gg* EII EE;g iEE i EuI :E:E eiE a ^lAilNdlddldvl v I 6 C oc oe (.)(-) Io! 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"Ep ^ HE 2I s:.i a .-o I';; =FP = =6 ,ll €; 3i: t tE =E * :;+Er =* E; -1 i =E {;:{ FSEEI E E =€:EEE ;E:€: ; EYC;H€g E.!tri E EI; iEEs PriEi F E-;;',ai=E 9E-e*E ;o E { [r s**g E;-=;E EiE; Ep .e;EE EEIX.! ;.e s ? €; EI;; E€gtE ii E E sI Tg€E EEi:T E€ i; E+ i:$; E5!+?,:E E F E$ EiiH Eis$Eiir * 6 e a6'Q a 6' o o ooo o o PaEe L2 <o1o> study Area Code 479017 <01S> StudvAreaName Gold Star ComEications LLC <020> Prosram Year 20t4 <o3o> contactName-personUsAcshouldcontactresardingthisdata Mi'cheIIe Motzkus <035> contactTeleohoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<o3O> 307-883-6590 <039> contactEmailAddress-EmailAddressofpersonidentifiedindataline<O3O> mamotzkus@silverstar'net Certification of Ofticer as to the Accuracy of the Data Reported for the Annual Reporting for CAF or Ll Recipients certify that I am an officer ofthe reportlng carrier; my responsibilities lnclude rnsurint the accuracy ofthe annual reponlnt requirements for univ€rsal srulce suppon ecipients; an4 to the best of my ktrowledge, th€ infsmation report€d on this form and in any attachments is accurate. ,lameofReportingcarrier: Gold star commuications tlc ofAuthorizedofficel CERTTFTED ONLTNE Date 70/74/2073 ,rinted name of Authorized officer: Jef ferson England -itle orpositionof Authorized officer: chi'ef Financial officer elephone numberof Authorized Officer' 30?-883-5621 ;tudvArea code of ReDortinc carrier: 479011 Filins oue Dateforthisform: \0/\5/2013 Persohs willfully making false statements on this form can be puhished by fne or forfeiture under the Communic.tions Act of 1934 47 U.S.C. 55 502, 503{b), or fine or imprisonment underTitle 18 ofthe United States Code, 18 U.S.C. 5 1001. TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF THE REPORTING CARRIER IS FITING ANNUAT REPORTING ON ITS OWN BEHALF: 10t14n013 Pagc 13 479011<010> StudvArea Code <015> StudvArea NahE Gold Star Commuications LLC <020> ProsramYear 2074 Michelle Motzkus <035> ContactTeleDhoneNumber-Numberofm.sonidentifiedindataline<O3O> 307-883-5690 <o4g> conta.t Fmail Addre<< - Fmail Addrass of oerson identified in dara linr <oqo> mamot zkus@s i,Ivels ta! . net Certification of officer to Authorize an Agent to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll RecipienB on Eehalf of Reportint Carriel certify that (Nem of E authorlzed to rubmlt th. lnfomton Eportod on beh.lt of tho repodng cairle.. llo ceilfy thai I am an ofllcer of the rcpordng c.nlor; my respomlbllldaE lnclude ensudng the eccuncy of t,lo .nnual dat Eporfng Equlrcmntr prcvlded to the .uthotlEd gsnt; and, to the best of [ry knowl€dgs, the rcportr rnd dila provlded to tfie autftodzed aoenl h accuEte. ,lame of Authorized Asent: ,lame of ReDortinc Carrieri ofAuthorized Officer:Oate: 'rinted name ofAuthorized Officer: 'itle or position ofAuthorized Office. eleohone number of Authorized Officer: ;tudv Area Code of Carrier:Filin. Due Date for this form: Per$ns willfully makinS false statements on this form can be punished by fine or forfeiture under the Communicationr Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. 55 502, S03(b), or fne or imprlsnment underTitle 18ofthe Lrnited StatesCode, lS U.S.C.5 1001. TO BE COMPTETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FITING ANNUAT REPORTS ON THE CARRIER.S BEH,A[F: TO BE COMPTETED BY THE AUTHORIZEO AGENT: Certiltcation of Agent Authorired to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reportint Carrier he data reported heiein based on data provided by the reportlng erl€r; .nd, to the best of my lnowledF, the informatlon rcported hercln ls accuEte. ,lame of Reoortina Carrier: ,lame ofAuthorized Aqent or Emolovee ofAgent: ;i:nature ofAuthorized Acent or Emolovee ofAtent:Date I name ofAuthoaized Arent or EmDlovee ofArent: 'itle or Dosition ofAuthorized Asent or Emolovee ofA{ent eleDhone number ofAuthorized Aeent or EmDlovee ofAtent: itudv Area Code of Carri Filinr Due Oat. for this form: 18 ofthe United States Code, 18 U.S.C. 5 1001. lU1412013 o d o tro-rl .lJ (6 U-rl d EEo lr6.lJa tro r-t-.1(/) o o-.1 rJ(d -rl ) oU !(6 .tJ(/) 0) r-l-rl U) m]1t{o3]J 0)z -rt orl-l-rt E o o-.t rJ(d U-,1 d oU t{(u ]J(n ! 0., -l-rla o o-rl !(0 U-rt ) toU l{(6 U) t{ 0) -l-.t CD o o-rt .lJ 6o-rl EEoU lrdpa tr(, -{-rl(, t.9 otru ooEtro 6 o coq Eo 0 .E f.oEEoo (.) H Un}f -l.rt F U () o oFr OJB-rt .aE-r-toU B I -l o) Er l.{ 16.lJ(n iro r-t-ria o o (d 4J U] 6 lr rdp (/) tro @ U j ,;(o 6o 3 eoU o og aGo EoUU,F Gooo N @ E o;co o eeeoU io !ot cGo EoUucto- @ Uj ,iEo o 2zoU d .s o .a @ .E tso oE o 6 oq o o a o E o o o.E G6! ;o =o;o oo o oEE G Ea oE! EU ocoU oo oo o 6 6E .E!o F 0p oeoo o o! Efz o-Ezocot -goF G EoU o a oE o o o = G G! .2 E.=P E@ G o !fo U co oq @ E6z ocoU oo 6@ Eo EoL A No Utrj o o Ee oU ! !I o E6zoo ! o o!oUoo ! o o Gold Star Communications, LLC dba Silver Star Communications ("Silver Star") Service Quality Standards & Consumer Protection Rules Statement of Compliance Silver Star has established operating procedures designed to facilitate compliance with applicable consumer protection rules; including rules regarding verification of orders for telecommunications service as required of submitting carriers (i.e., Slamming) {Section 64.1100}, compliance with the FCC's Truth-in-Billing Requirements {54.2400}, compliance with the FCC's customer proprietary network information (CPNI) Requirements {54.2009}, consumer protection and service quality rules pursuant to the CTIA Code of Conduct, and all other customer protection rules including employee training and policy manual development as applicable. Gold Star Communications, LLC dba Silver Star Communications ("Silver Star") Functionality in Emergency Situations Statement of Compliance Silver Star has established operating procedures designed to facilitate compliance with applicable service quality standards, which may include customer remedies and improvement plans. Specifically Silver Star maintains its entire plant and system in such condition as to enable it to furnish safe and continuous service and it inspect its system and facilities in such manner and with such frequency as may be necessary to obtain knowledge of their current condition and adequacy. Silver Star is capable of functioning in emergency situations, by maintaining both battery and generator back-up power, which ensure reasonable functionality of voice services without an external power source. Additionally, voice traffic can be rerouted around damaged facilities, and Silver Star is capable of managing traffic spikes resulting from emergency situations. Gold Star Communications, LLC dba Silver Star Communications ("Silver Star") Low-lncome Telephone Assistance Program Terms & Conditions Silver Star offers a variety of local usage calling plans, ranging from local and/or low usage plans to plans providing essentially unlimited usage. Lifeline-eligible residential customer accounts are discounted by the federally authorized amount of 59.25, and state telephone assistance discounts, where applicable. Silver Star's lifeline-discounted monthly telephone service provides access to emergency, operator, interexchange, and directory assistance services. The service does not include enhanced calling features such as voice mail, caller lD, call forwarding, internet or long distance telephone service. Toll Limitation service is provided at no charge for lifeline customers, upon customer request and pursuant to FCC guidelines. State of Wpming County of Lincoln SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ) )ss ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. MrcHEtrt MOn(usNolory Publlc Srolg o, wyoming County ol !rncoln My Commission Erpiras Mo,ch 15. 2017 CERTIFICATION BY ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER OF COMPL]ANCE WITH SERVICE QUALITYAIVD CUSTOMER PROTECTION, ABILITY TO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL IN EMERGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH.COST SUPPORT. AFFIDAVIT OF BUS]NESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29841 requires that Eligible Telecommunications Carriers certtfy that it is compliant with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules; and ETCs must demonstrate the ability to remain functional in emergencies. ln addition, the Commission must file an annual certtfication with the USAC and the FCC that allfederal high-cost support provided to ETCs within the State of ldaho will be used only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. Accordingly, the undersigned states and verifies under oath the following: I am an officer of Gold Star Communications, LLC (dba Silver Star Communications), an eligible telecommunications carrier for receiving federal universal service support under section 214(e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 in the state of ldaho. I am familiar with the Company's day-today operations in the state of ldaho and with the State's service quality standards and consumer protection rules as set forth in Commission Order No. 29&41. Gold Star Communications, LLC is complying with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules of the Federal Communications Commission and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. I certify to the Commission that the Company is able to remain functional in emergencies as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841and in 47 C.F.R. $ 54.201(a)(2). I also certify that all federal universal service support funds received by Gold Star Communications, LLC during the current calendar year will be used in a manner consistent with section 254(e); that is, for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. The company will continue to comply for the period of January 1 , 2014, through December 31 , 2014, to be eligible for federal universal service fund support. This verification and affidavit is provided to be the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to enable the IPUC to certify to the FCC that federal universal service support received by the eligible caniers in the state will be used in a manner consistent with Section 254(e) of the Telecommunications Act. Notary Public for Wyoming, residing at Lincoln County ( /& Date t/ day of October, 2013. MY Commission exPires 3* *-17