HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131015Direct Communications Rockland FCC 481and ETC.pdf! .-;i '.. ai I I n^t-L-:riLt,.,; I:,l:"r- i,- , E': C. ^^i. , :.' i.) Trww.!,t 0s5AoaH5.co H .l ll I Vi.: ! l.lJr, lr L,lrrc;. iUt!! 1lili ')tit,- l, I ,r. i:;. Jli:'l; l;r0i'l 955-6100 F l:fri?t 955-{,1fl rlr ttlitr'r,. .lrli/rt.t' rl;i.trrt r THAT OUNTS rt$-?0rJ october L+,20L3 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING Ms. f ean f ewell, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W.Washington Street Boisq ldaho 83720-0074 Re: Direct Communications Rockland's FCC Forrn 481 - Carrier Annual Reporting Data Collection Form, in Compliance with 47 C.F.R. SS 54.313 and54.422 Dear Ms.lewell: On behalf of Direct Communications Rockland (the Company), attached is a copy of the Company's FCC Form 481 - CarrierAnnual Reporting Data Collection Form, in compliance with 47 C.F.R. SS 54.313 and54.4?2. The attached report is provided to the Idaho Public Utilities Commission [PUC) in accordance with 47 C.F.R.55 54.313[i] and54.422(c). Redacted financial information is included as an attachment to the FCC Form 481, A hard copy of the non-redacted confidential financial information that has been filed with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) subject to a Protective Order, issued by the FCC on November L5,2012, and the FCC's confidentiality rules, is also being submitted to the PUC, via overnight delivery, as confidential information that is exempt from disclosure under the Idaho Public Utilities Commission Rules of Procedure, Rule 67. The information is proprietary in nature and is not generally available to the public through regulatory disclosure or other means, and would give an advantage to a competitor if made public. The Affidavit of Business or Corporate Officer is also attached. Ifyou have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at 209-955-6116 or via e-mail at Eric.Votaw@mossadams.com. Sincerely, __/'*(n-f Eric N. Votaw, SeniorManager For Moss Adams Enclosures cc: Michael Parrish, Direct Communications Rockland Rf DelMese, Moss Adams LLP Fr'*xf i;,'iIt.1liliri .'r, tL.. ,rL!.'laa uIlI i'.ttr{l!rl Itti" years wvrl9,lt 05sADAr{s. c0 }t ,jlll Y/r,:t l.lrr;:l: Lrrr. S,ri, lljlr 'i!o.l 1r,rr. CA rillr I Ii|.rl ?55-6100 F l?uil 955-6t99 rl{ l,r,h'il. .'!ttllt t'. .-l ti str'rr,- THAT OUNTS '1t iJ -20:3REDACTED. FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION October 14,2,013 VIA OVERNIGHT DETIVERY Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary Federal Communications Commission Office of the Secretary 44512tL Street, S.W. Washington, DC 20554 RE: Confidential Financial Information Subiect to Protective Order in WC Docket Nos. 10-90. 07-135, O5-337. 03-109. CC Docket Nos. 01-92. 96-45. GN Docket No. 09-51. Irll'I Docket No. 10-208. Before the Federal Communicadons Commission Dear Ms. Dortch: Direct Communications Rockland , a privately-held rate of return carrier receiving high cost support, has electronically submitted FCC Form 481 to tle Commission with redacted financial data, in compliance with47 C.F.R. SS 54.313 and54.4Z2 As specified in the Protective Order issued on November t6,2012 by the Commission, two copies of the redacted confidential information are being filed simultaneously with Ehe non-redacted confidential information. The redacted information for this filing and each page of the file where confidential information has been omitted is marked "REDACTED - FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION" Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding this particular matter. Sincerely, 4'4 oFh- Eric N. Votaw, Senior Manager For Moss Adams LLP Enclosures Mr. Charles Tyler, FCC Telecommunications Access Policy Division Idaho Public Utilities Commission years PaBe 1 <010> Study Area Code <0i5> Study Area Name <020> Program Year <030> Contact Name: Person USAC should contact with questions about this data <035> Contact Telcp\one Number :18 i46-1345 Number oi the identitied in data line <010) <039> Contact Email Address: Email of the person identiiled in data line <030> bauceliire:iao( - ccf <100> <200> <210> <300> <310> <320> <330> <400> <4 10> <420> <430> <440> <450> <500> <510> <600> <610> <700> <710> <800> <900> <1000> < 1010> <11.00> <11 10> < 1200> Service Quality lmprovement Reporting outage Reporting (voice) |]f[.- .neck box if no outages to report { c am p!.te atio c he d w oa k t he et l i ! on ple te o lt o ch ? d *ork sh ?e t ) (ch etk box wh en com?la re !rcl L-l--ll / I Unfulfllled Service Requests (vcice) Detail on Attempts ivoice)I I icao.h oettrpilv? docun.ntt Unfulfilled 5ervice Requests (broadband) Detail on Attemp:s {broaoband) tctothoe'.t,.i.t?do.unenll Number cf complaints p€r 1,000 customers (voicel Fixed Mobile Nun:ber of Complaints per 1,000 custome.s (broadband) Fixed Mcbile Service Quality Siandards & consumer Protection Rules Complisnce Functionality in Emergency 5ituationsffi Company Price Of{erings (voice} Company Price Offerings (broadband) OperatinB Companies and ASilates^ A IribalLandofferings(Y/N)? (!!) U Voice 5ervices Rate Comparability TerresrrialBackhaul (Y/N)? -O O Terms and Condition for Lifeline Customers c-t c.0 f / fl /-n -Tffi (c h ecr aa ;nd).ole cettili.o tion) (ofro.hed oesctiplee docrfrenll l.heik lo indftote cenilicolion) (oli o th e d o?sc ri pnve d oc ume hl ) (.omplcte aft oched wot kthee t) ( com p I ete oti o ch e d wot k sh e c I ) (complctc od dahed @r*shaet) Ili re\, completa aftoched wotksheet) (ch?ck to indt.ote cPrtili.oliaa) la to ch.ic s c ti ptiv e d oc o me o t l li! not. (heck to indicct. ccfrifr.ation) (cohple te otaahe d wolkihe ea) konplet. oda ch e d wc/lsheet) < 2000> < 2005> <3000> <3005> Price Cap Carriers, Proceed to lncluding Rcte-cf-Return Carriers affilioted with P:ice Cap Locol Exchcnge Corriers kh.ck to ndrcot? .PRih.oaion) iccfr plere otc che d *orkthePil Rate of Return Carriers, Proceed to ROR Additional Documentation worksheet (che.k I o inCi( atc ceLifi .rtion) (con pletc dl ocbed wo. Ishc et ) l i)r i l.'?ll 3 Pnge I N n,U a o !+ cC'E q a =,otao o 0)Eoz eeE.=oq]EEE.>Zo Qg L *-oEXua-;!E - >-2 oOE E .: O€ 5€ 3 c!! a; E gEg-s * E SI )= E6 i o:gI E-x s;ESEE !EgEEEEiEfl SniAsE E5E F t 5 s s s 3ii:* EsgIIrixir f Ex::;3 SE* :; n A A E; EN x : In F F E EEI pE? r : P g ! esi PI E p.: E E E EEC qO:{ a o ! : , EE5!:i x?sH:^='IcE.: E:i-isrg TEE€ €€55ATi9uah ;E3-=30i*r; stse; E E!d d o at Z e I I - L.: AANNN mtn@N€ddddddddddildvvvvvv @.9 @q Eooh I'i .-c eY. H g.9 i^.O; P S=E,exEJ6-o & n q=.:E-rd gxrai>omO;Ee inrvE?:q6i E # r- 6 E iE ;3 EC, <.= rN oI:,-, EiE,iEH EEi:a:i a < f o o5q'€ XqBlyr'i5 aa; Ei.H i EE r i4E# T;E*l.sF dE;;v*ii silg:9rh'i 5;'6;iIES ECIUg9 V H I ; Bi *Ug>E EEtsPE:l=* egt iI:.&T:E:EdEHg H. l'5i [x 9 3 eU E n: V o C o o odo.! 6 oa 't'tq, c6o otfo o c, .-G ()U dgvia4 5lloi 6o3\rcc6o ;q => o C c I (JU € Eo g .9e :, g (JFw .:Eo'6oa EoG E ao 6r 6 io o 6o !a m 0, =o aE o go.; o oo o E ! 0Eu u E G Eu o oIJ 6o oo otr o !o 't o.; o oq o o-oEaz o! 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E I Is -t I Page 12 41 2232Studv Aree Code dlrq> StudvAr.a ilame DIRECT COfiU.RACrI.IND 2 01a <t13o, contrct !,lame - Person UsAcshould mntact rerardlnr this drta Brucr sleed <035> Conta.tTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonldentifndindataline<o3o> 208-548-23'5 <03$ contastEmallAddrss-EmeilAddrsrofDersonidentilhdlndatalire<030> bruceodi:ccteoo'com Certiflcation ol Officer rs to the Accuracy o, the Drta Reported for the Annral Reponing forCAF or tl R€clpients certlry thst I rm rn off,c!, ofthc reponingcadlr; Ey rosponslbllldca lncludc lnsurln3 tft: rcuracy ofthe rnnual reportlng rcquiremcnts tor utrlvrrs.l silicc alpport rclpleot$ rnd, to tba lcst of my tnowled3a, thc lnlomrdon taported on tbb bnn rnd ln any attrdrEcnlr lr accu6te. lame of ReDorting carrier: DTBECT cOw-RocKLAl'D iqnatu.€ofAuthorizedofficer: cERarFIED oNLrM Date fo/1cl2013 'dnt.d of authorl2ed o{fic.r. Jc!€il7 gfrLih hle orDosition ofAuthortz€d o{ricer: Ge.etal Manage! olt 16p6"... 208-548-23{5 ;tudvArea cod€ of Reoortinc carrier: {72232 Filinr Due Dete forthisform. 10/1s/'2013 Pe6ont wlllfully making idke itatereotr on this totm 6n be puoiJhld by fine sr io.feitwr uoder the Communi@tioE Act of 1934, 47 U.s.C. !l 502, 503(b), or tine or imPIisonmni uDderTitle 18 otthe Untted Sbtes Code, 18 U.S.C 0 1001- TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF THT REPORTING CARRIER IS FITING AilNUAI RfPORNNG ON ITS OWN BEHAIF: 10114/2C13 Page 1i Page 13 412732<0:b SEdv Area Code <015> Study Area Name <0:0> ProEtam Year <03o> ConEctName-P€rsonUsACshouldcontactrcsardingthi5data Bruce sreed <035> coniact Numbe., NumbeT o: erson idenifi€d in data line <010> ii,8- 5s 6, 2: { a <039> Conialt fnail Addrets . Email Addrelr of per5cr identjfLed in data line <030> bsceadi ! e L*icJri. ccr TO BE COMPLETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT 15 FITING ANNUAL REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S BEHA!f: TO BE COMPLETED BY THE AUTHORIZED A6ENT; Certification of Otlicer to Authorire an Atent to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier crrtlfy that {Nam ot ir rutho,i.6d to tqbmit thc informtlon rcporled s behatf ot tho Eporting q.rier. lro cottify that I aman omc€r oltho mpordng cariar; my Espmsibllities include ensurlng tie accuncy otihe annual data Eportlng rcqulrererits provided to the authorized gent; and, to the best oI my knowledge, tha report3 ard data provlded to lhc authqized agent b acclate. lamp of Aurhori?pd Arpnl Jame oi Reool..inE Carrer: idnaturP olAuthor DraP 'rinted name of Arthcri;ed Ofhcer ltie or oosition ofALthorized Officer 'eleohone auot er of Authorired Offi cer tudv Area Code ot kDorlim Cerri Filinp Oue Date fo. rhir forml Peion5!v:iltuliVmaiingfalsestilement504ihsfo.mca4beru.rshedbylxeorforfeitureundeirheCcmnunialionsAatotl9x,4TU.S.C.E9502,5o3ibl,c.{ineor;ip(sonaeit under T{,e 18 of rhe Unrt.d siate9 Code, 18 U.S.C. 5 10C1. Certification of Agent Authorized to tile Annual Reports for CAF or U Reclpients on Behalf of Repoding Carrier as agrnt for the Eponing car.ier, cefrlfy that I am ruthoriEd b s!bmit the annual reports for univeral sedice support reciplents on behalf ofthe Eponing @rri!r; t have provided re data repqrted heGin based on data provided by the tepoftint aricr; and, to the bert of my knowladge, th€ lnformatiotr reportcd herein i5 3ccu6te. \iam€ of Reroninq arrriP.: !eme of Authdrizpd lr.n? ar Fmol6vpp df ArEnt: € of Authoflred AEeot or EmDlovee of Apeotl )rinted nam€ of Althorized A{ent or Employee ofAEent: nth or rositi6n oJ Auiho.iled AEent or Emolovee ot Asent ielEohone nilmher ol ArrrhdrirFd AcFnt or FmolovFp of AEent: ;tudv Area Code ol ReoortinE Carrier:FilinR Due Date for rhis io,mi 18ot rhe united Srarer aod€,19L.5.4 9 locI. 10i 1Ji 20'3 P.ge 13 !;1"11;-1:iq1i1il.*]ii$d!Q!s-tsllldg1d unrle rstands and complies rvith the ldaho PUblic Utilities Comrnissron's lrit'i;'/t.::il i jrlirrrlrsr E{l{tttflns Bu&:s. TDAPA 31.41.01, adopted under the geueral legal authority of the Prit:lir: Uiilitir:l t.aw, Chapters 1 through 7, Title 61, ldaho Code, and the Telecomrnunicatiorrs Act r:f i*-dS, fhnptf r i). Title 62, ldaho Code, with regardr to service. These telephone (ustolTrer relations rules ir.!)lr,ldrj a let of [arr. 1u:t, rcatcrrablr, and norr-discrirnirratclrv rules regardirrg deposits, guarantees, liriirn,i. nfl$llr,'rriir,'rn irlr ie r,rrr:r:. cienral of reivice , ter'minatiorr of rervice, complaints tr: telephont: {.:i!1i,1,iilr,:.:}, i;rlli,i,, f'.;r irttelri.rl.rled ser.;icn, and provisiorrs of certain irrfr:rntation abotrt custotner tt: *rtilrr:;ttt:., Direst Communications Rockland provides CPNI and Redflag training on a regular annual basis for all employees. Training is also provided for all new employees. Direct Communications Rockland has CPNI signage posted for customer awareness purposes. Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. 5 sa.313(a){6) and/or 47 C.F.R S 54.422(bX4) as set forth in 47 eEn" $ 54.202{a}t2) Direct Communications Rockland meets the requirements to remain functional in emergency situations and has the following capabilities: Back-up power is provided to Direct Communications Rockland's central and or remote office(s) by use of fixed generator and batteries that provide it with XX hours of emergency power service. ln addition, Direct Communications Rockland's field electronics have 6-8 hours of back-up power by use of fixed/mobile generators and batteries. Direct Communications Rockland has no SONET technology in its network. Direct Communications Rockland has no redundant paths within its network to provide for the capability to reroute traffic Direct Communications Rockland has equipped its remote offices/or field gear with Emergency Stand Alone technology that will provide for call completion and access to 911 in emergency situations. Direct Communications Rockland is capable of managing traffic spikes resulting from emergency situations. ..''......- 2. J. Direct Communications, Inc. Lifeline Assistance Program l.The lif'eline Assistance Program is a plan that assists qualified low-income applicants with reductions in their monthly locai exchange service rate. The assistance applies for a single telephone line at the applicant's principal place of residence. Qualified applicants shall have &eir monthly local exchange service rate reduced up to $12.75 Eligibility Requirements: You must contact the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare to determine eligibility and to obtain an application. Application for Assistance: To apply for Lifeline, contact the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare to obtain an application. If you are eligible, your name and telephone number will be forwarded to the telephone company. The monthly discount will begin within 60 days if your name and telephone number match the telephone company' s records. The lif'eline Assistance Program is a plan that assists qualified low-income applicants with reductions in their monthly local exchange service rate. The assistance applies for a single telephone line at the applicant's principal place of residence. Qualified applicants shall have their monthly local exchange service rate reduced up to $12.75 Eligibility Requirements: You must contact the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare to determine eligibility and to obtain an application. Application for Assistance: To apply for Lifeline, contact the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare to obtain an application. If you are eligible, yow name and telephone number will be forwarded to the telephone company. The monthly discount *'ill begin within 60 days if your name and telephone number match the telephone company's records. Rates: The Lifeline customer will receive a monthly credit up to $12.75 toward their local exchange service rate. 4, 5. 6. c\itlinp Cdta souts. gathmn! nd mainrairu{g the data n.eded. and tl(. c'ollelion of rnfcmilioc- REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION USDA-RUS OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS BORROWERS fhc dota xill br krrd b! & (lS to r.r iot xx, liilnn'lrl sintuaaa. 1 6r ,*pailse L\ r.'qui.t'l bt i L'-\.C. 901 et r*t 'rd n, +,1{al ld\ s and ,ry, lattuil\ t?z.rdilg . oilh|'il ddl nrurnatioil. \ ll h. tr.dk d a" . DirecE Communications, Rcckl-and (Prepared wilh AudiEed DaEa) 'CTlANS"SLbttit,cpot lo RL'S rithit 30 dets dfier clate oftlt. puiol d*aiied irsnrtions, see RUS Billuiti 1711-! Reporr in *futlc ddlan onll December,2c12 rDo 513 CERTIFICATION to the best (f otlr krotl&lg( aild beliel: ALL INSUkA]\CE REQLTRED Bl'7 Ci'R PART 178E, CIIAPTER X\.'n, Rr.rS, \l',As IN FORCE DURh-G 'l'llE REPOR'n\G TERIOD AND RT,]}..T]\\'ALS I1,{\'E BEE\ OB'I'AINED TOR ALT. POLICIES. DLRl\(i l tlU PURIOD COYITRUD It|IHlS RLPOR'I Pt.RSL AI l 'l'() PARI tTlltt ()l 7ClR CHAI' I ER Xvl.l (Ch€ck one ol the lolowtog) lfl All of the obhsat ors dlder the RUS loen documen!9 have bmn fulfilled rn all malerial respects E There has been a defauli in the fulflllment ol the obligafions under the RUS loan documerts. Said defaull(s) is/3re specdially described in tie Tele@m Operating Repod Garrin tsoLt UAAILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY 2. Cash-RtJS Coretruciion Fund a. Telecom, Accounts Receivable . Curront l\4at. UT Oebt-Rur. Dev 5. lnteresl and Dividends Rsceivable Total Currsnt Liabilitiss Total Curr€nt A,ssets (1 Thru '1 1 . lnvestment in Affiliatod 1. Premium tDiscount) on L/T Dsbt Total LonE-Tarm Osbt (36 thru R LIAB. & OEF. CREDITS 7, Other Lono-T6m Liabililies14. Other Noncurant Ascats 7 Total Noncurrent As€ts (1 1 thru Total Other Llab,lities aod Defered Credils (47 slru 49) N6t Plant (rA tEru 21 les 22) TOTAL ASSEIS {10+17423} TOTAL LIABIUTIES ANO EQUITY (35+45+50+58) Total Equiry =of Tota{ Assets Page 1 of 6 USDA.RUS OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOMMU NICATIONS BORROWERS 3ORROWER DESIGNATION r Dc 513 )ERIOD ENDING DecenDer, 2012/NSIRUCflONS- See RUS Bulletin 1744-2 PART B. STATEMENTS OF INCOME AND RETAINED EARNINGS OR MARGINS ITEM PRIOR YEAR THIS YEAR 1. Local Netwcrk Services Revenues 2. Network Access Services Revenues 3. Lono Distance Neh,vork Services Revenues 4. Carrier Biiling and Collection Revenues 5. MiscellaneousRevenues 6. UncolleclibleRevenues 7. Net Operating Revenues (1 thru 5 less 6) 8. PIant Speci{ic Operations Expense 9. PIant Nonsoecific Operations Expense (Excluding Depreciation & Amo(ization) 10. Depreciation Expense 11. Amortization Expense 12. Customer Operations Exoense 13. Coroorate Ooeralion$ Exoense 14. Total Operating Expenses (8 thru 13) 15. Operating lncome or Margins (7 less 14) 16. Other Operating lncome and Expenses 17. State and Local Taxes '18. Federal lncome Taxes 19. Other Taxes 20. Total Operatlng Taxes (17+'t8+19) 21. Net Operatinq lncome or Maroins ('15+16-20) 22. lnterest on FuMed Debt 23. lnterest Expense - Caoilal Leases 24. Other lnterest ExDense 25. Allowance for Funds Used Durino Construction 26. Total Fixed Charges 122+23+24-251 27. Nonoperating Net lncome 28. Extraordinary ltems 29. Jurisdictional Differences 30. Nonrequlated Net lncome 31. Total Net lncome or Maroins 121+27+28+29+30-261 32. Total Taxes Based on lncome 33. Retained Earninqs or Maroins Beqinninq-of-Year 34. Miscellaneous Credits Year-lo-Date 35. Dividends Declared (Common) 36. Dividends Declared (Preferred) 37. Other Debits Yea.-to-Date 38. Transfers to Patronaqe Caoital 39. Retained Earninqs or Maroins End-of-Period f(31+33+34) - (35+36+37+38)l 40. Patronaqe Caoital Beqinnina-of-Year 1. Transfers to Patronage Capital {2. Patronaoe Caoital Credits Retired 43. Patronage Capita! End-of-Year (40+4142) 14. Annual Debt Service Pavments 15. Cash Ratio (14+20-10-11) i 7l {6. Operating Accrual Ratio l(14+20+26\ I 7l 47. TIER (31+26) i 261 48. DSCR [(3'l+26+10+11) i 44] Page 2 of 6 REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION USDA.RUS OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS BORROWERS INSTRIJcTIONS - Eee RUS Bulletin 1744-P BOBROWER OESIGNATION tD0513 PERIOO ENDEO Decsmber.2012 Parr C. SUBSCRTBIiR (ACCESS LINE). ROUTE lllILE- & HIGH SPEED DATA INFORIII.dTION I. RATES 3. ROUTE MILES EXCHANGE B-1 R-1 th\'u'::,"'l*'"'1::''o'I'oll'TOTAL I FIBEF(including fibed I ,^, \'lo. Exchanqes REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION USDA.RUS OPERATING REPOBT FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS BORROWERS ,NSIRUCrTONS - S* RUS Euiletin 1744-2 BORBOWER OESIGNATION rD0513 PEBIOD ENDED December,20l2 PEED DATA INFORMATION REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION USDA.RUS OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOMM UNICATIONS BORROWERS bUKKUWEK UEsIUNA I IUN rD0 5 13 ffiE',ffi6]frE',- December, 2012 NSIRUCIIONS- See RUS Btdletin 174+2 PARTD. SYSTEMDATA No. Plaot Employ€ Il. No. Orh6 Employsr1l 11 Squre Mile Soei 1, 199 4. Accss Lin$ p6Sq@e l\'lilc 84 5, Sut'slc$ pa Roulc Milc 1.50 PARTE. TOLL DATA 1. StudyArcalDCode{s) a. b. c. d. e, t. g h. i. j. 472232 Types ofToll Settlements (Check ono) I ar"og" Schedule I AverageScnedule p costaasis [l cost oasis lnterstate: lnlraslats: PART F. FUNDS INVESTED III PLANT OURING YEAR 1 . RUS, RTB, & FFB Loan Funds ErDended Other Lono-Term Loan Funds Exoended Funds Expended Under RUS loterim Apprcval Ofter Short-Term Loan Funds Exoended Gemrel Funds Exoended lOth6r than lnle.iml Salvaqed Materials 7. Contribution in Ard to Construc{ion Gro6s Additions to Telecom. Plant (1 lhru 7) PART G, INVESTMENTS IN AFFILIATEO COMPANIES INVESTiTENTS hi CURRENT YEAR DATA CUMULATIVE DATA I nvestment This Year lncomelLoss This Year Cum!lalive lnvstrnent To Date Cumulativo lncome[oss Io Date Current Balancc lnvestment in Amliated Companim - Nonrural Developrnent Page 5 of 6 REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION USDA-RUS OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOM M UN ICATIONS BORROWERS SORROWER OESIGNATION rDo513 PERIOD ENDING December,20l,2 PART H. CURRENT DEPRECIATION RATES Are corporation's depreciation rates approved bl'the regulatory authoricy rvith jurisdiction over thc provision of telcphone scn ices? (Check one)tr YES tl No EQUIPMENT CATEGORY DEPRECIATION RATE 1. Land and supoort assets - Motor Vehicles Z. Land and suooort assets - Aircraft 3. Land and supoort assets - Soecial ourpose vehicle$ [. Land and suoDort assets - Garaoe and otherwork eouioment i. Land and suooort assets - Buildinos i. Land and support assets - Furniture and Office equipment 7. Land and support assets - General purpose computers ], Central Office Switchino - Diqital ). Central Office Switchino - Analoo & Electro-mechanical '10. Central Office Switchino - Ooerator Svstems 11. Central Office Transmission - Radio Systems 12. Central Ofiice Transmission - Circuit eouioment 1 3. lnformation origination/termination - Station apparatus 14. lnformation origination/termination - Customer premises wiring 1 5. lnformation oriqination/term nation - Larqe Drivate branch exchanoes 6. lnformation oriqination/term nation - Public telephone terminal equipment 7. lnformation oriqinationiterm nation - Other terminal equipment 18. Cable and wire facillties - Poles '19. Cable and wire facilities - Aerial cable - Metal 20. Cable and wire facilities - Aerial cabte - Fiber 21 . Cable and wire facilities - Underqround cable - Metal 22. Cable and wire facilities - Underqround cable - Fiber 23. Cable and wire facilities - Buried cable - Metal 24. Cable and wire facilities - Buried cable - Fiber 25. Cable and wire facilities - Conduit svstems 26. Cable and wire facilities - Other REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION Page 6 of 6 USDA-RUs OPERAIING REPORT FOR TE LECOMMUNICATIONS BORROWERS BORROWER DESIGNATION 1D0s13 PERIOD ENDED Decemlcer,2012 INSTRUCTIONS - See help in the online application. PART I - STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS 1 Beginning Cash (Cash and Equivalents plus RUS Construction Fund) CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACIIVITIES 2.Net lncome Adiustments to Reconcile Net lncame fo Nel Cash Provided bv Ooeratino Activities 3.Add: Depreciation 4.Add: Amortization 5.Other (Explain) Changes in Operating Assets and Liabilities 6.Decrease/(lncrease) in Accounts Receivable 7 Decrease/(lncrease) in Materials and lnventory 8.Decrease/(lncrease) in Prepayments and Defened Charqes 9.Decrease/(lncrease) in Other Current Assots 10.lncrease/(Decrease) in Accounts Pavable 11 lncrease/(Decrease) in Advance Billings & Payments 12 lncrease/(Decrease) in Other Current Liabilities 13.Net Cash Providedi(Used) by Operations CASI.I FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES 14 Decrease/(lncrease) in Notes Receivable 15 lncreasel(Decrease) in Notes Pavable 't6.lncreasel(Decrease) in Customer Deposits 17,Net lncrease/(Decrease) in Long Term Debt (lncluding Cunent Maturities) 18-lncrease/(Decrease) in Other Liabilities & Deferred CrediG 19. lncreasel(Decrease) in Capital Stock, Paid-in Caoital, Membership and Capital Certificates & Other Capilal 20.Less; Payment of Dividends 21.Less: Patronaqe Capitral Credits Retired 22. Other (Explain) 23.Net Cash Provided/(Usedl by Financins Activities CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES 24.Net Capital Expenditures (Property, Plant & Equipment) 25.Other Lono-Term lnvestments 26.Other Noncurrent Assets & Jurisdictional Differences 27. Other (Explain) NeL CapiLal Expendj-tures does not reflect inpact of retiremenLs and adjustme$Ls Co capit.al aaicorin t s 28.Net Cash Provided/(Used) by lnvesting Activities 29.Net lncrease/(Decrease) in Cash 30. Ending Cash Revision Dato 2010 REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION USDA-RUS OPERATING REPORT TOR TEI.EC()MI\{TINICATIONS BORROWERS BORROWER DESIGNATION IDosr3 INSTRUCTIONS - See RLIS Bulletin 17442 PERIOD ENDED December.20l2 NOTNS TO THE OPERATING REPONT TOR TELECOMIII-]MCATIONS BORROWERS REDACTED FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION USDA.RUS OPERATING REPOHTFOR TELECOMMT]NIC ATIONS BORROWERS BORROII'ER DESIGNATION ID05l3 INSTRUCTTONS - See RU.S Bulletin 1744-2 PERIODENDED December,2012 CERTINCATION LOAN DETAULT NOTES TO TITE OPERATING REPORTFOR TELECOMMIINICATIONS BORROII'ERS State of ldaho ) CERTIFICATION BY ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER ) ss OF COMPLIANCE WTH SERVICE QUALIW AND CUSTOMER County of Power) PROTECTION, ABILITY TO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL lN EMERGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH-COST SUPPORT. AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29841requires that Eligible Telecommunications Caniers certify that it is compliant with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules; and ETCs must demonstrate the ability to remain funciional in emergencies. ln addition, the Commission must file an annual certification with the USAC and the FCC that all federal high-cost support provided to ETCs within the State of ldaho will be used only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. Accordingly, lhe undersigned states and verifies under oath lhe following: 1.I am an officer of ft1r*f (i*r*<. P.rs U*oJ ,n eligible telecommunications carrier for receiving federal universal service support under secrt'lrt 214(e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 ln the state of idaho. I am familiar with the Company's day-to-day operations in the state of ldaho and with the State's service quality standards and consumer protection rules as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841. ?;.<,t 6, a. ,4./.|^J-is complying with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules of the Federal Communications Commission and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission, I certify to the Commission that the Company is able to remain functional in emergencies as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841 and in 47 C.F.R. S 54.201(aX2). I also certify that all federal universal service support funds received by D'*,.t O,*;,.. &til".Jduring the current calendar year will be used in a manner consistent with section 25a(e); that is, for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. The company will continue to comply for the period of January '1, . 2013 , through December 31,2413 , to be eligible for federal universal service fund support. 6. This verification and affidavit is provided to be the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to enable the IPUC to certify to the FCC that federal universal service support received by the eligible carriers in the state will be used in a manner consistent with Section 254(e\ of the T Act. 10114t2013 3. 5. 7. Date *"'-l.$:lt$ry7i. = i -t- 1 E Mv Commission expires 06111l?016 =Z \- PuBL\o 'j s= %,,*;#