HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131015Custer Telephone FCC 481.pdfCuster Telephone Cooperative Inc. rO lltrx ll4 ' 1 lil [. i',14.rr i\vt. l.i''alin. i) i;-i.r]i; . lt,itli'rcrrr,:(2(l8l E l9 ))l', , Ms. Jean JewellCommissionSecretary ' LI ldaho Public Utilities Commission ' I 472 West Washington Street :::Boise, ldaho 83710-0074 ;;'\o Re: 2013 ldaho Public Utilities Commission Annual ETC Reporting Requirements FileNo.: GNR-T-13-01 Dear Ms. Jewell: Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc. ("Custer" or "Company") hereby files a state affidavit pursuant to Order 29841 of the ldaho Public Utilities Commission (the "Commission"), and a copy of the annual reports that were filed with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on the 15th day of October, 2013 in compliance with 47 CFR S 54.313 and 47 CFR S 54.422. Section 54.313 applies to an eligible telecommunications carrier (ETC) receiving high-cost federal USF support, and Section 54.422 applies to ETCs receiving low-income support. Both sections require the Company to file the annual report with the FCC, the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC), and the Commission. This year the FCC extended the filing due date from July 1 to October 15. (See Public Notice DA 13-1707, released August 6,2013. "Wireline Competition Bureau Announces Filing Deadline of October 15,2013 for Eligible Telecommunications Carriers to File High-Cost and Low-lncome Annual Reports, and Announces Filing Deadline of December 16, 2013 for States and ETCs to File Annual Use Certifications.") Some of the attached documentation is considered trade secret and confidential pursuant to Section 9-340D(1) of the ldaho Code, and is submitted to you on yellow paper. lf you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, iiai (2.ldl -Ei'-r 5-ri*l I t.t':- i r'""1 . --"i irr Dennis L Thornock Chief Executive Officer Page I Foriir it81- csrrl€r Afinuof R€poitlng FCCFomtLl . otri! cohrd rd ioGaiiglai,oili couot Na$Gs06tt rdy&1rCollectlon Form a122aA<010> Studv Area Code CUSTER TEL C@P<015> Study Area Name <020> Prosram Year 2014 <030> ContactName: PersonUSACshoUldcontact Deuis LThornock with questions about this data <035> Contact Telephone Number:208 8?9-2281 Number ot the identitied in data line <030> <039> Contact Email Address: Email ot the person identitied in data line <030>demigocugterEel, -net 5/t.313 I coinpleUon'] compi€tloo iEPONTNG FOR ATI. CARRIEiS <100> Seruice Quality lmprovement Reportlng <200> Outage ReportinB (voice) <210>EIEI"--.teck box if no outages to report <300> Unfulfilled Service Requests (voice) <31.0>Detail on Attempts lvoice) <320> Unfulfilled 5ervice Requests (broadband) <330>Detail on Attemots (broadbandl I <400> Number of Complaints per 1,000 customers (voice) (c ampl e?e ono ch ed wotk the et I (.onplek olloch.d worksheet) <410> <420> <440> <450> Fixed Mobile E:-II7-I [ / fi /--ll ll-tEw<430> Number of Complaints per 1,000 customers (broadband) <500> Service Quality Standards & Consumer Protection Rules Compliance.tr'rffi <600> Functionality in Emergency Situations a61g>m <700> Company Price Offerings (voice) <710> Company Price Offerings (broadband) <800> Operating Companies and Affiliatesl a<900> Tribal Land Offerings (Y/N)? (-, \9 <1000> Voice Services Rate Comparability.rOrOrE^ A<1100> Terrestrial Backhaul {Y/N}? (9 LJ < 1110> <1200> Terms and Condition for Lifeline Customers (check to indicolc c.ttifco[onj (ot to ch e d de soi paive alo c umenil (.he.k b indkot c.tdllco?ifil (oltoah e d dctc ripiv. do c u dfr I ) lcodpteL allo ch.d w(* th. ct) lcomglete o aloch ed wot rsheet ) (a ampl c le oftoch ad worksh c. t ) (il yer, conplarc onochad wottshaor) (.heck to lndicotc caufcotion) (o t toch de ru ipttue do c wnen t) liJnat, theck to indicote cetlifaolon) (compl ete dtt och ed wot k sh eet) (.onplct. attoche d wol t sh e cl ) o-c o,0 Mobile <2000> <2005> <3000> <3005> Price Cap Carriers, Proceed to Price Cap Additional Documentation Worksheet lncluding Rote-oJ-Return Corriers ofliliated with Price Cop Locol Exchonge Corriers (chek to indico?c cedificotion) (.omp I ete o t t o che d wq k she e a) Rate of Return Carriers, Proceed to ROR Additional Documentation Worksheet (check to ioditote cetulicotionl { aonpla te otloch e d wqk th e e( ) 'tot1112013 Page 1 NouGG oa -{,c.:oq3ct = E.Eo o-..-isFEE E E - >!gEE E :.go; E E.looo[3: Hg Hf I-E ht "-fE;T ;glftEi in 6 .e e-= E P EEIE* i:38 sg EE+E E?g:38o.-OE9,loOoJP-OO_,.Y6IIf f t H s s c Is *o{ E * E g 3 Etelt ii:5€:r ? 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D.rt of lry tnorrht!, th.lriorlltalbilcpctcd on tlrB lbrm .!d ln my.tt drmBts b rccu'rtG, trrru of BrDonlm crrricr: Ct,8rm rl' coo9 ,tnaturc otAuthorired offiGr: CERTTETED oNLtrE D.t. L0l1tl?a8 rrlntcd Em of authorlrad odfH: D'aLt Tholect '!tL. d Ari+rdir.d tfier: Chi"t E(coclvc olflcer eleEhon! Mbar of authorfrGd offk.r: 208 -8?9-228 I itt dyAr.a Cod. ofR.DordflC.nls: '722L4 Fililae Drhforthbform- 10/15,/2013 PGmrwflifullym$lrt6bcrtrtamtrontlr!iomontcpmi:hcdbyinrorlbrfrltmm&rtl.comudotioorActofl!t34,47Usc,ls502.503(bl,trfimdhpri.ormnt udhrTid. 18 ofth. Unnld Sl|t$ Coda, 18 U.sc. I loot, TO EE COMPTETED By mE REPORTING CARRIER, rF THE REPOBTTN6 CrRRrEi E HtlitG Ar{ilUAt REPOBITNG ON ]TS OWN EEHAtr: totl/20r3 Prtc 12 Page 13 -A8.nt/Cffrhr FCCFom4Ellom oM8coftftrlt'lo. 306O{r86/OMBConEblt{o. '06&0819luly 2013 <o1o> studv Area code 4122Le <O1S> StudvA.eaNrme CUSTtsR TEL COO? <020> Procram Yeer 2 014 <O1O> CdntadNam.-P.rrohusACrhouldconta.tre{ardin.thisdata Oemis L fhornock <035> ContadTel.phoneNumber.Numberofpersonidentifiedindatatrne<030> ?08 879-228r <039> contactEmailAdd'ess'EmallAdd'cJsofpcrsgnidentifiedind'talinc<o3o> daatriaocustercel nec TO BE COMPTETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FILING ANNUAL REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S BEHATF: TO BE COMPTETEO BY THE AUTHORIZED AGENT: Certification of Officer to Authorire afl Agent to File Annual Reports for CAF or U Recipients on Behalf of Reportint Carrier ccrtit that (Namr ot Agcnt)ls authodzcd to submlt th€ lnformation rsport€d or bchall ol ths reportlng caffler,I rg€nr; and, to tho boEt of my knowlodgo, tho rcports and data provlded to tho authodzsd ag€nt ls !ccurats. {am6 of Authori2ed Arent: 6f Remdinr Ca.rier: E of Authorlzed Ofllcer:Date rint.d of Authorired Officeri itle or porition of Authorized Officerl . number ofAuthorized Olficer ,tudv Ar.a Code of R.Dodid C.rri.r:Filitr Ouc Date tor this form: Per$nswillfullymakinSfalre*atementsonthlsformcanbepunilhedbyrineorforfeliureundertheGmmunicationsActott934.4TU.S.C.!95o2,5o3(b),orfioeorimpritonrunl und€rTiile 18 olthe united st.t6 code, 18 u.5.c. I 1001. Cenification of Agent Authorized to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier rhe dot. rcpo^ed hereln bared on data prdtded by the r€portln8 carrier; ard, to th€ bst of my lnowledge, the lnformetlon r€ported h€relo 15 acqu.ate, ama of Rcoortinr Crarier Jamc o, Authdri2ed Aaent or Emolovee ofAsent: 6f Aorhorir6d Arpnr or Fm6l6w. 6f Ar.nt:Oata: name of Authsized Arent o. Emolovea of Aqent: 'itla or oorition of Authorired Apont or ofAlent clephone numbcr ofAuthorized Aftnt or Emplqe. of A(ent: ;tudv Area Code of Reoortinq Carrier:tilinE Due Date for this form 18 ofthe Unhed st.ter Code,18 U.tC. I 1001. tol11t2013 Page 1.3 c .9 6Eu 0o E 6 ro o coc Eou I.s:ouEoo rn 0) ,.1 k(,a (uao(s ll c0 {uc e a d a o Eo ts o a c aEoUucE6 oo 6 z oo EoUq ,Epo- @ o , ! o coq .9 6u ,E ooa o @ o c o o oc o t .q!o Ecopcaeoo o 0EE E E ! E coU oo oo o.5 3;oEtap co oo a o! E)z o EJza o-o "goF coU o I o F o ! .E! o E co ! ! U)co o o EGz coU 4 o o E ec oo oo J t1 F DU aEz o !i o (h oo6.4., ..d' d.2 o go(Ja.E.o 6€6I6o(3 Ci SEEEM588u-N8=iuo-; o!aa o E) o Custer Tel. Cooperative 2013 Form 481 4722L8ID3LO No Attachment As indicated by Line 300, Custer Telephone Cooperatfug lnc. had no unfulfilled requests for voice service. Accordingly, Line 310 is not required and should not have any documents attached. Custer Tel. Cooperative 2013 Form 481 472218rD330 No Attachment Line 330 is not required for the 2013 Form 481 filing and should not have any documents attached. Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc. ("Custer") understands and complies with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission's Telephone Customer Relotions Rules, IDAPA 31.41.01, adopted under the general legal authority of the Public Utilities Law, Chapters 1 through 7, Title 61, ldaho Code, and the Telecommunications Act of 1988, Chapter 6, Title 62, ldaho Code, with regards to service. These telephone customer relations rules provide a set of fair, just, reasonable, and non- discriminatory rules regarding deposits, guarantees, billing, application for service, denial of service, termination of service, complaints to telephone companies, billing for interrupted service, and provisions of certain information about customer to authorities, Custer implements the Telephone Consumer Relotion Rules through the terms and conditions set forth in its tariff, and through its standard company operating procedures, which is readily available to the public at their Headquarters office. Custer also complies with Customer Proprietary Network lnformation (CPNI) and Red Flag rules through established operating procedures. A description of Custer's CPNI procedures is filed annually with the FCC. F:\Home\Sha re\ETC Fil ing\4722 18lD510.docx Functionality in Emergency Situations Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. S 5a.313(a) (6) and/or 47 C.F.R S s4.422(b) (4) as set forth in 47 C.r.R. 5 5a.202(a) (2) Custer Telephone Cooperative, lnc. rneets the requirements to remain functional in emergency situations and has the following capabilities: Back-up power is provided to Custer Telephone's central and or remote office(s) by use of fixed generator and batterles that provide it wlth 120 hours of emergency power service. ln addition, Custer Telephone's field electronics have 8 hours of back-up power by use of fixed/mobile generators and batteries. Custer Telephone also has SONET technology in its network that allows for self-healing network should a fiber cut occur in its core network and will automatically reroute traffic. Custer Telephone also has two (2) redundant paths within its network to provide for the capability to reroute traffic. Custer Telephone has equipped its remote offices/and or field gear, with Emergency Stand Alone technology that will provide for call completion and access to 911 in emergency situations. Custer Telephone is capable of managing traffic spikes resulting from emergency situations. F:\Home\Sha re\ETC Fil ing\4722181D610.docx Lifeline What Is The Telephone Assistance Program? Financial assistance is available in Idaho to help qualified low-income individuals pay for telephone service. The Idaho Telephone Service Assistance Program (ITSAP) offers a $2.50 discount on monthly telephone bills. A separate program - the Federal Communication Commission's Life line program (Lifeline) offers a monthly discount of $9.25. ITSAP provides a communication "lifeline" to those who might not otherwise be able to afford telephone service. It also enhances the value of service for everyone by increasing the number of people who can be reach by telephone. A small surcharge is applied to every Idaho telephone line each month to reimburse local telephone companies for the cost of state discounts under ITSAP. The surcharge is Waived for customers receiving the ITSAP discount. The Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC) Reviews the surcharge annually and may increase or decrease the surcharge. Who Is Eligible? Any residential customer who meets program-based or income-based eligibility criteria. To find out if you are eligible contact the Regional Idaho Department of Health & Welfare office. The assistance provides the following discounts: Landline:. Idaho Telephone Service Assistance Credit - $2.50. Lifeline FCC End User Charger Credit - $6.50. Federal Lifeline Credit - $2.75 Wirelessr Wireless Lifeline Credit - $9.25. Wireless ITSAP Credit - $2.50 Horv Do I Apply For Assistance? In order to receive benefits, you must apply for these programs with the Regional Idaho Department of Health & Welfare (IDHW) office. Website link and local address is listed belorv. IDHW will work with you and Custer Telephone to recertify you for the program each year; failure to recertify will terminate your eligibility for program benefits.. Apply at the Regional Idaho Department of Health and Welfare office.. If you are eligible, your name and telephone number will be forwarded to Custer Telephone or your local service provider ifdifferent than Custer Telephone.. The monthly discount wiil begin by your next billing period if your name and number match the telephone company's records, Do I Need To Apply Every Year? Yes. Your eligibility must be renewed each year. Is Telephone Assistance Available For Cellular Service? Yes, cellular phone assistance is available in ldaho. If you have questions regarding ITSAP, please contact Custer Telephone or the Regional ldaho Department of Health & Welfare. Lifeline is a government assistance program; the service is non-transferable, only eligible consumers may enroll in the program, and the program is limited to one discount per household. Idaho State Health Department, District 7 l30l Main St # 38 Salmon,ID 83467 208;156.2985 hllp..,tt'w.hcalttrand l'r'lephonq, tabiri.'l l Dl-lirult.aspx 4122181D 1210F :\Flomc\Sharc\E'l'C Filing\4?22 I 8ID I 2 I 0.docx / y'.-/*r,,-/ cTcI ''. Cvt* Tcl:/or Coog*rtrq I u Single Party Residence Service The following fees apply in addition to the above monthly rates:o End User Common Lineo ldaho Telephone Service Assistance Program 0TSAP)r Idaho Univcrsal Service Fund (ID USF)r Custer County 911 Feeo Federal Excise Taxr Federal Universal Service Fundr Residential Access Recovery Charger F['JSC- Residential ARC Single Party Residential Service Total Federal Lifeline Credit Idaho Telephone Assistance Program Credit Single Party Universal Llfe Line Service Monthly Rate* *Discounted basic service rates and free Toll-Blocking are available to those The above rates include the following: Lifeline Service Terms Custer Telephone Cooperative, Inc. is a quality telecommunications service provider who provides basic and enhanced services at reasonable rates within its service territory. Basic Residential service is offered at the following rate:Monthly One-TimeRates Non-Recurring Charges $14.00 $18.00 $6.s0 $0.03 $0.16 $1.25 $0.68 $1.01 $1.00 $0.16 $24.79 ($e.25) ($2.50) $13.04 $1E.00 that qualiry for Universal Life Line Service. r Local Calling. Touch Tone Capabilityo Access to Operator Servicesr DirectoU Assistance and Inter-Change Service Providerso Voice Grade Access to the Public Switched Networkr Free Access to 800 and 800-like Toll Free Servicesr One Free Directory Listingo Free Access to a Business Office and Free Accesr to the Idaho Relay Service by Dialing 711 Emergency 9l I Service....... ... . ....... Surcharge for 9 I I services are $sessed according to Government assessments Long Distance is not included. Long Distance rate is ten cents ($0.10) per minute Custer Telephone Cooperativg Inc offers basic services to all customers in the following exchanges: 838-Clayton / 879-Challis / E76-May I 894-Elk Bend For additional detail on any ofthese services, please contact our business offrce at 208.879.2281 or toll-free 866.879.2281. 47 2218IDl2l AF:\lIome\Share\ETC Filing\4722 I 8ID I 2 I 0. docx