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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131015CTC Telecom ETC and FCC 481.pdfGNe -ft r3-o I State of ldaho) County of Washington) lt'- nr-= , -cERTr FTCATT ON BY ELI Gr B LE TELECOMMU N r CATr ONS iCnnnrffl oF coMpLIANCE WrTH SERVTCE QUALITY AND CTJSTOMER PROTECTION, ABILITY TO REMAIN FUNCTIONALIN EMERGENQIES, AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29841requires that Eligible Telecommunications Carriers certify that it is compliant with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules; and ETCs must demonstrate the ability to remain functional in emergencies. ln addition, the Commission must flle an annual certification with the USAC and the FCC that all federal high-cost support provided to ETCs within the State of ldaho will be used only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. Accordingly, the undersigned states and verifies under oath the following: 1. I am an officer of CTC Telecom, lnc., an eligible telecommunications canier for receiving federal universal service support under section 214(e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 in the state of ldaho. I am familiar with the Company's day{o-day operations in the state of ldaho and with the State's service quality standards and consumer protection rules as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841. CTC Telecom, lnc. is complying with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules of the Federal Communications Commission and the ldaho Pubtic Utilities Commission. I certify to the Commission that the Company is able to remain functional in emergencies as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841and in 47 C.F.R. S 5a.201(aX2). I also certify that all federal universal service support funds received by CTC Telecom, lnc., during the current calendar year will be used in a manner consistent with section 254(e); that is, for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. The company will continue to comply forthe period of January 1,2014 through December 31,2014, to be eligible forfederal universal service fund support. This veriflcation and affldavit is provided to be the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to enable the IPUC to certify to the FCC that federal universal service support received by the eligible carriers in the state will be used in a manner consistent with Section 254(e) of the T Act. lD- 15- 2a/ 3 Date 2. 4. 5. l5 aryota,^[r[t Odic:fu,-rArrn,rs.t JO / J Notary Public for DANALYNNE MUNDEN Notary Public State of ldaho -( My Commlssion expires J--z-Jlt/ll a^1 Page 1 479009<010> StudyArea Code CtC ?elocm, Inc<015> study Area Name <020> Program Year <030> contact Name; Person U5ACshould contactwllh questlons about thls data Blctted t loolns <035> ContactTelephone Number: t?08)r5?-ft14Number ot the person ldentltled ln data llne <0:10> <039> ContactEmall Address: Emall ol the oprson ldentltled ln data llne <030> slggln^egctctelc. cm <100> Servlce Quallty lrnprovement Reportlng lcompt]t ailochadwoiltttc.U <2(X)> Outage ReportlnE (volce) t@plrrlorosr.dwo*rt.ct,<z1o> fZ]I.- .t eck box tf no outagai to report o <4ff1> Number of Complalnts per 1,000 cqstomers (volce)<410> Flxed l-ilo -------l <420> Mobtle l oi --_-l l.h.* buehq ffip!1art -=-ffi <300> Unfulfllled Servlce Requests (volce) <310> Detallon Attempts (volce) <320> Unfulfllled Servlce Requests (broadband) <330> Detall on Attempts (broadband) Io'.d.i d.ttdpllv. ) ( o t tnh d 6c d glv c detn qat l.hel to lldlf,r. tiili@Uanl loal a d.d d Bqlp lh. d o uft iil [.he.* to idl!@|. ..ilUkddo') ( d llarh. d ds Etlpaty. d ocu 6 6a t I @bFlil. r,tdchty' wttth.el f@npkt. ot l!.r!rd $odri..,, l ao ngl aa. o lldc], Ed Mt rth.. I ) (l ld,.ofrphl. alt .h.d votth..ll l.h.* ao ldditut Mllllettql lollo.h da.rl pll!. dorufrrd I ) l[ tul.hht lo /,,dldr..dLl@llonl I coDpl. r a at t Gh.d wo rtth a.a t l.otu pl. l. otldE h.d No'l th. ail [--[-/-[ rrctffi<43(> <444> <450> Number of Complalnts per 1,0fi) customers (broadband) Flxed Moblle <500> Servlce Quallty Standards & Consumer Protectlon Rules Compllance<s10>m <600> Functlonallty ln EmErgencv Sltuatlons<610>m <700> Company Prlce Offerlngs (volce) <710> Company Prlce Offerlngs (broadband) <800> Operatlng Companles and Afflllates , r<900> Trlbal Land Offerlngs (Y/N)? U <10m> VolcE Servlces Rate Comparablllty.totorF,* A<1100> Terrestlal Backhaul (Y/N)? tJ Q,<1110> <1200> Terms and Condltlon for Llfellne Customers <2000> <2005> <3000> <3005> Prlce Cap Carrlers, Proceed to Prlce Can Addltlonal Documentatlon Workheet lncludlng Rote-o[-Return Corrlers offllloted wlth Prlce Cop Locol Exchonge cdnlers to lndldte ailti.ellonl I c o mpl 2 !. dt 6h.'d I r tt Rate of Return Carrlers, Proceed to ROR Addltionrl Documentatlon Worksheet l.l.* lo ldditotc Eilft@t@t l. c fr F d d wt kh.. I rocy2013 PaBe 1 No!DGL EB !q co Eauo6EoEuE C!o Eo2 !a)c:EE:c >zoOu-= dt Ee 6d-.ii E EE€E # Efi-.? E EEUE r s $e5= S ji Hf EE Fi , * EfrE T+gHgEEtE* -=3-38 FE EEeE E9€*tEo r.= 6. E 9{ E i[ u:!too..-:hq6LlIf f €issEi:o.dExoogE fgF!'EE=".EE€s885? $:E'ee Eq $ HE H H; E E E ETE d, : * f q u n =.!isE o- E E E E i f p*EfE EisEssEseah Tre33Ef E H'E H .e' F 3 e E AEB H e d Z. G - :I: - r-9 AAAAAmql,1ErEFldddHilviisif g E B. 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BiJE iE+ 4i E !5E E;r =€r :.'; iE E Aifi ! 5s res I+ 3 i g E SES S:E :E-- i.i H = $E =E - nlL;,is HE E+gE, HiEi =E[Eg'FE'I-EEi EiEE $f;EiE ? .$t EEEg +EEEE c. EEiigEiEEiiE-iEae eei H PaE! lZ 41O> StudvArlr Cod. <Ots> StudyAr€a NamE erc ?elec6, InE <l2o> Program Yeal <o3D Cont ct Nrme - Pcrgon LJsAclhoutd strbEt rrErdlm ihis drt3 Rlcbard ulgolffi <015, CotrbctTclcphon:Numbar-Numberofpcr*nldcntl,icdlndatallnedl36 (2081!57-331{ <,39> ContaEt Emall Addresr . Emall Addresr of p:rson ldrnulied ln data llne dll0> ill oqlnsoctctele ' c6lr Certlflcatlon of Oflicer as to the Accuracy of the DEta Reported for the Annual Reportlng for CAF or Ll Reclplentr c!rtlfY that I rm tn offlrc, of thE rlportlnt crrrlsc my rerpon tblllthr lBdudr lnrurlnE th€ accurasy of th. Ennual rrpoiog rEq!lrcrn!nt5 hr uttrenal Jrn lce sspport'rd!lenlti End, to lhr bert olmy knowlcdt!, th. lnrormallon reFonld on thB lorm rnd ltr eny enachmlnB l: rcru6tE, {ame o, ReDortlnE crrrlcn oc rel6coo, rnc ;lsnaturcof Authorlledotlicen CERTTFTED ouIJI:rE Iratt rrintcd namE DfAuthorlzrd olficrr: IuchaEd \"lgglffi ItlE or oosltlon ot Autlprlzcd ofllar: Prestdent llephone numbcr of AuthorlrEd otficer: lr0sl 157-sll{ itldy Arla Cod! of 8lportlng carder: 'l?9009 Rlln! Du! oata for thh ;orr' 10'/15 /!013 FffiNwllllullvmrkltr[hltatfatlmtnl]3onthkfqmanbrpunlthldbyfin!orforr.ltrEundlrlhcCommnldrlontAstof1934,4TUs.eqg5{r2.50r{bl,qliororlDprltorrertqdlrTith tiolth. UnlEd Stat!, c.da, tt U-g.c. 5 1001, TO BE COMPLETED EY THE REPORNNG CARRIER, lF T}IE REPORTING CARRIER IS FILING ANNUAL REPORNNG ON ITS OWN EEHATf: to0!ve013 Paga l2 Page l3 <010> Stt dy Arcr Cods <ll1!i: 51!6y1r.. (fc Eelecom, Inc <lz0> Pm8cm Year 201{ <o!0> Conf.Gt NamE - PlEon [JSAC rhould conrad,!r.rdlm thl! dali ilchBrd t'll'oglns <l:t5> ContlEtTeleDhEneNutrfiar-l'lmbErofillHUentilhdlndatrlln!<o30> l:00)?57-3314 <0!D Conf.ct Emall AddrEs - EmrttAddresr ofparron ldentlfled ln diia ltnc <030> rwlgglnsEcictete.qon TO BE COMPTETED BYTHE REPoRTING CARRIE& lF AN AGENT ls FIUNG ANNUAL REPORTS oNTHE CARRIERS EEHAl"Fr TO EE COMPL TED 8Y THE AUTHORIZED AGENT: CErtlficatlon of OfIiEer to Authorlze En Agent to Flle Annual ReporB for CAF or Il Reclplents on Behalt of Raportlng Carlel co,ttlylhal(Nl,rEo'Ac0nlll.auliodEdtg3ub'dt0phlomllo[Epoflodonb8h.lro'hoGPoIilngc.rrlerlrlrorodrydrrtlam[n;m..![EcuEcyo,lh!.[,lu!lltItaEForungEqulromentrp'ovldcdlolhE{ulhorlzod l0enti and, to lho bobt ot my ktrowlodgtr tho tlports rnd dat. prcvlded lo tho nuthod:,ed ag8nl 16 aEEuEt!. 'lame oI Authorlrcd Aenc ,lame of ncooltlnE Carrler: ;lEf, aturc ol Auth6h6d Otllren DriE: ,dntcd nlmc afAuthorhrd Oflkrr: ith or Dorltlon of Autiorlzrd offi car: idephons numbar of AuthtrU!d Olfi cer: itudy Arca cod. of Reoorilm Carrl.n Fllln, Du! Dat! forthls lornl PlmtrrwlltulymollntfaB!dntdme[tsonlhlrrormqbepurhfiedbyllnrorforhlturcund!rihcftmmnlrrtloDAdof1914,4TU-s.e$qS02.50!(b],oflln!orkrprbonmrl udctTIth IE of tlE Ljnllld 5l!l.r Codc, II LJ.I.E- I I00r. CErtlncatlon of Atert Authorlred to Flle Anrual Reports for CAF or ll Reclplent! on Behalt of Repo.tlng Carrler , a3 lt€ntfortho yeportlng Enls, asdfy thrl I am Euthodtrd to tutmlt lh! amuil rplrts for unlueEBl 3elrla! rupport rsdllontr on bshalt o[the reportlnB orrlati I hm prvlded $e dalr Epo.t€d hEreh barrd on data pouldEd by $a rcpsrtlng arrlef rn4 to ttc bat of my lnowkdge, thE lntsmrtlon Epoded hcrlitr B amElr. hmE of ficftrtlnECanhr: lam Df Authofl:ld A8ent or Emdov.r E AEcnC lfE.ture 6[Auihorlred Ar.nt or Emolovce ofAlrnt:DatE: 'dntrd nrre o, Atdhorhrd AIrf,l or EnDlry.a ofAglnh Itle or oorltlon ot Autidhed A!€nt orEmolswe of Alent tlEphonE numbcrol AlJlhdred AE"ntor EmDloyH of AElnt: ludv Arra CodE ofRaoortlnr ca.rl!r:Flflnr DG DntE lorthb form: ru"in-r"#ilr'-x"ri.i*i*I"""n,r'brorm€n bepuhh€dh rr"or#:t,u;;"''a*".*r"trr"rr*;t."jr-.5gt*, irrfof. -*. "'l,r,r"*.r.;, rrr;;! fg ol thc t nl€d sirt.. Eode, !8 Ul.E- 5 lOOl-I Ity0s/2013 Paer 13 sAc 47-9009 Service Quality Standards & Consumer Protection Rules Compliance Form 481 Line item <500> September 4,2OL3 CTC Telecom, lnc. understands and complies with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission's Telephone Customer Relations Rules,lDAPA 31.41.01, adopted under the general legal authority of the Public Utilities Law, Chapters l through 7, Title 61, ldaho Code, and the Telecommunications Act of 1988, Chapter 6, Title 52, ldaho Code, with regards to service. These telephone customer relations rules provide a set of fair, just, reasonable, and non- discriminatory rules regarding deposits, guarantees, billing, appllcation for service, denial of service, termination of service, complaints to telephone companies, billing for interrupted service, and provisions of certain lnformation about customer to authorities. sAc 47-9009 Functionality in Emergency Situations Form 481 Line item <600> Septernber 6,2073 Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. I 5aJ13(a)(6) and 47 C.F.R 5 54,22(bl(4) as set forth in 47 C.F.R S 5a.202(aX2) CrC Telecom lnc., meets the requirements to remain functional ln emergency situations and has the following capabilities: Back-up power is provided to central and or remote office(s) by use of fixed generator and batteries that provlde it with emergency power service. ln addltion, CTC Telecom lnc., field electronics have 8 hour back-up battery power, additlonal backup power with use of fixed/mobile generators. CTC Telecom lnc,, also has SONET technology in its network that allows for self-healing network should a fiber cut occur in its core network and wlll automatically reroute traffic. CTC Telecom lnc., also has a redundant paths within its network to provlde for the capability to reroute traffic. CtC Telecom lnc., is equipped with technology that will provide for call completion and access to 911 in emergency situations. CTC Telecom lnc., is capable of managing traffic spikes resulting from emergenc.y situations, Lifeline provides discounts to eliglble low-lncome consumers to help them establlsh and maintain wireless service. lt also enhances the servlce for everyone by increasing the number of people who can be reached on the telephone network, A small surcharge is applied to every ldaho tetephone line each month to reimburse local telephone companies for the cost of state discounts under ITSAP. What type of discount is availahle? Lifeline assistance lowers the cost of basic, monthly local wireless service. Eligible consumers can receive a flat rate credit of up to $ 1 1.75 per month. Of this $11.75, the FCC provides a $9.50 discount with the balance of the discount from ITSAP (ldaho Telephone Assistance Program)- The consumer may choose any minute plan offered by CTC Wireless to apply this credit. How do I know whether I am eligible? Eligibility for Lifeline support yanes by state. In ldaho, an individual may be eligible if he or she participates in one of the following programs: . Medlcaid. Supplemental Nuhition Assistance Program (Food Stamps). Supplemental Security lncome (SSl)r Federal Public Housing Assistancer Low lncome Home Energy Assistanoe. Temporary Assistance to Needy Families IIANF). National School Lunch Program's Free Lunch Programr Head Start Eligibility is determined by the total household income that does not exceed 135o/o of the Federal Povefry Guidelines (FPG). THE ITSAP DISCOUNT APPLIES TO ONLY ONE TELEPHONE NUMBER PER HOUSEHOLD. How do I apply for ITSAP? Call Health & Welfare - 208-642-6400 orWestem ldaho Comrnunity Action Program (WICAP) at 208- 549- 2066. lf you are eligible, your narne and number will be fonamrded to your local telephone company MORE INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE AT THESE WEBSITES http.lllwww.idahocom mUnitya ctio n. org Cllck on Programs & ldaho Telephone Assistance Service http: // Click on Lifeline; Affordable Phone Servlce www. lifel[nesupport. org