HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131015Cambridge Telephone Co ETC and FCC 481.pdf6NR-T- t7-D I ''t. -.-..- t': I:,, CERTIFICATION BY ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER,,j, l:0State of ldaho) )ss County of Washington) OF COMPLIANCE WITH SERVICE QUALITY AND CUSTOMER PROTECTION. ABILITY TO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL IN EMERGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH-COST SUPPORT AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29841requires that Eligibte Telecommunications Carriers certify that it is compliant with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules; and ETCs must demonstrate the ability to remain functional in emergencies. ln addition, the Commission must file an annual certification with the USAC and the FCC that all federal high+ost support provided to ETCs within the State of ldaho will be used only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. Accordingly, the undersigned states and verifies under oath the following: 1. I am an officer of Cambridge Telephone Company, lnc,, an eligible telecommunications carrier for receiving federal universal service support under section 214(e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 in the state of tdaho. 2. I am familiar with the Company's dayto-day operations in the state of ldaho and with the State's service quality standards and consumer protection rules as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841. 3. Cambridge Telephone Company, lnc. is complying with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules of the Federal Communications Commission and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. 4. I certify to the Commission that the Company is able to remain functional in emergencies as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841and in 47 C.F.R, S 5a.201(aX2). 5. I also certify that all federal universal service support funds received by Cambridge Telephone Company, lnc., during the current calendar year will be used in a manner consistent with section 254(el; that is, for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. The company will continue to comply for the period of January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014, to be eligible forfederal universal service fund support. 6. This verification and affidavit is provided to be the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to enable the IPUC to certiff to the FCC that federal universal service support received by the eligible carriers in the state will be used in a manner consistent with Section 254(el of the T /i: '15'ea/ 7 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to this 14 aay of.ic,ug6t A{dhntu ;k)/ 7 Notary Public residing at DANALYNNE MUNDEN Notary Public State of ldaho My Commission expires J-J.3O/Q PaEe I d72a!E<010> StudyArea Code CA!.TIRIDGE AEL M<015> StudyArea Name <020> Program Year 1014 <03(}) ContactName: Person USACshould contact wlth questlons about thls data Rlcbard lrlgElns <035> ContactTelephone Numben (:08)!s7-lt1c Numb€r ot the person identllled ln data llne <030> <039> ContactEmallAddress: Emall ot the person ldentltled ln data llne <u30> frlgglns0crcrele. com <100> 5ervlce Quallty lmprovement Reportlng <200> Outage Reportlng (volce) <210> lZ[.-.heck box lf no outages to report (.ofr Flele rrls rh.d tvot lrh?a I ) lc o apl cl. e nt.hcd wo'lt h. r r, lch..* bo, wlfr cffiplelelE:-ffi\ffii l-!-ll !___) <300> <310> <320> <330> Fr-rr;--[ II-IffiI unfulftlted servtce Requests(votcE) i--] Detalt on Attempts (volce) I I b{oth da.,tontado.lhdl, Unfulfllled Servlce Requesti (broadband) Detall on Attempts (broadband) l-J ldttu.hdd.dpttvldocm.t <40O> Number of Complalnts per 1,000 customers (volce) <410> Ftxed llrg -------l <420> Moblle F;---] <430> Number of Complalnts per 1,0C8 cusqrmers (broadband) <440> Flxed <500> Servlce Quallty Standards & Consumer Ptotectlon Bules Compliance.SrOrffi <600> Functlonalltv ln Emergency Sltuatlons<610>m <70O> ComFany Prlce Offerlngs (volce) <710> ComFany Prlce Offedngs (broadband) <80O> operatlnE Companles and Amllates \ \<900> Trlballandofferlngs(Y1N)? LJ Ly <1000> Volce 5ervlces Rate Comparablllty "roro,F^ r\<1100> Terrestrlal Backhaul (Y/N)? (-J (9 <1110> <1200> Terms and Condltlon for Llfellne Customers (.ha.i to lnil.nli rilficallanl lolta.h.d dq..l?tlw do.ewott (.herk lo ladi.atc.6lq.ollonl ldat 6 d. d d uill pt b. d o.uw oa I (.o fr pl. lt o l'o. i. d @r*. t h. eq koDplil. dtlddr.d erlrt.rl, l. onpl.le dalothcd w.llh. Eil lJ t t. mpl.rc etla.h.d Nqtth.ci Icb.rt ,o indi@t. cdlili@lont loald.h d6itl pltue docu@nal t[ nol che* lo lndt@L E.tt{iallonl laon pld. ntloch.d Notktlt da) lcfrpld. dt, a.h.d tto, tthetill <2000> <2005> <3000> <3005> PrliE cap carrler3, Proceed to lneludlng Rote-of-Return Carrlers olfltloted with Prlce Cap Locol Exchange Coftlefi l.ha.l lo ladl@|. ..tlr@Uw) (<orylel. oat i.hcd w.lrltzt) Rate of Retum Carrlen, ProceEd to ROR Addltional Documentatlon Workheet (.h.tl to lndLdl. ..?ul.dtlonl l@nohl. o u a.i c d |\o,, r tte tt 1009/2013 Page 1 No6fio o;oa TIo co Eauo6EE'tuoE oo Eo2 :E0q]55cr >=o o!..-ieE E: 61-j: E EEEE i E.[l sfi P AEsE fl s &cFI S= E5EP Fi ,-ieHE rEcHtEc ?E d a ; E = 6 tEiEE Eggg+EO E'- r E Fl o o o J;E#fr {Ell!E t[*E fiEs:; =ui H: H Hi E E E E*illb s'EEEERtHiEE E=:#:EXEE[f gE555EF #l'eE s"EiiiEE $frHHHf; ,14 E E. 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EE E EEg t5r; $ur E E{iE s E S: -E.rEF; [;EEE €!ECC 's:Egs Ef! - I >Li9E EITE; 35 isE Ei iEE Fi€.* e; E!E 2= $EH 5 E 5tsa E ! tE a { a E = .Eis -E* r.i igi S = *;*g ! { g -!A-: E C ts a+5 E E 7 {S -E E i t*:e r 3 F -E3I ; t 5 eE, - = L oa9 E O ' !CE E e.EeEE3 : :-81;f,dE fi EE: EE9i r 15E E: =O ; CU! E giE s ;:; :l5H 1 l€P s€3E E:EI:?EE E 'E E E i.IE i B:S EttE u !ae aEiI i € EE EEEE E = 3= > g. 3 :E5T dEIE =! 4 ; sbEs. -4I tI I Zr! =tr EiiflEE EEE€t; s+c I6! :=eo: HS :i:E! =l EiEt T f;E EE E!E EE EEifg !E iEiE F g$ E$iP 6;' oE qE <Dl6 stodvAnrcsde 472f15 <t15> studvfulaNarf,c CAl.ll[IICE fEt CO <120> Pr@Em Ylrr 2014 <B0> conract Namr - Psson USAC ihould contact r@rdln, thb drtr Iuchald l'lgglns <t35> Con!.ctTelcphoneNumter.tlumberpft:ronldcntlliedlndatsallno<036 {logl257-3314 <0f9, ContaEtEmatlAddrsr-EmrtlAddrscoloarlmldentlfledlndatsdlln!<030> trl"EglnsgccctBlo.com TO 8E COMPLETED BY lHE NEPONING CARRIER, IF THE REPOiTING CARRIER 15 FITING ANNUAI. REPORNNG ON ITS OWN BEHAI,"F: Certlflcatlon of Oftker ar to the Acruracy of the Data R€FortEd fortha Annual neportlng tor CAF or Ll Reclplent5 clrtlfy that I rm sn omE€r oflh! rpportlog Erlrr; my rerponslbllltls lnrlude rnsurlng the acanry ofthr rnnual .!portlnt ?rqulr!m!fitr tor unlvrEEl s€tulc! support rdFllntri and, lo thG bst oIfly lnowhdEr, thE ltrlormrtlqn reportrd on thls flrm and ln rny rttarhnanls b rrsu6tE. {ameof Rlnortlffi crrrlEn CA}BETDGE TEL co olauthorlzedDilir* cERrrFlED ollLrllE Oata ,dnt.d nrma ol authorlred otficer: ilchald !,lggr.ng n(€ or oosltlon Df Authulzrd oltlclr: PEestdenE 'eloohonc numbrr of AuthorlrEd oftlcer 1208| xs7-8?l{ itudv Ar.. trdd. dl fudfiln! crril.r 4727Li Fillno DuE Drl. for 1111. lor-' 10/15/2013 PlnoBwflllullymthtf.lt.tbtltMBonthhtomaob!pmlrrldbyrlncorfqfcltuEund$th!CommunlEuonrAE!ot19t4r ir,US.c15502,503hl,orfnrslmFlqmctrl undlrTlth ll ofthe Urlbd shtu Codq 18 US.c I !,001. 10/@/20r3 P.E! 12 Plge ll <01o> Studvtuea Code 472215 <Ol5> StudyArliNam C}I{BRIDGE TET, CO <02D PrpEBmY€rr 3014 <030> contac!ltamr- plrson l..lsAcsheld cmrdct re!.rdlfisthk data flIchard ttlgslE <035> @ntact Tlllphom Nsmber - Nurtlr of p€ruon ldEliltl.d lR dafd fi ru <GlD ( 208 I 257-13 14 <GI9> gotrEEtEmellAddEls-Efr.llAd&ssotprnmldan$fedlndrtalln.<I3t> trlsglBEclctele.cm TO BE COMPIETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FII-ING ANNUAT REPORTS ON THE CARRIERS BEHATF: TO BE COMPISTED SY THE AI,,THORIZED AGENT! Certlflc&tlon of Offlcer to Authodze En A8ent to Flle Annual Reports for CAF or u Reclplents on Eehalf of Reportlng Carler lllY liat liltm qt 13lulhorl.od to rqhmll thE lnlormaflon Epo]iod on boh!lt sf lh! EporUnO firrloi EotlltythEt I nm rn otllcGrotlhc ]tporung cl'der; my mlpun8lblllue! lncludo !n.unnq thc rccuncy af lho rnnual d!tn mpoillng BqulEmontr Frovldod to l,hB rulhfflzcd li and. to lho b€rt olmy lmoMsdg!, lhs ]!pod! rnd dst! prevldod lo th! ruthorkEd rqod lr orruElo. {rmr ol Authorlud AElnt: ot Roportlnr CarrlEfl ;lmturc of AuihorlrEd Oflltlr:Oata: )rlnled nrm! ofAuthorlrGd Oflier; lt e or Elltloo of AuihotLcd Ollmn E numb€r otAuthorlzed Ot0cer: tudv AGa @de dl Remrtlna ceEl.r:Flllna Du. Dete lar ihk lam: PErcnt wflhluy mEllr| hlr, fiatemht! or thh form en bc Funbhld by ILE or fodell!r. qndlr the EommrnlEEllons AGt ol xA4, 47 U.5.C 5! lO2, 503{bl, or fln! or lmoahormnt undctTlth l8 olih, Unlt!d strt.rCodc, l8 t ."5'c. g 100L Certlflratlon ot Agant AuthorltEd to Flle Annual Bcports for CAF or Ll Reclplents on Behall of Hepo*lng Carrler hc data reportrd hrrEln b.r€d on dlta provldtd bylhe rcportlng @n,E'; Bnd,lothe brtt ofrny howbdge, lho lnformatlon roported hrrcln ls aruata. hmc of RemrtlncCarrlrr: lrm! of Authariud AlcntorEmolovle ol A[ent: ilEnatur. ofAulhtrltld A!€ntor EmDl@ dfArE.t:DaL: r.lnlld mm! olAuthollud Aentor EmDlowe otAslnl ltle or ooiltlon of Authorlred ArEntorEmld.. of Atent elepfune numbcr ofAuthorkcd Arcrt or EmElo{E of Accn!: itudv fuca Cod! ofReDorilnECeEkr Flllnr Dus Oat! lo.lhk fom: I I lE olth. unnrd 3t.'ts CodE.18 US,e I 100r. sAc 47-2215 Seruice Quallty Standards & Consumer Protection Rules Compliance Form 481Line item <500> September 4,2OL3 Cambridge Telephone Company, lnc. understands and complies with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission's Telephone Customer Relotions Rules,lDAPA 31.41.01, adopted under the general legal authority of the Public Utilities Law, Chapters 1 through 7, Title 51, ldaho Code, and the Telecommunications Act of 1988, Chapter 6, Ttle 62, ldaho Code, with regards to service. These telephone customer relations rules provide a set of fair, just, reasonable, and non- discriminatory rules regarding deposits, guarantees, billing, application for service, denial of service, termination of service, complaints to telephone companies, billing for interrupted service, and provisions of certain information about customer to authorities. sAc47-22]..5 Fu nctionality in Emergency Situations Form 481Line item <600> September 6, 201-3 Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. $ sa313(a)(5) and/or 47 C.F.R 5 s4.22(bx4) as set forth in 47 C.F.R S 5a.202(a)(2) Cambridge Telephone Company, lnc., meets the requirements to remain functional in emergency situations and has the following capabilhles: Back-up power is provided to Cambridge Telephone Company's central and or remote office(s) by use of fixed generator and batteries that provide it with hours of emergency power service. ln addition, Cambridge Telephone Company's field electronics have 8 hour back-up battery power, additional backup power with use of fixed/mobile generators. Cambridge Telephone Company, lnc., also has SONET technology in its network that allows for self- healing network should a fiber cut occur in its core network and will autornatically reroute traffic. CAMBRIDGE TELEPHONE COMPANY, lNC., also has a redundant path within its network to provide for the capability to reroute traffic. Cambridge Telephone Company, lnc., has equipped its remote office wlth Emergency Stand Alone technology that will provide for call completion and access to 911 in emergency situations. Cambridge Telephone Company, lnc., is capable of managing traffic spikes resulting from emergenry situations. ffiC-Ee. Gambridge Telephone Gompany ldaho Telephone Assistance Program (ITSAP) provides a communication "Lifeline" to those who might not othenruise be able to afford telephone servlce. lt also enhances the service for everyone by increasing the number of people who can be reached on the telephone network. A small surcharge is applied to every ldaho telephone line each month to reirnburse local telephone companies for the cost of state discounts under ITSAP. Whatlype of discount is availahle? Lifeline assistance lowers the cost of basic, monthly local telephone service. Eligible consumers can receive a Federal flat rate credit of up to $ 9.25 on each monthly telephone blll. ITSAP provides an additional $2.50 discount per month for a total of $11 ,75lor eligible customers. Toll Lirnitation Service (TLS) support allows eligibte consumers who wish to avoid incurring large long distance fees to choose toll blocklng at no cost. How do I know whether I am eligible? Eligibility for Lifeline, Link Up, and TLS support van'es by state, In ldaho, an individual may be eligible ii he or she partlcipates ln one of the following programs: . Medicaid. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamps). Supplemental Securiiy lncome (SSl)r Federal Public Housing Assistance. Low lncome Home Energy Assisiance. Temporary Assistanceto Needy Familles (TANF). National School Lunch Program's Free Lunch Program. Head Start Eligibility is determined by the total household income that does not exceed 135o/o of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG). THE ITSAP DISGOUNT APPLIES TO ONLY ONE TELEPHONE NUMBER PER HOUSEHOLD. How do I apply for ITSAP? Call Health & Welfare - 208-642-6400 or Western ldaho Community Action Program WICAP) at 208- 549- 2066, lf you are eligible, your name and number will be forwarded to your local telephone company MORE INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE AT THESE WEBSITES http://ywrw.idq_hocolllln u nitva ction. org Click on Prograrns & ldaho Telephone Assistance Seruice http:l/www.fcc.qov Click on Lifeline: Affordable Phone Service w lrnil. lifelinesunport.orq ry a,**/- LLF Madison, Wisconsin March 25,2013 INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANT'S COMPILATION REPORT To The Board of Directors Cambridge Telephone Company Cambridge,ID 83610 We have compiled the balance sheets of Cambridge Telephone Company, (an ldaho corporation) as of December 3t,2012 and 2011, and the statements of income or margins and retained earnings or margins for the years ended December 31, 2012 and 201 l, and cash flows for the year ended Decembcr 3 l, 2012, included in the accompanying prescribed form. We have also compiled the supplementary information in Parts F, G and H of the accompanying prescribed form. We have not audited or reviewed the accompanying financial statemeDts and the supplementary information in Parts F, G and H and, accordingly, do not express an opinion or provide any assurance about whether the financial statements and the supplernentary information in Parts F, C and H is in accordance rvith the form prescribed by the Rural Development Utilities Program. Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements and the supplementary infonnation in Parts F, G and H in accordance with requirements prescribed by ttre Rural Development Utilities Program and for designing, implementing, and maintaining internal control relcvant to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements and the supplementary information in Parts F, G and H. Our responsibility is to conduct the compilation in accordance with Statements on Standards for Accounting and Revicw Services issued by the American lnstitute of Certified Public Accountants. The objective of a compilation is to assist managemetrt in presenting financial information in the form of financial statements without undertaking to obtain or provide any assurance that there are no material modifications that should be made to the financial statements and the supplementary information in Parts F, G and H. These financial statements and the supplementary information in Parts F, G and H are presented in accordance with the requirements of the Rural Development Utilities Program, which differ from accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. This report is intended solely for the information and use of the Rural Development Utilities Program, Federal Communications Commission, Universal Service Administrative Company and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. The supplementary information contained in Parts C, D and E of the accompanying prescribed form bas not been audited, reviewed, or compiled by us, and, accordingly, we assume no responsibility for that information. Kiesling Associates LLP I Kiesling Consulting LLC I Kiesling lnvestment Management LLC AodirglotLcPepuvqllltdrcdonActof lg95,mlEqsynryml@tu4Elpoilr.qdrpqsoiroolEqrlrdbE+r!dt!.!BllElonoflnfmldeulEltdisphArhlldOMBqltolrunb6, TtculE OME Elfr] rmhafshb hfmrdon6[rdlslt [t72.@31. TtEdncEquHto@flac 6htifmuioa elltatonbaimucdtorwngc4luopauporqlrdudiDX,tlctlil.fcffhriot lartxtlou, sEE AccouutANrs comPt tAltoffi'Ei,bflf USDA.NUS OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOMMU NICATIONS BORROWERS vill b, ad b, RalS b rql$yd4lt6tddltinteilot yd| BpoN.l, tqtbd bt , U.trc 901 a rq, Canbrl,dge Telephone Coiqrany lPreE:arail lflth Audited DaEal rtporl roRAS $thln 10da1t alnrclou $thc lcdod. hilnlcfrou, rec RUS BaU.ria 1741-). Bcpttlnwhola dollan only, CERTIFICANON to tltc bcsl ofour htovlcdgc and bcliqf, AI,L INSUMNCE REQUIRED BY? CFR PART I?t8! CIIAPTERXVII, RUS, WAS IN FORCE DURTNG TEE REPORTTNG PERIOD ANI) RENEWALS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED FOR ALL POLICIES, OURING'I'HE PI'RIOD COVERED BY'THI$ RI'I'OItT T'UBSUAN'I"II, IDAI'T l?SE OTTCTR CHATIERXVII (CrB dt otla ol tlo ldlawl ry) f] AnolthBoblha[orEund.rlhcRustffideflmE f-'l rfhmhsbEEnsdo]lulltrsrEtul6lkncntotlhcoititFuffi - hflE beEn fulilld ln ell maErhl respccG. - mdsr tha RUS loa doGwib, Sold dchrf (s) lstrc spmlflcdly dlsolbld h the Taham Oplnung RlEorl BALANCE EIIIT OF PERIOD ?,509,938 6, 393 , 018 11. lnt eslmmt ln AfiIlsted 6, 393, 018 TOTAL ASEETS (10+17+23' TOTALUABLmE8 ANO EOUI?Y (360a0i50+50) L3.115,592 Total Eqully = r2, 65t %.of Total AsselE USDA-RUS OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOMMUNIGATIONS BORROWERS ]ORROWER DESIGNATION ID0512 ]ERIOD ENDING Decenber, 2012IVSIRUCfTONS- Sae RUS Bullelln 17t14-2 PART B. STATEMENTS OF INGOME AND RETAINED EARNINGS OR MARGINS ITEM PRIORYEAR THIS YEAR 1. Local Netv/ork Servlc€s Revenues 7A4.L19 651, 89a 2. Network Aocess Servlces Ravenues 3,453;556 3,05?,1,1t 3. Long Dlslance Network Servlces Revenues 4. Carler Bllllno and Collectlon Revanues 5. Ml$ellaneousRavenues B, 600 1,111 6. Uncollectble Revanues (1, 3s9 ' (1,2e0 l ?. Net Operatlng Revenues {1 ihru 5 less 6}4,t67 ,704 3 , 728, 305 L Planl Soeclllc OoerElions Exoensa 1,2{0,550 L,LEz,922 9. Plant NonsoBclflc OoBratlons ExDsnse lExcludlno Deoreclallon & Amortlzallonl 119,169 138.387 10. Depraclatlon Erpensa 1. 355 . 639 L,169 ,17i '1. Amorttzatlon Expense 12. Customer Oparatlons Expense 2O5 t970 2r?.505 13. Corporate Operallone Erpense 638.578 642,Ar 14. Total Ooeratlno Exosnses l8 thfu l3l 3,550,906 3 , 311, 108 5. Operadns lncoma or Marslns (7less 141 606.794 4t7 tL97 6. Olher Oosrallno lncome and Exoenses 7. Stale snd Local Taxes 43,95L ({,639} 8. Federal lncome Taxes 95,964 !1,9Ot lg. Olh6rTaxEs 92,245 70. 903 10. Tolal ODErallnq Taxes (17+18+19)212.164 98, 154 11, N6t OpersllnE lncome or Marolns (15+16-20)!74,634 319. 033 12. lntereston Funded Debt {14, 1O0 3s0.80{ 13. lnlerest E:toense - Caollal Leases l{. Olhar lnteGst Er(oense L9,224 z7 tl5i !5. Allowance for Funds Llsed Ourlno Conglrucllon 18. Totrl Flred Charoes lU+iE +2+251 4t2,324 . !o: 17. NonoDe,allnq Net lncom€459,114 4120,0f i !8. Exlraordlnary ltems 19. Jurlsdlctlonal Dlllerencas 10. Nonr€oulsied Net lncome 56 t 419 50,48r !1. Total Not lncome or Marcans l2l+in+28+29+30'26)414.551 ir.1 .s'f7 !2. Tolal Taxos Based on lncome L86. 854 201_.62', 13. Retalned Eamlnos or MamlnE Beolnnlno-of-Year l. s80.20?ll . 038. B5( 14. MlscelleneousCredllsYear-lo-Date ]5. Divldends Declared (Gommon) lB. Dlvldends Declarcd (Preferred) t7. OtherDebtlsYear-lo-Dato 18. Transfers to Patmnage Capltal 19. Retalned Eainlnos or Marolds End.of.Perlod It31+33+341 . (35+3&137+381t 4,038,850 .a60.427 10. Palmnaqe Csoital Beqlnnlneof-Year ll. TEnsfsrs to Patmnaoe CEEllel lz PE[DnaoB Caoltal CrBdlts R€llred l:l. Patronaqo Caottat En4of-Year(40+41.{21 0 0 14. Annual Dabt Servlce Paymenls 2,0o1,901 1 . s55, 007 15. Cash Ratlo t(14+20-10-11)/71 0. s8{8 0.600€ 16. Onerallno Accrual Rallo ln4+20+2$ln 1,0138 1 .0150 17. T|ERt{31+26)/261 2 , 0607 2.1rSA 18. DSCR t(31+26+'10+11) / 441 L.r2?Z 7.2654 sEE AccouNIANrs compr.ATtoru REffi ot u USOA-RUS OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOTIITMUNICATIO NS BORROWERS ,rVSflRUCriOrVS- See RUS Builsltn rTlhz BORROWER OESIGNATION lDo5t2 PERIOD EIIDED OEcEmber.2012 Put C. SIIBSCRIBER (ACCESS LINEL ROIITE MILE" & EIGII SPEEIT ItAT INFOIIIATION I. RATES Z SUBSCRIBERS IACCESS LINESI r- nolllF firLEs EXGHANGE g-r R-t lhl EUSINESS RESIDENTI,AL TOTAL rOTAL(hEhdlnP lib8r, FIBER ,hl 153- cq|nBI 12.O(r4.10 184 521 68r 124.41 153.S! !83- Cdrrdl 18.00 8!8! !56. lndlan Vallau t2.an 9L-1A 1?t a7 a'29ai 158- lndian Votev ,a.00 )1 aa 157- CambrldoE aLon 2n1t 7t 77'aa,121_74 8g-7r 25f- Canhddoa 18.00 5!5! 163.Cuorum lLOa 24-ta I r!3t E2-3{14.3I 159-Lmmn ALOq 24.1C 3!2ll4 241 42.0I 1rt ,53- Cilnrm tB or 1r ti llohlaWimhqr loule Mll€ro6 Sutslde ErcharpeAra, 0.01 0.0c foEl 2781 1.331 {.8{!8 411.ff 279.n Itlo Erchenoaq el SEE ACCOUNTANT'S COMPITATION REP()RT USDA.RUS OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOMMUNIGATIONS BORROWERS , rSTiRUCllOrVS - S.E RUS EunEUn ,74*2 SORRoIAIER DESIGNAION lD051Z PERIOD ENDEO Dgcemhar.20l2 Dn"t t' CllRq.iDrn$.n ,-Arr.'r'-s( t f Nnl Dfllrrlr Mll tt ,, mA]f SDnEI nAfA nr,EflpMl'rlalN Detelir on Lolrl Eroenglvo Emadband Servlcr O(CHANGE No. Acce8s lJnes wlth BB ava[able No OfEroadband SubsctlberE Nurnb6r Ot Subscdb€r8 AdvertBedDownloed Rataqff) Adv€rib6d Uoload Ra6 (Kbp3)(al ftlcePerMmth ln SlandalonrlPclg ,,n Type OfTrchnolory 253-Cundl 80t 6&IG rru r56 1g-e!SLndAlanE DSL 25!LCsrdl 25& lndlan 116 1t{I 184 458 10.s!SterdAlonE ]SL 25& lrdlsn Z5?- CBmMdo6 43S 2E{2l 38d l58 log!13t !57- CemHdoe ,s-q- cr ,5q- ll ?u 1o[md ,sf,lo-e!IterdAld.lsL !53-cuoEm fokt l.7aE t -06I SEE ACCOUNTANTS COMPIIATION REPORT usoA-ftu5 OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS BORROWERS ttuttt(uwElt uES|LSNA I tuN rDo5 12 I-EIIITJU ENUINLi Decamber, 20Lz n STRUCIIONS- S ee RUS &ilatln 1 7 4e2 PARTD. SYSTEMDATA . Nc Flut EqplryE 11 No. OthB FmDloyEBl e f. Sqrm Mlt6 Sav.d t ,381 LAErUcFrSq@MilG 1. 16 5. Euhrtcr pa Roula Mllc 3.90 PART E. TOLL DATA l" study AIEE lD cods(s) *4722L5 b._ G d.- f. 9. h._ L- ,. l. Types of Toll SsltlEmBnts (Checl one) lnlerslale: lnlBslat6: I awragesc]leaule I arlenge Schodule [l costeasr fl co*aaae PART F. FUNDS ]NVESTED IN PLANT DURING YEAR RUS, RTB. & FFB Loan Fund$ EilendEd Oiher Lonq-Term Loan Fun&Erocrdgd i. Funds Eloendad U[d€r RUS lnlB.lm AsorDnal Olher Shott-Tem Loan Funds ErD6nded ,. Gen6ral Furds E,(Derided (OtherthEn lnterlml 17?, 83: SalvaOed Malerlals Cofllflbullon ln AU to ConEtructlon ]. Gr6s Addltlon3 to Tdscsn. Plsnt (1 thru n 17?. B3i PART G. INVE8TMENTS IN AFFIUATED COMPANIES INVESTUENTS CURBEITIIYEAN OATA CUM]JLATIVE OATA lilEt ruit Thls Yoar lf,Emetro$ ThlE Yoff hl CmulrllvE Lw6tmeri io oet! tdt CrJmldtf lrcomEIiaE To Dll! lcJ Curenl Bdono fa lnvastmEnt In Afmhhd Comunler - RuEl DeElonmml 169,276 2.000,0001 1968,312)1.031,688 lrw€Elmenl h AmhEd Comoarlei- tloorural DBvEloomEnt Pagts60l'6 REP()RT USDA.RUS OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOMMUNIGATIONS BORROWERS 3ORROWER DESIGNATION rDo512 }ERIOD ENDING Deceriber, 201,? PARTH. CURRENTDEPRECNNON RATES Arccorporation's deprcciution mtes approved by the rcgul0tory E0thority with jurisdidlon over lhe pmvirioo of tclephonc rcrvies? (Chcek onc)E YES E NO EQUIPMENT CATEGORY DEPRECIATION RATE Land and suDDort assets - Motor V€hlcles 23 .00t Land and suDport as8ets - Aircrafr l. Land and suDDort assots - SDeclal Dumose vehlcles l. Land and support ass€ts - Garage and olher work equiDment 1e,50t i. Land and suDDort assets - Bulldlnqs 3.00t Land and suooorl assets - Furnlture and Office eouloment 12.50r Land and support asseE - G€neral oumose comDuters 20.00t l. Cenlral Oflice Swltchino - Dioltal 12.00t l. Central Oflice Swltchtna - Analoo & Bectro*nechanlcal . 10. Cenbal Offics SwltchlnE - ODerator Svst€m$ 1 1. Cenhal Oflice Transmlssion - Radlo Systems 10,00* 12. Cenlral Oftice Transmlsslon - Clrcuit eouloment 8.00i I 3, lnformatlon orlqlna[on/termination - Station aooaratus 14. lnformallon orlslnatlon/iermlnatlon - Customer premlses wlrlnq 15. lnformation orlsinallon/termlnatlon - Larqe orlvate branch exchanqes 6. lnformatlon orlglnatlon/terminallon - Public telephone termlnal equlpment 17. lnformation orloinallon/termlnatlon - Olher termlnal eouloment 18. Cable and wlre facllllles - Poles 19. Cable and wire faclllties - A€rial cable - Metal 20. Cable and wlre facllitles - Aerial cabte - Ftber 11. Cable and wlre fac'illtles - Undersround cable - Metal 6.50t 12. Cable and wlre facllltles - Underoround cable - Flber 6.50t !3. C€ble and wlre facillties - Buried cable - Metal 6. sot 14. Cable and wlre facllities - Buriod cable - Flber 5 .50* 15. Cable and wire iacllltles - Condull svstems 6 ,50t 16. Cable and wlre facllltles - Other Page 6 of G SEE ACCOUMANT'S COMPIIATION REPORT USDA.FUS OPERATING REPORT FOR TELECOIiTMUNICATIONS BORROWERS BORROWER DESIGNATION rD0512 PERIOD ENDED. Decenber, 2012 INSTRUCTIONS - See halp ln lho onllne appllcaion. PART I-STATETTENT OF CASH FLOWS t.Beglnnlng Cash (Cash and EqulvatenG plus RUS Construcilon Fund)90 ,498 CAS}I FLOWS FROM OPERATING AGNVITES2, N6t lncome 42L,572 Adluslmeats to Reconclld Nel lncoma ,o Nel C*h Provlded hv Ooerallna Actlvilles3. Add: Deoreclatlon 7.,L69 ,t'tz 4. Add: Arnortlzallon 05. Other (Explaln) Decreaee la accrued taxes, andl lDcreaBe in dlvid.ends and LEEereEt raceivabLe (6,4281 Chanoas ln Ooeralino Assels and Uabllifies 6.Deoease/(lncreesel ln Accounts Recelvable 496, 15? 7.DecrEase/(lncreaee) ln lrilaterlals and lrwentory 3 ,567 8.Decrease/(lncrease! ln Pr€Dsvments and DeEred Charoes (62,88s1 s.Decreasd(lncrease) ln OthBr Cunent Assets (?1,463 l 10.lnorease/(Deqeasel ln Accounts Pavable (190 , 8oo I 11.lncreasa/(Dectease) ln Advance B0llnss & PaymEnts L,7.44 '12.lncrease/(Decrease) ln Other Curant Liabllities 79,90: 13.Net Gash Provldedl(Ussd) by Operatlons 1.840,255 CASH FLOws FROM FlNAtilclNG ACTIVIIIES 14. Dect€ase/(lnqease) in Notes Recelvable o 15.lncrease/(Decrease) ln Notes Palrable (295, r6e) 15.lncrease/(Decraase) in Customer Deposlts 88? 17.Net lncrease/(Decreasa'l in Lono Term Debt {lncludlno Cunent Malrrlllesl lL,Z04,9201 18.lnorease/(Decrease) In Other LlablllUes & DefenBd Credlls 199r 079 19, lncrease(Decrease) ln Cepltal Slock, Pald-ln Capllal, Membershlp and Cadlal Cedllicates E Other Gapltal 0 20.Less: Payment of Dlvldends 0 21.Less: Patronaoe Caollal Credlls Retlred 0 22. Other (Explaln) 23,Net Cash Providedl(Usedl bv Financlns Actlvltles (1.300,223) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTIT{G ACNVMESu.Nat Capital Exnendltures (ProDertv. Plant & Eouloment)s1!,6a7 25.Olher Lono-Term lnveslments (428, 899) 2A-Olher Noncurrent Asseb & Jurisdhtlonal Dlftrences o 27,Other (Explaln) Rctiremenl, of PlarE and oEhEr lr1aEts adjusEments (?38,608) 28.Net Gash Provldedl{Usedl bv lnvestlno Ac-tlvltles {s93,820) 29.Net lncreasel(Decrsaeol ln Gash (53 ,78 I ) 30. Endlno Cash 35, ?t 0 Revislon Date 2010 SEE ACCOUNTANT'S COMPII.ATION REP()RI A c $ ! I ts t, E tt I e !t .tE 2 ? .Ea +€ -q! ! E( E !IA E!c!Ir !: -! E?EI i;l i I i t Iil r ? I ceEI! !o CE E:!: o?t E, E-9 EeE>oq?9U UPs..E !p EEJ= l* t0EEs! 6m6 c= Eg ! E 3 oT d a E U !! aEI ! 6!6co E,gEE oa E A= !g mr Ea8EEEOEEOE d6-=- HagE?aoa:ld& EE h!OUtrE EI EIg -. lrl!l rl !ld EIt !l tl Hl Elggg A,AA9??oo E qoo .iz uq> =H5E V A g ^!9s!!.Er *EiE !l;E iIEI rE tE ?i:E t- E.?: i e! a x6ad ELEg =f ET :E;+. f+EEE TE3TE fi58E* -qE +E$:oI Strs?'spE p pf EEpE. <<Ettf, .EE- EEEE€€sb= 66EUUU 6E_-:6hA6c6o[9-iinEanaE E ? e e s ? ? 63oJr 6rooF2U =EF hd E & !a dE=oo cE E c d E EU 5 Eo,e EE: d, q{ co,go2 =odBrt3o E 6s rrltrl IIEHI EEI HB -e"l H-,fl "E g HflH:E- 5l ElElflF!H sAAA,AAr-ri> EES838y= = v v v v v v fimovo5 H€o-v!0!EO oEs€E6Ea-.E 4a 6E!il4E EE A E E-q or =g qE s"Fg3 E 3iE ETEu s 9drE EEi-= f =g.EE E}EEs EEE6flq4u:E -. _Egcr6 gE . ooe'E 5 E ; e EEts8 E E: E P FEi S;gEEEqfE s#Essg6E* 8,A64,AAf,*"*o EHHHS$