HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131015Budget PrePay Inc FCC 481 and ETC.pdfJean Jewell From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: lmportance: Dear Sir or Madam: Jackie Gilchrist Igilchrist@tminc.com] Monday, October 14,2013 8:23 AM Jean Jewell cneeld@tminc.com Budget PrePay, lnc. d/b/a Budget Mobile - lD Copy of FCC Form 481 - Carrier Annual Reporting - for the month ending October 31 , 2013 Budget Mobile_lD Copy of FCC Form 481 - Carrier Annual Reporting.pdf High Attached please find the lD Copy of FCC Form 481 - Carrier Annual Reporting for the month ending October 3t,2073, filed on behalf of Budget PrePay, lnc. d/b/a Budget Mobile. lf you have any questions please contact Craig Neeld at 407-740-8575. Thank you,G tt( T-t3"Dl Jacquelyn Gilchrist Sr Associate Specialist isilchrist@tminc.com (407)659 -8740 - Direct (407l.740-8575 - Office (4O7)74O-O513 - Fax PLEASE VISIT OUR NEW WEBSTTE AT WWW.tMiNC.COM Technologies Management, lnc. 2500 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 300 Maitland, FL 32751 About TMI - Technologies Management, lnc. ("TMl"), serving the telecom industry since 1986, offers consulting services on regulatory compliance and competitive developments in the telecommunications industry. This electronic message contains information from Technologies Management lnc. which may be confidential or privileged. The information is intended to be for the use of the individual or entity named above. lf you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this information is prohibited. lf you have received this electronic transmission in error, please notify us by telephone (407-740-8575) immediately. i::i Page 1 Form 481 - Grrler Annual Reportint FCC fo.il a81 OME Control No.3060{9t5./Otut Control rG 3060{!ll' 4 7901 6<010> Studv Area Code BudgeE Prepay Inc-<015> Study Area Name 20L4<020> Program Year <030> Contact Name: Person USAC should contact Laki6ha rBylor with questions about this data <035> Contact Telephone Number; Number ot the person identitied in data line <030>318-571-5000 <039> contact Email Address: Email ot the person identitied in data line <030>lakishat@budgetp!epay. com Completlon I Completion <100> Service Quality lmprovement Repofting <200> Outage Reporting (voice) <210> Eil.- .t eck box if no outages to report ( @Dl.te tuched wor*thed) lcffi plete tuch.d wuksh *tl <300> Unfulfilled Service Requests (voace) <310> <320> <330> <400> <410> <420> Detail on Attempts (voice) Unfulfilled service Requests (broadband) Detail on Attempts (broadband) I I buochd'iliptieedocmst) Number of Complaints per 1,000 customers (voice) <430> Num ber of Complaints per 1,000 customers (broadband) <440> <450>Mobile <500> Seruice Quality Standards & Consumer Protection Rules Compliance.51orF <600> Functionality in EmerSency Situations <610rm <700> Company Price Offerines (voice) <710> company Price Offerings (broadband) <800> Operating Companies and Afliliates^ <9OO> TribaltandofferinBs(Y/N)? U U <1000> Voice Services Rate Comparability.lolorF^ A<1100> Terrestrial Backhaul (Y/N)? u U <1110> <1200> Terms and Condition for Lifeline customers Fixed Mobile loatoch d 6uiptve do c umentl tr-TI-T II-IFN lcheck to lndi.ote ccdifiation) (oft och ed d etuip?iw d ocumentl (.hcck to indicdE ert$i@tloh) lo Roch.d d6dipnv. deMent) (cmplatc oft ochcd |9dkt hea ) (@plete ofto ched wtks het) (@mpl$e ofto ched wqks hetl (lf y6, cMplete oioched wo*theet) (.heck to iadi@te cedlkoilon) (dnoch d6 capive docun eht) (il nd, dt.ck .o lndidte @dill.friil ) lce9lete froched wdkshd) I cwpl eae ottu ched w@ls hd) <2000> <2005> <3000> <3005> Price Cap Carriers, Proceed to lncluding Rote-of-Retum Cafiers offrlioted with Prhe Cop Locol Exchange Corrierc lchc* b in dl c@ ce rtifi @ tion ) lcfipl.te oft ddled wotksh..t I Rate of Return Carrie6, Ploceed to (clEck b indifre ertilicotlo^l (compld. oft dched w dk she( ) 1U10t2013 Page I oU6d e @9; =oz- >EoPq u-' +.:aEx o-.-E p Ee.l.E i *ts€ H ;tE-8 * 6 F#EE *E ,-ixI! :8>HEE =$.EE,tE_gEBEEE E i 5 h e s e E9!€o 33't>tE lEEF iSttt!nE:E E s E A 6 €;9fi! 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E E a -o'= A ;?6Q- dd;;-6 rq - ft€ 3E eE:E: ii !s9. 6 o J e.E;'BE R E r i tH:E '. 6 F ! intI i E E :i!!r + i i HIE*S b ? f 5 gaEi 3 : 939 !s €i i' i iE$ $i;E Z: F Edi rE iE ii ; iiE EE2?i lE i f c: :?ie g5 F t65 5iT!IEF E AET EEItilJ H €aj iE - "ErH E-s'E I .s =! o :i- a-cJ 6 :-E+r*3 ela i=r ! HdPE dE.9: =!,rE=E *#it EaI EE i{ie; 3i: Ii Ei;B sEi E E* iEri ;IE i?; EiEi ;i$E Ef EtEi !F:g !i tEI; iEg F c$ EEiE 5Eies aEe eI C e oo ao E .g 6a I o G Page 12 FCcroiiff4!1 Coll€ctioo Form oMB Control No, 305&O985/OMB Cohtrol No. 305G0819 3 4?9015<o1o> studv Area Code Area Name Budgec PrePay Inc. <o2o> Prosram Year 2ol{ <0!lo> contactNam.-PeBonusacshouldcontactresardincthisdata Lakisha raylo! <035> crntactTelephoneNumber-Numberofpersonld€ntlfledlndatallne<o3o> 318-671-5000 <039> Contact Emall Address - Email Address of person ldentlfled ln data lin€ <O3O> laki6haBobudgctpi'pay ' com Certification of Offi€er as to the Accuracy of the Data Reported for the Annual Reporting for CAF or Ll Reclplentg c€rtlfythat I am an olficr o, the reponint 6nler; my responslbilities includc cnsurhg the a@Bcy of the annual rcportltrt requlrments tor unlEEl 3etvl@ suDport eciplerb; aEd, to th! b6t ot my ltrowledg€, the lnfomail$ reponed on thls rom and ln any atrachm.nts ls accorate. tameofReDortinccarrler Budgct PrePay fnc. iisnature of Authorizad Officer: CRTTFTED (NrNE Date LOlai/20L3 ,rinted name ofAuthori4d otflcer: Dawid Donahuc itleor oositbn ofAuthorized Officcr: cro eleohone number of Authorlzed offlccr: 3ls6?15000 tudv a.ea code of Rcoortln! carricr: 4?9016 FilimoueDat forthlsform' 10/r5/2011 Per$ns w,llfully m.tin8 f.l5e statements on thls form @, be punlshed by Iine o. forfeitur€ unde, th€ @mhunletlons Ad of 1934, 47 U.S.C. 59 502, 503(b). or tlre o, lmg.isonment under Tirla 18 ofthe Unlted Sbt.s Codq 18 U.S.C. 5 1001. TO BE COMPLETED BYTHE REPORTING CARRIER,IFTHE REPORTING CARRIER IS FII.ING ANNUAL REPORTING ON IT5 OWN BEHALF: 10hot2013 Page 12 Collecuon Fom FCC form /altt OMB @ntrol No. 3060{986/OMB Convol No. 306OOEI9 {79016 <o1s> studvArea Name BudgeL PrePay Inc. <020> ProPram Yaar 2074 <o:lo> contaci Nare - Percn IISAC shoold conmct rera.dins thls data Lakisha Tayloi <035> ContactTelephoneNumb€r-Numberofrersonidentlfiedindatallne<03D 3r8-571-5000 <039> CootactEm.ilAddress-EmailAddressofpe6onidotifEdind.taline<O3O> laki6hatobudgetPrePay.com TO 8E COMPTETED BY THE REPORTII{G CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FIUN6 ANNUAL REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S BEHAI.F: TO BE COMPLETED BYTHE AUTHORIZED AGENT: Certificatlon of Office, to Autho.ize an Agent to FIle Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Eehalf of Reporting Carrier coriifythrt(NameolAsstisauthori4dto3ubmitilEinfom!tlonropo.todonb.h.lfoftheEportingcarioi ilso ceniry that I am .n om"". of thu rcEfiiiEilffiiiliiiiiEiiiiiEiicludo enruring thc accuncy ortho rnnurl d.tr r€porting roquircmente provided to the .uthoriz.d O6nt; .nd, to the be3i of my knowlodq€, tho reports and data provided lo tho authorlzBd rgant is .ccunte. ofAuthorlzld Ac.nt: J.mr of R"mdin! C.rrier: d offEer:D.tc: .fAuthodTrd offier: itle or porltlon of Autho.ized office.: 'elephone number of Authorized offic€rl itudvArca Code o, Reportint Carrier:FillnE Due oats brthb form: PcBonrwilfulhmakingf.lscstatehcntsonthirform(anbcpunkhedbylineo,forfeiureunderiheCofihunicationaACof193a, a7U.5.C55502,503(b),orfln6orimp.isnment undcr Itl. 18 otthe Unlt.d Statcs Codg 18 U.S.C.5 1001. Certification of Agent Authodzcd to Flle Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Reclplents on Behalf of Reporting Carrler , as atent for th3 ,€porutt 6rler, cefify that I am autho,lled to submlt the annual .€pon5 for unive6al srice suppott rElplents on behalfof the reponlog carler; I have ltovld€d he data .eported hereh be5ed otr data provided by the rcponlnt crrier;.nd, to the bestofmy knowl€dgc,the lnformatlon ,eported hereln ls accutate. lame of R€oortinE Cerier: lame ofA rtor Emolovee ofAtent: e ofAuthorized Asedt or Emdowc ofAaent:Date: n.m. ofAuthorized Arent d Emolovec ofAqent: itl.ol oriz€d Areftt or Emolovee ofArent bl2ohon. hur lz€d Acentor Emolovee ofAaent: bdv AlEa Cri. af Re mdino C Fillns Due Oate for this form: 18 ofthe thited 5bter Code, 18 U.s.C S 1001. 1011u2013 CERTIFICATION BY ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER OF COMPLIANCE WITH SERVICE QUALITY AND CUSTOMER PROTECTION, ABILITY TO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL IN EMERGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH-COST SUPPORT. AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER The ldaho Public Utilities Commission Order No. 29841requires that Eligible Telecommunications Carriers certify that it is compliant with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules, and ETCs must demonstrate the ability to remain functional in emergencies. ln addition, the Commission must file an annual certification with the USAC and the FCC that all federal high-cost support provided to ETCs within the State of ldaho will be used only for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. Accordingly, the undersigned states and verifies under oath the following: Budget PrePay, lnc.1' l am an otficer of _4bBu!gg!Ug$!g_, an eligible telecommunications carrier for receiving federal universal service support under section 214(e) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 in the state of ldaho. 2. I am familiar with the Company's dayto-day operations in the state of ldaho and with the State's service quality standards and consumer protection rules as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841. Budget PrePay, lnc. d/b/a Budget Mobile is complying with applicable service quality standards and consumer protection rules of the Federal Communications Commission and the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. 4. I certify to the Commission that the Company is able to remain functional In emergencies as set forth in Commission Order No. 29841 and in 47 C.F.R. S 5a.201(aX2). 5. I also certify that all federal universal service support funds receive o ot 'oil1T"llfi!,'il"1[i, o"rt^n the current calendar year will be used in a manner consistent with section 254(e); that is, for the provision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended. The company will continue to comply for the period of January 1, 2014 , through December 31,2014 , to be eligible for federal universal service fund support. 6. This verification and affidavit is provided to be the ldaho Public Utilities Commission to enable the IPUC to certify to the FCC that federal universal service support received by the eligible carriersjp the will be used in a manner consistent with Section 25a@) of the T SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 7. ROBINY't1l ioterYh'brc""I'o"si"t P"tittt .":ff:1"'"Ti'll"o" My Commission Budget PrePay, Inc. 4790L6 -No Affiliates