HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131011CenturyTel of Idaho 2013 ETC.pdfMary S. Hobson Attorney & Counselor ggg Main, Suite rros Boise, lD BgToq 9()8-385-8666 October ll,2013 VIA HAI\D DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472West Washington Boise,ID 83702-5983 Re: CenturyTel of Idaho 2013 Federal ETC Filing Dear Ms. Jewell: ?ii]', 4:'7 t , tF, ^-L: ij,,i ii j:;i !:30 On Novernber 18, 2011 the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") released its USF/ICC Transformation Order in WC Docket No. 10-90 et al. With that Order, the FCC began a transition to a national framework for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers ("ETCs") and set forth a standard set of information that all ETCs must file with the FCC each year. The Order also required ETCs to provide the same information to the respective state commissions. On June 10,2013, the FCC granted a limited waiver of the July 1 filing deadline for the annual ETC reporting requirernents for z}l3,with one exception. I ETCs with voice service rates below the rate floor" were required to file by July I the voice rate information required by 47 C.F.R. $ 54.313(h). That same Order also noted that the final requirements for 2013 and the new filing deadlines would be set in a subsequent Order following Paperwork Reduction Act approval of the FCC's reporting requirements and proposed reporting form. On August 6,2013,the FCC released an Order, DA13-707, identifying the reporting requirements contained in 47 C.F.R. $ 54.313 that are now approved and applicable in 2013 as well as setting October 15,2013 as the deadline for ETCs to file the required information.3 The FCC also released the required reporting template, FCC Form 481, for use by all ETCs. Attached is a complete copy of the FCC Form 481 for CenturyTel of Idaho, as filed by CenturyLink with the FCC. I See.In the Matter of Connect America Fund, Order,WC Docket No. l0-90, DA l3-1348, (rel. June 10, 2013). ' Only ETCs that receive Federal High Cost Loop or High Cost Model Support are required to report residential basic rates below the rate floor. 3 Seefir theMatterof ConnectAmericaFund,Order,WCDocketNo. 10-90, DAl3-707,(rel. August6, 2013). Consistent with past years, we request that you certiry to the FCC as required by 47 C.F.R $ 54.314 by the deadline of Decenrber 16, 2013 that CenturyTel of the Gem States should continue receiving Federal high cost support in Idaho. Please do not hesitate to contact meshould you have any questions regarding this filing. /rl,nu48hU/ I \__--> Mary S. Ho6son Attorney for CenturyTel of Ida]ro Page 1 Form 481 - CanlerAnnual R€portlng FGCFmiltl Otilocord ilcS.0{46/Oii! Cootll t{q !040{419 ,ulr 20llForm <01(> StudyArea Code CEN:IBYTII. OP IDAEO<)15> StudyAnea Name <)20> ProrramYear <03(> Contact Name: Pe6on UsAcshould contact whh questlons about this data xauatb lf. BEbu <0:!5> ContactTelephoneNumber: (318) t'z-153s Number of the De60n ldentitied ln data line <Gl(> <039> ContactEmallAddress: r.n.bucba.ilq@tu4irisk.c@ Emallof the person identithd ln qata ltne{30) 5'L313 I geZZ Comd€tlon I conplctlon REPORf,ING FOR AII CARRIERI' <10(> SeMce Q.rality lmprovement Reportlng <200> Outage Reportin! (volce) <21D El|.- .treck box if no outages to report (@pkf. rttc.rf .l wt*rlre) (cqp,l't.Rodt dwtthatt loalqrt dqt ptlwdffi.nr) lo'rdt.lqlpdwdwat) (cMblnileNd@oat (otu lrddatwedd@tt (.i.'r,bktdle@ni@tr,i (ottu&ad d@Wr.d@Mtt f.lnFt t dil!.fi.dwtrbc0 l@drt. tudrduq*tlrre) I@pk ctt dradr.drld, qtw. d?4fh. tuN rqt,lwtt (M bhdlccra,tlfrtara) toa,d, lwipavc dewn) It.tot dt.f* to,adla,p qtl@qt (arpr.t otcd.dvtby'Eat (@pLn otudslwkrhGt) t_{ '!t__-__L__J ll-/-T--ll n7-E:,*--:Tffil <3@> Unfulf,lled SeNice Requests (volce) <310>Detall on Attempts (volce) <320> Unfulf,lled Slrvlce Requests (broadband) <330>Detall on Attempts (broadband) <430> Number of ComplalnB per 1,q)O <1100> Number of Complalnts per 1,000 custorErsl[!q!qe)iill ffi'i" F <440> <4S0> Flxed Mobile <500> Service Quality Standards & Consumer Protection Rules Compliance <510> <500> Functionality in Emergency Situatlons<5rc>m <7fi> Company Price Offerings (voice) <71(> Company Price Offerlngs (broadband) <8fiD Operatlng Companles and Afflllates4\ €0(> Trlbal Land Offerlngs (Y/N)? (J oo<1110> <120(> Terms and Condltlon for Lifellne Customers 0 <l(x)O> Volce Servlces Rate Comparablli <1010> Prlc. c'3p Crrrl.rs, FToceed to Prlcc C.o Addltlonrl Oocumentatbn Worlsheet lncluding Roteof-Retum Cofile6 ofrllated trrtth Pl@ Cnp Loal E<change Corriers <2@0> <2005> (M'p'ndailadl@dont (@.'tol,fd,rdvq*rhd) Rate of Return Canle6, Proceed to <3(x)0> <3005> (dE&tolfitl@,rN!/,e?on) (mpld.ffidi,.lwqltut oozttfrlg PaBe 1 NoEoC o Bsc !o-E -!gP; =b9E BE-= 6H F* 6L-Ii l, cr i4 g -fi=s€ E Eie+ E": "-$ E[E- EEE HE E EE.EE EgCg€E ;Eir rEgiiE E [$E fi E 5; E t s H gE H H; E E E EETEET EEEEEETiEEE EE#6Bgg $$Et EEEE; e: A AAA mauttDh6HdHHdHssvvvY E6-\i E EJ Bo6!to uG oo Eoz. Ilt llllll dol dol al al;l ;l=l I r l. 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El€gidEllEI^!'t if E is!::E,uE !5.E ,iEfitE,9+ il.EfT a.E ]IIH ., ii,EC :!: s 'i r r: !r:EilE il Ell gil r il s iloit5ilu,lEJ. E ! c ! E 8 6n i2 !!I H s$I IEF EisI €Ii: Igi E EE.i E E!gg *sr ,EiE i ! IEIS E i - a.E IFEEE.E? EEI EiEEEE E EE Ei$ EI€€EEE EE5EEss.EtEtrErEiEEgFTEsi CEA oEEEEEIXE€5EEfi oooEi! .E!t?EEg $Es Co .latIto ct t t E cbl c -Rapordntc.}rlcr FccFtrm48l Collccilon Fo3m OMB Control No. in6O{!,86/OMD Coitrol Na 3060{,819 July 2Ol3 r?2225<016> qtuduArcr C6d. <OlS> StrrdvAn.N.m CEIIIITRYIEI/ Of IDI& <)30> contrctNamr-PlmnusAcshouldcontrctrq.adlllthlsdata x'nn'th r' Me <l3s contactTelephonaNurblr-Numberofprmnldlntlfirdln.d.tallm<r!(> (318' 352-1538 <o3D contactEmallAddros-EmailAddrosoflenonldcntifulnd!t!linr<0!16 k'n'bEbu'c4turvriDk'cm Ccrtlfication of O{ficer as to thc Accurrcv o, thc Dltr Rcportcd for the Annual Rcporting for CAF or Ll RcciplGnts caatlty $rt I rm an ofnccr of thr ;cpolfirt G.nl€r, my ,lsponslbfilds lndude Gnsudsi thc rccunct of the amual rrportln3 rGqulmilts fo] mlvarlal $rvle $ppon lclptrnBi and, to tho b€st o, my Inowl€dta, tia lnfomrtlon rapottad on thts form asd ln any rtt drmsnts ir accunt . rm.6tt.h6rt6rGr*.r, W oP rDN& Imtun ot Autpdud olfler: clltlllED oI{rJrrE D.t o9/zsl20l? ,rlnt.d mm of Authdlred ofitcrn h'td co1. Itl.ormrftldotAudbd4dolllcan Sanlor Viq Pralldot lor OtEratlsr llutpo* rod Controll.! i ffi..F (lr8) 388-9000 tudv Anr cod. of R.mrtlne Clfthr 472229 Flllm Dsr DrtG iorthls fom' 1ol1sl2013 P.mr wlllfully m.lln8 frl$ drt runtt on thtr fom en b. pnlrh.d byfti. or b.f.ltun und.r6. Cilrmdet osAct of 1E 4, 47 US.C 55 So& 50:l(br, orlln! or lmprisnmnt urd.rTlth lE oftlE Unlt d Slrt ! Codc, l8 U.s,c. 5 lml TO BE COMPLEIED BYTHE REPORTINC CANRIE& IFTHE REPORTING CARRIER IS FIUNG ANNUAT REPONTING ON ITS OWN BEHAF: 092A:m13 Prt! 12 Collecdon Form FOC Form 481 oMB @ntrcl No. :r06Go$6y'oMB Contol t{o. 306G0819 July 2015 dro> studva*cod. 472225 dr15> StrdvAr6N.m CEfi\TRYTBL OF IDN{O <020> pruEm y@r 2014 €3o> ffictl,lam.-ParElu5AcCrdld6nt ctEardlEthbdata t(.maCh 91. Buctran @35> ContactTclcphffc Numb.r- Numbcrof prrq ldrntlllcd ln dlt llre <03(b (318) 362-1s38 439> Cmt ct Emrll Addrcs - Emlll Addrss of pers irantlfied ln d8ta lln. <O3O> ka . bucb.lacqturyllnl . sq TO BE COMPLEIED BY THE REPiORTI]'IG CIRRIER, IF AI{ AGE{T ]S FITING ANNUA1 REPORTS ON THE C,ARRIERS BEHATTI TO BE COMPT"EIED BY THE AUTHORIZED AGENT: Certlfic.tion of Offic€r to Authorlr€ an Agent to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll RedplenB on Behalf of Rcportint Canier cdfYth.t(Nm ol 13 ruthorlad to l6mlt tho kfomalff Eportld m bdnll ol ah. npodng qnl* Ito cs'tfy th.t I m rn oltar of tia n?oftlng anl.n my Eponrlblllt6 lnclud. murltre th. Mq? ot lh. rnnurl drta npordng Equlmol3 pmldrd to th. ruihod[d egrq and, to tta baat ot my knilladga, tha Eporlt rnd data pdld.d to Or. rdrorlr.d .!rit lt ffitr llmr of R.Brtlnr C.rl.r: D.tc: bl.Dhone numbEr of Authdiad Ofaor: ,tudv Am Cod. of Rr6rdnr C.rrlGr:Flllil Os Ort fo.thkiorm: P6o.wlllfullym.ki{f.b.d.tdr{tfft}rLfo.mdbGpunl5h.dtyfln.dforltlnlrundrtirCormunkrtioNAdotl93d aTU.s.C!55oa503(bLorflNo.ltnpdemtud* Id. lt oftha t nlld slrt . Codr, 18 U.s.c. 5 1001. Ccrtificatlon of Agent Authorized to Flb Annual ReporG for CAF or Ll Reclplents on Bahalf of Reportlng Carrior , rs tBot lq lhe rcpordrE orl. , c.'tfy th.t I .n eudrched to sbmlt th. rnnlal ro0o]ls fo, ulrcHl r.rl.c aupport ,.4luts on blhrtr of the coordnE 6rlq I h8. pmid.d h. drb nfortld herdtr hr.d 6 drE prddcd try the Eporthg 6nbt; .nd, to $c te6t d my lnowLdtp, thr infrrmtlm r.Dortrd hGdn 15 r@nts DlE: ItL tr msltlco of Anhork.d Arni or Emolovr. of Ailnt Lhphona numb!. of AuthdlEd Ar.nt or Emolfr. of AEnt: iurdv Afr cod.C.rlar:Flllnr Dua D.t forihb fom: P6oB wlllfuly m.llnt hlE rt tcment! on thlt {om 6n b. punlthrd by lh. fi forl:ltJn un&r the Comnunlatlsr A.t ot 1934 47 U.s.C !! 502, 50it(b), or 0n! or lmpitonm.ot rndc TId! 1t ot tll. unltd St t.r Codq 1t U.S.C 5 $0f AFFIDAVIT CERTlFYING COM PLIANCE wlTH S54.313(AX5), S54,313(AX6), and 954314(a! Section (500) -Service Quality Certification Section (600) - Emeryency Carrier Certification Sectlon l2012l - 2013 Frozen Support Certification; and Accuracy of Annual Reporting of CAF Recipients Certiflcation For the CenturyLink ETCs as listed in Appendix A, L David D. Cole, being of lawful age and duly suorn, on my oath and under penalty of perjury state that I am the SeniorVice President for Operations Support and Controller of CenturyLink, lnc. ("Compan/) and that I am authorized to execute this affidavit on behalf of the Company. The Company hereby certifies pursuant to the requlrements under4T C.F.R. Ssa3fi(A)(5) and 55a.38(AX6)that: Centurylink has established operational procedures designed to facllltate compliance with appllcable consumer protection rules, CenturyLlnk has established operational procedures deslgned to factlhate compliance wlth service quallty standards which may lnclude customer remedles and lmprovement plans. CenturyLlnk also reports servlce quallty metrlcs to State Cornmlsslons as applicablg CenturyLlnk ls able to remain functlonal ln emergency sltuatlons as set forth in S54.202(a)(2), Allfrozen ftderal universal service support provided to CenturyLlnk ETCs llsted in Appendix A was used in the preceding calendar year and will be used ln the coming calendar year only for the provision, maintenancg and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support Is intende4 and To the best of my knowledge and beliet the information reported on this form including attachments is accurate. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. i *1- DATED this (o''- day ot S+*. zOra David D. Cole SVP - Operations Support and Controller CenturyLink 100 CenturyLlnk Drive Monroe, Louisiana 7 L2O3 x) 2l 3) 4l s) SUBSCRIBEDANDSWoRNTo before m.this L* dayof Se?*. 2013 nn.Notary Public:i!,\"9*s*"^* o+*r.{ My Commission Expires:tr.r\'V1^ l*iQ< S+r.:t-- 176 La^tsls-.-r- , PariSL. cz4 O*'ao'l"pa,- AppondixA LlstlnE of CenturuLlnk Ellelble Telecommunlcatlons Carriers COMPANYNAME DBA NAME Study Area Code State(s) of Ooeration CenturvTel of Alabama, LLC (Northern I Centurylink 259789 AL CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC (Southern)Centurvlink 259788 AL Gulf Telephone Companv CenturvLink 250298 AL CenturvTel of Arkansas, lnc.CenturyLink 40t7as AR CenturvTel of Central Arkansas, LLC Centurvlink 40LL44 AR CenturvTel of Mountain Home, lnc.CenturvLink 4017LL AR CenturvTel of Redfield, lnc.Centurvlink 40L720 AR CenturyTel ofSouth Arkansas, lnc.CenturvLlnk 407727 AR,I.A CenturyTel of Northwest Arkansas, LLC (Russellvllle)CenturvLlnk 40Lt42 AR, MO, OK CenturyTel of Northwest Arkansas, LLC (Siloam Sprines)CenturvLink 401143 AR, OK Qwest Corporation (Arizona)CenturyLink QC 455101 pd CenturvTel of Colorado, lnc.'CenturvUnk 462208 CO Qwest Corporation (Colorado)Centurvlink QC 465102 co The El Paso Countv Telephone Companv None 462L87 co CenturvTel of Easle. lnc.CenturyLink 462185 CO. UT Embaro Florida.lnc.CenturyLink 21:o34L FL Coastal Utilities, lnc.CenturvLink 220356 GA Qwest Corporatlon (lowa)Centurvlink QC 355141 IA CenturvTel of Postville. lnc.CenturyLink 35L274 IA CenturyTel of Chester, lnc.CenturyLlnk 351126 IA. MN CenturvTel of ldaho, lnc.Centuryllnk 47222s ID CenturyTel ofthe Gem State, lnc. (ldaho)CenturvLink 472223 ID Qwest Corporation (Northern ldaho)Centurylink QC 475L62 ID Qwest Corporation (Southern ldaho)Centurylink QC 475LO3 ID Gallatin River Communications, LLC CenturvLink GRC 341057 It CenturvTel of Central Indiana, lnc.Centurvlink 320747 IN CenturvTel of Odon, lnc.CenturyLink 320801 IN United Teleohone Comoanv of lndiana, lnc.Centurvlink 320832 IN, OH United Telephone Company of Eastern Kansas CenturyLink 47L3L7 IG COMPANYNAME DBA NAME Study Area Code State(s) of Ooeration United Telephone Company of Kansas None 4tL842 KS Unlted Telephone Company of Southcentral Kansas CenturyLlnk 471317 IG Embarq Missouri, lnc. (Kansas)CenturvLink 4L1957 KS CenturvTel of Central Louisiana, LLC CenturvLink 270423 t-A CenturyTel of Chatham, LLC Centurvlink 270427 LA CenturyTelof East Louisiana, LLC CenturyLink 270440 tA CenturvTel of Evangeline, LLC CenturyLink 270434 IA CenturyTel of North Louisiana, LLC CenturyLink 270436 LA CenturvTel of Rinssold. LLC Centurylink 270439 LA CenturvTel of Southeast Loulslana, LLC CenturvLink 270424 LA CenturvTel of Southwest Louislana. LLC Centurvlink 270442 LA CenturvTel of Northwest touisiana, lnc.Centurylink 27043L LA, AR, TX CenturvTel Mldwest - Michiean, lnc.CenturvLink 310671 MI CenturvTel of Michican, lnc.CenturyLink 3LO702 MI CenturvTel of Northern MichiEan. lnc.Centurylink 31070s MI CenturvTel of Upper Mlchisan, lnc.CenturyLink 310689 MI CenturvTel of Minnesota, lnc.CenturyLink 361445 MN Embaro Minnesota.lnc.CenturvLink 361456 MN Qwest Corporation (Minnesota)CenturvLink QC 365t42 MN CenturyTel of Missouri, l.IC (Belle-Herman)CenturvLink 429785 MO CenturvTel of Missouri. LLC {Central)CenturyLink 429784 MO CenturvTel of Missouri, LLC (Southern)Centurvlink 429786 MO CenturvTel of Missouri, LLC (Southwest)centuryLink 429787 MO Spectra Communications Group, LLC CenturyLink 42tL57 MO Embaro Mlssouri.lnc.CenturvUnk 42t957 MO.IA CenturvTel of North Mississippi, lnc.None 280458 MS CenturvTel of Montana, lnc.CenturyLink .482249 MT Qwest Corporation (Montana)CenturyLink QC 485104 MT Central Telephone Company (North Carolina)Centurvlink 23047t NC Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Company LLC CenturvLink 230470 NC Mebtel- lnc.CenturvLink 230485 NC Qwest Corporation (North Dakota)Centurylink QC 385144 ND Qwest Corporation (Nebraska)Centurylink QC 375L43 NE United Telephone Company of the West (Nebraskal CenturyLink 371595 NE COMPANY NAME DBA NAME Study Area Code State(s) of Oneratlon United Tetephone Company of NewJersey, lnc.CenturvLink 160138 NJ CenturyTel ofthe Southwest, !nc.CenturvLink 492274 NM Qwest Corporation (New Mexico)CenturyLink QC 495105 NM Central Telephone Company (Nevada)Centurvlink 552348 NV CenturvTel ofthe Gem State, lnc. (Nevada)CenturyLink 5s2223 NV CenturvTel of Ohio, lnc.CenturyLink 300630 OH United Telephone Company of Ohio Centurylink 300661 OH CenturyTe! of Oregon, lnc.CenturyLink s32361 OR Qwest Corporation (Oregon)Centurylink QC 535163 OR United Telephone Company of the Northwest {Orecon)CenturyLink 532400 OR CenturvTel of Eastern Oregon, lnc.CenturvLlnk 532361 OR, CA United Telephone Company of Pennsylvanla LLC, ThE CenturvLink L70209 PA Unlted Telephone Company of the Carollnas LLC CenturvLink of the Carolinas 240505 SC Qwest Corporation (South Dakota)CenturyLlnk QC 39s145 SD CenturvTel of Claiborne, lnc.CenturvLink Claiborne 290557 TN CenturvTel of Ooltewah-Colleeedale, lnc. CenturyLink Ooltewah- Collecedale 290574 TN United Telephone Southeast, LLC ffennessee)CenturvLink 290567 TN CenturvTel of Adamsville. lnc.CenturvLi nk Adarnsvi lle 290552 TN. MS CentralTelephone Company of Texas, lnc.CenturvLink 4421t4 TX CenturvTel of Lake Dallas, lnc.CenturvLink 442LO1 TX CenturvTel of Port Aransas, lnc.Centurvlink 442LL7 TX CenturvTel of San Marcos. lnc.CenturyLink 442140 D( United Telephone Comoanv of Texas, lnc CenturyLlnk 4r'.2044 D( Qwest Corporation (Utahl Centurvllnk QC 505107 UT Unlted Teleohone Southeast. LLC Uireinia)CenturvLink 190567 VA Central Telephone Companv of Vlrginia k 1902s4 VA. NC CehturvTel of lnter-lsland, lnc.Centurylink 522408 WA CenturvTel of Washineton, lnc.CenturyLink 522448 WA Qwest Corooration (Washineton)CenturvLlnk QC 525161 WA United Telephone Company of the Northwest (Washinetonl CenturyLink 522400 WA CenturvTel of Cowiche, lnc.CenturyUnk 5224LO WA CenturvTel of Central Wisconsin, LLC CenturyLink 331159 WI COMPANY NAME DBA NAME Study Area Code State(s) of Ooeration CenturyTel of Fairwater-Brandon-Alto, LLC Centurylink 330877 WI CenturvTel of ForesWille, LLC CenturvLink 330884 WI CenturvTel of Larsen-Readfield, LLC CenturyLink 330898 WI CenturyTel of Monroe County, LLC CenturvLink 330913 W! CenturvTe! of Northern Wisconsin, LLC CenturvLink 330956 WI CenturvTel of Southern Wisconsin. LLC Centurvlink 330931 WI CenturvTel of the Midwest-Kendall, LLC CenturvLink 330924 WI CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wisconsin, LLC fCasco)Centurylink 330857 WI CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wisconsin, LLC {Cencom)CenturyLink 330841 WI CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wisconsin, LLC (Northwest)CenturyLink 330922 WI CenturyTel of the Mldwest-Wlsconsin, LLC (Plattevillel CenturyLink 330934 WI CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wlsconsln, LLC fihorol Centurvllnk 3309s9 WI CenturyTe! of the Midwest-Wisconsin, LLC {Wavside)CenturyLink 330970 WI CenturvTel of Wisconsin, LLC CenturvLink 330895 WI Telephone USAof Wisconsin, LLC CenturyLink 331155 WI CenturvTel of Northwest Wisconsin. LLC Centurvlink 330950 WI, MN CenturvTel of Wvomine, lnc.CenturvLink 5L2299 WY Qwest Corporation (Wyom ine)Centurvllnk QC 515108 WY United Telephone Company of the West (Wvomine)Centurvlink of the West s11595 WY {,FIt6glodo s ocko.q '.1lsr-lU JI'l1f, J1 EI do-Fl ]J.r{ ul.Fl }1tr co eE.coo!Eo ra o E!eEog{ 0EE anEq oa oE +, o)U +J oU xo aIJcoU +J 16 l{+)troU q{o F{ C, F] FT dcd.rto.d oHH ]16..{ ]J oU o F{ -JIUk+,Ho() a+)H(,U o Er (Ut{+, EIoU dd-.t r-{otlrdU osN (t.Ft .r{ U F] F] HH oFI-l.r{ C'F € d 0 o auodd .!4Hd troU lt{o F{ +J (,(J +JHoU H IEIi, d aod EouEc tqo- d6v t k, a U a!! dEH ou{ o oFh,DIo o.E EuEtEoooE 6€ 6q! a ot t,4c ooo I =ooEEEo iCo =toeoq o o!E oEo o!! oEr o CoU 6o "!l'l ;lol ol cl dl EIel tl ,gl ctottl.-l ol dld 3lol!l EItlz1,l o1! E]5lz1olclol =ldol FI 6l olUI ^l6lol "l EatuaE; E aadav 66E EucEoE 6 Eou =fI u lco oo oEdz ogoU o o i o E eL AoNo o 6H o IN EEE2Eo o Ez o !a ho o!0Uoo !t o o oaz3E FCmEodooo_ea!u<=ro< -ccEo.EEEFE..=6 EE6E J1tr4 ,Y ..{ J1 EI E.9ocEEoo!E'oo o Eoq Eog oE .AEEoa d 6r-lu Iko!EH tlJo -l oo )1A..1 4JdoU troU +J6oU IJaclU ot! t! o a!troU (, B JJao(a UqH doU .p H0,U UFI 'I d1J.-t t U F] F] o r-{ JJd(,U .tJ HtuU odH oeo d-r{6 +Jtr)o = UHFl +J aoU 0)oHHo l+{o F{ o F{ U F?F] rJ H 0,U q{o F{ r,doU ]Jd(uU dhpgoU }{Jo u)e otrH U H UFIEI d H(d.Fto.Fltolf r)ordH tt.lo oo -r{oo.r{o(a.FlE ,d TJt{o2 q-ro .-l .qU.Ft E Ht{ 6tr lI,.rt o-Ftao 'JE! Ho Ht{(,!uldts] r.{o F.l tt{o rl tt{o F{ () FiH o (,EH r+{o FI IJ E!tuU k r+{o U F]FI q, H.Ft -loUdd FI UF]Fl r)ootroIt arJ Hq)U 6 g t F q U d\!\t UE td6 o atka E EoUUE g oo d@v oc xE Jia E U c oE0u{s =o- E E IF, d U a ! ! d!H I d o ag ts,oc o o 15Eq Eoqoc o6 ;I E n, c o!atoa!; T o o oc oo! ,EEo IEZ0E,= o 8. o E!! Eu cEE oEr6ocoU omo oo e dc!a ! EcoPc6goe o o!E1z @! E5zocotdooF coo A6 ov dto,o i o eo I! UeE 6Uo u6c6 ! q IJ c0 oG oEoz E6 coU A 6 I EH o{EI E EU oEGzoo !a o dazSE i6OUB6E=EO !1olrJl ol<l !tJI :lotot,l '{rloU I .CdBo +JFIoo J1tr.A J{tr.A 11o-r{ J4tr.J @trlc..tt{A{<t, edoA-dt,l U}]A a(,odnx x JJ @o'IJl{o2 q{o A!,Fl t{ IJcoU E -9oEaEoa!c66 o goe Eou cc @!! oa o G J4 H.,{ IJ 0,U so b I oUEog UFIFl H..t ql tro(,o.rlBI!ooBrd..1 E o rJ q{ o U F]}f F{d IUd 0)t4 Ir)o(,,o.,1E q) .q.tJ t+{o otrF.t ddd.A o!6!.n Eoo o H aFl F{.rl +Jo +J oU UiH UIootrdE tr IU(a q.ro F{ a.lJ troU UdH trrl 0,'Fl u HH HoU dHH o.rt JJ oU ]JH(,U {JHo(J t]Jd{)U q{o -l a +JdoU 5q IE ha E oaIn a!;0 oo o .E 66! .EEoG coEto oq o o !! EU o!! dEu 6 cou Amo I ;ooo oc 6 6! c to toE?opod 31olnl E]5t ?1 o!E)2 coEo _9oF Eo(J h o Etnuao B 0cgJv do!J'{c! ooo dT o =!osu Eo oo q Eoz o CoU ooo o E o d H s EEo oEz6 E = 6 o ddz.SEeEto-OUilsLO F o!oUo Ef o o co 6EU'aoa!td ao o Eoo Eo(, ocE5o{.Eoa ooo.Fl ko .r.l f17ooo.Fl E oiH iou-i.(U.Ft = U FTrl E.doaooo-.{BIL)otu 'o -lE o L' q{o U l{ lJo .lJ5oUI U F]ts] tr-doaoUo -f{BIIJoot.1, -FtE o l) IHo odoAdV U H -r.l gq I Ha coo d ! d dI dIa o oH tsa I U q q EoInc oqo @ c ka caU A! da otdE o otsia cq IU l;d , Eooa 5EuI;o oo o5 oo!E!-g EoECoEoo o o !E oE0 o tE @Ea Co(J ooo a omo o.Eo G!sEo Co! c6eoa o o! E,2 o3 E:z,ocotogoF o Co(J noo EToa@; A o o x oo! .2G EEEoEo 6d2Ip !6s U)coeod oEoz d coU oo oo EEuo G odo o EH o HH EzE oE6z o !f oo F o!o(J6o tf oo gr Bo@o dzE 5Io =oooo?ooom ddzSE EE -e:E=ro 2CGaEE8EU.,=oaflb_E6E o(do H(0l. EIt{orJo6H tt-to o o.r.l rJdo.r.l FIaeeoU ol.r ]JHoz o.r{ ! Eo GEU Ba!EIa o EEoEoIJ oc:.outoo ordo (d!1 r.l6h +Jd f, I tsaqaU I ! ! dcH oEad 0 oH b EoU tUit ia AoqaFIau 1co ooo o.g 6 o!E!o coEco @o o oEE il Eu !E EU o Eo(, oo g ooo os d! .s!o coPco oo otE,z oo Ezoco5q _9oF ocoU oo ctu,6 it 9. Ex 66! .g!E g ! oBg coo3ao1 U fEo oa oEd2 G Eou o6o oo EeIe4 o o oxoH o Iats H ag o!oUEE !3 oo ot @I6oom d2 Ebcou6 =ooooIoooo (i'az,o7qE i6ou1;E=ro gtceEE8EE. EIo! ooE E!€c _Eoa!c Eo o E€eEou oE,a Iouco6 o-Fl tr..to l.{.rt UFlE r., @(,oE.lJao(a ]Jo(,B 0)Ir, +ro p la0,3-cl)l]oz rloF. do+J-t1 ED ( A !a Io n ! d .iEH oI t o B.I A o cdoE6(J !! Foooo ? a{i, EoU d !€ dE t6!H o o b, oo tI{ na noUa o,t;o oo oc o E! .gE.9 co!cocoq o E!E oEu o!E =oEE o Cou ooo u N a omo IE66E .s!o EoEto I o oo Eaz o!EJ =ococe-9oF oco(, 6oo Eaao,oi t x o6! Uc E6E E oc6 3to4 u o o oEoz 6coU oo o E6 Uo4 o o oE EH o NH E Eco oEGz o ! = h o F o!oUEg El oo o 6o6I dz EeoU a6 =oo66IoGoo daz6=QItscEOooItoU>ro oE6oEE8EE.c= dxb-Eo'E <121D Terms & Conditions of Voice Telephony Lifeline Plans CenturyLink has over 100 local exdlange caniers (LECs) that serve as eligible telecommunications carriers (EICs) providing Lifeline discounts on localtelephone service for qualifying low-income customers in thirty-seven states. Each LEC's local tariff contains the terms and conditions of voice telephonyseMce plans generallyavailable to CenturyLink residential customers. Lifeline provides discounb on CenturyLink residential seMce plans that include vobe telephony servioe. Lifeline discounts provided to qualified recipients include the $9.25 per month federal discount plus state discounts, if available. Tribal Lifeline recipients receive an additionalfederal Lifeline discount of up to $25 per month. Eligible residents residirg on Tribal lands in areaswhere CenturyLink receMes universal service high-cost support can also receive a Tribal Link Up credit of not more than $100 against one customary service initiation fee d a primary residence. CenturyLink's flat-rated residential service plans provide unlinited local calling. Lifeline discounts also may be applied to local residential service plans that indude a certain amount of local minutes or calls at a flat-rate and then have additional drarges for minutes or calls beyond those induded in the plan. Lifeline discounts may be applied to bundled service packages that include voice telephony servies, such as bundles with intemet service and/or video service. Lifeline discounts may also apply to voice service plans that include optional calling features such as caller lD, callwaiting, and voicemail. Toll service is available to customers receiving Lifeline discounts in the same manner that it is available to non-Lifeline customers. Toll limitation service is available b Lifeline cudomers at no charge. lnformation conerning CenturyLink's Lifeline program can befound on our Lifeline web page at http://www.centu rvl in k.com/Paoes/S u ppo rULifeLine/ A link to the CenturyLink tariff that includes the terms and conditions of this ETC's Lifeline offering is included in response to line 1220. NOTES APPLICABLETO FORM 48.1 FILING: 1. (100) The FederalCommunications Commission in FCC DA 1$332 ado$ed Mardr 5, 2013, waived the requirement that price cap recipienb of frozen support or incremental supportfile five-year plans by July 1, 2013 (subsequently changed to October 15, 2013). 2. (200-210) Outages are reported using the criteria provided in 47 C.F.R $54.313, whidr difers from the criteria in 47 C.F.R. $4.5, whidr is the basis for reporting outages to the Federal Communications Commission. Therefore, some outages may not have NORS numbers. 3. (30G310) CenturyLink does not have any outstanding requests for voie service from 2012ld:'at are unfilled at the time of this filing. 4. (32C330) Unfilled service requests for broadband are not required to be reported in this yeals filing. (410) Complaints per 1,000 access lines are reported as complaints to any federal and/or state agency (43M50) Number of complainb for broadband are not required to be reported in this yeafsfiling. C/0G710) Company price offering for both voice and broadband are not required to be reported in this yea/s filing. (1000-1010) Voice services rate comparability is not required to be reported in this year's filing. (300G300O This is not applicable to this company as it is considered to be a Federal Price Cap Canier or an affiliate associated with a Federal Price Cap Canier for the purposes of this filing. 5. 6. 7. 9.