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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131011CenturyLink QC-south-2013 ETC .pdfM"ry S. Hobson Attorney & Counselor 999 Main, Suite rros Boise, ID 8gzo9 908-t85-8666 October ll,20l3 VIA IIAIID DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idatro Public Utilities Commission 472West Washington Boise,ID 83702-5983 ant t Ill! I I t ': 1 G luR-Tlz-ot Re: Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC (southern ldaho) 2013 Federal ETC Dear Ms. Jewell: On November 18, 2011 the Federal Commtrnications Commission ("FCC") released USF/ICC Transformation Order in WC Docket No. 10-90 et al. With that Order, the FCC began a transition to a national framework for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers ("ETCs") and set forth a standard set of information that all ETCs must file with the FCC each year. The Order also required ETCs to provide the same information to the respective state commissions. On June 10,2013, the FCC granted a limited waiver of the July 1 filing deadline for the annual ETC reporting requirements for 2}!3,with one exception. 1 ETCs with voice service rates below the rate floor2 were required to file by July I the voice rate information required by 47 C.F.R. $ 54.313(h). That same Order also noted that the final requirements for 2013 and the new filing deadlines would be set in a subsequent Order following Paperwork Reduction Act approval of the FCC's reporting requiranents and proposed reporting form. On August 6,2013, the FCC released an Order, DA13-707, identifying the reporting requirements contained in 47 C.F.R. $ 54.313 that are now approved and applicable in 2013 as well as setting October 15,2013 as the deadline for ETCs to file the required information.3 Th" FCC also released the required reporting template, FCC Form 481, for use by all ETCs. Attached is a copy of the FCC Form 481 for Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC (southem Idatro), as filed by Centurylink with the FCC. CenturyLink is filing a public I See 1n the Matter of Connect Americq Fund, Order,WC Docket No. l0-90, DA l3-1348, (rel. June 10, 2013). 'Orly ETCs that receive Federal High Cost Loop or High Cost Model Support are required to report residential basic rates below the rate floor.3See1n theMatterofConnectAmericaFund,Order,WCDocketNo. 10-90,DA13-707,(rel.August6, 2013). and confidential version of the FCC Form 481. The outage and Tribal engagernent information provided in response to 47 C.F.R. $54.313 (a) (2) and (9), respectively, is confidential and was filed confidentially with the FCC. CenturyLink is filing the version of the FCC Form 481 containing this information under seal and accompanied by an Attorney Certificate pursuant to Rule 67 of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure I.D.A.P.A. 31.01.01. 067. We request that you certitr to the FCC as required by 47 C.F.R $ 54.314 by the deadline of Decernber 16, 2013 that CenturyLink QC (southem Idaho) should continue receiving Federal high cost support in Idaho. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions regarding this frling. Sincerely, ,', t ! t, ( ic t.l i b ,l& L L_ ---- Mary S. Hobson Attorney for Qwest Corporation dba Centurylink QC Pate 1 .].'. <)1D Study Area Code or8sT c(n9-tD<015> StudvAreaName <020> PmEram Year <0!!0> ConfactName: PersonUsAcshouldcontact r(.trn Eh n. Eucle wlth questlons about th'ts data <035> ConfactTelephoneNumber: (31s) 382-1538 Number ot the person ilentllled ln data line <03(> <039> ContadEmall Address: Emall ofthe person ldentitled ln data line <o:x>kcn.Ducb.lacoluryllrk. c6 <100> Servlce Quallty lmprovement Reportlng <2m> Outage Reportlng (volce)<21(> EEtr.- .treck box lf no outates to report <300> Unfulfilled Servlce Requests (volce) <310>oetall on Attempts (volce) <32D Unfulfilled Servke Request (broadband) <33(}> Detall on Attempts (broadband) <400> Number of Complaints per !,000 customers <41@ Frxed <4zO> Moblle o lw*a. dtodt.d wctlrheat ,mpr.heddwirrrc.t, loat dtdqal$vedxmqa) (g,Ioddoot,,JndoMet) (ch.ct s hd'.r6. sfrldbn, (d@hd dBsipalve dffiqtl (.lt .ktok t(,,,. qfi{i@dpal (o2hhed dq@tgatfr dffitt lMplt otts.rEd ffi lrrrEt, f@p&t ota?drd!rytu nt, (mqhta dtodrttl w,fhet) MW mpkieofro.lfid wttheat (dlrtrlaoi,lil@t q.,,l,@tk,'t ldlftd,rd6qblftf,.r6matt (t noi" 6.116Ml@ae aalfraila) lwlkte anoclrd w*hdria) (mpln d,!.,tdwutit) (ch.r* bd wh6 cqnpl.t l -z=iEq{ffiElt_!_l____!___J [---:7-Il--77 l7rE_ffi<430> Number of ComplalnB per 1,000 customers (broadband) <440> Fixed <500> Servlce Quallty Standards & Consumer Protection Rules Compliance.SfOrffi Funcionality ln EmeBency sltuationsffi Company Price Offeringp (voice) Company Prlce Offerings (broadband) Operatlng Companies.nd Afflllates -\ A Trlbal Land Offerlngs (Y/N)? (" L,volc! Serylces Rate Comparablllry. -^-^ Terrestrlal Baddaul(Y/N)? (9 (- Terms and Condldon for Llfellne Customers <500> <510> <7(x> <710> <800> <900> <1000> <1010> <1100> <1110> <1200> <2000> <2005> <3000> <3005> Price Cap Celders, Procced to lncludlng Rote-or-Retum CarrleR ofilldted wlth Pfice Cdp Local E,.chdnge cnrrle,s lc;/rdlohil@a.c.t{k t/d,tt l@*+2 cttodt.d Yd*t @tl Rate of.Return Cariers, Proceed to ROR Addldonal Documentation Worksheet (.lEdt to l^dl@a. aftltkodilt (w*a.anc(l,,dw*thet) oenEnuS Page 1 oo $ao vgoE'.!Eoe >Eo9v.,-ao = ct PH'Eg E gEEE E E!, B6 E PE9_{ fls g efiE ;EgH.FEEa,EH iFSBSE EE€E Egggggo e - O. E 9l o.o li, !;git E ;rE E E*989 EE FB="€sI pIE $ E e s P 69 $ g? 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EEsE i=- 3"f aII E€ EEi ?g f :6 or !-E g. Ef E EI EHS E'U !E F gI EEEE i t E I c!t B .t Et 5f xr E Tr I .> .>E d E= 4b t t 'Ee t -4E , .s U 6 P.g! 12 <olo> studyArar codr {?5103 <r1$ studv&!.Namc oxEsr coiP-rD <)2(> Pmr.m Ye, | 2oL4 <r:lo> contect Nrm-PrmnLrsAcshouHconrdstrcgardllEthlsdat lcm'th l' Bucha' <035> contact T.hDhm Numbcr-Nulrt .of persn ldrntm.d ln dets lln! <o:x> (318) 362-1538 <og$ contactEm.llAddB-EmallAddrcssofpemnldentifiedlndatalln8<03o, ken'buchiloceEtulvrlnk'cm Ccrdflcation of Officer as to the Accutacy of thc Oata Reported for the Annusl Rcportint for CAF or U Rccipients c(tffy that I an a{r offccr of thr rrporttg aarrLr; itry rctpon36lldlr lncludc .mring thc :oacy of th! .nnurl ,af ortlng .cqdmstr br wlvssd sfllcc support rdphnrq ,rd, to th! of my hordldtq lhc lnbrmatlon reported on thts tonr .nd ln any attachmatrB b acGunta, lrm! olR.mrtlm G6i6a (il83!l @RP-rD ilr6.tur.ofautto.ladoftt6r: c8SrllllD oN&rrE Drtr o'lzgl2otl |rihbd 6fauth6rtnd olic.r. D'vl'l cor' 8.E1or Vl,cr PlarldenE to! ODcraglm! EuDporc anat Conuroll.r rhphona nunb.r of Authorlrcd cfficn (3r8)3 88-9000 a?5103 r.r^.-. 10/15/2013 P.BB wtlirlh m.lrt[ fil$ rhtcmntr 6 thls fm o. b. punhh.d by lT, ilLf,ffixx*:,?f.t1H'Jllr ot 184, 47 55 so2, sG(b), or tlm or lmprbonmlnt TO BE COMPTETED BYTHE REPORTING CARRIER, IFTHE REPORTING CARRIERIS FII.ING ANNUALREFORNNG ON 1TS OWN EEHATf: 0e26r2013 P.3c 12 .'Agcnt 41t> studvArc. Codr {?s103 $rEaI coEP-ID Y6r 201{ o:n> co.rbctNlm.p.mnusAcshdldmEctrffidlmthlsdab xsncth $. Buchla <)35> cont ctTdeohomNumher-NumbarofpGMld€ntmrdlnd.bllm<o3D (318) 362-1534 O3!t> ContrctEmailAddres-EmrillddBs!ofpqMHsntlfhdlndatallB<O:X> kan.buch.0acotuly1ltrk.coo TO BE COMPTETED BYTHE REPORTING CARRIEN, IF AI{ AGENTIS FIUNG ANNUAL REPORTS ON THE CARMERIS BEHAU: TO EE COMPLETED BY T}IE AUTTIORIZED AGENT: Ccrtlflcation ol Officcr to Authorize an Atent to Flle Annual Reportr for CAF or Ll Reclplentr on B€half of Reportlng carier cgun,th.t(Nlmo'Agmt)I..unori:.dGauDmltlh.l[lom.uffnPod!donb.h|llotthCapo]tIngc['l.I.l ilao il{ry ihrt I rm u omcJ ol th. npoiltg arrd.ri nry ntPontlbllltls lnclud. aosuring tt! rcruncy ot th. rnnurl nportllig [qulmrd. provldrd to th! .utF lBd rgmt; rnd, to th. bdt of my knodcdg., th. rport .nd drtr povldtd to th. rulhod..d ry.nt lt @til.. Amharh.d, Ctfrlar! r6la omc.e fbb: d 6.m afAdharlDd olic.r: Ig. d dtl.h .!f I I oft.i: . 6uhh.r6f Athad,.d Oftdt Fllhr Ou! Drtc for thlr brm: Pcnqt wllltu[y mrkllf t lE rtrtsidtt on lhh fdn on bc Ftdd.d byfln. sfqtdtur. uod.tth. &munkruoN Ad of l93d 47 U.s.C l! 50& SO!lb], orim dloprl$mcir uoda]ltl. 18 of tlE t nltGd Stsrtc Cod., 1t U.Sc. I 1mL Certiffcation ofAgentAuthorized to File Annual Reports for CAF or U Reciplcnts on Behall of Reporting Carrler , s rtat for thG repEtlnt anhr, erdfy lh.t I .m .uthor'E€d to sbmh tlE .rnual nporE lor unlvc.l swle sppqt ffilplmts on teh.lf of the Eportlnt erldi I prcvldsd he data rtDdt d helrh barld fr d.t prov{ded by th. repddn! erLr; .d, to $r blrt of my knmhdgc, the lofomltlon repoft.d hoEltr b .cont!. lrm. oln aE&D?! Auth6rb.d A'mt 6? fmDhH 6l&r^t!Drh: ,drbd .6f Ar.nt 1t1,. d oadtls 6l A .6f Arst lhohonc numbGr of Autfiorlrd Armt or EmDld.r of Aranu itldv Aru Co& of R.Ertlhr C..rl.n Flllnr Dut Drt! forthb form; P.ltwUlllullr6ddnaf.k tlrt mmb6tlrLiomonb.putrlrhcdby0n.orforf.ltunundethcc.rinqlc.imtA.toff93il, /t7US,Cll5045o3{bl,qf,mrlmFlmqttundiTld. 18of thcunft.dst tBcod., 16 usc t 100L AFFI DAVIT CERTIFYING COM PLIANCE WITH 554.313(A)(5), 954.313(AX6), and $54.314(a) Sectlo n (500) - Service Quality Certifi catlon Section ( 600) - Emerge ncy Ca rier Ce rtiflcatio n Section (20t2l-2019 Frozen Support Certificatlon; and Accuracy of Annual Reporting of CAF Recipients Certification For the CenturyLink ETCs as listed in Appendix A, l, David D. Cole, being of lawful age and duly sworn, on my oath and under penalty of perJury state that I am the SeniorMce President for Operations Support and Controller of CenturyLink, lnc. ("Compan/) and that I am authorized to execute this affidavlt on behalf of the ComPanY. The Company hereby certifies pursuant to the requirements under 47 C.F.R. 55a.313(AX5) and 5s4.313(AX6) that CenturyLtnk has establlshed operatlonal procedures deslgned to facllitate compliance wlth applicable consumer protectlon rules, CenturyLlnk has established operational procedures designed to facilitate compllance wlth service quallty standards which may include customer remedies and lmprovement plans. CenturyLink also reports servlce quallty metrics to State Commlssions as appllcable, CehturyLink is able to remain functlonal ln emergency situations as set forth in $5a.202(aX2), All frozen federal universal seryice support provided to CenturyLink ETCs llsted ln Appendlx A was used in the precedlng calendar year and will be used in the coming calendar year only for the provislon, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and services for which the support is intended, and To the best of my knowledge and belief, the informatlon reported on this form including attachments is accurate. ; *+-DATEDthis 6' dayot S+,P+. ZOIS -T-. SVP - Operations Support and Controller CenturyLink 100 CenturyLink Drive Monroe, Loulsiana 71203 1) 2l 3) 4l FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. SUBSCRIBED AND SWoRN To before me this L6 day of $c?.* . zo13 Notary Public: My Commission Expires:u"r\*L. l'rQ< , PariSl^. e'G O*a'clSEr- e)-.9*$^"^. S+rxr- % \^a>a."fglo-.-r- l, AppendixA Llstine of CenturvLlnk Ellslble Telecommu nlcations Carriers COMPANY NAME DBA NAME Study Area Code State(s) of Operatlon Ce ntu rvTel of Alabama, LLC (Northern)CenturyLink 259789 AL CenturvTel of Alabama, IJC (Southern)CenturyLink 259788 AL Gulf Telephone Company Centurvlink 250298 AL CenturvTel of Arkansas, !nc.Centurvlink 401705 AR CenturvTel of Central Arkansas, LLC CenturyLink 40LL44 AR CenturyTel of Mountain Home, lnc.Centuryllnk 40L7Lt AR CenturvTel of Redfleld, lnc.CenturvLink 40L720 AR CenturvTel ofSouth Arkansas, lnc.CenturvLlnk 40t727 AR, LA CenturyTel of Northwest Arkansas, LLC (Russellvllle)CenturvLlnk 4ALL42 AR, MO, OK CenturyTel of Northwest Arkansas, LLC (Siloam Springs)CenturyLink 40!t43 AR. OK Qwest Corporation (Arlzona)CenturyLink QC 45s101 AZ CenturyTel of Colorado, lnc.'Centurvlinl 462,208 co Qwest Corporation (Co lorado)CenturvLink QC 465102 co The El Paso County Telephone Companv None 462t87 co CenturvTel of Eaele, lnc.Centurvlink 462185 CO. UT Embaro Florida. lnc.Centurvlink 210341 FL Coastal Utilities, lnc.Centurvlink 2203s6 GA Qwest Corporation (lowa)CenturyLink qC 355141 IA CenturyTe! of Postville, lnc.CenturvLink 35t274 IA CenturyTel of Chester, lnc.CenturyLink 351126 IA. MN CenturyTel of ldaho, lnc.CenturyLink 472225 ID CenturvTel ofthe Gem State, lnc. (ldaho)CenturyLink 4J2223 ID Qwest Corporation (Northern ldaho)CenturvLink QC 475L62 ID Qwest Corporation (Southern ldaho)Centurvlink QC 475103 ID Gallatin River Communications, LLC CenturvLink GRC 341.057 IL CenturvTel of Central lndiana, lnc.CenturvLink 320747 IN CenturyTelof Odon,lnc.CenturyLink 32080r.IN United Telephone Company of lndiana, lnc.CenturyLlnk 320832 IN, OH United Telephone Company of Eastern Kansas CenturvLink 4173L7 KS COMPANY NAME DBA NAME Study Area Code State(s) of Ooeration United Telephone Company of Kansas None 41L842 KS United Telephone Company of Southcentral Kansas CenturvLlnk 4L7377 KS Embarq Missouri, lnc. (Kansas)Centurvlink 4LL957 KS CenturvTel of Central Louisiana, LLC Centurvlink 274423 LA CenturvTel of Chatham, LLC Centurvlink 270427 LA CenturvTel of East Louisiana, LLC CenturyLink 270440 LA CenturvTel of Evangeline, LLC CenturyLink 270434 LA CenturvTe! of North Louisiana, LLC CenturyLink 270436 LA CenturvTel of Rineeold, LLC Centurylink 270439 t-A CenturyTel of Southeast Loulslana, LLC CenturyLink 270424 LA CenturvTel of Southwest Louisiana, LLC Centurvlink 270442 LA CenturyTel of Northwest Louisiana, lnc.CenturvLink 270431,LA, A&TX CenturvTel Midwest - Michiean. lnc,CenturyLlnk 3LO67L MI CenturvTel of Michigan, lnc.Centurvlink 3L0702 MI CenturvTel of Northern Mlchiean, lnc.Centurvlink 310705 MI CenturvTel of Uooer Michisan, lnc.CenturvLink 310589 MI CenturvTel of Minnesota, lnc.CenturvLink 3511145 MN Embarq Minnesota,lnc.CenturyLink 36145.5 MN Qwest Corporation (Minnesota)CenturyLink QC 365L42 MN CenturyTel of Missouri, LLC (Belle-Herman)CenturyLink 429785 MO CenturvTel of Missouri, Ll-C (Central)CenturyLink 429784 MO CenturvTel of Missouri, [C (Southern)CenturvLink 429785 MO CenturvTel of Missouri, LLC (Southwest)CenturvLink 429787 MO Spectra Communicatlons Group, LLC CenturyLlnk 42tt51 MO Embaro Missouri,lnc.CenturvLink 42L957 MO,IA CenturyTel of North Mississippi, Inc.None 280458 MS CenturvTel of Montana, lnc.Centurvlink .482249 MT Qwest Corooratlon (Montana)CenturvLink QC 485104 MT Central Telenhone Companv {North Carolina)CenturyUnk 23047L NC Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Company LLC CenturyLink 230470 NC Mebtel.lnc.CenturyLink 230485 NC Qwest Corporation (North Dakota)Centurylink QC 385144 ND Qwest Corporation (Nebraska)CenturvLink QC 37sL43 NE United Telephone Company of the West (Nebraska)CenturyLink 371595 NE COMPANY NAME DBA NAME Study Area Code State(s) of Ooeratlon United Telephone Cornpany of New Jersey, lnc.CenturvLink 160138 NJ CenturyTelof the Southwest, lnc.CenturyLink 492274 NM Qwest Corporation (New Mexico)CenturyLink QC 495105 NM Central Telephone Company (Nevada)CenturyLink s52348 NV CenturyTel ofthe Gem State, lnc. (Nevada)CenturyLink 552223 NV CenturvTel of Ohio, lnc.CenturyLink 300630 OH United Telephone Company of Ohio CenturvLink 300661 OH CenturvTel of Oregon, lnc.Centurvlink 532361 OR Qwest Corporation (Oregon)Centurylink QC 535153 OR United Telephone Company of the Northwest (Oregon)CenturyLink 532400 OR CenturvTel of Eastern Oregon, lnc.CenturyLlnk 532361 OR, CA Unlted Telephone Company of Pennsylvania LLC, ThE CenturyLink L70249 PA United Telephone Company of the Carolinas LLC Centurvlink of the Carolinas 240506 sc Qwest Corporation (South Dakota)CenturvLink QC 395145 SD CenturvTel of Claiborne, lnc.CenturyLink Claiborne 290557 TN CenturvTel of ooltewah-Colleeedale, lnc. CenturyLink Ooltewah- Collesedale 290574 TN United Telephone Southeast, LLC (Tennessee)CenturvLink 290567 TN CenturvTel of Adamsville. lnc.Centurvlink Adamsville 290552 TN. MS Central Teleohone Companv ofTexas, lnc.CenturyUnk 442LL4 TX 'CenturvTel of Lake Dallas, lnc.CenturyLlnk 442LOt D( CenturyTel of Port Aransas, lnc.CenturyLink 442LL7 TX CenturyTelof San Marcos, lnc.CenturvLink 442L40 TX United Telephone Company of Texas, lnc CenturyLink 442084 TX Qwest Corporation (Utah)Centurylink QC 505107 UT United Telephone Southeast, LLC Uireinia)CenturyLink 190567 VA Central Telephone Cornnanv of Virslnia CenturvLlnk L902s4 VA, NC CenturvTel of lnter-lsland, lnc.CenturyLink 52240,a WA CenturvTel of Washineton. lnc.CenturyLink 5224J,8 WA Qwest Corooration (Washi nston)CenturvLink QC 525161 WA United Telephone Company of the Northwest (Washineton)CenturyLink 522440 WA CenturyTel of Cowiche, lnc.Centurvlink 5224LO WA CenturyTel of Central Wisconsin, LLC CenturvLink 331159 WI COMPANY NAME DBA NAME Study Area Code State(s) of Ooeratlon Ce nturvTel of Fairwater-Brandon-Alto, LLC CenturvLink 330877 WI CenturyTel of Forestvllle, LLC Centuryllnk 330884 WI CenturyTel of Larsen-Readfi eld, LLC CenturyLink 330898 WI CenturvTel of Monroe County, LLC Centurvlink 330913 WI CenturyTel of Northern Wisconsln, LLC Centurylink 330956 WI CenturyTel of Southern Wisconsin, LLC CenturvLink 330931 WI CenturvTel of the Midwest-Kendall, LLC Centurvlink 330924 WI CenturyTel of th e Midwest-Wisconsin, LLC (Casco)CenturvLink 330857 WI CenturyT€l of th e Midwest-Wlsconsin, LLC (Cencorn)CenturvLink 330841 WI CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wisconsin, LLC (Northwest)CenturvLink 330922 WI CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wisconsin, LLC (Platteville)CenturyLlnk 330934 WI CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wisconsin, LLC (Thoro)CenturvLink 330959 WI CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wisconsin, LLC (Wavside)Centurylink 330970 WI CenturyTel of Wisconsin, LLC CenturvLink 330895 WI Telephone USA of Wisconsin, LLC CenturvLink 3311s5 WI CehturvTel of Northwest Wisconsin, LLC CenturyLink 330950 WI. MN CenturvTel of Wvoming, lnc.CenturvLink 512299 Qwest Corporation (Wyorning)CenturvLink QC 515108 WY United Telephone Company of the West (Wvominel CenturvLink of the West s11595 WY o F{dooFIo B E.9 Ic.-{ooroEd .! o Eoo EoI oE,.0{Eoo uldo HdJ(t{d oddtto F{oU q.lo r-t .rJ (I,pE(dot{m f-{ (J tlo.q..tdFi(J tt{o rl .A E rl t0trJJtroU q{ o r{r-{oF{ .-l6g ]J oU r{(, H FIdt{]J rloH r{ rdt{r,d 0,,U d..1 tr-r{ UH-rl tHo 2 l.{o !ioI Uil 'J a;ed,qdFI4 lHo aq*I.c ! Eoo 6 4 t oI H I ofraoq co i ot oU E cooEoUTc ooo o 6ogt ) IoooE !o,,: oo q.s o o! ,E!,gEcoBto B o op! Eu g !! Er ocou 6mo amo oc 66!cto o! Eo oo o o!E,z o4Eazoco qooF 6c8 6oo t a& d 5 oEGo 6ot €uc! o6o E P =os U fEo o4 Ez ocoU oo o Eg{o L odo a oo ts No oEGzoo !- ho F o!0uoo !t o o Eo ocE 0o!Go Go o EoA Eou c:ou.E6a ,.Jtroo lJEoU +JtroU +JdoU lJ(oU UHFI JJdoU ]Jd0,U JJcoU or! () F]rl +Joo3.cirJ5o(/) N( I(, -lFIom U€tsl .r{ H)ooo..t E t+.1o or,F44 Itro,t5 d(,t{tq IH0) +J(d!H._t rdIr. q..r o rUtrfi,..{ o.r{toFl UrlE] U F{ tH6 -loH I l.rouf,H lt{o rl o6 q{o rt o ,.cl(d dH lt-lo r{ EI rt{o r-'l q-{o -lo a]JdoU !do(J rHo rt[, +,c C'U ap p oCJ .lJ HoU 4J H 0)U TJ I !d T tsa noI 6 I 64 tH E ot t6 Ao iH & oo !0to tocEoUEE7Eoeo I Ic E! !a d o coo Eouq "gEo- ? og n I ha E ! oA g c n oo eo 6 o EoU ,o .9 u{EEoood o€ tq IE i coUoI Ig,!;0{ ooo o.g @! ,E!o to:gco oa o oEE =o EU o!E GEq 6 coU oo oo oc o! .s!o coEtoEoo o oIE,z coE,zoCoso-coF ocou 6mo oEz 6 co(J o o ! a{, !o Eg oo EeUI4 oNo q cog H dIo oEz g !, do ! = B E.9 trE_u o6!EE .! o cde EoU oc =dBEoo +JdoU(,(J rJ(oU UtrH oU +JtroU l.JtroU t{ .lJd(,U troU {JHoU a +Jd(,U +JcoU lJdoU +J oU IJtr{,,U troU ot! E U F]E] .-lF.l IIJ UI 0,It.Ft =o JJ tt{o r{ U ts]rl (J F]J o+JdIJtl) Eoo o.q]J F{ .Fto Fio(,o...1B EIho +J5o cr) tt-lo r{ dtr(d.r{o.H)sF.l rJodo {Jiov) lt{o r-{.loU It(d B(,IJr{oo tl{o UdH trooo q{o do r,goz rt{ o F{ a lt{o r-{ doU IJ oU *l 5t5l it:lrl dl,lgl ol gt sl 8I'il cl EI8l.t ct6lolEIolUI EdEI oldot $lsl Uo a Iia EoU ! d oA ! Eoa,oo o d &Iou I E a a aF;t oEdx to Ecu ga!E6 @ o E6rEoU{ otr JEE.E66 J4d Ud(, lldJ4 ,x H dtuU JJcoU !do(,, oN o !tr(,U UcH U "lr.l otrH UdH oo(, .F{ioU' 6tr(UAE6ot{trl rJ UF]F] oco..t rJdU_.t Eiae Eoo lro ..{ {Jdr-{ r-1({o o(6o H5 UdH U H H .ri ,qU-FtE tto0oD q{o r{ U€ts] H.r{ rJoo!t..1 =o.,( +J l+to oo U HH .Ft t{7oa u{o r-.1 ${o r-{ d-rto EioL)o.r{B lr.{o .ti ,4a6E q{o f-{ }JH(,U a.lJ H!)(J Uo c ka Eoq a!E otaEa cTafao Eo a oA oo ! otd Uo E d a EoU a ! ! I !H EdE,oq Io I! & oI ,o E! aE d oaa!. oE .9.= o !,oG U fco oe oE z, cou o o c.9€Eu.; oo!cd ro 0 EGBEoU oE aUcoo 5rJdoU a+, oU ul(d tu r-l tr] (,,4tr oU o Bso u rdog (6V F{(dh.tJ o(, +,aoIA tt{o o-Ft o $.to adotr(d t4 t{o]Jo(I, trl t+l o oJ4dot+Jaoa) lU+JoxlUn r{oH o ooa'dB lt{o( UIl) otro.Flu IU U.r,l( tc EoU (, HrJo o d= ao.r{}}d]Jfll 6o.Ft]Jd r{ 0,tr 'rdoJJ.rt d (u E{ oE{ .rd o!.rlcp oU rJo -{oE{ L) H t(, UIt{ot-J 3oz l{io Uot II oI a t 6 oA !H Eofao co o BoU a to oE Ia Jna I I Iq {p xaIaU A d ouI H d e aoq co k & oo & 6 Y ra oueE Eo5t; omo o.E o G! .E!o EoP ogqe o oEE E@ EE 6EU cou o c !ct aBt oEcI G 6! Eoc! 6Eg 6 co :92o=U =Eoeoq o€ z. 6coU oo JJooB (, ,4tJ r+.t o oHdU o,dIJ rt{o g .9oEE oa!Eo ao o cGc Eou oc i.eIC'6o d)1odtr!oz uaoB 0)tu lt{o uooE (, p q{o r-l tuH d{)r, oH rdo+.,._l EI oH t(, +J-rt EID r.loF 'doIJ-.t( D ooorl.t4odE uo(,,J!lio2 (,4! IHox Eg oU r0cotOrtFl0,f{ t(, +,.dd p mo3 IJllo2 (,.qu tt{o CIrdoE o(J o o p 0, FloH dc,p-rln IIEpra IoU d ! d G.t 6 g 5 Bo no a ogI DboIo trdsEoUEE!o 6 oot Ir, c0U ! d o aoH EtsaE t co 4 &Hoo 6 to 3oi ba EUtEto,!;l ooo o,E iloEE !.c aop Co oe o otE o Eu o !! oEU 6 coI o o oo oso o!a;o cop to 0o o o!Eaz eo EzoE9 E3 F coU Tribal Outreach Documentatlon-20l2 Form /t81- Line <920> Qwest Corporationdlbla CenturyLlnk QC (southprn ldaho) StudyArea- 475LOl Tribal Entities Tareeted Ensaeement Efforts As part of its efforts to strengthen positive relationships wlth the Trlba! Natlons withln its seMng terrltory whlle fulfllllng new obllgations set forth ln Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed RulemakinA FCC 7L-167, Qwest Corporatlon d/b/a Centurytink QC (Southem ldaho)("CenturyLink") extended an invitation to I to meet and address lssues of importance related to the provisioning of serrrtces on triba! lands. This letter was mailed November 26,2OL2. The purpose of this meetlng was to discuss planning and potential deployment of service as well as other areas of interest specific to conducting business on tribal lands (as set forth ln 47 C.F.R. $54.313(aX9)). Attached as Exhibit lD So -1is a copy of the letter of invitation."nt toEI Corresoondence Resultine from Tarseted EnEaeement Efforts No response was received as the result of the November 25, 2012 letter to I -. tn an effort to ensure due dlligence, a subsequent letter was mailed on March L3, 2OL3, referencing the initial letter, and again asking for an opportunity to meet. Correspondence has been exchanged as a result of follow-up contact. The results of these discussions, having occurred during 2013, wlll be detailed as part of the 2013 outreach reporting that will be filed as part of the 2014 Form 481. Oneoine Eneasement wlth ldaho Trlbal Entltles Background CenturyLink serues the Tribal Entities within its Southern ldaho serving territory ln much the same manner that it serves other large customer groups. Attention is provided for the very specific issues that are inherent when doing business on tribal lands. When tribal customers request service from CenturyLink, they are handled with the same processes and personnel that would handle non-tribal requests. As planning teams become aware of potential servlce demands by 'tommunity anchor institutions", such as a casino, school, or library on tribal lands, these demands are incorporated as part of the standard ,planning processes. CenturyLink strives to satlsfo such demand in a timely and responsible manner. CentunyLink has historlcally and will contlnue to market on trlbal lands via radlo and prlnted media as part of its ongping outreach initiatives. Additlonally, assistance programs are actively advertised. While CenturyLinKs operations on tribal lands are substantially the same as those on non- tribal Lands, they differ on one substantial point. The acquisition of easements, rights-of- way, and llcenses must comply with the specific requirements of each Tribal Entity and the Bureau of lndian Affairs. CenturyLink is diligent in making sure that it complies with the applicable requirements before building facilities on tribal lands. CenturyLinlCs diligence extends to the manner in which it builds its network on tribal Iands. The deployment of facilities is accomplished with sensitivity to the surroundings and consideration of any impact on the land and its people. Oncoine Ensaeements wlth Trlbal Entltles E I - EXHIBITLIST Exhlbat lD so-l Letter of lnvltatlon to Meet Exhibit ID So -1 II I t.l <1210> Terms & Conditions of Voice Telephony Lifellne Plans CenturyLink has over 100 local exchange carriers (LECs) that serve as eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) providing Lifeline discounts on localtelephone service for qualifying low-income customers in thirty-seven states. Each LEC's local tariff contains the terms and conditions of voice telephony service plans generally available to CenturyLink residential customers. Lifeline provides discounts on CenturyLink residential service plans that include voice telephony service. Lifeline discounts provided to qualified recipients include the $9.25 per monh federal discount plus state discounts, if available. Tribal Lifeline recipienE receive an additionalfederal Lifeline discount of up to $25 per month. Eligible residents residing on Tribal lands in areas where CenturyLink receives universal seMce high-cost support can also receive a Tribal Link Up credit of not more than $100 against one customary service initiation fee d a primary residene. CenturyLink's flat-rated residential service plans provide unlimited local calling. Lifeline discounts also may be applied to local residential service plans that include a certain amount of local minutes or calls at a flat-rate and then have additional drarges for minutes or calls beyond those lnduded in the plan. Lifeline discounts may be applied to bundled service packages that include vo'ne telephony services, such as bundles wih intemet service and/or video service. Lifeline discounts may also apply to voice service plans that include optional calling features such as caller lD, call waiting, and voicemail. Toll service is available to customers receiving Lifeline discounts in the same mannerthat it is available to non-Lifeline customers. Toll limitation service is available b Lifeline cu$omers at no charge. lnformation conceming CenturyLinKs Lifeline program can befound on our Lifeline web page at http://www.centu rvl i n poorULifeLine/ A link to the CenturyLink tariff that includes the terms and conditions of this ETC's Lifeline offering is included in response to line 1220. NOTES APPLICABLE TO FORM 481 FILING: (100) The FederalCommunications Commission in FCC DA 1&332 adoiled Mardr 5, 2013, waived the requirement that price cap recipienb of frozen support or incremental support file fiv+.year plans by July 1 , 2013 (subsequently changed to October 15, 2013). (2Ot210) Outages are reported using the criteria provided in 47 C.F.R $54.313, whidr differs from the criteria in 47 C.F.R. $4.5, which is the basis for reporting outages to the Federal Communications Commission. Therefore, some outages may not have NORS numbers. (30G310) CenturyLink does not have any outstanding requests for voice service ftom 2012ffr'at are unfilled at the time of this filing. (320-330) Unfilled service requests for broadband are not required to be reported in this yeaf s filing. (410) Complaints per 1 ,000 access lines are reported as complaints to any federal and/or slate agency. (430450) Number of complaints for broadbandare not required to be reported in this yea/s filing. (700-710) Company price offering for both voice and broadband are not required to be reported in this yea/s filing. (1000-1010) Voice seMces rate comparability is not required to be reported in this yeafs filing. (300C3005) This is not applicable to this company as it is considered to be a Federal Price Cap Canier or an affiliate associated with a Federal Price Cap Canier for the purposes of this filing. 1. 2. 4. 5. o. 7. 8. g.