HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131011CenturyLink QC-north-2013 ETC.pdfMary S. Hobson Attorney & Counselor 999 Main, Suite rroa Boise, ID B$7os, 208-885-8666 !fi;'; 11au ,L"i ! October ll,2013 VIA IIAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472West Washington Boise,ID 83702-5983 GNp-T- lj-o Re: Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC (northern Idaho) 2013 Federal ETC Filing Dear Ms. Jewell: On November 18, 2011 the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") released its USF/ICC Transformation Order in WC Docket No. 10-90 et al. With that Order, the FCC began a transition to a national framework for certification of Eligible Telecommunications Carriers ("ETCs") and set forth a standard set of information that all ETCs must file with the FCC each year. The Order also required ETCs to provide the same information to the respective state commissions. On June 10,2013, the FCC granted a limited waiver of the July I filing deadline for the annual ETC reporting requirernents for z}l3,with one exception. I ETCs with voice service rates below the rate floor2 were required to file by July I the voice rate information required by 47 C.F.R. $ 54.313(h). That same Order also noted that the final requirements for 2013 and the new filing deadlines would be set in a subsequent Order following Paperwork Reduction Act approval of the FCC's reporting requirements and proposed reporting form. On August 6,2013,the FCC released an Order, DA13-707, identifying the reporting requirements contained in 47 C.F.R. $ 54.313 that are now approved and applicable in 2013 as well as setting October 15,2013 as the deadline for ETCs to file the required information.3 The FCC also released the required reporting ternplate, FCC Form 481, for use by all ETCs. Attached is a copy of the FCC Form 481 for Qwest Corporation dba CenturyLink QC (northern Idaho), as filed by CenturyLink with the FCC. CenturyLink is filing a public I See.In the Matter of Connect Americq Fund, Order, WC Docket No. l0-90, DA l3-1348, (rel. June 10, 2013). 'Ooly ETCs that receive Federal High Cost Loop or High Cost Model Support are required to report residential basic rates below the rate floor. 3 See 1r the Matter of Connect Americq Fund, Order, WC Docket No. l0-90, DA 13-707, (rel. August 6, 2013). and confidential version of the FCC Form 481. The outage and Tribal engagement information provided in response to 47 C.F.R. S54.313 (a) (2) and (9), respectively, is confidential and was filed confidentially with the FCC. CenturyLink is filing the version of the FCC Form 481 containing this information under seal and accompanied by an Attorney Certificate pursuant to Rule 67 of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure I.D.A.P.A. 31.01.01. 067. Consistent with past years, we request that you certiff to the FCC as required by 47 C.F.R $ 54.314 by the deadline of December 16, 2013 that CenturyLink QC (northern Idaho) should continue receiving Federal high cost support in Idaho. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions regarding this filing. Sincerely, /, ilt iMary S.Ilobson Attorney for Qwest Corporation dba Centurylink QC Pate I Arua Code otla$! @RP-tDAtfoName 201{<02(> ProrramYear <03D ContactName: PersonUsAcahouldcontact with oustions about this data I(cmcth ll . Brchrn <035> ContactTelephoneNumber: (31st 362-ls3o Number ot the Derson ldentitied in data llne <03D <03$ Conbct Email Address: Emall otthe person identitled in data lhe <03(>kan. buchrrlcanturylltrk, c6 <lfi> Service Quallty lmprovement Reportlng <200> Outage Reportlng (voice) <210> - l7ll<- drecK Dox tf no outages to repon l_!J=__!_) I-,-Ir7il lw*ro&.dr.d vc*the*) (@aC.t eadGdsorhhia) €(I)> Unfulfilled SeNlce Requests (volcel <310> OetallonAttempts (voice) <32(D Unfulfllled servlce RequesB (broadband) <33D DetallonAttempB (broadband) <110G Ten€strlal Backhaul (Y/Nl? <11lG <1200> Terms and Condltlon for Llfellne Customers <4(D> Number of complalnts per 1,0CJ0 Altornlrs lyelsL:ffi IIT"ffi OO <?si6 -Nufr 6e-i-ot c6-mpEinis p-dr l,0ooti43qli'ers.1lEiidbrrid)-- <440> Fixed<450> Moblle <s(x)> SeMce Quallty Standards & Consumer Protection Rules Compllance.5$rm <6fiD Functionality ln EmergencySltuations<51Dm <7q> Company Price Offerlngs (volce) <71D Company Price Offerin$ (broadband) <80(> OperatingCompaniesandAfflllates6,r <90O Tribal Land Ofierings (Y/N)? e, t<10il> voice Servlces Rate Comoarablll <1010> (olI.Eh dsqtrywd@n6tt lddt.l@lf,,!doma) (.lr&ao hilildi..Grdldinl (oalcdt.d d s cil pahe I N n d t ) (dt.* b k,tfu,e caltfi@tloa) loaa,d| 4 d6qwndffia) (cnpLe.tufu vo,r$hal (cmpht oatad,.dwrrhatl lffipld.dtffi ilq*thatt (t W, md.a.oaodrdl tqlJhqtt (.fiGt rolDtudrt/?odoi, lfr,d, daqlpatv. ttomDtt {traol, d,.d e &rdlra. qdi@dd) (act d.L ouqfu sdtthaac) kql,nono.fud w,Jhatt 0 <200(> <2005> <3000> €005> Prlce Cap Cenle]!, Procced to @ lndudlng RaF-offiewrn Corriers olfrllated wlth Prlce Cop Locol Exchonge Corrierc itr:x:ffi Rate of Return Cerie]3, Proceed to ROR Additional Documentatlon Wo.lcheet (dtd. to lndifr . *tffiotlq) l@pldc tu.lr.d vq*tlal) 04n5,20t3 Page 1 N @ooC o nrNo uo 99= =5Ec >EoPP...46FEE E EEEE H EE+; E gEg3 ss P EfrE EEqHBEEAE* E:aa$EEE€F E- gT#g oe.=dEFldEo: ;tEF TEEEEE3 &Ers : i i E a e EEst rE;5E:r $ HE H H; E E E EE€g;E TEEEEEf; E E E E E E ;6; HEileab Tre,ggSi$$5.8 ggE E E EE $$H$$$ 6 EU o !E E EU tsoco(J o att E =z oo EfzogoEoIoF UocoU lII ltlllltItt rl ol dol Pl El -l -lrl alSEIo I l;=-:il EIEIiEEE$E EIiIlEgEEEE EIf; EI i€E , EEE E ilEeIEE*agEiI f,EEl cE*E E iE n el*l A$l$l $ I frl oml molo I !ua-E !JoEc* G oop U EoEo Uocoutfo LJ =to o4 o Eoz. 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Er f,!ti Etg*I EgEg SE E.o6 P.!. 12 175L52<016 StudvAroCode <015> StudyAraaNamc QsaglCPRP-IDII|o <ozD Pr€rrsnvclr 201{ <r3D cont ctNam!-PeBonusAclhould6nt ctr.gardingthlsdata xqrneth r' Buchrn <035> cont8ctTclcphffiNmb€r-NunrbcrofpamnHcntlf,Gdlnd.trllre<xlo, (31s) 362-1538 <039> contsctEmallMdrcs-EmallAddrcssofplEonldrntlfl.dlndettllre<o3o> keD'bucbanec'lturyltnr'6 Certffhation of Officer .s to ilre Accur.cy of the Data Reported for the Annual Reportlng for CAF or U Rcclplents Grrtlfy that I am .n of,&or of tha rrportiry Ctrle4 my GporCbl[tlcs lnduda cBudnt rhr e@nry of tlr€ anoual rrportlry rcqulrcmat! for unluarral sarvtc. suDgort dpteot$ rnd, to ti. b.rt ot my lnowlcdt , tt.,nbrmrdil r.pott d olr thb iofln .nd ln !]ry.tt drmotr ls.ccrrntc. ontsar coRP-lDAIIo d of,lc.r: cBRtlFllD ollr.![E oil. o'lzrl2oL, ,rlntrd mmrof Arthorllld offlccr: DavLd co!'' Ith or Mlilon of Authorhd OfR6n g.ols Vlc. Pnrldut for Opanlloar gufrporl rod Costroll.r llcohom number ofAuthorhd offer (316)3t!-r000 tudv Am codr of Raooftim carrlcr: l1sl62 Flllm Drc ort!lorthlsform' 10./15,'2013 Polffi rdlfully mrtlrg 6h. rt tcmnt on thb fom on bc pqn&hcd by inc q brfrlluc urdrr th. Comnlc.tbN A.i of l93tl, 47 Us.c. 5t 504 so{bl, 01 im !r ltrlPrisnmnt undsTlth 1t of ltB Unftld St tE Oodr,13 U,S,C 5 1o0L TO 8E COMPLETED BYTHE REPORTIT{G CARRIER, IFI}IE REFONMNG CARRIER IS FIUNC AIIINUAL REPOfiTING ON ITS OWN BEHATf: 0er25,20't3 P.tc 12 475162<01o> studvArcrCode <015> stldvAro! Nrmc oflEar coRP-rDA$o <OZD PEnm YdT <)3Ot ContrctNlm-PtronUsAcildldco.t ct[E rdlngthbd.t! tbonaur tl' Buc]ran <035> ContlctT.hPhoncNumbcr-llumberofpcmnldantlltcdlnd.trllrc<B(> (3181 362-1538 <rgl> ContrctEmllAddrctr-EmllAddBofprBonHentlirdindrtallnc<)3(,> k.E.bucbrnaclnEuryll,nk.cm TO BE COMPLEIED SYTHE REPORNNG CANRIER, IF AN AGEI\IT IS FILING ANNUAL REPORTS ON THE CARRIERS BEH/AIFI Certification of Officcr to Authorize an AtEnt to Flle Annual Beports for CAF or 1I RGclpients on BGhElf of R.portint Carier cu0ty ihrt (Nrmr oI ffi YlT#"l;tljili'"'*T[til.'Xffi "Lffi$:*"f lflilffigT''|lo crttfy lhrt I !m !n g.nt; rn4 to lh. br3t ol my kndl.dg., lh. Eportt rnd drtr provld.d to th. ruthorlrd .9 trt h .ccunta D.t : riltrt d mm! of Authorlud ofier: 'rlcohonc numhu of Authorlild offtsr: ,tudv Aru Codr d RGmrdts CrrrLr:FlXm Dq! Drte fo thk lbrm: PG|M|wlllfullym.kl4f.kert trmant ohthisfomonbopunlrhcdbylln.dtorflltuEurdrrth.@mmunk Uon3Actof r,934 47U.s.C05502,503(b).orfn.orlmpimndt uDd6 lld. 18 of tia t nitrd Stat!. Coda. 18 U.s.C. I tOOl. Certlflcatlon of Ag€nt Authorized to File Annual Rsports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carrier ,aSalatforthsrcporthgortlcr,ettlfythatIemsuttortredto$bmltthe.trnualreportstoaunbGmlsilkcsupportrslplat oiblhrlfottharCpordn!s.rlcr;Ih.y!pBldrd te d.t Eportrd h.clo bEsd on data pBldcd by thc rrporthg errlai and, to th€ best ot m, lnflletr, th! lrfo(mdm r€ported hlEln ls aconte, llma of Authorhd Arlnt tr Emolory!. of A6nt: ;Lnrturr of Authorft.d AGnt or Emob[a ol Arant:D!ta: :ltlc or Eltbn of Authdh.d Arht or EmdoE of Ar.nt ltudv AEr Cod. of R Carlle Fllnr Du. Ehh 16r thh f.rh! P.rcntwlllfullymHntfal.!.trttmatronfiltlmonb.pultHbythr.6lorf.ltlr.urd$lh.Cofimunlc.dontAdof 1934 47UJ.ctr502,5o3(blorllr.orlhpdDmfttund6lld. lE of tt!. l,htt.dst t ! coda 18usc s 1001, AFFIDAVIT CERTIFYING COM PLIANCE wtTH 554.313(AXs), Ss4.313(AX6), and $54.314(a) Section (500) - Servlce Quality Certlflcatlon Section (600) - Emergency Carrier Certlfication Section (2012) - 2013 Frozen Support Certification; and Accurary of Annual Reporting of CAF Recipients Certification For the CenturyLink ETCs as listed in Appendix A, t, David D. Cole, being of lawful age and duly sworn, on my oath and under penalty of perjury state that I am the SeniorVice President for Operations Support and Controller of CenturyLink, lnc. ("Company'') and that I am authorized to execute this affidavit on behalf of the ComPanY. The Company hereby certifies pursuant to the requirements under 47 C.F.R. 554.313(A)(5) and $sa.3x3(AX5) that 1) CenturyUnk has established operational procedures designed to factlltate compliance wlth applicable consumer protection rules, 2l CenturyUnk has established operational procedures deslgned to facilltate compliance wlth service quality standards which may lnclude customer remedies and lmprovernent plans. CenturyLink also rcports service quallty metrlcs to State Commissions as applicable, 3) Centurylink is able to remain functional in emergency sltuations as set forth in 554.202(a)(2), 4) All ftozen fuderal universal service support provided to CenturyLink ETCs listed in AppendlxA was used in the preceding calendar year and will be used in the coming calendar year only for the prwision, maintenance, and upgrading of facilities and seruices for which the support ts intended, and 5) To the best of my knowledge and bellef, the Information reported on this form including afiachrnents is accurate. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. ; -tl- DATEDthis &r''-dayot S"f+. ZOra SVP - operations Support and Controller CenturyLlnk 100 CenturyLink Drive Monroe, Louisiana 7 LzOg suBScRIBED AND SWoRN To before me this L* day of $cf* . 2013 Notary Public:tr+&'l L My Commission Expires:tr-, \ +(/. I't t< { St*u- drb \.,ou,trSla^.-r- , Pa,riSL. ca8 Ou-a'oJ"9*- ej'--$*$*^- Appondix A Llstine of Centurvlink Elieible Telecommunlcatlons Cariers COMPANYNAME DBA NAME Study Area Code State(s) of Operation CenturyTel of Alabama, tIC (Northern )Centurvlink 259789 AL CenturyTel of Alabama, LLC (Southern)CenturyLink 259788 AL Gulf Telephone Companv Centurvlink 254298 AL CenturyTel of Arkansas, lnc.CenturvLink 401705 AR CenturyTel of Central Arkansas, LLC CenturyLink 40LL44 AR CenturvTel of Mountain Home, lnc.Centurvlink 40t7tl AR Centur.rfTel of Redfield, lnc.Centurvlink 40L720 AR CenturvTel ofSouth Arkansas, lnc.CenturvLlnk 40t727 AR, [A CenturyTel of Northwest Arkansas, LLC (Russellvllle)CenturyLink 40Lt42 AR, MO, OK CenturyTel of Northwest Arkansas, LLC (slloam Sprinesl Centurylink 401143 A& OK Qwest Corporation (Arizona)Centurvlink QC 455101 M CenturyTel of Colorado, lnc.Centurvlinl 462208 CO Qwest Corporation (Colorado)CenturyLink QC 455102 co The El Paso Countv Telephone Comnanv None 462L87 CO CenturvTel of Eaele, lnc,Centurvlink 46218s CO. UT Embarq Florida. lnc.Centurvllnk 2LO34t FL Coastal Utllities. lnc.Centurvlink 220356 GA Qwest Corporation (lowal CenturvLink QC 355141 IA CenturvTel of Postville, lnc.CenturyLink 35L274 IA CenturvTel of Chester, !nc.CenturvLink 351126 IA, MN CenturvTel of ldaho, lnc.Centurvllnk 47222s ID CenturyTelof the Gem State, lnc. (ldaho)CenturvLink 472223 ID Qwest Corporation ( Northern ldaho)CenturvLink QC 475L62 ID Qwest Corooratlon (Southern ldaho)Centurylink QC 475LO3 ID Gallatin River Communications. LLC CenturvLink GRC 341057 IL CenturvTel of Central lndiana. lnc.CenturyLink 320747 IN CenturyTel of Odon, lnc.Centurvlink 32080L IN United Teleohone Comoanv of lndiana. lnc.CenturyLink 320832 IN, OH United Telephone Company of Eastern Kansas CenturyLink 4Lt3L7 KS COMPANY NAME DBA NAME Study Area Code State(s) of Ooeration United Telephone Company of Kansas None 4LL842 KS Unlted Telephone Company of Southcentral Kansas CenturvLink 411377 KS Embarq Missouri, lnc. (Kansas)Centurylink 4Lt957 KS CenturyTel of Central Louisiana, LLC CenturyLlnk 270423 LA CenturvTel of Chatham, LLC CenturyLink 270427 LA CenturvTel of East Louisiana, LLC CenturvLink 270440 LA CenturyTel of Evangeline, LLC Centurylink 270434 LA CenturvTel of North Louisiana, LLC CenturyLink 270436 LA CenturvTel of Rineeold, LLC CenturyLink 270439 LA CenturyTel of Southeast Loulslana, LLC CenturyLlnk 270424 IA CenturvTel of Southwest Louisiana, LLC CenturvLink 270442 IA CenturyTel of Northwest Louislana, lnc.CenturyLink 27043L LA. AR. TX CenturvTel Midwest - Michigan, lnc.CenturvLlnk 310671 MI CenturvTel of Mlchigan, lnc.CenturyLink 3LO702 MI CenturvTel of Northern Mlchisan, lnc.CenturvLink 310705 MI CenturvTel of Upper Michigan, lnc.Centurvlink 310689 MI CenturvTel of Minnesota, lnc.Centurvlink 36LM5 MN Embarq Minnesota,lnc.CenturryLink 361456 MN Qwest Corporation (Minnesota)CenturyLink QC 365L42 MN CenturyTel of Missouri, LLC (Belle-Herman)CenturyLink 429785 MO CenturyTel of Missouri, LLC (Central)CenturyLink 429794 MO CenturvTel of Missouri, LLC (Southern)Centurvlink 429786 MO CenturyTel of Missouri, LLC (Southwest)CenturyLink 429787 MO Soectra Communicatlons Group, LLC CenturyLink 421151 MO Embaro Missouri.lnc.CenturyLink 42L957 MO.IA CenturvTel of North Mississlppi, lnc.None 280458 MS CenturvTel of Montana, lnc.CenturyLink .482249 MT Qwest Corporation (Montana)CenturyLink QC 485104 MT Central Telephone Company (North Carolina)CenturvLink 23047L NC Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Company LLC CenturvLink 230470 NC Mebtel,lnc.CenturyLink 230485 NC Qwest Corporation (North Dakota)CenturyLink QC 38sL44 ND Qwest Corporation (Nebraska)CenturyLink QC 375t43 NE United Telephone Company of the West (Nebraska)Centurvlink 371595 NE COMPANY NAME DBA NAME Study Area Code State(sl of Oneratlon United Telephone Company of New Jersey, lnc.Centurylink 160138 NJ CenturyTel ofthe Southwest, lnc.CenturyLink 492274 NM Owest Corporation (New Mexico)CenturvLink QC 495105 NM Central Telephone Company (Nevada)CenturvLink 552348 NV CenturvTel ofthe Gem State, lnc. (Nevada)CenturyLink 552223 NV CenturvTel of Ohio, lnc.CenturyLink 300630 OH United Telephone Company of Ohio CenturvLink 300651 OH CenturvTel of Oregon, lnc.CenturyLink 532361 OR Qwest Corporation (Oregon)CenturyLink QC 535163 OR United Telephone Company of the Northwest (oreeon)CenturVLink 532400 OR CenturvTel of Eastern Oregon, lnc.CenturvLink s32361 OR. CA United Telephone Company of Pennsylvania LLC, ThE CenturyLink t70209 PA United Telephone Company of the Carolinas LLC Centurvlink of the Carolinas 240506 sc Qwest Corporation (South Dakota)CenturyLink QC 395145 SD CenturvTel of Claiborne, lnc.Centurvlink Claiborne 290557 TN CenturryTel of Ooltewah-Colleeedale, lnc. CenturyLink Ooltewah- Colleeedale 294574 TN Unfted Teleohone Southeast. LLC lTennessee)Centurylink 290557 TN CenturvTel of Adamsville, lnc.Centurvlink Adarnsville 290552 TN. MS CentralTeleohone Comoanv of Texas. lnc.Centurvlink 442LL4 TX CenturvTel of Lake Dallas, lnc.CenturyLink 442LO7 TX CenturvTel of Port Aransas, lnc.CenturyLink 442LL7 TX CenturyTel of San Marcos, lnc.CenturvLink 442L40 TX United Teleohone Comoanv of Texas. lnc CenturyLlnk 442084 TX Qwest Corporation (Utah)CenturvLink QC s05107 UT United Telephone Southeast. LLC (Vireinia)Centurylink 190567 VA Central Teleohone Comoanv of Virslnia CenturyLlnk 1902s4 VA. NC centuryTel of lnter-lsland, lnc.Centurylink 522408 WA centuryTel of Washington, lnc.CenturyLink 522408 WA Qwest Corooration (Washineton)Centurvlink QC 525161 WA United Telephone Company of the Northwest (Washineton)Centurylink 522400 WA CenturyTel of Cowlche, lnc.Centurylink s224LO WA centuryTel of central wisconsin, LLC Centurvlink 331159 WI COMPANY NAME DBA NAME Study Area Code State(s) of Ooeratlon CenturyTel of Fairwater-Brandon-Alto, LLC CenturvLink 330877 WI CenturyTel of ForesWille, LLC Centurvlink 330884 WI CenturvTel of Larsen-Readfi eld, LLC CenturyLink 330898 WI CenturvTel of Monroe Countv, LLC Centurvlink 330913 WI CenturyTel of Northern Wisconsin, LLC CenturyLink 330956 wt ' CenturvTel of Southern Wisconsin, LLC CenturyLink 330931 WI CenturvTel of the Mldwest-Kendall, LLC CenturyLink 330924 WI CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wisconsin, LLC (Casco)CenturVLink 330857 WI CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wisconsln, LLC (Cencom)Centurvlink 330841 WI CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wlsconsin, LLC (Northwest)Centurvlink 330922 WI CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wlsconsin, LLC (Platteville)CenturvLink 330934 WI CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wisconsln, LLC ffhorol CenturyLink 330959 WI CenturyTel of the Midwest-Wisconsin, LLC (Wavside)CenturvLinl 330970 WI CenturvTel of Wisconsin, LLC Centurylink 330895 WI Telephone USA of Wisconsin, LLC CenturyLink 331155 WI CenturyTel of Northwest Wisconsin, LLC CenturvLink 330950 WI, MN CenturvTel of Wvomins, lnc.CenturyLink 5L2299 WY Qwest Corporation (Wyomine)Centurvlink QC s15108 WY United Telephone Company of the West (Wvomins)CenturvLink of the West 511595 WY o r!o0,..1otB J1Edn\Ha!doU oct{o,rl.Fl rd co'r{+,.Flo ll E:(,U (, dl{o(,! J4 EI-Fl 14d .F{ c -9 !EuEoo!E Elo o t6o Eo(, oE oEGoat d il E o6N N JJd ruU .tJdoU co-a rJ-.t(n c.Flodoo @.FtB F{ .lJ 0)U p HoC) JJ HC'U rJdoU rJc0)U ,lJ oU '-ldH{JHru() ?HoElJ)oUI dedndr-l4 ttto!{.ro 6do o2 o HH dIJ(0 HoFIoU l{-to !-{ rJHoU dtrH q) EkoA-rl6r-lU l+{o F{ dHH do]J @ 0).qU l+to r{ +Jtr0,U U}1F] cd rJ 'UU rHo Urlr{ -loH .-{(d tr!H0,U '-{oH .ldtl+) r{(6 H+)troU o o o oc 6o! .E!o cot o t o o! E:z J! Efzoc9qgoF u6coo o ! ai- A) o G! .EE .H!gg 6 E :s U ;e0d; E s o o oo EGUo n o o o uoH coo Bo E oEEzEo g o oEoUto E! odo llcl E.E icT o6!ce.o o cdo.Eou oE 5oTE66 J1c L] r)coo +)doU ch 0, +Jo rt,fr] fi..1 Ll d C'U do C) o BNo Ud 1-.t U HF.t F:Ho +,aoqt a]J tuU H(,U a+J oo o HH UFl|f d F{Fl.rl +J ut 0, !.rofrl tlro c) F]}] o+JFl4Idorc,d(,tr rq It{orJd!t{.rl IU Eq lt{o FI UF]ts] 6tr6.r{o.r{ ao F1 r) s{oz lHo U '1H UtrH q) H-r{ o d .rl E tr C.lE]J Hoz tHo t-l o r-{ tl.{o li i,.l. i.. trH ttlo FI )rJ HoU 5r,HoU Ioa!; ! o o E Go!E!o ,DcoEco oq ,o oE! oEu EE! oE@ 6 qoU 6 o ?l 'ieldl ;loo oi.sl 61oEc !lolGI ctol! co d:ooEuz ooEazocoqo F coU A o anUa ds aEqav 6 F! .!!! !p E6lo Gco tg,oE U 3cogoil oEz coU oo I 6o EE E* oNo Tio T olol oE2oP !a H ts g!oUGo ! = oo j4c11c-'{ .!ad t -9o s.Eoa!E66 o EErE0u q .E:a!EtrE6 aotr0,U x a+) FIoU o t!o EoUH0,(J U H ts] oU(tl td() U F]il oU Dt0,U uE a 1J HoU ddd q,z otrH U}] F] UFI}f UEl F1 H-.1o oUo.r{B IJi0 oo E tr.Flo EIoUG.Fl BI 4,1o0, '6.r{ = tr,rlotroIJut..{ BIIJa0,!6.FtE H.Ftoco(,o.ri B trr'{o..1 o HH ID {I,o rdt{d (, +)dr,s) E 0,o .tJ troU tJo(dotrJaoa) tt{o FJFIoU I.q(d B C'JJ -loo $.ro FI ddH d.rlTo t+{ o F{ d HH io.do tHo HoU Uo d I EoU I ! E I{H EI E o !d & oo ta & E6o Eo(Jxc E0oo do E Jt, I U A EoUqcgoI H ? I !c I !a EoU a ! d I ! EoA!oa t F 8.!oU !a o I ooo o ._c 66!C Eo co! Eo oe o o&Efz ooEtzoEoEogoF 6coU o c EoaE; ! tc oo! a E ._E!oE E oEo =,o U f oEU4 oE2 o otJ oo 6o EeUoe o ? s 6 oo &o@I oE626o El hdo oHo.Fl JJtrtoul co 6cU oct!oEdE o toe EoU oE 54!aEo6 i.t,; t{d U H H(, UI ocH UFlFl o FIo.Ft rJ6o-F.l E!)GeoU koF.Ftd d EIH .r{ Haooa..t E .Ft t{,ooo-rt E dTEFl UdH ollEl ri'rllaEooo,FlBI! U 'IF] i.rto(ooo.FlBIrJo .'{E q,ArJ q.,r o .rt =q, {J tlJ0 d o o Eo.Ft ..t .tJdU.Ft 6aEEoU r{{o -l (d €trl +J C)U F: o)U pdoU +JtrluU oU aoII n, ca aI !o! Ao o0 o =ooE .EEoEco! Eo oe o oE! d E@ o EE oE@ eou ooo oo 0E=oo! Eo co!co oa o o,E3z U!Eaz,qtroqgoF coU nilo Bt0,o;T oc6 ll o! JEE Uc!oEo oEo !EoE U f,coeor Eoz otou 0mo I ,T No0 F EIo oEGzoo !, o : o!oUEo !: oo E.9 oEs Uo!Ed ao o ctrc Eou dc,.ouEoo +JHoU TJHoU !doU +Jd 0)U Ho.rlr)tUlt troU troU li1t, s a uldqld(lV r{dt{t)E0,o4+Jtoo tuo r-l C)H da,JJ.rt E oE{ .Fl HD oH d(,IJ FIoH doF{ f,trJoU oo6A r{ E] L)€F] '<Cr]!) o(o Ho.Ftr, ot(d6H Ht{o ]Jtioz o.Fl JJd (6{Jo A1(,at H'fl(a FIoUm.r{B c F IUt) .F{ E!aEc oU tu l.r+JU .r.l IJ tro.Ft rJ .p ul .lJd +Jut F ootj na Eoo , 6 o dH c o o2 6o t o BoU ! a!o Eq EoUEEv ooo N€ EooEo(J @I!o @ U6 t ) ooU 4€ oAtr! c oE!* ao !n &ToU o E E(,1 c a!EooaE Eu,!; x omo o.s 6p .E!o 5Pcoeoc o p !6 o Eu oE! 6EU co(J oo Ae0aE i frocd ! c E.g!6Bg 6 co !!o u :fcoeoo oEoz o coU 0o od H.rl Eo 6 U56!Eo lo o EooEo(, ot 3oE.5oo tiili'i [,i Fii:i! i 'ili,-, ii.ii r,ooB oH+, tl,lo xd.J I .J troU ! oU JJ 0,U l)coU Bt!o ]J(,t ll,E oE]J tl{o IEB t)uo'IJhoz o5a) rHo >lqrtCllEoU oo(,,B o JJ rt{o 0)rlo Fr .tC o!-Ftdb r,o rU! rJt{oz o.qIJ il d = r{oH doiJ.rttrD op FI H dc, +JT{dD 1,op-rtcD druF' di,rJ.rt s ro 9xe a a a( I u! clx ooo oc d Ec !.c=o!co oq o !! 6E o!! 6E@ G coU oo _l 'l:l @ :3 ^iolol c1 ololp Eo = OI!l':1 o od o d! E]5l :lon Ef,zogo!egoF d coo Bo c !g1E d A!oEdox d 6! ! ogo g,ot U =coEoL E6z cou oo Egooi oN? o EA oU H Ntd oEz o E 6o Tribal Outreach Documentation-20l2 Form 481 - LIne <920> Qwest Corporatio n d lb I a Centurytln k QC (Northem ldaho) StudyArea- 475L62 TrlbalEntities E Tarueted Ensasement Efforts As part of its efforts to strengthen positive relationships wlth the Tribal Nations wlthln its serving territory while fulfilling new obligations set forth in Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking FCC 11-161, Qwest Corporatlon d/b/a CenturyLink QC (Northern ldaho) ("CenturyLinK) extended an invitation to - to meet and address issues of lmportance related to the provisioning of services on tribat lands. The letter was mailed on November 16, 2012. The purpose of thls meetlng was to discuss planning and potential deployment of service as well as other areas of interest speclftc to conducting business on tribal lands (as set forth in 47 C.F.R. $Sa313(aXg)). A copy of the letter is attached as Exhibit lD No -1: -. Corresoonden ce Resu ltinE from Ta rFeted Ensagement Efforts No response was received as a result of the November 16, 2012 tetter toE ln an effort to ensure due dlllgence, a subsequent letter was sent on January LL,2OL3, referenclng the initlal letter, and again asking for an opportunity to meet. Correspondence has been exchanged as a result of follow-up contact, details of which wlll be contained in our 2014 Form 481 filing pertalning to 2OL3 activfty. A copy of the follow up letter is attached as Exhibit lD No -2: Follow-up L"tt".-. Oneoinp Enearement with ldaho Tribal Entities Background CenturyLink serues the Tribal Entities withln tts serving territory ln much the same manner that It serves other large customer groups. Attention ls provided for the very specific lssues that are inherent when doing business on tribal tands. When trlbal customers request servlce from Centurytink, they are handled wlth the same processes and personnel that would handle non-tribal requests. As planning teams become aware of potential service demands by a 'tommunity anchor institution", such as a casino, school, or llbrary on tribal lands, these demands are incorporated as part of the standard planning processes. Centurylink strives to satisff such demands ln a timely and responsible manner. Centurylink has historically and will continue to market on tribal lands via radio and printed media as part of its ongoing outreach initiatives. Additionally, assistance programs are actively advertised. While CenturyLinKs operatlons on tribal lands are substantially the same as those on non-tribal lands, they differ on one substantial point. The acquisition of easements, rights-of- way, and licenses must comply with the specific requirements of each Tribal Entity and the Bureau of lndian Affairs. Centuryllnk ls dillgent in maklng sure that lt complles with the applicable reguirements before building facilities on tribal lands. CenturyLink's diligence extends to the manner in which it builds its network on tribal lands. The deployment of facilities is accomplished with sensitivity to the surroundings and consideration of any impact on the land and its people. Examotes of Eneasements with - I r I, EXHIBITLIST II r. ExhtbtttDNo-l: tetterf 2. Exhlbit lD No-2: Fotlow-up t-"tt"rE ErhibitIDNo -1 E - - E - - I I ls): ExhlbttID No-2 I -E III - I <LZl:l> Terms & Conditions of Voice Telephony Lifeline Plans GenturyLink has over 100 local exdrange caniers (LECs) that serve as eligible telecommunications carriers (ETCs) providing Lifeline discounts on local telephone service for qualifying lowincome customers in thirty-seven states. Each LEC's local tariff contains the terms and conditions of voice telephony seMce plans generally available to Centurylink residential customers. Lifeline provides discounts on CenturyLink residential seMce plans that include vobe telephony service. Lifeline discounts provided to qualified recipients include the $9.25 per month federal discount plus state disounts, if available. Tribal Lifeline rccipients receive an additionalfederal Lifeline discount of up to $25 per month. Eligible residents residing on Tribal lands in areas where CenturyLink receives universal service high-cost support can also receive a Tribal Link Up credit of not more than $100 against one customary service initiation fee d a primary residence. CenturyLink's flat-rated residential service plans provide unlinited local calling. Lifeline discounb also may be applied to local residential service plans that include a certain amount of local rninutes or calls at a flat-rate and then have additional dtarges for minutes or calls beyond those induded in the plan. Lifeline discounts may be applied to bundled service pac*ages that include vobe telephony services, such as bundles with intemet service and/or video seMce. Lifeline discounts may also apply to voice service plans that include optional calling features such as caller lD, call waiting, and voicemail. Toll service is available to customers receiving Lifeline discounts in the same mannerthat it is available to non-Lifeline customers. Toll limitation service is available b Lifeline cu$omers at no charge. lnformation concerning CenturyLink's Lifeline program can be found on our Lifeline web page at http://www.centuryl i n k. com/Paoes/Su ooorUlifeli ne/ A link to the CenturyLink tariff that includes the terms and conditions of this ETC's Lifeline offering is included in response to line 1220. NOTES APPL]CABLE TO FORM 481 FILING: 1. (100) The FederalCommunlcations Commission in FCC DA 13-332 adofted Mardr 5, 2013,waitred the requirement that price cap recipients of frozen support or incremental support file five-year plans by July 1, 2013 (subsequently changed to October 15, 2013). 2. (2OU210) Outages are reported using the siteria provided in 47 C.F.R 554.313, whidr differs fom the criteria in 47 C.F.R. $4.5, whictr is the basis for reporting outages to the Federal Communications Commission. Therefore, some outages may not have NORS numbers. 3. (30G310) CenturyLink does not have anyoutstanding requests for voie service from 2012thatare unfilled atthe time of this filing. 4. (32G330) Unfilled service requests for broadbard are not required to be reported in this yeads filing. 5. (410) Complaints per 1,000 access lines are reported as complaints to any fsderal and/or state agency. 6. (430-450) Number of complaints f6r broadband are not required to be reported in this year's filing. 7. (700-710) Company price offering for both voice and broadband are not required to be reported in this yeads filing. 8. (100G1010) Voice services rate comparability is not required to be reported in this year's filing. . 9. (3000-3000 This is not applicable to this company as it is considered to be a Federal Price Cap Canier or an affiliate associated with a Federal Price Cap Carrier for the purposes of this filing.