HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131010Filer Mutual 2013 ETC Filing.pdfFILEFIM/UTUAL Telephone Company ocroBER 8,2013 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, lD 83720 jean.jewell@puc. idaho. gov GuR-Tl3-o I RE: 2013 Eligible Telecommunications Garrier (ETC) Annual Reporting Requirements with the IPUC Dear Ms. Jewell, Filer MutualTelephone Company, lnc. ("the Company" or "File/') hereby provides copies to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") of the filing to the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") and the Universal Service Administrative Corporation ("USAC") for designation as an Eligible Telecommunications Carrier, in accordance with 47 U.S.C. 54.313 and 54.422.1 have also included the signed Affidavit pursuant to Commission Order 29841. Filer MutualTelephone Company, Study Area Code 472220, is a rural incumbent local exchange carrier (ILEC) as designated by the FCC, and is eligible to receive federal universal service high-cost support pursuant to the Code of Federal Regulations ("CFR"), Title 47, Sections 54.301, 54.305, and Part 36, sub-part F. Please review the attached filing and include Filer Mutual Telephone Company in yourAnnual Use Certification Letter to USAC and the FCC. lf you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me directly. Sincerely,/-l- n /,'4fr'*:Y Steve Cowger General Manager/COO .-i;: - ffii'FILEFI TINUTUAL Telephone Company REDACTED. FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION October 8,20L3 VIA OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary Federal Communications Commission Office ofthe Secretary 445 LZth Street, S.W. Washington,DC 20554 RE: Confidential Financial Information Subiectto Protective Order in WC Docket Nos. 10-90. 07-135, 05-337. 03-109, CC Docket Nos. 01-92. 96-45. GN Docket No. 09-51, WT Docket No. 10-208. Before the Federal Communications Commission Dear Ms. Dortch: Filer Mutual Telephone Company ["Filer Mutual"), Study Area 472220, a privately-held rate of return carrier receiving high cost support, has electronically submitted FCC Form 481 to the Commission with redacted financial data, in compliance with 47 C.F.R. SS 54.373 and54.422. As specified in the Protective 0rder issued on November L6,20L2 by the Commission, two copies of the redact€d cor.rftdenti-al information are being ftted sirnr.ttan@sly with thenen-redacted csnfidential information. The redacted information for this filing and each page of the file where confidential information has been omitted is marked "REDACTED - FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION" Please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding this particular matter. Sincerely, ,b"t*--, &y-' Steve Cowger, General Manager/COo For Filer Mutual Telephone Company Enclosures Mr. Charles Tyler, FCC Telecommunications Access Policy Division Ms. Grace Seaman,ldaho Public Utilities Commission Sffi of _ ) CERTIFICATION BY ELIGIBLE TELECOMMUNICATIONS CARRIER ) ss OF COMPLIANCE WITH SERVICE QUALITY AND CUSTOMER County of ) PROTECTION, ABILITY TO REMAIN FUNCTIONAL lN EMERGENCIES, AND USE OF FEDERAL HIGH4GSTSUPPORT. AFFIDAVIT OF BUSINESS OR CORPORATE OFFICER The ldaho Public Utilities Cornrnission Order No. 29841rcquires ttnt Eligible Teleccxnmunkztiors Caniers certify that it is cornpliant with applicable ervice qelity stsndards and onsnrer probdion ruhs; and ETC,s must dernorsfats te ability to renain furrctiornl in enrergencies. ln addition, the Conrnbsion mtst file an annel ertificdion with the USAC and fie FCC ftat aII Erlenal highct urpport provided b ETCs witrin fte Sde ofldaho will be ued onty br he provi5ion, rnaintsrsroe, and upgrading of hcilitie and servie for which he support is intsnded. Acmdingly, the urdesigned ststss and verif ies undereh the following: 1. I am an offier of Filer Mutual Telephorp Cmrmny , an eligible tslecommunicatiors canier for reeiving fedenal univercal srvie srpport under section 214(e) of trp Telecornmunicatiors Act of 1996 in the shts of ldaho. 2. lam hmiliarwith theCornpary'sday-to{ayoperatiors in theshtsof Hahoandwith theShb'sserviequality strdardsand oonsmcrprobction rulesast brh in Commisskrn Order No. 29841. 3. Filer Mutual Teleohore Conmty ls ornplying with applicable ervioe qmlity shndads and corsuner probction rules of the Federal Cornmunicatiors Cornmission and tte Uafto fublic Utilities Commission. 4. I certi?y to the Commissidn ftat fte Ounpany b able b rennin furrc{ional in energenci= a et brh in Cornmbsion Order No. 29841 ard in 47 C.F.R. S 54.201(a)(2). 5. I also certify that all bdenal univensal servie support funds reeived by Fibr Mutml Telephone Cornsrv_ during the onent calendar year will be used in a rnnrer corsbtsnt with ection 254(e); that is, fcr the provision, rnainbnane,andupgrdingofhcilitiesandsrviebrwhichthesupportisintsnded. Thecornpnywillcontinue to oornpry forfie period of .ktuary t, 2(}TS , throgh feniber3l, _4lI- to beeligible br fuGral universal srvice fund support 6. Thb verification and affidavit is provided b be tE lGho tublic Utilities Cornmisskrn to er$le tte IPUC b certify tc he FCC thd fuderal unirersalsenriesupport reeived by heeligibb canies in thesffiwill be used in a rarlEr@nsisEnt with Sedion 2il(e) of the Teleorrnunicatiors Act. day of October 10tv2t2013 Dab 20r< Page 1 Form lt81 - Carrler Annual Reportlnt fCC Ftrm 'l8l olrB ciltml t{o, 3060{s6/oMB colr$ol t{o. 306G08r9 luly 20ltForm 472224<010> StudvAr€a Code FILER MI'ruAL TEL -ID<015> StudvArea Name 2014<020> Prosram Year <030> Contact Name: Person USAC should contact with questions about this data Robert Kraut <035> Contact Telephone Number: 208-326-4331Number ot the oerson identitied in data llne <030> <039> Contact Emall Address: Email ot the person identitied in data line <030> bkraut@fi1erLe1.net s4.313 I il.422 Comphtbnl Comptction RCPORNT{G FOR ATI CARRIERS (check bd when completelr:-iN l_!_ll____!___l <100> Service Quality lmprovement Reporting <200> Outage Reporting (voice) <210> <300> Unfulfilled Service Requests (voice) <310>Detall on Attempts (voice) <320> Unfulfilled Service Requests (broadband) Detail on Attempts (broadband) | Number of Complaints per 1,000 customers (voice) Fix€d Moblle I t l.-- check box if no outages to report ( comp le te ottach ed wo *s h eet ) ( comph te ottdched @*s he et ) (ched to indicote ceftAcotion) ( ot1o c h ed d. s ci ptiw du u rc nt ) (check to indicdte certiricotion) ( oft o. h ed d 4 ciptiw d 6 u ne nt ) ( cohp b te oft oc h ed wo t*s h eet ) ( co fr plete o ft oched wot*s heet ) ( complete o tt och ed wo*s he et) (il Ws, complete ottoched wo*sheet) (check to indkote cettilicotion) ( ottoch descri ptive de u me nt) (il not, ch$k to indicote certificotion) ( @mp h te ottoched w *s heet ) ( comp kte oft rch ed wot*s heet ) [-/-T / ll Ir-TNN <330> <400> <410> <420> <430> Number of Complaints per 1,000 customers (broadband) <44a> Fixed I ,.o -l <450> Mobile <500> Service Quality Standards & Consumer Protection Rules Compliance <510> 4j222otD5yo <600> Functionality in Emergency Situations <610> 4't2220rD610 <700> Company Price Offerings (voice) <710> Company Price Offerings (broadband) <800> Operating Companies and Affillates \ .A<900> rribal Land Offerings (Y/N)? (J t9 <1000> Voice Services Rate Comparability <1010> <1100> Terrestrial Backhaul (Y/N)? O O<1110> <1200> Terms and Condition for Lifeline Customers <2000> <2005> <3000> <3005> ftice Caf Carriers,Pmce€d to ftkecfl, Additioral Docufi€ntaition tuortsh€€t lncluding Rote-of-Return Corriers offilioted with Price Cop Locol Exchonge Corriers (check to indlcote certificdtion) ( comp lete ottoc h ed wo *s h eet ) Rate of Return Carriers, Proceed to ROR Additional Documentation Worksheet (check to indicote certilicotion) ( com plete ottoch ed wo*she et) 101o8t2013 Page 1 Page 2 (1qll Service Qu.lity lmprorement Reportni Fcc Fom rl8l Dlt Collection Forryl OMB Control No. 3060-0986/oMB contrcl No. 3060-0819 2013 <010> Study Area code <015> StudvArea Name <O2O> Prmm Year <o3o> Contact Name - Peen USAC should contact regardinc this data <035> ContastTelephoneNumber-Numberofpercnidentifiedindataline<030> 20s-326-'331 <O39> Contad Email Addrcs - Emil AddEs of een identified in data lire <030> bkraur.rilertel.reE reeived its ETC certifi@tion from the FCC? lf lpu amr to i-i@ <11c> i5 tB, do you fire an uistirg 554204a) "5 A<111> vear Dlan" filed with the FCC? f*r l no I () O lf your answer to Line <111> is yes, then you are required to file a progress repoG on line <112> delineating the status ofyour company's existing 5 54.202(a) "5 year plan" on file with the FCC, as it relates to your prcvision of voice telephony seryice. <112> Attach Fiw-Year Seryice Quality lmprowmcnt Plan or, in subsequlnt years, yqrr affidprlErs5 report filed "urssam to /t7 C.F,R. I 54.313{aX1}. $ yow @mparsf is a CETC which only reeires frczen suppoG Your pro8re$ rcPort ls only requicd to address wie telephony sryi@. Name of Attached Dcument (.pd0 <113> <114> <115> <115> <117> <118> Please check these boxes below to confirm that the attachd PDF, on line 112, @ntains a progre$ Eport on its fire-year seryie quality imprcwment plan puEuant to 5 9.202(a). The information shall bc submitted at the wire center lercl or census bl6k as appropriate. Maps detailing progress towards meting plan targets Report how much univerel seryice (USF) support was received How (USF) was used to improve servie quality How (USF)was usd to improve sryice coverage How (USF) was used to improve sryice @pacity Provide an explanation of network improvement targets not met in the prior clendar Vear. Page 2 Savle O|rt.f! Rlpordns Udcd Fcc Form 481 Cdhcdd forn OM8 ComEl No. 306G0S6/oMB Control l,lo. 306G0819 July:o13 <re Studv&.e this dab RdelE kaut indablincdS 208 326 .l3l bkautefilertel. ne! roRs atrc ilumbat OdI.Sffi Ddc OraacSM Tlm. o{aarEld Dila O(IcEld Tl6c Ircldd Tdl NuDbd ot 9U L.l&L. Affd.d Ssdeat a! Dld Thb Odt r#dlarlt$b Strdv AE.s S.ill@ Otiata PEaffilve w ^Dt tEEt - <Il(b Cffitm <t,35t Oo.tt .lT.helts. ilumbff - t{mbff of Dcm ldqdflGd ln drt lE <r:I> 208-326-4331 &utafll.4.l . Et <701> <7o> Rc.id.nd.l fdl Scftla Ch.r!. EfidlE t at sinih St tc{d! Rldd.ndd lEl !.flk Ct .t ffi ldmllucl ff l.ftcl hIh Sdldxfr hgfr.r*.rhd hUtuls*b tilrlh.,E.rodAE*tu ldlEhDfrdh - See atthctred worksheet <E(b P!.mYs ,08-125-4331 deSm@ k&oflle*Gl-etdl!}, Coffi .lEd SGi..trhd LEfult &-ffispid l|r.bids6ft.-lrrfr AimE lrra.lllilE AadoirT.tii ltt tlUdrrI#lild -s,| 2ltar*ra.{ <rZ> PluEmY€r <8il> R€oorthacarrier tlle uul elTF cery-D Page 7 <010> StudvArcaC!& ArElthru Year nmE.D @ntact t{amc - Pcrson USAC I&ftEut ,0!-r25-t331 idcmificd in deta llrc <r:lo> Matr.r.! . 6r <91O> Trib€l l.rnd(s) on whidr ETC S.ro <92D Tribal Gw.mmcnt Engagcmlnt Obligat'ron lf your @mpany srcs Tribal lands, pleac slcc {Yes,},|o, Ml for cadr th.* bdes to confirm the status dascribad on thc rttsdrcd PDF, on lin€ 920, dcmonstEtcs coordinat'ron with th. Tribal gmmment puEuant to I 54.313(ax9l includcs: €21> lG+.ds aseslttemend dcpkrym€nt dannlng with a focus on Ttib.l mmunity andror inldtutims; €22> Feaibilityand$rrt inaHlitypLnning; €23> Martcdq $Nica6ln a olurally *mitiE manncr; €2rt> CnrCi.newith REheof wayproccss <92D Compliance with Land U$ pcrmltting r€quiEm.nts <925> Compliancc with Faciliti6 Siting ru16 <927> Compliane with Environmcntsl Rcview pmsscs <928> Compllane wlth cultural PEseryetion rwiew p@ssas <929> Crmpliance with Tribal Busirc$ 8nd lJclnsirE cguiromrnts. N.mr of Att crral Doc0ment (.pdfl -lE(Yrs,ilo, NAI tm:Dt3 h.7 <010> StudyAreaCode <t15> <t2(> <):x> <)35> Area ilile Year Contact ltlme - ContactTelephoneNumb€r-Numberdpcrsonidemfficdindataline<):10> 2oa-326-.!!1 aIEEm m -D Ifu kut <Xl9> Conbct Emall Addrgs - Email Addr€ss of person id€nttH ln data lhe <0:]0> Ple6€ c{,leck this boxto aonfi.m no terresttial backhaul <112(> optbns edst widtln the supportcd arca puBuant to $ 5tf.38(G) Please dreck this box to confirm the reportng carrier offers .1130, b@dhnd s€rvice of at least 1 Mbp6 do,rnstream and 256 kbps upstream wi$in the supportd area puBuant to 0 54.313(G) trI @ Page 9 <010> StudyArea Code <II5> StudyArEtaame almmre -D <02D Pro[6m Ysr <)3D Contact Name - Person USAC should contact rerardinc this data <)35> Contact TaleDhone Number - l{umber of identified in data line <03O> <O39> Contact Emil Addr6s - Email Addrs of ercn in data line <O30> bk.ut.fil.rteL.mt <121D Terms & conditions of Voice Telephony Lifeline Plans <1220> Unkto public Website "Please chsk these boxes below to cdfrm that the attached PDF, on line 1210, d the webshe listed, on line 1220, contains the required informtion puEmnt to I 54.422tail2) snud r€Dorting Sor EICS rsd$ttglow+rore support, caris must annElly report: <1221> lnfornution dsribirE the tems and conditiom of any rcice telephony sewice plans ofiered to Lifeline subscribers, Details on the numb6 of minutB prcvided as part ofthe plan, Additional chrllres lor tolca[s,aad Ets for each such pLa. Name ofattached document (.pd0 ,w. f ilcltel.cmHTTP EN E EI 1(M13 Page 9 Pa8e l0 ha &de <lls CdrdX.h.-P.ffill<Aa+flrH.d:d'f,ailinrlhkdr. r,#* xr.ltr <Gls> CootactTelephonelumber-llumbGofpcBnid.ntifiedind.talinc<):r(> 208-325-.331 <O39, Conbd Em.il Add6 - Em.il AddEs of p.ls idstifcd in d.t llnc <o:rD bkaut.f irerEel -re! ct{EqdE boG bclorxb mffiplh@ c. E Flatofll@mool Cqffi&ndlc. Ph.e I s{ea!,|runHlh cdr+po.q Hlhc6t{rportb ofird.6 d!.rf.,tdocdo.r., rd coimAtmrL. PIia ll {Fpori s d io.th h /t7 O:n 5 5+3r3{bllcl,(dll.l th. trornrtbn ,tpor!.d d thb lomr .nd ln th. dcmot rtt 6.{ b.tlal k.ffi. ll@frlcodffi Am,k Phe I Epordlf,<201(> 2nd Ye.rCenifiGtid {47 CFR 5 sir3l3(bxl)}<2011> 3rd Year Ccilifiati@ {47 CTR S 5i1.313(b)(2)} Prlc. C.p c.nicr neM't Floa sopporr C.rdfiotldr fi7 cfR 0 5a.312(.r) <2072> 2ol3frcrensupportcertifiEtion <2013> 2014FrczenSupponCenifiatlon<2014> 2015 F,ozff Suppon C!rtifietlon<m15> 2016 andfduE Fmzen Support Certifi@tlon ?rlE C.p C.rrLr CdiEt A[dio ltc Sqporr {a7 CFR ! sa3qdD <2016 Crnifidim Slppqt UsGd to &ild &oadb.rd E E H E E H Cdffi Andlo ,h.* ll Rcgo.rh3 (lr, CFi I 5/L3r{.1} 3rd ye.r 8@dband S€rvle @rtifietim stfi year B.o.db.nd SGNie Certlfidi@ h.rim Prog6 CefrifEtion Pha* dr.ck thc box to @fim thn the .tudlcd PoF , @ linc 2021, ffiins the rcqui..d infmatbn puN.m b 5 5if31], (ex3xii), .t. Kjpicnt dCrCFPh.* ll q?dt cr.Sp.qldrtlE a@bq, ffi,sd.d4csr d @mmunity anchor in*itdions to whidr betan pr@idin8.@s to bmdband Eryie ln the preedln8 al€ndar ye.r. lnteaim Progr6 Community Andror lnshutions l{ame of AftdEd D@ment Li$lng Requlred lnlomatld <201D <2018> <2019, <2o.z}> <2021> P.te 10 tta6iryrra t!rk l$lq Mil@ffi {4re85$8{fl1xl}k.ffifthbffim tuh. ffidff,6 ifroa @tuh!th. qud rnbmnbn puEu.ilb0 s.313 (0(1Xn), $.(OU) rerrl.il d tr hs. ll lpPd *dl pBB. th. numhr, n.6 .nd.ddts dffimunhy n6or lBtfrBb dld b{rn pBHht rc.a b budb.nd s.e in 6. pdtnt olnd.r yni ls12) hmuntymdrffic{4?cRta38{lllxi)(u3) l.rur@mPryr ',ffiyHd Rmotul4TcFBOs313{0{2)}lSra) (E tuydrsFyft tuR6.nru.lnFd PkcHtu bBb 6dmtd6.edd P*, 6 t6.UZmrEthqurd lntoffinNludbS a3$li(2)6pl.m kdWMlffiiatuhffi N.mdAffidhldE[i{uld rnh& fl.mdMd hffih[ i{uH Inhtu U lEr-rnol EE - @ @E a ($s) (n$l (p1, (sul (rg, (src) (!21) (s221 IMtu) ffd!fuSrGllmstffidffid$fk trfrlw BF 6 h U4 6w@@s/r i6 medWdddqsddqffin lf tutw@ b md {m I14 b Fwomtsq uffi llfr,G@E E E6 h.51& plEdd6.tu Hdb6nmw$brnEi4d liEu6P|uil6, 438(fx2l,ffi Eturrydh*ffi h.dffi d{2}.hdllBhtfuqtFd6etE@!i#ffi Ptr d &l.nohq lrmSffi rd stucdBh fh M.q.ffi hr bd byft h&Fhffi pdhr6ffi6, tsild 6. cffiFtv! fi Ddl.udt. lf t. cFe B @d limIU, pkd*tth boc bh to .srm pr.ubmBbn, on nn. ffi puBud 6 0 931Xfl2), &pyof ffdrflDdltuSkh h hrubldb Eh by rn lndQ6dfrt ffi publE.dutud; d 2) . iilndl ntsn h. tomd 6np.r.U. to nS Op.drry i.pd lsTd.@6muddb6 tUrt (htrlhrlffi sbl.db.ilh byil ldQ-tutffi' pdketut (a{ hffyhainffi{ffi6.ntuffi. {m5l udd.EshcrtmtutmdsdtuddFk (u6) Mtuffi-lHqqdtffin EI E Pagr 12 <{)1o> StudvArcaCodc t7222o <015> StudyArcaName FILER lGTIrAt ?BL -rD <020> ProrramYcar 2011 <O3D Contact Namc - Pcmn USAC should @ntact rugardinl this deta Rob€rt Nraut <tr:ls> cont cfTdhrihmlermb.r -"l{rmthcr of m iihrttlhd in ah't lim 4B> 248'146'4f i <o39> contlct Email Address - Email Addross of mmn identifird in data linc <o3o> bkrautefilerter. net CertHcatlondOf0cerartotbGAccur..V dtheDdaReportedfortheAanuaf Bcportlagior CAE or LlBeclpbrc .dCant3;.n4tottGbcrt of mVtncilcdf,ttc hbmdon rcgortod mttlsfrnn eodan.oyrttrdmgltsb.Gqnrtc. lemc of Ramrdm carrl.e FrrrER nrtnN' TEtr - rD hnaturaofAuthorizedofftcer: CERTTFTED oNrrrr{E Drr. LO/OA/2Oa3 ?fttcd mrc of l*rthotized offtcer steve Co{ger ltb or position of Authorircd Offier: @nerar tlamger bleohone numbcr of Authorized offier: (208) 326-4331 udv Araa Codc of Rcrcrtinr carier: 472220 FilinE Due DatG for this form: !o/ r5/2oL3 P.mnswil]fullymklntfilscstaterentsonthisiomenb.punish.dbyin.orforflltuGunderth.CrmmunietbmActof 19:14,47U.S.C.0S502,5O3(b),orffnsorimpisonmrnt und.rThh 18 ofthG Unhld Strts Cod., 18 US.C. S fm1. TO BE COMPTETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF THE REPORNNG CARRIER IS FIU'{G ANNUAI. REFORTING Oil lTS OWN BEHALF: tdo8r20t3 Page 12 Page 13 form FOCFmiE[. oMB bnrrol t{o. 306O{986/OMB Cntrd ilo. 306(}{1819 July 2013 412220<O1D StudyArea Code <015> StudvArea Name FILER MU'TUAL TEL -ID <020> Program Year 2At4 <O3O> Contact Name - Person USAC should cqtact reSarding this data Robert kut <035> contactTetephoneNumber-Numberofpersonidentifiedindataline<O3o> 208-325-4331 <039> Contact Email Address - Email Address of person identified in data line <O3O> bklaut@filerteI . oet TO BE COMPTETED BY THE REPORTING CARRIER, IF AN AGENT IS FIIING ANNUAL REPORTS ON THE CARRIER'S BEHATF: TO BE COMPI.ITED BY THE AUTHORIZED AGENT: Certification of officer to Authorize an ASent to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Carriel tify $at (Nam of E authorlzed to 3ubmit the infomation rcporGd on behaf ot the rcporting anls. c€rtify lhat I 8m tn offfctr of ihe rcporting an{s; my Bponsibilitis include ensudng the aeuEcy of the annual data reporting rcqulrcmenb prcyided to the authorlzed lt; and, to the beli of rry lmowledge, the rcporB and data prcyided to the authorlzed agelt is a6umte. ,lame of Authorized Apent: ,lame of Re@rtinc carrier: ;icnature of Authorized officer:Date: ,rinted name of Authorized Officer: 'itle or position of Authorized Officerl -elephone of Authorized Offlcer: ;tudv Area Code of Reooftino crrrier:Filinc Due Date for this form: PersonswillfultmakingfalpstatementsonthisformcanbepunishedbyfineorforfeitureundertheCommunicationsAdoflg34,4TU.s.C.SS5O2,5O3(b),orfineorimprisonment under litle 18 of the United States Code, 18 U.S.C. I 1001. Certification of Agent Authorized to File Annual Reports for CAF or Ll Recipients on Behalf of Reporting Cariel , as agst fq the reportlng cader, crtify that lam authorhed to submft the annual reports for unireHl ffilcc support recipients on behalf of the reporting carier; I have proided hsdatat€ported herdn based ffi.dalafru{ded by tlle r€Codr€crfiler;.and, to thehest of mytnq..l€dge, the lnfofiratlfi r€fort€d herdn ls accuGte. lame of ReDortino aerrier: ,Jame of Authori2ed /of Acent: ;ignature of Authorized Agent or E e of ASent:Date: 'rinted name of Authorized Acent or Emolovee of Asent: 'itle or Dosition of Authorized Asent or EmDlovee ofArent 'elephone number of Authorized Asent or Emolovee of Asent: itudy Area Code of Reportins Carrier:Filint Due Date for this form: 18 ofthe United Sbtes Code, 18 U.s.C. 6 1001. 1 0/081201 3 Page 13 .;.'a f?;':$ Fl-ri+vruTTJAL'iiiir.i Tetephone Gompany To: FederalCommunicationsCommission Fronr: Filer Mutual Telephone Company, SAC 472220 DaE: 9l2Al2OL3 Re: Form 481, Line 31Q Descriptive Documentfor Unfulfilled Service Requests (voice) Filer Mutual Telephone Company had no unfulfilled service requests for this reporting period. Respectful ly Subm itted, Filer Mutuat Tehphone Corrpany Steve Cou6er Gener:al Manager/Co0 . Page 1 r$i.'FILEF'fu,UTUAL Telephone Company Federal Communications Commission Filer Mutual Telephone Company, SAC 472220 el2olzal3 Form 481, Une 330, Descriptive Document for Unfulfilled Service Requests {broadband} To: Frcm: Ilate: Re: Filer Mutual Telephone Company had no unfulfilled service requests for this reporting period. RespectfrrlfoSubmfrted, ,&r*l%- Filer Mutual Telephone Company Steve Cowger General Manager/Coo o Page 1 ,,;;; : . ffi FILENM,UTUAL Telephone Company Federal Communications Commission Filer Mutual Telephone Company, SAC 47 2220 el26l7OL3 Form 481, Line 510, Descriptive Document for Service Quality Standards & Consumer Protection Rules Compliance To: From: Date: Re: Pursuant to 47 C.EB. S 5a.313(a){5) and or 47 C.F.R. 5 54.422/tbl(3} Filer Mutual Telephone Company (Filer Mutual) is in compliance with appropriate FCC Service Quality Standards and Consumer Protection Rules. Filer Mutual provides CPNI training to all of its new employees and in addition trains all of its existing employees. Filer Mutual also conducts subscriber outreach regarding CPNI and mails CPNI explanation messages when there is a change to a customer's CPNI. ln addition Filer Mutual traim staff on Red Ftag issues. AH company employees are required to acknowledge that they have completed CPNI and Red Flag training and understand obligations to adherence of applicable rules. Filer Mutual Telephone Company understands and complies with the ldaho Public Utilities Commission's Telephone Customer Relotions Rules, IDAPA 31.41.01, adopted under the general legal authority of the Public Utilities Law, Chapters 1 through 7, Title 61, ldaho Code, and the Telecommunications Act of 1988, Chapter 6, Title 62, ldaho Code, with regards to service. These telephone customer relations rules provide a set of fair, just, reasonable, and non-discriminatory rules regarding deposits, guarantees, billing, application for service, denial of service, termination of service, complaints to telephone companies, billing for interrupted service, and provisions of certain information about customer to authorities. Respectfully Submitted, Filer Mutual Telephone Company Steve Cowger General Manager/COO o Page 1 FILEFI/|/,UTUAL Telephone Company Federal Communications Commission Filer Mutual Telephone Company, SAC 472220 el23/2073 Form 481, Line 610, Descriptive Document for Functionality in Emergency Situations Compliance To: From: Bte: Re: Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. S 5a.313(aX6) and 47 C.F.R 5 54.422(b)(4) as set forth in 47 C.F.R 5 54.202{a)12) Filer MutualTelephone Company meets the requirements to remain functional in emergency situations and has the following capabilities: Back-up power is provided to Filer Mutual Telephone Company's central and remote offices by use of fixed generators and batteries that provide it with a minimum of 24 hours of emergency power service. ln addition, Filer MutualTelephone Company's field electronics have a minimum of 24 hours of back-up power by use of fixed generators and batteries. Filer Mutual Telephone Company also has SONET technology in its network that allows for self-healing network should a fiber cut occur in its core network and will automatically reroute traffic. Filer Mutual Telephone Company also has redundant paths within its network to provide for the capability to reroute traffic. Filer Mutual Telephone Company is capable of managing traffic spikes resulting from emergency situations. Respectfully Submitted, Z[;*J( Filer Mutual Telephone Company Steve Cowger General Manager/COO ,I ,Et+-11 *'-' (l 'a/ o Page 1 f,|,, OIsEN T"I-{rE,LIIN 8( fio., L,J"n, III DEPEiIDET{T AUDITORS' REPOET Boad of Dlrsctors fdar$eJd T@ Corr#ny Fffer,ldeho We have audte{ the accomFnyipg financial shtesenE of Filer Mutual Tebptrone Cgltpany, whicfi comfiss thi bdanca,shget c of Deoambtr 31, 2012, ard 2011, and the relate<t statemenbof eomprahansiw incom€, nrmbcrs' equlty and castr llors for the yoars then erded. ard the relatod notE to fie financial staftsrHrts. ht{t**. RerponrlUllty lq fir Flnanclrl StfrrnlrrE ilanagement ia responeible forfie pragaratim and lSir trrsentation of theea financial stetemonts in accordance $rifi acoountlU fint*pbs greneally accapt€d in the UFilod Statag of Arnerica; thia incltdeethe {gcfitrt, htdffiiitafioti, and-malnteiranqotfrbrnaicsrH rohvantto fre pnpanatlon and fat Bmsefiftm d kial rffimnts Sd aB f€G tom sdedd dsstaEust, utrsiher &te to ha.6 ororr(r. Audffon' Rrrporulblllty Our reaponeitility is b erprEss an opinirn on ttese financial statomefiE baced on our eudits. We condurded oureudfrs in accordance with auditittg dandards genorally a@Sod in tho Unitod Stetsg .of Amrlea llroge 4anOaqg nqqirg UrQt ure-dan.and Erlbrm [ho ad{t to oHain reasonste aBurerpo aDod utreffierhe frnendal sfiabmorils arc fiee fiom mqtgiel miedetemorit. An audlt insrlvm perftfinirE produme tb o@in audit erriir€nc€ sbout the snomts anddisdswm io Sro'fihiffiSl stil1rttlqqtE- TtE procodirr-eo sdedd C€pq:d oo dre ardbfs ludgmenl,indr{hg ne agcessmt d th€ d,c!c C manlrEt mFgtat€fitett of hb finqncinl itateirHld, .m€thei dJe to fraud s enor. ln maklng hocs risk asassmontq the audftDr oons$dcfB hbrnel conbdrahvas b $e q{fiyb pr-ryetaligr Crd fak pearx*a$on 6f Uro nnardal *ananrsrts in order b design audii prccedurss thet er6 eppofi& h dte drcumsterEes, hrt rd fur Sle p.rpos€ ol et$ressir€ an opirnion on lhe #ctiveneas d tho cntffs htarnd srtsol. nccotdnndy, ws erprsso no eudr ophbn. Ar audil aHo holrcles oraha{ng the-apgoprht€noss o, accounmb-policbs:urod and the rgasonabbnes of nignificant aceoun&E e$imotes rmde by manegqnsirt, aa wefi as evaludng the ovardl prasentetion of the frrancial itetsrnents. W+ tdBrl+-kt tle *dt avi&oce we haw efnd bsrfrehntand emside toprovftb a basishr our audt opirdon. Oplnbn ln sr opilion, tho finsndal statorngnts rBfiBrr€d to aborre prernt fairly. in all milerld reryeols. lhe linancH positbn sf F[er Mutual TelepfioftB Cunpany as of Dewnbai Sl, Z012 aN 201i, and tfretH{E d lb oporatoos qtd its castt frourp brna yuars ften erdotl Ir:amrdarrce wlh acmun0rEprindples gerunlly ffiptod in tlc Uniied StEls d&rprlca. St. Paul, iflnnecda Itlerch 4, 2013 1.. 1..il,r' ., 't', -ir Ol$r**re&n*Co.1LrJ ':l