HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150702Filer Mutual USF.pdfFILERMUTUAL Telephone Company May 22,2015 Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 ?1 i'li ""i: iB r I i1,.i, i ..' -: GtvB-TtLl_0L Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 RE: WC Docket No. 10-90: Administration of Gonnect America Fund lntercarrier Compensation Reptacement S54.304(dlF). Dear Ms. Jewell, Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. S54.304(d)(1) of the Federa! Communications Commission's ruleg enclosed please find the prqieded eligribility for CAF tCC funding br July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 for Filer Mutual Telephone Company, Study Area Code 472220. This projection includes any true-ups associated with earlier filing periods. This projection has also been filed with the Federal Communications Commission and the Universal Service Administrative Company, as the administrator of the Federal Universal Service Fund. This filing is made pursuant to Rule 67 of the ldaho Public Utilities Commission's Rules of Procedure LD.A.P.A. Filer Mutual Telephone Company respectfully requests confidential treatment of certain information (the "Request") included in its filing pursuant to ldaho Code $ 9-340 paragraph (D). Enclosed is a copy of each page that contains confidential hformation printed on yello+colored paper stamped 'TRADE SECRETS", which has been placed in a sealed envelope, stamped confidential can be reviewed by Commission staff. This information is considered confidential due to the proprietary and customer specific information contained therein. The undersigned hereby asserts that he is familiar with the material claimed not to be available for public inspection, examination and copying, and that he, in good faith, believes that there is a basis in law for that claim, namely that the information contained therein constitutes a "trade secret" as defined in ldaho Code S 9-340 paragraph (D), and is subject to protection. Filer Mutual Telephone considers all information that relates to its financial position and subscriber informatbn to be proprietary and confidentia+ in nature. Public disclosure of such information would likely cause substantial harm to the financial position of the Company. The Company is requesting that this information be retained as confidential. Should you have any questions regarding this filing, please contact me via electronic mail at scowger@filertel.net or by telephone at (208) 326-4331. 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